Tag: ABU

  • Felicitări și mulțumiri, Dan Șanta!

    Felicitări și mulțumiri, Dan Șanta!

    Marți, 28 septembrie a.c., Dan Șanta, Director Relații Internaționale Radio România, a fost reales, prin vot, vicepreședinte al U.R.T.I. (Uniunea Internațională de Radio și Televiziune), în cadrul Adunării Generale a organizației. Din motive legate de restricțiile impuse de pandemie, Adunarea Generală a U.R.T.I. din acest an s-a desfășurat prin teleconferință.

    Radio România și-a asumat un rol activ în cadrul U.R.T.I., derulând numeroase proiecte de cooperare cu membrii organizației, iar în ultimii ani a contribuit în mod special la dezvoltarea unei platforme de dialog între membrii U.R.T.I. și ABU (Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union). Realegerea lui Dan Șanta într-un nou mandat ca vicepreședinte al U.R.T.I. reconfirmă poziția de care se bucură Radio România în interiorul U.R.T.I. și reprezintă, în același timp, garanția continuării parteneriatului și a proiectelor aflate în curs.

    Fiind cea mai veche uniune de radio și televiziune din lume – a fost înființată în 1946 – U.R.T.I. își desfășoară activitatea sub patronajul UNESCO și are în prezent peste 60 de membri, posturi publice de radio și televiziune din întreaga lume, între care Radio France, RTBF (Belgia), ERT (Grecia), MTV (Ungaria) sau RTP (Portugalia), dar și organisme internaționale precum ABU sau CMCA.

    Felicitări şi mulţumiri, Dan Şanta!

  • Flavia Voinea, desemnată preşedinte al juriului Radio CSA

    Flavia Voinea, desemnată preşedinte al juriului Radio CSA

    Flavia Voinea, managerul Bucureşti FM – postul local al Capitalei din cadrul Radio România, a fost desemnată de către conducerea ABU (Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union) să coordoneze lucrările de jurizare al secţiunii Radio CSA din cadrul ABU Prizes.

    Categoria CSA reuneşte producţii internaţionale care promovează cauze, acţiuni şi evenimente de interes comunitar.

    Lucrările de jurizare se vor încheia pe 7 august 2020, iar ceremonia de decernare a premiilor va avea loc la Hanoi, în luna decembrie a acestui an.

  • 5. Ausgabe der Medienkonferenz 2020 in Bukarest

    5. Ausgabe der Medienkonferenz 2020 in Bukarest

    Radio Rumänien und die BBC sind zwei Organisationen, die auf starken Werten basieren und ständige und wichtige Aufgaben haben, nämlich die Öffentlichkeit zu informieren und zu bilden, und auch Unterhaltungsprogramme anzubieten. Unter dieser Voraussetzung haben die beiden Presseeinrichtungen am Donnerstag eine Vereinbarung getroffen, auf deren Grundlage sie sich gegenseitig bei der gemeinsamen Entwicklung unterstützen werden. Die Unterzeichnung des Dokuments fand in Bukarest statt, am Rande der 5. Ausgabe der Medienkonferenz 2020, die von Radio Rumänien in Partnerschaft mit der Union der Radio- und Fernsehanstalten der Länder des asiatisch-pazifischen Raums veranstaltet wurde.

    In Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass Radio Rumänien ein aktives Mitglied der Europäischen Radio- und Fernsehunion ist, hielt der stellvertretende Direktor der BBC, Graham Ellis, eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen den beiden Institutionen in diesem Zeitraum für sehr wichtig. Der Präsident und Generaldirektor von Radio Rumänien, Georgică Severin, sagte seinerseits, dass die Partnerschaft die natürliche Folge der ausgezeichneten Zusammenarbeit und der Verbindungen zwischen Radio Rumänien und der BBC sei:

    Die Bekämpfung von Fehlinformationen, die Präsentation von Informationen über das Leben und die Kultur des Publikums, die Anpassung neuer Technologien oder die Transformation unserer Medienorganisationen sind einige der wichtigsten Themen unserer Partnerschaft.

    Die von Radio Rumänien mit der BBC getroffene Vereinbarung ist kein Einzelfall. Radio Rumänien hat bereits zwei Abkommen mit Radio France und RAI unterzeichnet. Das neue Abkommen mit der BBC gehört zur Strategie der Zusammenarbeit des rumänischen öffentlichen Rundfunks mit den renommiertesten Medieninstitutionen in Europa. Über die bilaterale Zusammenarbeit hinaus unterhält Radio Rumänien auch sehr gute Beziehungen zu zahlreichen Presseeinrichtungen auf der ganzen Welt. Das wird auch bewiesen durch die Präsenz von mehr als 40 Vertretern der wichtigsten öffentlichen Medienanstalten in Europa und im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum bei der Medienkonferenz in der rumänischen Hauptstadt. Die Teilnehmer diskutierten unter anderen über die Zukunft der Medien im digitalen Zeitalter, über die Strategien zum Schutz der Rechte der Medien und der Urheberrechte und über die Bekämpfung von gefälschten Nachrichten (sog. Fake News).

    Die Medienkonferenz 2020, die bereits eine Tradition des Dialogs zwischen Europa und dem asiatisch-pazifischen Raum hat, hat sich als eine der offensten und konstruktivsten Medienplattformen in Europa und Asien etabliert. Sie findet jährlich statt, abwechselnd in Rumänien und in einem Land des asiatisch-pazifischen Raums. Bereits von der ersten Ausgabe war das Ziel der Konferenz, die öffentlich-rechtlichen Sender mit konkreten Strategien vertraut zu machen, um auf die Herausforderungen des neuen digitalen Zeitalters zu reagieren – das Jahr 2020 wurde als Meilenstein gesetzt, und dieses Jahr, bei der 5. Ausgabe, lautete das Thema der Medienkonferenz 2020 “Crossing Borders in the Digital World “Grenzen überschreiten in der digitalen Welt.

