Category: Romanian without Tears

  • Into the wild

    Into the wild

    Forest – pădure

    bear – urs

    wolf – lup

    deer – cerb

    squirrels – veverițe

    acorn – ghindă

    boars – porci mistreți

    wild animals – animale sălbatice

    game – vânat

    protected area – zonă protejată

    And now for some simple sentences:

    We live next to the forest.

    Trăim lângă pădure.

    You should never approach a bear.

    Niciodată să nu te apropii de un urs.

    There goes a deer.

    Uite un cerb.

    We should see squirrels here.

    Ar trebui să vedem veverițe aici.

    There is a lot of acorn here.

    Aici se găsește multă ghindă.

    Boars are very dangerous.

    Porcii mistreți sunt foarte periculoși.

    This area has a lot of game.

    Această zonă are mult vânat.

    Don’t go in there, it is a protected area.

    Nu intra acolo, este zonă protejată.

  • The vegetable garden

    The vegetable garden

    onion – ceapă

    carrot – morcov

    celery – țelină

    cabbage – varză

    lettuce – salată verde

    cucumber – castravete

    tomato – roșie

    radishes – ridichi

    chili pepper – ardei iute

    garlic – usturoi

    Now let’s make some simple sentences:

    Onion makes your eyes tear.

    Ceapa te face să lăcrimezi.

    Carrots are good for your eyesight.

    Morcovii fac bine la vedere.

    You cannot make stew without celery.

    Nu poți să faci tocană fără țelina.

    Cabbage is best pickled.

    Varza e cea mai buna murată.

    Lettuce is full of vitamins.

    Salata verde e plină de vitamine.

    The word cucumber in Romanian comes from Bulgarian.

    Cuvântul castravete în română vine din bulgară.

    A tomato tastes better with salt.

    Roșia are gust mai bun cu sare.

    A salad is better with radishes.

    Salata e mai bună cu ridichi.

    This chili pepper is too hot.

    Acest ardei iute e prea iute.

    There’s never too much garlic.

    Niciodată nu e prea mult usturoi.

  • Today let’s talk cars

    Today let’s talk cars

    – car = maşină
    – fuel = combustibil
    – wheel = roată
    – tire = anvelopă
    – steering wheel = volan
    – winshield= parbriz
    – windshield wiper = ştergător de parbriz
    – turning signal= semnalizator
    – safety belt = centură de siguranţă
    – parking brake = frână de mână

    Now, let’s use these words in sentences.
    I have bought a new car.
    Mi-am cumpărat maşină nouă.

    Fuel is getting expensive.
    Combustibilul se scumpeşte.

    I need a new wheel.
    Îmi trebuie o roată nouă.

    I need to change the tire.
    Trebuie să schimb anvelopa.

    Grasp the steering wheel well.
    Apucă bine volanul.

    The windshield needs cleaning.
    Parbrizul trebuie curăţat.

    I have new windshield wipers.
    Am ştergătoare noi.

    The turning signal is still on.
    Semnalizatorul e încă pornit.

    You have to put on your safety belt.
    Trebuie să-ţi pui centura de siguranţă.

    Make sure your parking brake is not set.
    Asigură-te că frâna de mână nu e pusă.

  • Assertiveness in Romanian

    Assertiveness in Romanian

    Mastering ways of
    expressing assertiveness in Romanian is a major means of integrating in a
    certain milieu, where conversational exchange is bound to be a little bit more
    sophisticated than usual, so in this lesson you will be exposed to the language of
    assertiveness in Romanian.

    As usual, we
    begin with a bunch of relevant words and phrases:



    Facultatea de Teatru=Drama School

    A fi
    ingrijorat=to be worried


    A fi
    incredintat=to believe in



    A trece=to go

    Concurs de
    eseuri=essay contest

    A fi
    incintat=to be delighted

    A merge in
    instanta=to take the matter to court

    Daca nu=unless

    Now let us use
    some of the words in meaningful sentences:

    Ne pasa cu
    adevarat daca nepotul nostru reuseste la examenul de admitere pentru Facultatea
    de Teatru.

    We really care
    if our nephew passes the entrance exam for the Drama School.

    ingrijorati pentru faptul ca fiica noastra nu ne-a mai scris de doua saptamini.

    We are worried
    because it has been two weeks since our daughter last wrote to us.

    Sintem profund
    incredintati ca cel mai bun elev va trece la etapa urmatoare a concursului nostru
    de eseuri.

    We firmly
    believe our best pupil will go through to the next stage in our essay contest.

    Am fost incintati
    de faptul ca absolventii nostri s-au pregatit atit de bine pentru examenul final.

    We were
    delighted by the fact that our graduates have been extremely well-prepared for
    the final exam.

    Sintem hotariti
    sa mergem in instanta, daca problema nu se rezolva in timp util.

