Tag: care

  • Abandoned dog, looking for a warm-hearted man

    Abandoned dog, looking for a warm-hearted man

    The sterilization
    and microchipping of dogs may be lawfully compulsory in Romania, yet not all
    dog owners comply with the existing law. As for the dog shelters, be they private
    or under the management of municipalities, they are rapidly crammed and
    abandoned dogs. As of late, there is a growing amount of info about on dogs being
    abandoned on the public domain, even though such an act is also a criminal
    violation of the existing law. Quite a few of the abandoned dogs breed and are
    highly likely to become aggressive.

    Nobody wants to yet again go
    through the episodes of the early 2000, when Romanian hit the headlines of the
    foreign papers because of the violent action perpetrated against the stray
    dogs. We recall that back then, for instance, the Speranta, Hope, in English, a dog shelter nearby Bucharest, was created, in a bid to support the speechless
    friends nobody wanted.

    Veterinarian and PR for the
    dog shelter, Anca Tomescu, recalls:

    I once
    was in the Pallady base, doing volunteer work together with veterinarians and
    other people who were getting involved in the rescuing of the animals, when we
    learned their killing had been decided. At that time, in the shelter, there
    were 100-150 dogs we took over, actually by mother did that, Florina Tomescu. We
    didn’t have any place to take so many dogs to, so we called all our friends,
    every one of them offered shelter to 2,3,5,7,8 dogs, in their cars, in their
    homes and suchlike. We did that until we succeeded and we built a makeshift, if
    you will, of the first segment of the Speranta Shelter, which was located somewhere
    in the commune of Berceni, in a derelict farm building, a farm we developed
    into a shelter for the stray dogs. It was a difficult, ugly time that we had,
    back then, with many problems. But the straw that broke the camel’s back was when
    we were told we had to vacate the premises! Just like that, in one night alone
    we had to decide where we should relocate 500 dogs. They had become 500 in the
    meantime! I came into a plot of land in Popesti-Leordeni with nothing built on
    it and, from the development of that plot of land to the time when we had to
    vacate the plot of land in Berceni, for about year, maybe, we got ourselves accommodated
    somewhere in the commune of Jilava, we rented several halls. That was another
    hard, ugly time we had ! We relocated to Popești-Leordeni, a plot of land of our own, no
    more rents to be paid, the expenses were enormous, and there our shelter worked
    properly. And that is how this year we celebrated 22 years since we have had
    this shelter.

    Since the early 2000 and to
    the present day the condition of the stray dogs and the care they benefit from
    have changed a great deal for the better. As for the Speranta (Hope) Shelter,
    it is the living proof of how things really are. Anca Tomescu has extended
    an invitation for us to pay a visit to the place:

    I should
    like to begin by saying that there is a golden rule in the Speranta Shelter,
    saying the dogs are the priority. Whoever steps can see, from the first paddock
    and to the last one, that all the dogs that have been given shelter here are
    friendly, they look good, you can easily see our dogs are very well taken care
    of, they are dogs who do not stay in the paddock alone. It is important for
    them to run, to play, to feel the human warmth, hear a word of kindness, to get
    the food they actually need. The shelter, as we speak, has 105 paddocks, of
    which only six are heated in the winter. The 7th one is due to
    arrive soon, thanks to my very good friend, the actress Carmen Tănase, who made
    a donation for the 7th paddock to be heated. It has three veterinarian clinics,
    one of them very well equipped, since we realized that, with so many dogs, you
    should always see to it that they are in good health, that they take medical
    tests, that they should be vaccinated. It was useless paying for private
    medical consulting room. Also in a bid to save the budget and make it easier,
    for us, but also for the dogs, we created a physiotherapy office where we
    treated and still treat the dogs with quadriplegic problems. Some of them kind
    of got rid of the wheelchair, others didn’t, yet they undergo physiotherapy
    treatment. Also, we built three new playgrounds. We had a bigger one before, yet we had three more
    built. We have three swimming pool especially built for dog, precisely because we
    want all dogs in the Speranta shelter, no matter how long their stay is, to
    feel good and leave the shelter like some normal dogs, with a quiet temper,
    without being scared or having behaviour problems.

