Tag: conclusion

  • Après le Conseil OTAN-Russie

    Après le Conseil OTAN-Russie

    Quatre heures de pourparlers à Bruxelles et aucune mesure concrète pour résoudre la crise engendrée par les prétentions de Moscou de recevoir de soi-disant garanties pour sa propre sécurité. Telle est, très brièvement, la conclusion du Conseil OTAN-Russie de mercredi. La Russie nie avoir l’intention d’envahir l’Ukraine, mais dit vouloir, entre autres, l’arrêt de l’expansion de l’OTAN et le retrait des forces alliées des pays d’Europe centrale et orientale qui ont rejoint l’Alliance après 1997.

    Selon le secrétaire général de l’OTAN, Jens Stoltenberg, les discussions qui viennent de s’achever à Bruxelles ont été utiles, les deux parties en auront d’autres, mais les alliés rejettent tout compromis sur leurs principes fondamentaux, y compris celui lié à l’intégrité territoriale de chaque pays d’Europe. La Russie a donc été informée que toute négociation sur sa demande que l’Alliance arrête l’adhésion de nouveaux États est exclue. Elle a également reçu un « non » ferme quant à son souhait que l’OTAN retire ses troupes des États membres de l’Est, laissant pratiquement cette zone sans défense. Incidemment, l’Alliance, par l’intermédiaire de Jens Stoltenberg, a expliqué que tout le concept de défense et de dissuasion et donc les exercices et la présence militaire de l’OTAN dans la zone orientale de l’Alliance étaient et continuent d’être une réponse au comportement de plus en plus agressif de la Russie et à sa disponibilité évidente d’utiliser la force pour modifier les frontières des pays voisins. Dans ce contexte, le message transmis à Moscou a été que si elle entre de nouveau en Ukraine, en plus des sanctions politiques et économiques contre la Russie, les alliés apporteront également leur soutien à Kiev. C’est pourquoi l’OTAN a renouvelé son appel au retrait des soldats russes massés ces derniers mois aux frontières de l’Ukraine. La seule concession possible à Moscou serait de ne pas déployer certains types de missiles en Europe. L’adjoint au secrétaire général de l’OTAN, le Roumain Mircea Geoană, a toutefois expliqué que les systèmes appelés boucliers de Roumanie et de Pologne ne relevaient pas de cette catégorie. Mircea Geoană :

    « Ils ne peuvent pas fonctionner comme des armes offensives contre la Fédération de Russie et ne pourront donc pas faire partie d’un tel accord potentiel. Dans le même temps, il existe une importante mobilisation de missiles de différentes capacités, y compris de dernière génération, de la Fédération de Russie à proximité du territoire de l’Alliance. C’est un sujet qui nous préoccupe. »

    En Roumanie, lors de la réunion annuelle avec les chefs des missions diplomatiques accrédités à Bucarest, le président Klaus Iohannis a déclaré que le renforcement de la présence militaire américaine dans ce pays restait un objectif important, face aux récents défis sécuritaires. Et aussi qu’il est évident que la Roumanie a besoin d’une action plus forte de dissuasion et de défense. Parallèlement, selon Klaus Iohannis, les récents développements en matière de sécurité qui peuvent affecter l’espace euro-atlantique ont réaffirmé l’importance cruciale des relations transatlantiques.

    (Trad. : Ligia)

  • The Year in Review (II)

    The Year in Review (II)

