Tag: Bavaria

  • Romanian-German cooperation projects

    Romanian-German cooperation projects

    Romanian Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos paid his second visit to Germany this year to present to representatives of several German IT and communications companies the advantages of making investments in Romania. One advantage is the large number of IT experts whom Romania wants to stimulate to stay at home. Dacian Ciolos said that a lot of Romanian IT experts worked abroad. Actually, the second language after English spoken in Silicon Valley in the USA is Romanian.

    Ciolos said that their intention was not to export those skills, but to keep them in Romania, to create favourable conditions for them to develop. We are interested in developing the IT sector, in the public administration included and we are already working at an interconnection platform. We want both the state and the private sector to invest in improving this field, Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos went on to say.

    The high quality of the seven university centers training IT specialists and the Internet speed in Romania are other advantages presented to the German business people. In Bavaria state, the Romanian Prime Minister also had a meeting with the BMW managing board. Dacian Ciolos said that in the next few weeks, a team of BMW experts would come to Romania for talks on several issues of mutual interest.

    BMW works a lot in the field of research-development and the IT in developing less polluting models, electric models and we agreed that in the next few weeks we would organize the visit to Romania by a group of IT experts from the BMW car maker for talks with representatives of various Romanian companies in the field and for identifying future opportunities.

    During the meeting they had, Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos and the Prime Minister of Bavaria state, Horst Seehofer, decided that the Romania-Bavaria joint Commission resume debates again. Prime Minister Ciolos gave assurances that Romania maintained its support for a united Europe, whose leaders should better represent the citizens interest in the decisions made. Bavaria is considered the engine of the German economy and the business environment there is involved both in the car industry and the IT sector, in research and development. At the moment, Germany is Romanias main economic partner and the third biggest investor in the Romanian economy.

    (Translated by AM Palcu)

  • Colaborări româno-germane

    Colaborări româno-germane

    Premierul Dacian Cioloş a mers în Germania pentru a doua oară în acest an şi le-a prezentat reprezentanţilor mai multor companii germane din domeniul IT-ului şi comunicaţiilor avantajele investiţiilor în România. Printre aceste atuuri se numără inclusiv numărul mare de români pregătiţi în domeniul IT, pe care România vrea să îi stimuleze să rămână în ţară.

    Mulţi români specializaţi în IT lucrează în afara ţării. De altfel, a doua limbă vorbită în Silicon Valley, după engleză, este limba română. Intenţia noastră nu este să exportăm aceste competenţe, ci să le păstrăm în România, să le creăm condiţii de dezvoltare în ţară. Suntem interesaţi să dezvoltăm domeniul IT, inclusiv în administraţia publică şi lucrăm deja la o platformă pentru interconectare. Dorim să investim împreună pentru îmbunătăţirea acestui domeniu, atât statul, cât şi mediul privat”, spune Dacian Cioloş.

    Calitatea celor şapte centre universitare, care pregătesc specialişti în domeniul IT, dar şi viteza internetului din România sunt alte avantaje prezentate oamenilor de afaceri germani. Între întânirile pe care premierul român le-a avut în landul Bavaria se numără şi cea cu echipa de conducere a producătorului auto BMW.

    În următoarele săptămâni, o echipă de specialişti de la BMW se va deplasa în România pentru discuţii pe mai multe teme de interes, a anunţat Dacian Cioloş: BMW lucrează mult cu cercetare-dezvoltare şi cu domeniul IT în dezvoltarea modelelor care poluează mai puţin, a modelelor electrice şi am convenit ca în următoarele săptămâni să organizăm în România vizita unui grup de specialişti în IT de la sediul companiei BMW pentru a întâlni diferite companii româneşti în acest domeniu şi să vedem oportunităţile în viitor.”

    La nivel politic, premierul Dacian Cioloş a stabilit în cadrul întâlnirii cu premierul landului bavarez, Horst Seehofer, reluarea discuţiilor din comisia mixtă România – Bavaria. Tot în discuţiile politice, premierul Cioloş a dat asigurări că România îşi menţine sprijinul pentru o Europă unită, dar ai cărei lideri pot reprezenta mai bine interesul cetăţenilor în deciziile luate.

