Reaction to temporary closure of RRI frequencies

Hello, everyone!

As you are
aware, due to budget cuts, Radio Romania’s Board of Administrators decided to
temporarily shut down two of Radiocom’s (the National Society for Radio
Communications) 5 shortwave transmitters broadcasting RRI programmes. Starting
August 1, our programmes will be transmitted via the Țigănești and Săftica
transmitters (near Bucharest) and Galbeni (in the east). To the extent Radio
Romania’s budget will be supplemented, we will revert to broadcasting on 5

In response to
this situation, a number of listeners wrote in to express solidarity. We
thought it was a good idea to share with you some of them, illustrating the
large amount of support we have received in these difficult times.


From Australia,
Jayce Gilbert wrote in saying I have read the update to your summer frequency
schedule. Is DRM affected as well? I listen a lot to your station via
shortwave. I have learned a lot about your country and your part of the world.
I did not have access to this before. I hope the closure of the transmitters is
not permanent. Your country, history and culture is extremely fascinating and
beautiful and I know this because of your transmitters. I share this with
others when we talk about Europe. I say did you know about Romania? Everyone is
interested. I hope one day I can visit and even say a few words of Romanian to
the locals and check out a local rugby game or go stand up paddling on the
Black Sea. Thanks for being on shortwave, I hope to listen to you often in the
years ahead.

As we’ve said in
our previous notice this week as well as on-air, the closure is merely
temporary. We will let you know as soon as the situation is solved.


Also expressing
concern about the recent closure was Guido Panebianco (Italy): Dear Radio
Romania International – English Section. I’ve read about the news topic written
in this e-mail subject. I’m sure that this economic crisis in all Radio Romania
will be overcome! I’m 32 years old, and I will be for the next years, and until
God will

give me the
strength, a faithful listener of RRI (in Italian and English). I’m proud also
to be a citizen of Italy, the country where the great genius Guglielmo Marconi
was born.

And I hope that
RRI in shortwave bands won’t stop. Dear Guido, that is very kind of you to
say. The situation is out of our hands I’m afraid, but we hope for a positive
resolution eventually.


Here is another
message in the same vein: My name is Srihadet Kraikupt. I am from Thailand and
a shortwave radio listener. I have learned that RRI will suspend transmitting
shortwave radio programme. This a very sad news for all SW listeners around the
world. RRI started as Radio Bucharest in 1933 which consider to be one of the
oldest radio stations. As a SW radio listener, I love to learn about Romania
rich culture and beautiful country, of course politics and economics as well.
Please, keep transmitting SW radio programme. The world would love to hear from
RRI. Understand that the world economy is not going well but please spare SW
broadcasting, this will help people from around the world know about Romania.

Well, like we
said, the decision is merely temporary, but we are deeply touched by the warmth
of your responses and your words of encouragement, for which we are very


From Canada,
Allen Willie also responded to the news about the temporary closure of RRI

Just heard
the news if true, on a posting of a radio site that RRI because of government
budget cuts will be using only 1 frequency as of August 1.

Romania International has done an outstanding job of presenting Romania to the
world in my opinion.

A huge heartfelt
thank you to all staff members for their continuing efforts and best wishes to

What troubles me and I’m sure many other listeners agree, is that like the
Canadian Government which totally axed Radio Canada International eventually,
which was another broadcaster to the world on Shortwave, the same path is being
followed down it seems again.

With government thinking, which I have had firsthand experience with here in
Canada working in the postal system for years, it has led to nothing but one
frustration after another when trying to do one’s job properly and hands are
tied behind the back because of bureaucratic government policies that don’t
even make sense.

It’s sad when the almighty dollar controls the bottom line when so much can be
offered in the way of services that the public relies and counts on for

stations because of their reach around the globe have always been a shining
beacon for their various homelands to educate and inform the people of the
world what is happening in their various countries with news and special
features presented.

Over the past five years or so , I with great pleasure have enjoyed very much
providing and sending a multi amount of reception reports of the broadcasts
regularly to help out the technical department of RRI and I know for a fact
that they have been received greatly appreciated.

Hopefully government will rethink things over and come to a better decision and
outcome in this matter.

This is my opinion for what it’s worth and many thanks to the folks at RRI.
This letter certainly has my permission to be submitted or used to try and
convince government of the huge mistake they are making.

Well Allen,
thanks for your support. I hope this huge display of solidarity will contribute
to keeping RRI on SW for as long as possible.


Also from Canada,
Chris Malboeuf also wrote to express solidarity after hearing the latest announcement:

Dear RRI, hope
the week has been good so far in Romania. Myself and other listeners were
surprised to hear about the budget cuts including the temporarily discontinued
of 11620 kHz, what does the future looks like for RRI? I hope it doesn’t leave
shortwave just like stations that have left the airwaves recently, I have been
listening since 2015 and enjoy the different programs of Romanian history and
culture. I am waiting very patiently for my QSL cards to come soon and
hopefully that you’ll won’t leave shortwave.

Thanks for this
message as well, Chris, we will relay your message too to management.


Another related message came this time
from Malaysia, from Mohamad Haidir Hasim, who is new to SW listening. Our
listener told us more about his community and also expressed solidarity in the
wake of the suspension announcement.

