Tag: Ciolacu

  • 21.12.2022


    Révolution – Le président roumain, Klaus Iohannis a déposé ce matin une couronne de fleurs à la croix en bois érigée sur la place de l’Université dans le centre de Bucarest à la mémoire des victimes de la Révolution anticommuniste roumaine de décembre 1989. « Gardons vivante la mémoire des héros de la révolution de décembre 1989 et de porter ensuite les idéaux pour lesquels nous avons lutté ! » a écrit le chef de l’Etat sur Facebook. « Aux martyrs de la Révolution roumaine et à tous ceux qui ont eu à souffrir durant la période de la dictature communiste nous devons la liberté dont nous bénéficions aujourd’hui et c’est à eux que nous devons remercier par le soin que nous portons à la Roumanie et à la consolidation du processus démocratique » a également déclaré dans un message le premier ministre Nicolae Ciucă. Par ailleurs, l’ambassadeur de la Belgique en Roumanie, Philippe Benoit, du Royaume Uni Andrew Noble, et le directeur de l’Institut français, Julien Chiappone-Lucchesi, ont participé mardi près de la Capitale au dévoilement d’un nouveau monument qui commémore les trois journalistes étrangers tués durant la révolution de 1989 – le belge Danny Huwe, le français Jean-Louis Calderon et le britannique Ian Henry Parry. Rappelons-le que la révolution anticommuniste roumaine s’est déclenchée à Timisoara, dans l’ouest de la Roumanie pour se répandre ensuite à travers le pays et culminer à Bucarest le 22 décembre, par la chute du régime communiste de Nicolae Ceausescu. Au total, plus de 1 000 personnes ont péri, et près de 3000 ont été blessées. La Roumanie est le seul pays d’Europe de l’Est où le changement de régime s’est fait par la violence.

    Séoul – Le premier ministre roumain, Nicolae Ciucă, et le président de la Chambre des Députés de Bucarest, Marcel Ciolacu entament une visite de trois jours en Corée du Sud. Les deux responsables sont accompagnés de plusieurs ministres et élus nationaux. L’énergie, les investissements, l’éducation et l’industrie de défense seront les sujets à l’ordre du jour des rencontres avec les responsables sud-coréens. Dans le cadre d’une réunion avec le président de l’Assemblée nationale de la République de Corée, Kim Jin-pyo, le premier ministre Ciuca a évoqué la consolidation de la coopération bilatérale. « Nous sommes déterminés à consolider la coopération roumano-coréenne, de mettre en valeur tout le potentiel économique et à encourager les investissements dans le secteur énergétique », a twitté Nicolae Ciuca sur la page du Gouvernement roumain. Dans le cadre de sa visite, le chef de l’exécutif de Bucarest devra rencontrer son homologue sud-coréen, Han Duck-soo, et aux côtés du président de la Chambre des députés, Marcel Ciolacu, ont à l’agenda une réunion avec des représentants de la communauté roumaine de la Corée du Sud. Jeudi, les responsables roumains visiteront deux entreprises coréennes avant de se rendre vendredi dans la zone démilitarisée qui sépare la Corée du sud de la Corée du Nord.

    Zelensky – Le président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky, qui n’a pas quitté son pays depuis l’invasion par la Russie le 24 février, sera reçu mercredi à la Maison Blanche par Joe Biden avant de s’adresser au Congres américain, lors d’une visite déjà historique, selon l’AFP. Cette visite souligne que les Etats-Unis soutiendront l’Ukraine « aussi longtemps qu’il le faudra », a déclaré Karine Jean-Pierre, porte-parole de l’exécutif américain, dans un communiqué officialisant l’événement. Ce déplacement, qui sera assorti de l’annonce d’une nouvelle aide américaine qualifiée de « significative » à l’Ukraine, comprenant notamment un système antiaérien Patriot, sonne comme un défi a Vladimir Poutine. Le Kremlin a ainsi mis en garde mercredi contre de nouvelles livraisons d’armes américaines à l’Ukraine, qui n’auront pour effet que d’ « aggraver » le conflit. Les Etats-Unis, de loin les premiers donateurs à Kiev, ont fourni selon des estimations d’experts déjà près de 50 milliards de dollars d’aide au pays en guerre, dont 20 milliards en armement et assistance militaire. Sur le terrain, les combats se poursuivaient mercredi, l’état-major ukrainien rapportant des attaques et bombardements russes dans l’est et le nord-est. Au moins trois personnes ont été tuées et 14 blessées dans des frappes sur les régions de Donetsk et de Kherson, selon les autorités locales.

    Médicaments – La Roumanie est confrontée en ce moment à une pénurie dans les pharmacies de médicaments anti-inflammatoires et anti-fièvre utilisés dans les cas des maladies respiratoires surtout pour les enfants. C’est la conséquence d’une augmentation de la consommation engendrée par le nombre élevé de malades cet hiver, après deux ans pendant lesquels les restrictions liées à la pandémie ont limité la circulation de tous les virus. Le ministre de la Santé, Alexandru Rafila, a déclaré que pour améliorer la situation il envisageait la restriction temporaire de l’export de certaines catégories de médicaments. Plus de détails après le journal.

    Rasinari – L’Organisation mondiale du tourisme a choisi la Commune de Rasinari dans le centre de la Roumanie parmi les meilleures destinations rurales au monde. Elle se retrouve sur une liste de 32 localités de 18 Etats au monde. Selon le maire de la commune, Rasinari est sise aux pieds des montagnes, où l’air est pur, il y a des forêts de sapins, des gîtes ruraux et des itinéraires touristiques organisées. « Quiconque y arrive, a des choses à voir et à faire », affirme encore l’édile. La cérémonie de remise des prix « Best Tourisme Villages » aura lieu au mois de février, étant une reconnaissance de l’engagement pour l’innovation et la soutenabilité dans tous les aspects : économique, social et environnemental, précise encore l’OMS.

    Météo – Températures légèrement à la hausse en Roumanie avec des maxima allant généralement de 4 à 12 degrés, un peu plus élevées à l’extérieur de l’arc des Carpates. Ciel variable, couvert sur l’extrême nord et nord-ouest, où des pluies sont possibles. Ciel couvert aussi à Bucarest où le mercure des thermomètres indique – 2 degrés.