    Landul Bavaria este considerat motorul economiei germane, iar mediul de afaceri de aici este implicat atât în industria auto cât şi în industria IT, în cercetare şi dezvoltare. În acest moment, Germania este principalul partener economic al României şi al treilea investitor în economia din ţara noastră.

  • September 5, 2016

    September 5, 2016

    PREMIER — While on a two day official visit to Munich, Romanian PM Dacian Ciolos meets Bavarian Speaker of Parliament Barbara Stamm and PM Horst Seehofer. He will be holding discussions with the German Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations, part of a round table on topics such as IT and telecom, joining representatives of chambers of commerce and German companies. On Sunday, Dacian Ciolos met business representatives. This is the premiers second visit to Germany this year. In January, he sat with Chancellor Angela Merkel and other German high officials on common goals part of the European agenda. Later this week, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis will also meet Chancellor Angela Merkel.

    CERN — Romanian President Klaus Iohannis today attended the ceremony marking Romanias adherence to the European Organization for Nuclear Research. According to the Presidency, Iohannis is accompanied by a delegation of Romanian researchers who already work with the organization, known as CERN. On July 17, 2016, Romania became the 22nd full member of CERN, the highest level nuclear research organization worldwide.

    G-20- The last day of the G-20 summit in China was dedicated to high level meetings, such as that between Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin. According to the Kremlin, the two heads of state discussed tensions in the east of Ukraine and the Syrian situation, which is still a matter of contention between the two countries. The Brexit was also an issue, considering the on-going negotiations for a free trade agreement between the US and the UK. European Council President Donald Tusk pointed out that Europe is at its limit in terms of taking in refugees, calling on the international community to contribute.

    PARLIAMENT — Back from summer break, the members of the Romanian Parliament are debating laws awaiting a final vote, such as the anti-smoking law, regulations on the activity of attorneys, healthcare regulations, alongside cuts to healthcare contributions. This parliament session ends ahead of the December 11 parliamentary elections.

    TENNIS — Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, 5th seeded, plays today against Spanish player Carla Suarez Navarro, 12th seeded, in the eighth finals of the US Open, the last Grand Slam of the year, with 22 million dollars in prize money. In the previous round, Halep defeated Hungarian player Timea Babos, 34th seeded, 2-1. In the doubles, the Romanian-Dutch pair Horia Tecau- Jean-Julien Rojer also play the eight finals against the Pakistani-Swedish pair Aisam-ul Haq Qureshi- Robert Lindstedt.

    FOOTBALL — Romanians national football team tied against Montenegro 1-all in Cluj, on home turf, in the first game counting towards the 2018 World Cup, to be held in Russia. This was the coaching debut of German Cristoph Daum, the first foreign coach of the Romanian national team. Also in Group E, Denmark defeated Armenia 1-0, while Poland tied against Kazakhstan 2-all in an away game. Romania has two more matches scheduled soon, on 8 October in Armenia, in Kazakhstan, on 11 October, and at home against Poland, on 11 November.

    (Translated by Calin Cotoiu)

  • UPDATE Atac la München

    UPDATE Atac la München

    UPDATE 6: Autorul atacului armat care a avut loc vineri într-un centru comercial al capitalei landului german Bavaria, Munchen, este un german de origine iraniană în vârstă de 18 ani din oraș, a informat sâmbătă șeful poliției locale, Hubertus Andrae. El a adăugat că numărul morților se ridică la 10, inclusiv atacatorul care s-a sinucis, și că motivația acestui act rămâne deocamdată complet necunoscută. Cel puțin 21 de persoane au fost rănite a anunțat Poliția locală, iar trei presupuși autori ai atacului au fost căutaţi căutați de forțele de ordine. Transportul în comun din Munchen a fost reluat în cursul nopții de vineri spre sâmbătă, după ce a fost oprit în urma atacului armat. Austria și-a întărit vineri măsurile de securitate în landurile sale de la frontiera cu Germania în urma atacului de la Munchen și a pus forța de elită Cobra în stare de alertă. Ministrul german de externe, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, a afirmat că, deocamdată, motivele atacului armat care a avut loc vineri la Munchen nu sunt clare.

