Tag: Cartel Alfa

  • 29.12.2020 (mise à jour)

    29.12.2020 (mise à jour)

    Visite – Le chef de lEtat roumain, Klaus Iohannis, a effectué, mardi, une visite officielle en République de Moldova, à l’invitation de la présidente élue Maia Sandu. La Roumanie a soutenu la République de Moldova dès le premier jour de son indépendance et Bucarest est le partenaire commercial le plus important de Chisinau, a déclaré Maia Sandu. La présidente moldave a mis en exergue le fait que les deux pays partagent une langue, une histoire et une culture communes. A son tour, le président roumain a affirmé que la Roumanie resterait un ami sincère de la République de Moldova, tout en précisant que le pays devrait mettre en place des réformes pour avoir un développement durable. Il a également annoncé un nouveau programme de soutien au pays voisin. Les deux officiels ont adopté une déclaration commune qui vise à renforcer le partenariat stratégique entre les deux Etats. A l’occasion du dixième anniversaire de la signature du partenariat stratégique pour l’intégration européenne de la République de Moldova, le document réaffirme la relation bilatérale spéciale, ainsi que l’engagement de Chisinau à suivre la voie européenne et à mettre en œuvre les réformes démocratiques nécessaires à cette fin. C’est la première visite de haut niveau accueillie par Chisinau depuis linvestiture de Maia Sandu. Rappelons que cette dernière a remporté les élections du 15 novembre, devançant largement le présidant sortant, le socialiste pro-russe Igor Dodon. Maia Sandu, qui a la double nationalité roumano-moldave, est titulaire dun master en administration publique à l’Université américaine Harvard. Elle a également été conseillère du directeur exécutif de la Banque Mondiale, ministre et premier ministre à Chisinau. Elle est devenue, à 48 ans, la première femme présidente de la République de Moldova, trois décennies après la proclamation de l’indépendance du pays envers Moscou.

    Coronavirus – Une deuxième tranche de vaccins contre la Covid 19 est arrivée mardi en Roumanie. Il sagit de 140 mille doses nécessaires à limmunisation du personnel médical. Un premier lot de 10.000 doses a été délivré samedi et limmunisation a commencé le lendemain. Plus de 4.600 nouveaux cas dinfection au coronavirus ont été rapportés vendredi en Roumanie. Bucarest recense le plus grand nombre de contaminations au niveau national. Pour ce qui est du taux dincidence de la maladie, le département dIlfov, près de la capitale, est lunique comté à avoir enregistré plus de 5 cas dinfection pour mille habitants, ces 14 derniers jours, alors quà Bucarest le taux est dun peu plus de 4 cas pour mille habitants. Le nombre de malades de Covid 19 admis en soins intensifs a baissé à 1.162. 135 personnes sont décédées des suites de la maladie, ces dernières 24 heures. Depuis le début de la pandémie, plus de 85% des personnes dépistées positives ont été déclarées guéries.

    Déficit – Le déficit budgétaire de la Roumanie sur les onze premiers mois de cette année est de 84 milliards de lei (environ 17 milliards deuros), soit 8% du Produit Intérieur Brut, informe le ministère des Finances de Bucarest. Lannée dernière, le déficit était de 3,5% du PIB, sur la même période. Le ministère des Finances explique cette hausse par la mauvaise évolution des recettes budgétaires et par le report du paiement des obligations fiscales par les opérateurs économiques durant la crise sanitaire. A cela se sont ajoutés les paiements à caractère exceptionnel engendrés par la pandémie, informe également le ministère roumain des Finances.

    Syndicats – La confédération syndicale Cartel Alfa, une des plus grandes de Roumanie, a protesté mardi contre la majoration du salaire minimum proposée par le gouvernement pour 2021. Selon la confédération, le montant de 70 lei (soit 15 euros) annoncé par lExécutif ne couvre même pas les dépenses supplémentaires pour lachat de masques et dautres éléments de protection individuelle. Les syndicalistes de la confédération Cartel ALFA affirment aussi quen Roumanie les prix des produits ont augmenté et continueront de le faire, lactuel salaire minimum arrivant à couvrir à peine la moitié des dépenses pour un niveau de vie décent. Les représentants du gouvernement ont proposé un moratoire de six mois, afin que les deux parties puissent établir ensemble un nouveau mécanisme de calcul. Le gouvernement de Bucarest devrait prendre une décision à ce sujet au cours de sa réunion de mercredi.

    Députés – Réunion, mardi, du plénum de la Chambre des députés, la première de la nouvelle législature qui a commencé ce 21 décembre. Les députés ont prêté serment, la semaine dernière. Cest toujours la semaine dernière que lon a constitué les commissions permanentes et élu le président de la Chambre et les membres du Bureau permanent. Ludovic Orban, chef des libéraux et ex-premier ministre, est le nouveau président de la Chambre des députés.

    Météo -En Roumanie, le temps reste particulièrement chaud pour cette période de
    l’année. Mercredi, les températures maximales iront de 8° à 17°. Il pleuvra sur la
    moitié ouest du pays, tandis que dans les régions de montagne on attend des précipitations
    mixtes. Il fera 16° à midi, dans la capitale, Bucarest.

  • Nachrichten 29.12.2020

    Nachrichten 29.12.2020

    rumänische Präsident Klaus Iohannis hat am Dienstag auf Einladung seiner neuen
    Amtskollegin aus der benachbarten Moldaurepublik einen offiziellen Besuch
    abgestattet. Rumänien unterstützte Moldawien seit dem ersten Tag der
    Unabhängigkeit und ist sein wichtigster Handelspartner, sagte Maia Sandu. Sie fügte
    hinzu, dass beide Länder eine gemeinsame Sprache, eine gemeinsame Geschichte
    und Kultur haben. Klaus Iohannis erklärte seinerseits, Rumänien werde ein
    aufrichtiger Freund der Republik Moldau bleiben, die ohne Reformen keine
    nachhaltige Entwicklung haben werde. Er kündigte ein neues Unterstützungspaket
    aus Bukarest an. Die beiden Beamten nahmen eine gemeinsame Erklärung an, mit
    der die strategische Partnerschaft zwischen den beiden Staaten gestärkt werden
    soll. Das Dokument bekräftigt die besonderen bilateralen Beziehungen zum
    zehnten Jahrestag der Unterzeichnung der Strategischen Partnerschaft für die
    europäische Integration der Republik Moldau sowie die Verpflichtung von
    Chisinau, den europäischen Weg zu beschreiten und die erforderlichen
    demokratischen Reformen in dieser Hinsicht umzusetzen. Es war der erste
    hochrangige Besuch, den Maia Sandu nach der Übernahme der Präsidentschaft nach
    den Wahlen vom 15. November erhielt, bei denen sie das frühere Staatsoberhaupt,
    den sozialistischen Philosophen Igor Dodon, besiegte. Maia Sandu, hat die doppelte
    rumänisch-moldawische Staatsbürgerschaft und einen Master-Abschluss in
    öffentlicher Verwaltung an der amerikanischen Harvard Universität. Im Alter von
    48 Jahren gewann Sandu, die auch für die Weltbank arbeitete, als erste Frau die
    Präsidentschaftswahlen in der Republik Moldau, drei Jahrzehnte nach der
    Ausrufung der Unabhängigkeit von Moskau.