    Der Generalsekretär der Asia Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU), Javad Mottaghi, sagte bei der Medienkonferenz 2020 in Bukarest, dass die Öffentlichkeit unabhängige, unparteiische und zuverlässige Informationen brauche. Es hängt von den öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten ab, ob sie die Wahrheit sagen und ob sie das Vertrauen der öffentlichkeit gewinnen, so Javad Mottaghi.

  • Bucharest played venue for Media 2020 Conference

    Bucharest played venue for Media 2020 Conference

    Radio Romania and the BBC are two
    organizations based on strong values with permanent and important missions to
    inform, educate and offer entertainment programmes to their listeners. Starting
    from this, these two media institutions on Thursday concluded an agreement to
    offer each other support in order to develop together.

    The document was signed in
    Bucharest on the sidelines of the 5th edition of the Media 2020
    conference staged by Radio Romania jointly with the Asia Pacific Broadcasting
    Union. According to the Deputy Director of BBC Radio, Graham Ellis, Radio
    Romania is an active member of the European Broadcasting Union and that cooperation
    between the two institutions is very important.

    In turn, Georgica Severin, President
    and Director General of Radio Romania said the partnership was the natural
    consequence of the cooperation and excellent connections between Radio Romania
    and the BBC.

    Georgica Severin: The fight against misinformation, the presentation
    of information about the life and culture of public, how to adjust to new
    technologies or how to transform our media organizations are some of the most
    important themes of our partnership.

    The agreement Radio Romania
    concluded with the BBC isn’t the only one. It follows the ones signed with
    Radio France and RAI and is part of Radio Romania’s strategy of cooperation with
    Europe’s most prestigious media institutions.

    Apart from the bilateral
    cooperation, Radio Romania has very good relations with numerous public press
    institutions from all over the world. And this is illustrated by the presence
    in Bucharest at the end of this week, of over 40 representatives of some of the
    most important media organizations in Europe and Asia Pacific.

    High on the agenda were talks over
    the media future in the digital world, copyright protection strategies as well
    as fighting fake news. The Media 2020 conference, which has become a tradition in
    the dialogue between Europe and Asia-Pacific area, has compelled recognition as
    one of the most open and constructive dialogue platforms between the two
    continents in the media field.

    The conference is being held
    alternatively in Romania and a country from Asia-Pacific area. Since its very
    first edition, the event’s main aim has been to familiarize public broadcasters
    with concrete strategies meant to meet the challenges of the new digital era.

    The year 2020 was set as a
    reference point and the theme of this fifth edition was ‘Crossing Borders in
    the Digital World’. Also attending the conference in Bucharest, Javad Mottaghi,
    Secretary General of ABU highlighted the fact that people need independent,
    impartial and trustworthy information. It depends on the public radios to say
    the truth and gain the listeners’ trust in this manner.

    (translated by bill)

  • 04.11.2017


    Syndicats — La Fédération syndicale Solidaritatea sanitară de Roumanie a fait savoir qu’elle s’opposait au projet gouvernemental visant à transférer les contributions sociales de l’employeur vers l’employé et qu’elle se ralliait à l’appel à la grève générale lancée par les grandes confédérations de syndicats. Antérieurement, la CNSLR Frăţia, le Cartel Alfa et le Bloc national syndical avaient exprimé leur craintes que ce transfert n’entraîne la diminution des salaires et la perte d’emplois. A leur tour, les patronats affirment que l’adoption des mesures fiscales annoncées conduira à des licenciements. Le Parti national libéral, d’opposition, a annoncé qu’il allait saisir la Cour Constitutionnelle si le gouvernement ne renonçait pas à ses plans. Le président Klaus Iohannis a qualifié le projet gouvernemental en question de « bouleversement fiscal », précisant que ceux qui touchent actuellement le salaire moyen brut n’auraient à gagner que 3 lei, soit l’équivalent de quelque 70 centimes d’euros. En réplique, le premier-ministre Mihai Tudose et le chef des sociaux-démocrates, Liviu Dragnea, ont déclaré qu’ils ne comprenaient pas cette opposition aux mesures prévues pour l’année prochaine, étant donné que tant les employeurs que les employés auraient à y gagner. Le cabinet Tudose a reporté à lundi la séance consacrée au débat autour des nouvelles mesures fiscales, en arguant du fait que certains des projets figurant à l’ordre du jour n’avaient pas les avis nécessaires.

    Initiative — Le député européen de Roumanie Cătălin Ivan a fait savoir qu’il envisageait de déclencher une campagne nationale de collecte de signatures afin d’interdire les actions au porteur. N’étant pas nominatives, ces actions peuvent être transférées d’un propriétaire à un autre, éludant ainsi toute évidence comptable, explique-t-il. Cătălin Ivan affirme également que ces actions empêchent la lutte contre la corruption, car elles permettent aux dignitaires ou aux fonctionnaires de se cacher derrière certaines compagnies qui se voient attribuer des marchés publics. Selon les données officielles, en Roumanie près de 400 entreprises utilisent les titres au porteur et la majorité dentre elles déroulent des contrats avec l’Etat estimés à plusieurs centaines de millions d’euros. Certains pays tels le Royaume-Uni, la Belgique, le Portugal, la République Tchèque, Malte ou Chypre ont déjà supprimé les titres au porteur.