    UPDATE 5: Președintele Klaus Iohannis a condamnat ferm atacul armat care a avut loc la München şi a transmis un mesaj prin care își exprimă solidaritatea cu Germania. Din păcate, oameni nevinovați cad în continuare victime violenței extreme și complet nejustificate. Astfel de crime pline de lașitate trebuie pedepsite cu promptitudine și cu maximă severitate. Sunt necesare noi eforturi ale comunității internaționale pentru a crește capacitatea de prevenție și de acțiune, cu folosirea tuturor mijloacelor disponibile, care pot fi utilizate. Gândurile mele se îndreaptă acum spre familiile și apropiații celor care și-au pierdut viața sau au fost răniți, a scris preşedintele. Klaus Iohannis este în legătură cu autoritățile române competente, care depun toate eforturile pentru a afla dacă printre victime sunt și cetățeni români și a acorda asistență necesară, dacă este cazul.

    UPDATE 4: Ministerul Afacerilor Externe condamnă în termenii cei mai fermi atacul armat care a avut loc astăzi, 22 iulie 2016, în Munchen, Germania, soldat cu pierderi de vieți omenești şi numeroşi răniţi. MAE transmite condoleanţe familiilor victimelor acestui act de o violenţă extremă şi exprimă întreaga solidaritate cu poporul german. Ministerul Afacerilor Externe reiterează condamnarea tuturor actelor de acest tip și respinge cu tărie violențele, indiferent de rațiune și formă de manifestare, îndeosebi pe cele care pun în pericol viețile oamenilor.

    UPDATE 3: Ministerul Afacerilor Externe de la Bucureşti are în atenție incidentul de la Munchen și a întreprins în regim de urgență demersurile specifice pe lângă autoritățile competente locale pentru obținerea de informații suplimentare cu privire la circumstanțele producerii acestuia și cetățenia victimelor. Consulatul General al României la Munchen este în așteptarea răspunsului din partea autorităților locale, fiind pregătit să acorde asistență consulară de specialitate, dacă situația o va impune.

    MAE informează cetățenii români care călătoresc sau tranzitează landul Bavaria din Germania că, urmare atacului armat în Centrul Comercial Olympia din zona de est a Munchen-ului, autoritățile locale au suspendat circulația metroului şi a mijloacelor de transport în comun de suprafață, recomandând a se evita circulația pe străzi, precum şi evitarea circulației pe autostrăzile adiacente. MAE este în permanent contact cu autoritățile locale în vederea informării, în timp real, cu privire la evoluția situației.

    În acest context, MAE reiterează avertismentul adresat cetățenilor români aflați sau care se deplasează în regiunea bavareză a Germaniei de a rămâne extrem de precauți și vigilenți, evitând ieșirea din spațiile de cazare sau domiciliu.

    Pentru acordarea asistenței consulare și preluarea operativă a solicitărilor cetățenilor români sunt disponibile numerele de telefon ale Consulatului General al României la Munchen : +49 89 553307 (apeluri redirecționate către Centrul de Contact și Suport al Cetățenilor Români din Străinătate și preluate de către operatorii Call Center 24/24, care funcționează în cadrul MAE) și telefonul de urgență al oficiului consular +49 1602087789.

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe recomandă consultarea paginii Internet www.mae.ro şi reamintește faptul că cetățenii români care călătoresc în străinătate au la dispoziție aplicația Călătoreşte în siguranţă (disponibilă gratuit în App Store şi Google Play), care oferă informații şi sfaturi de călătorie.

    UPDATE 2: Poliţia germană anunţă că cel puţin 6 persoane au fost ucise într-un atac armat care a avut loc vineri seară în cel mai mare mall din Bavaria, Olympia. Atacatorii sunt încă în libertate. Conform surselor ar fi vorba de trei suspecţi.

    UPDATE: Ministerul de Interne bavarez a confirmat moartea a trei persoane. Gara centrală din Munchen a fost evacuată, trenurile sunt oprite să ajungă în oraș.


    Mai multe persoane, în jur de 10-15, conform presei germane, au fost ucise într-un atac armat la un centru comercial din apropierea Stadionului Olimpic din oraşul german Munchen. Atacatorul a fugit în centrul comercial, în zona de parfumuri, şi a deschis focul asupra mai multor persoane, iar apoi s-a deplasat în direcţia unei staţii de metro.

