I listen frequently because the programmes are very
informative and interesting. The pace is upbeat and the programming is very
professional. It reflects well on Romania itself. (Howard Kelting, USA)
I was so
pleased that Romania had not given up on shortwave broadcasting as so many
other countries have. I very much enjoyed the Listeners Letterbox programme. I
remember listening to Radio Bucharest back in the 1970s. I have looked at your
programme schedule and will be listening on a regular basis from now on. (Doug
McArtin, USA)
I just went
back to the hobby of shortwave listening after an absence of a few years and I
would like to say it hasn’t lost its charm. I enjoyed your programme and I am
looking forward to more from you. (Georgi Bancov, Bulgaria)
I have been
listening daily and I have enjoyed today’s Visit Romania feature about the
coastal city of Sulina, I always like to hear about such places and their
history and geography, and I keep hoping that one day I will get the chance to
visit them myself. (Alan Gale, UK)
5 years have passed since my first reception
of your broadcast and I still enjoy it. (Shinichirou Morii, Japan)
I have been
your regular listener since 1995 and been sending you emails on various topics
discussed on RRI and reception reports ever since. I am very much impressed by
the reception quality and dedication of RRI towards shortwave radio. (Mahesh
Jain, India)