Tag: Covid-19

  • Mobilisation against the coronavirus

    Mobilisation against the coronavirus

    Romanian authorities urge citizens not to panic as the new coronavirus is spreading in Europe, particularly in Italy, and recommend that people only resort to official sources for information. An emergency committee has been called to put together an action plan for the management of what the experts now call the COVID-19 infection. The authorities passed a resolution laying down measures to improve the response to and prevention of the infection. The interim interior minister Marcel Vela presented these measures:

    Marcel Vela: “Quarantine is in place for the citizens who travel from Italy to Romania, as well as home isolation for those who live in risk areas in Italy. The government will issue a resolution to earmark the funds for the quarantine measures, for salaries and for the production of information materials. The Healthcare Ministry and Defence Ministry will appoint experts for a task force in charge with outlining possible scenarios, depending on how the epidemic develops. A call service will also be in place for the people who need information regarding the COVID-19 infection.

    A communication group will also provide official information to the mass media and citizens. Marcel Vela also announced that the airport forms to be filled in by passengers coming from high-risk areas will also include a Criminal Code article regarding the penalties for false statements. The measure is introduced after 2 Romanians failed to stay in home isolation for 14 days after returning from China, and are now facing prison or a fine.

    At present around 1,000 people in Romania are under home isolation measures, and several dozen are in quarantine. Quarantine centres have been designated in several parts of the country, for those suspected of being infected. According to the acting healthcare minister Victor Costache, Romania has around 120 quarantine centres for around 4,000 suspected patients.

    In turn, PM designate Ludovic Orban called on Romanians to avoid trips to high-risk areas in Italy, except for cases of absolute necessity. Orban urged the nearly 1.2 million Romanian ethnics living in Italy to comply with all the decisions and recommendations made by the Italian authorities. Meanwhile, President Klaus Iohannis announced a meeting of the Supreme Defence Council on Wednesday, and called for responsibility on the part of politicians and mass media in handling this crisis.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Guvern: Recomandări şi informaţii privind noul coronavirus (Covid-19)

    Guvern: Recomandări şi informaţii privind noul coronavirus (Covid-19)

    Ce trebuie să ştiţi despre noul Coronavirus (Covid-19), măsurile recomandate în contextul noului tip de coronavirus:

    – Spălați-vă mâinile de multe ori.

    – Evitați contactul cu persoane care sunt suspecte de infecții respiratorii acute.

    – Nu vă atingeți ochii, nasul şi gura cu mâinile.

    – Acoperiți-vă gura și nasul dacă strănutați sau tușiți.

    – Nu luați medicamente antivirale şi nici antibiotice decât în cazul în care vă prescrie medicul,

    – Curățați toate suprafețele cu dezinfectanți pe bază de clor sau alcool.

    – Utilizați masca de protecție doar în cazul în care suspectați că sunteți bolnav sau în cazul în care acordați asistență persoanelor bolnave.

    – Produsele “Made in China” sau pachetele primite din China nu sunt periculoase.

    – Sunați la 112 dacă aveți febră, tușiți sau v-ați întors din China sau zonele in carantina din Europa de cel puțin 14 zile; Animalele de companie nu transmit coronavirus.

    Informaţii suplimentare găsiţi pe site-ul Ministerului Sănătăţii.

    Coronavirusurile fac parte dintr-o familie numeroasă de virusuri găsite atât la animale, cât şi la oameni.

    “Noul tip de coronavirus infectează omul, cauzând diverse boli, de la răceală comună la boli respiratorii severe, precum sindromul respirator din Orientul Mijlociu şi Sindromul Respirator Acut Sever.

    Acest coronavirus este o nouă tulpină de coronavirus care nu a fost identificată anterior la om. Numit “2019-nCov”, nu a fost detectat înainte ca focarul să fie raportat în Wuhan, China, în decembrie 2019, “2019-nCov” provine din aceeaşi familie de virusuri ca SARS, dar nu este acelaşi virus.

    Ca şi în cazul altor boli respiratorii, infecţia cu coronavirus poate provoca simptome uşoare, inclusiv scurgeri nazale, dureri în gât, tuse şi febră sau se poate manifesta mai sever şi poate duce la pneumonie sau dificultăţi de respiraţie.

    Persoanele vârstnice şi cei cu afecţiuni medicale (diabet, inimă) sunt mai vulnerabili.

    De asemenea, persoanele care trăiesc sau călătoresc într-o zonă în care circulă acest virus pot prezenta risc de infecţie, precum asistenţii medicali care îngrijesc persoanele bolnave. Noul coronavirus este un virus respirator care se răspândeşte în primul rând prin contactul cu o persoană infectată, prin inhalarea unor particule provenite din tuse, strănut, picături de salivă şi secreţii nazale.

    Conform raportărilor, este posibil ca o persoană să fie infecţioasă înainte de a prezenta simptome semnificative. Pe baza datelor disponibile în prezent, persoanele care prezintă simptome cauzează răspândirea “2019-nCov”.

    Sursa AGERPRES

  • 24.02.2020 (mise à jour)

    24.02.2020 (mise à jour)

    Cour constitutionnelle — La Cour constitutionnelle de la Roumanie a statué, lundi, qu’il existe un conflit juridique entre le président Klaus Iohannis et le parlement au sujet de la désignation par le chef de l’Etat du leader du PNL, Ludovic Orban, aux fonctions de premier ministre. Maintenant, le président doit faire une autre nomination. La saisine à la Cour constitutionnelle avait été déposée par les présidents des deux Chambres du parlement, les deux du PSD, qui ont réclamé que le président a désigné le premier ministre destitué ce même mois, par motion de censure, à former un nouveau cabinet, ce qui enfreindrait la volonté du Législatif. Ce lundi, Orban est quand même allé devant le parlement pour demander le vote d’investiture pour le nouveau cabinet, conservant la même structure et la même composition que le gouvernement destitué. Le nombre des députés et sénateurs présents a été en dessous du quorum de 233, soit la moitié plus un du nombre des élus, donc la séance a été déclarée close. Le plan du PNL, favori dans les sondages sur les intentions de vote, était de faire rejeter deux gouvernements dans un délai de 60 jours, de manière à pouvoir aboutir à la dissolution du parlement et au déclenchement d’élections législatives anticipées.