    Mai multe echipe de intervenţie ale poliţiei germane ar fi în căutarea atacatorului, scrie ziarul Bild, care citează martori oculari. Zeci de ambulanţe s-au deplasat la faţa locului.

    Atacatorul a fugit spre staţia de metrou. Circulaţia metroului a fost întreruptă si cea de suprafaţa.

    În prezent, un nou atac armat ar fi avut loc în stația de metrou Stachus și în Piața cu același nume din Munchen.

    Ziarul Muncher Abendzeitung şi televiziunea germană NTV avansează un bilanţ de până la 15 morţi şi respectiv zece persoane rănite în atacul armat de la mall-ul din Munchen.

  • May 10, 2016 UPDATE

    May 10, 2016 UPDATE

    ANTI-CORRUPTION SUMMIT Romania’s deputy Prime Minister Costin Borc and Justice Minister Raluca Pruna over Wednesday and Thursday will be participating in an anti-corruption Summit in London as well in the conference preceding it entitled ”Together in the fight against corruption”. According to the Justice Ministry in Bucharest, the summit hosted by British Prime Minister David Cameron, will be attended by international leaders, representatives of the business environment and civil society. High on the agenda will be government transparency, the enforcement of anti-corruption laws at international levels, consolidating international institutions and information confidentiality at corporation level.

    PUBLIC PROCUREMENT A new law package on public procurement was passed on Tuesday by the decision-making Chamber of Deputies in Bucharest, a month later than the date set by the European Commission, which has criticised Romania for the delay. The new law has taken over community directions introducing rules that should be enforced in all EU countries. The adoption of the new legislative framework will simplify the public procurement process and reduce the number of contests. Romanian Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos has pledged the norms of applying the new laws will be adopted by the government as soon as possible.

    ATTACK The man who stabbed to death a person wounding three others in the station of Grafing, close to Munich, is believed to have a history of mental health problems and drug abuse, Joachim Herrmann, interior minister of Bavaria state said at the same time ruling out the hypothesis of an Islamist attack, the DPA reports. Investigators have been following such a lead after the two Jihadi attacks that occurred against policemen in the past two months in Germany. German fighters belonging to the terrorist group ISIS in August 2015 issued threats against Germany and against chancellor Angela Merkel, pledging revenge for Germany’s support of the anti-ISIS fight and the presence of the German army in Afghanistan.

    CELEBRATION In Romania May 10th is a national celebration, marking 150 years since the start of Carol 1st’s rule. Also on May 10th, 1877 the Romanian state proclaimed its independence and in 1881 Romania became a kingdom. On May 10th, 1866 prince Carol Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen was proclaimed ruling prince of the united Romanian Principalities under the name of Carol I. Royalty Day is being marked these days through various events across Romania. The Romanian Royal Family on Tuesday, May 10th celebrated Monarchy Day at the Peles Castle in Sinaia, a castle built by King Carol I. The Royal Standard has been raised at Peles for the first time since king Mihai’s abdication in 1947.

  • February 11, 2016 UPDATE

    February 11, 2016 UPDATE

    CORRUPTION — Daniel Diaconescu will take over as interim President of the National Fiscal Administration Agency in Romania, ANAF. The announcement was made after Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos on Thursday sacked Gelu Stefan Diaconu from the helm of the institution. Diaconu and ANAF’s Vice-President, Mihai Gogancea Vatasoiu, who has also been sacked, are prosecuted in the same corruption file, in which MPs Madalin Voicu, of the Social Democratic Party, and Nicolae Paun, the representative of the Roma community in Parliament, are also investigated. For the two MPs, the anti-corruption prosecutors have requested approval for preventive arrest. Madalin Voicu and Nicolae Paun are accused of getting and incorrectly using European funds in a series of projects destined for the Roma community. According to the prosecutors, between 2010 and 2015, under the pretence of helping thousands of ethnic Roma find a job or become entrepreneurs, the two MPs crafted a plan to divert over 6 million Euros, to their personal benefit. Voicu is accused of influence peddling, false statements and money laundering in continued form, whereas Paun faces charges of false statements, changing the destination of European funds, embezzlement and making financial operations incompatible with his position.