    In Rumänien sind über 4.6oo neue COVID-19-Fälle nach über 24.2oo Tests gemeldet worden. 135 Patienten kamen ums Leben, mehr als 1160 sind auf der Intensivstation. Die Bilanz seit Beginn der Pandemie liegt bei über 623 Tausend infizierten Menschen. Eine zweite Tranche von140 Tausend Impfstoffdosen gegen Covid 19 ist inzwischen in Rumänien eingetroffen. Die ersten 10.000 waren am Samstag angeliefert worden, die Impfung begann am nächsten Tag.

    Das rumänische Haushaltsdefizit in den ersten elf Monaten dieses Jahres beträgt 84 Mrd. Lei (ca. 17 Mrd. Euro), das sind 8% des Bruttoinlandsprodukts, teilt das Finanzministerium in Bukarest mit. Im vergangenen Jahr betrug das Defizit im gleichen Zeitraum 3,5 % des BIP. Das Finanzministerium erklärt diesen Anstieg mit der schlechten Entwicklung der Haushaltseinnahmen und mit dem Aufschub der Zahlung von Steuerverpflichtungen der Unternehmen während der Coronakrise. Darüber hinaus entstanden durch die Pandemie Sonderausgaben, heißt es.

    Abgeordnetenkammer in Bukarest trat am Dienstag im Plenum zusammen, zum zweiten
    Mal seit 21. Dezember. Die Gewählten haben mehrere Tests zur Fernabstimmung auf
    einem neuen Tablet-Typ durchgeführt. Letzte Woche fand eine erste Sitzung
    statt, bei der die Abgeordneten den Eid ablegten, ständige Ausschüsse gebildet
    und der Präsident der Kammer sowie die Mitglieder des ständigen Büros gewählt
    wurden. Der PNL-Präsident, der frühere Premierminister Ludovic Orban, wurde zum
    Präsidenten der Abgeordnetenkammer gewählt.

    Der Gewerkschaftsbund Cartel Alfa, einer der größten in Rumänien,hat am Dienstag gegen die von der Regierung vorgeschlagene Erhöhung des Mindestlohns protestiert. So decke der von der Exekutive angekündigte Betrag von brutto 70 Lei (15 Euro) nicht einmal die zusätzlichen Ausgaben für den Kauf von Masken und anderen persönlichen Schutzartikeln. Laut Cartel ALFA seien die Preise in Rumänien immer höher, wobei der aktuelle Mindestlohn kaum die Hälfte der Ausgaben für einen angemessenen Lebensstandard deckt. Es wird erwartet, dass die Regierung in Bukarest während ihrer Sitzung am Mittwoch eine Entscheidung zu diesem Thema trifft.

    Im Jahr 2020 sind 50 Journalisten getötet worden. Fast sieben von zehn kamen in Ländern ums Leben, wo kein Krieg herrscht, so Reporter ohne Grenzen (RSF) in ihrem am Dienstag veröffentlichten und von AFP zitierten Jahresbericht. Während die Zahl der Todesfälle im Vergleich zu den 53 getöteten Journalisten im Jahr 2019 stabil bleibt, werden immer mehr in Ländern, die sich im Frieden befinden, ermordet, nämlich 34 Personen, was 68% der Gesamtzahl der getöteten Personen entspricht, so die französische NGO, die diese Zahl zwischen dem 1. Januar und dem 15. Dezember ermittelt hat. Mexiko ist das tödlichste Land für Journalisten – hier wurden 8 umgebracht.

  • December 29, 2020

    December 29, 2020

    Covid-19 Ro. Today, the second tranche of vaccines against Covid 19 has arrived in Romania, which is over 140 thousand doses necessary for the immunization, in the first phase, of the medical staff. The first tranche of 10,000 doses was delivered on Saturday, and vaccination began the next day. Over 4,600 new cases of coronavirus infection have been reported in Romania today. Bucharest reports the largest number of infections in the country. In terms of incidence, Ilfov, near the capital, is the only county with over 5 cases per thousand inhabitants accumulated in the last 14 days, and Bucharest has reached just over 4. The number of patients with COVID-19 in Intensive Care has decreased to about 1,162. 135 people died from infection with the new coronavirus in 24 hours. More than 85% of those with COVID-19, since the beginning of the pandemic, have been declared cured.

    Visit. The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, is today paying an official visit to the Republic of Moldova, at the invitation of his new counterpart from the neighboring state with a predominantly Romanian-speaking population, the pro-West president Maia Sandu. It is the first high-level visit received by Maia Sandu since she became president following the November 15 elections, in which she defeated the former head of state, the pro-Russia socialist Igor Dodon. According to the Presidential Administration in Bucharest, the visit of the Romanian head of state to Chisinau will provide the framework for sending a strong message of support for the new president and the Moldovan citizens, in their effort to democratize the country, to irreversibly implement the principles of the rule of law and consolidate both the countrys European path and the privileged relations with Romania. The two presidents will adopt a joint declaration, which aims to strengthen the bilateral strategic partnership, reaffirming the special relationship between Bucharest and Chisinau. Holder of Romanian citizenship, an economist with a masters degree in public administration at Harvard University, former adviser to the executive director of the World Bank, former minister and former prime minister in Chisinau, Maia Sandu became, at the age of 48, the first woman president of the Republic of Moldova, three decades after the proclamation of the countrys independence from Moscow.

    Ro. Parliament. The Chamber of Deputies in Bucharest gathers today in plenary session, the first in which bills will be debated, in the new legislature that began on December 21. Last week, the plenary session was held, in which the deputies took the oath, the standing committees were set up and the president of the chamber and the members of the permanent bureau were elected. The president of the National Liberal Party, the former prime minister Ludovic Orban, was elected president of the Chamber of Deputies.

    Budget deficit. In the first 11 months of this year, Romania registered a budget deficit of 8% of the GDP, accounting for 84 billion lei (about 17 billion euros), according to data made public by the Ministry of Finance. In the same period of the previous year, the deficit was 3.5% of the GDP. According to the Ministry, the increase was triggered by the unfavorable evolution of the budget revenues, as well as the postponement of the payment of some fiscal obligations by companies during the health crisis. The deficit difference was also determined by the exceptional payments generated by the pandemic.

    Protests. One of the largest trade union confederations in Romania, Cartel Alfa, announces protests today, dissatisfied with the level proposed by the executive to increase the minimum wage. The confederation claims that 70 lei (15 euros) in addition to the minimum wage, as announced by the Government, does not even cover the additional expenses for masks and other elements of individual protection. The Cartel Alfa confederation also says that prices have increased and will continue to raise, and currently the minimum wage in Romania does not cover even half of the minimum expenses necessary for a decent living. The government is expected to make a decision on this matter during Wednesdays meeting.

