Tag: Argentina

  • După volta sud-americană a prezidentului a Româniillei

    După volta sud-americană a prezidentului a Româniillei

    Şeful statlui român, Klaus Iohannis, ş’bitisi, marță, tru Argentina, volta di ună stămână tru America Latină. Aesta ahurhi cu ună vizită oficială tru Brazilia, iu s’adună cu omologlu a lui, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, iara, la Rio di Janeiro, cu reprezentanţi a autorităţilor locale. A doua etapă u reprezentă vizita tru Chile, context tru cari şeful statului român s-adună cu prezidentulu, Gabriel Boric. Tu bitisita a voltăllei, tru Argentina, Klaus Iohannis feaţi ună isapi:

    “Avuiu furñia să zburăscu, după mulţă ani di cându nu mata s’ari faptă pi livelu di prezidentu, cu soţ tradiţionali ali României. Suntu multu importante aesti ligături. România easti vidzută ghini, ama ambiţia a mea easti s’hibă nica vidzută şi s’akicăsească soţlli a noştri că vremu ună ahănduseari alithea a ligăturilor. Minduescu că, pritu aestă vizită, avum contribut la ună conştientizare importantă. România există, easti prezentă şi va s’ahăndusească aesti ligături. Fum aştiptaţ cu mari tiñie pisti tut, cadialihea şi aoa, tru Buenos Aires, şi, pi aestă cale, voi s’lă haristusescu ti aştiptarea şi dişcllidirea cu cari fumu tiñisiţˮ.

    Vizita prezidintului român tru Argentina easti prima la aest nivel tru aeşţă ditu soni 30 di ani. La Buenos Aires, discuțiile a lidirului di București, Klaus Iohannis, cu omologlu a lui argentinian Alberto Fernándiz avură tu scupo darea silă a dialogului politico-diplomatic bilatearal, maxus pi teme multu importante emu tră România, emu tră Argentina. Easti zborlu di protecţia fisillei, akăxerli climatiţi, educaţie, cercetare şi inovare, ama şi digitalizare, agricultură, energie veardi, energie nucleară, cultură şi turism. Tutunăoară, fură simnati dauă memorandumuri di akicăseari: unu tru domeniul a catandisiloru di ananghi, alantu tru sectorlu a cercetarillei agricole şi al protecţiei tră fise.

    Tru Brazilia, prezidintulu a Româniillei, Klaus Iohannis, și omologlu a lui, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, apufusiră ună diclaraţie comună mutrinda dizvoltarea ligăturilor bilatearale tru ma multi domenii. Klaus Iohannis lu asiguripsi pi Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva di agiutoru tră avansarea agendăllei UE – Brazilia. Tu arada a lui, prezidintulu brazilian spusi că, pi ningă ligăturli politiţi şi comerciale pi cari văsilia a lui li ari cu România, suntu importante şi ligăturile umane, tră aţea că, tru Brazilia, băneadză cama di 40.000 di cetăţeni di orighine română.

    Tru Chile, Klaus Iohannis și omologlu a lui, Gabriel Boric, s’akicăsiră ti dizvoltarea cooperarillei bilatearale tru comerţ, investiţii şi alti domenii importante di activitate. Cu aestă nispeti fu simnatu un memorandum di colaborare anamisa di instituţiile ditu aţeali dauă văsilii, responsabile di kivernisearea a situaţiilor di ananghi. Documentul mutreaşti coopeararea tru domeniul intervenţiilor la cutreamburi di locu şi incendii di păduri. Tutunăoară, Klaus Iohannis hăbărisi că protlu Lectorat di Limbă Română ditu America Latină va s’hibă discllisu, până tu bitisita aluştui an, la Universitatea ditu Chile.

    Autoru: Bogdan Matei

    Armânipsearia: Taşcu Lala

  • A successful South-American tour

    A successful South-American tour

    The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, has recently ended his one-week South-American tour with a visit to Argentina. The Romanian official kicked off his tour with a formal visit to Brazil, where he met his counterpart Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, and representatives of the local authorities in Rio de Janeiro. Iohannis next went to Chile, where he held talks with President Gabriel Boric. At the end of his recent tour, in Argentina, the Romanian president took stock of his visits.

    Klaus Iohannis: “I had this occasion, after many years since it hadnt happened at the presidency level, to talk to Romanias traditional friends. These contacts are extremely important. Romania is well seen, but my ambition is that my friends understand that we want to really deepen the relationships that we have with these countries. I believe that through this visit I have contributed to an important awareness. Romania exists, it is present and wants to deepen these relations. We were welcomed everywhere and also here in Buenos Aires and on this occasion I want to thank everybody for the way they welcomed and treated us here.”

    The visit of the Romanian president in Argentina has been the first at this high level in the past 30 years. In Buenos Aires, the talks Iohannis had with his Argentine counterpart Alberto Fernandez focused on energizing the bilateral political-diplomatic dialogue on themes of mutual interest, such as environmental protection, climate change, education, research and innovation, digitization, agriculture, green and nuclear energy, culture and tourism.