    COVID-19 — Toutes les personnes qui arrivent en Roumanie en provenance du Nord de l’Italie, affecté par le coronavirus, entreront en quarantaine pendant 14 jours. La décision s’applique à ceux qui ont voyagé dans les régions de Vénétie et de Lombardie ces deux dernières semaines. Les passagers qui arrivent sur l’aéroport de Bucarest en provenance de Milan, Bergame, Trévise ou Turin entrent en Roumanie par le flux destiné aux vols charter. Le président Klaus Iohannis a assuré qu’il n’existe aucun cas d’infection au coronavirus en Roumanie, mais a mis en garde que nous devons être prêts si les choses prennent une tournure négative. Il a affirmé que les autorités roumaines avaient pris les mesures qui s’imposent pour prévenir la contamination de la population. Le ministre de la Santé, Victor Costache, a déclaré à son tour que 3.500 nouvelles places de quarantaine avaient été mises en place et que la Roumanie se donne pour tâche d’acquérir du matériel destiné aux urgences. Le ministère des Affaires étrangères a annoncé que vu l’apparition de nouveaux cas d’infection au coronavirus en Italie et aussi la nombreuse communauté roumaine vivant dans les régions touchées — environ 300.000 personnes -, un groupe d’urgence a été créé à l’ambassade de Roumanie à Rome. Rappelons que deux Roumains infectés au coronavirus sur le navire de croisière Diamond Princess, stationné dans le port japonais de Yokohama et se trouvant en quarantaine, sont hospitalisés à Tokyo.

    Coronavirus — Le directeur général de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé a demandé, lundi, au monde, de se préparer pour une « éventuelle pandémie » du nouveau coronavirus, considérant très inquiétante l’augmentation brusque des nouveaux cas en Italie, en Corée du Sud et en Iran. Avec 6 morts et plus de 200 cas de maladie confirmés, l’Italie est le pays européen le plus touché par le nouveau virus originaire de Chine. Le gouvernement italien a décrété l’état d’urgence suite au risque sanitaire d’infection, notamment dans les régions de Lombardie et de Vénétie, où 11 villes sont placées en quarantaine. Selon le correspondant de Radio Roumanie à Rome, personne ne travaille, ne va à l’école ou à la faculté et la population peut s’approvisionner uniquement en cas de besoin. L’armée a mis en place un cordon sanitaire. Les autorités de Milan, deuxième ville du pays, ont décidé de fermer les théâtres, les salles de cinéma, les musées, les discothèques, ainsi que le célèbre Dôme de la ville. Les églises assurent seulement les mariages et les enterrements, en présence de la famille et des personnes très proches. Le célèbre carnaval de Venise a pris fin deux jours plus tôt que la date officielle. Le Royaume Uni et l’Allemagne ont aussi annoncé des cas de contamination. La Commission européenne a annoncé une enveloppe de 232 millions d’euros de plus pour lutter contre le début d’épidémie de coronavirus dans le bloc communautaire. La Chine, où l’épidémie de pneumonie virale a éclaté en décembre dernier, comptabilise jusqu’à présent près de 80.000 personnes infectées et 2.600 morts.

    Aide — La Commission européenne a approuvé ce lundi l’intention de la Roumanie d’accorder un prêt temporaire d’environ 36,7 millions d’euros à la compagnie aérienne d’Etat TAROM, informe l’Exécutif communautaire dans un communiqué de presse. Cette mesure assure les services aériens fournis par le transporteur roumain, notamment vers les nombreuses destinations desservies seulement par TAROM, sans distorsions injustifiées de la concurrence sur le marché unique. Par ailleurs, la Commission européenne a constaté, également ce lundi, que le transporteur ferroviaire de fret roumain CFR Marfă avait reçu, de la part de l’Etat roumain, une aide incompatible d’au moins 570 millions d’euros, sous forme d’annulation et de non-encaissement de dettes. La Commission a demandé aux autorités roumaines de récupérer l’aide illégale et les intérêts adjacents.

    Grippe — En Roumanie, le nombre des décès provoqués par la grippe saisonnière est monté à 45. Le dernier en date a été enregistré dans le département de Cluj (nord-ouest). Il s’agit d’un homme de 55 ans, qui présentait d’autres pathologies et qui n’avait pas été vacciné contre la grippe. Selon les experts, le taux de contaminations a connu une légère baisse, mais il reste élevé, avec 6.600 cas confirmés au niveau national.

    Incendie — Un puissant incendie s’est déclaré lundi au parc naturel de Văcăreşti — première aire protégée urbaine de la Roumanie et en même temps le plus grand espace vert de Bucarest. Les flammes de plusieurs foyers ont été intensifiées par le vent, et les possibilités d’intervention des pompiers sont limitées à cet endroit. Il a été recommandé aux riverains de fermer les fenêtres pour que la fumée épaisse n’entre pas dans leurs habitations. L’administration du Parc note que l’incendie a lieu à une époque où les reptiles et les amphibiens hivernent, alors que les oiseaux migrateurs ne sont pas encore arrivés. De ce fait, l’impact de cet événement sur les espèces et les habitats est minimal.

  • Republica Italiană – Măsuri de prevenire a răspândirii COVID-19 (coronavirus)

    Republica Italiană – Măsuri de prevenire a răspândirii COVID-19 (coronavirus)

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe informează cetățenii români care se află, tranzitează sau intenționează să călătorească în Republica Italiană că Guvernul italian a decretat starea de urgență în urma riscului sanitar produs de apariția unor noi cazuri de infecție cu COVID-19 (coronavirus) concentrate îndeosebi în regiunile Lombardia și Veneto. Măsurile suplimentare luate de autoritățile italiene în vederea restrângerii focarelor și prevenirii răspândirii virusului includ interdicția de a părăsi sau de a intra în zonele în care s-au înregistrat majoritatea cazurilor, închiderea localurilor publice, anularea activităților sportive sau recreative, suspendarea cursurilor școlare și emiterea de alerte pentru urgență sanitară care sfătuiesc cetățenii să rămână în case în regiunile în care s-au înregistrat aceste cazuri.