    Journalist. 50 journalists have been killed in connection with their activity in 2020, more than half in countries where there was peace, the Reporters Without Borders Organization has announced today. The organizations annual report shows that, although the number of journalists killed in conflict areas has dropped, such journalists are increasingly targeted because of their investigations into corruption, organized crime or environmental issues. Mexico, India and the Philippines are the states where most such crimes have taken place. Last year, 53 journalists were killed while doing their job. (M. Ignatescu)

  • Lavoro: protocollo di collaborazione Cartel ALFA – Confindustria Romania

    Lavoro: protocollo di collaborazione Cartel ALFA – Confindustria Romania

    La Confederazione Nazionale Sindacale romena Cartel ALFA e l’Associazione Patronale Confindustria Romania hanno firmato un protocollo di collaborazione per migliorare la sicurezza dell’ambiente di lavoro e affrontare in modo adeguato la fase 3 dell’emergenza sanitaria, che presuppone il produrre e il distribuire convivendo con il coronavirus, almeno fino a quando non ci sarà una soluzione/cura definitiva. Lo riferisce Confindustria Romania in un comunicato.

    Pur svolgendo la loro mission da posizioni diverse, Cartel ALFA e Confindustria Romania hanno trovato questa straordinaria convergenza progettuale per valorizzare ancora di più l’individuo e la sua famiglia come il principale bene da proteggere in una situazione di grave emergenza sanitaria ed economica, indipendentemente dalla funzione o ruolo aziendale che ricoprono, indica ancora la fonte.

    Imprenditori, manager e lavoratori sono tutti in prima linea, e, pur essendo figure con mansioni e competenze diverse, hanno un denominatore comune: sono persone che producono valore per l’Impresa, per la società e per le loro famiglie. Questo storico protocollo di collaborazione diventa indirettamente anche un messaggio alle altre forze del Paese, perchè di fronte ad un’emergenza sanitaria epocale diventa vitale, attraverso le competenze e il lavoro, poter convergere in un’unica progettualità, trovando subito una condivisione operativa, indispensabile nella fase attuativa della ripartenza.

    Considerando l’importante numero di datori di lavoro italiani sul mercato romeno, apprezziamo in particolare la responsabilità dimostrata da Confindustria Romania. Siamo interessati a stabilire una buona partnership, al fine di garantire posti di lavoro di qualità con standard elevati per la sicurezza e la salute dei dipendenti. La nostra consolidata esperienza sindacale sul territorio e le best practice italiane proposte da Confindustria Romania, congiuntamente, rappresentano la nuova visione di come si può essere concreti in tempi rapidi, attivando misure straordinarie di fronte ad emergenze straordinarie. Siamo convinti che sia importante sviluppare attività redditizie, creando valore aggiunto per tutti, anche attraverso un’ulteriore forma di assistenza sanitaria, partendo proprio da questa emergenza sanitaria possiamo creare, insieme, maggiore sicurezza per tutti nel mondo del lavoro, nel rispetto della salute e della vita familiare, ha dichiarato il presidente della CNS Cartel ALFA, Bogdan Hossu, citato dal comunicato.

    Come risposta a questa grave e difficile situazione, per la prima volta nell’est Europa, nasce quindi una progettualità comune tra una Federazione sindacale di lavoratori e un’Associazione Patronale di industriali e investitori italiani.

    Ritengo sia un atto storico, di grande responsabilità sociale, che rafforza anche i valori costituenti delle nostre rispettive entità, pur nel rispetto dei singoli ruoli, sindacale uno e patronale/associativo l’altro. Esiste un legame irrinunciabile tra ripartenza economica e coesione sociale. Non possiamo pensare alla ripartenza economica in un contesto di possibili tensioni. Stiamo quindi lavorando ad una progettualità articolata, innovativa, indirizzata alla protezione dell’ambiente di lavoro a 360 gradi, locations e persone, integrando le competenze tipiche di settori speciali: best pratice italiane sulla protezione sanitaria grazie alla Mutualità MBA, no profit del terzo settore, procedure certificative innovative per la sicurezza degli ambienti di lavoro, grazie al RINA e intelligenza artificiale a supporto della sicurezza sanitaria. La nuova visione illuminata di una concreta cooperazione tra due forze del Paese che per alcuni era ritenuta impossibile, diventata invece una concreta realtà per aumentare la coesione sociale anche attraverso luoghi di lavoro più sicuri e con maggiore protezione sanitaria per il mondo del lavoro e per tutte le persone, concetto tra l’altro in linea con l’Agenda 2030 per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile delle Nazioni Unite, sottolinea, a sua volta, il Presidente di Confindustria Romania, Giulio Bertola.

  • The Three-Party National Council debated the public pensions system

    The Three-Party National Council debated the public pensions system

    Slated to take
    effect on January 1, 2019 and implemented in several stages until 2021, the new
    law provides not only for an increase in pensions, but the elimination of
    disparities within the very system.

    Pensions will be
    paid only according to each pensioner’s contribution. If two pensioners have
    similar periods of accumulated service but retired at different ages, they will
    have the same pension. On Thursday the Three-Party National Council, which
    brings together members of the Government, trade unions and employers’
    associations, convened to discuss the new law.

    Prime Minister
    Viorica Dancila recalled that, since the ruling coalition came to power,
    pensions saw three separate increases, the last being applied on July 1. The
    Prime Minister believes the new law would ensure the sustainability of the
    public pensions system, being designed to benefit pensioners.

    Viorica Dancila: It’s a good project that, before anything else, rids the public
    pensions system of inequities. It will lead to substantial pensions rises. The
    pension point went up by 26% to approximately 239 euros, while the minimum
    guaranteed pension also went up to 139 euros.

    Conversely, the
    president of the National Trade Union Bloc, Dumitru Costin, has signaled a
    series of problems in the new pension law, adding however that these might be
    dealt with over the next three months of parliamentary debate. In turn, the
    leader of Cartel Alfa trade federation, Bogdan Hossu, said certain aspects
    linked to special work conditions, the unfair sanctioning of employees and the
    increase of minimum wages have been discussed, but they need to be regulated by
    means of adequate legislation.

    Bogdan Hossu: The minimum wage is bound to increase by a gross 30 euros by 2022, when
    it will stand at some 543 euros.

    vice-president of the National Association of Romanian Employers, Dan Matei
    Agathon, expressed the point of view of his organization.

    Dan Matei Agaton: We support this law and believe it has been over-debated. This is all
    television stations talk about, night after night. Enough is enough! A year is
    too much for a law to be debated. The law is sound and will bring money to
    people in need, so let’s go ahead with it!

    According to
    data made public last week by the National Statistics Institute, the average
    monthly pension stood at 244 euros in the second quarter of the year, the same
    as the previous quarter, although by 10% more than the similar period of 2017.

  • Differences on fiscal policies

    Differences on fiscal policies

    The president described the reforms in the government’s pipeline as leading to fiscal confusion and as complicating problems rather than solving them.

    Klaus Iohannis: “I request the ruling coalition, the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats, to show responsibility and give up these fiscal policies that generate mistrust and uncertainty and do not help anyone in the end. As to the economic measures proposed, I recommend caution from policy makers and the government.”

    The president also said that, according to estimates based on the figures made public, after the planned transfer of the payment of social security contributions from employers to employees, someone who earns the average salary will only earn 3 lei, which is the equivalent of around 70 cents.

    The president also criticised the government’s public investment policies, which he said dropped to inadmissible levels, and the collection of budget funds, which has reached an all-time low of 25%. Also on Thursday, trade unions gave new indications that they may break their fragile truce with the government. CNSRL Fratia, one of the most powerful trade union confederations in Romania representing half a million employees from various sectors, has announced plans for a general strike.

