This Week… in Your Letters

I’ve been
sending reception reports to your station for a year. I sometimes listen to
your station during the weekend. There are few European national broadcasts
which can be received well in Japan, so your broadcast is very valuable to for
a Japanese overseas broadcast listener. The internet is widely used today, but
radio is indispensable as a means of collecting information. I hope your
station will continue to transmit. (Fumihisa Yamasaki, Japan)

I found today’s programme more informative
and inspiring. I love to watch documentary films that have an important message
to us and also to society. The presentation of today’s programme was really
nice. I enjoyed it very much. (Karobi Hazarika, India)

I enjoy
listening to RRI, it’s one of the best English language shortwave broadcasts.
The blend of history and culture is very informative. I’d love to visit Romania
some day. Please keep broadcasting. (Claude Manigat, USA)