    Elections — Les habitants de Deva – chef-lieu dans l’ouest de la Roumanie – et de 16 communes de 12 comtés à travers le pays vont élire dimanche leurs maires et les membres des conseils locaux. Dans toutes ces localités, les postes de maire étaient vacant. A Deva, par exemple, l’ancien maire, Mircia Muntean, reconduit à ses fonctions à l’été 2016, a été condamné définitivement à six ans de prison ferme pour abus de pouvoir et conduite sous l’influence de l’alcool.

    Tourisme médical — Les ministères roumains de la Santé et du Tourisme vont coopérer à l’élaboration de paquets touristiques comportant des services médicaux aussi. L’annonce a été faite par le ministre de la Santé, Florian Bodog, lors de la Conférence sur le tourisme médical organisée à Bucarest. Les patients qui viennent de l’étranger sont surtout intéressés par les traitements dentaires, les interventions de chirurgie plastique ou esthétique ou bien par les cures balnéaires, a expliqué le ministre. Et lui d’ajouter que le gouvernement de Bucarest devrait approuver prochainement la loi du Partenariat public-privé, qui permettra aux partenaires étrangers d’investir en Roumanie, y compris dans le secteur médical. “Nous avons déjà reçu plusieurs offres concernant la construction d’hôpitaux et la création de centres de chirurgie cardio – vasculaire ou de récupération”, a encore déclaré le ministre Florian Bodog.

    Visite — Une délégation du Parti national libéral, principale formation politique d’opposition en Roumanie, va effectuer, du 10 au 19 novembre, une visite aux Etats-Unis. La délégation, dirigée par le leader libéral Ludovic Orban, doit rencontrer des membres du Congrès et du Sénat américains, des officiels du Département d’Etat, des représentants de certaines ONGs, du milieu des affaires, ainsi que de la communauté roumaine vivant aux Etats — Unis. Le renforcement du partenariat spécial entre Bucarest et Washington est un aspect prioritaire de l’approche du PNL en matière de politique étrangère. En ce sens, le parti mettra l’accent sur le développement des relations bilatérales dans plusieurs domaines d’intérêt commun, est-il dit dans le communiqué de cette formation politique. Par ailleurs, le PNL juge très importante la relation avec la diaspora roumaine vivant aux Etats-Unis, vu son rôle dans le développement et l’approfondissement des rapports bilatéraux, précise encore le document.

    Prix –“Explosif”, production du Théâtre national radiophonique de la Société roumaine de radiodiffusion, écrite par Elise Wilk et réalisée par Mihnea Chelaru a remporté le prix de l’Association des radiodiffuseurs d’Asie et du Pacifique, dans la catégorie “Drame”. La cérémonie de remise de prix a eu lieu en Chine, lors de l’Assemblée générale de lUnion de radiodiffusion pour lAsie et le Pacifique (ABU), un réseau qui réunit 272 membres, diffuseurs de médias de 69 pays.

    Tennis — Le Roumain Horia Tecau et le Néerlandais Jean-Julien Rojer se sont qualifiés pour les demi-finales du tournoi de double messieurs Masters 1.000 ATP de Paris. Ils ont vaincu, en quarts de finales, les jumeaux américains Bob et Mike Bryan, sur le score de 6-1, 7-5. Dans la pénultième phase de la compétition, Tecău et Rojer rencontreront le duo Ivan Dodig (Croatie)/Marcel Granollers-Pujol (Espagne). Tecău et Rojer, qui ont remporté le double messieurs de lUS Open 2017, vont participer au Tournoi des champions de Londres.

    Météo –Le ciel est plutôt couvert. Il pleut dans le sud et l’est du pays, tandis que des chutes de neige et de la grêle sont signalées en haute montagne. Les températures maximales de la journée vont de 9 à 17 degrés. Il faisait 14 degrés à midi dans la capitale, Bucarest.

  • Radios du monde entier à Sinaia

    Radios du monde entier à Sinaia

    Radio Roumanie et l’Association des radiodiffuseurs d’Asie et du Pacifique ont organisé, dans la station roumaine de Sinaia (centre-sud), la réunion Media 2020, avec pour thème « Comment la coopération Europe-Asie peut aider face aux nouveaux défis dans le domaine des médias ». Des experts du monde entier avaient fait le déplacement pour discuter, entre autres, de la manière dont les radiodiffuseurs de tous les continents se rapportent aux transformations de l’industrie médiatique.

    « L’essentiel, pour une telle institution, c’est que le public la considère une source de confiance » – a souligné David Jordan, responsable des politiques éditoriales à la BBC. Il a mentionné que, dans une industrie à évolutions rapides et parfois empreinte de partialité, préserver les valeurs et les normes était un vrai défi. Selon lui, il est très ardu d’obtenir la précision et l’impartialité ; quant à la perfection, elle ne peut pas toujours être atteinte. « Le public doit nous faire confiance, cela est absolument essentiel pour la réputation de la BBC », a-t-il ajouté.

    Une solution en ce sens, c’est une plate-forme informationnelle censée réunir les diffuseurs d’Asie et d’Europe, de manière à ce que chacun d’entre eux puisse profiter de l’expérience de l’autre, ont conclu les participants à la réunion de Sinaia. Ils ont également discuté de l’attention accrue que les jeunes accordent aux réseaux sociaux ; à cet effet, les participants ont essayé d’identifier des solutions pour attirer la génération Internet vers les fournisseurs traditionnels d’informations.

    Sur la toile de fond de cette explosion de technologie, la radio demeure extrêmement importante dans le paysage médiatique, estime Olya Booyar, directeur à l’Union de l’audiovisuel Asie-Pacifique. « Les gens présagent la mort de la radio depuis plusieurs générations, mais la radio n’est pas morte du tout, elle est active, seulement elle fonctionne sur différentes plates-formes. Dans la région Asie-Pacifique, dans tous les 69 pays, la radio continue d’être extrêmement importante et extrêmement vivace, et elle attire même de nouveaux auditeurs », a précisé Olya Booyar.