    VISIT — Romania’s President, Klaus Iohannis, held talks in Munich with the President of the Bavarian State Parliament, Barbara Stamm. The two officials hailed the continuous development of bilateral relations between Bucharest and Munich, underlining the importance of the Romanian community in Bavaria and of the ethnic Germans coming from Romania, as a solid bridge of cooperation. They also approached European issues, laying emphasis on the challenges generated by the migration flow. President Klaus Iohannis, who is on a working visit to the German State of Bavaria, will attend the Munich Security Conference, which starts on Friday and comes to a close on Sunday.

    DRILLS – The joined Permanent Bureaus of the Romanian Parliament have endorsed a request made by president Klaus Iohannis on Romania’s contributing up to 50 military staff, in 2016, for the training of the Iraqi security forces, as part of the anti-ISIS international coalition. The Romanian Defence Ministry is to sign a memorandum of understanding with the American partner and other members of the coalition, which express their wish to support Romanian forces on the theatre of operations. In another move, military ships from Romania, Bulgaria, Italy and Turkey are participating in the Black Sea, in NATO military drills of maritime traffic surveillance, which will also include joint activities with ships of Georgia’s Coast Guard.

    DEFENSE -The NATO Defence Ministers have agreed in Brussels to back and to participate in a surveillance mission on the Aegean Sea, between Turkey and Greece, to help them contain migration and human trafficking. The announcement was made by the US Secretary of Defence, Ashton Carter, following a request made by Germany, Turkey and Greece. On Wednesday, NATO made public its decision to boost its presence on the eastern flank. The measure is meant to deter a potential aggression by Russia and was made against the backdrop of the US’ announced four-fold increase in its budget, to strengthen a “robust military posture in Europe”. The details of the NATO plan, including the number of troops and each country’s contribution will be established ahead of the NATO Summit in Warsaw, in July. NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, has announced that NATO has increased its presence in the Black Sea area and is closely following the developments in the region. Romania was represented at the Brussels meeting by defence minister, Mihnea Motoc.

    MIGRATION – Romanian foreign minister Lazar Comanescu has said that solving migration issues entails a very tight cooperation between the EU and the partner countries, with Turkey being one of the key-actors in this case. Comanescu made this statement in a press conference, given jointly with the visiting Turkish minister for European Affairs, Volkan Bozkir. In another move, Romania has reiterated its firm support for Turkey, in its effort to join the EU. As regards the stage of bilateral relations, Comanescu deems them excellent, saying that Turkey is one of Romania’s main economic partners and its largest non-EU trading partner. In turn, Volkan Bozkir said that Romanian-Turkish relations could serve as an example for other regions.

    ARTS – The painting “The Sunflowers in 1937” by Adrian Ghenie, a prominent representative of the new wave of Romanian visual art, was sold for 4 million Euros at Sothebys on Wednesday evening. This is a new personal record for Adrian Ghenie, after another work of his sold for 1.77 million Euros, back in 2014. A painting of an impressive size, “The Sunflowers in 1937”, is inspired by Vincent van Gogh’s famous “Tournesols” (Sunflowers). Born in the northern Romanian city of Baia Mare, in 1977, Adrian Ghenie is currently living in Berlin, where he owns an art gallery. He has won international acclaim, his works being included in the collections of important galleries and museums the world over.

    FILM – 18 long reels are running for the Golden Bear, in the 66th Berlin Film Festival, the first cinematographic competition of the year, unfolding between February 11 and 21. Romania is represented at the Berlinale this year, too, by Adrian Sitaru’s “Illegitimate”, and Roxana Stroe’s short reel “A Night in Tokoriki”. Actress Iulia Ciochina and scriptwriter Ruxandra Ghitescu are present in the “Berlinale Talents” Section. Romania is also represented by Razvan Radulescu, one of the scriptwriters of the German-French-Mexican film Soy Nero”, directed by Rafi Pitts, as well as by the Romanian-German co-production “A Quiet Place”, directed by Ronny Dörfler. We recall that last year, the Silver Bear for Best Director went to Romanian Radu Jude, for the long reel “Aferim!”.

    (Translated and edited by Diana Vijeu)