    Two memorandums of understanding have been signed on this occasion: one for emergency situations and the other in the field of agricultural research and environmental protection. In Brazil, Klaus Iohannis and his counterpart Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, endorsed a joint statement on boosting bilateral relations in several areas. Iohannis assured his Brazilian counterpart of Romanias support for the advance of the EU-Brazil agenda. In turn, the Brazilian official said that besides the political and trade relations his country has with Romania, human relations are also important as more than 40 thousand citizens of Romanian descent are presently living in Brazil.

    Klaus Iohannis and his Chilean counterpart Gabriel Boric, agreed upon developing cooperation in trade, investment and other major areas. On this occasion, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the institutions of the two countries, in charge of managing emergency situations. The document focuses on cooperation in the event of earthquakes and wildfires. Klaus Iohannis also announced the first lectureship in Romanian language in Latin America would be set up at the University of Chile by the end of the year.


  • După turneul sud-american al preşedintelui României

    După turneul sud-american al preşedintelui României

    Şeful statului român, Klaus Iohannis, şi-a
    încheiat, marți, în Argentina,
    turneul de o săptămână în America Latină. Acesta a debutat cu o vizită oficială
    în Brazilia, unde s-a întâlnit cu omologul său, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, iar,
    la Rio de Janeiro, cu reprezentanţi ai autorităţilor locale. A doua etapă a
    reprezentat-o vizita în Chile, context în care şeful statului român s-a
    întâlnit cu președintele, Gabriel Boric. La sfârșitul turneului, în Argentina, Klaus
    Iohannis a făcut un bilanț:

    Am avut ocazia să discut, după
    mulţi ani de când nu s-a mai întâmplat la nivel de preşedinte, cu prieteni
    tradiţionali ai României. Sunt extrem de importante aceste contacte. România
    este văzută bine, dar ambiţia mea este să fie chiar văzută şi să înţeleagă prietenii
    noştri că dorim o aprofundare reală a relaţiilor. Eu cred că, prin această
    vizită, am contribuit la o conştientizare importantă. România există, este
    prezentă şi doreşte să aprofundeze aceste relaţii. Am fost primiţi foarte bine
    peste tot, evident, şi aici, în Buenos Aires, şi, pe această cale, doresc să le
    mulţumesc tuturor pentru primirea şi deschiderea cu care am fost trataţiˮ.

    preşedintelui român în Argentina este prima la acest nivel în ultimii 30 de
    ani. La Buenos Aires, discuțiile liderului de la București, Klaus Iohannis, cu
    omologul său argentinian Alberto Fernández au vizat dinamizarea dialogului
    politico-diplomatic bilateral, în special pe teme foarte importante atât pentru
    România, cât şi pentru Argentina.
    Este vorba de protecţia mediului, schimbările climatice, educaţie, cercetare şi
    inovare, dar şi digitalizare, agricultură, energie verde, energie nucleară,
    cultură şi turism.
    De asemenea, au fost semnate două memorandumuri de
    înţelegere: unul în domeniul situaţiilor de urgenţă, iar celălalt în sectorul
    cercetării agricole şi al protecţiei mediului.

    În Brazilia, președintele
    României, Klaus Iohannis, și omologul său, Luiz Inacio
    Lula da Silva, au adoptat o declaraţie comună privind dezvoltarea
    relaţiilor bilaterale în mai multe domenii. Klaus Iohannis l-a asigurat pe Luiz
    Inacio Lula da Silva de sprijin pentru avansarea agendei UE – Brazilia.
    La rândul său, preşedintele brazilian a afirmat că, pe lângă relaţiile politice
    şi comerciale pe care ţara sa le are cu România, sunt importante şi relaţiile
    umane, pentru că, în Brazilia, trăiesc mai mult de 40.000 de cetăţeni
    de origine română.

    În Chile, Klaus Iohannis și omologul său, Gabriel
    Boric, au convenit dezvoltarea
    cooperării bilaterale în comerţ, investiţii şi alte domenii importante de
    activitate. Cu acest prilej a fost semnat un memorandum de colaborare între instituţiile din
    cele două țări, responsabile de gestionarea situaţiilor de urgenţă. Documentul vizează
    cooperarea în domeniul intervenţiilor la cutremure şi incendii de pădure. De asemenea,
    Klaus Iohannis a anunţat că
    primul Lectorat de
    Limbă Română din America Latină va fi înfiinţat, până la sfârşitul acestui an,
    la Universitatea din Chile.

  • April 25, 2023

    April 25, 2023

    VISIT The
    president of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, is on an official visit to Argentina
    today, the last stage of his south-American tour which also included Brazil and
    Chile. He will be received by his Argentinian counterpart, Alberto Fernandez. President
    Iohannis will affirm Romania’s willingness to work with Argentina in promoting shared
    foreign policy goals, including the two countries’ position on Russia’s war of
    aggression against Ukraine, and on its consequences at various levels. The
    talks will also touch on the need to work together to mitigate the negative
    effects of the pandemic on sustainable development, the challenges and
    opportunities of cooperation in various regional formats, the importance of
    consolidating democracy in Latin America and of strengthening the bi-regional
    partnership with the EU. The two leaders will also discuss concrete avenues to
    consolidate and broaden cooperation in key sectors such as energy, trade, IT&C,
    cyber security, agriculture, education, the environment, emergency situations
    and maritime security. A memorandum of agreement will be signed on this
    occasion between the Department for Emergency Situations within the Romanian
    Interior Ministry and the White Helmets, the Argentinian agency in charge of international
    cooperation and humanitarian assistance. A bilateral cooperation document will
    also be signed in the field of agriculture research. This visit by president Iohannis
    in Argentina is the first at this level in 30 years.