    Trade unions fear that transferring the payment of social security contributions from employers to employees may lead to lower salaries and job losses. Two other trade union associations, Cartel Alfa and the National Trade Union Bloc, earlier gave similar warnings. In response, prime minister Mihai Tudose and the leader of the Social Democratic Party Liviu Dragnea say they do not understand the opposition to these fiscal measures planned for next year, which they say will benefit both employees and employers. The prime minister says some trade unions are deliberately ignoring the arguments in favour of these measures.

    Mihai Tudose: “We show them the figures and they tells they’re not accurate, that they have their own figures. Some trade unions tell us they simply don’t agree with the measures. We are trying to understand what’s behind this stubborn refusal to see reality, when no one will suffer in fact and this is a good measure from which everyone stands to gain.”

    Neither do the employers associations appear to be convinced by the prime minister’s arguments. The American Chamber of Commerce in Romania has said that the measures planned by the government will slow down business and diminish investors’ confidence in the Romanian economy.

  • Gewerkschaften protestieren weiter gegen das neue Steuergesetz

    Gewerkschaften protestieren weiter gegen das neue Steuergesetz

    Zwei revolutionäre Projekte der rumänischen Regierung, eines zu den Löhnen der Staatsbediensteten und ein zweites, das die Anderung des Steuergesetzes vorsieht, werden 2018 in Kraft treten. Die Arbeitnehmer behaupten, die Gesetentwürfe müssen von der linksgerichteten Regierung verbessert werden. Der Dialog zwischen der Regierung und den Gewerkschaften hat diese Tage an Spannung zugenommen. Der Gewerkschaftsführer von Cartel Alfa Bogdan Hossu hat gewarnt, der Gesetzentwurf zur Abänderung des Steuergesetzes habe riesige Lücken. Es gebe das Risiko, dass rund 2 Millionen Angestellten niedrigere Einkommen haben werden. Cartel Alfa fordert den Rücktritt der Arbeitsministerin Lia Olguţa Vasilescu und wirft dieser vor, gelügt und desinformiert zu haben, was die Wirkungen des Transfers der sozialen Beiträge vom Arbeitgeber zum Arbeitnehmer anbelangt. Der Gewerkschaftsbund meint, Olguţa Vasilescu habe eines der schlechtesten Lohngesetze herausgearbeitet, das die Ungleichheiten im staatlichen Sektor vertiefen werde. Arbeitsministerin Olguţa Vasilescu forderte die Minister auf, Mathematik zu studieren. Sie versicherte die Gewerkschaftsmitglieder, dass das neue Gesetz überhaupt nicht zu einer Lohnverminderung führen werde und kritisierte den Gewerkschafstleiter von Cartel Alfa Bogdan Hossu:

    “Herr Hossu interpretiert alles, was wir sagen, wie immer. So hat er auch gestern die Erklärungen der Vertreter der Arbeitgeber interpretiert. Als der Ministerpräsident die Vertreter der Arbeitgeber gefragt hat, ob sie die Absicht haben, die Löhne zu vermindern, haben alle geantwortet, auf keinen Fall.

    Der Nationale Gewerkschaftsblock macht darauf aufmerksam, es gebe keine Versicherung, dass die Nettolöhne nicht vermindert werden, so lange die Arbeitgeber nicht verpflichtet seien, die Löhne zu erhöhen, so dass die sozialen Beiträge gedeckt werden. Die Arbeitgeber mischen sich nicht in den offenen Konflikt zwischen der Regierung und den Gewerkschaften ein. Die Blockierung des sozialen Dialogs ist keine Lösung. Die Gewerkschaftsleute fordern die Regierung auf, keine überstürzten Maßnahmen zu treffen, deren Folgen ungenügend geschätzt wurden. Dragoş Anastasiu, Vertreter des Arbeitgeberverbandes Die Koalition für die Entwicklung Rumäniens, dazu:

    “Wir müssen einen reellen Dialog führen und uns Zeit lassen. Wir sollen zuerst 3-4 Monate analysieren, danach eine Wirkungsstudie herausarbeiten, so was haben sie nicht gesehen. Wir müssen zu einer Vereinbarung kommen. Die Wirtschaftsankurbelung ist ein Pluspunkt, also wir müssen uns nicht beeilen.

    Die Koalition für die Entwicklung Rumäniens behauptet, die Geschäftsleute haben nicht den Transfer der sozialen Beiträge vom Arbeitgeber zum Arbeitnehmer gefordert. Die Maßnahme könnte zu einer Erhöhung des Bruttolohns führen, was Rumänien total wettbewerbsunfähig machen würde.

  • Proteste sindicale

    Proteste sindicale

    Guvernul şi sindicatele din România se întâlnesc,
    vineri, din nou, pentru a dezbate propunerea guvernului social-democrat de a
    transfera contribuţiile sociale de la angajator la angajat.

    În opinia
    sindicaliştilor, dar şi a unor experţi, măsura ar putea reduce veniturile nete
    ale angajaţilor cu aproximativ 20%, ceea ce ar anula integral sau parţial
    creşterile salariale generoase pe care guvernul le-a acordat, deja, unor
    categorii de personal din sistemul public. Pe lista
    nemulţumirilor se mai află Legea salarizării în sistemul public şi Legea
    dialogului social.
    Negocierile survin după ce mii de persoane au
    participat, miercuri, în faţa sediului Guvernului, la un protest organizat de
    una dintre cele mai importante confederaţii sindicale din România, Cartel Alfa.

    O delegaţie a
    protestatarilor-angajaţi din Poliţie,
    sănătate, transporturi, educaţie, administratie publică – a mers pentru
    discutii la sediul Guvernului. La finalul întâlnirii, liderul Cartel Alfa,
    Bogdan Hossu, a declarat că autoriţăţile vor analiza varianta netransferării
    taxelor sociale de la angajator la angajat şi că se caută soluţii pentru
    înlocuirea acestei măsuri. Premierul Mihai Tudose îl contrazice şi susţine că nu s-a renunţat la idee, dar că
    Executivul va căuta să compenseze integral transferul contribuţiilor prin
    creşterea salariilor brute.

    Mihai Tudose: Nu ne gândim, nu s-a
    luat decizia renunţării la acest transfer, găsim o soluţie de compensare sau de
    implementare a Legii salarizării, dacă se poate să nu mai facem acest transfer să
    vedem cum compensăm, acolo va fi soluţia aleasă. Dar, de vineri avem un grup de
    lucru, trebuie să vorbim cu toate confederaţiile sindicale să fie toată lumea
    de acord.

    Preşedintele Federaţiei Sanitas, Leonard Bărăscu, a declarat că
    aşteaptă în continuare soluţii la revendicări. Leonard Bărăscu: În ţară,
    lucrurile nu stau deloc bine, colegii s-au săturat de promisiuni.. Şi ei sunt
    convinşi că numai încetarea lucrului sau plecarea din sistem prin demisii, care
    să fie în număr de mii, zeci de mii, va convinge acest guvern, care a venit cu
    această lege, că este foarte important să o gândească, cum au făcut-o până

    Sindicalişii din sănătate au anunţat
    că protestele vor continua şi că vor începe procedurile premergătoare
    grevei generale. Ei mai cer eliminarea plafonului de 30% pentru acordarea
    sporurilor specifice, aplicarea integrală a creşterilor salariale pentru toţi
    angajaţii din sănătate şi asistenţă socială, începând cu 1 martie 2018. Si profesorii
    denunţă lipsa de finanţare a învăţământului, dar şi veniturile reduse pe care
    le au. Pe lista nemulţumirilor figurează anularea majorărilor salariale cu 25%,
    neplata restanţelor salariale câştigate în urma unor hotărâri judecătoreşti,
    calculul incorect al unor sporuri şi cuantumul mic al pensiei pentru cei care
    au lucrat în învăţământ.

