Tag: Astra Film Festival

  • The Astra Film Festival

    The Astra Film Festival

    The Astra Film Festival has a generous online program of documentary films, until its next edition takes off this coming autumn. The Astra Film Online has many-time awarded films and documentaries for children to be accessed on the festivals website, at www.astrafilm.ro. The Astra Film Festival was initiated by filmmaker Dumitru Budrala. On the festivals team, from the very early editions of the festival, has been Adina Marin. Adina gives us details about the festivals online offer.

    “We really wanted the Astra Film Online to take off, so, first of all, we focused on the award-winning productions. All along we have been adamant in stating that old documentaries could really stand the test of time, but that doesnt mean we screen only older documentaries. It means that films made last year are on, during the festival, they were screened at the Astra Films most recent editions, but, then again, you can also watch productions made before 2010. The days of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, we dedicated them to the Astra Junior Film productions. We shouldnt forget Astra Junior Film is a phenomenon by means of which Sibiu has become unique, and that happened not only in Romania, but all around Europe. And I am not at all wrong saying all the foreign guests who attended AFF and watched the programmes as part of the Astra Junior Film were very impressed with the scope of the phenomenon, with how the entire school community was involved in that. A common practice we had for Astra Junior Film during the festival, but also throughout the year, was to offer productions for age groups, tailored for the little ones, but also for secondary school pupils and high school students. Now, for the Astra Film Online, we decided to focus on the very young viewers alone, since for its main part, their school activity has been conducted online these days. So what we have for them is a special offer, made of films we have already screened at previous editions of Astra Junior Film, the success they enjoyed was tremendous. Films are part of a series titled The Mornings of the World, it is a very emotional series, at that,”.

    Described as Romanias leading documentary and social anthropology film festival and a keynote event for the European documentary film community, the history of the Astra Film Festival speaks about a decade-long culture and history of documentary film-making. Center-stage at the festival lies the non-fiction cinema from Central and Eastern Europe, with emphasis laid on the competition section for the documentaries coming from that area of Europe. This year, the Astra Film Festival celebrated its 27th anniversary. We sat down and spoke with Adina Marin about the festivals contribution to the progress of the documentary film in Romania, but also about how the progress of the documentary film is perceived, from the perspective of the Astra Film Festival.

    Adina Marin:

    “By all means, the Astra Film Festival had its own say, now that we have brought this up, that is how the non-fiction film is being perceived in todays Romania. When he thought out and initiated the festival, in the early 1990s, documentary filmmaker Dumitru Budrala, now the director of the event, was all by himself, for the inaugural and the second edition he was the sole organiser. Its still so incredible for me, even as we speak, that he was capable of gathering around a bunch of collaborators and talking them into working on a project that in the early 1990s was almost impossible to be placed on the market. And I am saying that because such a festival, a festival of documentaries, was held against the backdrop of an audiovisual market that did not exist, in a country where democracy was still in its infancy, a country that had newly emerged from communism and from the dire condition of the 1980s. So it was against that backdrop that Dumitru Budrala thought of mounting a non-fiction film festival. A documentary film festival in its own right, and not a festival including propaganda documentaries, as back then thats how the documentary film was unfortunately perceived. Dumitru Budrala initiated that event dedicated to the anthropological documentary, which analyzes, turns into film and tries to make sense of the diversity, the freedoms, of how people are, people from everywhere. In the 1990s, that was a one-of-a-kind undertaking, something new, at that time. I remember we barely had something to promote for the first editions, since the documentary made in Romania at that time were usually films that presented the heritage of a museum. Thats pretty much how a Romanian documentary film was made in those days. So if we draw a comparison between the films that were made back then and the films we have screened as part of the Astra Film Festival in recent years, that should speak for itself. For instance, we have an online screening of The Trial, a highly-acclaimed documentary, nominated for the Gopo Awards, made by Ileana Bârsan and Claudiu Mitcu, a film that brings center-stage, using the code of the non-fiction film, a series of absolutely faulty mechanisms of the Romanian justice system. And that is just one example, I can also speak about lots of other Romanian many-time awarded productions. The Astra Films major contribution is, first of all, the creation of a space where Romanian filmmakers who have been taking an interest in the genre of the documentary film had the chance to see for themselves how things are being done elsewhere around the world or what the documentary as a genre means. And quite a few of them grew fond of that film genre, which offers you an immense number of possibilities. “

    ( Translation by Eugen Nasta)

  • Astra Film Online

    Astra Film Online

    Filmele din programul Astra Film
    Online -producții multipremiate și
    documentare pentru copii- pot fi vizionate pe site-ul festivalului, www.astrafilm.ro. Adina Marin face
    parte de la primele ediții din echipa Astra Film Festival, eveniment inițiat de
    regizorul Dumitru Budrala, și ne-a vorbit despre oferta online a festivalului.

    să dăm startul la Astra Film Online, ne-am concentrat, în primul rând, pe
    filmele premiate. Dar toată pledoaria pe care am făcut-o pentru cât de
    rezistente se dovedesc filmele în timp nu presupune că difuzăm doar documentare
    vechi. Înseamnă că avem și producții de anul trecut, din edițiile recente de la
    Astra Film, dar, cum spuneam, puteți urmări și producții realizate înainte de
    2010. Zilele de luni, marți și miercuri le-am dedicat filmelor din Astra Film

    Să nu uităm că Astra Film Junior e un fenomen prin care Sibiul a
    devenit unic, și nu doar în România, ci în toată Europa. Pot spune că toți
    invitații din străinătate care au venit la AFF și au vizionat programele din
    Astra Film Junior au rămas absolut impresionați de amploarea fenomenului, de
    modul în care implică toată comunitatea școală. La Astra Film Junior noi
    obișnuiam atât în timpul festivalului, cât și pe întreaga durată a anului, să
    oferim proiecții pe grupe de vârstă pentru cei mai mici spectatori, dar și
    pentru elevii de gimnaziu și liceu. La Astra Film online am hotărât să ne
    focalizăm doar pe cei mai mici dintre spectatori, a căror mare parte din
    activitate se desfășoară în această perioadă online.