    FILM Bucharest is
    hosting today the Gopo Awards Gala, celebrating the Romanian film industry achievements
    this past year. The 17th edition of the even brings together over 900
    Romanian film personalities. The nominations for the best fiction feature
    include ‘Metronome’, ‘Immaculate’, ‘Men of Deeds’, ‘Miracle’, ‘Blue Moon’, ‘You
    Are Ceauşescu to Me’. Alina Grigorei (‘Blue Moon’), Monica Stan and George
    Chiper-Lillemark (‘Immaculate’), Alexandru Belc (‘Metronome’), Bogdan George
    Apetri (‘Miracle’) and Paul Negoescu (‘Men of Deeds’) are nominated for best
    director. The audience award, granted to the Romanian production with the best
    box office performance, will go this year to ‘Teambuilding’, directed by Matei
    Dima, Cosmin Nedelcu and Alex Coteţ. Actor Mircea Andreescu and actress Ioana
    Crăciunescu will receive Gopo lifetime achievement awards.

    SANCTIONS A political agreement on sanctions against actors
    that work to destabilise the constitutional order in the Republic of Moldova
    was adopted in Luxembourg on Monday by the EU foreign ministers. The Romanian
    diplomacy chief, Bogdan Aurescu, emphasised that any measure designed to
    improve security in the neighbouring Republic of Moldova would also benefit
    Romania. Bucharest, he added, is already working with the authorities in Chişinău
    on a first list of people to be subject to these sanctions.

    Austria’s interior minister, Gerhard Karner, will be on an official visit to
    Romania on Wednesday for bilateral talks with his Romanian counterpart Lucian
    Bode, the Austrian mass media report. The main topic of discussion will be
    migration in the EU, with a focus on fighting migrant smuggling and asylum
    abuses, as well as protecting the EU borders. Last year the Austrian official
    opposed Romania’s and Bulgaria’s Schengen accession, on grounds that Romania was
    on the Balkan illegal migration route. The allegation was denied at the time by
    the Romanian government and by EU institutions, including the EUROPOL.

    TENNIS Two
    Romanian players, Ana Bogdan and Sorana Cirstea, are playing today in the first
    round of the WTA 1000 tournament in Madrid. Another Romanian Irina Begu (seed
    no 31), will play straight in the second round, against the winner of the match
    pitting Anett Kontaveit (Estonia) against Karolina Muchova (the Czech Republic).
    Also in Madrid, Jaqueline Cristian will take on Sloane Stephens (US), while Gabriela
    Ruse faces Leolia Jeanjean (France) today, in the last qualifier round of the
    Madrid tournament. (AMP)

  • April 22, 2023 UPDATE

    April 22, 2023 UPDATE

    VISIT The presidents of Romania and
    Chile, Klaus Iohannis and Gabriel Boric respectively have agreed to develop
    cooperation between the two countries in fields like trade exchanges,
    investment, green energy, the environment and climate change, civil protection,
    education, culture, research, innovation and digitalization. The two high
    officials met at the La Moneda Palace in Santiago, during a visit, which is part of the Romanian
    president’s South-American tour. Iohannis said that Chile is one of Romania’s
    traditional partners in Latin America as well as an economic partner with a
    major potential. Iohannis has announced that the first Romanian language
    lectureship in South America will be set up this year at the University of
    Chile. A memorandum has also been signed during Iohannis’ visit to Chile for
    cooperation in emergency situations, such as earthquakes and wildfires.
    Iohannis has visited Brazil and will leave for Argentina.

    EXTRADITION The former president of the County Council in Neamţ, north-eastern Romania, Social-Democrat Ionel Arsene will not be extradited to Romania where he must serve a prison sentence of six years and eight months on corruption charges. A court in Italy has rejected the extradition application filed by the Romanian authorities. The politician had fled the country shortly before the sentence was pronounced and went to Italy to join the other indicted Romanians who found refuge in that country. According to the Radio Romania correspondent in Italy, extradition in that country is conditioned by the so-called ‘double criminality’ requirement, which means the act that is the subject of the criminal procedure for which extradition is requested must be provided as a crime both in Italian and in foreign criminal law.

    Romanian athlete Nicoleta Anghel walked away with gold from the European
    Wrestling Championships in Croatia after a win against Turkish opponent Buşe Tosun in the 72 kilogram
    category. This has been Anghel’s best performance so far after the bronze medal
    she reaped in Kaspiysk, Russia and the world’s third performance she obtained
    last year in Belgrade. Anghel has also brought the second continental title for
    Romania that she won in Zagreb after that claimed by Andreea Beatrice in the 55
    kilogram category. Romania has so far won four medals, all in the women’s
    contest, two gold and two bronze, claimed by Catalina Axente in the 76 and
    Kriszta Tunde Incze in the 65 kilograms category.

