State of emergency to be lifted in Romania within days

The last two months have been atypical for the Romanians, as the state of emergency, enforced on March 16 over the coronavirus pandemic, has seriously shaken their way of life. Children no longer go to school. Many parents have had to work from home, some have experienced technical unemployment while others have been made redundant. Theatre and concert halls, cinemas, stores and parks have been closed. Outings for people aged over 65 have been limited to 2 hours and then to 6 hours a day. People below 65, have only been allowed to leave their home for strict purposes, which could be verified by the police. Access to churches has also been banned, with religious services being held without the public. The Easter mass was held in empty churches this year, and broadcast live on the TV, radio and the Internet. Also unusual was the celebration of May 1st, when people had to stay indoor and could not go to the mountain or the seaside and meet with their family and friends as they used to.

After two months of strict measures, people are anxious about switching to a state of alert, when restrictions are eased. The National Institute for Public Health has made a number of proposals, launched for public debate, based on which procedures and rules are to be issued. Thus, hotels could open only for customers who travel for work-related purposes or for maintenance. Hairdresser’s and barber’s shops will be opened, with a minimum 2-meter safety distance between customers being observed.

Dental practices will also be opened and patients aged over 65 or suffering from chronic diseases will be treated in the first part of the working schedule. Admissions to non-Covid medical units are to be avoided as much as possible, and the treatment is to be administered at home. There are also proposals for the education field, on how final exams should be held, as well as for the public transport. Authorities have repeatedly said that May 15, when the state of alert replaces the state of emergency, will only have an administrative value, and that the problems generated by the novel coronavirus will be as real as before. (Translated by Elena Enache)