• Nachrichten 20.01.2016

    Nachrichten 20.01.2016

    Rumänien unterstützt Initiativen zu verstärkten Grenzkontrollen und hofft, dass dieser Beitrag bei der Bewertung eines Schengen-Beitritts berücksichtigt wird. Das sagte am Mittwoch der rumänische Premierminister Dacian Cioloş nach seinem Treffen mit dem französischen Präsidenten Francois Hollande in Paris. Rumänien sei demzufolge interessiert, einem soliden, konsolidierten und glaubwürdigen Schengenraum beizutreten. Thema der Gespräche waren auch intensivere Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, Fragen zur Situation in der Ukraine und Moldau sowie gemeinsame Projekte in Forschung, Bildung und Verteidigung. Für Donnerstag sind Treffen mit französischen Unternehmern und offizielle Gespräche am Sitz der französischen Nationaversammlung geplant.

    Das Rumänische Verfassungsgericht hat nach Besprechung der Verfassungsbeschwerde der Rumänischen Regierung über das Gesetz für die Sonderrenten von Kommunalpolitikern am Mittwoch beschlossen, dass das Gesetz verfassungswidrig ist. Zwischen den verschiedenen Vertretern bestehen Ungleichheiten; zudem sind die Finanzierungsquellen nicht klar dargelegt, hie‎ß es in der Entscheidung. Am 26. Dezember 2015 hatte die Exekutive beim Verfassungsgericht eine Beschwerde eingereicht, laut der das im Dezember verabschiedete Gesetz etliche Verfassungsartikel verletze, und zwar durch die Einführung von Sonderprivilegien nur für bestimmte Kommunalpolitiker. Au‎ßerdem rügte die Regierung die rückwirkende Gewährung von Zahlungsansprüchen und wies auf den Mangel an Haushaltsressourcen hin. Die über 16.000 möglichen Nutznie‎ßer — Bürgermeister, Vizebürgermeister, Kreisratsvorsitzende und Vizevorsitzende — sollten Sonderrenten zwischen 350 und 1.500 Euro im Monat erhalten.

    Die Pipeline, die die Erdgasnetze aus Bulgarien, Rumänien, Ungarn und Österreich verbinden sollte, ist ein wichtiger rumänischer Beitrag zur sicheren Belieferung der EU mit Erdgas, durch die Diversifizierung der Erdgas-Lieferquellen für Mitteleuropa. Zu diesem Fazit kommt eine Verlautbarung des rumänischen Ministeriums für Energie. Das Energie-Koordinierungskomittee Connecting Europe Facility im Rahmen der Europäischen Kommission hat am Dienstag eine Finanzierung von 179 Millionen Euro für das rumänische Unternehmen Transgaz gewährt, und zwar für die Arbeiten, die das rumänische Unternehmen am nationalen Erdgas-Transportsystem für die Pipeline durchführen wird. Die unter dem Kürzel BRUA geführte Pipeline wird Erdgas von der Kaspischen Region nach Mitteleuropa befördern. Für den Zeitraum 2014-2020 hat die Europäische Kommission 5,3 Milliarden Euro für die transeuropäische Energie-Infrastruktur zugewiesen.

    Rumänien ist im November 2015 im Vergleich zum Vorjahresmonat das EU-Land mit dem drittstärksten Wachstum im Baugewerbe gewesen. Laut den am Dienstag von dem Europäischen Statistikamt (Eurostat) veröffentlichten Daten beträgt die Steigerung in Rumänien 6,8%. Davor liegen nur die Slowakei und Schweden. Im November 2015 wuchs das Baugewerbe EU-weit im Schnitt um 1,9%, hie‎ß es zudem von Eurostat.

    In Chisinau ist es am Mittwoch zu heftigen Protesten gekommen, nachdem das Parlament der Republik Moldau ein neues Kabinett unter Führung des designierten Ministerpräsidenten Pavel Filip eingesetzt hat. Demonstranten drangen in das Gebäude ein und prügelten sich mit der Polizei. Für das Kabinett und das Regierungsprogramm stimmten 57 der 101 Abgeordneten. Der neue Regierungschef versprach einen konstruktiven Dialog mit beiderseits Mehrheit und Opposition. Pavel Filip wurde letzte Woche vom moldauischen Staatspräsidenten Nicolae Timofti mit der Bildung einer neuen Regierung beauftragt.