Hello and greetings to Radio
International Romania. Firstly, I would like to introduce myself. I am Mohamad
Haidir Hasim from Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.

I recently got involved in the hobby of
listening to shortwave radio broadcasts, particularly in March. Sometimes, I
can hear Radio International Romania’s broadcasts from my home in Pulau Pinang
and also in my hometown in Selangor.

I learned about the closure or suspension
of some frequencies by Radio International Romania due to budget constraints. This
has affected several broadcasts in other languages, and it is indeed saddening
news for me and my fellow listeners in Malaysia and abroad. However, I hope
that Radio International Romania will overcome this challenge and continue to
deliver information and entertainment to all. I believe you will be able to
face this challenge, considering Radio International Romania’s history of
overcoming various obstacles since its establishment in 1933.

Although Malaysia and Romania are
separated by more than 8000km, when I hear broadcasts from Radio International
Romania, I feel like Malaysia and Romania are close to each other.

I also want to share with you about the
community of shortwave radio listeners in Malaysia, which has a group on the social
media platform Facebook. The name of our Facebook group or community is
Short Wave and AM Listening Malaysia, where we share the broadcasts
we manage to receive, including those from Radio International Romania.

I hope Radio International Romania can
provide moral support to our community so that we can remain loyal listeners to
your broadcasts and other radios. I wish Radio International Romania to
continue and even thrive and become even better. Radio International Romania is
my favorite radio station, and I will strive to listen to your broadcasts.

In conclusion, thank you for broadcasting
happiness, truth, and enjoyment to us throughout the existence of Radio
International Romania.

Thank you too for sending this message,
Mohamad. We’re happy you like our station and hope we will still be here in the
years ahead for your community of listeners.


Some the listeners who are the most
affected by the current situation are those in India. A number of them wrote to
complain about the temporary shutdown. Rajarshi
Roy wrote I
am a New Regular Listener from India. I love to listen various programs of RRI.
I enjoyed & relished Listening English Service of RADIO ROMANIA
INTERNATIONAL, but you people stopped shortwave transmitting at 17790 KHz ‘ 16
Meter Band for India. In frequency schedule I have seen there is only DRM
Frequency for India, but why? In India DRM Radio is not available, only way to
listen is Shortwave. It’s unfair to all Shortwave Radio Listeners. It’s my earnest request to you, please start Shortwave
Broadcasting as soon as possible, because we cannot listen to Radio Romania
International from India.

We apologize for this inconvenience and
we assure all our listeners from India of our deep respect for them. They make
up one of our most numerous communities and their contributions and feedback
are always valuable to the entire department.


Another listener from India, Najim Uddin
also wrote in to complain about the current problem.

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I would like to inform you that I am very
sorry for your decision to dropping SW frequency from India.

17790 kHz is a only frequency which I
have used to listen your very nice program. But you dropped that only one
frequency. You have continued broadcast on DRM frequency!!!

I don’t know about number of listeners
used the precious receiver DRM!!!

I have not any that type of precious DRM receiver.
Then how to receive your broadcast?

Hope you will reopen and continue to
broadcast for SW frequency to India or south Asia.

As stated before, we hope this is only a
temporary situation, Najim. We assure you your (near) daily contributions are
extremely valuable to our station.


From Ireland, Francis Lawlor also reacted
to our announcement:

I note with regret that you have scaled
back on your transmitters, meaning less frequencies. I hope they will be
restored in time.


News of the temporary closure also reached the USA, where Susan Snow

I heard that you have had to cut back on your shortwave broadcasting,
and I certainly hope this is a temporary condition, and not a permanent one.


Igor Belevich (Belarus), who follows us on a daily basis (and not just
the English Service, but our other language broadcasts and departments too),
also reacted to the news:

I have heard that RRI will reduce, cut or stop the broadcasting on
analog sw. I feel pity, sad and unhappy.


Alan Gale (England)
also wrote in response to our announcement:

It’s a shame
that RRI had to suspend a few frequencies, but understandable at
the moment with the sky high energy prices that we have all suffered with
since the
invasion of Ukraine – let’s hope things return to normal again one day


Reactions to the temporary suspension of RRI transmitters also reached
our station via social media. Here are some that we’ve received on Facebook.

Ramesh DX

Lives in Ciudad

Does this
include the cutbacks?


The frequency of
17760 kHz of the program of 5.30 UTC…disabled ????…In the next days I will send you a detailed reception report


Lives in
Burlington, Massachusetts

With an aggressive Russia invading its neighbors, shortwave broadcasting is now
(again) an important alternative form of news communication.

Ramesh DX

I assume we need
to start a Save Radio Romania Shortwave coalition right now?


Lives in

Ramesh DX Patel
yes, one of the strongest station from eastern Europe need a campaign for save

Keith Perron

From Taipei,

Ramesh DX Patel
Save for what? It’s already running on life support.


Keep up the good
work Radio Romania!

Martínez Yr




It’s a great
loss for listeners all over the world with an interest in Romanian and European
affairs. Particularly as radio is a traditional means with a large community that


Lives in Laguna
Niguel, California

Here on west
coast RRI can be difficult to receive unless you have a good sw radio …

Chandra Sagour

Very sad news
for shortwave listeners. Don’t stop I protest it.

Nithin George

From Thodupuzha,

Hope DRM
shortwave will be continued…