    Cetățenii cu simptome care pot indica infectarea cu coronavirus sunt rugați să NU se prezinte pe cont propriu la unitățile spitalicești, ci să apeleze numerele verzi regionale puse la dispoziție de către autorități astfel: pentru Lombardia la 800.89.45.45, iar pentru Veneto la 800.46.23.40. De asemenea, cetățenii pot apela non-stop numărul verde 1500, la care se furnizează informații în limbile italiană și engleză. Aceste numere trebuie apelate doar în caz de necesitate.

    Pentru informații actualizate, se recomandă consultarea site-urilor Ministerului italian al Sănătății, al Serviciului de Protecție Civilă – și al autorităților regionale competente din regiunile în care s-au înregistrat cazuri cu persoane infectate cu noul COVID-19: Lombardia, Veneto, Piemonte, Emilia Romagna, Trentino Alto Adige, Lazio. Totodată, se recomandă respectarea cu strictețe a indicațiilor furnizate de autoritățile italiene competente.

    Cetățenii români pot solicita asistență consulară la numerele de telefon ale Ambasadei României la Roma: +390683523358; +390683523356; +390683523352; +390683523344, apelurile fiind redirecționate către Centrul de Contact și Suport al Cetățenilor Români din Străinătate (CCSCRS) și preluate de către operatorii Call Center, în regim de permanență.

    De asemenea, cetățenii români care se confruntă cu o situație dificilă, specială, cu un caracter de urgență, au la dispoziție și numărul de telefon de permanență al misiunii diplomatice a României în Italia: +393451473935, respectiv al oficiilor consulare Trieste: +39 340 8821688; Milano: +39 366108 1444; Torino: +39 338 756 8134; Bologna: +39 349 1178220; Bari: +39 334 604 2299; Catania: +39 320 965 3137.

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe recomandă consultarea paginilor de internet http://roma.mae.ro, www.mae.ro, pagina de Facebook a Ambasadei României în Italia https://www.facebook.com/roma.mae.romania, http://www.cnscbt.ro/index.php/sfaturi-pentru-calatori şi reaminteşte faptul că cetăţenii români care călătoresc în străinătate au la dispoziţie aplicaţia Călătoreşte în siguranţă (http://www.mae.ro/app_cs), care oferă informaţii şi sfaturi de călătorie.

  • Măsuri de protecţie împotriva coronavirusului

    Măsuri de protecţie împotriva coronavirusului

    La Bucureşti, Ministerul
    Sănătăţii a anunţat mai multe măsuri pentru a preveni infectarea cu noul coronavirus.
    Toţi românii care revin în ţară din regiunile din nordul Italiei, unde este
    carantină pentru coronavirus, vor fi izolaţi timp de 14 zile. Decizia se va
    aplica atât în Bucureşti, cât şi în alte zone din ţară unde există centre de
    carantină. În Italia, ţară unde trăiesc foarte mulţi români, numărul
    îmbolnăvirilor cu noul coronavirus a crescut brusc şi a făcut victime. Oraşe
    întregi au fost puse sub carantină şi s-au închis şcoli, spitale, restaurante
    şi magazine. Secretarul român de stat, Nelu Tătaru, responsabil cu măsurile de
    protecţie pentru acest virus, a dat asigurări că niciunul dintre cei care se
    întorc din Italia, fie cu avionul sau pe cale rutieră, nu poate evita
    carantina. El a explicat că personalul medical de la punctele de trecere a
    frontierei a fost suplimentat, iar autorităţile au liste, de la consulatele
    româneşti din Italia, cu cei stabiliţi în această ţară.

    Pe Aeroportul Henri
    Coandă din Capitală, pasagerii care sosesc din zonele din Peninsulă afectate de
    coronavirus intră în ţară pe fluxul destinat zborurilor charter şi completează
    un scurt chestionar cu datele de identificare şi alte informaţii relevante.
    Aceştia sunt asistaţi de personalul medical al Departamentului pentru Situaţii
    de Urgenţă. Nu sunt singurele măsuri luate de autorităţile române. Duminică, la
    sediul mai multor prefecturi din ţară au avut loc şedinţe de urgenţă în care
    reprezentanţii autorităţilor locale au stabilit măsuri de prevenţie faţă de
    COVID-19, cum a fost denumit noul virus. Una dintre decizii ţine de
    identificarea unor spaţii corespunzătoare pentru carantină. Premierul desemnat
    Ludovic Orban a recomandat evitarea pe cât posibil a oricărei deplasări în
    zonele unde există risc de îmbolnăvire. Primul ministru a menţionat şi că, în prezent, sunt în derulare
    proceduri de achiziţie de echipamente, medicamente şi materiale necesare.

    Specialiştii spun că măsurile profilactice sunt esenţiale. Şeful
    Departamentului pentru Situații de Urgență, Raed Arafat, a precizat că infecția
    cu coronavirus nu are tratament și nici nu există un vaccin specific, simptomele
    variază, iar virusul poate suferi mutații. La rândul său, managerul Institutului
    de Boli Infecțioase Matei Balș, Adrian Streinu Cercel, atrage atenția că
    noul coronavirus se transmite foarte ușor, pe calea aerului. La un post de
    televiziune, Cercel a spus că, în prezent, în România există kituri de testare
    pentru 150 de pacienți, dar sunt necesare măști și costume de protecție, care trebuie
    importate. Ministerul de Interne a anunţat că a alocat puţin peste un milion de
    euro pentru achiziţia de termoscanere pentru aeroporturile din toată ţara. Controlul
    temperaturii pasagerilor este măsura cea mai răspândită în aeroporturile din
    Occident în lupta cu coronavirusul din China.