    Two governments, the same ruling coalition 2017 was the year when the government headed by Sorin Grindeanu was installed and also the year when he was sacked following a no confidence vote. Oddly enough, the same majority that put him in the prime minister post, namely, the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (PSD-ALDE), was the one that tabled the censure motion. Sorin Grindeanu was sacked for political disobedience to the Social Democrat leader Liviu Dragnea. It was Mihai Tudose that replaced Grindeanu, in the second half of the year. “I’m expecting you to do everything in your power to support an independent justice system in Romania”, President Klaus Iohannis told the government last January. The new leftist Government inaugurated its mandate with the infamous Ordinance 13 that partially decriminalized the abuse of office, which would have triggered the pardoning of a number of politicians guilty of various offenses. This would have also been the case for Liviu Dragnea. However, the largest post-communist protests, in support of justice and against PSD followed, forcing the government to withdraw the emergency decree and prompting the resignation of its initiator, justice minister Florin Iordache. In spite of the fact that Sorin Grindeanu was replaced with Mihai Tudose, the battle for changing the justice laws continued and was taken over by Parliament, with the same Florin Iordache in the forefront. Shortly before the winter holidays, the PSD-ALDE majority, little impressed by the almost daily protests, passed, with the support of the Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians in Romania (UDMR), a package of laws regarding the status of magistrates, the judicial organization and organization of the Higher Council of Magistracy (CSM). This is, perhaps, the quickest and most controversial legislative process in the history of the Romanian Parliament. Through this action, the Power neutralized the right-of-center Opposition and ignored the concerns voiced by the country’s foreign partners as well as the criticism leveled against it by the judicial institutions and the magistrates’ associations. In an unprecedented move, judges in Bucharest and other Romanian cities protested in front of tribunals. Embassies of seven EU states voiced their concern at the risk of the new laws affecting the independence of the judiciary and the battle against corruption. Also, some of these laws were challenged as unconstitutional by the High Court of Cassation and Justice and by the National Liberal Party (PNL). PNL, UDMR, The most controversial stipulations refer to the magistrates’ responsibility in case of judicial errors, to limiting the role of the country’s president in appointing the Prosecutor General and the heads of the main prosecutor’s offices and the setting up of a special division for the investigation of magistrates. The Power continues to defend these laws, saying they bring order to the justice system and leave less room for abuse.

    Salaries, economy and taxation

    Promised by the Social democratic Party (PSD) in the election campaign of 2016, the unitary pay law in the public system became reality by mid-2017. Promoted by its initiators as a means to put order in a salary system that dominated the public sector years on end, the law was criticized, however, by some trade unions, for failing to reach one of its main purposes, namely that of bridging the gap between the salaries of public servants. The law also provided for significant pay rises in the public system.

    The risk of major state budget imbalances was big, so the government came up with the solution of transferring from employers to employees the responsibility of paying most of the social security contributions. As a result, the civil servants’ real salaries go up by very little, if any, while those of the private sector employees end up going down, unless employers increase gross salaries to cover the contributions’ increase. Except for the ruling coalition, everybody, from employees to employers, is criticizing the so-called fiscal revolution.

    Mayors have their share of discontent, as the new fiscal code stipulates smaller income taxes, which results in fewer funds for local budgets. The debate around the pay law and fiscal changes overlaps a more comprehensive one, regarding the 6% economic growth that makes Romania number one in the EU in this respect. Experts, however, fear that an economic advance generated mostly by consumption of imported goods is unhealthy and that it should be supported by public investment.

    The death of King Michael I

    December 5, 2017 was the day when Romania’s last sovereign, King Michael I, died in Switzerland aged 96. The coffin was flown to Romania and, on December 16, King Michael was laid to rest in Curtea de Arges, in the royal necropolis at the Medieval Christian Orthodox church there. At final rest there are also his wife, Queen Anne, who passed away in 2016, as well as his three predecessors, Carol I, Ferdinand, and Carol II.

    King Michael’s funerals were attended by royal figures, heads of state and government and foreign politicians. The late king was paid homage to by thousands of people, in an emotional show of respect for his extraordinary personality. Spectators, against their will, of the public show displayed by an immoral and incompetent political class, Romanians understood that, with King Michael’s death, Romania’s reserve of dignity decreased dramatically, which makes the sovereign’s death irretrievable.

    By way of conclusion

    2017 was a complicated year. The leftist power ruled the country on behalf of a majority, who is now silent, who had given it their vote in 2016 and whom it did not hesitate to invoke every time the measures it promoted, especially the ones regarding the justice laws, were contested vehemently in the street by the Opposition and the President, by relevant institutions and by Romania’s main partners. Independent commentators emphasised again, in 2017, the political majority’s total lack of transparency in passing their laws.

    The rude and offending behaviour became an informal legal instrument in 2017, a year when Parliament was the least credible and most unpopular state institution. 2018 does not look like an easy year either. The same commentators anticipate that, after having amended the justice laws in the sense of imposing political control over the justice system, the Power will try to operate changes in the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code, something that will make the battle against offenders much less effective. Will 2018 be the year of a Romania without justice? Probably not. It will surely be, however, Romania’s first year without its King. (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • Leçon 220 – Conclusions et conséquences

    Leçon 220 – Conclusions et conséquences

    Dominique: Bună ziua!

    Ioana: Bună dimineaţa!

    Alexandru: Bună seara!

    Valentina: Bună!

