Tag: Bogdan Mirica

  • Cristian Mungiu mit dem Regiepreis in Cannes geehrt

    Cristian Mungiu mit dem Regiepreis in Cannes geehrt

    Cristian Mungiu ist schon ein gro‎ßer Name im europäischen Kino. In den letzten zehn Jahren wurde er international vielfach ausgezeichnet. Am Sonntag wurde er für seinen Film Bacalaureat“ mit dem Regiepreis der 69. Internationalen Filmfestspiele in Cannes geehrt. Die Auszeichnung teilte er sich mit dem Franzosen Olivier Assayas. 2007 hatte der rumänische Filmemacher mit dem Abtreibungsdrama 4 Monate, 3 Wochen und 2 Tage“ die Goldene Palme erhalten. 2012 wurde er für das Drehbuch des Films Jenseits der Hügel“ ausgezeichnet. In seinem neuen Film nimmt Mungiu die Kompromisse und die Korruption in der rumänischen Gesellschaft unter die Lupe. Es ist immer schwer, die richtige Entscheidung zu treffen“, sagte der rumänische Regisseur bei der Preisverleihung.

    Der andere Gewinner für beste Regie, der Franzose Olivier Assayas, lobte auch den Rumänen und meinte, es sei die schönste Auszeichnung, die er mit einem Regisseur, den er bewundert, teilt. Bacalaureat“ (internationaler Titel: Graduation“ — Abitur“) erzählt die Geschichte von Romeo, einem Arzt in einer Kleinstadt in Siebenbürgen. Als Vater ist er bereit, alles zu machen, damit seine Tochter eine britische Universität besuchen kann. Um das zu schaffen, muss seine Tochter Eliza eine gute Abitur-Note schaffen. Über seinen neuen Spielfilm sagte Mungiu in einem Interview mit Radio Rumänien, er stelle eine zeitgenössische Geschichte in unserer Gesellschaft dar. Cristian Mungiu:

    Es handelt sich um die Perspektive eines Elternteils, aber der Film zeigt auch die Blickpunkte anderer Menschen. Es handelt sich gleicherma‎ßen um eine persönliche Geschichte und um ein Klischee in Bezug auf die rumänische Gesellschaft. Der Streifen erzählt die Geschichte eines Arztes in einer rumänischen Kleinstadt, der infolge eines negativen Geschehnisses, das seiner Tochter vor der Abiturprüfung passiert, ihre Zukunft gefährdet sieht. Unter diesen Umständen versucht er, alles für sein Kind zu tun. Die Handlung dreht sich ab jenem Zeitpunkt um die Frage ›Was bedeutet alles?‹ und um die Folgen der Entscheidungen, die er in einer solchen Situation trifft.“

    Adrian Titieni und Maria Drăguş verkörpern die Hauptfiguren, in anderen Rollen sind Lia Bugnar, Mălina Manovici, Vlad Ivanov, Rareş Andrici zu sehen. Das Drehbuch wurde ebenfalls vom Regisseur Cristian Mungiu geschrieben. Die rumänischen Filme wurden auch dieses Jahr in Cannes gefeiert. Der Filmemacher Bogdan Mirică ist für sein Spielfilm-Debüt Hunde“ mit dem Preis des Internationalen Filmkritiker-Verbandes FIPRESCI in der Sektion Un Certain Regard“ ausgezeichnet worden. Auch die Produktion des Filmemachers Cristi Puiu, Sieranevada“, wurde von der Kritik gelobt. 2005 gewann Puiu mit dem Streifen Der Tod des Herrn Lăzărescu“ den Preis der Sektion Un Certain Regard“. Im Streifen Sieranevada“ steht eine Gedenkveranstaltung mit autobiographischen Anspielungen im Vordergrund.

  • Regizorul Cristian Mungiu, laureat la Cannes

    Regizorul Cristian Mungiu, laureat la Cannes

    Cristian Mungiu este, deja, un nume mare în cinematografie, cel mai premiat dintre regizorii unei generaţii care, în ultimul deceniu, a ridicat la excepţional calitatea filmului românesc. Duminică, Mungiu a primit premiul pentru regie la Cannes, graţie peliculei “Bacalaureat”, împreună cu francezul Olivier Assayas, recompensat pentru “Personal Shopper”.

    Cristian Mungiu a fost laureat Palme d’Or în 2007, pentru drama “4 luni, 3 săptămâni, 2 zile”, iar în 2012 i-a fost acordat premiul pentru scenariul peliculei După dealuri”. În noul său film, Mungiu explorează cu acuitate compromisurile şi corupţia din societatea românească, nota AFP. “Întotdeauna este greu să iei o decizie corectă”, a afirmat regizorul salutând decizia juriului.