  • February 23, 2020 UPDATE

    February 23, 2020 UPDATE

    The Romanian Foreign
    Ministry has announced that after new cases of infection with the Covid-19
    virus were reported in Italy, where many Romanians also work and live, an
    emergency cell was set up at the Romanian embassy in the Italian capital, which
    is monitoring the situation and keeps in touch with the local authorities. No
    cases of infection have been reported among the Romanian community in Italy,
    sources with the Romanian Health Ministry have announced adding that Romania
    could be more exposed to the new virus on its national territory due to its
    citizens traveling between China and Italy. Most of the cases reported in Italy
    were in the northern regions of Lombardy and Veneto, where over 300 thousand
    Romanians also live. We recall that six Romanian nationals from the Diamond
    Princess, a cruise liner that was quarantined in the Japanese port of Yokohama
    after cases of infection with the new virus had been reported on board, on
    Saturday arrived in Romania. Although tested and found negative for the virus
    by a mobile medical unit before departure, upon their arrival they have been
    put in quarantine for 14 days. Two infected Romanians on the same vessel are
    being treated in a hospital in Japan and their condition has been reported as
    good. Another nine Romanian nationals, crew members, have decided to remain on
    board. The Health Ministry in Bucharest has announced that all Romanians coming
    back from the two Italian regions currently under quarantine, will be put in quarantine
    for 14 days while border checkpoints have been added more medical personnel. Over
    130 cases of infection with the new coronavirus were confirmed by the
    authorities in Italy on Sunday, and two citizens were confirmed to have died
    from the virus in that country.

    Romania’s Prime Minister designate Ludovic Orban is expected to go to
    Parliament on Monday to get an investiture vote for his fresh cabinet. The 16
    ministers of the Orban ll cabinet, which has the same structure and formation
    as the government sacked through a no-confidence vote, have been interviewed by
    the specialised committees of the Legislature in Bucharest. The Liberals’ plan
    is to have two governments rejected, which could lead to Parliament dissolution
    and early election. According to Orban these could take place over June 15th
    and 30th concurrently with the local election. The opposition Social
    Democrats have announced their intention not to participate in the investiture
    vote. In the absence of a quorum, the investiture voting for the Orban government
    could be postponed. Also on Monday, Romania’s Constitutional Court is going to
    host debates upon a notification from the presidents of the two Parliament
    Chambers who blamed the president for his decision to have designated the
    sacked Prime Minister to forge a new government, which in their opinion is
    sidestepping the Legislature.

    TENNIS The world’s no. 2 tennis player, Simona Halep of Romania, has won
    the WTA tournament in Dubai after a 3-6, 6-3, 7-6 victory against Elena
    Rybakina of Kazakhstan. Simona also won the aforementioned tournament five
    years ago and has so far won 20 tournaments. Romanian tennis player Horia Tecau
    and his Dutch partner Jean-Julien Rojer will next week participate in the
    doubles contest of the ATP tournament in Dubai. The two will be taking on
    third-seeded Kevin Krawietz and Andreas Mies of Germany who are also the Roland
    Garros champions. Tecau and Rojer won two titles in Dubai, in 2017 and 2018 and
    last year they made it to the competition’s semifinals.

    FAIR The
    spring edition of Romania’s Travel Fair came to an end in Bucharest on Sunday.
    The event was attended by over 300 travel agencies offering holiday packages in
    Romania and abroad, including for the upcoming Easter holidays. The top holiday
    destinations for the Romanians were Turkey, Greece, Spain, Tunisia and Egypt,
    but the participants’ offer also included exotic destinations such as Bali and

    (translated by bill)

  • Nachrichten 23.02.2020

    Nachrichten 23.02.2020

    Rumäniens ernannter Premierminister Ludovic Orban geht am Montag ins Parlament, um das Votum zur Amtseinsetzung für sein neues Kabinett zu beantragen. Die 16 Minister des Kabinetts Orban II, in derselben Struktur und Zusammensetzung wie die infolge eines Misstrauensantrags zurückgetretene Regierung, wurden in den Fachausschüssen der Bukarester Legislative angehört. Der Plan der National-Liberalen Partei PNL sieht vor, dass zwei Regierungskabinette abgelehnt werden, damit die Auflösung des Parlaments und die erwarteten Neuwahlen stattfinden können. Die Neuwahlen könnten, wie Ludovic Orban sagte, zwischen dem 15. und 30. Juni stattfinden, in der gleichen Zeit wie die Kommunalwahlen. Die Sozialdemokratische Partei PSD hat jedoch angekündigt, dass sie an der Abstimmung im Parlament über die Amtseinsetzung der neuen Regierung nicht teilnehmen werde. Sollte das Quorum nicht erreicht werden, könnte die Amtseinsetzung der Regierung Orban II verschoben werden. Ebenfalls am Montag wird das rumänische Verfassungsgericht über den Antrag der Präsidenten der beiden Kammern des Parlaments debattieren. Die zwei behaupteten, dass das Staatsoberhaupt, Klaus Iohannis, den zurückgetretenen Premierminister wieder zur Bildung einer neuen Exekutive ernannt habe. Dies verstoße gegen den Willen der Legislative, so die Präsidenten der zwei Kammer des rumänischen Parlaments.

    Das Außenministerium von Bukarest hat bekanntgegeben, dass angesichts des Auftretens neuer Fälle von Infektionen mit dem COVID-19-Virus in Italien sowie der großen Gemeinschaft rumänischer Bürger aus den betroffenen Regionen in der rumänischen Botschaft in Rom eine Notfallgruppe gebildet wurde, die die Situation überwacht und in ständigem Kontakt mit den italienischen Behörden steht. Die italienischen Behörden haben keine Fälle von rumänischen Bürgern mit dem neuen Coronavirus gemeldet, so das Gesundheitsministerium. Aufgrund der Dynamik der Reisen rumänischer Bürger auf den Landstraßen und der Flüge zwischen Italien und China könnte Rumänien mit neuen Fällen von Infektionen mit dem Coronavirus konfrontiert werden. In Italien sind die meisten Krankheitsfälle in den nördlichen Regionen der Lombardei und des Veneto zu verzeichnen, wo mehr als 300 Tausend Rumänen leben. Das Gesundheitsministerium hat angekündigt, dass alle Rumänen, die aus den beiden unter Quarantäne stehenden Regionen Italiens, nach Rumänien zurückkehren, 14 Tage lang isoliert werden. Das medizinische Personal an den Grenzübergängen wurde aufgestockt.