    Als Reaktion auf den anhaltenden Flüchtlingsstrom plant Österreich offenbar eine Obergrenze für Asylsuchende einzuführen und die Grenzen stärker zu kontrollieren. In den kommenden vier Jahren sollten insgesamt 127.500 Hilfesuchende aufgenommen werden, kündigte der sozialdemokratische Bundeskanzler Werner Faymann am Mittwoch nach einem Spitzentreffen mit den Bundesländern an. Dabei handele sich eher um einen Richtwert, der rund 1,5 Prozent der Bevölkerung entspreche. Auch Sozialleistungen könnten gesenkt werden, um Österreich unattraktiver als Ziel von Einwanderern zu machen, so Vizekanzler Reinhold Mitterlehner von der ÖVP.

  • January 20, 2016 UPDATE

    January 20, 2016 UPDATE

    VISIT – Romania supports all efforts to consolidate border controls and hopes this contribution will be recognized in addition to the additional Schengen accession criteria, which Romania has fulfilled, Romanian Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos said in Paris on Wednesday, after meeting with French President Francois Hollande. Dacian Ciolos pointed out that Romania was interested in joining a robust, consolidated and dependable Schengen area, supporting all initiatives in this respect. During the meeting the two officials also approached ways to intensify economic relations, common objectives in the fields of research, defence and education, the developments in Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, with regard to the latters efforts to join the EU. At the same time Francois Hollande accepted the invitation of visiting Romania this year. Dacian Ciolos is also due to meet with Romanian BA and MA students at the Sciences Politiques University, as well as with representatives of the Romanian community. On Thursday, the Prime Minister is set to meet heads of French businesses and hold official talks at the National Assembly headquarters.

    MOLDOVA – The Moldovan Parliament on Wednesday passed the structure and programme of the new Cabinet led by Prime Minister designate Pavel Filip. The new Government got 57 votes in favour out of the total of 101. The head of Government thanked parliamentary parties for their support and promised to maintain a constructive dialogue with them, as well as with the opposition. A protest was also staged before the Parliament building. Unhappy with the vote, protesters forced the police security cordon, entering Parliament. Pavel Filip has this week been designated to form a new Cabinet, backed by a majority made up of Democratic, Liberal, former communist and a group of Liberal-Democratic MPs.

    MEETING – On Thursday President Klaus Iohannis is meeting heads of diplomatic missions to Bucharest. The president will outline Romanias main foreign policy priorities for this year. The new Apostolic Nuncio to Bucharest, his Holiness Miguel Maury Buendia, will deliver a keynote address on behalf of the diplomatic corps.

    RULING – The Constitutional Court of Romania ruled on Wednesday that the law giving special pension benefits to local elected officials is against the Constitution, as notified by the Government. The Court has found that the law is unclear, it discriminates between elected officials and fails to indicate the financing sources. On December 26, 2015, the Government notified the Court that some provisions in the law apparently breach the Constitution, in that they regulate privileges for certain local elected officials, they give special rights retroactively and fail to specify financing sources for the new benefits. The Government warned that there are at least 16,300 potential beneficiaries of the law, and the budgetary strain in 2016 may affect the stability of the fiscal-budgetary framework.

    DEFENCE – Romanian Defence Minister Mihnea Motoc on Thursday will pay an official visit to Brussels, where he will hold talks with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and with his Belgian counterpart Steven Vandeput. The Romanian official will also meet with General Petr Pavel, the head of the NATO Military Committee at the NATO General Headquarters. Mihean Motoc will also visit Romanian patients who suffered burn injuries in the Colectiv nightclub fire tragedy last year. The patients are currently receiving specialized medical care at the Queen Astrid Military Hospital in the Belgian capital city. We recall that 63 people were killed in the fire at Colectiv on October 30, 2015.

    BRUA – The BRUA pipeline, which will connect the natural gas networks of Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Austria, is a major Romanian contribution to enhancing the security of the EU natural gas supplies, by diversifying sources for Central Europe, says the Romanian Ministry of Energy. The Connecting Europe Facility-Energy Committee in the European Commission Tuesday validated the allocation of 179 million euros for the works to be carried out by the Romanian company Transgaz on the national natural gas transport system in view of the development of the BRUA pipeline. The Commission said the BRUA inter-connector is a key step to the development of the EU natural gas market, in that it will enable natural gas to reach Central Europe from the Caspian region and other sources. For 2014-2020, the Commission has earmarked 5.3 billion euro for the trans-European energy infrastructure.

    COLD WEATHER – The weather is extremely cold in most regions. The capital city Bucharest and 19 counties in the south and the centre are under a code yellow alert against extremely low temperatures. Skies will be overcost in most regions, while dense fog is expected in the morning. From Thursday until the end of the week, meteorologists have extended the alert against cold snap to the majority of the country, except five counties in the west and northwest. Minimum temperatures will range from minus 17 to minus 4 degrees, while highs will range between minus 9 and plus 2 degrees.