    Bun venit, dragi prieteni ! Aujourd’hui nous allons réfléchir sur les conséquences de nos actions – ou de celles des autres – et tirer des conclusions. Je vous propose, pourtant, de commencer par nous familiariser avec un petit mot qui revient dans plusieurs syntagmes ou vocables que nous découvrirons aujourd’hui: aşa – ainsi

    Alexandru : Aşa sunt românii. Les Roumains sont comme ça.

    Valentina : Ea e drăguţă, nu-i aşa? Elle est jolie, n’est-ce pas?

    Retenez l’expression : Nu-i aşa ? N’est-ce pas?

    Maintenant nous sommes prêts à nous attaquer aux conséquences. Voici le premier syntagme construit à partir de ce petit mot. aşa că – alors, par conséquent

    Valentina : Ea mai are de lucru, aşa că rămâne la birou. Elle a encore du travail, alors elle reste au bureau.

    Alexandru : Este prea complicat, aşa că renunţ. C’est trop compliqué, par conséquent je renonce.

    C’est à partir du même petit mot qu’est construit un vocable à l’aide duquel on peut exprimer une conclusion ou l’effet d’une action : aşadar – donc, alors

    Alexandru : Aşadar ea nu a mâncat. Donc elle n’a pas mangé.

    Valentina : Aşadar este adevărat ? El a câştigat marele premiu ? Alors donc, c’est vrai ? Il a gagné le grand prix ?

    Un autre mot, que vous connaissez déjà, peut être utilisé à peu près dans le même sens. atunci – alors

    Alexandru : Atunci suntem de acord. Alors on est d’accord.

    Valentina : Atunci de ce nu ai spus nimic ? Alors pourquoi n’as-tu rien dit ?

    La liste des mots et syntagmes utilisés pour formuler une conclusion ou exprimer une conséquence est bien longue. Voici deux expressions quasiment synonymes :

    în consecinţă – par conséquent

    Valentina : Este ora cinci, în consecinţă putem pleca. Il est cinq heures, par conséquent nous pouvons partir.

    Alexandru : Problema s-a rezolvat, în consecinţă nu mai avem nevoie de instalator. Le problème est résolu, par conséquent nous n’avons plus besoin du plombier.

    Des fois, on peut omettre le syntagme et juxtaposer, tout simplement, la cause et sa conséquence, on le fait aussi en français :

    Valentina : Problema s-a rezolvat, nu mai avem nevoie de instalator. Le problème est résolu, nous n’avons plus besoin de plombier.

    prin urmare – donc, par conséquent

    Alexandru : Este luni, prin urmare muzeul este închis. C’est lundi, par conséquent le musée est fermé.

    Valentina : Prin urmare nu mai vii ? Alors tu ne viens plus ?

    Enfin, un dernier petit mot à mentionner aujourd’hui :deci – donc

    Valentina : Deci este posibil. Donc c’est possible.

    Alexandru : Adio, deci pe curând. Adieu, donc à bientôt.

    C’est la belle façon de se dire « Au revoir » imaginée par Mircea Vintilă et le groupe Pasărea Colibri.

    Adio, deci pe curând

    poţi fugi cât vrei,

    În gând vei auzi paşii mei.

    Poţi spune vorbe multe în vânt,

    Eu n-am să ascult,

    Oh! N-am să le-ascult!

    Iubito, poţi în lume umbla

    De mine nu mai poţi scăpa.

    Voi trece zilnic prin gândul tău

    Prin ochii tăi.

    Prin ochii tăi.

    Refren :

    Căci spune-mi cine te-a mai purtat prin nori?

    Şi spune-mi cine te-a mai
    visat în culori?

    Şi ştii tu cine de toate a uitat,

    De când cu tine, prin ploaie a umblat?

    Nu uiţi tu zilele de mister

    Nici clipa când stele pier

    Nu uiţi ziua aceea de mai

    Când îmi spuneai:

    Mai stai, mai stai!

    Nu uiţi tu zilele de mister

    Nici clipa când stele pier

    Când timpul pentru noi dispărea

    Şi inima ta

    Bătea, bătea!


    Te văd acum grăbita să pleci

    Cum cauţi doar cuvinte mai reci

    Le spui, dar în spatele lor

    Mai simt cum te dor.

    Mai simt cum te dor.

    Te vad cum mai încerci să zâmbeşti

    Dar ochii tăi fug de poveşti

    Şi nu te uiţi la mine plec?

    Deci, pe curând!

    Da, pe curând!