  • October 3, 2017 UPDATE

    October 3, 2017 UPDATE

    BUSINESS FORUM – The Romanian President Klaus Iohannis and his Croat counterpart Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, who is on a state visit to Bucharest, on Tuesday opened the works of the Romanian – Croat Business Forum. On the occasion, the Romanian President pointed out that bilateral trade exchanges neared 300 million euros. In his opinion, although this is a low level given the potential of the two economies, recent developments are nevertheless encouraging. During Mondays talks the two presidents approached, among other things, ways to improve cooperation within the EU and NATO.

    VISIT – Romanias Prime Minister Mihai Tudose, on a visit to neighbouring Bulgaria, on Tuesday stated that, within a year, the two countries would be joining the Schengen agreement. In a joint conference with his Bulgarian counterpart Boiko Borisov, Tudose also said that the two countries were “condemned to be together” with regard to Schengen accession. The two officials chaired in Varna the fourth joint working session of Bucharest and Sofia government representatives. The agenda of the meeting included topics such as economic cooperation, transport and energy infrastructure, regional development and cross-border cooperation. A joint declaration on the main directions of bilateral, regional, European, Euro-Atlantic and international cooperation was signed in the presence of the two officials. Also in Varna, the Romanian Prime Minister attended a 4-party summit involving the participation of Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia and Greece.

    CARTEL ALFA – One of the most important trade union confederations in Romania, Cartel Alfa, will stage a protest meeting on Wednesday, in front of the Government building. Protesters are unhappy with authorities decision to have employees pay social contributions, a responsibility that used to be that of the employer, and call for collective employment agreements to be concluded at all levels. Trade unionists are also unhappy with the public salary law and the social dialogue law. According to Cartel Alfa, the meeting will be attended by some 10,000 people.

    CONSTITUTIONAL COURT – The Constitutional Court of Romania on Tuesday stated that the chief-prosecutor of the National Anticorruption Directorate Laura Codruta Kovesi has to appear before the parliamentary committee investigating the 2009 presidential election. Also, according to the Court, Kovesi must provide all the documents requested by the committee. The Constitutional Court discussed the requests for settling the legal conflict between Parliament and the Public Ministry, which is part of the judicial authority. The requests were filed by the Senate Speaker Calin Popescu Tariceanu and the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Liviu Dragnea, after the head of the Anticorruption Directorate refused to appear before the committee. The General Prosecutors Office had also started an investigation into the 2009 presidential elections, but the case was classified. Both investigations were started following allegations by a controversial journalist, who claimed that the elections were influenced by high-ranking state officials, including heads of powerful public institutions. The election was won by the right wing representative Traian Basescu, to the detriment of the Social Democrat Mircea Geoana.

    CORRUPTION – The Romanian Senate has rejected the request filed by the National Anticorruption Directorate to start the prosecution of the minister for the relation with Parliament Viorel Ilie. 77 senators voted against and 37 for. The Anticorruption Directorate accuses Ilie of instigation to direct and indirect use of information that are not to be made public and of allowing the access of unauthorized people to such information, during his ministerial term. In late July, the Minister for the Relation with Parliament organized an employment contest, which, according to the National Anticorruption Directorate, was arranged to favour certain candidates.

    SIMPLE MOTION – On Wednesday, the Romanian Parliament will debate and vote on the simple motion filed by the main opposition party, the National Liberal Party, against the Transport Minister Razvan Cuc. The signatories of the motion are accusing minister Cuc of faulty management, lack of professionalism and excessive politization within the ministry. Also, the liberals say the minister has blocked large infrastructure projects, whose deadlines have long been exceeded.

    CATALONIA – An anti-police strike on Tuesday gripped the province of Catalonia, in north-eastern Spain. Catalan trade unions called the strike to show public anger at Spanish police violence during Sundays referendum on the regions independence. Some 300,000 people took to the streets of Barcelona and other cities across Catalonia to denounce the violent intervention of the police during the referendum and to defend the results of the referendum, which was declared illegal by the central government. The leader of the Catalan regional government Carles Puigdemont called for the withdrawal of the riot police deployed in Madrid and said international mediation was needed. In Bucharest, Romanian Foreign Ministry representatives reiterated Romanias firm support for Spains sovereignty and territorial integrity.

    NOBEL PRIZE – Three American astrophysicists, Rainer Weiss, Barry Barish and Kip Thorne on Tuesday won the Nobel Prize in Physics for their studies on gravitational waves. The Nobel Prize in Physics is the second prize announced in the series of prizes made public each year. On Wednesday the Nobel Prize in Chemistry will be announced. According to tradition, the Nobel Prizes will be handed to their winners as part of an official ceremony to be held on December 10, the day when the death of the founder of the Nobel Prize, Alfred Nobel, is commemorated.

    TENNIS TOURNAMENT – The Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, ranking 2nd in the WTA classification, on Tuesday qualified for the eighth finals of the Beijing tournament, with 6.4 million dollars in prize money. She defeated the Slovak player Magdalena Rybarikova, no. 28 WTA, who abandoned the game in the second set. In the next round Simona will play against the Russian Maria Sarapova, no. 104 WTA, whom she has not managed to defeat so far. Another Romanian player, Sorana Cirstea, has too qualified for the next round, after she defeated the American Christina McHale. The third Romanian player participating in the tournament, Monica Niculescu, will play on Wednesday against the Chinese Shuai Peng. (translated by M. Ignatescu)

  • September 27, 2017

    September 27, 2017

    CORRUPTION – Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis has stated that the ministers who are being investigated in the so-called ‘Belina’ case, namely the Social Democrats Rovana Plumb and Sevil Shhaideh, should have resigned or should have been sacked. The head of state has criticized the ruling Social Democratic Party for its decision to support the two ministers, who four years ago allegedly transferred an island and an arm of the Danube from state property into the property of Teleorman County. The transfer was illegal. President Iohannis has also voiced worries over the planned changes in the judiciary laws, announced by the line minister Tudorel Toader. Harshly criticized by civil society and the media, Toader’s draft stipulates, among other things, that appointing the heads of the National Anti-corruption Directorate and of the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism will no longer be the president’s prerogatives. Also, under the new law, Judiciary Inspection would be part of the Ministry of Justice, and the seniority threshold for the promotion of magistrates will be set higher. Early this year, Government’s attempt to amend, under an emergency decree, the criminal codes, triggered large-scale protests across the country and in the Diaspora. Hundreds of thousands of Romanians took to the streets, accusing the ruling party of trying to exempt from criminal liability top level politicians and decision-makers.

    MINORITY RIGHTS – The Romanian Education Minister Liviu Pop is in Kiev today to discuss with his Ukrainian counterpart Lilia Grinevici the negative effects of the new education law on the Romanian ethnic minority living in Ukraine. Also, according to the Romanian Foreign Ministry, Romania will inform the international community about the violation of the right of the Romanians living in Ukraine to study in their mother tongue. These reactions have come following the promulgation on Monday of a law that drastically confines education in minority languages. The approximately 500,000 Romanians in Ukraine form the second largest ethnic community in the country, after the Russian one. More on this after the news.

