Hello from New Zealand. I am pleased to
report reception of Radio Romania International operating in English on 7430
kHz from 22 to 22:30 UTC on May 30th 2015. Programme details: RRI
tuning signal and opening announcement for Radio Romania International. Radio
Newsreel, news read by male. Various reports for recent events. Brief music.
Cultural programme presented by both male and female at 22:23 included a song.
I hope this report will be of interest to you and if possible I would very much
appreciate your verification for my reception of Radio Romania International on
7430 kHz. Thank you and best wishes from New Zealand.
Ian Catermolle, Blenheim, New Zealand
I thank you for the kind attention to my
report. I sincerely hope that my report will come in effective use to you all
at RRI English. It is very hot weather here in India and we are waiting for the
rainy season to cool down the weather. I wish you all good weather conditions
there in Europe. Please take care and all the very best to you!
Soumya Bhattacharjee, West Bengal, India
I really enjoy listening to Radio
Romania International as always. Your station is one of the few that
consistently sticks to its schedule and has great programming. I look forward
weekly to listening to to at least three to four English transmissions. I also
want to compliment your station on the signal strength, which is consistent and
clean with no spurs. I also enjoy learning about Romania and all it has to
offer. The history and cities sound really great and I wish I could visit
P. Cooper, Lebanon, Pennsylvania, USA.
I sent you a Report in respect of your
broadcasts to this part of the world on 17th February 2015 . You have been kind
enough to verify it with one of your very beautiful QSL card depicting the
Damboviciora Cave. Thank you very much for the QSL card and the pocket
calendar, which has been received by me a few days ago.
Debaki Biswas, Bankura, India