  • Hăbări ditu bana românească şi internaţională

    Hăbări ditu bana românească şi internaţională

    MEDALIA. Românlu David Popovici, 17 ani, easti doilu anutătoru ditu istorie cari agiumsi campion mondialu la probili di 200 și 1000 di meatri libiru ditu idyea ediție a unui campionat. Sportivlu surpă trei recorduri mondiale la juniori la Campionatele Mondiale di Nataţie, cari s’dizvărtescu Budapesta. România ari nica un reprezentantu tru competiție, Robert Glinţa, cari va s’antreacă viniri la proba di 50 di meatri pi păltări. Glinţa bitisi proba di 100 di meatri tamam pi poziţia a opta. Alță doi reprezentanță ali Românie, Angelica Muscalu și Constantin Popovici va s’concureadză tru proba di ahănduseri a competițillei adusă aminti ma ndzeană.

    VIZITĂ. Marcel Ciolacu, prezidentulu a Camerăllei a Deputaților ditu România faţi adză ună vizită Bruxelles tră muabeţ ofiţiale cu Roberta Metsola, prezidentulu a Parlamentului European și cu comisarlu tră lucru și ndrepturi suţiale, Nicholas Schmit. Oficialu român easti tutunăoară așteptat s’aibă muabeţ cu prezidintulu Camerei Diputaților cu Parlamentul belgian, cum și cu ministrul a lucărlui și Economiei ditu Belgia. Ciolacu va s’ţănă unu zboru tru arada ali andamasi ţi va u aibă cu lidirlli a Partidului Socialist European.

    ANDAMUSERI. Chiro di dauă dzăli, Bruxelles va s’ţănă summitul a lidirilor UE și ai Balcanilor ditu Ascăpitată, ună sesiune a Consiliului European și summitul euro. Pi agenda Consiliului European suntu dibaturli mutrinda ligăturli a blocului cu partenerii aprukeaţ ditu Europa, catandisea ditu Ucraina și căftărli di adirari ali Republică Moldova și Georgia. România easti reprezentată tru summitul lidirilor UE și tru Consiliul European di cătră prezidintulu a llei Klaus Iohannis, cari salută recomandarea a Comisiillei Europene tra s’da a Republicăllei Moldova și Ucraina statutul di candidate la UE. Comisia pricunuscu nădiili europene ale Georgiei, ama aestă văsilie nu tiñisi tuti condițiile tra s’aibă statutlu di v4silie candidată. Summitul euro cari va s’ţănă mâni va s’aibă tu arada di lucru catandisea economică a blocului și evoluțiile mutrinda uniunea bancară și piețele di capital.

    APOFASI. Coaliția di guvernământ ditu România a Agiumsi la un acord mutrinda un mecanism di compensari a păhadzloru la pompă tră combustibil. Aestu lucru lipseaşti dimăndat tu şcurtu kiro după sesiunea guvernamentală di adza și va s’intra tru practico di la 1 alunaru tră trei meşi. Mecanismul pripus di guvern va s’compenseadzăa cu ună sumă fixă ​​păhadzlli la pompă tru loc di un procent, iara compensația va s’hibă finanțată di la bugetul di stat și di la companiile ditu domeniu. Mecanismul va s’bagă bazele a unui act normativ pe cari guvernul va lu vulusească stămâna yinitoari.

    Autoru: Udălu a hăbărloru

    Armânipsearia: Taşcu Lala

  • June 23, 2022

    June 23, 2022

    MEDAL Romanian David Popovici, 17, is
    the second swimmer in history to have become world champion in the 200 and 1000
    meter freestyle events of the same edition of a championship. The athlete has
    broken three world junior records in the World Aquatics Championships underway
    in Budapest. Romania has another representative in the competition, Robert
    Glinta, who will compete on Friday in the 50 meter backstroke race. Glinta
    ended the 100 meter even on the eighth position. Another two Romanian
    representatives, Angelica Muscalu and Constantin Popovici will be competing in
    the dive event of the aforementioned competition.

    VISIT Marcel Ciolacu, president of the
    Chamber of Deputies in Romania is today paying a visit to Brussels for
    official talks with Roberta Metsola, president of the European Parliament and
    with the Commissioner for Work and Social Rights, Nicholas Schmit. The Romanian
    official is also expected to have talks with the president of the Chamber of
    Deputies with the Belgian Parliament as well as the Minister of Labour and
    Economy in Belgium. Ciolacu is also to deliver a speech during the meeting he
    will have with the leaders of the European Socialist Party.

    MEETINGS For two days Brussels will be
    seeing the summit of the leaders of the EU and the Western Balkans, a European
    Council session and the Euro summit. High on the European Council agenda are
    debates over the bloc’s relations with close partners in Europe, the situation
    in Ukraine, and the accession requests by the Republic of Moldova and Georgia.
    Romania is being represented in the EU leaders’ summit and the European Council
    by its president Klaus Iohannis, who hailed the recommendation of the European
    Commission to grant the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine the status of EU
    candidates. The Commission has acknowledged the European aspirations of
    Georgia, but this country hasn’t met all the conditions to get the statute of
    candidate country. The euro summit due tomorrow will have high on the agenda
    the economic situation of the bloc and the developments concerning the banking
    union and the capital markets.

    MEASURES The ruling coalition in
    Romania has reached an agreement regarding a mechanism to offset pump prices
    for fuel. This has to be announced shortly after the government session today
    and is to come into effect as of July 1st for three months. The mechanism
    proposed by the government will compensate with a fixed sum pump prices instead
    of a percentage and the compensation will be funded by the state budget and the
    companies in the field. The mechanism will lay the foundation for a normative
    act the government is to endorse next week.

    MOTION USR MPs in Romania have tabled a
    simple motion against the country’s Energy Minister whom they accuse of
    incompetence in running this ministry. According to USR, during the mandate of
    Minister Virgil Popescu, prices in fuel, energy and gas have been constantly on
    the rise. This simple motion against the energy minister will be debated upon
    on Monday in the Chamber of Deputies and the voting is expected the next day.