    says veterinarian Anca Tomescu, there is no such place as a shelter for the
    dogs, they must be adopted. In time, from the Speranta Shelter, thousands and
    thousands of dogs were adopted. For about two years now, they have been on a special
    training program, The Messengers of Hope, so they can be given to the adoptive
    family in mint condition. However, in Romania, the rate of adoption is low,
    while at the other end of the scale, the rate of adoption is very high. Why
    does that happen?

    a dog means lack of education, obviously. People need to understand that with
    that dog you will experience very fine episodes, but also episodes when you’re
    likely to get mad, just as if you had your own child. in the case of a child. It’s
    just that the child, at a given moment, can speak an eventually may tell you what
    the problem is. And the dog gnaws at your objects, the dog may pee inside, the
    dog can steal your favorite pair of shoes, the dog may even fall ill and may
    need a doctor, the dog will have to be walked. There is another aspect I should
    like to emphasize – a dog is not Christmas present! Do not offer living animals
    as gifts, since it is not okay to offer a dog to a family that may not be
    prepared for that, may not want that, they can enjoy that on the spot, how nice
    it is, but on January 5th they resume work and there is nobody they can
    leave the dog with. There is another aspect: I want a big dog, so people my
    fear me when they pass me by! Yeah, well, you weigh 50 kilos, you cannot
    possibly have a big dog, you need to adopt a dog to suit your needs, wants and
    necessities! If, for instance you live in a bedroom suite, you cannot adopt a
    60-kilogram dog, if you work 12 hours a day, you cannot do that either, if your
    wife, the husband, the child, the grandmother do not want that, you cannot impose
    bringing a dog home on them, if you do not have the money for its upkeep, it’s
    just the same. Adoption, yes, that is wonderful! I recommend the adoption of a
    dog to anybody. Your life will change for the better, the whose family will
    become happier, more responsible, more friendly. But if you cannot adopt and,
    nonetheless, you love animals and want to get involved, you can either be a
    volunteer worker for one of the shelter or you can donate, you can also do many
    other things for the animals.

    In a bid
    to educate the public opinion, at the Speranta Shelter there is a museum of the
    stray dogs. We have allowed pupils to pay us a visit as part of the Doing
    School Differently program. Also we have initiated another action, with VIPs
    getting involved in cooking for our dogs, in every edition. Also, construction
    works are in progress for a center tailored for those people, be they young or
    adult, who are eager to learn what the care for animals means. We even are dead
    positive that, paying it forward in the right mind, the right mind can even be
    more righteous, our warm-hearted interlocutor, Anca Tomescu, hopes.

  • New ministers in Romania’s government

    New ministers in Romania’s government

    Nominated early this week by the main partner in the ruling coalition, the Social Democratic Party, to take over the ministries for family and labour, respectively, the Deputies Natalia Intotero and Simona Bucura-Oprescu were sworn in on Wednesday afternoon.

    The seats had been vacant since last week, when Gabriela Firea and Marius Budăi resigned following a scandal concerning grave irregularities in several care homes for the elderly and the disabled.

    More than 2,000 such centres were checked by the authorities in the aftermath of the scandal, and several of these, mostly in Bucharest, were closed down. In scores of other similar institutions, operations have been discontinued and fines totalling some EUR 2 mln have been issued. Criminal investigations have also been initiated, concerning economic offences or crimes against persons, and two inspectors with the Ilfov County Agency for Social Inspection and Payments have been detained for having failed to properly assess the situation in a care centre for people with disabilities.

    And, after talks with PM Marcel Ciolacu, the two relevant ministers also resigned. Ciolacu said at the time that mayors, county council presidents, chiefs of local institutions and police chiefs having connections with the institutions subject to the investigation must also take political responsibility.

    Similarly, the Social Democratic Partys spokesman Lucian Romaşcanu said other officials should step down following the inspections conducted in the care centres for the elderly. “It only makes sense, at present, to conclude that the responsibility here lies not only with the government, but also with the local authorities. Decisions will certainly be made at Cabinet level, but the culprits at political and administrative level should also take a step back. It is a matter of political dignity,” the Social Democratic official argued.

