Buying a book

The capital city Bucharest as well as several other big cities across Romania are well-stocked in terms of foreign language books. In this lesson we’re being more specific as to what exactly the conversational exchange in a bookshop means.

As usual, we begin with a series of useful words and phrases:


Baiatul meu cel mic=my younger son

Bine ati venit=welcome.

Cursuri de engleza in ritm intensiv= intensive English classes

Ce anume= what exactly

A se epuiza= to be out of print


Now let us use some of the words and phrases above in meaningful, communicative patterns:

Buna ziua. As dori sa cumpar o carte pentru baiatul meu cel mic, in virsta de 10 ani.

Good afternoon. I should like to buy a book for my younger son, who is 10 year old.

Bine ati venit in libraria noastra. Ce anume ati dori sa cumparati?

Welcome to our bookshop. What exactly would you like to buy?

Baiatul meu face pregatire intensive la engleza, asa ca as dori un manual tiparit la Editura Oxford, in colectia Earlybird.

My boy takes intensive English classes, so I would like an Oxford English Language Teaching coursebook, in the Early Bird collection.

Ne pare rau, dar colectia Early Bird s-a epuizat.

I’m sorry, but the Early Bird collection is out of print.

Va recomand colectia Let’s Go, care este cel putin la fel de buna ca Early Bird.

May I recommend the Let’s Go collection, which is at least as good as Earlybird.

Va multumesc. Cred ca am sa cumpar in primul rind manualul elevului, si manualul de studiu individual.

Thank you. First of all, I think I shall buy the Student’s book as well as the Exercise book.

Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!