    SPORT – Die rumänische Tennisspielerin Simona Halep, die Nummer 2 der Welt, hat das das mit über 2.600.000 Dollar dotierten WTA-Turnier in Dubai, in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten, gewonnen. Simona Halep hat die Kasachin Elena Rîbakina (19 WTA) mit 3-6, 6-3, 7-6 dramatisch besiegt. Die Rumänin gewann den Titel in Dubai zum zweiten Mal, nachdem sie bereits 2015 diesen Titel gewonnen hatte. Nächste Woche werden der rumänische Tennisspieler Horia Tecău und der Niederländer Jean-Julien Rojer am Doppeltest des ATP-Turniers in Dubai teilnehmen, bei dem es insgesamt fast 2.800.000 Dollar zu gewinnen gibt. Die beiden spielen in der ersten Runde gegen die Deutschen Kevin Krawietz / Andreas Mies, die Nummer drei der Favoriten und die Meister von Roland Garros. Tecau und Rojer gewannen 2017 und 2018 zwei Titel in Dubai, und im vergangenen Jahr standen sie im Halbfinale.

    Die Frühjahrsausgabe der rumänischen Tourismusmesse ist am Sonntag in Bukarest zu Ende gegangen. Auf der Messe präsentierten mehr als 300 Reisebüros ihre Reisepakete im In- und Ausland, auch für die Osterzeit. Die Veranstalter versprachen erhebliche Ermäßigungen, bis auf 50%. Die beliebtesten Reiseziele sind: die Türkei, Griechenland, Spanien, Tunesien und Ägypten, aber es gibt auch Angebote für exotische Ferien auf Bali oder in Thailand.

    Die 70. Ausgabe der Internationalen Filmfestspiele Berlin, eines der wichtigsten Filmfestivale der Welt, läuft noch bis zum 1. März. Es werden 340 Filme vorgeführt. Für den Wettbewerb um den großen Preis Goldener Bär wurden 18 Produktionen ausgewählt. Der neue Spielfilm des rumänischen Regisseurs Cristi Puiu, Malmkrog, ist in der neuen Sektion Encounters zu sehen. Es handelt sich um einen historischen Spielfilm, eine Filmadaption in französischer Sprache nach dem Gedicht Drei Begegnungen des russischen Philosophen und Schriftstellers Vladimir Soloviov. Ein weiterer rumänischer Regisseur, Radu Jude, beteiligt sich an der Sektion Forum mit zwei Filmen Typographische Großschreibung und Ausfahren der Züge aus dem Bahnhof. Radu Jude ist auch mit einem Projekt auf der Filmmesse vertreten: Somnambulii “Die Schlafwandler, das er als eine populäre Komödie über Sex, Technologie und Gesellschaft beschreibt.

  • February 23, 2020

    February 23, 2020

    The Romanian Foreign
    Ministry has announced that after new cases of infection with the COVID-19
    virus were reported in Italy, where many Romanians work and live, an emergency
    cell was set up at the Romanian embassy in the Italian capital, which is
    monitoring the situation and keeps in touch with the local authorities. No
    cases of infection have been reported among the Romanian community in Italy,
    sources with the Romanian Health Ministry have announced adding that Romania
    could be more exposed to the new virus on its national territory due to its
    citizens traveling between China and Italy. Most of the cases reported in Italy
    were in the northern regions of Lombardy and Veneto, where over 300 thousand
    Romanians also live. We recall that six Romanian nationals from the Diamond
    Princess, a cruise liner that was quarantined in the Japanese port of Yokohama
    after cases of infection with the new virus had been reported on board, on
    Saturday arrived in Romania. Although tested and found uninfected by a mobile
    medical unit before departure, upon their arrival they have been put in
    quarantine for 14 days. Two infected Romanians on the same vessel are being
    treated in a hospital in Japan and their condition has been reported as good.
    Another nine Romanian nationals, crew members, have decided to remain on board.
    The Health Ministry in Bucharest has announced that all Romanians coming back
    from the two Italian regions will be quarantined for 14 days while border
    checkpoints have received more medical personnel.

    Romania’s Prime Minister designate Ludovic Orban is expected to go to
    Parliament on Monday to get an investiture vote for his fresh cabinet. The 16
    ministers of the Orban ll cabinet, which has the same structure and formation
    as the government sacked through a no-confidence vote, have been interviewed by
    the specialised committees of the Legislature in Bucharest. The Liberals’ plan
    is to have two governments rejected, which could lead to Parliament dissolution
    and early election. According to Orban these could take place over June 15th
    and 30th concurrently with the local election. The opposition Social
    Democrats have announced their intention not to participate in the investiture
    vote. In the absence of a quorum, the investiture voting for the Orban
    government could be postponed. Also on Monday, Romania’s Constitutional Court
    is going to host debates upon a notification from the presidents of the two
    Parliament Chambers who blamed the president for his decision to have
    designated the sacked Prime Minister to forge a new government, which in their
    opinion is sidestepping the Legislature.

    TENNIS The world’s no. 2 tennis player, Simona Halep of Romania, has won
    the WTA tournament in Dubai after a 3-6, 6-3, 7-6 victory against Elena
    Rybakina of Kazakhstan. Simona also won the aforementioned tournament five
    years ago and has so far won 20 tournaments. Romanian tennis player Horia Tecau
    and his Dutch partner Jean-Julien Rojer will next week participate in the
    doubles contest of the ATP tournament in Dubai. The two will be taking on third-seeded
    Kevin Krawietz and Andreas Mies of Germany who are also the Roland Garros
    champions. Tecau and Rojer won two titles in Dubai, in 2017 and 2018 and last
    year they made it to the competition’s semifinals.