    For the time being, the new ministers have taken over their posts. Simona Bucura-Oprescu, 43, currently at her 3rd term in office in the Chamber of Deputies with support from the Social Democrats, is the new minister of labour and social solidarity. In a social media post on Monday, she said the law on special pensions, the pensions law and the salary law are the priorities of her ministerial term, with a view to completing the reforms undertaken under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

    The new minister for family, youth and equal opportunities, Natalia Intotero, is 47 and is also at her 3rd term in office as an MP. (AMP)

  • July 13, 2023 UPDATE

    July 13, 2023 UPDATE

    STRIKE Disgruntled with
    their salaries, trade unionists from Romania’s public finances on Thursday
    picketed the headquarters of the Finance Ministry in Bucharest. Their main
    claim is that the pay of the employees of ANAF and the Finance Ministry be
    adjusted in keeping with the inflation rate. Protesters have also asked for
    decent working conditions, for legislating the professional status and covering
    the staff deficit. Also on Thursday, representatives of cancer patients in
    Romania protested in front of the headquarters of the Ministry of Health,
    disgruntled by the fact that the provisions in the National Plan for Combating
    and Controlling Cancer are not applied from the beginning of this month under a
    law endorsed with a landslide majority in Parliament, promulgated by president
    Klaus Iohannis and which has been in force since the beginning of the year.

    WEATHER Meteorologists on Thursday issued a code yellow alert for extremely hot
    weather valid until Sunday in several counties in Romania’s western, eastern
    and central regions. The heat-humidity comfort index is expected to exceed the
    critical threshold of 80 units with highs between 35 and 37 degrees centigrade.
    The weather is significantly cooling in the rest of the regions with highs ranging
    between 25 and 33 degrees Celsius.

    HEAT A heat wave struck southern Europe
    on Thursday, and according to Reuters, authorities have cautioned against
    record highs next week. A weather warning has been issued for the Canary
    Islands, an archipelago belonging to Spain, Italy, Cyprus and Greece. Authorities
    in Greece have announced that temperatures can reach 43 or 44 degrees Celsius on
    Friday or Saturday. Europe’s hottest temperature, 48.8 degrees centigrade, was
    recorded in Sicily in August 2021, but, according to the European Space Agency,
    it could be exceeded next week.

    The Romanian Labor Minister Marius Budai stepped down on Thursday amid a
    scandal regarding the care centers for the elderly. The Romanian authorities are
    carrying on investigations at residential social centers throughout the
    country. More than 1,500 centers have been checked so far, and 15 nursing homes
    for the elderly, the disabled and children have been closed down. The activity
    of another 26 has been suspended. The authorities have issued 60 fines worth
    almost 800,000 lei (the equivalent of about 160 thousand Euros). A nursing home
    that was operating illegally was identified and a criminal case was also opened
    for abuse of office, fraud, false declarations, unlawful practicing of a
    profession and tax evasion in the case of a commercial company that owns three
    nursing homes. On the other hand, the Bucharest Court of Appeal will judge on
    July 20 the appeals made by the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime
    and Terrorism (DIICOT) regarding the placement under house arrest, under
    judicial control or the failure to take any measures in the case of the 20
    defendants detained last week in the investigation regarding the nursing homes
    for the elderly and the people with disabilities from Ilfov county (south, near
    Bucharest), where the so-called beneficiaries were beaten, insulted, starved,
    subjected to forced labor and deprived of minimum hygiene conditions.


  • Human, too human…

    Human, too human…

    They are a real treasure, for some…but for other
    people, they are a real burden! A lot
    of Romania’ s elderly is abandoned both by their families and society. To their
    despondency and loneliness, their worrying condition is being added. In most of
    the cases, their feeble condition marks their old age. Some of them need
    medical care at home, but their very modest incomes turn specialized medical
    into something beyond reach. For
    the elderly, who become less visible by the day, dignity is something that
    needs to be restored. That is exactly what the White-Yellow Foundation seeks to
    do. So periodically, physicians, trained nurses, social workers, kinesiotherapy
    specialists, psychologists or the sitters working for the Foundation come
    knocking at doors that otherwise remain closed. Măriuca Ivan is the president
    of the White Yellow Cross Romania. For us, she opened up the door of their
    Foundation, which is something she created following a Belgian model.