    A son tour, le secrétaire général de l’Association des radiodiffuseurs d’Asie et du Pacifique, Javad Mottaghi, a mentionné l’importance de la Radio Roumanie. Il a fait état du renforcement et de l’élargissement d’un partenariat entre l’Union de radio-télévision Asie-Pacifique et la radio publique roumaine.

    La réunion annuelle des chefs des institutions publiques de radio et de télévision de plusieurs pays a lieu aussi à Sinaia, après la Conférence Média 2020. Des experts d’une quarantaine de pays partageront leurs expériences et leurs idées sur la meilleure manière de faire face aux défis spécifiques aux institutions médiatiques. C’est le premier événement de ce genre organisé en Europe du Sud-Est. (trad. : Ligia Mihaiescu)

  • September 12, 2017

    September 12, 2017

    DEFENCE PORTFOLIO – The incumbent economy minister, Mihai Fifor, has been nominated by the ruling coalition made up of the Social Democratic Party – the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats to take over the defence portfolio. He is to be replaced at the economy ministry by the Social Democrat MP Gheorghe Şimon. The former defence minister, Adrian Ţuţuianu, resigned a week ago, after PM Mihai Tudose reproached him for improper communication relative to the payment of salaries and allowances of troops and civilians working in the Army. The Defence Ministry had announced that the employees would receive this month only their allowances and salaries, and not their meals allowances, and without paying to the state budget the social security contributions and the income taxes. The announcement made by the defence ministry was later denied by both the prime minister and the finance minister, who said there were no problems with the payment of salaries. The president of the National Liberal Party, in opposition, Ludovic Orban, has accused the Government of being unwilling to comply with the commitment it has made to allot 2% of the GDP for the army endowment program. The care-taking defence minister is deputy prime minister Marcel Ciolacu.

    MOTION – The Chamber of Deputies is today debating the simple motion tabled by the National Liberal Party and the Save Romania Union (both in opposition), against justice minister Tudorel Toader. The signatories say the amendments to the justice laws, initiated by Toader, are an attempt to cancel the progress made in the field. The vote on the motion is due on Wednesday, in a plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies. Vehemently criticised by civil society and the media, Toaders draft stipulated, among others, that the countrys president will no longer nominate the chief prosecutors of the National Anti-Corruption Directorate and of the Directorate for the Investigation of Organised Crime and Terrorism, provides for subordinating the judicial inspection unit to the justice ministry and for increasing the number of years necessary to get promoted as a magistrate. At the start of the year, after the governments attempt to change the criminal codes by an emergency ordinance, hundreds of thousands of Romanians took to the streets in Bucharest, across the country and abroad. They accused the power of trying to exonerate influential people in politics and administration from criminal liability for acts of corruption.

    US-ROMANIAN STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP – The Romanian Senate is today adopting a political declaration to mark 20 years since Romania signed the Strategic Partnership with the US. Launched on July 11, 1997, on the occasion of the visit paid to Bucharest by the then US president Bill Clinton, at the invitation of his Romanian counterpart Emil Constantinescu, the Partnership made possible the establishment of privileged relations between the two countries and deepened cooperation once Romania joined NATO in 2004. Romania is hosting military bases and elements of the US anti-missile shield, and its troops have fought, alongside the Americans, in Afghanistan and Iraq. The Romanian foreign ministry has recently issued a communiqué, expressing its confidence that the Strategic Partnership between Romania and the USA will continue to develop and expand, capitalising on all opportunities and the potential of an outstanding bilateral relation.

    INTL CONFERENCE OF PUBLIC RADIO SERVICES – The mountain resort of Sinaia, in southern Romania is currently hosting the annual meeting of public radio services, which continues the Media 2020 meeting, organised by the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation and the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union. For two days, radio and tv experts from numerous countries are sharing their experiences and ideas on the best way in which they can face challenges specific to media institutions. The participants will also talk about the values that should be promoted by public media services, against the backdrop of a fast paced development of social media services.

    ENESCU FESTIVAL – The prestigious “George Enescu International Music Festival continues in Bucharest. Today, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in London will give a concert for the second evening in a row. The program includes Enescus Romanian Rhapsody and pieces by Maurice Ravel and Claude Debussy. The soloist of the evening is the world-famous pianist Martha Argerich, and the orchestra will perform under the baton of the outstanding conductor Charles Dutoit. Over 3,000 of the best musicians in the world will perform in Bucharest and seven other cities across the country until September 24. Inaugurated in 1958, interrupted by the communist regime in 1971 and resumed after the fall of communism, the Enescu Festival is held every other year.

  • Представники радіостанцій зі всього світу зібралися в Сінаї

    Представники радіостанцій зі всього світу зібралися в Сінаї

    Радіо Румунія і Азійсько-тихоокеанський мовний союз провели
    на румунському гірському курорті Сіная конференцію «Media 2020» на тему «Як може співпраця між Європою
    й Азією допомогти подолати нові виклики в сфері ЗМІ». У заході взяли участь
    експерти з усього світу, які обговорили, зокрема, те, як мовники з усіх континентів
    ставляться до перетворень в галузі засобів масової інформації.

    «Для будь-якого
    ЗМІ важливо, щоб суспільство вважало його надійним джерелом», – сказав Девід Джордан,
    керівник з питань редакційної політики Бі-Бі-Сі. Він зазначив, що в умовах
    стрімкого розвитку цієї сфери, яка часто
    є упередженою, збереження цінностей та стандартів є складним завданням. На його
    думку, забезпечення точності та неупередженості є дуже складним завданням і не
    завжди може бути зроблено досконало. Громадськість повинна довіряти нам і це
    абсолютно необхідно для репутації BBC, – сказав він.