    Așa că venim cu o ofertă
    specială de filme pentru ei, pe care le-am dat la edițiile AFJ și au avut mare success. Este vorba de o
    serie intituală Diminețile lumii, o serie foarte emționantă.

    cel mai important festival de film documentar și antropologie vizuală din
    România, eveniment esențial în comunitatea europeană a filmului de gen, Astra
    Film Festival însumează, prin edițiile sale, o cultură și o istorie a
    cinematografiei documentare de zeci de ani. În prim planul festivalului se află
    cinema-ul de nonficțiune din Europa Centrală și de Est, cu accent pe secțiunea
    competițională a documentarelor care provin din această zonă geografică. Anul
    acesta Astra Film Festival împlinește 27 de ani.

    Am vorbit cu Adina Marin
    despre contribuția festivalului la dezvoltarea filmului documentar în România
    și despre cum se se vede evolutia documentarul din perspectiva Astra Film
    Festival :

    În mod categoric, Astra Film Festival a avut un
    cuvânt greu de spus dacă atingem subiectul ăsta, percepția filmului de
    nonficțiune în România actuală. Când a conceput și inițiat festivalul, la
    începutul anilor 90, regizorul de film documentar Dumitru Budrala, acum
    directorul evenimentului, a fost singur, la primele două ediții a fost singurul
    organizator. Mi se pare și acum incredibil că a reușit să strângă niște
    colaboratori și să-i convingă să colaboreze la un proiect care părea imposibil
    de impus pe piață la începutul anilor 90. Spun asta pentru că un asemenea
    festival, de film documentar, venea pe fondul unei piețe audiovizuale
    inexistente, într-o țară care se afla la începutul democrației, care abia
    începea să iasă din comunism și mizeria anilor 80. În contextul acesta Dumitru
    Budrala se gândește să facă un festival de film de nonficțiune. Un festival de
    film documentar, și nu de documentar propagandistic, cum, din păcate, se
    percepea pe atunci filmul documetar.

    Dumitru Budrala inițiază acest eveniment
    dedicat documentarului antropologic, care analizează, pune pe ecran și încearcă
    să înțeleagă diversitatea, libertățile, felul de a fi al oamenilor de peste
    tot. În anii 90 a fost inedit, ceva foarte nou pe vremea aceea. Îmi amintesc că
    la primele ediții aproape nu aveam ce promova, ce difuza la secțiunea dedicată
    documentarului românesc, pentru că filmul documentar care se făcea în România
    pe atunci însemna în general un film care prezenta patrimoniul unui muzeu. Cam
    așa se făcea documentar românesc pe atunci. Așa că este suficient să facem o
    comparație între filmele de atunci și filmele pe care le-am difuzat în ultimii
    ani în cadrul Astra Film Festival.

    De exemplu, difuzăm online Procesul, un
    documentar foarte apreciat, nominalizat la Premiile Gopo, realizat de Ileana
    Bârsan și Claudiu Mitcu, un film care aduce în atenție, cu ajutorul limbajului
    filmului de nonficțiune, niște mecanisme absolut defectuoase ale justiției din
    România. Ar fi doar un exemplu, aș putea continua cu o mulțime de filme
    românești multipremiate. Contribuția Astra Film constă, în primul rând, în
    crearea unui spațiu unde cineaștii români interesați de genul documentar au
    putut lua contact cu ceea ce se face în lume, cu ceea ce înseamnă genul
    documentar. Și foarte mulți au prins dragoste pentru genul acesta de film care
    ți oferă posibilități nelimitate.

  • The Astra Film Festival

    The Astra Film Festival

    The Astra Film Festival has a generous online program of documentary films, until its next edition takes off this coming autumn. The Astra Film Online has many-time awarded films and documentaries for children to be accessed on the festivals website, at www.astrafilm.ro. The Astra Film Festival was initiated by filmmaker Dumitru Budrala. On the festivals team, from the very early editions of the festival, has been Adina Marin. Adina gives us details about the festivals online offer.

    “We really wanted the Astra Film Online to take off, so, first of all, we focused on the award-winning productions. All along we have been adamant in stating that old documentaries could really stand the test of time, but that doesnt mean we screen only older documentaries. It means that films made last year are on, during the festival, they were screened at the Astra Films most recent editions, but, then again, you can also watch productions made before 2010. The days of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, we dedicated them to the Astra Junior Film productions. We shouldnt forget Astra Junior Film is a phenomenon by means of which Sibiu has become unique, and that happened not only in Romania, but all around Europe. And I am not at all wrong saying all the foreign guests who attended AFF and watched the programmes as part of the Astra Junior Film were very impressed with the scope of the phenomenon, with how the entire school community was involved in that. A common practice we had for Astra Junior Film during the festival, but also throughout the year, was to offer productions for age groups, tailored for the little ones, but also for secondary school pupils and high school students. Now, for the Astra Film Online, we decided to focus on the very young viewers alone, since for its main part, their school activity has been conducted online these days. So what we have for them is a special offer, made of films we have already screened at previous editions of Astra Junior Film, the success they enjoyed was tremendous. Films are part of a series titled The Mornings of the World, it is a very emotional series, at that,”.

    Described as Romanias leading documentary and social anthropology film festival and a keynote event for the European documentary film community, the history of the Astra Film Festival speaks about a decade-long culture and history of documentary film-making. Center-stage at the festival lies the non-fiction cinema from Central and Eastern Europe, with emphasis laid on the competition section for the documentaries coming from that area of Europe. This year, the Astra Film Festival celebrated its 27th anniversary. We sat down and spoke with Adina Marin about the festivals contribution to the progress of the documentary film in Romania, but also about how the progress of the documentary film is perceived, from the perspective of the Astra Film Festival.

    Adina Marin:

