“Hello! I really enjoy listening to your programs. I listen to your radio on the Internet. Could you please send me some things of your Radio. For example, stickers or photos with signatures of your narrators. If you do not mind please affix stamps on the envelope.”
Tatiana Pappinen, Russia
“I listened to the blizzard warning and was rather glad that our weather was not due to be as bad. Mind you, we did have a snow warning and there was some, just a little though. We were due to travel to London by train on Sunday (a journey of about half an hour) and I wondered whether the trains would run on time. All was well. As we approached London, there was no sign of snow. The capital has a “heat island ” effect and so the snow we had was not present at the end of our journey. Indeed, by the time we returned home, the snow had all but disappeared there too. Just as well from my point of view, but I know there are those who like it. Best wishes from England.”
Brian Kendall, England
“Dear RRI, Hi, greetings from Indonesia. Let me tell you that on Sunday 10 January 2016, I listened to RRI English service in 7325 kHz by chance. The reception is poor in my hometown. I send you the reception report. If you find my reception report correct, please send me your QSL card. Its an interesting program especially to know that there are some people who send the reception report to you. Currently it is almost impossible for a radio station to read the letters of the listeners in their radio programming. Keep up the good work! By the way, would you mind sending me any used stamp from any country? I like stamp collecting. I will be glad to receive any stamp from you. You can send me used stamps that you receive from letters of the listeners and mint stamp as many as you can. Thank you for your attention. I look forward to receiving your reply. Best regard, Alex.”
Alex Torbeni, Indonesia
“Dear Radio Romania international English staff, I convey my heartiest congratulations to Radio RRI English Service on the occasion of New Year. I congratulate RRI English Service for doing a good job. RRI English website is a very good tool for communication. I hope all listeners/visitors will have the full use of this very important tool in their hand. A nice tool bringing Romania closer to each one and connecting to unconnected anytime, anywhere in the world. I wish bright future and all- round success to RRI English Service & its valuable listeners. I also regular like your face book page. Plz send me RRI English promotional items / souvenirs.Thanks, Best Regards”.
Amir Manzoor, Pakistan
“Finally, I have entered this competition because it is always fun and interesting to participate. I learn a lot about Romania from your features and use the RRI website the most to keep in touch with Romania. But your short-wave broadcasts still come through very well in Ireland on my bedside radio, and this can be a very nice experience at the end of a long day. Another reason for entering is that Romania is very much on my mind these past few weeks as I read Patrick Leigh Fermors amazing journey through Romania in 1934 in his second volume Between the Woods and the Water: On Foot to Constantinople: From The Middle Danube to the Iron Gates. I recognize some aspects while other parts seem so different from today – all in all, it makes me want to keep in touch with my past “home away from home” and visit again sometime soon. Best wishes from your listener in Ireland, Jonathan Murphy.”
Johnathan Murphy, Ireland
“Happy New Year to all at Radio Romania! Here is a reception report from Dublin Ireland that I hope you will acknowledge with a QSL card. I used to listen to Radio Romania back in the 1990s and now that Ive started listening to short wave again its great to hear Radio Romania still coming in strong with interesting programs! And I look forward to listening to Radio Romania much more in future and sending further reception reports and entering competitions.”
Albert White, Ireland
“Hello from the frozen city of Changchun China. Winter has come and it’s freezing as usual. The broadcast was pretty good, technically speaking. Noise was a problem at times, but only sporadically. Only moments of the broadcast would be blocked out and not long stretches. Over a year ago, an enclosure was built for my balcony. It has been a mixed blessing in regards to short-wave reception in general, but for your broadcasts — especially during winter time — a big help. I no longer have to wander the frozen streets or ride the crowded buses in order to hear your broadcasts during the winter. And even those actions never really guaranteed acceptable reception. I still enjoy your programs, especially the history related ones, i.e. The History Show and RRI Encyclopedia. The interview with the artist featured on New Names on the Cover was interesting too. After the broadcast, I tried to check out for work on her website, but for some reason it was inaccessible in China. She ought to create a graphic novel about the 1989 Revolution in Romania. I think that could be a big seller. I know that I’d even buy a copy, even if it was available only in Romanian. I hope all remains well and promise to send more International Response Coupons in the future. Keep up the good work and I’ll keep listening. Sincerely, John Rutledge.”
John Rutledge, China
“I listened to your DRM transmission which provide a good solid lock and a SNR of around 18dB. I would be very grateful to receive one of your always- nice QSL cards. Thank you! What an interesting feature in your History Show today about the People who tried to escape Communist Romania in 1980s. Thankfully, I have never experienced living conditions such that I need to escape, or at least, try to escape and it is really hard to imagine what life is like such that people are compelled to try and escape. Of course – it is still happening elsewhere in the world, different regimes and different reasons, but never-the-less there is still the need to escape. I believe that it is important that these memories are captured now so that maybe, just maybe, we as the human race will learn. Thanks for an excellent programme.”
Alan Roe, UK
“I like your cultural and culinary programs, I hear you via short-wave and sometimes on the Internet. Please carry on the nice programs. Wish you all a very, very Happy New Year. If the report is correct a QSL will be much appreciated.”
Partha Sarathi Goswami, India
“Really strong signal noise and slight fading. Signal at 7375 was very similar to signal at 6170 KHz”.
Dawid Chlosta, Poland