    Можливим рішенням в цьому сенсі може стати інформаційна
    платформа, яка б об’єднала азійських та європейських мовників, з тим щоб вони
    могли обмінюватися досвідом, прийшли до
    висновку учасники конференції. Вони також обговорили й підвищену увагу, яку молодь приділяє соціальним
    мережам та зосередились на пошуку рішень щодо залучення покоління Інтернету до
    традиційних постачальників інформації.

    В умовах справжнього технологічного «вибуху»
    радіо залишається надзвичайно важливим елементом у медіа-середовищі, – вважає
    Оля Буйяр, директор Азійсько-тихоокеанського мовного союзу. «Вже багато поколінь
    людей пророкують смерть радіо, але радіо ніяк не вмирає, воно активне, але працює
    на різних платформах. У Азійсько-Тихоокеанському регіоні, у всіх 69 країнах,
    радіо є надзвичайно важливим і надзвичайно живим і навіть приваблює нових
    слухачів», – сказала Оля Бойяр.

    У свою чергу, Генеральний секретар Азійсько-тихоокеанського мовного союзу Джавад Моттагі наголосив на важливості суспільного радіо в Румунії. Він розповів про зміцнення та
    розширення партнерства між Азійсько-тихоокеанським мовним союзом та суспільною
    радіостанцією Румунії.

    Після Конференції «Media 2020» теж у Сінаї відбувається
    щорічне засідання керівників громадських радіо та телевізійних установ багатьох
    країн світу. Експерти з радіо та телебачення з більш ніж 40 країн діляться
    своїм досвідом та ідеями щодо того, як краще вирішувати проблеми, з якими
    стикаються ЗМІ. Це перша подібна подія проведена в Південно-Східній Європі.

  • MEDIA 2020 – Sinaia 2017 (update)

    MEDIA 2020 – Sinaia 2017 (update)

    Today, Hotel Palas in Sinaia hosted the Media 2020 Conference, entitled How can Asia-Europe cooperation help meet new media challenges, organized by Radio Romania and ABU (Asia-Pacific — Europe Broadcasting Union), attended by Minister of Culture and National Identity Lucian Romașcanu.

    Present in Sinaia, Minister of Culture and National Identity Lucian Romașcanu spoke upon the opening of the conference about the mission of public media outlets and their role in informing and educating:

    “What you do here is important, because bringing together entities from Asia and Europe is more than a technical discussion on what we are doing or will be doing as media outlets.”

    Javad Mottaghi, General Secretary ABU, PhD, said that broadcasters in the Asia-Pacific region face similar challenges with European broadcasters. He said that the importance of such an international platform is to establish ways to deal with challenges and opportunities in any part of the world, providing an opportunity for partners to learn from one another.

    Experts from across the world spoke about the way in which broadcasters from all continents deal with changes in the media industry. Debates in the first half of the day focused on the major trends in developing media in Europe, Asia, and America. Media experts debated the way in which the progress of technology influences content without affecting the accuracy of information, also discussing the way the refugee issue has been treated in the media.

    Proceedings continued with presentations of youth oriented media projects, with discussions on the positive or negative role of social media platforms.

    At the end of the 3rd edition of the Media 2020 conference, the second held in Romania, Interim Director General of the Romanian Broadcasting Corporation Georgică Severin concluded:

    “As director general of public radio, I was pleased to hear about so many best practices implemented by broadcasters all over the world. It is equally pleasing to see how an information Silk Road links once again Asia to Europe.”

    On Tuesday and Wednesday, also in Sinaia, the conference continues, bringing together heads of public radio and television outlets from several member countries (Public Broadcasters International members), as part of the PBI 2017 Conference.

    For more details, go to www.media2020.srr.ro, as well as www.pbi2017.srr.ro.

  • September 11, 2017 UPDATE

    September 11, 2017 UPDATE

    9/11 — United States President Donald Trump joined the nation in a minutes silence on Monday morning, to mark the 16th anniversary of the September 11 attacks which killed nearly 3,000 people when hijackers flew commercial planes into the World Trade Center. Four Romanians were among the victims. Commemorations are under way across much of the US. The names of all the victims killed were read aloud at the 9/11 Memorial Museum while Donald Trump also participated in a special ceremony at the Pentagon. The anniversary came as the country struggles with the widespread destruction caused by hurricanes Harvey and Irma. President Trump drew a parallel between the nation’s response to the terror attacks and natural disasters, saying, “When Americans are in need, Americans pull together.”

    ABU – The 3rd Asia-Pacific – Europe Media Dialogue conference is under way in the Romanian mountain resort of Sinaia. The three-day event, that started on Monday, is organized jointly by Radio Romania and ABU (Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union), and brings together experts from all over the world in an effort to respond to current challenges in a rapidly changing media landscape. The interim director general of the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation, Georgică Severin, delivered the opening speech on Monday. He underlined the fact that the general topic of the conference is the growing power of the media in a fast changing world, and that accuracy of information is paramount. Also on the first day of the conference, Olya Booyar, Head of Radio at ABU talked about how radio can flourish in the new media age, Fayyaz Sheheryar, Director General of All India Radio talked about ways of reaching the listeners without losing the essence of public broadcasting while Dr. Javad Mottaghi, ABU Secretary General, delivered a speech on how to change the challenge into opportunity.