    STRIKE Trade unions in Romania’s education system have commenced the
    procedure of gathering signatures for an all-out strike after their claims have
    been rejected by the authorities. According to a press communiqué released on
    Saturday, the decision to launch this extreme form of protest is all the more
    so justified as under the latest emergency ordinance on new fiscal-budgetary
    measures, the government intends to implement more measures with an additional
    negative impact for the employees in the country’s education system. Several
    major trade unions in the field are going to again picket the headquarters of
    the Romanian government over 25th and 26th of April and
    stage a protest march, which is expected to be attended by 15 thousand trade
    unionists on May 10th.


  • December 19, 2022

    December 19, 2022

    SCHENGEN The president of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola is
    on a 2-day working visit to Bucharest as of today, with a support message for Romania’s
    Schengen accession efforts. Today, Roberta Metsola is scheduled to have
    meetings with president Klaus Iohannis, PM Nicolae Ciucă and the speakers of
    the Chamber of Deputies and Senate, Marcel Ciolacu and Alina Gorghiu, and will
    address a joint Parliament meeting. On Tuesday, Roberta Metsola will have talks
    with young Romanians as part of an event called ‘Together we are Europe,’
    organised by the European Parliament Office in Romania in a partnership with
    the Law School of the University of Bucharest. According to the institution, during
    their dialogue with Metsola the young participants will be able to find out
    about the benefits of the European parliamentary democracy, ways to influence
    European policies, why it is important for them to get involved in protecting
    European democracy and how the decisions and policies of the European
    Parliament impact Europeans’ day-to-day lives.

    VISIT The Romanian foreign minister, Bogdan Aurescu, is on a 2-day
    official visit to Chişinău, at the invitation of Moldova’s deputy PM and
    minister for foreign affairs and European integration, Nicu Popescu. For 2 days,
    Bogdan Aurescu will have consultations with his counterpart, will be received
    by the president of the R. of Moldova Maia Sandu, and will have talks with PM Natalia
    Gavriliţa and with the parliament speaker Igor Grosu. They will discuss aspects
    related to countering the war of aggression waged by the Russian Federation
    against Ukraine, as well as topics related to cooperation in the field of
    energy security, stepping up sectoral cooperation, economic cooperation and the
    assistance measures taken by Romania to the benefit of the R. of Moldova. A
    major topic for discussion will be Moldova’s progress in its EU accession
    efforts, after the country was granted the accession candidate status in June
    2022, and Romania’s concrete support in this respect.

    ENERGY EU energy ministers convene today in Brussels in an attempt
    to reach an agreement on a natural gas price cap, in the context of the rise in
    energy prices triggered by the war in Ukraine. Last week, they failed to reach
    consensus on this topic. The participants will also try to come up with a
    general approach on a proposed reduction of methane emissions in the energy
    sector. The draft regulation requires oil, natural gas and coal operators to
    measure, report and check methane emissions. Moreover, the EU energy ministers
    will try to reach an agreement with respect to the proposed REPowerEU directive,
    which modifies the EU legislation on renewable energy, energy efficiency and
    the energy performance of buildings. The proposal aims to step up the use of
    renewable energy. On the other hand, the Czech presidency of the EU Council
    will present a report on the progress made with respect to the natural gas
    package, which includes a proposed directive and a proposed regulation on
    single market norms for gas from renewable sources, natural gas and hydrogen.

    COMMEMORATION In Timişoara, western
    Romania, events carry on marking 33 years since the anti-communist revolution
    of December 1989. The events highlight the courage and sacrifice of the
    Revolution heroes, and the need for the younger generations to carry on the
    spirit of freedom. After the marches, religious services, exhibitions, film
    screenings and roundtables organised in the previous days, today a pilgrimage
    will be held at the monuments making up the Revolution Memorial. Short reels made
    by young artists will also be screened in schools, and the traditional Rockford
    revolution festival is also scheduled for today. Also today, the members of
    the bereaved families are leaving for Bucharest to retrace the route on which
    the bodies of 43 revolution participants from Timisoara were sent for
    incineration. The events devoted to the 33 years since the Revolution will
    culminate on Tuesday, December 20, Victory Day, when Timişoara was declared the
    first city free of communism in Romania. The uprising against the communist
    regime in Romania began in Timişoara on December 16, 1989 and spread to
    Bucharest and other cities in the country. Over 1,000 people died and some
    3,000 were wounded in the clashes that took place on that occasion.

