Voicing the Future: The Grand Prix Nova Radio Drama Festival

The first edition of the “Grand Prix Nova-Voicing the Future” Radio Drama Festival, organised in Bucharest by Radio Romania, awarded its winners on Friday evening.

The award ceremony was held at the Elisabeta Palace in Bucharest on Friday evening, in the presence of HRH Princess Margareta of Romania and of the CEO of the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation, Ovidiu Miculescu, who were accompanied by the president of the jury, Nils Heyerdahl and the Director General of URTI, Alain Masse.

I am very happy that the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation took the initiative of organising this international radio festival, which is a prominent one. May it enjoy a long and constructive future. I hope many other countries will join it in the coming years. I congratulate all the participants, particularly the winners and I am glad that this event organised in the field of art and creativity mirrors a part of Romania’s real face” said Her Royal Highness Princess Margareta of Romania.

Ovidiu Miculescu, President and CEO of the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation highlighted the quality of productions, also voicing hope that Radio Romania would continue to host the future editions of this international radio drama festival, aimed at giving an impetus to radio drama productions. By means of this festival, Radio Romania joined the promoters and makers of first-class culture at international level, Ovidiu Miculescu underlined.

In his capacity as president of the jury, Nils Heyerdahl, the President of the Norwegian Academy for Language and Literature, thanked HRH Princess Margareta for hosting the event as well as the organisers from Radio Romania, for the professionalism they showed in structuring the first edition of the Grand Prix Nova Festival. Shortly afterwards, he announced the winners of the first edition of the festival:

Winners of the Short Play Section:

The first prize: Glagoljon / HRT, Radio Croatia

The second prize: My poor dad! / Radio Romania

The third prize: Iota Mikro / Aurélie Lierman, Belgium

Winners of the Radio Drama Section:

The first prize: Faust Song of the Sun / Werner Fritsch, Germany

The second prize: The Startling Truths of Old World Sparrows / BBC Radio Drama

The third prize: Peccata Mortalis / Petschinka, Austria

Destined for radio drama producers, specialists in the field and radio drama aficionados alike, the Grand Prix Nova-Voicing the Future Festival promotes innovation in the domain of radio drama shows, by using the multiple means of expression offered by modern technology.

It has been organised by the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation, jointly with the International Radio and Television Union, URTI, and the Romanian Culture Ministry, under the high patronage of HRH Princess Margareta of Romania.

The festival is part of a series of events organised by Radio Romania to mark 85 years since the first radio broadcast was aired in Romania, on November 1st. The first radio drama was aired in Romania in February 1929.

Running in the festival have been 56 productions from 22 countries. The jury of the first edition of the Grand Prix Nova Festival was made up of such outstanding professionals and renowned personalities as Nils Heyerdahl, the President of the Norwegian Academy for Language and Literature (president of the jury); Alison Hindell, Commissioning Editor for Arts, Drama & Fiction, the BBC; Ljubo Pauzin, the Artistic Director of the International Radio Drama and Documentary Festival in Hvar, Croatia; Alexandru Darie, the Artistic Director of the Bulandra Theatre in Bucharest and Ilinca Stihi, director at the National Radio Drama Department of the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation.

The festival will officially close its doors on Saturday, September 5th, with a theatre performance on the stage of the Bucharest-based Comedy Theater.