  • Joint Parliamentary session Romania – The Republic of Moldova

    Joint Parliamentary session Romania – The Republic of Moldova

    day after the European Commission recommended the member states to grant
    Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova the status of EU-accession candidate,
    Chisinau hosted for the first time a joint session of the Parliaments of
    Romania and the ex-Soviet, Romanian-speaking Republic of Moldova. ‘We are
    continuing to count on Romania, which is a major voice in European institutions’,
    leaders in Chisinau say. In the opening of the joint session, Moldovan
    president Maia Sandu, who signed the country’s EU accession request as early as
    March, said the recommendation of the European Commission is an important
    moment for the future of her state and the hope that all citizens need.

    Maia Sandu: Romania has always been by our side. Our
    relations today are at the highest level in the past 30 years. However, there
    is still more to do but Romania’s expertise and experience have been and will
    continue to be very helpful to us.

    In turn, Igor Grosu, the
    president of the Legislature in Chisinau hasreiterated
    the fact that the Republic of Moldova has constantly benefitted from
    unconditional assistance from Romania.

    Igor Grosu: Over the years Romania has been a genuine
    supporter of the Republic of Moldova and the range of cooperation has far
    exceeded the traditional character of relations of good vicinity.

    Grosu has also said the commitments assumed by the Republic of Moldova on the
    reform of justice, fighting corruption and ensuring energy independence are
    clear and will be met. Chișinău has been given assurances of all the support
    Bucharest can provide for its European integration from the president of the
    Romanian Senate, Florin Cîţu.

    Florin Citu: The future of the Republic of Moldova is in
    the big European family. This is a fundamental desideratum for the Republic of
    Moldova and Romania alike due to the past, values and ideals that unite us.

    president of the Chamber of Deputies in Bucharest, Marcel Ciolacu, has also
    given assurances that Romania will continue to stay together with the
    neighboring state. He pleaded for joint actions between the two countries
    especially for the benefit of their citizens.

    Marcel Ciolacu: The future we are building today must be together.
    And those who want to separate us certainly don’t work for the benefit of our
    citizens. And this joint construction project starts right here in Chisinau.

    support for the Republic of Moldova’s European integration and the
    consolidation of bilateral cooperation in all fields of activity has been
    reiterated in a joint statement signed at the end of the aforementioned
    Parliamentary session. In the document both states are firmly condemning the
    aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and are reiterating the
    full support for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of
    Ukraine within its internationally-recognized borders.


  • Parliament cooperation Romania – The Republic of Moldova

    Parliament cooperation Romania – The Republic of Moldova

    Romania and the Republic of Moldova, an ex-soviet Romanian-speaking country, enjoy extremely close relations as the two countries share the same language, history, culture and traditions. And these two states are going to have a first joint Parliamentary session in the near future, Ion Grosu, president of the Republic of Moldovas Legislature, has announced upon his meeting in Chisinau with Marcel Ciolacu, the president of the Chamber of Deputies in Bucharest. Igor Grosu said that he was happy that the first session would be hosted by Chisinau, which is a clear signal of support for the incumbent government. He described the bilateral relations as excellent while Romania is the Republic of Moldovas best economic partner and closest friend regarding the support provided for the countrys EU accession.

    In turn, Ciolacu has said that Bucharest has always been by Chisinaus side and reiterated Romanias commitment to supporting the Republic of Moldovas EU accession. “The Republic of Moldovas place is in the European Union. There is no other way for the Republic of Moldova to develop than to join the European Union,” Ciolacu says. In early March, the Republic of Moldovas president Maia Sandu signed the countrys EU accession request in a move, which was viewed by many as historic, as it happened in a difficult regional context, created by Russias military invasion of Ukraine and the crisis of the Ukrainian refugees who arrived in Moldova.

    Similar requests had been earlier submitted by Georgia and Ukraine It seems that we are facing a war of attrition, which is going to affect us all, Ciolacu went on to say adding that Bucharest and Chisinau must obviously help each other out of these economic crises and citizens must be supported by the two governments to overcome these situations as soon as possible. At the same time the head of the Chamber of Deputies believes the neighboring state is in no need of military support.

    Marcel Ciolacu: “I believe the Republic of Moldova does not need military backup, what it actually needs is to secure its borders, something to benefit the entire Europe and I believe that Romania must get more involved in this process together with the Republic of Moldova. Romania is really a shield for the Republic of Moldova and this is how things must be.”

    Ciolacu has also held talks with the head of the Moldovan state, Maia Sandu, who thanked him for the support Romania offered including the non-reimbursable 100-million-euro loan agreed upon the joint sessions of the governments of Chisinau and Bucharest in February and the 10-million-euro loan announced at the Berlin conference in April. After meeting the countrys Prime Minister Natalia Gavriliţa, Marcel Ciolacu said that Romania firmly supports the extension of the EUs financial assistance to the Republic of Moldova.


  • June 6, 2022 UPDATE

    June 6, 2022 UPDATE

    Visit — The Speaker of Romania’s Chamber of Deputies, Marcel Ciolacu, on Monday had meetings in Chisinau with the President and Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova (mostly Romanian-speaking), Maia Sandu and Natalia Gavriliţa, respectively. ‘I reiterated to President Maia Sandu Romanias commitment to support the Republic of Moldova EU’s integration process and the rapid acquisition of the status of candidate country. Romania is supporting the Republic of Moldova more than ever before, in the current tense security context’, Ciolacu wrote on Twitter. Marcel Ciolacu also stated that Romania ‘strongly’ supports the extension of the European Unions financial assistance for Chisinau. Earlier, the Romanian official met with Moldovan Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu, who said that bilateral relations are excellent, with Romania being Moldova’s best economic partner and closest friend in terms of support for EU membership. The two officials also said that they started taking the steps for the streamlining of the goods traffic at the common border, where thousands of trucks are waiting to transit. Grosu announced that a joint meeting of the two parliaments would take place in Chisinau.

    Weather – In Romania, the weather on Tuesday will be generally beautiful and warmer than normal. The highs of the day range from 21 to 31 degrees Celsius. In Bucharest, the noon temperature is expected to reach 28 degrees C. Last night, the capital and several counties, mostly in the south of the country, were under a code orange alert for unstable weather. Several trees were felled down by the strong storm, and several houses in Constanta County were flooded. In three counties, also in the south of the territory, a code red alert for bad weather was in place, and a code yellow alert for the rest of the country.