    SCHOOL – A new school year started in Romania on Monday for some 2.3 million pupils and high-school students. Authorities have prepared several changes, including with regard to the baccalaureate exam, which will start earlier. Also, teachers will be able to check online, from home, the papers of the applicants to the national evaluation and baccalaureate examinations. Many schools in Romania, in particular in the rural areas, have not been able to obtain the necessary licenses and equipment to properly start the new school year, and the 5th grade pupils still do not have textbooks. Attending the festivities at a prestigious high-school in Bucharest, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis stated that the education law must stop being just a puzzle with pieces that keep changing all the time. In his opinion, we cannot speak of an educated Romania in the absence of an education system that is predictable and centred on the student.

    SANCTIONS – German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday voiced her support for tougher U.N. sanctions against North Korea in a telephone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin, a German government spokesman said. The two officials agreed that the conflict about North Koreas nuclear armament must be resolved peacefully. Merkel told Putin she supported efforts of the U.N. Security Council to rapidly adopt further sanctions against North Korea to make Pyongyang change its course. The U.N. Security Council is going to vote on a new watered-down sanctions resolution against North Korea that eliminates initial U.S. demands to ban all oil imports to the country and freeze international assets of the government and its leader Kim Jong Un. The new document provides for a “progressive” embargo on oil to Pyongyang and stipulates a ban on textile imports from North Korea, applicable to all the UN member states. Washington has changed the initial draft also with regard to the North-Korean expatriates. The new sanctions proposed by the US come after the nuclear test conducted by North Korea on September 3rd at an unprecedented level. The UN Security Council has already adopted 7 resolutions including sanctions against North Korea, in a bid to convince Pyongyang to negotiate its nuclear and conventional weapons programmes.

    GEORGE ENESCU FESTIVAL – The George Enescu International Classical Music Festival continued in Bucharest on Monday with a performance by the London Philharmonic Players and concerts by the Russian National Orchestra and the Radio Academic Choir. The programme of the George Enescu Festival, which has become one of the most prestigious in Europe, includes 80 concerts and events, with more than three thousand artists attending. Radio Romania is the only media institution in the country that is broadcasting live the festival concerts, through the Radio Romania Music and Radio Romania Culture channels. The festival is held every two years and lasts three weeks.

    TRADE – Romanias trade deficit went up by 33.1% in the first seven months of the year, as compared to the similar period in 2016, to 6.824 billion Euros, reads a communiqué issued by the National Statistics Institute. The value of the intra-EU trade in goods stood at more than 27 billion euros in exports and 32 billion in imports. As for the extra-EU trade, exports stood at some 8.7 billion euros, and imports at 10.3 billion. A major share of the exports is held by the machine and transport equipment industry.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • MEDIA 2020 – Sinaia 2017

    MEDIA 2020 – Sinaia 2017

    The central Romanian resort of Sinaia is host to the 3rd Asia-Pacific — Europe Media Dialogue conference. The event is organized jointly by Radio Romania and ABU (Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union), and brings together experts from all over the world in an effort to respond to current challenges in a rapidly changing media landscape.

    According to the organizers, Media2020 is a meeting place for radio, TV and other media broadcasters on the 21st Century information highway between Europe and the Asia-Pacific. It will be a place to learn and share, to network and benefit from each other’s experience. The 2017 edition of the conference will be held in conjunction with Public Broadcasting International in Bucharest.

    The first day of the event began with the keynote speech, delivered by the interim director general of the Romanian Broadcasting Corporation, Georgică Severin. He underlined the fact that the general topic of the conference is the growing power of the media in a fast changing world, and that accuracy of information is paramount. In his opening speech, Minister of Culture Lucian Romașcanu spoke about the role of public broadcasters in providing information and education, pointing out that such events build bridges between Asian and European cultures.

  • Taxa radio-tv: Apel al Uniunii de Radio Asia-Pacific (ABU)

    Taxa radio-tv: Apel al Uniunii de Radio Asia-Pacific (ABU)

    Secretarul general al Uniunii de Radio Asia-Pacific (ABU), Javad Mottaghi, le cere într-o scrisoare, preşedintelui Klaus Iohannis şi premierului Dacian Cioloş să facă demersurile necesare pentru a menţine taxa radio-tv despre care spune că este un instrument democratic, o legătură directă între cetăţeni şi instituţiile publice de media.

    Responsabilul ABU apreciază Radio România drept un model de serviciu public şi îşi exprimă speranţa că această instituţie îşi va putea păstra independenţa faţă de orice influenţă politică.

    În scrisorile transmise, Javad Mottaghi şi-a exprimat profunda ingrijorarea ca urmare a votului din Parlamentul Romaniei, care a dus la eliminarea taxelor pentru serciviile publice de radio si televiziune.

    Taxa radio-tv este, prin excelenta, cel mai sigur mod prin care se poate asigura independenta editoriala a serviciilor publice de media. Acest sistem este larg raspandit atat in Europa, cat si in regiunea Asia-Pacific, iar cei mai importanti membri ai Uniunii de Radio si Televiziune Asia-Pacific il folosesc de zeci de ani.

    De exemplu, Societatea Japoneza de Radio si Televiziune (NHK) si-a asigurat o prestigioasa pozitie in topul serviciilor publice de media din lume, atat in ceea ce priveste relatarea stirilor si evenimentelor, cat si implementarea celor mai inalte standarde tehnice. Aceasta societate se afla in slujba publicului, acoperind toate domeniile de importanta nationala si strategica, mai ales datorita sistemulul de colectare a taxei radio-tv. NHK reprezinta, totodata, un element important al identitatii nationale japoneze, sublinia responsabilul ABU.