    TRADE UNION PROTEST – The Romanian health federation Solidaritatea Sanitara (Solidarity for Health) has today announced a string of protests planned for Thursday and Friday. The participants will picket the head offices of the Labour and Health Ministries, following the Government’s announced intention to change the legal provisions regarding the basic salary. According to trade unionists, the change would trigger massive drops in the incomes of most employees in the health-care sector, of up to 60%, as of January 1st 2018. In another move, hundreds of people protested across Romania on Tuesday, after authorities announced that the payment of social contributions would become employees’ responsibility. The protests were staged by Cartel Alfa, one of the largest trade union confederations in Romania, which has announced that protests will continue throughout the week. Trade unionists say that transferring the responsibility of paying social contributions from employers to employees will lead to a drop in the net incomes, the dismantling of the unemployment fund and lower contributions to the pension fund. On October 4th, trade unions will gather for a large protest in Bucharest.

    ARMY EQUIPMENT – By the end of the year, the Romanian Army will have purchased the first Patriot missile system, according to the Romanian Defense Minister Mihai Fifor. He has stated today that Romanian authorities are also discussing the purchase of another 36 F16 fighters from the US. Also today, the Secretary of State for Defense Policy Mircea Dusa and the Chief of Staff of the Romanian Air Forces, the Lieutenant – General Laurian Anastasof, are attending at the air base in Monte Real, Portugal, the ceremony for the reception of three F16 updated fighters. According to a communiqué issued by the Romanian Defense Ministry, by taking over the three fighters, the Romanian Air Forces have finalized stage I in the process of introducing in the fleet F16 Fighting Falcon multi-role fighters. The first six out of the 12 strong squadron that makes the object of the Romanian – Portuguese agreement became part of the Romanian Air Forces capabilities in September 2016, and the next three in December last year.

    COMPETITIVENESS – Romania ranks 68th in a classification of the most competitive countries in the world, 6 places lower than last year. In the same classification, Switzerland has maintained is leading position for the ninth year in a row, according to a report released by the World Economic Forum. Switzerland is followed in the rankings by the US, Singapore, the Netherlands and Germany. Ranking lower than Romania are countries such as Estonia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Hungary. However, Romania is in a better position that Croatia and Greece. According to the report, the biggest issues facing Romania are taxation, bureaucracy, access to funding, a poorly educated labor force, corruption and the improper use of infrastructure.

    ROWING – Romania’s women’s eight has qualified straight into the finals of the World Rowing Championship in Sarasota – Bradenton, Florida, the US. In the men’s double sculls, Vlad-Dragos Aicoboae and Cosmin Pascari will compete in the semi-finals on Thursday. Ionela-Livia Lehaci and Gianina-Elena Beleaga have qualified for the doubles sculls semi-finals, the light category, to be held also on Thursday. Romania is taking part in the World championships with six crews.

    FOOTBALL – The only Romanian representative in the European football competitions, the vice-champion FCSB (formerly known as Steaua Bucharest) is playing on Thursday, away from home, against the Swiss from Lugano, in the Europa League. In the first Group G game, two weeks ago, FCSB won 3-0, in Bucharest, against Viktoria Plzen of the Czech Republic. The other game, Hapoel Beer Sheva of Israel defeated Lugano 2-1. In the rankings, FCSB comes 1st, with three points, followed by Hapoel, also with three points.

  • Nachrichten 26.09.2017

    Nachrichten 26.09.2017

    Bukarest: Die Rumänen, die in Großbritannien leben und arbeiten, werden ihre bestehenden Rechte und Freiheiten behalten. Dies erklärte heute Außenminister Teodor Meleşcanu für Radio Rumänien. Er präzisierte, er habe klare Versicherungen zu diesem Thema im Rahmen des montägigen Treffens in Bukarest mit seinem britischen Amtskollegen Boris Johnson. Teodor Meleşcanu sagte außerdem, er habe mit diesem auch über das Anmeldesystem der gesprochen, die nach Großbritannien reisen möchten. Seiner Meinung nach dürfe das neue System die Rechte jener nicht beeinträchtigen, die in Großbritannien arbeiten, studieren und leben. Seinerseits erklärte Boris Johnson für die Nachrichtenagentur AGERPRES, dass sich die in Großbritannien lebenden Rumänen über ihre Lage nach dem Brexit überhaupt keine Sorgen machen müssten“. Denn sie seien besonders wertvolle Mitglieder der britischen Gesellschaft. Er sagte außerdem, dass Großbritannien die rund eine halbe Million dort ansässigen Rumänen behalten möchte. Es möchte sich vergewissern, dass sie sich sicher fühlen und ihre Rechte gewahrt werden.

    Bukarest: Die Bildungsminister aus Bukarest und Kiew werden zu Gesprächen zusammenkommen, sodass die rumänische Minderheit in der Ukraine ihren Unterricht in der Muttersprache in möglichst vielen Fächern fortsetzen kann. Diese Ankündigung machte der Bukarester Außenminister Teodor Meleşcanu in einem Interview mit Radio Rumänien. Die Reaktion kommt nachdem der ukrainische Präsident Petro Poroşenko ein kontroverses Bildungsgesetz promulgiert hat. Dieses schränkt den Unterricht in den Muttersprachen der Landesminderheiten ein. Das besagte Gesetz soll die Bildungsqualität steigern, so die Präsidentschaft in Kiew, und zur Aufnahme des Landes in den europäischen Bildungsraum beitragen. Rumänien, Bulgarien, Ungarn, Griechenland und die Republik Moldau, die beträchtliche Minderheiten in der Ukraine haben, kritisierten aber die Rechtsvorschriften. Dazu hören Sie mehr nach den Nachrichten.

    Bukarest: Einer der größten rumänischen Gewerkschaftsverbände Cartel Alfa hat diese Woche eine Protestreihe in mehreren Städten des Landes eingeleitet. Der Gewerkschaftsverband hat zwei Hauptforderungen – die Sperre der Übertragung der Sozialabgaben vom Arbeitgeber auf den Arbeitnehemer und die Wiederaufnahme der Verhandlungen und den Abschluss der Tarifverträge auf allen Ebenen. Die Gewerkschaftler sagen, dass die Übertragung der Sozialabgaben auf den Arbeitnehmer zur Senkung der Nettoeinkommen, Abschaffung des Arbeitslosenfods und Reduzierung der Rentenbeiträge führen wird. Die ersten Kundgebungen fanden in mehreren Städten des Landes statt. Daran namen hunderte Personen teil. Laut Cartel Alfa werden sich die Gewerkschaftler am 4. Oktober in Bukarest vesammeln.