    Football – Romania’s national football team will take on Bosnia-Herzegovina, away from home, on Tuesday in their Nations League second match. In their first away game on Saturday night the Romanians conceded a 2-0 defeat to Montenegro, which will be up against Finland on Tuesday. Romania ranks last in its group with no points.

    Ship – Mircea training ship left, on Monday, from the military port of Constanţa, the most important Romanian port on the Black Sea Coast, in the second international training voyage of this year. The mission is dedicated to the anniversary, this year, of 150 years of Romanian naval education. On board the ship are Romanian students from the “Mircea cel Batrân” Naval Academy and foreign students from the naval academies in Great Britain, Poland, Bulgaria and the United States. The voyage will take almost two months, during which time the ship will dock in five Mediterranean ports – Augusta, Genoa, Valencia, Valletta and Alexandria.

    Refugees – According to the Romanian Border Police Inspectorate roughly 7,000 Ukrainian nationals entered Romania on Sunday, 17% less than the previous day. Since the beginning of the conflict in the neighboring country, over 1.1 million Ukrainian nationals have crossed the border into Romania. Out of these, 90 thousand decided to remain but only 2,000 have got jobs in this country. The Romanian government wants to offer support to these refugees to help them get integrated, learn the language, get a job and access to education for their children. A national plan for the social inclusion of these refugees could be approved this week.

    Lavrov– The Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has canceled a two-day visit to Serbia after three countries bordering it, Northern Macedonia, Bulgaria and Montenegro, decided to close their airspace, the agency said. Interfax news agency, quoted by DPA reports. Lavrov is on the Western sanctions list in the context of Russias war agaist Ukraine, and the European Union has closed its airspace to Russian aircraft following the invasion. Serbia, which has expressed its wish to join the Union, is the only European state that has not adopted the sanctions and is one of Russias closest allies on the Old Continent. In Bucharest, the government spokesman, Dan Cărbunaru, specified that, until Monday at 3:40 p.m., the Romanian authorities had not received any request from Russia for the crossing of the airspace by Sergei Lavrovs aircraft. (LS)

  • June 6, 2022

    June 6, 2022

    SPORTS Former Romanian gymnast Catalina Ponor has become Romania’s 12th
    athlete to have been included in the International Gymnastics Hall of Fame
    during a ceremony hosted by Oklahoma City, the Romanian Gymnastics Federation
    announced on Monday. Ponor has thus joined those who have contributed to the
    development of this sport discipline such as Tatiana Gutu of Ukraine, Fabian
    Hambuechen of Germany and Chelsie Memmel of the USA. Ponor walked away with
    five Olympic medals including three gold, which she got in Athens in 2004. Her
    prize closet also includes five medals in world championships and eight in
    European championships.

    WEATHER Temperatures are
    slightly going down in southern and south-eastern Romania, which are also going
    to see an overcast sky, thunderstorms and wind. The highs of the day range
    between 22 and 31 degrees Celsius with a noon reading of 29 in Bucharest. A
    code yellow alert for heavy rainfalls and thunderstorms was issued last night
    for Bucharest and several other counties in southern Romania. A code yellow
    warning for bad weather was issued for three counties in southern Romania on
    Sunday night.

    FOOTBALL Romania’s national football side will be taking on
    Bosnia-Herzegovina on Tuesday in their Nations League second away match. In
    their first away game on Saturday night the Romanians conceded a 2-0 defeat to
    Montenegro, which will be up against Finland on Tuesday. Romania ranks last in
    its group with no points.

    VISIT Marcel Ciolacu, President of the Chamber of Deputes in Bucharest,
    on Monday held talks in Chisinau with Ion Grosu, president of Parliament in the
    Republic of Moldova, an ex-Soviet, Romanian-speaking country. According to Ciolacu
    the Republic of Moldova doesn’t need military support but needs to make its borders
    more secure and Romania must get involved more in this process. Ciolacu has
    also said that the place of the Republic of Moldova is in the EU and Romania’s
    duty is to help the neighboring country achieve this goal. In turn Igor Grosu
    announced a joint session of the two Parliaments to take place in Chisinau.
    According to the Moldovan official, talks focused on infrastructure, on ways of
    easing cross-border circulation, energy, infrastructure and healthcare. Besides Parliamentary talks, Ciolacu also
    has scheduled a series of meetings with the President and Prime Minister of the
    Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu and Natalia Gavrilita, respectively.

    REFUGEES According to
    the Romanian Border Police Inspectorate roughly 7,000 Ukrainian nationals
    entered Romania on Sunday, 17% less than the previous day. Since the beginning
    of the conflict in the neighboring country, over 1.1 million Ukrainian
    nationals have crossed the border into Romania. Out of these, 90 thousand
    decided to remain but only 2,000 have got jobs in this country. The Romanian
    government wants to offer support to these refugees to help them get
    integrated, learn the language, get a job and access to education for their children.
    A national plan for the social inclusion of these refugees could be approved
    this week.

    SHIP The Romanian
    training ship Mircea today sets sail at Constanta, Romania’s main Black Sea port,
    for its second international training voyage. The mission, which is devoted to
    celebrating 150 years of Romanian sailing education, involves the participation
    of Romanian cadets from the ‘Mircea cel Batran’ Navy Academy and their foreign
    counterparts from Britain, Poland, Bulgaria and the United States. During the
    two-month voyage, the ship is expected to moor in five ports on the Mediterranean
    – Augusta, Genoa, Vallencia, Valletta and Alexandria.


  • 06.06.2022


    Moldova – Une délégation parlementaire roumaine, dirigée par le président de la Chambre des Députés, Marcel Ciolacu a commencé aujourd’hui une visite officielle de deux jours en République de Moldova voisine à l’invitation du président du parlement de Chisinau, Igor Grosu. L’action vise à poursuivre et à intensifier le dialogue qui existe entre la Roumanie et la République de Moldova, permettant la mise en valeur des instruments qu’offre la diplomatie parlementaire, selon un mémorandum de la Chambre des Députés. Hormis les entretiens au niveau parlementaire, M Ciolacu doit également rencontrer la présidente et la première ministre de la République de Moldova, Maia Sandu et respectivement Natalia Gavriliţă.

