It’s simply great you’ve been with us for so many years; we do
hope you got to like Romanian language by now.
Today we continue our journey into historical Bucharest, where
the Old City Centre is packed with listed buildings, whose a architectural style
makes them a wonderful sight for today’s visitors of Romania’s capital city, be
they Romanian or foreign.
As usual, we begin with a set of useful words and phrases:
Centru istoric=Historical center
Zona Lipscani=Lipscani area
De la vest la est=from west to east
Distanta ce poate fi parcursa pe jos=walking
Now let us use some of the
words and phrases above in meaningful, communicative patterns:
Centrul istoric
al orasului Bucuresti este cunoscut si sub numele de zona Lipscani.
Bucharest’s Historical
Centre is also known as the Lipscani area.
Lipscani este numele
strazii care traverseaza centrul de la vest la est.
Lipscani is
the name of the street crossing the center from west to east.
Numele de
Lipscani deriva din cuvintul german Leipzig.
The name of Lipscani is derived from the German word Leipzig.
Leipzig era orasul din care veneau majoritatea
negustorilor germani la Bucuresti.
Leipzig was the town most of the German merchants came
from, to Bucharest.
Centrul istoric al orasului
Bucuresti este situat la nord de Piata Unirii.
Bucharest’s Historical Center is located north of
Unirea Square.
Centrul istoric este situat la o mica distanta de
Gradina Cismigiu, ce poate fi parcursa
pe jos.
The Historical Center is located within walking
distance from the Cismigiu Gardens.
Centrul Istoric al orasului
Bucuresti este unul dintre cele mai importante zone turistice al orasului.
Bucharest’s Historical Center is one of the city’s
most noteworthy tourist areas.
That’s all we had time for in today’s Romanian
Without Tears.
Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so
keen on learning Romanian with us.