    FOOTBALL Argentina is the world’s new football champion. In the
    final of the Qatar tournament on Sunday, Argentina defeated the previous
    champions, France, after penalty shootouts. This is the 3rd world
    championship won by the South Americans, after the title in 1978 and the one in
    1986. The next world championship, held in 2026, will be hosted jointly by the
    US, Canada and Mexico. (AMP)

  • Explorer Iuliu Popper

    Explorer Iuliu Popper

    Nicknamed” the last conquistador”,” king of Patagonia”,” alchemist”,” dictator”,” The Baron of Tiera del Fuego”, the engineer-explorer Iuliu Popper was born in Bucharest on December 15th 1857 and died on June 5th 1893 of unknown causes in Buenos Aires, at the age of only 35. He graduated from the Polytechnics School and the School of Bridges and Roads in France, where he qualified as a mining engineer. Besides his attraction to science and technology Popper had a great talent for languages and he learnt to be fluent in no less than seven foreign languages. Shortly after finishing school the young engineer got his first job at the Suez Canal. He continued to travel around the Middle East and the Far East until 1881, when he came back to Romania. After spending a short period of time at home, he set out for Asia again, and made it to Alaska, the USA and Canada. From there he went to Cuba and Mexico where he found jobs as engineer, geographer, cartographer and journalist. In 1885 while in Brazil, Popper learnt about the gold rush in Tierra del Fuego and set out for Argentina where his Patagonian adventure was about to begin.

    With support from a geological survey company Popper made it to Tierra del Fuego. Upon his comeback he presented the company with a convincing report and in 1886 he was sent back with the assignment to conduct ampler researches in the region. He was accompanied by another engineer and an entire team of experts in mining and metallurgy. His report was right, the sand on the coasts of Tierra del Fuego had more gold than Patagonia itself. Poppers team took a lot of photos, made measurements and drew up maps. In 1887 he made it to the gulf of San Sebastian where he built gold washing machines and barracks for the workers. The camp built by the Romanian explorer also included a building for the companys board. Popper managed to form a small force ready to deal with the adventurers attracted by the gold rush. Unfortunately, the company funding the enterprise went bankrupt and Popper had to return to Argentina in 1889. The Center for Studying the History of the Jews in Romania has acknowledged the personality of Popper through an exhibition, during which curator Anca Tudorancea presented a series of exhibits, some of which very special.

    Anca Tudorancea:” What we have here are the magnified photos of the 1886 album, which was meant to illustrate the exploration of the Tierra del Fuego. This is actually the first photo report of the region and from the scientific, cartographic and geographic points of view a tremendous success achieved by the mining engineer Iuliu Popper. This album also includes a text of the scientific conference he held at the Argentinian Geographic Institute in 1887. Popper died young at 35, his last scientific initiatives being the exploration of Antarctica. Right on the day of his death he got the greenlight for an expedition in Antarctica. Iuliu Popper was the first Romanian to have travelled five continents. There are places in Argentina with Romanian names, like for instance Rio Carmen Sylva, Sierra Carmen Sylva, Urechea, Lahovary, Rosetti. These were the names given by Iuliu Popper.”

    In 1887, Popper wrote to Vasile Alexandrescu Urechia, the Secretary of the Romanian Geographic Society, about the satisfactions he had as an explorer, which were even more intense than the luring gold deposits:” I am lost for words in my attempt to describe the emotions I feel during the adventures I experience while on a trip, where the only guidance you can get is from the magnetic needle of a compass or the starry sky at night; the grandiose breathtaking views the visitor suddenly encounters, the chained orographic, hydrographic or geological phenomena we are witnessing, the varied flora and fauna miraculously popping up in places where no man has gone before – so many natural phenomena in this region where civilization is still in its infancy.” Curator Anca Tudorancea has also referred to the complex personality of the explorer.

    Anca Tudorancea:” Popper is a very interesting subject in all his aspects and at a certain point we must also deal with both negative and positive aspects. For instance, people want to know if he was blond or red hair. Because of stereotypes he is being represented as a red-haired individual but rubio means blonde and because in the past ten years of his life he spoke and wrote in perfect Spanish we must speak a little bit of Spanish to understand the Romanian Popper. He sent extraordinary letters to the Romanian Geographic Society, letters of great patriotism, in which he said I am Romanian, was born Romanian and am going to die Romanian. Ironically he never got the Romanian citizenship because he was in the same situation as all those in the Jewish community. We owe him the Romanian names in Tierra del Fuego and that was an act of love for his native country, Romania, for its Royal House, the patron of the Geographic Society.”

    Iuliu Popper is present not only in Argentines books of history and specialized articles, he inspired writers of literature, comics and films. A Chilean rock band is presently bearing his name.


  • Sports roundup

    Sports roundup

    The city of Cluj in western
    Romania last weekend saw the country’s International Athletics Championships.
    Among the winners there were three athletes who are going to represent Romania
    at the Olympics in Tokyo. On Saturday, Alexandru Novac won the javelin throw
    event with 75 meters and 22 centimeters while Bianca Ghelber won the hammer
    throw contest with a 70 meter and 22 centimeters throw. On Sunday, Florentina
    Iusco walked away with gold from the long jump event with 6 meters and 47

    Argentina’s rugby team on
    Saturday night secured a 24-17 win in a test-match against Romania’s selection,
    which inaugurated the Triumphal Arch National Stadium. The Romanian side put up
    a good show in their match against the strong Argentinian selection, which
    comes 9th in a world ranking.