    FAIR The spring edition of Romania’s
    Travel Fair held in Bucharest comes to an end today. The event has been attended
    by over 300 travel agencies offering holiday packages in Romania and abroad,
    including for the upcoming Easter holidays. The top holiday destinations for
    the Romanians seem to be Turkey, Greece, Spain, Tunisia and Egypt, but the
    participants’ offer also included exotic destinations such as Bali and

    (translated by bill)

  • February 22, 2020 UPDATE

    February 22, 2020 UPDATE

    EUROPEAN COUNCIL MEETING – President Klaus Iohannis on
    Thursday and Friday attended the European Council meeting in Brussels, devoted
    to negotiations over the upcoming multiannual financial agreement. Talks failed
    amidst growing divergences between member states over the total value of duns
    and their distribution to specific areas. Talks will resume at a subsequent
    date with the goal of reaching political consensus as soon as possible. Klaus
    Iohannis said the upcoming budget should allow for the implementation of
    political objectives agreed upon at the Summit in Sibiu, calling for a balanced
    approach. The Romanian official underlined the importance of the cohesion and
    common agriculture policies, saying they are key to the development and
    modernization of Europe. On the sidelines of the summit Klaus Iohannis attended
    a series of meetings with member states supporting an ambitious Europe and with
    member states that are net contributors to the EU budget.

    CORONAVIRUS – The Romanian Foreign Ministry
    has expressed its gratitude towards its Italian, German and Japanese for their
    support and the good cooperation view a view to repatriating the six Romanian
    citizens who were quarantined onboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan
    arrived. They arrived in Romania on Saturday from Germany by a Ministry of
    Defense aircraft. They were previously transported from Tokyo to berlin with an
    Italian aircraft under the EU’s Civil Protection Mechanism. They will be
    quarantined in Bucharest for 14 days. Prior to the disembarking they tested negative
    for the COVID-19 virus. The Foreign Ministry in Bucharest announced the two
    Romanians infected with the coronavirus onboard the cruise ship are receiving
    treatment in a hospital in Japan, their overall condition being stable. Another
    9 Romanians, members of the crew, decided to stay on board. The Foreign Ministry also reports that,
    considering the rise in the number of COVID-19 infections in Italy, a task
    force has been created at the Romanian Embassy in Rome that will remain in
    permanent contact with the Italian Civil Protection and other authorities
    involved. The Foreign Ministry has recommended all Romanian citizens to abide
    by all local recommendations. The clinical number of infections is on the wane
    in China, with 397 cases announced on Saturday by the National Health Board as
    compared to some 900 on Friday. The death toll in China has reached 2345, with
    the total number of infections standing at over 76,000 in continental China.

    GREEN DEAL – Romania got 750 million Euro
    from the Just Transition Fund to deal with the implementation of the European
    Green Deal. The information was made public on Friday by the European Green
    Deal Rapporteur, the Romanian Siegfried Muresan. He stated that the money will
    be used for economic development in the mining regions and not on welfare
    measures. He has given assurances that the miners in Jiu Valley and in Oltenia
    will not lose their jobs when the deal is implemented, as they will be able to
    work in the field of renewable energies and in industry. Romanian ranks third
    among the EU countries in terms of green reforms in energy development, after
    Poland and Germany. The Green Deal is aimed at turning Europe into the first
    carbon-neutral continent by 2050.

    TRAVEL FAIR – The spring edition of
    Romania’s Travel Fair is underway in Bucharest until Sunday. The event has
    brought together over 300 travel agencies offering holiday packages in Romania
    and abroad including for the upcoming Easter holidays. Operators are pledging
    significant price cuts, even down to 50%. The most sought-after destinations
    are Turkey, Greece, Spain, Tunisia and Egypt but there are also exotic
    destinations like Bali or Thailand.

    BERLIN FILM FESTIVAL – The 70th edition
    of the International Film Festival in Berlin is underway until March 1. Some
    340 films will be screened, with 18 features competing for the Golden Bear.
    Cristi Puiu’s latest feature, Malmkrog, is competing in the newly-created
    Encounters section. The film is based on philosopher and writer Vladimir
    Solovyov’s poem Three Meetings. Another Romanian director, Radu Jude, is
    taking part in the Forum section with two films, Uppercase Print and The
    Exit of the Trains. Radu Jude is also taking part with a project in the Sleep
    Walkers Film Fair, which he describes as a pop comedy about sex, technology
    and society.

    RUGBY – Romania’s rugby team on Saturday won 24-7 at home to Spain
    in the third round of Rugby Europe Championship. Despite the score, Spain
    dominated the game, but Romania defended well and capitalized on its chances.
    This is Romania’s first win in Rugby Europe Championship this year, after
    losing 41-13 to Georgia and 22-11 to Portugal. Romania will next play Russia in
    Krasnodar on March 7.

    by V. Palcu)

  • Nachrichten 22.02.2020

    Nachrichten 22.02.2020

    Der Präsident Rumäniens, Klaus Iohannis, hat am Donnerstag und Freitag in Brüssel an der außerordentlichen Sitzung des Europäischen Rates teilgenommen, die den Verhandlungen über den künftigen mehrjährigen Finanzrahmen gewidmet war. Aufgrund der großen Unterschiede zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten hinsichtlich der Finanzierungsmittel und ihrer Verteilung auf bestimmte Bereiche konnte kein Ergebnis erzielt werden. Die Gespräche werden zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt wieder aufgenommen, um so schnell wie möglich eine politische Einigung zu erzielen. Der rumänische Staatschef Klaus Iohannis sagte, dass der Gemeinschaftshaushalt auf einem Niveau festgelegt werden sollte, das es ermöglicht, die auf dem Gipfel in Sibiu vereinbarten politischen Ziele in die Praxis umzusetzen, und forderte ein ausgewogenes Vorgehen. Aus der Sicht Rumäniens betonte er die Bedeutung der Kohäsionspolitik und der gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik und argumentierte, dass diese eine wesentliche Rolle für die Entwicklung und Modernisierung der gesamten Union spielen. Am Rande des Gipfels nahm das Staatsoberhaupt an einer Reihe von Koordinierungstreffen in verschiedenen Formaten teil, und zwar an einem Treffen der Mitgliedsstaaten, die ein ehrgeiziges Europa unterstützen, sowie an einem Treffen mit der Gruppe der Mitgliedsstaaten, die Beiträge zum europäischen Haushalt leisten.