    “By all means, the Astra Film Festival had its own say, now that we have brought this up, that is how the non-fiction film is being perceived in todays Romania. When he thought out and initiated the festival, in the early 1990s, documentary filmmaker Dumitru Budrala, now the director of the event, was all by himself, for the inaugural and the second edition he was the sole organiser. Its still so incredible for me, even as we speak, that he was capable of gathering around a bunch of collaborators and talking them into working on a project that in the early 1990s was almost impossible to be placed on the market. And I am saying that because such a festival, a festival of documentaries, was held against the backdrop of an audiovisual market that did not exist, in a country where democracy was still in its infancy, a country that had newly emerged from communism and from the dire condition of the 1980s. So it was against that backdrop that Dumitru Budrala thought of mounting a non-fiction film festival. A documentary film festival in its own right, and not a festival including propaganda documentaries, as back then thats how the documentary film was unfortunately perceived. Dumitru Budrala initiated that event dedicated to the anthropological documentary, which analyzes, turns into film and tries to make sense of the diversity, the freedoms, of how people are, people from everywhere. In the 1990s, that was a one-of-a-kind undertaking, something new, at that time. I remember we barely had something to promote for the first editions, since the documentary made in Romania at that time were usually films that presented the heritage of a museum. Thats pretty much how a Romanian documentary film was made in those days. So if we draw a comparison between the films that were made back then and the films we have screened as part of the Astra Film Festival in recent years, that should speak for itself. For instance, we have an online screening of The Trial, a highly-acclaimed documentary, nominated for the Gopo Awards, made by Ileana Bârsan and Claudiu Mitcu, a film that brings center-stage, using the code of the non-fiction film, a series of absolutely faulty mechanisms of the Romanian justice system. And that is just one example, I can also speak about lots of other Romanian many-time awarded productions. The Astra Films major contribution is, first of all, the creation of a space where Romanian filmmakers who have been taking an interest in the genre of the documentary film had the chance to see for themselves how things are being done elsewhere around the world or what the documentary as a genre means. And quite a few of them grew fond of that film genre, which offers you an immense number of possibilities. “

    ( Translation by Eugen Nasta)

  • „Hommage an die kleinen, anonymen Helden“: Regisseur Mavrodineanu über seinen Dokumentarfilm „Caisă“

    „Hommage an die kleinen, anonymen Helden“: Regisseur Mavrodineanu über seinen Dokumentarfilm „Caisă“

    Der Film wurde zum ersten Mal beim Transilvania International Film Festival 2018 gezeigt und gewann den Preis für den besten rumänischen Film beim Astra Film Festival in Sibiu (Hermannstadt). Der Film eröffnet eine beunruhigende Perspektive auf die rumänische Gesellschaft und stellt einen Menschen im Mittelpunkt, der die allgemeine zynische Haltung ablehnt und jungen Menschen Zuflucht und eine Chance bietet“, so die Motivation der Jury beim Astra Film Festival. Die Produktion ist auch bei der Gopo-Filmgala, auf der rumänische Filmpreise verliehen werden, als beste Dokumentation von 2018 ausgezeichnet worden.

    Der Dokumentarfilm zeigt auf spannende Weise die unberechenbare Beziehungen zwischen dem Boxtrainer Dumitru Dobre und seinem besten Schüler, dem 13-jähigen Cristian Palcuie alias Aprikose. Dobre, am Ende seiner Karriere, trainiert in einer Sporthalle am Stadtrand von Bukarest Kinder aus schwierigen sozialen Verhältnisse und will ihnen zur Juniormeisterschaft helfen. Er ist schwer enttäuscht, aber hartnäckig und investiert seine Hoffnung in den talentierten jungen Boxkämpfer. Der Regisseur Alexandru Mavrodineanu erzählt bei RRI, wie es zu dieser emotionalen Geschichte kam und was es bedeutet, einen Dokumentarfilm von Null auf zu drehen — ohne Filmcrew und ohne Finanzierung. Mavrodineanu sagt, dass der Film unterschiedlich rezipiert wurde.

    Die Dokumentation wurde vielfältig ausgelegt — einige Zuschauer sahen in erster Linie das soziale Drama, aber ich freue mich, dass das Publikum grö‎ßtenteils den Film als menschliche Story aufgenommen hat, was auch meine Absicht war. Als Hommage an die kleinen, anonymen Helden, die um uns herum jeden Tag ihre Arbeit erledigen. Sie sind für mich eine Quelle der Inspiration und jedes Mal, wenn ich an einen Film denke, gehe ich in diese Richtung. Ein solcher Held ist für mich Trainer Dobre, die Hauptfigur.“

    Filmemacher Alexandru Mavrodineanu hat mit den Dreharbeiten schon 2013 begonnen, gleich nach dem er einen Film über einen Segelflugzeugpiloten fertig hatte. Er plante kein neues Projekts, aber das Leben spielt eben so: Der Regisseur traf Dobre und seinen Schüler und wollte ursprünglich eine Story zur Überwindung der eigenen Umstände aus der Sicht des jungen Boxers drehen. Aber nachdem er schon 350 Stunden Filmmaterial hatte, erkannte Mavrodineanu, dass die zentrale Figur der Trainer ist, der sich jedes Mal emotional einbringt und riskiert, seinen gesamten Einsatz zu verlieren. Der junge Caisă wäre nicht der erste gewesen, der eines Tages das Handtuch wirft und die Boxhandschuhe an den Nagel hängt.

    Ich habe Dobre und Caisă am ersten Tag kennengelernt, als ich meine Fitnesshalle wechselte. Sie haben mich bezaubert und ausgetrickst und ich habe mich Hals über Kopf in dieses Abenteuer gestürzt. Ich hatte keine Ahnung, wie ich zu einer Finanzierung komme, zu einer Crew. Aber diese schöne Beziehung zwischen den beiden hat mich so beeindruckt, dass ich zur Kamera griff und einfach losdrehte.“

    Nach nur wenigen Tagen erkannte er, dass die Protagonisten sich sehr gut vor der Kamera machen, was für einen Dokumentarfilm ausschlaggebend ist. Denn die Story kann noch so gut sein, wenn die Figuren keine Gefühle vermitteln, erreicht man das Publikum nicht. Mavrodineanu drehte wie besessen, die Geschichte lie‎ß ihn einfach nicht mehr los, obwohl er immer wieder auch das Gefühl hatte, Unnötiges zu drehen. Der Film hat eine Dramaturgie wie bei einem Fiction-Spielfilm und das — findet der Filmemacher — war ein weiterer Grund dafür, dass er so gut beim Publikum ankam. Auch bei einem Dokumentar reicht es nicht aus, Figuren und die Story so einfach zu zeigen — man braucht eine Handlung, um die Zuschauer zu halten. Mavrodineanu gelang das diesmal so gut, dass es ein Riesenhit wurde.