    Réfugiés – L’inspection générale de la police roumaine aux frontières a annoncé que près de 7 000 ressortissants ukrainiens étaient entrés en Roumanie dimanche, en baisse de 17% par rapport au jour précédent. Depuis le déclenchement de cette crise, plus de 1,1 millions de citoyens ukrainiens sont entrés en Roumanie. Sur ce nombre, 90 mille ont décidé d’y rester, mais un peu plus de 2 mille y ont trouvé un emploi. Les autres risquent d’épuiser leurs ressources financières et le gouvernement roumain envisage de les aider à s’intégrer, à apprendre la langue, à trouver un emploi et d’assurer à leurs enfants l’accès à l’éducation. Un plan national pour l’inclusion des réfugiés ukrainiens pourrait être adopté cette semaine.

    Lavrov – Le ministre russe des Affaires Etrangères, Serguei Lavrov a annulé une visite de deux jours en Serbie, à cause de la décision de trois pays avoisinants – la Macédoine du Nord, la Bulgarie et le Monténégro – ont décidé de fermer leur espace aérien, fait savoir l’agence de presse Interfax, citée par la dpa. M Lavrov figure sur la liste de sanctions imposées par l’Occident dans le contexte de la guerre déclenchée par la Russie contre l’Ukraine et l’Union européenne a fermé l’espace aérien aux avions russes suite à l’invasion. La Serbie, qui souhaite officiellement adhérer à l’UE est l’unique Etat européen à ne pas rejoindre les sanctions et un des alliés les plus proches de la Russie sur le Vieux continent.

    Cancer – La journée nationale des survivants du cancer a été marquée dimanche pour la première fois en Roumanie par des manifestations censées transmettre des messages d’espoir et de soutien aux survivants de cette maladie. Lors de la Conférence nationale de la Fédération des associations de lutte contre le cancer qui s’est récemment déroulée à Bucarest, le Secrétaire d’Etat à la Santé, Andrei Baciu, s’est dit content qu’un tel diagnostic ne soit plus synonyme de condamnation. Les représentants des patients affirment toutefois que de nombreux écueils persistent. Parmi eux, le manque de prise en charge de certains examens, traitements ou opérations dans le secteur privé, ainsi que le manque de personnel spécialisé. Plusieurs médecins ont également déclaré que certains cas oncologiques pouvaient être évités grâce à la mise en place d’examens réguliers.

    Mircea – Le navire école « Mircea » doit quitter aujourd’hui le port militaire de Constanta pour sa deuxième croisière d’instruction de cette année. La mission est consacrée au 150e anniversaire de l’enseignement supérieur naval roumain. Au bord du navire se trouvent des étudiants roumains de l’Académie navale « Mircea cel Batrân » mais aussi des étudiants du Royaume Uni, de Pologne, de Bulgarie et des Etats Unis. Cette croisière devra durer deux mois, durant lesquels le voilier fera des escales dans cinq ports de la Mer Méditerranée Augusta, Gênes, Valence, La Valette et Alexandrie.

    Foot – La Sélection nationale de foot de Roumanie rencontre mardi la Bosnie pour le deuxième match de la nouvelle édition de la Ligue des Nations. Durant le premier match, déroulé samedi la Roumanie s’est inclinée 2 buts à 0 contre le Monténégro. Mardi, la Finlande affronte le Monténégro. La sélection nationale est dernière place de son groupe sans aucun point.

    Météo – Températures légèrement à la baisse aujourd’hui sur le sud et le sud-est de la Roumanie. Dans ces régions et en montagne le ciel sera couvert et les pluies et les orages seront au rendez-vous. Les maximas iront de 22 à 31 degrés. 29 degrés à Bucarest. Dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi, Bucarest et plusieurs départements du sud étaient placées en code orange à l’instabilité. Plusieurs arbres ont été abattus par la tempête et plusieurs maisons ont été inondées au département de Constanta. Une alerte rouge était également valable sur le sud du territoire.

  • Economic and social measures

    Economic and social measures

    The first measures in the Support for Romania Program, announced on Monday by the leaders of the ruling coalition made up of the PNL (National Liberal Party)-PSD (Social Democratic Party)-UDMR (Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians in Romania) have been adopted by the Romanian Parliament. One of the draft laws is aimed at increasing the minimum gross salary to 3,000 lei (600 Euros) in agriculture and the food industry. In these domains, the allowances and facilities are assimilated to the already-existing-ones in the constructions field, and employees will be exempted, until 2028, from the payment of income taxes and of the health insurance contribution.

    Under the second bill adopted by Parliament, the food allowance for hospital patients and for institutionalized elderly people is doubled to 22 lei (a little over 4 Euros). The application of the Support for Romania package of measures for the protection of the citizens and the economy is a priority for the Government, the Liberal Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă wrote in a social media post. He pointed out that the state aid scheme for stimulating investments, with a major impact on the economy, met the very high expectations of the business environment.

    According to the PM, the benefits will also be significant for the sectors which will receive financing, such as: manufacturing industry, constructions, hospitality industry, information technology and communications, health and social assistance. Nicolae Ciucă announced that the value of the package stands at 17.3 billion lei (about 3.5 billion Euros), of which about half are European funds.

    The current coalition must come up with solutions to the problems of citizens and the economy, Nicolae Ciucă added: “The package has three main objectives: supporting the economy for a healthy economic growth, achieving social cohesion and, of course, solidarity between generations.

    300 million Euros from the package will be used to compensate for the prices increases. The SMEs will receive up to 400,000 Euros per company to stimulate investment, and transport companies will be disbursed a small part of one liter of fuel. Furthermore, farmers will receive money in the form of grants.