    Mariuca Ivan:

    The Belgian
    partners came to the country 25 years ago, back in the day I had a job with the
    Healthcare Ministry, they spoke very nicely about the concept of home care. We
    were trying to reshape the entire configuration of the system. In the first
    years after the Revolution, debates evolved around hospital care, much had been
    discussed about the ambulatory later, then the family medicine was also
    tackled…yet there was a morsel missing, from the big Healthcare cake, the home
    care. I did welcome the Belgian partners and I tried to give them my support,
    as much as I could, for the development of that system in Romania. I gave up my
    job at the Healthcare Ministry as I wanted to prove that was possible, despite
    the fact that I did not succeed at the institution! The Cross is a provider of home
    care services, it is accredited and licensed by the Romanian State, so it was
    also us, the White-Yellow Cross, who succeeded to yet again implement, in the national
    legislation, the concept of home care, a category of service which is financed
    via the National Health Insurance Fund.

    The White-Yellow Cross offers a wide range of
    services, such as the administration of medicines, injections, perfusions,
    applying a bandage, the measurement of physiological parameters, medical blood
    sampling…to put it briefly, everything related to home care, as a desirable
    alternative to being admitted to hospital…

    Mariuca Ivan:

    And that’s how it all began, for our
    Foundation, by catering for the needs and the expectations of the people who
    live on limited means, financially or socially, and who are unable to look
    after themselves! Most of them were elderly people, with no family and
    childless. As of late, mostly, the situation has been getting worse because of
    migration, since there are parents who were left alone, with nobody to take
    care of them. For that, we tried to identify the social projects, we tried to
    get funding from the central and the local administrations, for the patients
    with social problem, later on we tried to access European funds, but that kind
    of money seems to be on the wane, gradually, the municipalities did not provide
    that much help either and withdrew their funds, so the elderly sort of belonged
    to nobody! That moment, we decided to continue developing paid medical services
    for those who could afford that and who obviously were not social cases and we
    kind of acted like outlaws, we took from those who could afford paying for the
    services we had on offer, and helped the others as well, for whom we did not
    have financing.

    In other words, the White Yellow Cross, despite all
    the hardships, did not abandon anyone, continuing the mission for which it was
    created. For 25 years, since it has been set up, the Cross has been providing
    home medical care services for more than 24 thousand people. Even during the
    pandemic, so with an extra amount of effort, 40 representatives of the White
    Yellow Cross have provided medical assistance for around 700-800 patients.

    Mariuca Ivan:

    Well, it’s been a
    long time since some of them have been with us, they’ve been with us five, six or ten
    years now. They live thanks to our help and
    thanks to the fact that we opened up our doors for them. Actually, we’re the
    only ones doing that, and what we find behind the open doors are sad stories
    that impress us very much. I have just watched a recording with some of my
    assistants speaking about some of our grannies who are no longer among us, we
    knew they had nobody, and right after they were gone, on that very day, three
    nephews popped up, God knows wherefrom. It is so sad such a story repeats, in
    fact they have nobody, but after they are no longer among us, many people turn
    up, who suddenly remembered they had to accompany them on their final journey.

    For the support of the vulnerable elderly, the White
    Yellow cross has developed the so-called Red Button. It is a project that
    crowns the Foundation’s entire work so far. We’re speaking about remote
    assistance, a system which is complementary to the emergency one, enabling the
    elderly to ask for help when most needed. By means of a bracelet, which is very
    similar to a wristwatch, provided with a red panic button and which is
    wirelessly connected to a large-button cell phone, patients can signal an emergency
    pushing that button. The signal is transmitted automatically to a
    round-the-clock Dispatch centre. According to how serious the situation is,
    the dispatcher initiates a medical protocol, indicating the action that needs
    to be taken, that including calling an ambulance.

    For the White Yellow Cross Romania Foundation team,
    led by Măriuca Ivan, putting a lot of life into everything they do, that is
    something crucial.

    With no emotional investment, with no
    soul, with no love, without determination, you cannot possibly offer quality
    services. Instead, as of late, I could feel that, I am even disappointed that
    we deteriorated in the fiber of our being, as humans, I can feel there is no sign
    of goodwill, no empathy for the ailing ones. That is very sad for me, as a
    former pedagogue in that area of training people clad in white dressing gowns. You
    cannot speak about sacrifice, about involvement, if you do that, you’re almost
    rated as obsolete… It is so sad! That is
    exactly why my team is so very special. We’re short of cash, and yet we’re so
    rich! The moment we feel we’re hitting the bottom of the abyss, a good angel
    appears, saving us, helping us, getting us out of there, taking our message for
    us, our vocation and our mission. We do not come to work, as they say, we have
    a mission we carry through every day…The reward we get, that is in our souls, the
    joy and the satisfaction people convey are the driving engine that helps us
    keep going! We are as somebody used to say, the good angel for those who need
    us very, very badly and who do not have anybody to help them.