    Bei keinem anderen Film kamen solche Reaktionen. Und alles war von unterschiedlichen Aspekten bestimmt — ich habe begriffen, dass dieser Dokumentarfilm so ist, dass er die Emotionen im Zuschauer anspricht und das Schönste an die Oberfläche bringt. Und das erfüllt mich am meisten. Als Filmemacher freut dich eine günstige Rezension, weil sich das auch in der Branche herumspricht und wir die Chance bekommen, auch mal einen neuen Film zu machen. Aber der wahre Grund, Filme zu machen, ist, das Publikum anzusprechen. Wir wollen eine Wirkung sehen.“

  • ‘Caisa’ (Apricot)

    ‘Caisa’ (Apricot)

    Caisa’ (in English, Apricot), directed by Alexandru Mavrodineanu, screened for the first time at the Transylvania International Film Festival in 2018, last year won the first prize for best film in the Romanian section of the Astra Film Festival. It also won an award at the Gopo Awards Gala, where it was designated the best documentary film made in 2018. “The film projects a troubling picture of Romanian society, placing at its centre a man who manages to stay free of the all-encompassing cynicism and provides a group of young people with a shelter and an opportunity”, reads the motivation of the jury of the Astra Film Festival. At the same time, the film depicts in a very captivating manner both the unpredictable relationship between a boxing coach and his best trainee, and the fighting outside the boxing ring.

    In a gym on the outskirts of Bucharest, a coach (Dumitru Dobre), a man at the end of his career, is working hard to turn a group of underprivileged children into the next junior champions. Disillusioned, but resilient, coach Dobre pins all his hopes on a 13 year old boy nicknamed ‘Apricot’. We talked with director Alexandru Mavrodineanu about how he came about this humane and touching story, about what it was like to make a documentary from scratch, with no team and no funds, and about how the story of some people that you got to know by accident becomes your own story.

    Alexandru Mavrodineanu told us how his film was received: “It did get several readings, in the sense that, for instance, there were spectators who spotted the social drama first, but I am happy that many saw it as a human story, as I thought it out myself. A sort of tribute paid to the unsung, anonymous heroes, who live around us and who do their job day after day. To me, these people are a source of inspiration, and every time I think of making a film, this is the direction I take. One such hero is for me master Dobre, the main character in the film.”

    Alexandru Mavrodineanu started working on the documentary back in 2013, when he had just finished ‘Bird Man’, a story about ‘Mami’ Mihaita Nicolae, who wants to win the national hang gliding championship for the tenth time. At the time, the director had no plans for a new film, but when changing the gym he was going to, he met coach Dobre and his trainee, ‘Apricot’. At first, Mavrodineanu built the story around ‘Apricot’. He wanted to tell a story about rising above one’s social status. He filmed more than 350 hours and edited for half a year, and then he realized he was looking in the wrong direction, and that the true protagonist of the film was the coach. He is the one who gets emotionally involved every time and risks losing everything that he’s built, as ‘Apricot’ was not the first of his trainees who suddenly decided to give up boxing.

    Here is Alexandru Mavrodineanu again: “I met Dobre and Caisa on the first day I started going to a different gym. And the two of them mesmerized me, tricked me and had me throw myself into this adventure, without knowing how to get the money or a team to make the film. But I was so fascinated by the relationship between the two of them, which was so beautiful, that I decided to take the camera and start filming. After the first days I realized the camera loved them too, and that is a must for any documentary. I mean, you can have a wonderful story, but, if the characters are unable to convey certain emotions, it’s not enough. It was hard sometimes, because I had to be around them for a very long time and many times I had the feeling it was useless, that I would not use those shots in the film, but it gradually became like an obsession to me. The film is built on a cinematographic structure that is usually characteristic of fiction movies, and that is one more reason, I think, why the audience liked it. I built it like that because, even if it’s a documentary, presenting the characters and their story is not enough. You can have the most powerful characters, but it is the plot that attracts the audience.”

    Alexandru Mavrodineanu has directed several documentaries and short reels, but none of them has been received like ‘Caisa’: “This film was received like none of the other films that I’ve made. All those reactions were generated by various aspects depicted in the film. I realised that the documentary had the capacity to impress people and bring to light what is the most beautiful in them. And that is fulfilment to me. We, film-makers, are always happy when we get good reviews, when people talk about our good film, and the chance to make another one, but the real reason why we decide to make a film is to touch the audience, to have an impact.”

  • Caisă, cel mai bun documentar la Astra Film Festival şi la Gala Premiilor Gopo

    Caisă, cel mai bun documentar la Astra Film Festival şi la Gala Premiilor Gopo

    Caisă, documentarul regizat de
    Alexandru Mavrodineanu, prezentat în premieră mondială la TIFF 2018, a câștigat,
    anul trecut, Premiul pentru cel mai bun film din secțiunea română la Astra Film
    Festival. Un nou premiu a fost obţinut de Caisă la Gala Premiilor Gopo, unde a
    fost desemnat cel mai bun documentar din 2018. Caisă dezvăluie o perspectivă tulburătoare
    asupra societăţii româneşti, punând în centru un om care nu se lasă cuprins de
    cinismul general şi oferă unor tineri un refugiu şi o şansă
    , a fost
    motivaţia juriului Astra Film Festival. Filmul expune într-un mod captivant
    atât relația imprevizibilă dintre un antrenor de box și cel mai bun elev al
    său, cât și luptele care se dau dincolo de ring. Într-o sală de antrenament de
    la marginea Bucureștiului, un antrenor de box (Dumitru Dobre) aflat la
    sfârşitul carierei lucrează pentru a transforma un grup de copii din medii
    defavorizate în următorii campioni de juniori. Deziluzionat, dar perseverent,
    antrenorul Dobre îşi pune speranţele într-un puşti talentat de 13 ani, poreclit
    Caisă (Cristian Palcuie).

    Am vorbit cu regizorul Alexandru Mavrodineanu despre cum
    a ajuns la această poveste emoţionantă şi umană, despre ce înseamnă să
    realizezi un documentar de la zero, fără echipă şi finanţare şi despre cum
    povestea unor oameni pe care ai ajuns să îi cunoşti întâmplător ajunge să fie
    şi povestea ta. Alexandru Mavrodineanu, despre cum a fost receptat documentarul
    său, Caisă. A
    fost citit în mai multe chei, adică au fost spectatori care au văzut în primul
    rând drama socială, dar mă bucur că mare parte din public a perceput
    documentarul ca pe o poveste umană, aşa cum m-am gândit şi eu la el. Ca la un
    omagiu pentru acei eroi mici şi anonimi care există în jurul nostru şi care îşi
    fac treaba zi de zi. Aceşti oameni sunt pentru mine o sursă de inspiraţie şi de
    fiecare dată când mă gândesc să fac un fim în direcţia asta mă duc. Un astfel
    de erou pentru mine este maestrul Dobre, personajul principal în acest film.