    In turn, the PSD leader, Marcel Ciolacu, says that the current coalition has come up with these economic and social measures so as to keep inflation in check and pointed out that the current inflation rate of 10% is an influence from Europe. According to him, the measures will respond to the citizens problems. Another voice from the coalition, the former Liberal leader, Florin Cîţu, expressed his dissatisfaction that the package does not include certain measures which he has repeatedly promoted, including reducing the social insurance contribution by 5 % and postponing the payment of monthly instalments to banks. The opposition also criticizes the measures which they consider populist and claims that there are other forms of support too. Moreover, Save Romania Union – USR advocates a reduction in VAT for energy from 19% to 5%. (LS)

  • Economic and social measures

    Economic and social measures

    The first measures in the Support for Romania Program, announced on Monday by the leaders of the ruling coalition made up of the PNL (National Liberal Party)-PSD (Social Democratic Party)-UDMR (Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians in Romania) have been adopted by the Romanian Parliament. One of the draft laws is aimed at increasing the minimum gross salary to 3,000 lei (600 Euros) in agriculture and the food industry. In these domains, the allowances and facilities are assimilated to the already-existing-ones in the constructions field, and employees will be exempted, until 2028, from the payment of income taxes and of the health insurance contribution.

    Under the second bill adopted by Parliament, the food allowance for hospital patients and for institutionalized elderly people is doubled to 22 lei (a little over 4 Euros). The application of the Support for Romania package of measures for the protection of the citizens and the economy is a priority for the Government, the Liberal Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă wrote in a social media post. He pointed out that the state aid scheme for stimulating investments, with a major impact on the economy, met the very high expectations of the business environment.

    According to the PM, the benefits will also be significant for the sectors which will receive financing, such as: manufacturing industry, constructions, hospitality industry, information technology and communications, health and social assistance. Nicolae Ciucă announced that the value of the package stands at 17.3 billion lei (about 3.5 billion Euros), of which about half are European funds.

    The current coalition must come up with solutions to the problems of citizens and the economy, Nicolae Ciucă added: “The package has three main objectives: supporting the economy for a healthy economic growth, achieving social cohesion and, of course, solidarity between generations.

    300 million Euros from the package will be used to compensate for the prices increases. The SMEs will receive up to 400,000 Euros per company to stimulate investment, and transport companies will be disbursed a small part of one liter of fuel. Furthermore, farmers will receive money in the form of grants.

    In turn, the PSD leader, Marcel Ciolacu, says that the current coalition has come up with these economic and social measures so as to keep inflation in check and pointed out that the current inflation rate of 10% is an influence from Europe. According to him, the measures will respond to the citizens problems. Another voice from the coalition, the former Liberal leader, Florin Cîţu, expressed his dissatisfaction that the package does not include certain measures which he has repeatedly promoted, including reducing the social insurance contribution by 5 % and postponing the payment of monthly instalments to banks. The opposition also criticizes the measures which they consider populist and claims that there are other forms of support too. Moreover, Save Romania Union – USR advocates a reduction in VAT for energy from 19% to 5%. (LS)

  • The Programme” Assistance for Romaniaʺ

    The Programme” Assistance for Romaniaʺ

    The huge electricity and gas bills for both household consumers and companies in Romania have in the past months caused significant price hikes in all food and non-food products as well as in services. In statistical-financial terms, the situation has been translated into a higher inflation rate, which hasnt gained momentum yet! In this extremely difficult situation especially for the have-nots in Romania, the ruling PSD-PNL-UDMR coalition has agreed upon a series of measures to support the most vulnerable who account for almost 12 million of the countrys population. The “Assistance for Romania” package amounts to almost 3.5 billion euros out of which 9 billion lei come from EU funds the rest being covered from the state budget. Here is PSD leader Marcel Ciolacu.

    Marcel Ciolacu: ʺThis project focuses on combating the price hikes, by offering support to the Romanian farmers and by increasing the processing capability of the food industry. The added value must eventually stay in Romania. The jobs must be kept here in Romania. At the same time, offering support to the Romanian companies was a priority. Through this support scheme, more than half of Romanias population will benefit from a form of protection against the price hikes. Another measure, which comes to the support of employees, both in the private and state sector of the economy, refers to zero taxes for a 200 lei pay rise for those with the minimum wages. In other words, the money goes into the employees pockets and the employer will pay no money to the state budget. ʺ The PNL president and Prime Minister, Nicolae Ciucă, says that people in low income brackets and the students with social scholarships are going to receive vouchers.

    Nicolae Ciuca: ʺA billion Euros – 50% out of EU funds, 50% from the state budget – will consist of bimonthly food vouchers of 50 Euros for the families with monthly incomes below 600 lei, families with two children, single-parent families, pensioners with pensions below 15 hundred lei, persons with the lowest income and the disabled. Students, owners of social scholarships, are to get 30 euros for every month they have classes so that they may be able to buy food, stationery and clothing. The meal vouchers value rises by 50%, from 20.17 lei to 30 lei. We have also doubled the money for daily meals in hospitals and in old peoples homes from 11 to 22 lei.

    Romania needs a strong state to step in whenever necessary because the economic crisis is expected to deepen in the following months, Kelemen Hunor, head of the Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians in Romania says. The measures comprised by the “Assistance for Romania” package are to be implemented in two stages, on May 1st and June 1st.


  • April 1, 2022

    April 1, 2022

    COMMISSIONER Romania has seen a
    massive inflow of refugees from Ukraine and the way it handled the situation is
    remarkable, the EU Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit,
    said during a news conference in Bucharest. The EU official has also given
    assurances that Romania and the countries dealing with the Ukrainian refugees’
    crisis are going to get assistance from the European Commission.

    REFUGEES Over 8,200 Ukrainian nationals entered Romania on Thursday, 4% less than
    on the previous day – the General Border Police Inspectorate has announced.
    Since the beginning of the crisis roughly 600 thousand Ukrainians have arrived
    in Romania. The border checkpoints at Romania’s border with Ukraine are
    functioning at full capacity with additional personnel and equipment in
    accordance with the international legislation. Border police units are
    operating jointly with other structures in the field for a proper handling of
    the situation.