    MIGRATION – The European Commission is considering measures to distribute migrants more fairly across EU Member states, news agencies report. The President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, told the European Parliament on Tuesday that the Union has two months to bring the migrant crisis under control, otherwise the Schengen visa-free region may collapse. Donald Tusk also estimated that the EU as a political project would fail unless it manages to manage its external borders properly. He discussed strengthening border controls and stepping up the establishment of reception centres in Greece and Italy, where migrants will be classed as either economic migrants, to be repatriated, or refugees to be sent to Member States under the compulsory quota rules. Yesterday in Prague, the interior ministers of the Visegrad Group (Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia), reiterated their opposition to the compulsory quotas and asked for the set-up of efficient ‘hotspot’ centres. According to the figures proposed by the European Commission, Romania is to receive a total 6,351 refugees.

    (Translated by V. Palcu)

  • January 20, 2016

    January 20, 2016

    DIPLOMACY – The PM of Romania, Dacian Cioloş, is on a two-day visit to Paris, as of today, at the invitation of the French President Francois Hollande. The main topics of the talks with the French officials are the privileged traditional relations between Romania and France, the means to step up projects in the roadmap of the bilateral strategic partnership, to encourage economic relations and strengthen contacts with the business communities. The parties will also discuss topics on the international and European agenda, like terrorism, migration and the EU security policy. Also today, Dacian Cioloş will have meetings with the Romanian students at the Political Science University and with members of the Romanian community in France. On Thursday, Ciolos is scheduled to meet managers of major French corporations and to have official talks at the French National Assembly.

    ENERGY – The BRUA pipeline, which will connect the natural gas networks of Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Austria, is a major Romanian contribution to enhancing the security of the EU natural gas supplies, by diversifying sources for Central Europe, says the Romanian Ministry of Energy. The Connecting Europe Facility-Energy Committee in the European Commission Tuesday validated the allocation of 179 million euros for the works to be carried out by the Romanian company Transgaz on the national natural gas transport system in view of the development of the BRUA pipeline. The Commission said the BRUA inter-connector is a key step to the development of the EU natural gas market, in that it will enable natural gas to reach Central Europe from the Caspian region and other sources. For 2014-2020, the Commission has earmarked 5.3 billion euro for the trans-European energy infrastructure.

    LEGISLATION – The Constitutional Court of Romania ruled on Wednesday that the law giving special pension benefits to local elected officials is against the Constitution, as notified by the Government. The Court has found that the law is unclear, it discriminates between elected officials and fails to indicate the financing sources. On December 26, 2015, the Government notified the Court that some provisions in the law apparently breach the Constitution, in that they regulate privileges for certain local elected officials, they give special rights retroactively and fail to specify financing sources for the new benefits. The Government warned that there are at least 16,300 potential beneficiaries of the law, and the budgetary strain in 2016 may affect the stability of the fiscal-budgetary framework.

    MOLDOVA – The Parliament of the Republic of Moldova convenes
    today in a special meeting to vote on the governmental team put together by
    the PM designate Pavel Filip, the Parliament Speaker Andrian Candu told
    Moldpres news agency. He said Filip has already presented the governmental team
    and the governing programme. The Democrat Pavel Filip, incumbent Minister of
    Information and Communications, was designated last week to form a new
    government, supported by a Parliamentary majority made up of Democrats, Liberals,
    former Communists and a group of Liberal-Democrats.

    MIGRANT CRISIS – The European Commission is considering measures to distribute migrants more fairly across EU Member states, news agencies report. The President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, told the European Parliament on Tuesday that the Union has two months to bring the migrant crisis under control, otherwise the Schengen visa-free region may collapse. Donald Tusk also estimated that the EU as a political project would fail unless it manages to manage its external borders properly. He discussed strengthening border controls and stepping up the establishment of reception centres in Greece and Italy, where migrants will be classed as either economic migrants, to be repatriated, or refugees to be sent to Member States under the compulsory quota rules. Yesterday in Prague, the interior ministers of the Visegrad Group (Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia), reiterated their opposition to the compulsory quotas and asked for the set-up of efficient ‘hotspot’ centres. According to the figures proposed by the European Commission, Romania is to receive a total 6,351 refugees.

    WEATHER – After snowfalls and blizzard, Romania is facing extreme cold. The capital city Bucharest and 19 counties in the south and centre are until tomorrow morning under a code-yellow warning against extremely low temperatures. Last night at Întorsura Buzăului, in the central-eastern part of the country, a temperature of minus 29.5 degrees Celsius was reported. The noon reading in Bucharest today was minus 9 degrees Celsius. The National Meteorology Agency has issued a code-yellow alert for low temperatures in place as of Thursday until early next week. Well have more on this after the news.

    (translation by: Ana Maria Popescu)