    Alexandru Mavrodineanu a început
    lucrul la acest documentar în 2013, într-un moment în care abia terminase Omul
    pasăre, o poveste despre Mami Mihăiță Nicolae care dorește să câștige pentru
    a zecea oară campionatul național de planorism. În momentul acela regizorul nu
    planifica nici un film nou, însă schimbând sala de sport i-a întâlnit pe
    maestrul Dobre şi pe elevul său, Caisă. Iniţial, Alexandru Mavrodineanu
    construise povestea în jurul lui Caisă, voia să spună o poveste despre depăşirea condiţiei. A filmat peste 350 de ore
    şi a montat jumătate de an, ca să-şi dea seama că priveşte într-o direcţie
    greşită şi că adevăratul personaj al filmului este, de fapt, antrenorul. Cel care se implică de fiecare
    dată emoţional şi riscă, tot de fiecare dată, să piardă tot ce a construit,
    Caisă nefiind primul său elev care decide într-o zi să renunţe la box .

    Alexandru Mavrodineanu: I-am
    cunoscut pe Dobre şi pe Caisă chiar în prima zi când am schimbat sala de sport.
    Şi ei doi m-au vrăjit, m-au păcălit şi m-am aruncat în această aventură puţin
    inconştient, fără să ştiu cum voi face rost de finanţare, fără să am echipă
    pentru a face filmul. Dar m-a încântat atât de tare relaţia dintre ei, care era
    atât de frumoasă, că am decis să mă duc să iau camera şi să încep să filmez.
    După primele zile mi-am dat seama că şi camera îi iubeşte foarte mult, ceea ce
    este indispensabil pentru un documentar. Adică poţi să ai o poveste minunată,
    dar dacă personajele nu reuşesc să transmită o emoţie, nu este suficient. Pe
    alocuri a fost o încercare grea, adică e greu de imaginat cât de mult am stat, de
    fapt, după ei şi de foarte multe ori îmi dădeam seama că este cumva în zadar,
    aveam sentimentul că filmez ceva ce poate nu voi folosi în film, dar devenisem
    aproape obsesiv. Filmul este clădit pe o structură dramaturgică pe care o găsim
    mai degrabă în filmele de ficţiune şi cred că acesta a fost un motiv în plus
    pentru care a fost apreciat de public. L-am construit aşa pentru că -chiar dacă
    este vorba de un film documentar- nu este suficient să prezinţi personajele şi
    povestea lor. Poţi avea cele mai puternice personaje, dar trebuie să găseşti şi
    o intrigă să-l atragi pe spectator.

    Alexandru Mavrodineanu a regizat mai multe documentare şi
    scurtmetraje, dar spune că nici unul dintre acestea n-a avut reacţiile pe care
    le-a primit Caisă. La
    filmul acesta am avut nişte reacţii pe care nu le-am mai primit la nici un alt
    film de-al meu, toate aceste reacţii au fost generate de diferite aspecte din
    film. Mi-am dat seama că documentarul acesta are calitatea de a emoţiona şi de
    a scoate ce e mai frumos din oameni. Şi asta mă împlineşte cel mai mult. Pe
    noi, ca cineaşti, ne bucură câte o critică favorabilă, se vorbeşte şi în
    breaslă că ne-a ieşit un film bun, ni se acordă o şansă să facem şi un alt
    film, dar adevăratul motiv pentru care facem film este să atingem publicul, este
    ca filmele noastre să aibă impact.

  • Astra Film Festival: Dokufilm-Festival in Hermannstadt bei 25. Auflage

    Astra Film Festival: Dokufilm-Festival in Hermannstadt bei 25. Auflage

    Mehr als 400 Kino-Events finden zwischen 15. und 21. Oktober bei der 25. Auflage des Internationalen Dokumentarfilms Astra Film Sibiu statt. 128 der besten Dokufilme werden in 9 Kinosälen in der historischen Stadtmitte von Sibiu (Hermannstadt) den Non-Fiction-Liebhabern, den Fachleuten von der Filmindustrie, den Sondergästen und selbstverständlich dem breiten Publikum angeboten. Von den erwähnten 128 Streifen beteiligen sich 55 Produktionen aus 30 Ländern an den fünf Sektionen des Astra-Film-Filmfestivals 2018. Siebzehn Dokumentarfilme aus Rumänien werden beim AFF in Sibiu die rumänische Realität der letzten Jahrzehnte darstellen.

    Dreizehn rumänische Produktionen nehmen am Wettbewerb teil, zwei werden bei Themenabenden vorgeführt und zwei Filme laufen in der Retrospektive-Sektion. Im Rahmen des Wettbewerbs laufen neun rumänische Filme in der Sektion AFF Rumänien, drei in der Sektion Kurzfilm (Daiana“, Regie: Ozana Nicolau; Marie“, Regie: Letiţia Popa; My Father, Imre“, Regie: Andreea Stiliuc) und ein Film in der Sektion Student“ (If Objects Could Speak“, Regie: Luiza Pârvu, Toma Peiu).

    Beim Astra Film Festival Sibiu 2018 gehen die rumänischen Produktionen auf empfindliche Themen ein, wie z.B. Beziehungen zwischen Generationen und die Einwirkung der Zeit auf jeden von uns, die Suche nach der nationalen Identität in einer gespaltenen und irrationalen Welt, die Dualität Schicksal-Annehmen des eigenen Lebens. Der Film Aniversarea“ (Die Geburtstagsfeier“) von Claudiu Mitcu feiert beim AFF 2018 seine Weltpremiere, der Streifen Nussbaum 95736“ von Csibi László wurde letztes Jahr beim Near Nazareth Festival, Berlin Flash Film Festival und Hollywood International Independent Documentary Awards prämiert, und die Produktion Licu, o poveste românească“ (Licu, eine rumänische Geschichte“) von Ana Dumitrescu gewann den Preis Golden Dove beim DOK Leipzig 2017. Mehr dazu von Csilla Kató, Programmdirektorin des ASTRA Film Festivals:

    Das Festival wird mit Transalpina — Drumul Regilor (Transalpina – Weg der Könige“) eröffnet, einem Film des Regisseurs und Festivalgründers Dumitru Budrala. Es geht um den Weg, der über die Südkarpaten führt, einen natürlichen Weg, der von den Schafhirten mit ihren Schafherden bei der traditionellen Wanderweide benutzt wurde. In der Zwischenkriegszeit, als die Gro‎ße Vereinigung Rumäniens vollbracht wurde, wurde auch dieser Weg modernisiert und als Landstra‎ße im neu entstandenen Gro‎ßrumänien benutzt. Vielleicht scheint es ungewöhnlich, einen Film über einen Weg zu drehen, aber Dumitru Budrala hat alle Geschichten, die über diesen Weg erzählt werden, gehört und entziffert. In seiner Dokumentation präsentiert er die Mythologie, die Geschichte und die Legenden dieses alten Weges, in einer Region, von der man erzählt, sie sei einst von Riesen bewohnt gewesen. Ferner präsentiert der Film die Geographie und Geschichte der Region und bringt auch Äu‎ßerungen von Zeitzeugen, die die Eröffnung der modernen Landstra‎ße in Anwesenheit des Königs Karl II. erlebt hatten.“

    Die retrospektive Sektion Der Weg nach Europa“ des Festivals Astra Film 2018 enthält 10 Dokumentationen über entscheidende Momente, die die jüngste Geschichte der jeweiligen Länder geprägt haben. Dazu gehören auch zwei rumänische Produktionen. Mehr dazu von Csilla Kató, Programmdirektorin des ASTRA Film Festivals:

    Die Themen dieser Retrospektive gehen vom Kulturschock der arbeitssuchenden Migranten bei der Begegnung zwischen Osten und Westen bis zu den jüngsten Änderungen in den Heimatländern dieser Migranten. Der Film »Our street« des französischen Regisseurs Marcin Latallo beschreibt die Erfahrung einer Familie, die seit Jahrzehnten in einer Fabrik arbeitet, als diese Fabrik eines Tages geschlossen und in ein Einkaufszentrum verwandelt wird. Die postsowjetische Zeit wird in zwei Produktionen aus Russland und Transnistrien dargestellt. Es handelt sich um Menschen, die durch die schnellen Veränderungen in ihren Ländern verwirrt sind. Dann haben wir zwei Dokumentarfilme über den Krieg im ehemaligen Jugoslawien in den 1990er Jahren. Über das Rumänien der 1990er Jahre haben wir zwei Filme auf dem Programm, die heute noch aktuell sind: »După revoluţie« (»Nach der Revolution«) von Laurenţiu Calciu (2010) und »Campionul balcanic« (»Der Meister des Balkans«) von Réka Kincses (2006). In der Retrospektive-Sektion wollten wir auch Filme über die Zivilgesellschaft zeigen: einen Film aus Lettland über die erste LGBT-Parade in diesem Land und die Reaktionen der Bevölkerung dazu und den ersten Dokumentarfilm über Roşia Montană, das sogenannte neue Eldorado.“

    Das internationale Festival Astra Film Sibiu wurde 1993 als innovatives Projekt in Mittel- und Osteuropa gestartet. Seit 25 Jahren leistet das Dokufilm-Festival in Hermannstadt einen bedeutenden Beitrag zur Etablierung eines Rahmens für die Entwicklung des Dokumentarkinos in der gesamten Region und insbesondere in Rumänien. Astra Film Festival Sibiu läuft unter der Schirmherrschaft der rumänischen Präsidentschaft.

  • October 22, 2017 UPDATE

    October 22, 2017 UPDATE

    THE CZECH ELECTION – Populist billionaire candidate Andrej Babis and his party have won the general election in the Czech Republic. Babis, 63, is the country’s second-richest man and campaigned on an anti-establishment and Euro-sceptic platform. With all votes counted, his centrist movement ANO (Yes) collected a share of almost 30%, nearly three times that of its closest rival. Turnout stood at some 61%. Babis is now set to become prime minister after coalition negotiations. He said he had invited everyone for talks but added he was not prepared to cooperate with either the far-right party or the Communist Party.

    ECONOMY – Romanias economy might exceed its potential in 2017 and 2018, a World Bank report shows. Consequently, the Gross Domestic Product might increase by 5.5% this year, due to fiscal measures and the overall improvement of the European economy. The growing consumption will however lead to an increase in the current account deficit, in the inflation rate, which is estimated at 2% at the end of the year. The report also estimates a 4.1% increase in the GDP in 2018 and a 3.6% increase in the following year. The World Bank warns however that the cumulated fiscal pressure and the excessive domestic demand might render the Romanian economy increasingly vulnerable to shocks in the future.

    MEASLES EPIDEMIC – The number of deaths caused by measles in Romania has reached 35, data released by the National Public Health Institute show. A total number of 9,670 cases have been confirmed, in 41 counties. Romania is facing the most severe measles epidemic in the past years. The large number of confirmed cases and deaths has prompted the World Health Organisation to include Romania among the five countries which overall, register 80% of the total number of confirmed cases of measles at world level.

    FILM – The Astra Film Festival in Sibiu chose its winners on Saturday. The prize for best Romanian documentary went to Radu Judes Dead Country. The film is a hybrid between a documentary and an essay, based on documents kept in the Romanian archives and dating back to the 1930-1940 period. The best international documentary prize went to the Chinese film Another Year, which tells the story of a modest family from China, spanning 13 months. In the Central and Eastern Europe section, the jury awarded the best documentary prize to the Polish Film “First Communion. The Excellency Prize went to director Iosif Demian, settled in Australia. His film “Rainbow Balloons, shot 35 years ago and banned by the Communist censorship, was officially launched at this years edition of the Astra Film Festival.

    CATALONIA – Hundreds of thousands of Catalan protesters, together with the Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont, demonstrated in Barcelona on Saturday against the imposition of direct rule from Madrid. The Catalan society is deeply split over the independence issue. The Council of Ministers which convened on Saturday in an emergency meeting decided to call on the Senate to authorise the sacking of the separatist leader Carles Puigdemont and the dissolution of the Catalan government, whose prerogatives will be taken over by ministers in the central government. Evoking, as a premiere, article 155 in the Spanish Constitution-which allows for suspending a regions autonomy if it does not comply with its obligations to the state- Rajoy also called for the dissolution of the Catalan Parliament and for holding elections in that region in six months time. The measures are expected to be endorsed on October 27 by the Senate, where Mariano Rajoys Peoples Party holds a majority and where he secured the support of the Socialist PSOE, the main opposition party, and of the Ciudadanos centrist party.