    WAR The Russian troops aren’t withdrawing but repositioning in
    Ukraine and NATO is expecting more attacks, says the alliance’s Secretary
    General, Jens Stoltenberg. Russia is regrouping, resupplying and reinforcing its
    offensive in the Donbas region, Stoltenberg told a news conference after Russia
    had pledged that following ‘substantial negotiations with Ukraine in Istanbul’
    it would reduce its military activities around the capital Kyiv and Chernigov
    in the north. According to Stoltenberg, Russia maintains its pressure on Kyiv
    and other cities so we can expect additional offensive actions bringing even
    more suffering. The alliance has yet to be convinced that Russia was
    negotiating in good faith because Moscow’s military objective since launching
    its invasion has not changed. NATO official says the alliance will continue to
    provide weapons to Ukraine for as long as necessary. A previous statement by
    the Russian Defence Ministry says that its troops are regrouping close to Kyiv
    and Chernigov in order to focus on other essential areas and completely free
    Donbas, the pro-Russia eastern region of Ukraine. In another development, the
    president of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, on Thursday night
    announced on Twitter that she was on her way to Kyiv without giving details
    about this planned visit. News agencies say that she will be the first leader
    of a European institution to visit the capital of Ukraine since the beginning
    of the invasion.

    COVID-19 The Romanian Health Ministry on Friday announced roughly three thousand
    new Covid-19 infections in the past 24 hours as well as 27 related fatalities.
    Since the beginning of the pandemic in Romania two years ago, over 2.85 million
    infections have been reported in Romania and 65 thousand patients have died.
    Over 8 million people have been fully vaccinated in this country, whose Health
    Minister, Alexandru Rafila said the activity in the hospitals treating
    Covid-infected patients would gradually normalize and the number of infections
    decrease. No prevention rules have been applied in Romania since March 9th.

    PSD The president of the co-ruling Social Democratic Party,
    Marcel Ciolacu, has announced he will propose the exclusion of MP Dumitru
    Coarna from the party. Ciolacu says that Coarna’s actions are completely
    running against the PSD’s vision on democracy, freedom and fundamental rights.
    A former policeman and trade union activist, Coarna has been received by the
    ambassador of the Russian Federation in Bucharest Valeri Kuzmin. Together with
    three other MPs from the nationalist opposition they presented Kuzmin with a
    proposal regarding Romania’s so-called neutrality in the war Russia is waging
    on Ukraine. According to Ciolacu, PSD is a pro-European Party which played a
    major role in Romania’s EU and NATO accession and has firmly condemned Russia’s
    military aggression in Ukraine.


  • November 5, 2021 UPDATE

    November 5, 2021 UPDATE

    COVID-19 8,268 Covid-19 infections and 483 fatalities have been reported by the
    authorities in the past 24 hours in Romania. All ICUs across the country are
    functioning at full capacity and most of the cases have been reported in
    Bucharest where the infection rate is going down under 12 per thousand. Romania
    presently has 38 Covid patients who are being treated abroad and medical teams
    from several countries have arrived in Romania to provide assistance. On Friday
    the country exceeded the threshold of 50 thousand Covid-related fatalities
    since the beginning of the pandemic. Romania’s vaccine rollout has slowed down
    in the past days after having been on the rise for two weeks. Roughly 90
    thousand people have been vaccinated in the past 24 hours bringing the total
    number of fully vaccinated Romanians to a little below 6.5 million.

    Monday the National Political Bureau of National Liberal Party -
    PNL will make a decision regarding the negotiations with Save Romania
    Union – USR and the Social Democratic Party – PSD, the interim Prime Minister
    and Liberal leader Florin Cîţu announced on Friday. According to him, at the
    meeting with PSD, the option of a rotating prime minister position was
    suggested, but they did not talk about portfolios. He said that the talks with
    USR, a former governing partner, would continue. On Thursday, Florin Cîţu
    declared after the negotiations with the PSD leader, Marcel Ciolacu, that he
    found many things that could bring the two parties together. In his turn,
    the Social Democrat’s president said that the two parties are on a correct
    path, which could lead to the formation of a majority. The PNL and PSD
    negotiating teams are trying to find a governing formula, with a solid
    parliamentary majority, after two attempts to form a minority government failed.
    On Thursday evening, President Klaus Iohannis announced that he would call the
    parties for consultations only when an assumed parliamentary majority is
    formed. We recall that the minority government made up of the PNL – UDMR headed
    by Florin Citu was dismissed by a no confidence motion.

    Classes are going to start on November 8 for all students and preschoolers in
    Romania, both in the state and private education systems, the interim Education
    Minister, Sorin Cîmpeanu said in a news conference on Friday. He explained that
    courses will be attended physically in the schools where the COVID vaccination
    rate among teachers is over 60%. One week ago, the minister had announced that
    more than half of the schools and kindergartens exceeded this level. Instead,
    several student associations across the country request the opening of schools
    with physical attendance only in those localities where the incidence of COVID
    cases is less than 6 per thousand inhabitants.

    A World Health Organization delegation is in Bucharest where they visited
    several hospitals in Romania. Their conclusion is that the situation in
    hospitals across Romania is dramatic and immediate medical measures are needed
    to protect vulnerable people, above all. At the same time, vaccination against
    COVID-19 is the main solution to prevent new waves of infection. WHO
    representatives have also met with members of the parliamentary health
    committees of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies.

    MOSCOW Romanian swimmer Robert Glinta
    has won silver in the 100 meter backstroke race of the European Short Course
    Swimming Championship held in Kazan, Russia. The Romanian came second after
    Russian Kliment Kolesnikov. This has been Glinta’s second medal in the
    competition after that in the 50 meter race. His prize closet includes four
    European medals in short course competitions in 2017 in Copenhagen and 2019 in
    Glasgow. Glinta also won gold in the 100 meter backstroke race of the European
    Swimming Championships held in Budapest this year.


  • March 31, 2021

    March 31, 2021

    WB Romania’s economy is supposed to
    witness a 4.3% growth this year after last year’s contraction of 3.9% says the
    latest World Bank report published on Wednesday. According to the same report,
    the economic growth would be supported by the improved economic activity in the
    second half of 2021. This economic growth will also depend on the success of
    the vaccination rollout, the political response to the medical crisis as well
    as by the EU performances. World Bank also expects a 4.1% economic growth for
    the next year with an inflation rate around 3% in 2021 and of 3.2% in 2022.
    Inflation is expected to go down to 2.9% in 2023.