    Die sechs Rumänen, die sich in den letzten zwei Wochen aufgrund von Coronavirus-Fällen an Bord eines Quarantäneschiffes in Japan befanden, sind am Samstag in Rumänien eingetroffen. Sie wurden mit einem Flugzeug des rumänischen Verteidigungsministeriums aus Deutschland gebracht. Zuvor wurden sie an Bord eines von der italienischen Regierung zur Verfügung gestellten Flugzeugs im Rahmen des Katastrophenschutzmechanismus von Tokio nach Berlin transportiert. In Bukarest werden sie 14 Tage lang unter Quarantäne gestellt. Vor dem Flug wurden sie von dem mobilen medizinischen Team getestet, wobei die Testergebnisse auf eine COVID-19 (Coronavirus)-Infektion negativ waren. Das Außenministerium von Bukarest gab bekannt, dass die beiden auf dem erwähnten Kreuzfahrtschiff mit dem Coronavirus infizierten Rumänen noch immer in Japan im Krankenhaus bleiben und ihr Gesundheitszustand gut ist. Weitere neun rumänische Bürger, Besatzungsmitglieder, haben beschlossen, an Bord zu bleiben. Die Zahl der neuen Fälle von Coronavirus-Infektionen in China geht zurück. Die nationale Gesundheitskommission gab am Samstag 397 Fälle bekannt, im Vergleich zu 900 Fällen am Freitag. In China gab es 2345 Todesfälle infolge der Coronavirus-Infektionen. Auf dem chinesischen Festland (mit Ausnahme von Hongkong und Macao) gibt es 76.000 Fälle von Infektionen mit dem Coronavirus.

    Rumänien hat 750 Millionen Euro aus dem Just-Transition-Fund erhalten, um die Umsetzung des Europäischen Ökologischen Paktes zu bewältigen, gab der Berichterstatter des Europäischen Parlaments für die Finanzierung des Green Deal, der Rumäne Siegfried Muresan, bekannt. Die Gelder sollen für die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung der Bergbauregionen, und nicht für soziale Maßnahmen verwendet werden. Die Bergarbeiter aus dem Schiltal und der Region Oltenien (Süden) werden nach der Umsetzung des Paktes ihre Arbeitsplätze nicht verlieren, sondern im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien und in der Industrie arbeiten können, sagte noch Siegfried Muresan. Rumänien steht nach Polen und Deutschland an dritter Stelle der EU-Länder, was den Wert der für den Übergang von der Kohle- zur ökologischen Energieerzeugung bereitgestellten Mittel betrifft. Der Ökologische Pakt hat zum Ziel, Europa bis 2050 zum ersten klimaneutralen Kontinent zu machen.

    Die Frühjahrsausgabe der rumänischen Tourismusmesse läuft bis Sonntag in Bukarest. Auf der Messe präsenieren mehr als 300 Reisebüros ihre Reisepakete im In- und Ausland, auch für die Osterzeit. Die Veranstalter versprechen erhebliche Ermäßigungen, bis auf 50%. Die beliebtesten Reiseziele sind: die Türkei, Griechenland, Spanien, Tunesien und Ägypten, aber es gibt auch Angebote für exotische Ferien auf Bali oder in Thailand.

    Die 70. Ausgabe der Internationalen Filmfestspiele Berlin, eines der wichtigsten Filmfestivale der Welt, läuft noch bis zum 1. März. Es werden 340 Filme vorgeführt. Für den Wettbewerb um den großen Preis Goldener Bär wurden 18 Produktionen ausgewählt. Der neue Spielfilm des rumänischen Regisseurs Cristi Puiu, Malmkrog, ist in der neuen Sektion Encounters zu sehen. Es handelt sich um einen historischen Spielfilm, eine Filmadaption in französischer Sprache nach dem Gedicht Drei Begegnungen des russischen Philosophen und Schriftstellers Vladimir Soloviov. Ein weiterer rumänischer Regisseur, Radu Jude, beteiligt sich an der Sektion Forum mit zwei Filmen Typographische Großschreibung und Ausfahren der Züge aus dem Bahnhof. Radu Jude ist auch mit einem Projekt auf der Filmmesse vertreten: Somnambulii “Die Schlafwandler, das er als eine populäre Komödie über Sex, Technologie und Gesellschaft beschreibt.

  • MAE:  6 cetățeni români  de pe vasul Diamond Princes și-au exprimat dorința de a reveni în ţară

    MAE: 6 cetățeni români de pe vasul Diamond Princes și-au exprimat dorința de a reveni în ţară

    Până la acest moment, 6 cetățeni români (2 pasageri și 4 membri ai echipajului) și-au exprimat dorința de a reveni în țară. În prezent, procedurile de testare suplimentară a cetățenilor europeni care vor fi îmbarcați sunt în curs de derulare, informează Ministerul Afacerilor Externe.

    Ambasada României la Tokyo este în contact atât cu cei șase cetățeni români pentru facilitarea demersurilor în vederea transferului, cât și cu ceilalți cetățeni români care se află în continuare pe vas.

    În urma testării pozitive cu COVID-19, starea de sănătate a celor doi cetățeni români internați este în continuare bună.