    Cred cu tarie ca Radio Romania (SRR) merita, de asemenea, sa se regaseasca printre institutiile care consolideaza reputatia Romaniei in lume. Desi Romania nu apartine ariei geografice acoperite de ABU, suntem mandri ca postul public de radio din tara dumneavoastra este un activ membru asociat al ABU. In afara de succesul inregistrat pe pietele media internationale, organizatia noastra impreuna cu Radio Romania au derulat proiecte strategice care au adus un plus de imagine tarii dumneavoastra, in intreaga zona de emisie a ABU, ceea ce inseamna jumatate de planeta, cu o potentiala audienta de peste 3.5 miliarde de ascultatori, a afirmat dl. Mottaghi.

    Secretarul general ABU a reamintit in context turneul efectuat la Kuala Lumpur, Malaezia, de Orchestra Nationala Radio din Romania, cu ocazia Summitului International Media pentru Copii, din 2014, precum si seria de conferinte anuale MEDIA2020, organizate in Romania si in Asia, de Radio Romania in parteneriat cu ABU, si care ofera imaginea unei Romanii moderne, atractive pe piata asiatica, si deschise dialogului cultural.

    Radio Romania a reusit sa fie o adevarata fereastra catre cultura bogata si traditiile Romaniei, in zona Asia-Pacific. Am observat acest lucru cand Orchestra Simfonica Radio a concertat la Kuala Lumpur in septembrie 2014, iar Televiziunea Malaeziana a transmis acest spectacol timp de 60 de minute. Am observat acest lucru cand un artist din Romania a urcat pe scena, in China, in cadrul Asia Radio Song Festival, in aprilie 2016. Si am observat acest lucru cu numeroase alte ocazii, adauga sursa citata.

    Pentru a face Romania cunoscuta in lume, ce poate fi mai eficient decat sa difuzezi in eter un asemena spectacol, catre milioane de spectatori de pe alte continente? Cu doi ani in urma, radiodifuzorii din regiunea noastra stiau foarte putine lucruri despre Romania. Eforturile depuse de Radio Romania, parteneriatul activ cu aceasta institutie, precum si colaborarea sa cu ABU si cu membrii sai in ultimii doi ani, au schimbat complet aceasta perspectiva. Pot sa observ acum ca radio-difuzorii din zona Asia — Pacific stiu mult mai multe despre Romania datorita ferestrei deschise de Radio Romania si datorita multor altor evenimente deosebite din zona noastra la care au participat profesionisti ai Radio Romania.

    Radio Romania este un model de success in ceea ce priveste functionarea serviciilor publice de media. Credibilitatea sa si aprecierea publicului demonstreaza ca Radio Romania este o institutie foarte respectata si sprijinita de public. Vom fi fericiti daca toate proiectele mai sus mentionate vor continua si daca Radio Romania va ramane acelasi partener de incredere, neafectat de ingerinte politice.

    De aceea, va solicit sprijinul pentru pastrarea acestui instrument democratic, care este taxa radio-tv, o garantie a legaturii directe dintre cetatenii tarii dumneavoastra si radiodifuzorii publici, valoarea esentiala a serviciilor publice de media. Odata ce acest sistem este eliminat, este greu de imaginat ca poate fi re-creat cu usurinta. Excelenta, profit de aceasta oportunitate pentru a va reasigura de inalta mea consideratie, a conchis Javad Mottaghi.

  • Radio România deschide colaborarea directă cu NHK Japonia

    Radio România deschide colaborarea directă cu NHK Japonia

    La invitaţia NHK, serviciul public de radio şi televiziune din Japonia, preşedintele director general al Radio România, Ovidiu Miculescu, s-a întâlnit cu preşedintele NHK, Katsuto Momii, discuţie în cadrul căreia s-au agreat variante de colaborare între cele două instituţii.

    Întâlnirea a fost prima la acest nivel din istoria serviciilor publice de media din România şi Japonia, înfiinţate în 1928, respectiv 1925. În context a fost prezentat centrul de radio şi televiziune din Tokyo, dar şi cea mai puternică filială regională, NHK Osaka Station, care, în caz de dezastru, preia funcţiile celei de la Tokyo.

    Reprezentanţii NHK au apreciat performanţele Radio România în contextul serviciilor publice din cadrul EBU (European Broadcasting Union) şi ABU (Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union), Japonia fiind cea care, prin intermediul lui Toshiyuki Sato, secretarul general al PBI (Public Broadcasting International – asociaţia mondială a radiourilor şi televiziunilor publice) a propus organizarea de către Radio România a Conferinţei anuale internaţionale a PBI din anul 2017 la Bucureşti. Propunerea Japoniei a fost aprobată de Comitetul Director al PBI de la Montreal şi acceptată de Radio România.

    NHK este cel mai puternic serviciu public de media din lume, iar dorinţa de a colabora direct cu Radio România reprezintă recunoaşterea implicită a performanţei SRR şi a rolului important pe care aceasta îl joacă în mass-media publică pe plan internaţional.

  • MEDIA 2020 – Meeting of Minds

    MEDIA 2020 – Meeting of Minds

    The Media 2020 Conference in Beijing, China, which brought together 300 professionals from 35 countries, was devoted to the future of media, which should adapt to the new environment, against the backdrop of new technologies and platforms developing at a fast pace.

    “No media can do well under the new condition on its own and that is why it is vital to expand the exchange of ideas and values between countries and regions, said
    Dr. Yan Cheng Sheng, Deputy Director General of the International Department of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of the Peoples Republic of China.

    In turn, the President and Director General of Radio Romania, Mr. Ovidiu Miculescu, expressed his readiness to learn, teach, inspire and get inspired, emphasizing that the East and the West face similar problems and challenges and they have to act together as a team in the interest of the broadcasting industry.