    Celălalt laureat al premiului pentru regie, francezul Olivier Assayas, îi aducea un elogiu românului, declarând că este cel mai frumos premiu, pe care îl împarte cu un cineast pe care îl admiră. “Bacalaureat” prezintă povestea lui Romeo, medic într-un mic sat din Transilvania şi un tată gata să facă orice pentru ca fiica lui să poată intra la o universitate britanică. Este aproape de realizarea proiectului, Eliza trebuind doar să ia la bacalaureat o notă bună pentru a reuşi. Despre lungmetrajul său, regizorul spunea, într-un interviu la Radio România, că reprezintă o poveste contemporană, din societatea noastră.

    Cristian Mungiu: “Este perspectiva unui părinte, dar sunt punctele de vedere ale multor oameni în acest film şi cumva cred că este, dacă vreţi, deopotrivă o poveste personală, dar şi un fel de clişeu, aşa, fotografic referitor la societatea noastră de astăzi. Filmul zice povestea unui medic de provincie dintr-un oraş mic care trebuie să rezolve un incident practic care se întâmplă cu fiica lui, înaintea examenului de bacalaureat şi care implică nişte decizii destul de importante pentru discursul general pe care trebuie să îl ţină el în viaţă pentru mai departe”.

    În rolurile principale sunt distribuiţi actorii Adrian Titieni şi Maria Drăguş, care îi au alături pe Lia Bugnar, Mălina Manovici, Vlad Ivanov, Rareş Andrici. Scenariul îi aparţie tot lui Cristian Mungiu. A fost o ediţie a Cannes-ului bună pentru cinematografia românească în general. Filmul “Câini”, scris şi regizat de Bogdan Mirică, a obţinut premiul Federaţiei Internaţionale a Criticilor de Film. Thrillerul debutantului Mirică a avut premiera mondială în cadrul secţiunii Un certain regard.

    La Cannes a revenit, anul acesta, un alt nume greu al filmului românesc, Cristi Puiu, câştigător al secţiunii amintite în 2005, cu pelicula “Moartea domnului Lăzărescu”. Intrat în competiţia oficială, noul său film, “Sieranevada”, a fost foarte bine primit de critici. Este povestea unei comemorări sau, după cum afirma însuşi regizorul, “restituirea imperfectă a unui praznic oarecare, istoria în rezumat a smintirii noastre ireversibile”.

  • Cristian Mungiu, premiul pentru regie ex-aequo la Cannes

    Cristian Mungiu, premiul pentru regie ex-aequo la Cannes

    Regizorul român Cristian Mungiu și francezul Olivier Assayas au câștigat, ex-aequo, premiul pentru regie la Festivalul de film de la Cannes 2016, în cadrul ceremoniei desfășurate duminică seara pe Croazetă. În Bacalaureat, Cristian Mungiu sondează cu acuitate compromisurile și corupția în societatea românească, prin prisma poveștii unui tată gata să facă orice pentru ca fiica sa să poată intra la facultate, în timp ce Personal Shopper, de Olivier Assayas, povestește istoria unei tinere femei care speră să intre în contact cu fratele său geamăn dispărut.

    România a mai fost reprezentată anul acesta în competiția oficială pentru Palme d’Or de filmul “Sieranevada”, a lui Cristi Puiu.

    Pe de altă parte, filmul Câini, al regizorului român Bogdan Mirică, a fost desemnat sâmbătă de Federația Internațională a Criticilor de Film (FIPRESCI) drept cea mai bună peliculă la secțiunea Un certain regard a Festivalului de Film de la Cannes.

  • May 16, 2016 UPDATE

    May 16, 2016 UPDATE

    FREE TRADE AGREEMENT – Bulgaria and Romania might veto the EU Free Trade Agreement with Canada, because of the discriminatory treatment applied to the citizens of the two countries as regards the visa regime, New Europe reports. The two countries have issued a common letter, critical of the Canadian government and they sent it to the EU trade ministers, who joined in a meeting in Brussels last Friday. The letter, quoted by EUobserver, is written by the two countries ambassadors to the EU. The document shows that it will be very difficult for both the Bulgarian and Romanian governments to find arguments in support of adopting the Free Trade Agreement in their countries.

    ETHNIC ROMANIANS – A joint program marking the Day of the Romanians Around the World will be developed on May 28 and 29 by the Romanian Cultural Institute, the Bucharest-based “Eudoxiu Hurmuzachi Institute and the Romanian Foreign Ministrys Department of Policies for the Relation with the Romanians Around the World. The events will bring together representatives of the Romanian communities living in Romanias neighbourhood and in the Balkans, as well as prominent personalities of the Romanian Diaspora. The result of a fruitful partnership between the “Dimitrie Gusti National Village Museum, the “Carol I Central University Library and Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, the program also includes a conference on the issue of national identity abroad and a fair of folk traditions specific to Romanian communities. Romanian traditional music recitals and folk dances will be performed by folk ensembles from Ukraine (the historical Maramures region), Serbia (the Timoc Valley), Bulgaria, the Republic of Moldova and Romania. Since 2015, the Day of the Romanians Around the World is celebrated on the last Sunday of May.