    TENNIS – The Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, top seed and WTA no.1 on Monday will face Frances Caroline Garcia( no. 9 WTA), in her first Red Group match of the Champions Tournament in Singapore. In the second match of the Group, Ukrainian Elina Svitolina( no.4 WTA) will meet the Danish player Caroline Wozniacki ( no. 6 WTA). On Sunday, in the first day of the tournament, in the White Group, Spains Garbine Muguruza (no.2 WTA) defeated Latvias Jelena Ostapenko (no.7 WTA) 6-3, 6-4, whereas the Czech Karolina Pliskova (no. 3 WTA) defeated American Venus Williams (no. 5 WTA).

  • October 22, 2017

    October 22, 2017

    CATALONIA – Hundreds of thousands of Catalan protesters, together with the Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont, demonstrated in Barcelona on Saturday against the imposition of direct rule from Madrid. The Catalan society is deeply split over the independence issue. The Council of Ministers which convened on Saturday in an emergency meeting decided to call on the Senate to authorise the sacking of the separatist leader Carles Puigdemont and the dissolution of the Catalan government, whose prerogatives will be taken over by ministers in the central government. Evoking, as a premiere, article 155 in the Spanish Constitution-which allows for suspending a regions autonomy if it does not comply with its obligations to the state- Rajoy also called for the dissolution of the Catalan Parliament and for holding elections in that region in six months time. The measures are expected to be endorsed on October 27 by the Senate, where Mariano Rajoys Peoples Party holds a majority and where he secured the support of the Socialist PSOE, the main opposition party, and of the Ciudadanos centrist party.

    ITALY – After Catalonia, two of the most prosperous regions in Italy, go to the polls today to vote in a consultative referendum on greater autonomy. The region of Lombardia, which also includes Milan, as well as the region of Veneto, with the capital in Venice, which together produce 30% of Italys GDP, are inviting their citizens to vote for greater autonomy from Rome. Initiated by the local governors, both of them right wing politicians of the Northern League, a party which has played with a pro-secession idea, the vote is intended to provide more power to the regional authorities relative to spending, immigration, education and healthcare. Five of Italys regions are already enjoying more power, including Sardinia and Sicily. In Lombardia, this vote is also a premiere, as it is an electronic vote, which is cast by means of modern tablets, which thus replace the stamp. Traditional voting methods will however be kept in Veneto. Unlike the independence referendum in Catalonia, which has been declared illegal by the Spanish Government, the Italian Constitution allows for such a vote to be held.

    THE CZECH ELECTION – Populist billionaire candidate Andrej Babis and his party have won the general election in the Czech Republic. Babis, 63, is the country’s second-richest man and campaigned on an anti-establishment and Euro-sceptic platform. With all votes counted, his centrist movement ANO (Yes) collected a share of almost 30%, nearly three times that of its closest rival. Turnout stood at some 61%. Babis is now set to become prime minister after coalition negotiations. He said he had invited everyone for talks but added he was not prepared to cooperate with either the far-right party or the Communist Party.

    MEASLES EPIDEMIC – The number of deaths caused by measles in Romania has reached 35, data released by the National Public Health Institute show. A total number of 9,670 cases have been confirmed, in 41 counties. Romania is facing the most severe measles epidemic in the past years. The large number of confirmed cases and deaths has prompted the World Health Organisation to include Romania among the five countries which overall, register 80% of the total number of confirmed cases of measles at world level.

    FILM – The Astra Film Festival in Sibiu chose its winners on Saturday. The prize for best Romanian documentary went to Radu Judes Dead Country. The film is a hybrid between a documentary and an essay, based on documents kept in the Romanian archives and dating back to the 1930-1940 period. The best international documentary prize went to the Chinese film Another Year, which tells the story of a modest family from China, spanning 13 months. In the Central and Eastern Europe section, the jury awarded the best documentary prize to the Polish Film “First Communion. The Excellency Prize went to director Iosif Demian, settled in Australia. His film “Rainbow Balloons, shot 35 years ago and banned by the Communist censorship, was officially launched at this years edition of the Astra Film Festival.

    HANDBALL – Romanias women handball champion, CSM Bucuresti, is today meeting away from home the Danish team Nykobing Falster Handball, in the third round of the Champions League Group A. In the first two matches, CSM defeated the Slovenian team RK Krim Mercator Ljubljana, on home turf, 30-18, and the Polish team Vistal Gdynia, 34-23, away from home. CSM Bucuresti won the Champions League in 2016 and is one of the favourites in the current edition of the strongest European inter-clubs competition.

  • Astra Film Festival: Dokufilm-Festival in Hermannstadt bei 24. Auflage

    Astra Film Festival: Dokufilm-Festival in Hermannstadt bei 24. Auflage

    Der Dokumentarfilm Sibiu 825“ des Regisseurs Dumitru Budrala hat am 16. Oktober das diesjährige Filmfestival Astra eröffnet. Es handelt sich um eine historische Chronik der Stadt Sibiu (Hermannstadt), die einen Überblick über neun Jahrhunderte Geschichte der siebenbürgischen Stadt gibt.

    Das Filmfestival Astra ist eine wichtige Plattform für junge Filmemacher und bringt jedes Jahr die neuesten rumänischen Produktionen im Bereich Dokumentarfilm zusammen. Die Dokumentationen werden dieses Jahr in folgende Kategorien eingeteilt: Rumänien, Student und Shorts. Wir haben die Programmdirektorin des grö‎ßten und ältesten Dokumentarfilm-Festivals in Rumänien, Csillla Kató um Einzelheiten über die diesjährige Veranstaltung gebeten:

    Jedes Jahr bringt das Festival angesagte Dokumentarfilm-Regisseure nach Sibiu. Einige Dokumentationen, die dieses Jahr in Wettbewerb antreten sind: »Ţara moartă« (»Das tote Land«) in der Regie von Radu Jude, »Erwin Primar« (»Erwin der Bürgermeister«) des Regisseurs Mihai Nanu, »Eu sunt Hercule« (»Ich bin Herkules«) von Marius Iacob, »Planeta Petrila« (»Der Planet Petrila«) in der Regie von Andrei Dăscălescu, »Procesul« (»Der Prozess«) von

