2014 Listener’s Day on RRI

Dear Friends, on Sunday, November 2nd 2014, we celebrate Listener’s Day on RRI. As usual, your contributions play the key role, so we invite you to answer to the question: “What technological breakthrough has influenced your life in a decisive way?”

In our world, things change at an extremely fast pace. It’s normal for all of us today to travel long distances onboard airplanes, but do you recall how we used to travel when we were kids? When you send one of your friends who lives thousands of kilometers away a recent photo of you, do you think of how photos were taken 10, 20 or 30 years ago? Do you remember what you used to make calculations in school on, was it an abacus, a ruler or a computer? Did you have the chance to use a classical typing machine before it was replaced by a personal computer? Do you recall how you used to listen to music on cassette recorders and how the landline phone turned into today’s smarthpone?

These are just some examples of things that have changed our lives. So, dear listeners, we are looking forward to your answers to the question: “What technological breakthrough has influenced your life in a decisive way?” The 20 most interesting contributions will be awarded.

As usual, it is based on your answers that we will produce the “Listener’s Day” programme on RRI, aired on the first Sunday in November, that is November 2nd this year. You can send your answers in audio format, or in writing, via email, regular mail or fax, on Facebook or using the form on our website. Our contact details are: Radio Romania International, 60-64 General Berthelot Street, sector 1, Bucharest, PO Box 111, code 010165, fax no., email engl@rri.ro.