In an assessment of the EU enlargement process, the European Commission has noted the progress made by Albania in its reform process and a more efficient fight against organised crime and corruption, recommending that it should be granted the status of candidate state. The Commission also proposed that Macedonia should start accession talks. Turkey, which applied for EU membership in 1987, has so far opened only 13 negotiation chapters. The EU commissioner Stefan Fule:
“The time has come to put the accession process back on track and for Members States and Turkey delivering on their understanding from June to open chapter 22 on the regional policy, in light of the progress report. And let me put it clear that such a step has our full support. And I hope that we will not be waiting for another long period before another chapter is being opened.”
Stefan Fule also said that Motenegro is making progress towards its EU enlargement and that new negotiation chapters would be opened within the next few weeks. The European Union’s agenda also features the consolidation of the Eastern Partnership, with 6 states from the former Soviet bloc, including the Republic of Moldova. This state wishes to initial its association agreement with the European Union at the upcoming Eastern Partnership summit in November in Vilnius.