The Health-Care System and the Health Cards

Advocated for about seven years, the idea of national health cards took shape eventually and last autumn they started to be distributed. The cards include the patients’ identification data and medical history. “The Romanian healthcare system is a social one. Patients will not benefit from more or less healthcare services depending on their incomes or seniority. The health card is a first step forward in the reform of the healthcare system” said Oana Grigore, head of the press office of the Health Ministry in Bucharest. The purpose of the draft resolution is to render transparent and efficient the funds used in the health insurance system. The distribution of the cards should have been completed by November last year, but about one million cards have not reached the insured people yet. Mihaela Tanase, a spokesperson for the National Health Insurance House explains:

“So far, over 12.5 million cards have already been distributed to the insured. About one million cards will return to the health insurance houses because postmen did not find the respective people at home. They will be distributed by family physicians. People who will lose the card will have to pay for another card to be issued within 30 days. It is important for insured people not to worry because everybody will have access to healthcare services without any problems”.

Health cards might become mandatory starting with February 1st, according to a draft government resolution, currently under public debate. Family physicians must activate the cards until January 31st so that they may become operational. However, they have announced they will not distribute the health cards that have not reached the insured people for various reasons. The vice-president of the National Family Medicine Society, Sandra Alexiu claims that such an action does not have a medical character and it is below the professional training of family physicians:

“ The law stipulates that the Romanian Post shall distribute the cards. The distribution of cards is a non-medical activity”.

According to another provision of the draft resolution, insured people will have to pay for another card and cover the expenses of its distribution, if they ask for another card to be issued because they lost their card or if the card was stolen or torn, or if the holders’ ID data were changed.