    The Secretary – General of ABU, Dr. Javad Mottaghi, said the ultimate goal of media remains unchanged, namely to serve the audience. What is changing are the new platforms offered by the constantly evolving technologies.

    The first session of the conference was devoted to technical innovations, whereas the second one focused on content, laying special emphasis on the importance of story-telling.

    The complex relationship between journalism and social media was also discussed by a panel of experts, with all panelists being unanimous in saying that, while presenting new opportunities, social media sources of information should be treated with the necessary skepticism and should carefully be checked and verified through more traditional sources.

    Digital radio was another theme of discussion with information about the spread of the new technology in Europe and beyond.

    The participants also looked into possibilities of organizing song festivals in Asia and Europe for promoting culture. On this occasion, Radio Romanias Oltea Serban made public details about the forthcoming RadiRo Festival, a unique platform for radio orchestras worldwide.

    The conference ended with a high level panel discussion on ways to boost cooperation between Asia and the rest of the world. Representatives of ABU and EBU committed themselves to continuing to work togehter along the line of co-productions, training, exchange of programmes and launching joined projects.

    On the sidelines of the meeting, the participants enjoyed a Gala Concert of the 4th ABU Radio Song Festival. The conference ended with a concert by the outstanding Romanian musical duo- violinist Gabriel Croitoru and pianist Horia Mihail. The performance included pieces by famous European composers such as F. Kreisler, E.Elgar and Pablo de Sarasate as well as by the prominent Romanian composer and violinist, George Enescu. The programme was named after the great composer, The Violin of George Enescu, since Gabriel Croitoru played Enescus violin. Gabriel Croitoru and Horia Mihail won over the audience with their high professionalism and style.

    The 3rd Media2020 Conference will be held in Bucharest in September 2017.

  • Radio România promovează cultura şi valorile naţionale la Beijing

    Radio România promovează cultura şi valorile naţionale la Beijing

    În perioada 25-28 aprilie, la Beijing au avut loc mai multe evenimente extrem de importante din lumea mass-media şi a culturii internaţionale în care Radio România a jucat un rol esenţial.

    Ca membru asociat al Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU), Radio România a fost prezent la Radio Asia Days 2016 şi Media 2020, două evenimente internaţionale majore la care au participat reprezentanţi a peste 70 de importante organizaţii de radio şi televiziune de pe patru continente, venind din ţări precum China, Japonia, Australia, Coreea de Sud, Indonezia, Malaysia, India, Statele Unite, Franţa, Anglia, Italia, Belgia etc.

    În ultimii ani, Radio România a devenit un actor important, dinamic si respectat în lumea media internaţională, iar aceste două conferinţe au pus şi mai mult în evidenţă consolidarea poziţiei internaţionale a acestuia.

    Împreună cu Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union, Radio România a reuşit să pună pentru prima dată faţă în faţă marile companii de media, publice şi private, din est si din vest, iniţiind în 2015 la Bucureşti conferinţa Media 2020, eveniment ce avea să continue la Beijing în 2016 şi a reuşit să impună acest dialog în agenda internaţională până în 2020.

    În contextul conferinţelor de la Beijing, preşedintele Radio România, Ovidiu Miculescu a avut o întâlnire cu preşedintele radioului public chinez, Yan Xiaoming la sediul China National Radio. Cei doi oficiali au vorbit despre interesul de care s-au bucurat discuţiile din cadrul conferinţelor desfăşurate la Beijing, despre cooperarea în plan cultural şi despre evoluţia tehnologică căreia serviciile publice de media trebuie să îi facă faţă în competiţia cu marii jucători internaţionali din spaţiul digital. S-a discutat detaliat pe tema relaţiilor între cele două radiouri, cei doi preşedinţi convenind să semneze un acord bilateral în viitorul apropiat.

    În cadrul conferinţelor au fost prezentate două dintre cele mai importante evenimente culturale de vocaţie internaţională organizate de Radio România, respectiv Târgul de carte Gaudeamus, la a cărui ediţie din 2016 China va avea statut de invitat de onoare şi Festivalul Internaţional al Orchestrelor Radio RADIRO, la care va participa în 2016 şi Orchestra Naţională a Chinei, festivalul urmând a fi transmis pe reţele de radio şi internet publice şi private din Europa, Asia, Australia şi America de Nord.

    Preşedintele director general al Radio România, Ovidiu Miculescu, declara: Sunt mândru că împreună cu ABU, Radio România a reuşit să genereze şi să dezvolte un dialog atât de consistent între Europa şi Asia. Prima ediţie a conferinţei Media 2020 de la Bucureşti a fost un succes major, iar evenimentul organizat acum de China National Radio a amplificat expunerea iniţiativei româneşti la nivel mondial.

    Cu aceeaşi ocazie, alte două dintre proiectele culturale cele mai cunoscute ale Radio România au fost prezentate publicului asiatic. Vioara lui George Enescu a ajuns în faţa publicului chinez cu sprijinul Institutului Cultural Român, prin două recitaluri susţinute de soliştii concertişti ai instituţiei, violonistul Gabriel Croitoru şi pianistul Horia Mihail, la sala Conservatorului Central din Beijing şi la sala China National Radio. Un alt eveniment important al săptămânii de la Beijing a fost ABU Radio Song Festival, spectacol în care România a fost reprezentată printr-o melodie parte a unui alt proiect cultural naţional al cărui coproducător este Radio România, Vă place tango, în interpretarea binecunoscutei cântăreţe Analia Selis.

    Încă odată, Radio România a demonstrat că ştie să se plasează în centrul atenţiei lumii mediatice, să genereze proiecte valoroase, adunând în jur forţe ale presei audiovizuale din 34 de ţări de pe 4 continente.
