Mail Roundup – June 16, 2023

Hello guys!

We’re getting ready for the long summer months, which is
why our regular updates will be quite inconsistent over the coming period. We
will try however to keep posting fresh messages we get from you and other
useful information.


On June 21 we will be celebrating World Music Day. The
first World Music Day was observed in the year 1982 in France when people were
urged to play music outdoors to participate in festivities. Since then, World
Music Day has spread to other parts of the world and is now a global
celebration of music. On this occasion, Bidhan Chandra Sanyal (India) shared
with us his impressions:

The melody of life is in the middle of the song. What
can be easily said in song, is often not possible to express in spoken language.
A song shows a beautiful way to a miserable life. Brings relaxation to health. Rabindra’s
music is the key to all that. If you want to color every corner of life, there
is no alternative to Rabindra songs. Where else is such relevance! Listen to
the song to get rid of your sadness, you will think that the poet has written
this song only for you. Herein lies the importance of music. Where all
the tunes have come together in the end and you and the two are eye to

Nowadays, music is also used in medicine in some
countries. And it has yielded good results. whatever he is

Music has no religion, no caste, no color its
individuality and individuality is so strong that it is not limited to any
particular language. That is, no barbed wire fence can block the music. Therefore,
as the music of foreign musicians Bob Dylan or Jim Morrison has touched the
hearts of the people of this country, our cherished songs have also reached the
court of the world. Taking shelter of ancient and medieval scriptures and religious
music, Bengali music is expanding today in the courtyard of the future. Our
rich musical forms like Jari, Sari, Baulgan, Rabindra or Nazrul Geeti have made
Bengali music richer. The widespread practice of modern music continues that
musical trend. The mind is connected by the hand of music. Whether it’s a
musical journey or an exploration of the unknown, World Music Day actually
unites the world through music. A small human child begins to hum and hum
before it can speak. If nothing else, all animals obey the sound. A ferocious
tiger also listens to an unknown song. From the North Pole to the South Pole -
across time, age and place, tunes and songs are everywhere.

May the music of diverse tunes continue in the world
culture. And may peace come to life. May peace come to this world through

June 21 is celebrated worldwide as International Music
Day. In that sense, June 21 is a special day for music lovers. International
observance of this day started in France. A traditional music festival in
France is called ‘Fête de la Musique’. It means World Music Day. A variety of
musical events are celebrated in France around this special music festival.

Since the beginning, many musicians from many countries
appeared to participate in this much-discussed festival. In 1981, Jacques
Lange, the French Minister of Culture, tried to give the festival an
international dimension. Then, in 1982, this special music festival day became
known as ‘World Music Day’.

Music is a thing of the soul. People are born through
music. Music touches people in many ways. People rediscover life through music.
Hence World Music Day is a special day for music lovers. Let’s enjoy the day

Thanks, Bidhan, for this nice message as well. Thank
you for keeping us up to date with celebrations all over the world!


Speaking of music, check this out: As always, your
program is very informative and I enjoy listening. I also really like your folk
music. I’ve found that interestingly, almost every folk song has passages
singing La La La. I find that very interesting, and it makes it
very easy to sing along too! It’s an excerpt from a message we got from Xaver
Hellmeier, who listens to our station from Hechendorf, Germany. Well, Xaver,
you should know the la la thing is actually a specific feature of folk songs
from southern Romania, in particular the region of Oltenia. Many lack a chorus,
which is why the la la tune makes them easier to listen-to and learn.


A word of greeting to Rubens Ferraz Pedroso, who lives
in Brazil but listens to our station from…Finland! Yes, no kidding. Our
listener had a shack set up in Tampere, which he controls from his location – Paraná,
Brazil. Interesting stuff – anyone else doing anything remotely similar?


A message now from actual Finland – Auvo Härkönen
lives in Lappeenranta and sent us the following message: I think programmes
about Romanian life, music, culture are interesting. For instance programme
about every day thing as humour is something I like. Basically things which are
common to all of us in the world are not similar everywhere anyway. When it
comes to music, it´s nice to hear music which is not the same that you can hear
everywhere in the world. Lappeenranta is actually the setting of a famous TV
series, Sorjonen, which many in Romania have seen due to being streamed on
Netflix. I asked Auvo if he knew about the series, and here is what he said:
Yes, I know Sorjonen. It was a big thing at the time when it was filmed here
in Lappeenranta. I also was one in those groups of many people who can see in some
scenes. I was among people acting journalists and also as a cameraman filming
when one person were shot in the old part of the town. I was seen only few
seconds time on those parts but long enough to say I was there 🙂 It was
interesting to see work of those people who were doing a serial. As I know
serial can be seen in many countries. It also was nice to see actors who can
see often in television and films. To me it was funny to act a journalist,
because I’ve really worked as a journalist in a local newspaper many years ago.
Yes, it is a great way to see and learn something new about other country on
that way. In this case some of the views of that area were not real, some
things were done on computer. Anyway most scenes were real as those places
really are. Well, I can say it’s great to know a movie star J Looking forward to your next movie
appearance, Auvo. Meanwhile, we appreciate all your comments and messages.


Among your programmes, Generation 3.0 is a quiet
programme compared to the big shows such as RRI Encyclopaedia and
Truly Romanian, but I am interested in it, because it gives me an
insight into the activities of Romanian young people.

In recent years, the number of young people who want to study
abroad has been decreasing in Japan, which is a problem when considering
internationalisation. Lack of language skills and a challenging spirit seem to
be preventing students from going abroad, Teruhiko Kachi (Japan) commented in
one of his messages last week.

This week’s Generation 3.0 featured a student
studying in Saudi Arabia, and I was impressed by her determination to change
her original idea of Northern Europe to a hot country and her willingness to
manage the student league. I hope that not only she but also other students
studying abroad will return to Romania in the future and play an active role.



Before we end, we would like to take a moment to thank
our other listeners for writing. Our thanks to Roy
Clarke (USA), Shivendu Paul (India), Michael Andersson (Sweden), Malik Allah
Bachaya (Pakistan), Adora Athoy (Bangladesh), Upoma Khatun (Bangladesh),
Besakha Akter (Bangladesh), Kraig Krist (USA), Madhab Chandra Sagour (India), Machiraju
Subba Sreenivasa Raju (India), Abid Hussain Sajid (Pakistan), Siddhartha
Bhattacharjee (India), Jaouad Saber (Morocco), Chris Malboeuf (Canada), Tomasz
Kotas (Poland), Nasir Aziz (Pakistan), Jayanta Chakrabarty (India), Saleem
Chadar (Pakistan), Andrew Kuznetsov (Latvia), Misayo Tanaka (Japan), Ratan
Kumar Paul (India), Adrian Micaleff (Malta), Fachri Fachri (Indonesia), ISN
Murthy (India), Toshio Shibata (Japan), Allen
Willie (Canada), Igor Belevich (Belarus), Simon Rudd (UK),
Renita Rini (Bangladesh), Rafael Gustavo Grajeda Rosado (Mexico).

Marsan Fritzen (Brazil), Timothy Marecki (USA), Debakamal
Hazarika (India), Special thanks to Ricky Hein (USA) as well, who makes sure to
send us feedback via telephone!

That’s all for now! Stay tuned!