    We are set to
    take the matter to court, unless our problem is solved in due course.

    Thank you ALL for the interest you
    take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us.
    Good Bye! La revedere!

  • Asking for clarification in Romanian

    Asking for clarification in Romanian

    Asking for clarification in
    a foreign language using open questions is a complex function you need to
    master, if you want to refine your command of Romanian. In this lesson you’re being
    presented with the basics of using open-ended questions and asking for

    As usual, we
    begin with a bunch of relevant words and phrases:

    Peste proaspat=fresh

    Piata de
    peste=fish market

    dimineata=tomorrow morning

    A gasi=find

    Certificat de
    garantie=vehicle warranty certificate


    Now let us use
    some of the words in meaningful sentences:

    Crezi ca am sa
    gasesc peste proaspat la piata de peste, daca merg acolo miine dimineata,
    inainte de ora 9?

    Do you think I
    can find fresh fish at the fish market, if I go there tomorrow morning before

    Credeti ca
    masina aceasta este inca in garantie ? Mi se pare cam
    scumpa, la 9.000 Euro.

    Do you think
    the vehicle warranty certificate for this car is still valid? It seems a little
    bit expensive, for 9,000 Eur.

    Crezi ca poti
    sa-mi trimiti bibliografia pentru examen pina mine, la ora 1300 ?

    Do you think
    you can send me the bibliography for the exam by tomorrow at 1pm ?

    Thank you ALL for the interest you
    take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us.
    Good Bye! La revedere!

  • Asking for clarification in Romanian

    Asking for clarification in Romanian

    Asking for clarification in
    a foreign language using open questions is a complex function you need to
    master, if you want to refine your command of Romanian. In this lesson you’re being
    presented with the basics of using open-ended questions and asking for

    As usual, we
    begin with a bunch of relevant words and phrases:

    Peste proaspat=fresh

    Piata de
    peste=fish market

    dimineata=tomorrow morning

    A gasi=find

    Certificat de
    garantie=vehicle warranty certificate


    Now let us use
    some of the words in meaningful sentences:

    Crezi ca am sa
    gasesc peste proaspat la piata de peste, daca merg acolo miine dimineata,
    inainte de ora 9?

    Do you think I
    can find fresh fish at the fish market, if I go there tomorrow morning before

    Credeti ca
    masina aceasta este inca in garantie ? Mi se pare cam
    scumpa, la 9.000 Euro.

    Do you think
    the vehicle warranty certificate for this car is still valid? It seems a little
    bit expensive, for 9,000 Eur.

    Crezi ca poti
    sa-mi trimiti bibliografia pentru examen pina mine, la ora 1300 ?

    Do you think
    you can send me the bibliography for the exam by tomorrow at 1pm ?

    Thank you ALL for the interest you
    take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us.
    Good Bye! La revedere!

  • Bucharest and its parks

    Bucharest and its parks

    Saying that Bucharest is
    teeming with historic places and period listed buildings, richly decorated,
    that is no cliché. Interest for such areas and buildings may be dwindling, yet there
    are parks across the city where Bucharesters hurry to take a breath of fresh
    air in the summer, when the sweltering heat makes life almost unbearable, for a
    couple of weeks. Some of the parks are cultural icons and Gradina Icoanei is
    one such spot, which can be found in the city centre.

    As usual, we
    begin with a bunch of relevant words and phrases.

    Icoanei=The Icon’s Garden




    A asana= drain


    In colaborare

    Now let us use some of the words in meaningful

    Parcul Gradina Icoanei a fost construit in secolul al 18lea.

    The Gradina icoanei (Icon’s Garden) park was built in the
    18th century.

    Piriul Bucurestioara izvora exact
    din locul unde se afla astazi parcul.

    The Bucurestioara rivulet sprang exactly from the
    place where the park lies today.

    Izvorul a fost asanat in anul 1870.

    The spring was drained in 1870.

    Reabilitarea Parcului a fost facuta in colabiorare cu
    Ministerul Culturii.

    The reconstruction of the park was carried jointly
    with the Ministry of Culture.

    Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for
    being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!

  • Media-related language

    Media-related language

    Between the wars, the
    Romanians were, among other things, known for the amount of energy they
    invested in talking politics. These days, the Romanians focus their energy on
    getting involved in the media, whether it’s the radio, the TV or the Internet. In this lesson, you’re presented with media-related language.

    As usual, we
    begin with a bunch of relevant words and phrases.


    La radio=on the radio


    Transport public=public transport



    A face greva= to go on strike


    Cu taxiul=by taxi


    Pauza de prinz=lunch break


    Astazi/azi dimineata=this morning

    A se incalzi= to get warm

    Now let us use some of the words in meaningful

    Azi dimineata am auzit la radio ca soferii din
    transportul public vor face greva.

    This morning I heard ON the radio
    that drivers in the public transport would go on strike.