    SIMPLE MOTION-The Chamber of Deputies on Monday debated the simple motion against the agriculture minister, entitled “Achim Irimescu- the biggest disaster in the Romanian agriculture after December 1989. The motion was tabled by 84 MPs, members of the Social Democratic Party and of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in Romania, ALDE. Signatories to the motion have pointed out the flawed payment to farmers, the blocked investment in the irrigation infrastructure and the defective management in the Agriculture Ministry. A final vote on the aforementioned motion will be cast in a plenary session due on Tuesday, May 17.

    SWABIANS OF BANAT-The community of Transylvanian Saxons and Swabians is a priceless source for consolidating ties with Germany and Europe, Romanian Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos said on Sunday at the annual meeting of Swabians of Banat, which took place in Ulm, Germany. Ciolos, who paid a two-day visit to Germany, has praised the bilateral relations, which he described as “privileged, excellent relations with a long history. The Saxons came to southern Transylvania back in the 13th century, while the Swabians settled there in the 17th – 18th centuries. The community of ethnic Germans in this region stood at several hundred thousands between the two world wars but it barely numbers several tens of thousands nowadays.

    REACTIONS TO BMD IN EUROPE– Moscow and Minsk have agreed to draft joint measures in response to the installation of elements of the US anti-missile defence system in Europe, Belarusian foreign minister Vladimir Makei said fresh from the talks he had had with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov. According to Makei, Moscow and Minsk share concern about the US anti-missile system in Europe. We recall that on Thursday, May 12, the “Aegis Ashore US anti-missile facility was inaugurated at the Deveselu base in Romania, and on May 13, a ceremony laying the foundation of a similar site was held in Redzikowo, Poland.

    DIPLOMACY- Foreign ministers of the EU, the USA and Libyas neighbouring countries convened in Vienna for talks over the situation in the north-African country of Libya, currently facing political divergences and Jihadi threats. According to France Press, the meeting came at a crucial moment, after ISIS Jihadists had extended their influence to the western city of Sirte and the failure of the UN-backed national unity government to impose itself after two months in power. The international community wants an executive capable of fighting the Jihadists and stemming migration towards Europe, France Press reports. Vienna will also be hosting a meeting of the international support group for Syria, agreed upon by US secretary of state John Kerry and the head of the Russian diplomacy Serghei Lavrov.

    CANNES-Romanian director Bogdan Miricas debut film “Dogs was premiered in Cannes, where it is presently running in the festivals “Un Certain Regard section. Another Romanian director, Alexandru Nanau has been awarded the France Culture Cinema prize in Cannes for a documentary entitled “Toto and his Sisters. The award is granted every year to the best production running in cinemas across France. Last week saw the screening of “Sieranevada by Cristi Puiu, a director who in 2005 reaped the “Un Certain Regard award for a feature film entitled “The Death of Mr. Lazarescu. “Sieranevada, which is currently running in the “Palme dOr section, has been well received by critics. Another Romanian film, “Bacalaureate, directed by Cristian Mungiu, a Palme dOr laureate in 2007 and currently at its third participation in the festival, is to be screened on Thursday. Romania is also being represented in Cannes by two short reels.

    TENNIS-Romanian tennis player Irina Begu has climbed up onto the 28th position in the WTA rankings made public today and will be a top-seeded player in Roland Garros, the years second Grand Slam tournament, which kicks off this week. This past Saturday Begu failed to go past the semi-finals, since she was defeated by the worlds number one tennis player Serena Williams. WTA top 100 players includes other Romanians as well. Best-placed is Simona Halep, ranking 6th. Monica Niculescu ranks 35th, while Sorana Carstea comes 100th. In the main draw at Roland Garros, joining Irina Begu are three other Romanians, Simona Halep, Monica Niculescu and Alexandra Dulgheru.

    SUPER MODEL OF THE WORLD – Bianca Nicole Draghiciu of Sibiu, in central Romania, has won the title of “’Super Model of the World, and the special prize of the jury, “’Best of the Best, in the international contest “Little Miss World Universe 2016, held in Bodrum, Turkey. At the end of five years of training in modelling, Bianca now boasts her own fashion show for children, on a Romanian television channel. She was followed in the contest by Elisabeta Titova and Albina Cercaska, both from Ukraine.

    (Translated by Daniel Bilt and Diana Vijeu)