You + EU 2024 and Beyond debate (II)

In January, Radio Romania produced a debate hosted by the
European Parliament as part of the You+EU 2024 & Beyond
project, won by the Romanian public broadcaster and co-funded by the European
Parliament. Under this project, Radio Romania produces podcasts, video
animations and infographics on European topics throughout the year. This was
the second debate held at the European Parliament in English, focusing on what
we can expect from the upcoming European election and how we convince young
people to vote.

Attending the debate were Marian-Jean Marinescu from the
Group of the European People’s Party (Christian-Democrats) and vice-chair of
the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI), Alex
Agius Saliba with the Group of the
Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats and vice-chair of the
Committee on Petitions (PETI), Dragoş Pîslaru from Renew Europe and Chair of
the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL), and last but not least,
Olivia Nouailhetas-Baneth – Associate Director at Verian, a global research and
public policy center.

In this week’s segment we’re airing the first part of the

RadioRomaniaInternational · Sunday Show – You + EU 2024 and Beyond debate (II)