Romanian Inventors in Geneva

Approximately 1,000 inventions from 45 countries have been put on display at the International Exhibition of Inventions, New Technologies and Products in Geneva, on an area of 8,500 square meters. The exhibition’s huge success with the public is proved by the large number of visitors: over 60 thousand in only five days. At this year’s edition, too, Romanian inventors stood out, thanks to their brilliant ideas.

A Romanian team of researchers from the East European Center for Interdisciplinary Applied Research won the Grand Prix for the OnAirCamera System. The team is led by Mircea Tudor, himself a winner of the Grand Prix in Geneva in 2009 and 2013, respectively.

The award-winning system this year, that has been purchased by a Swiss company, the patent included, is designed for smart phone users and consists in a system of video cameras capable of watching the users’ movements in various situations, of recognising and editing the images and of creating a personalised film which is almost instantaneously sent to the respective subscriber.

Apart from this accomplishment, at this year’s edition of the International Exhibition of Inventions, New Technologies and Products in Geneva, Romanian researchers and inventors won 17 special prizes, 18 gold medals, 8 silver medals and 4 bronzes. In a nutshell, all 30 inventions presented by Romania at the Geneva Exhibition have received prizes. 24 of them were exhibited as part of the national stand, under the auspices of the Romanian Education Ministry, and 6 of them were presented independently.

For instance, a dynamic air transfer device, a surface water aeration installation and a pneumatic tree shaker have been exhibited this year. “Congratulations to all the participants on their exceptional results. This is further proof that Romanian research should be supported!” Romania’s Prime Minister Victor Ponta writes on his Facebook page.

In his turn, the minister delegate for higher education, scientific research and development, Mihnea Costoiu, says: “Last year, we invested a lot in applied research and we will continue to do so under the 2014-2020 operational program. I honestly believe that the only chance for an economy going through a period of crisis is to invest in innovation and research, particularly in applied research, which can quickly generate products and services to the benefit of people. In recent years, Romania has won numerous Prizes in Geneva. At the 2013 edition, Romania won 40 medals, of which 27 gold medals, 12 silver medals, one bronze medal and 12 special prizes. Furthermore, it won the Grand Prix with a ‘Non-intrusive method and system for inspecting airplanes, regardless of their size, designed for customs, armies, airports and airlines to X-ray aircraft in order to improve security’”.

Next year’s edition of the International Exhibition of Inventions, New Technologies and Products of Geneva will be held between April the 15th and 19th.