    Eugen Capatina scored a try
    and Ionel Melinte converted four penalty shots for Romania. The test game
    pitching Romania against Scotland on Saturday, July 10th will no
    longer take place due to some Covid-19 infections reported by the Scottish
    side, the Romanian Rugby Federation has announced.

    Italian cyclist Giovanni
    Aleotti on Sunday won the first leg of the Cycling Tour of Sibiu, which covers
    a distance of 177 kilometers and 900 meters. Aleotti ended the race in 4 hours,
    25 minutes and 14 seconds. His compatriot Fabio Aru came second and Russian
    Serghei Cernetski ended the race on the third position. The first Romanian to complete
    the race was Emil Dima, who came in the 44th position, 4 minutes and
    10 seconds after the winner.


  • Sports roundup

    Sports roundup

    The city of Cluj in western
    Romania last weekend saw the country’s International Athletics Championships.
    Among the winners there were three athletes who are going to represent Romania
    at the Olympics in Tokyo. On Saturday, Alexandru Novac won the javelin throw
    event with 75 meters and 22 centimeters while Bianca Ghelber won the hammer
    throw contest with a 70 meter and 22 centimeters throw. On Sunday, Florentina
    Iusco walked away with gold from the long jump event with 6 meters and 47

    Argentina’s rugby team on
    Saturday night secured a 24-17 win in a test-match against Romania’s selection,
    which inaugurated the Triumphal Arch National Stadium. The Romanian side put up
    a good show in their match against the strong Argentinian selection, which
    comes 9th in a world ranking.

    Eugen Capatina scored a try
    and Ionel Melinte converted four penalty shots for Romania. The test game
    pitching Romania against Scotland on Saturday, July 10th will no
    longer take place due to some Covid-19 infections reported by the Scottish
    side, the Romanian Rugby Federation has announced.

    Italian cyclist Giovanni
    Aleotti on Sunday won the first leg of the Cycling Tour of Sibiu, which covers
    a distance of 177 kilometers and 900 meters. Aleotti ended the race in 4 hours,
    25 minutes and 14 seconds. His compatriot Fabio Aru came second and Russian
    Serghei Cernetski ended the race on the third position. The first Romanian to complete
    the race was Emil Dima, who came in the 44th position, 4 minutes and
    10 seconds after the winner.


  • Diego Armando Maradona, geniu al balonului rotund, a încetat din viaţă

    Diego Armando Maradona, geniu al balonului rotund, a încetat din viaţă

    Legenda fotbalului argentinian și mondial, Diego Armando Maradona, geniu al balonului rotund, a încetat din viaţă, miercuri, la vârsta de 60 de ani, în urma unui stop cardiac – au anunţat agenţiile internaţionale de presă.

    Maradona se lupta cu dependenţa de alcool şi cu depresia. Medicii l-au internat pentru un control de rutină la începutul lunii, apoi l-au operat de urgenţă, după ce i-au găsit un cheag de sânge pe creier.

    Diego Armando Maradona va rămâne fotbalistul capabil să marcheze cele mai frumoase goluri din istorie, asemenea brazilianului Pele. Sub culorile echipei naţionale a Argentinei timp de 17 ani (1977-1994), legendarul număr 10, înalt de numai 1,65 m, Maradona a marcat 50 de goluri în 115 meciuri şi i-a oferit ţării sale, în 1986, a doua sa Cupă mondială. El s-a retras din activitatea fotbalistică la 37 de ani.

  • Stories of Romanian Sports – Chess player Ion Iliescu

    Stories of Romanian Sports – Chess player Ion Iliescu

    Major historic
    events can be life-changing in the life of an athlete. Such is the case of
    Romanian-born chess player Juan Iliescu, whose contribution to Argentinian
    chess has been most notable. Born Ion Traian Iliescu on April 18, 1898 in
    Braila, Ion Iliescu was a seaman in the Romanian navy when Romania entered the
    war in 1916 on the side of the Entente. He was taken prisoner by the German
    army, and was released at the end of the war, after 18 months of captivity in
    Havelberg, Germany. Upon his release he decided to roam the world. He reached
    Paris, a city his French mother had told him stories about, then crossed
    Antwerp, Brussels and Ostend. In 1921 he crossed the Atlantic, reaching Buenos
    Aires, Argentina. He could neither speak Spanish, nor play chess, a sport
    widely spread amongst inmates.

    He did learn to
    play it at Café Marzotto in Buenos Aires, from two players with diverging
    playstyles. Over the next two years he managed to beat all players that
    frequented the venues. He started playing in professional tournaments in 1924,
    and in 1928 he won his first major competition, under his Hispanicized name,
    Juano Iliesco. He then starting coaching chess players at San Lorenzo de
    Almagro, a local sports club. He is widely acknowledged for his notable
    contribution to the development of chess in Argentina. This is noted down in
    the book Lights and shadows of Argentinian chess (Luces y sombras del ajedrez
    argentine), published in 2014. In 1939 Argentina was the first country outside
    Europe to host the chess Olympiad. That year Juan Iliesco won the Argentinian
    chess championship, but he was denied the title, as he wasn’t an Argentinian
    national. When rules changed, Juan Iliesco won and received the champion’s
    title in 1943. A year later he missed another title, losing the playoff against
    Hector Rossetto.