    Sursa: Comunicat Ministerul Afacerilor Externe

  • Un cetăţean român aflat pe nava de croazieră Westerdam a fost îmbarcat către România

    Un cetăţean român aflat pe nava de croazieră Westerdam a fost îmbarcat către România

    Un cetăţean român care se afla la bordul navei de croazieră Westerdam, care a acostat în Regatul Cambodgiei, a fost îmbarcat din Pnom Penh către România, iar alţi 8 cetăţeni români vor rămâne la bordul navei Westerdam, informează MAE.

    “Cu privire la situaţia cetăţenilor români aflaţi la bordul navei de croazieră Westerdam care a acostat în Regatul Cambodgiei, Ministerul Afacerilor Externe precizează că, în conformitate cu datele obţinute de către reprezentanţii Ambasadei României la Hanoi (acreditată şi pentru Cambodgia) de la autorităţile locale, toţi pasagerii şi membrii echipajului au fost supuşi testelor medicale, acestea infirmând existenţa vreunui caz de infectare cu coronavirus.

    La acest moment, pasagerii sunt transferaţi în capitala Cambodgiei, Pnom Penh, de unde vor fi îmbarcaţi pe diferite linii aeriene în vederea revenirii în ţările de domiciliu, respectiv de reşedinţă, costurile aferente transportului internaţional urmând a fi suportate de către proprietarul vasului de croazieră. Până la acest moment, un cetăţean român a fost îmbarcat din Pnom Penh către România“, precizează MAE.

    Ambasada României la Hanoi menţine legătura în permanenţă cu autorităţile competente implicate în gestionarea situaţiei şi va acorda asistenţă consulară, în limita competenţelor legale, dacă situaţia o va impune, susţine MAE.

    Nava de croazieră americană, căreia i s-a interzis să acosteze în cinci porturi din Asia, de teama de epidemiei de coronavirus, a ajuns joi în Cambodgia, unde pasagerii săi au putut debarca în sfârşit, a informat AFP şi DPA.

    Cei 1.455 de turişti aflaţi la la bordul pachebotului de lux Westerdam s-au îmbarcat pe 1 februarie în Hong Kong, unde au fost depistate circa 50 de cazuri de Covid-19, apoi urmau să îşi continue călătoria spre Japonia.

  • February 11, 2020 UPDATE

    February 11, 2020 UPDATE

    EARLY ELECTIONS – The investiture vote for the new Cabinet will be held in Parliament on February 24. Ministers will appear before the specialist committees starting next week. Prime Minister designate Ludovic Orban said he wants to trigger early elections, by enabling citizens to elect a new Parliament, which should be fairer, more honest and more representative. Ludovic Orban is holding talks with parliamentary party officials, in an attempt to garner support for the organization of early elections. Snap elections may only be called if 2 Cabinet nominations are rejected by Parliament within 2 months. Orban, whose Liberal Cabinet was recently dismissed under a no-confidence motion, Monday sent to Parliament a list of ministers, with no changes whatsoever from the previous team, and a slightly updated government programme. The main party in Parliament, the Social Democrats, announced they will not take part in the talks with the Liberals. The Social Democratic Party filed a challenge with the Constitutional Court, arguing that the President designating a prime minister who has already been dismissed comes against the will of Parliament. The idea of early elections is mainly supported by the National Liberal Party and Save Romania Union. Regular general elections are scheduled for this autumn.

    JUDICIARY – The incumbent Justice Minister Cătălin Predoiu on Tuesday presented European Commission experts with a bill on dismantling the special division investigating magistrate offences as well as the progress of debates on this topic. In its latest Cooperation and Verification Mechanism report the Commission criticized the establishment and the activity of this division, which it said was an instrument of political pressure. The latest report under the Mechanism was released in October 2019, and suggested the extension of verification on the Romanian judiciary, on grounds that in 2019 Romania backslid in terms of the fight against corruption and the independence of the justice system. A team of European Commission experts met in Bucharest with members of Parliament’s judicial committees. According to the chairman of the judicial committee in the Chamber of Deputies, talks focused on identifying the best solutions regarding the criminal and criminal procedure codes and appointing chief prosecutors.

    INFLATION – The central bank has lowered Romania’s 2020 inflation forecast from 3.1% to 3%, Governor Mugur Isărescu announced on Tuesday. For next year the National Bank expects a 3.2% inflation rate. A number of elements have been taken into account, which might lead to a decrease of the inflation rate from the forecast value. These elements include developments in the Eurozone economy, including geopolitical tensions and weaknesses in emerging markets, a possible escalation of trade conflicts, the completion of Brexit, as well as the accommodating monetary policies of the European Central Bank and the Fed. On the other hand, liberalization of the electricity and natural gas markets may push inflation higher than expected, as do the problems in the labor market, such as the shortage of labor and the mismatch between demand and supply in this respect.

    COVID-19 – China announced that the novel coronavirus has already killed more than 1,000 people, and the number of cases exceeds 42,000. In the last 24 hours alone, over 100 deaths have been reported, which is the largest number of victims in just one day since the epidemic broke out. Most deaths were reported in the Hubei province. A team of physicians with the World Health Organization has arrived in China to help in the research. Meanwhile, the WHO organizes a 2-day meeting in Geneva, with renowned physicians, public healthcare experts and scientists, in an attempt to encourage a better response of the international community to the new coronavirus outbreak. On opening the meeting, the WHO director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the coronavirus epidemic was a major threat, and called on scientists to work together to develop vaccines or medication to fight the virus. The official code name for the virus is Covid-19. In Romania, several people, including Chinese nationals, are under house monitoring, and the authorities continue to take measures to prepare for possible infection cases. A special unit was set up in Bucharest for the Romanians who return from China and have to be quarantined for 14 days.

    TENNIS – Romania’s Fed Cup team will take on Italy in a playoff match that will decide which team remains in the World Group, according to Tuesday’s draw held in London. The match will be played in Romania over April 17-18. Romania last weekend lost 3-2 to Russia at home, counting towards the final tournament. Simona Halep, world no. 2, did not represent Romania. Italy currently leads 2-1 in matches against Romania.

    (translated by V. Palcu)