    Claudiu Mitcu und Ileana Bârsan. Die Produktion »Phoenix« feiert auf dem Festival ihre Premiere. Der Streifen von Mihai Dragolea erzählt die Geschichte zweier Frauen, die ihr Einkommen aus Videochatten beziehen. Um dieses Thema dreht sich der Film, die Dokumentation präsentiert jedoch das Leben der Frauen auch aus einer anderen Perspektive. Der Regisseur setzt sich somit mit einem höchst aktuellen Thema in Rumänien auseinander, einem Land, in dem die Rekordzahl von 10.000 jungen Frauen ihr Einkommen aus dieser Tätigkeit beziehen. Umso überraschender ist es, dass es sich um zwei intelligente und schöne Frauen handelt.“

    Mit 360 unterschiedlichen Veranstaltungen erwarten die Organisatoren die Besucher der Festspiele bis 22. Oktober beim Kinofest Astra. Voices of Doc/Stimmen der Dokumentation ist eine Sektion, die dieses Jahr Regisseuren gewidmet ist, deren Namen weltweit für Originalität und Kreativität in der Kinokunst stehen. Dabei werden die neuesten Produktionen der prominenten Filmemacher Wang Bing (China), Nikolaus Geyrhalter (Österreich) und Amos Gitai aus Israel gezeigt. In den Filmen des österreichischen Regisseurs Nikolaus Geyrhalter spielen faszinierende Bilder eine gro‎ße Rolle, während Amos Gitai in seinen Doku-Dramas versucht, politische Umstände im Nahost-Konflikt auszuleuchten, die eine unbequeme Wahrheit beschreiben. Csillla Kató kommt erneut zu Wort mit Einzelheiten:

    Einer unserer Gäste ist der grö‎ßte Theoretiker des Dokumentarfilms, Bill Nichols. Er ist ebenfalls Jurymitglied in der internationalen Sektion und am 19. Oktober wird er die Besucher des Festivals zu einer Filmanalyse der Produktion »Grizzly Man« von Werner Herzog einladen. Wenn wir über die Stars des Festivals sprechen, möchte ich auch die Produktion »Baloane de curcubeu« (»Regenbogen-Ballons«) erwähnen, ein Fiction-Film der beim Astra Filmfestival seine Premiere feiert. Der im Jahr 1982 produzierte Streifen wurde von der kommunistischen Regierung verboten, sollte sogar verbrannt werden, wurde jedoch wie durch ein Wunder davor gerettet. 35 Jahre später feiert dieser Film im Beisein des Regisseurs Iosif Demian auf dem Filmfestival Astra seine Premiere. Der vom kommunistischen Regime zur unerwünschten Person erklärte Filmemacher Iosif Demian lie‎ß sich in den Achtzigern in Australien nieder.“

    Dank eines neuen Programms, das Astra Film Festival zusammen mit dem Festival Les films de Cannes à Bucarest“ startet, werden bei den Festspielen in Hermannstadt drei Dokumentationen gezeigt, die dieses Jahr beim berühmten Filmfestival in Cannes gefeiert wurden.

  • Astra Film Festival 2013

    Astra Film Festival 2013

    Le long-métrage « Matthews Law”, du réalisateur néerlandais Marc Schmidt a remporté le grand prix du festival du film documentaire Astra 2013, de Sibiu (centre de la Roumanie). «Emotion, sensibilité, grand impact sur le public et respect envers le personnage en détresse. C’est un film qui montre jusqu’où peut aller la bureaucratie impitoyable de l’Etat protecteur. L’image, la narration, la composition transforment ce film en un exemple parfait pour les étudiants en cinématographie, vu son intelligence émotionnelle instinctive qui a amené l’auteur à gagner la confiance de son protagoniste » – c’est ainsi que le jury du festival a expliqué sa décision.

    Plus de 1300 documentaires du monde entier ont été en lice à l’édition 2013 de Astra Film Festival, un événement phare dans le paysage du cinéma européen de non-fiction. Une centaine de productions ont été sélectionnées et projetées à Sibiu, du 14 au 20 octobre, la ville se transformant en une véritable capitale du film documentaire. «C’est une année spéciale pour Astra Film. Lorsque l’on regarde en arrière , on constate que deux décennies se sont écoulées depuis la première édition. Il ne s’agit pas uniquement de souvenirs, mais d’une véritable histoire, c’est toute une vie – pour nos spectateurs plus jeunes- et un âge respectable pour un festival. Par conséquent, hormis la liste des films qui entrent cette année au programme des projections officielles il y aura aussi des moments qui marqueront le 20e anniversaire d’un festival international à Sibiu » déclarait Dumitru Budrala, directeur fondateur du Festival.

    Voici ce qu’affirmait pendant l’événement Razvan Sàdean, chargé des relations publiques de Astra Film Festival:« Ce sont 20 années remplies d’histoires, de films, de gens, d’événements. Cette année nous avons un programme spécial. Par exemple, la projection en première en Roumanie du film « Google et le cerveau mondial » réalisé par Ben Lewis, qui a fait salle comble. A noter que presque tous les réalisateurs invités répondent présent à Astra Film Festival. J’ai déjà rencontré Lech Kowalski, Andrei Dăscălescu, Claudiu Mitcu.»

    Des centaines de professionnels se sont réunis à Sibiu pour participer aux rétrospectives des films réalisés en Roumanie ces deux dernières décennies. Conférences, tables rondes, sessions de masterclass, projections « Rétro 20 » concerts et expositions — autant de point de forts à l’affiche de l’édition 2013 de ce festival du film documentaire.

    Razvan Sadean :« La conférence « La Roumanie sous la loupe » a rassemblé tous les documentaristes de Roumanie. L’occasion de débattre, dans le cadre des tables rondes et conférences, de l’image que les centaines de documentaires des réalisateurs roumains et non seulement ont donnée de la Roumanie, ces 20 dernières années. Nous avons aussi organisé une rencontre des directeurs de festivals internationaux, réunissant les professionnels de l’industrie des 4 coins du monde. Je ne saurais oublier la section Rétro 20 qui a regroupé, pour la plupart, des films primés et qui est représentative de Astra Film festival ».

    Le film « Au nom du maire » du réalisateur Ancàu Hirte s’est vu récompenser du prix Astra du meilleur film documentaire roumain. Il s’agit d’une analyse sans ostentation de la relation entre les gens ordinaires et les autorités. Le prix Astra du meilleur documentaire de la section internationale a été accordé aux film « Dancing Alone » de Biene Pilavci, d’Allemagne qui s’attarde sur l’enfance tourmentée d’une jeune femme et sur la manière dont elle affronte les démons du passé dans sa famille… (trad. : Alexandra Pop)