    Am ajuns la servici cu metroul.

    I arrived at the office by

    pauza de prinz, am citit in ziar ca autobuzele vor circula incepind cu ora 4.

    During my lunch break, I read in
    the newspaper busses will roll again starting 4 pm.

    Seara, am vazut la televizor ca
    soferii din alte orase din tara au fost si ei in greva astazi/azi dimineata.

    In the evening, I saw on TV
    drivers from other cities across the country have also gone on strike this

    Am vazut pe Internet ca vremea se va incalzi incepind de luni.

    I saw on the Internet the weather
    would be getting warmer starting Monday.

    Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for
    being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!

  • Christmas special

    Christmas special

    The joy of celebrating Christmas with
    all its fascinating traditions and customs in Romania has these days been
    clouded by the commemoration of the 1,000 youngsters who died in the Romanian
    Revolution thirty years ago. Notwithstanding, today we shall take the
    optimistic path and offer you some basic elements on Christmas customs and

    As usual, we begin with a couple of
    basic notions and phrases:


    A se trezi=to wake up


    Dimineata devreme=early in the morning

    A face focul=light the fire

    A stirni jarul=stir the glowing embers


    A impodobi= adorn

    Ajunul Craciunului=Christmas Eve

    Now let us use some of the words and
    phrases above in meaningful, communicative patterns.

    In Oltenia, in sudul Romaniei,
    gospodarii se trezesc dimineata devreme.

    In Oltenia, southern Romania,
    householders wake up early in the morning.

    Ei fac focul in soba si stirnesc jarul,
    rostind cu voce tare dorintele pentru noul an.

    They light the fire in the stove and
    stir the glowing embers, uttering their wishes for the year to come.

    Obiceiul de a impodobi bradul in ajunul
    Craciunului este foarte important.

    The custom of adorning the fir-tree on
    Christmas Eve is very important.

    Obiceiul colindatului este legat de
    celebrarea Nasterii Domnului Iisus Hristos.

    The tradition of caroling is connected
    to the celebration of the Nativity, which is the Birth of Our Lord Jesus.

    Thank you
    ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on
    learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!

  • Christmas special

    Christmas special

    The joy of celebrating Christmas with
    all its fascinating traditions and customs in Romania has these days been
    clouded by the commemoration of the 1,000 youngsters who died in the Romanian
    Revolution thirty years ago. Notwithstanding, today we shall take the
    optimistic path and offer you some basic elements on Christmas customs and

    As usual, we begin with a couple of
    basic notions and phrases:


    A se trezi=to wake up


    Dimineata devreme=early in the morning

    A face focul=light the fire

    A stirni jarul=stir the glowing embers


    A impodobi= adorn

    Ajunul Craciunului=Christmas Eve

    Now let us use some of the words and
    phrases above in meaningful, communicative patterns.

    In Oltenia, in sudul Romaniei,
    gospodarii se trezesc dimineata devreme.

    In Oltenia, southern Romania,
    householders wake up early in the morning.

    Ei fac focul in soba si stirnesc jarul,
    rostind cu voce tare dorintele pentru noul an.

    They light the fire in the stove and
    stir the glowing embers, uttering their wishes for the year to come.

    Obiceiul de a impodobi bradul in ajunul
    Craciunului este foarte important.

    The custom of adorning the fir-tree on
    Christmas Eve is very important.

    Obiceiul colindatului este legat de
    celebrarea Nasterii Domnului Iisus Hristos.

    The tradition of caroling is connected
    to the celebration of the Nativity, which is the Birth of Our Lord Jesus.

    Thank you
    ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on
    learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!

  • Bucharest’s Historical Center

    Bucharest’s Historical Center

    It’s simply great you’ve been with us for so many years; we do
    hope you got to like Romanian language by now.

    Today we continue our journey into historical Bucharest, where
    the Old City Centre is packed with listed buildings, whose a architectural style
    makes them a wonderful sight for today’s visitors of Romania’s capital city, be
    they Romanian or foreign.

    As usual, we begin with a set of useful words and phrases:

    Centru istoric=Historical center

    Zona Lipscani=Lipscani area


    De la vest la est=from west to east


    Distanta ce poate fi parcursa pe jos=walking

    Now let us use some of the
    words and phrases above in meaningful, communicative patterns:

    Centrul istoric
    al orasului Bucuresti este cunoscut si sub numele de zona Lipscani.

    Bucharest’s Historical
    Centre is also known as the Lipscani area.

    Lipscani este numele
    strazii care traverseaza centrul de la vest la est.

    Lipscani is
    the name of the street crossing the center from west to east.

    Numele de
    Lipscani deriva din cuvintul german Leipzig.

    The name of Lipscani is derived from the German word Leipzig.

    Leipzig era orasul din care veneau majoritatea
    negustorilor germani la Bucuresti.