    COVID-19 Authorities in Bucharest have
    again pointed out that only through vaccination and observance of the
    prevention rules will Romania be able to get rid of the pandemic. According to
    physician Andreea Moldovan, state secretary with the Health Ministry, the third
    wave is different than the others, with a higher number of cases and increased gravity.
    In her opinion, if the prevention measures are relaxed and ignored by the
    people, they should remain in force for a longer period of time. Over 62
    hundred fresh Covid-19 infections were reported in Romania on Tuesday out of
    the roughly 30 thousand tests conducted. The total number of infections since
    the outbreak in Romania exceeds 946 thousand with a death toll of 23,400. 175
    new fatalities were reported on Tuesday and a record number of 1,405 people
    were in intensive care. In another development, the national vaccination
    rollout is in full swing in Romania with over 2 million vaccinated; half of
    them with the booster dose. The coordinator of the national vaccination rollout
    programme, physician Valeriu Gheorghita on Tuesday announced that over 3.3
    million doses are expected in Romania in April, including the first batch of
    160 thousand Johnson & Johnson single-shot jabs. The vaccination
    capabilities are also to increase in the next month with another 156 centers
    and mobile units. Family physicians are also expected to join the vaccination

    PROTESTS For the third time in a row, Bucharest
    and several big cities across Romania on Tuesday saw large-scale protests
    against the anti-Covid measures imposed by the authorities. Chanting
    anti-government slogans, the protesters called on the authorities to cancel the
    compulsory wear of masks and reopen gyms and fitness facilities. Romanian
    president Klaus Iohannis on Tuesday said that he understands the discontent of
    the Romanians after a year of restrictions, adding these measures are the only
    means that can help Romania to contain the pandemic. The Romanian president
    also said that protests are normal in a functional democracy but violence,
    extremism and xenophobia are intolerable and completely unacceptable. The
    president’s statement came after some violent protests in some of Romania’s
    cities. Opposition leader Marcel Ciolacu said that people took to the streets out
    of poverty and despair caused by the ongoing medical crisis.

    TALKS The Foreign Ministers of the USA
    and Romania, Antony Blinken and Bogdan Aurescu respectively on Tuesday talked
    on the phone over Romania’s contribution to NATO, energy security and the rule
    of law. Washington praised Romania for being a staunch NATO ally and for its
    commitment to strengthening security at the Black Sea, while Bucharest gave
    assurances these approaches would continue. The two officials also tackled the
    developing bilateral cooperation in the field of nuclear energy and the efforts
    of diversifying gas supplies in Europe. Minister Aurescu mentioned the priority
    of Romania’s government concerning the country’s OECD accession and voiced his
    conviction that the US would support Romania’s intention. He also highlighted
    the interest for the rapid advance in the Visa Waiver programme and an
    increased US military presence in Romania.

    FOOTBALL Romania’s national football side will be up against Armenia in Yerevan
    today in a game counting towards Group J of the World Cup 2022 preliminaries.
    The Romanians so far lost to Germany 1-0 but secured a 3-2 win against North
    Macedonia. Romania’s group also includes Lichtenstein and Iceland. The first
    sides in every group are to qualify for the final tournament, while the sides
    on the second position will be playing tie matches. Romania’s latest
    participation in a World Cup was in France in 1998. Unfortunately last night in
    Budapest, Romania’s Under 21 side failed to qualify for the quarter finals of
    the European Under-21 Championship after a nil-all with Germany in Group A. The
    Romanians left the competition with their heads held high and no defeat in a
    group with Germany, the Netherlands and Hungary.


  • Last adjustments to the draft budget

    Last adjustments to the draft budget

    The centre-to-right coalition government in Bucharest
    has made the last adjustments to the state budget and of social securities in
    2021, before sending it to Parliament for approval. This yearly budget had a
    difficult birth, and came into being only upon heated talks between the ruling
    coalition made up of PNL-USR/PLUS and UDMR and the opposition PSD on the fair
    distributions of funds whose shrinking has been caused by the pandemic and the
    conditions aimed at curbing the budget deficit.

    While political leaders in the ruling coalition have
    refrained from bringing fresh amendments in Parliament in an attempt to speed
    up approval procedures, the opposition Social Democrats have come up with a
    series of amendments, which they say could contribute among other things to rises
    in pensions and wages, frozen by their political opponents. In fact, the Social
    Democrats on Monday blamed the country’s Liberal Prime Minister Florin Citu for
    having endorsed an austerity budget.
    ‘The budget this year is balanced, credible, accepted by our international
    partners and focused on investment’ the Prime Minister replied lashing out at
    the PSD representatives, whose latest
    budget amendments account for 6% of the GDP, funds which Romania could
    contribute to the European budget.

    Florin Citu: A budget
    focusing on investment, because we have made it clear that only investment can
    lead to Romania’s development; but it is a budget, which is pushing reforms and
    this is scary, isn’t it? You’re afraid the move is going to put an end to the
    well-paid jobs of some of your supporters in high positions. I can tell you,
    this year we are going to see reforms being implemented.

    UDMR has referred to a post-crisis investment-oriented
    budget while the USR has described it as a budget of solidarity and responsibility
    aimed at kick-starting the country’s economy. Here is USR leader with the
    Chamber of Deputies Ionut Mosteanu with more on the present budget.

    Ionuţ Moşteanu: This budget is
    focusing on development and investment. Today the government comes with an investment
    budget of 12 billion euros, the biggest in history.

    ‘The Prime Minister is the absolute champion of hatred’,
    PSD leader Marcel Ciolacu retorted, adding that ‘Florin Cîțu hates the
    employees in state-owned institutions, as he is slashing their salaries and
    jobs’. According to Ciolacu, the Prime Minister hates the private sector as
    well because he has constantly failed to fulfil his pledges to this sector in
    the past year.

    Marcel Ciolacu: Instead of
    endorsing a budget aimed to repair, you have taken the axe in your hands and
    started slashing the incomes of the Romanians. You don’t give a fig that prices
    in energy, food and medicine are higher!

    PSD believes that Romania is a country adrift because
    the government has allotted the smallest financial package in the EU to the fight
    against the pandemic and to the process of kick-starting the economy.
