This Week… in Your Letters

Elijah Henyel, Scotland: “I wish to express my greetings and good wishes from the highlands of Scotland. I have been listening to your broadcasts since the end of April 2014 – except for a couple of months when I moved from my house – and thoroughly enjoy the change your shows provide from the local stations. (I found last years show on Romanian traditions particularly interesting.) Keep up the good work!

Christer Brunström, Halmstad, Sweden: “It was interesting to hear about World Children’s Day (which I had completely forgotten). We had Mother’s Day yesterday. May 29-31 I took part in this year’s DX-Parliament, a get-together of members of the Swedish DX-Federation. This year’s edition took Place in Falkenberg just North of Halmstad. We had the AGM of the Federation but also talks on shortwave radio from the USA, Pirate radio, a visit to Radio Wake Up, Falkenberg’s local radio station. It all ended on Sunday with a visit to the historic Grimeton Radio Station, a UNESCO heritage site.

James Obrien, Cardiff, GB: “Hello Radio Romania, Your transmission I received this morning to western Europe for half an hour on 9.700 Khz. Newsreel was listened to intently for the latest update of news and information, as was the feature that followed, regarding the Romanian health system and how it is in a modern day Romania. On business club you touched on a switch over from the Romanian Lei to the Euro, a plan that seems to may possibly be going ahead come the 1st of January of 2019, this would I am sure be a huge step forward for many Romanians but also not so for others maybe who may wish to hold on to the current currency of the country. I know that here in the UK we ourselves appear to be split on the same subject when the topic has come up of adopting to the EU currency or keeping hold of the British. I also heard on this broadcast a pleasant song on hit of the day entitled I love you and Cultural Event. Please do keep up your hard work in supplying us, your listeners, with what you do best, and I shall be looking forward to report in to you again soon. Best regards.

Alan Gale, UK: “Hello, friends at RRI, As always, I enjoy hearing all of your broadcasts, and listen every day, and enjoy hearing about life in Romania. Amongst the many features covered this month, one that caught my attention was the piece about the Pegas bicycles, which I hadn’t heard of before, looking at some of them on the internet they look quite impressive. It’s good to hear that they are back in production again, and I hope the manufacturers sell lots of them, and we even see some in the UK one day. It’s the 1st of June here today, but it feels more like the 1st of March, and I wonder if summer will ever arrive here. I hope that Romania is much warmer and drier. My best regards to you all till next time, I always enjoy listening to RRI, and thank you for all your work on making the programmes interesting to us.

Peter Boek, Germany: “Dear friends, I still try to listen to your station from time to time, beside my job which sucks a lot of my power and energy. Is my view correct, that after President Klaus Iohannis came to his office, the political atmosphere did change? Before he took over the presidency of Romania we could hear more about rivalry between the political parties. Or is it the silence before a big storm is heading to your country? I hope President Klaus Iohannis will lead your country to a better future. Kind regards.

Henry Zapata, CT, USA: “Dear RRI, Im including my May report for the Listeners Club. Reception has been very good most nights at 0000 UTC and even pretty good at 0300 UTC. I continue to listen often and as Ive probably said in the past: thank you for being one of the few stations that still broadcasts on shortwave from Europe. Best wishes to the English Section at RRI.

John Fisher, MA, USA: “As always, I enjoy your broadcasts. It is fun to listen to the listeners letters. You never know if one will be read by a person who lives in your town. Yes, it has happened before… years ago, and we are friends now. I wish to thank you for your time, I look forward to hearing from you soon.

John Cooper, PA, USA: “I really enjoy listening to RRI as I always do. The economic news was good and shows that Romania is growing nicely and meeting its economic targets. This is important for stability. The news announcers speak English very well. One problem I do have is in understanding their names as they usually say their names very fast. This is probably due to my not being able to pronounce Romanian. Other than that the whole program comes through very well and it is interesting to me. Your station has always been one of my favourites, and will continue to be. My only wish is that the program was longer than 30 minutes as it seemed to go by very fast with all the great information that was given out. Once again thanks.