    According to Pope Francisc, the elderly need to be
    treated with fondness, with gratitude and respect. The elderly people are an
    essential part of society, they are the root and the memory of a nation. They
    are an indispensable treasure, enabling us to look into the future, with hope
    and responsibility.

    (Translation by Eugen Nasta)

  • More resources for emergency assistance

    More resources for emergency assistance

    In Europe, the number of new coronavirus cases stays up, and ICUs are filled with patients. The WHO has repeatedly warned against the overcrowding of healthcare systems, especially in Europe.

    This week Romania has reported a record high number of coronavirus-related deaths, over 200 in 24 hours. On the other hand, this week also saw the lowest number of patients admitted into hospitals for the past month. Around 12,000 people are now hospitalised across the country, of whom some 1,200 in intensive care.

    In the capital Bucharest, all intensive therapy units are full, which required the emergency transfer of some patients to other parts of the country. Four patients in serious condition were taken to Suceava, in the north, by a military aircraft on Tuesday, and from there they were taken by ambulance to Botoşani (north-west). This is not the first time that patients in critical condition have been relocated. Last month Botoşani County was one of the counties in Moldavia to receive critical COVID-19 patients.

    Still, hospitals are overcrowded there as well. The authorities say they are making constant efforts to extend the capacity of the units treating coronavirus patients. They promise an increase in the number of ICU beds in Bucharest.

    Following the budget adjustment operated on Tuesday, the Hospital Administration announced that funding has been provided for another approx.. 50 ICU beds in 3 hospitals in the capital city.

    On Tuesday, president Klaus Iohannis assessed the situation jointly with the interim PM, Nicolae Ciucă, and with the health minister Nelu Tătaru. At the end of the meeting, the head of state announced that hundreds of ventilators and a first batch of rapid diagnostic tests will soon be delivered to hospitals across the country.

    Klaus Iohannis: “There are about 300 ventilators to be supplied in the next few days, and the capacity of intensive care units will be extended accordingly. Within a week, we will also receive a first batch out of the 3 million RDTs that have already been ordered. In order to help the patients with severe forms of the disease, around 500 oxygen concentrators are already being set up.

    The list of hospitals receiving COVID-19 patients has been repeatedly broadened across the country, and as the number of critical cases went up, the number of beds in intensive care units was also increased several times. (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Intensive care units, under pressure

    Intensive care units, under pressure

    The recent surge in the number of coronavirus infection cases in Europe may lead, in a few weeks time, to the overcrowding of intensive care units. This is the warning coming from the World Health Organisation against the backdrop of the growing number of COVID-19 hospitalisations.

    Romania is currently experiencing the most difficult period since the start of the healthcare crisis in late February, with record-high numbers of cases and of patients in intensive care. Specifically, last week the number of new daily cases was around 4,000, with the capital city Bucharest ranking first by number of COVID-19 patients. Also, the number of patients in ICUs at national level is around 750.

    The Bucharest prefect Gheorghe Cojanu has already announced that there are no more available beds in dedicated hospitals. As a result, the decision was made that as of Monday another hospital, Colentina, would receive Sars-Cov-2 patients exclusively.

    Gheorghe Cojanu: “In Bucharest there are no more beds available in ICUs. This is a rather serious problem, which is why [state secretary] Raed Arafat announced us that a document has already been signed, for Colentina hospital to be exclusively receiving COVID-19 patients. So there will be 300 – 400 beds available for these patients. Also, Elias hospital has a modular unit which has been operating on short periods, because they did not have medical staff on a permanent basis, and an order has been given for Floreasca and Elias hospitals to provide medical staff to that unit.

    According to prefect Gheorghe Cojanu, the physicians and nurses working in the schools that have switched to online classes and no longer work directly with children will be transferred to coronavirus hospitals.