    He defeated all
    of Argentina’s top-notch players, including those who settled there during the
    war, the most famous of whom is Miguel Najdorf, one of the best chess players
    in the world in the late ’50s. Iliesco defeated Najdorf at the tournament held
    in Mar del Plata in 1941. Najdorf at the time was the Olympic vice-champion
    representing Poland. Juan Iliesco went on to become a chess sports commentator,
    featuring as a contributor to El Dia and La Plata sports magazines in the
    1960s. He passed away on February 2, 1968 in Mar del Plata, where he spent the
    last years of his life.

    (Translated by V. Palcu)

  • Săptămâna sportivă

    Săptămâna sportivă

    Echipa de fotbal a României a ratat calificarea directă la
    Euro 2020. Vineri, tricolorii au fost învinşi la Bucureşti de echipa Suediei cu
    2 la 0. Astfel, din grupa F a preliminariilor merg la Europene Spania şi
    Suedia. Acum, ultima şansă a României de a mai ajunge la întrecerea
    continentală din vara anului viitor este barajul din Liga Naţiunilor. În
    semifinala barajului, elevii antrenorului Cosmin Contra vor întâlni, în martie,
    Scoţia sau Islanda, în funcţie de tragerea la sorţi programată vineri, 22
    noiembrie, la Nyon, în Elveţia. Până atunci, luni – ultimul joc al tricolorilor
    în grupa F, cu Spania, la Madrid.

    Sportiva română Cristina Simion, legitimată la Steaua
    Bucureşti, a câştigat, sâmbătă, medalia de aur la Campionatele Mondiale de
    alergare montană găzduite de Argentina. Cursa a măsurat 41 de kilometri şi 50
    de metri. Cristina Simion a fost urmată de franţuzoaicele Adeline Roche şi
    Blandine L’Hirondel. În proba feminină pe echipe, România a câştigat medalia de
    bronz, iar la masculin, tricolorii au terminat pe poziţia a cincea. România a
    participat cu nouă atleţi la Mondialele de alergare montană din Argentina.

    Trecem la handbal. Echipele feminine care reprezintă România
    în Liga Campionilor s-au calificat în faza principală a competiţiei deşi ambele
    au fost învinse în weekend. Formaţia CSM Bucureşti a fost
    învinsă în deplasare de echipa rusă Rostov-Don, cu scorul de 23-22,
    sâmbătă, în ultima etapă a grupei B. Vicecampioana României va intra astfel în
    grupele principale doar cu 3 puncte, obţinute în jocurile directe cu celelalte
    echipe calificate din grupă, şi anume Rostov şi Team Esbjerg, din Danemarca.
    SCM Râmnicu Vâlcea s-a calificat în grupele principale de pe locul 3 al grupei
    C. Campioana României a fost învinsă sâmbătă de echipa franceză Brest Bretagne
    Handball, cu scorul de 26-23, pe teren propriu. Alături de Vâlcea, merg în
    grupele principale Brest Bretagne şi Buducnost, din Muntenegru. SCM va porni cu
    zero puncte. România are două echipe şi în grupele Cupei EHF: Măgura Cisnădie
    şi Corona Braşov. Măgura s-a calificat în dauna echipei spaniole Rocasa Gran
    Canaria, de care a trecut, duminică, pe teren propriu, cu 22 la 18. În tur,
    scorul fusese 28-24 pentru spaniole, astfel că Măgura merge mai departe graţie
    numărului mai mare de goluri marcate în deplasare. Conform aceluiaşi criteriu
    s-a calificat în grupe şi Corona Braşov, după 27-25 în deplasare şi 22-24 pe
    teren propriu cu Gloria Bistriţa-Năsăud.

  • Săptămâna sportivă

    Săptămâna sportivă

    Echipa de fotbal a României a ratat calificarea directă la
    Euro 2020. Vineri, tricolorii au fost învinşi la Bucureşti de echipa Suediei cu
    2 la 0. Astfel, din grupa F a preliminariilor merg la Europene Spania şi
    Suedia. Acum, ultima şansă a României de a mai ajunge la întrecerea
    continentală din vara anului viitor este barajul din Liga Naţiunilor. În
    semifinala barajului, elevii antrenorului Cosmin Contra vor întâlni, în martie,
    Scoţia sau Islanda, în funcţie de tragerea la sorţi programată vineri, 22
    noiembrie, la Nyon, în Elveţia. Până atunci, luni – ultimul joc al tricolorilor
    în grupa F, cu Spania, la Madrid.

    Sportiva română Cristina Simion, legitimată la Steaua
    Bucureşti, a câştigat, sâmbătă, medalia de aur la Campionatele Mondiale de
    alergare montană găzduite de Argentina. Cursa a măsurat 41 de kilometri şi 50
    de metri. Cristina Simion a fost urmată de franţuzoaicele Adeline Roche şi
    Blandine L’Hirondel. În proba feminină pe echipe, România a câştigat medalia de
    bronz, iar la masculin, tricolorii au terminat pe poziţia a cincea. România a
    participat cu nouă atleţi la Mondialele de alergare montană din Argentina.