    Bukarest: Die europäischen Kommissarin für Regionalpolitik Corina Creţu hat Investitionen in Höhe von rund 200 Millionen Euro für Schnelleisenbahnstrecken in Rumänien gebilligt. Dies verlautet aus einem Kommunique der Vertretung der Europäischen Kommission in Bukarest. Laut der zitierten Quelle sollen 198,2 Millionen Euro aus dem Kohäsionsfonds in die Erneuerung der Eisenbahnlinie zwischen den Ortschaften Coşlariu und Simeria, in der Mitte Rumäniens investiert werden. Dadurch soll es den Zügen möglich sein mit Geschwindigkeiten zwischen 120 km/h und 160 km/h zu fahren. Somit wird die Fahrt zwischen den zwei Ortschaften um geschätzte 45 Minuten weniger dauern. Die Modernisierung dieser Einsebahnlinie wird die wirtschaftliche Wettbewerbsfähigkeit in der Mitte und im Westen des Landes ankurbeln und den Umweltschutz fördern. Das trägt auch direkt zur Steigerung der Lebensqualität der rumänischen Bürfer beitragen“ – erklärte Frau Creţu, die Rumänien in der Gemeinschaftsexekutive vertirtt.

    Sport: Die Tennisspielerin Simona Halep (2 WTA) hat am Dienstag 6-2, 6-1 gegen die Rissin Daria Kasatkina (31 WTA), in der zweiten Runde des Wuhan Tourniers China verloren. Die Gesamtpreise des Tourniers betragen 2,6 Millionen Dollar. Simona Halep, zweite Favoritin des Tourniers, spielte letzes Jahr im Halbfinale. Auch eine weitere Rumänin wurde am Dienstag in Wuhan besiegt. Sorana Cîrstea (46 WTA) verlor in der zweiten Runde vor der Chinesin Qiang Wang (55 WTA) 6-3, 6-3.

  • September 26, 2017

    September 26, 2017

    UKRAINE — The Education Ministers of Romania and Ukraine will hold talks so that the Romanian minority in Ukraine should have access to education in their mother tongue, Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu has told Radio Romania. The announcement came after Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko ratified the controversial education law restricting the rights of national minorities to education in their mother tongue. The law allegedly improves the teaching process and will help the country join the European Union. Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Greece and the Republic of Moldova, all having large groups of ethnics in Ukraine, have criticized the provisions of the law.

    TRADE UNIONS — One of the largest trade union confederations in Romania, Cartel Alfa, is this week staging a series of protests in several cities across the country. The trade union requests all social security taxes to no longer be passed onto employees and wants to start negotiations over signing collective employment agreements at all levels. Trade unionists say transferring social security contributions to the employees will reduce their net income, liquidate the unemployment fund and lower contributions to the pension fund. The first protests were staged on Monday in several cities. According to Cartel Alfa, a large protest will be staged in Bucharest on October 4.

    LAW ENFORCEMENT — Three Romanian police officers are taking part in an international effort to strengthen and develop the intervention capacity of the local law enforcement authorities in Georgia and Cyprus. Two officers are participating in the EU mission to Georgia and another one is part of the UN mission to Cyprus. The Romanian Police is carrying out crime prevention and combating activities jointly with the local authorities, providing humanitarian aid and taking part in missions aimed at keeping public order. So far 37 Romanian police officers are involved in 10 international missions on four continents under the coordination of the EU, the UN and the OSCE. The first mission they ever took part in was the one in Kosovo in 1998.

    ROMANIANS IN THE UK — Romanians living and working in the UK will preserve their rights and liberties, Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu today told Radio Romania. Minister Melescanu discussed this topic with the the British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson during the latter’s visit to Bucharest on Monday. The two officials also discussed about the new registry system for people who want to travel to the UK, which Minister Melescanu believes should not jeopardize the rights of people living, working or studying in the United Kingdom. In turn, Boris Johnson told AGERPRES news agency that Romanians in the UK should not be concerned about their future after Brexit, as they are valuable members of British society. Boris Johnson went on to say that the UK wants to keep the nearly half a million Romanians living in this country, wants to make them feel safe and to ensure them that their rights are being protected.

    TENNIS –WTA no. 2 Simona Halep today lost to Daria Kasatkina of Russia 6-2, 6-1, in second round of the Wuhan tournament in China, totalling 2.6 million dollars in prize money. Seeded second in the main draw, Simona Halep played last year’s semi-finals. Also today Sorana Cirstea, 46 WTA, lost 6-3, 6-3 to Qiang Wang of China, WTA no. 55.

    FOOTBALL — Romania’s only representative in European football competitions, FCSB, on Thursday is playing Lugano of Switzerland away from home in Europa League. In the first fixture of Group G, two weeks ago, Steaua won 3-nil against Viktoria Plzen of the Czech Republic at home. In the other Group game, Hapoel Beer Sheva of Israel defeated Lugano 2-1. FCSB tops the group tables with three points, followed by Hapoel. (Translated by V. Palcu)

  • Mindestlohn in Rumänien soll erhöht werden

    Mindestlohn in Rumänien soll erhöht werden

    Am Montag sind in Bukarest die Vertreter der Gewerkschaften, der Arbeitgeber und der Regierung zusammengekommen. Leider ist man zu keiner Lösung gekommen, so dass die Verhandlungen nach den Parlamentswahlen vom 11. Dezember wiederaufgenommen werden.

    Die Gewerkschaften haben vorgeschlagen, den gesetzlichen Mindestlohn ab 2017 um 200 Lei (44 Euro) zu erhöhen. Die Exekutive hat aber eine detailliertere Analyse vorgestellt und eine Lohnerhöhung von nur 100 Lei (22 Euro). vorgeschlagen. Der Cartel Alfa Vorsitzender Bogdan Hossu erklärte nach dem Treffen:

    “Die Gewerkschaften haben eine Erhöhung um 200 Lei gefordert, das heißt eine Erhöhung von 1250 Lei (277 Euro) auf 1450 Lei (322 Euro). Nach den Parlamentswahlen werden wir uns wieder treffen. Am 14. Dezember findet eine Regierungssitzung statt. Vielleicht wird dann der gesetzliche Mindestlohn für 2017 per Regierunserlass festgelegt.

    Ab dem kommenden Jahr könnte der Mindestlohn durch eine Berechnungsmethode bestimmt werden, an der unabhängige Experten, die von den sozialen Partnern vorgeschlagen wurden, arbeiten. Besagte Studie bietet ein Image der Beschäftigten, die einen Mindestlohn erhalten und hebt das Armutsrisiko dieser Kategorie von Angestellten hervor. Präsentiert werden auch die Auswirkungen der Lohnerhöhung auf die Wirtschaft. Der rumänische Arbeitsminister Dragoş Pîslaru erklärte, für eine Lohnerhöhung seien mehrere Etappen notwendig unter anderen die Zentralisierung der von den Gewerkschaften und Arbeitgebern gemachten Vorschläge. Hinsichtlich des einheitlichen Lohnes sagte er, um die Lohnungleichheiten zu regeln, benötige man bis 2022 19,5 Milliarden Lei dh (4,3 Milliarden Euro).

    Laut einer Mitteilung der Regierung werde die durchschnittliche Lohnerhöhung im Jahre 2017 37,3% betragen. Das Verhältnis zwischen dem Mindest- und dem Maximallohn wird von 1/13 sein. Der höchste Lohn wird jenes des Staatschefs sein. Der Lohn des Ministerpräsidenten wird aber um 300 Lei verkürzt. Am Jahresanfang bekam der Premier 15.825 Lei (3516 Euro). Den Ärzten und den IT-Fachleuten soll ein Lohnzuschlag von 30% gezahlt werden. Der Gesetzentwurf wird den sozialen Partnern für Beratungen, die beim Arbeitsministerium stattfinden, eingereicht werden.

