You may think it is a stereotype, but for all its economic predicament, Romania still boasts an impressive wildlife. If you happen to travel north of the country, in Maramures, you’ll soon find out it was well worth driving 400 miles, as what you will see there is quite rewarding for you as foreign tourists.
As usual, let us start with some useful words and phrases:
Frumusete rara=breathtaking beauty
Molid=pine spruce
Stejar= oak tree
Fag=beech tree
Cerb carpatin=Red deer
Mistret=wild boar
Now let us use some of the words in sentences.
Maramuresul este o regiune bogata in privelisti de o rara frumusete.
Maramures is a region rich in landscapes of a breathtaking beauty.
De asemenea, Maramures este o zona in care se afla paduri intinse de brad, molid stejar si fag.
Also, Maramures is an area where you can find large fir-tree, pine spruce, oak tree and beech forests.
Fauna acestor paduri este cautata de vinatori.
The fauna of these forests is extremely sought-after by hunters.
In Maramures gasim ursi, cerbi carpatini, mistreti, precum si alte animale.
In Maramures you can find bears, Red deers, wild boars, as well as many other animals.