1.Full Name :- Pradip Chandra Kundu
2.Age :- 64 years
3. Postal Address :-
4. Age :- 64 years
5. Profession :- Retired Teacher
6. Other interests :- Radio DXing, Collecting QSL cards, view cards, stamps, souvenirs and travelling etc.
7. Listening Habits :- Listening Shortwave radio since 1980.
8. Equipment used for listening :- XHDATA D 808, XHDATA D 219, GOSPELL 215
9. Associations :- Indian DX Club International, Tripura Radio Listeners Club
10. RRI Frequencies used :- 9700, 9850, 11620, 17760 kHz.
11. RRI Program of interest :- News, Commentaries, Insight Romania, Cultural events, People & Places etc.
12. Contact
13. Other information :- Romania is my most favorite European country since my childhood . I was listener of erstwhile Radio Bucharest.