  • Apeluri în favoarea menţinerii taxei radio-tv

    Apeluri în favoarea menţinerii taxei radio-tv

    Confederaţia Naţională Sindicală “Cartel ALFA” i-a trimis, luni, o scrisoare deschisă preşedintelui României, Klaus Johannis, în care îi solicită să nu promulge legea, prin care este desfiinţată taxa radio, pentru că aceasta va transforma presa publică în, cităm: “instrument de partid şi de stat”. În opinia Confederaţiei “Cartel ALFA”, alocarea de la bugetul de stat a sumei necesare funcţionării şi dezvoltării serviciilor publice de radio şi televiziune încalcă prevederile art. 31 din Constituţia României, şi este, în acelaşi timp, contrară practicilor de asigurare a independenţei editoriale faţă de factorul politic.

    Membrii Asociaţiei Jurnaliştilor şi Scriitorilor de Turism din România îşi exprimă, în scrisori adresate preşedintelui Klaus Iohannis şi premierului Dacian Cioloş îngrijorarea faţă de măsura adoptată de Parlament cu privire la eliminarea taxei radio-tv. Această schimbare a legii făcută la repezeală, înaintea alegerilor generale, şi fără consultarea societăţii civile reprezintă un act fără precedent în istoria audio-vizualului public românesc de după 1989. Garant al imparţialităţii şi veridicităţii informaţiei, serviciul public audio-vizual s-a aflat, de multe ori, tocmai ca veritabil paznic al democraţiei, în opoziţie cu Puterea, indiferent de culoarea ei, contribuind la echilibrul social şi la reducerea derapajelor pe scena politică, afirmă AJTR. În condiţiile în care taxa radio-tv nu va mai fi plătită, direct, de beneficiarii programelor audio-vizualului public, există temerea că Executivul, ca unic finanţator, ar putea exercita, în anumite situaţii, condiţionări şi presiuni politice sau economico-financiare asupra celor două instituţii, cu urmări nefaste asupra tuturor românilor. Ştim că majoritatea ţărilor dezvoltate din Europa au păstrat taxa radio-tv şi că, adesea, acolo unde guvernul finanţează integral serviciile audio-vizualului public, există şi un deficit de imparțialitate sau chiar de democraţie, se scrie în scrisorile trimise de AJTR. Organizaţia solicită Preşedintelui să nu promulge Legea care elimină taxa radio-tv. AJTR mai solicită domnilor Iohannis şi Cioloş o dezbatere publică naţională cu privire la oportunitatea eliminării taxei radio-tv şi o examinare a constituţionalităţii noii Legi de către Curtea Constituţională.

    Preşedinte FIJET World (Federaţia Internaţională a Jurnaliştilor şi Scriitorilor de Turism), Tijani Haddad, a transmis, la rândul său, o scrisoare Preşedintelui Iohannis, pentru a-şi exprima îngrijorarea profundă ca urmare a votului din Parlamentul României de a elimina taxa pentru serviciile publice de radio şi televiziune. “Cred că această decizie de a pune finanţarea serviciilor publice de radio şi televiziune în mâinile Guvernului poate afecta independenţa editorială a serviciilor publice de radio şi televiziune din România. Ştiu că Radio România este un model de succes de serviciu public şi transmite în toată lumea, informând ascultătorii despre realităţile din România. (…) În numele organizaţiei noastre, vă rugăm să luaţi în considerare posibilitatea de a nu sprijini această propunere de a anula taxa pentru serviciile publice de radio şi televiziune », se arată în scrisoarea preşedintleui FIJET World

    Tot luni, preşedintele României, Klaus Johannis, i-a invitat, la Palatul Cotroceni, pe preşedinţii Televiziunii şi Radioului Publice, Irina Radu şi Ovidiu Miculescu, cu care a discutat despre taxa radio-tv. Conducerile celor doua institutii au prezentat situaţia actuală în care se afla Televiziunea şi Radioul publice. Discuţia a avut loc în contextul votului dat de plenul Parlamentului în 25 octombrie asupra Legii care vizeaza eliminarea taxei radio-tv, alături de alte 100 de taxe.

  • Digital Skills and Lifelong Learning

    Digital Skills and Lifelong Learning

    Nowadays, jobs may change fairly often. Digital skills and a willingness to change jobs are valuable assets on the job market. Unfortunately, EU statistics dont seem to indicate that these are widespread. 40% of the EU population is below par in digital skills, and only 11% of adults pursued lifelong learning.

    In Romania, the situation is even worse: 74% of the people aged between 16 and 74 lack basic digital skills, while only 1% of the adults pursued continuous professional education. The situation has come to the attention of trade unions, which are concerned about the weak match between the content of school curricula and labor market demands.

    Here is Bogdan Hossu, head of the Cartel Alfa national trade union confederation: “It is noticeable that interest for digital skills is very low among young people who opt for higher education. This shows that early education is not enough to provide information on the structure of the market and the adequate perspective on a future job. Todays Romanian education is fairly ineffective. We have some recommendations from this point of view. One refers to working together with the labor market, which should occur through the intermediary of employers and unions. At the same time, continuous education of adults is still a major issue, with great difficulties and malfunctions.”

    Obviously, one solution is a closer collaboration between education and labor market regulation. Here is Labor Minister Dragos Paslaru: “An old-fashioned mentality still prevails. In other words, the education system is believed to be responsible with shaping and regulating skills. We have a system that is still the bone of contention in the relationship between the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labor, which is absurd. For the last month, I started talking to the Minister of Education, who is very open in this regard, that of institutional cooperation. So far we have not managed to collaborate properly in an institutional framework, we have not managed to create an effective link between the government and the private sphere, and we have not managed to create an effective link between the central and local spheres. Theres more work to be done.”

    Should inter-ministry cooperation function, it should be in dual learning, the involvement of employers in vocational education. The Education Ministry has taken certain steps, according to Margareta Ivan, an adviser to the education minister: “The concern of the Education Ministry right now is this dual model that has been debated this year, and will soon reach a final point by pushing through legislation opening the door for dual vocational education with an emphasis on practice and more involvement from employers.”

    In addition, the curriculum for the secondary school system, recently launched, introduces computer classes as early as secondary education. Basic IT&C skills are fundamental requirements in most jobs, according to Raluca Predoi, a manager with a multinational corporation: “This is one of the most important technical skills we are looking for. As soon as a person is hired, communication occurs on-line. This continues in most tasks, from communication to self-reporting of results on the job. However, we dont believe these skills are properly developed in schools. For instance, even though there are classes for this in school, using Microsoft Excel spreadheets is below our expectations, which are not so high to begin with.”

    As for working with the education system in order to train future employees, Raluca Predoi admits that her company has not had problems: “The company I represent is interested in the academic environment, in terms of higher education graduates, and equally in vocational training, since we have a manufacturing facility. In both cases, we have worked very well with universities, and have signed partnerships with vocational schools. We do have a dialog with government entities, but these have not reached a level of maturity.”

    In order to encourage the dialog between institutions involved in job training, the European Commission has introduced a new agenda for improving the teaching of job skills and improving access to the labor market. (translation by C. Cotoiu)