    Iaşi, the largest city in the east of Romania, is facing the same problems as Bucharest does. In Iaşi as well, all ICUs are full. Of the total number of 41 intensive care beds, the last 10 were occupied this weekend. The solution, i.e. 24 additional beds, was supposed to be a mobile hospital opened on Friday, but the oxygen generator broke down and it may take around 2 weeks to fix it. Meanwhile, local authorities have decided to open 2 intensive care units for Covid-19 patients in other hospitals in the region. But until these are operational, severe cases will be transferred to other medical units in the country. (translated by: A.M. Popescu)

  • Romania’s Healthcare Minister has again cautioned against the novel coronavirus

    Romania’s Healthcare Minister has again cautioned against the novel coronavirus

    Romania has
    lately seen an increase in the number of Covid-19 infections although the chart
    of the daily infections has hit a certain ceiling. Pundits believe the main
    problem is the pressure exerted upon the country’s healthcare system whose specialised
    personnel are tired and scarce. The
    daily death toll has also increased from one day to another and so has the
    number of those in need of intensive care to survive the severe forms of
    Covid-19. Health Minister Nelu Tataru believes the number of infections will
    increase in the next week mainly because of the holiday season.

    Tataru: With the holiday season in full
    swing now we are presently dealing with a higher number of cases. We are doing
    a lot of tests and consequently we expect many of these to be positive. We must
    clinically deal with these positive tests, and address the medium and severe,
    which are going to need intensive care treatment, where our resources are

    presently has 100 places in intensive care units fitted with ventilators. In
    this context, the minister has pointed out that prevention rules must be
    observed in order to limit the spreading of the virus. He has voiced hope that
    people have understood the importance of this moment and are no longer
    minimizing the situation.

    As long as
    we have new cases, the medical personnel that we now rely on will be
    overwhelmed. And since prevention rules aren’t observed, we can only handle
    what we get in hospitals. We have a limit, the minister says adding that a
    pandemic is not stopped in hospitals but outside them.

    minister has also recalled that the government had to also handle a period of
    legislation vacuum during which over 46 hundred people infected refused hospitalisation
    and left hospitals. Authorities are now trying to identify these people in
    order to conduct epidemiological investigations. Those showing symptoms are
    being hospitalised, while those who do not have symptoms are being tested by
    paramedics and other mobile units and isolated at home.

    In another
    development, a monograph titled ‘The Covid-19 pandemic in Romania – Clinical
    and epidemiological aspects’ was released on Thursday by the Romanian Academy
    Publishing House. Attending the event, the country’s Health Minister underlined
    the support offered by the Academy is essential and gave assurances the medical
    personnel are doing their job in spite of the fatigue they are currently

    to Horatiu Moldovan, state secretary with the Ministry of Healthcare, the
    volume represents a major element of scientific research, which comes to
    indisputably prove and endorse the measures taken during the pandemic in
    Romania. The work also includes a synthesis of scientific data gleaned
    internationally and corroborated with clinical expertise and research of some
    of the most reputed scientists Romania has.

    (translated by bill)

  • Leçon 123 – Qui, quel, quoi (II)

    Leçon 123 – Qui, quel, quoi (II)

    Dominique : Bună ziua.

    Alexandra : Bună dimineaţa.

    Alexandru : Bună seara.

    Valentina : Bună.

    venit, dragi prieteni.
    Aujourd’hui un troisième petit mot vient rejoindre cine (qui)et
    ce (quoi), complétant le trio que nous avons entamé la fois dernière. Il
    s’agit de care (qui, quel, lequel).

    Tout comme les deux autres, il a, lui
    aussi, une valeur interrogative :

    Alexandra : Citeşte mesajul! Lis le message!

    Alexandru : Care mesaj? Quel
    message? Dans ce cas, care est
    quasiment synonyme de ce.

    Valentina : Ce
    ? Quel message?

    Alexandra :
    Ai luat umbrela? As-tu pris le parapluie ?

    Alexandru :
    Care umbrelă ? Quel parapluie?

    Alexandra : Umbrela roşie! Le parapluie rouge.

    Care fait référence, lui, tout
    particulièrement, à un être ou une chose parmi plusieurs.

    Valentina :
    Care floare este mai frumoasă ? Quelle fleur est plus belle?

    Alexandru :
    Care este muzica ta preferată? Quelle est ta musique préférée ?

    On peut tout aussi bien dire :

    Alexandra :
    Ce muzică preferi? Quelle musique préfères-tu?

    Alexandru : Care dintre voi este Valentina ?
    Laquelle d’entre
    vous est Valentina ?

    Tout comme les deux autres petits mots
    de la série, care est invariable, pouvant être utilisé pour le masculin
    comme pour le féminin, pour le singulier comme pour le pluriel.