    Leipzig was the town most of the German merchants came
    from, to Bucharest.

    Centrul istoric al orasului
    Bucuresti este situat la nord de Piata Unirii.

    Bucharest’s Historical Center is located north of
    Unirea Square.

    Centrul istoric este situat la o mica distanta de
    Gradina Cismigiu, ce poate fi parcursa

    pe jos.

    The Historical Center is located within walking
    distance from the Cismigiu Gardens.

    Centrul Istoric al orasului
    Bucuresti este unul dintre cele mai importante zone turistice al orasului.

    Bucharest’s Historical Center is one of the city’s
    most noteworthy tourist areas.

    That’s all we had time for in today’s Romanian
    Without Tears
    Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so
    keen on learning Romanian with us.

  • Landmarks of historical Bucharest

    Landmarks of historical Bucharest

    In French, it is
    called l’embarras du choix, which means you’re spoilt for choice. Historical
    Bucharest is an obvious example of that, since you may find it difficult to choose
    a fine location to introduce to our listeners. Our choice today is Parcul
    Carol, the Carol Park.

    As usual, we
    begin with a series of useful words and phrases:

    a amenaja=lay
    out set up

    a inaugura=




    peisagist=landscape architect


    Now here are
    some meaningful sentences including part of the words and phrases above:

    Parcul Carol a
    fost amenajat intre anii 1900-1096.

    The Carol Park
    was laid out between the years 1900 and 1906.

    Parcul a fost
    inaugurat in 1906, pentru a sarbatori domnia de patru decenii a Regelui Carol

    The park was inaugurated
    in 1906, to celebrate the four-decade reign of King Carol 1st.

    Pentru constructia parcului, s-au folosit
    planurile arhitectului peisagist francez Eduard Redont.

    The plans drawn
    out by the French landscape architect Eduard Redont were used for the
    construction of the park.

    Lucrarile la terasament au inceput la data de 15
    iunie 2015.

    Embankment works
    began on June 15, 1905.

    Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for
    being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye!

  • Bucharest of yesteryear

    Bucharest of yesteryear

    In recent years, Romanias capital city Bucharest has been drawing a growing number of tourists, thanks to its rich history and vibrant cultural life, so today we introduce the capital city Bucharest to all our listeners.

    As usual, we begin with a series of useful words and phrases:

    de netagaduit = undoubtable

    atestare documentara = documentary evidence

    in marea lor majoritate= for their most part

    cladiri istorice = historical buildings

    stil architectonic = architectural style

    Bucuresti interbelic = inter-war period

    Now here are some meaningful sentences including part of the words and phrases above:

    Capitala Romaniei, Bucuresti, are o traditie istorica de netagaduit.

    Romanias capital city Bucharest has an undoubtable historical tradition.

    Orasul Bucuresti este atestat documentar din prima jumatate a secolului al 15-lea.

    Documentary evidence of the city Bucharest dates from the first half of the 15th century.

    In marea lor majoritate, cladirile istorice, cu un stil architectonic intru totul deosebit, pot fi vazute si astazi in central orasului.

    For their most part, the historical buildings, with a very special architectural style, can still be seen today in the city center.

    Casele construite in stil Neo-romanesc inca mai pastreaza parfumul Bucurestiului interbelic.

    The houses built in Neo-Romanian style still preserve the flavor of inter-war Bucharest.

    Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!

  • The summer season

    The summer season

    The sea, the sea…the summer season
    is in full swing in Romania. For all its decreasing popularity, the Romanian
    Black Sea coast still attracts lots of tourists who come from all over the
    country to spend a couple of days, or maybe more, on the Romanian seaside.

    Today we offer you basic vocabulary
    on tourism on the seaside.

    This summer=vara aceasta

    Secetos, secetoasa=droughty

    Mai secetos, mai secetoasa=droughty, droughtier

    Comparativ=as compared to

    Litoralul romanesc al Marii Negre =
    The Romanian Black sea coast

    Oferta turistica de anul
    acesta=this year’s tourist offer

    Turism de weekend=weekend tourism

    Dezvoltare spectaculoasa=spectacular

    Now here are some meaningful
    sentences including part of the words and phrases above:

    Vara aceasta a fost mai secetoasa,
    comparativ cu verile trecute.

    This summer was droughtier, as
    compared to previous summers.

    Pe litoralul romanesc, oferta turistica de anul acesta nu este neaparat mai
    bogata, ci mai scumpa fata de anul trecut.

    On the Romanian Black Sea coast,
    this year’s tourist offer is not necessarily more generous, but it is more
    expensive than last year.

    Pe litoralul romanesc, turismul de
    weekend s-a dezvoltat spectaculos in ultimii sase sapte ani.

    On the Romanian seaside, weekend
    tourism has seen a spectacular growth in the last six or seven years.

    Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for
    being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!