    Trecem la handbal. Echipele feminine care reprezintă România
    în Liga Campionilor s-au calificat în faza principală a competiţiei deşi ambele
    au fost învinse în weekend. Formaţia CSM Bucureşti a fost
    învinsă în deplasare de echipa rusă Rostov-Don, cu scorul de 23-22,
    sâmbătă, în ultima etapă a grupei B. Vicecampioana României va intra astfel în
    grupele principale doar cu 3 puncte, obţinute în jocurile directe cu celelalte
    echipe calificate din grupă, şi anume Rostov şi Team Esbjerg, din Danemarca.
    SCM Râmnicu Vâlcea s-a calificat în grupele principale de pe locul 3 al grupei
    C. Campioana României a fost învinsă sâmbătă de echipa franceză Brest Bretagne
    Handball, cu scorul de 26-23, pe teren propriu. Alături de Vâlcea, merg în
    grupele principale Brest Bretagne şi Buducnost, din Muntenegru. SCM va porni cu
    zero puncte. România are două echipe şi în grupele Cupei EHF: Măgura Cisnădie
    şi Corona Braşov. Măgura s-a calificat în dauna echipei spaniole Rocasa Gran
    Canaria, de care a trecut, duminică, pe teren propriu, cu 22 la 18. În tur,
    scorul fusese 28-24 pentru spaniole, astfel că Măgura merge mai departe graţie
    numărului mai mare de goluri marcate în deplasare. Conform aceluiaşi criteriu
    s-a calificat în grupe şi Corona Braşov, după 27-25 în deplasare şi 22-24 pe
    teren propriu cu Gloria Bistriţa-Năsăud.

  • Argentina – Restricții de circulație în perioada 28 noiembrie – 1 decembrie 2018

    Argentina – Restricții de circulație în perioada 28 noiembrie – 1 decembrie 2018

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe informează cetățenii români care se află, tranzitează sau călătoresc în Argentina că, între 30 noiembrie – 01 decembrie 2018, la Buenos Aires se va desfășura Summit-ul G20https://www.g20.org/en, ceea ce impune măsuri de securitate sporită din partea autorităților locale. În aceste condiții, sunt de așteptat restricții de circulație pe căile rutiere importante din centrul orașului în perioada 28 noiembrie – 01 decembrie 2018. Totodată, cetățenii români sunt sfătuiți să nu poarte la vedere obiecte de valoare (telefoane mobile, camere video, aparate foto etc.), precum și documentele personale (pașapoarte), întrucât există riscul crescut de furt cu violență.

    Cetățenii români pot solicita asistenţă consulară la numerele de telefon ale Ambasadei României la Buenos Aires: +541143265888 sau +541143228656, apelurile fiind redirecționate către Centrul de Contact și Suport al Cetăţenilor Români din Străinătate (CCSCRS) şi preluate de către operatorii Call Center, în regim de permanență. De asemenea, dacă se confruntă cu o situaţie dificilă, specială, cu caracter de urgenţă au la dispoziţie şi telefonul de permanență al misiunii diplomatice a României în Republica Argentina: +5491159142116.

    MAE recomandă consultarea paginilor de Internet https://buenosaires.mae.ro, www.consularprotection.eu, www.mae.ro şi reamintește faptul că cetățenii români care călătoresc în străinătate au la dispoziție aplicația Călătorește în siguranță (http://www.mae.ro/app_cs), care oferă informații şi sfaturi de călătorie, precum şi serviciul de alertă prin SMS, aferent campaniei de informare Un SMS îți poate salva viața!.

  • Mariano Castro sobre sus proyectos para este año

    Mariano Castro sobre sus proyectos para este año

    Vuelve a los estudios de Radio Abierta Mariano Castro, pianista, compositor y arreglador musical argentino. Estudió música clásica pero confiesa que siempre le ha gustado coquetear con muchos estilos, con el tango, con el jazz con músicas populares en general.

    Formó parte del grupo Narcotango, nominado dos veces a los premios Grammy, y para este año tiene previsto una gira por Europa junto con Carlos Libedinski, uno de los miembros fundadores de este grupo.

    Se afincó en Bucarest en 2013 y es promotor de varios proyectos relacionados con la música de Piazzola , con el tango tradicional o el nuevo tango participando como pianista y arreglador en conciertos que gozan de gran éxito en nuestro país.

    Este año continua los proyectos ArgEnTango, Piazzola una historia auténtica y Tango Sinfónico realizados junto con la cantante argentina Analia Selis, también afincada en Rumanía, con el bandoneonista Omar Massa y con músicos rumanos y orquestas de todo el país que se dejaron seducir por las propuestas novedosas de los argentinos.

    “La idea vino un poco viendo el excelente nivel de música clásica que hay aquí en Rumania (Mariano Castro)

    Sobre sus nuevos proyectos y los conciertos programados para este año hablamos con Mariano Castro en esta edición de Radio Abierta

    Mariano Castro concedió una entrevista a Radio Abierta el año pasado y habló del proyecto ArgEnTango y sobre su decisión de quedarse en Rumanía.