    Si, en tant que petit mot interrogatif,
    care cède souvent la place à ses copains cine ou ce, il a,
    en échange, une importante valeur relative, qui le distingue des deux autres:

    Alexandra :
    Persoana care vorbeşte la telefon este sora mea.
    personne qui parle au téléphone est ma soeur.

    Alexandru :
    Aceasta este echipa care a câştigat trofeul.
    C’est l’équipe qui a gagné le

    Valentina : Turiştii care vizitează Delta
    Dunării sunt încântaţi de frumuseţea ei.

    Les touristes qui visitent le Delta du Danube sont
    enchantés par sa beauté.

    Attention : en roumain « le
    delta »est féminin.

    Care peut, lui aussi, être accompagné de prépositions.

    Alexandra : farfuria din care mănânci – l’assiette dans laquelle tu manges

    Alexandru : trenul în care am urcat – le train dans lequel je suis monté

    Valentina : publicul pentru care au cântat – le public pour lequel ils ont chanté
    ou joué

    Alexandra : Acesta este spectacolul (C’est le spectacle) despre care
    vorbeşte presa.
    (dont parle la presse.)

    Alexandru : Ei sunt prietenii (Ce sont les amis) cu care am fost
    la munte
    (avec lesquels nous sommes allés à la montagne).

    Valentina : Iată fotoliul (Voici le fauteuil) în care doarme
    (où dort Maşa.) *Maşa c’est son chat, vous savez !

    Care trouve souvent sa place dans les
    proverbes :

    Câinele care latră nu muşcă. Chien qui aboie ne mord pas.

    Je vous fais grâce – comme la fois
    dernière, d’ailleurs – du génitif et du datif, ainsi que de la préposition pe
    accompagnant care – une construction qui pose certains

    Chers amis, beaucoup d’entre vous
    commencent déjà à parsemer leurs lettres de petites phrases en roumain ou nous
    écrivent des messages entiers dans notre langue. Et puisque nous sommes tous
    épris du roumain, nous allons nous demander, avec Corina Chiriac:

    dintre noi ?
    de nous?

    Care dintre noi, oare

    S-a îndrăgostit mai tare?

    (Lequel d’entre nous, dis, a été le
    plus épris?


    Care dintre
    noi, oare ?

    Când ne-am întâlnit mi s-a părut că-n ochii tăi o rază

    purtată de lumină ca un soare răsărea

    şi căldura ei mi-a-nvăluit cu braţe-aprinse dorul

    şi-am început să cred ca împreună noi vom fi

    Când ne-am cunoscut, am regăsit în ochii tăi o rază

    tăioasă şi străină printre gânduri rătăcea

    şi răceala ei m-anvăluit cu reflectări de gheaţă

    şi chiar de nu mai cred că împreună noi vom fi

    Care dintre noi oare

    s-a îndrăgostit mai tare

    şi a sperat în drumul nostru

    de iubire

    Care dintre noi oare

    precum un val de mare

    s-a-nfiorat de fericire

    cred că eu…

    Care dintre noi oare

    s-a îndrăgostit mai tare

    şi-a visat cu cupa albă plină de iubire

    care dintre noi oare

    precum un val de mare

    te-a înconjurat de fericire

    cred ca eu

    Când ne-am despărţit am revăzut în ochii tăi o rază

    purtată de-nserare ca un soare apunea

    şi tristeţea ei mi-anvăluit fără cuvinte dorul

    şi poate că-mpreună totuşi noi vom fi

    Care dintre noi oare

    s-a îndrăgostit mai tare

    şi a sperat în drumul nostru

    de iubire

    Care dintre noi oare

    precum un val de mare

    s-a-nfiorat de fericire

    cred că eu…

    Care dintre noi oare

    s-a îndrăgostit mai tare

    şi-a visat cu cupa albă plină de iubire

    care dintre noi oare

    precum un val de mare

    te-a înconjurat de fericire

    cred că eu

    Care dintre noi oare

    s-a îndrăgostit mai tare

    şi-a zburat prea mult spre soare

    spre iubire

    care dintre noi oare

    precum un val de mare

    s-a rătăcit de fericire

    cred că eu…

    Care dintre noi oare

    precum un val de mare

    s-a legănat în fericire

    cred că eu…