Tag: EHF

  • Sports roundup

    Sports roundup

    The Romanian women’s table tennis
    side has walked away with gold from the European championship in Nantes,
    France. In the finals on Sunday, the Romanians defeated Portugal 3-0. The points
    were scored by Bernadette Szocs, Daniela Dodean Monteiro and Elizabeta Samara.

    Szocs, the best Romanian player at
    the moment has defeated Jieni Shao 3-2, coming back from 1-2 in the sets. The
    second point was brought by Daniela Dodean, who defeated the most valuable
    player of the Portuguese side, Yu Fu, gold medalist at the European Games in
    Minsk this year and European vice-champion in 2016.

    In the last game, Eliza Samara,
    European champion in 2015, overcame Leila Oliveira 3-0. Adina Diaconu and Irina
    Ciobanu were also part of the Romanian lineup in Nantes. Romania has thus added
    its fifth continental title after the ones in 1992, 2002, 2005 and 2017.

    Let’s move on to handball now.
    Romanian women’s side SCM Craiova has qualified for the second preliminary
    round of the EHF Cup. The Romanians secured two clear wins, 30-21 on Saturday,
    and 29-17 on Sunday against Italian side Jomi Salerno. Both matches were played
    in Craiova, southwestern Romania.

    Dobrogea Sud Constanta has
    qualified for the second preliminary round of the EHF Cup in men’s handball
    after a 29-16 home win on Sunday against Turkish side Antalyaspor. The first
    game in Antalya ended 24-all.

    In Ploiesti, southern Romania, on
    Sunday the Romanian national eleven defeated Malta one-nil in Group F of the
    Euro 2020 preliminaries. George Puscas scored the hosts’ only goal in a match
    where the Romanians managed to put up a lackluster show.

    We recall that our footballers had
    secured a 4-0 win against Malta in June. In the same group Sweden and Norway
    ended in a one-all draw their game while in Gijon, Spain defeated the Faeroe
    Islands 4-0.

    Spain ranks first in the group with
    18 points followed by Sweden with 11, Romania with 10, Norway with 9, Malta
    with 3 and the Faeroe Islands with no points. Romania will be playing the
    Faeroe Islands on October the 12th and will meet Norway in Bucharest
    three days later.

    (translated by bill)

  • Sports roundup

    Sports roundup

    The Romanian women’s table tennis
    side has walked away with gold from the European championship in Nantes,
    France. In the finals on Sunday, the Romanians defeated Portugal 3-0. The points
    were scored by Bernadette Szocs, Daniela Dodean Monteiro and Elizabeta Samara.

    Szocs, the best Romanian player at
    the moment has defeated Jieni Shao 3-2, coming back from 1-2 in the sets. The
    second point was brought by Daniela Dodean, who defeated the most valuable
    player of the Portuguese side, Yu Fu, gold medalist at the European Games in
    Minsk this year and European vice-champion in 2016.

    In the last game, Eliza Samara,
    European champion in 2015, overcame Leila Oliveira 3-0. Adina Diaconu and Irina
    Ciobanu were also part of the Romanian lineup in Nantes. Romania has thus added
    its fifth continental title after the ones in 1992, 2002, 2005 and 2017.

    Let’s move on to handball now.
    Romanian women’s side SCM Craiova has qualified for the second preliminary
    round of the EHF Cup. The Romanians secured two clear wins, 30-21 on Saturday,
    and 29-17 on Sunday against Italian side Jomi Salerno. Both matches were played
    in Craiova, southwestern Romania.

    Dobrogea Sud Constanta has
    qualified for the second preliminary round of the EHF Cup in men’s handball
    after a 29-16 home win on Sunday against Turkish side Antalyaspor. The first
    game in Antalya ended 24-all.

    In Ploiesti, southern Romania, on
    Sunday the Romanian national eleven defeated Malta one-nil in Group F of the
    Euro 2020 preliminaries. George Puscas scored the hosts’ only goal in a match
    where the Romanians managed to put up a lackluster show.

    We recall that our footballers had
    secured a 4-0 win against Malta in June. In the same group Sweden and Norway
    ended in a one-all draw their game while in Gijon, Spain defeated the Faeroe
    Islands 4-0.

    Spain ranks first in the group with
    18 points followed by Sweden with 11, Romania with 10, Norway with 9, Malta
    with 3 and the Faeroe Islands with no points. Romania will be playing the
    Faeroe Islands on October the 12th and will meet Norway in Bucharest
    three days later.

    (translated by bill)

  • Săptămâna sportivă

    Săptămâna sportivă

    feminină de tenis de masă a României a cucerit medaliile de aur la Campionatele
    Europene pe echipe de la Nantes, din Franţa. Duminică, în finală, România a
    învins Portugalia cu scorul de 3-0. Punctele au fost aduse de Bernadette Szőcs, de Daniela Dodean Monteiro şi de
    Elizabeta Samara. Szőcs,
    cea mai bună jucătoare română a momentului, a învins-o în primul meci pe Jieni
    Shao cu scorul de 3-2, revenind de la 1-2 la seturi. Al doilea punct a fost adus
    de Daniela Dodean, care a dispus de cea mai valoroasă jucătoare a echipei
    portugheze, Yu Fu, medaliată cu aur la Jocurile Europene de la Minsk, anul
    acesta, şi vicecampioană europeană în 2016, cu scorul de 3-2. În ultimul meci,
    Eliza Samara, campioană europeană la individual în 2015, a trecut de Leila
    Oliveira cu scorul de 3-0. Din lotul tricolor prezent la Nantes au mai făcut
    parte Adina Diaconu şi Irina Ciobanu. România şi-a trecut în palmares al
    cincilea său titlu continental, după cele din 1992, 2002, 2005 şi 2017.

    Trecem la
    handbal. Echipa feminină SCM Craiova s-a calificat fără emoţii în turul al
    doilea preliminar al Cupei EHF. Gruparea din Bănie a obţinut două victorii
    clare, sâmbătă cu 30 la 21, apoi cu 29-17 duminică, în faţa echipei italiene Jomi
    Salerno. Ambele partide au avut loc la Craiova.

    Dobrogea Sud
    Constanţa s-a calificat în turul al doilea preliminar al Cupei EHF la handbal
    masculin, după ce a dispus de formaţia turcă Antalyaspor, cu scorul de 29-16,
    duminică, pe teren propriu, în manşa a doua a primului tur preliminar. În prima
    manşă, la Antalya, scorul fusese egal, 24 la 24.

    Mai departe,
    fotbal. Echipa României a învins, duminică, la Ploieşti, reprezentativa Maltei
    cu 1-0, în Grupa F a preliminariilor EURO 2020. Unicul gol al partidei a fost
    marcat de George Puşcaş, în minutul 47. România a făcut un joc modest, dar a
    reuşit să-şi asigure trei puncte care o menţin în cursa pentru calificare. În
    deplasare, în iunie, România învinsese Malta cu 4-0. În aceeaşi grupă, la
    Stockholm, Suedia şi Norvegia au terminat la egalitate, scor 1-1, iar la Gijon,
    Spania a trecut de Insulele Feroe cu 4-0. În grupa F conduce reprezentativa
    iberică, având 18 puncte din tot atâtea posibile. Urmează Suedia, cu 11,
    România, cu 10, Norvegia, cu 9, Malta, cu 3 puncte, şi Insulele Feroe, fără
    niciun punct. Următoarele jocuri ale tricolorilor vor avea loc luna viitoare, cu Insulele Feroe
    pe 12 octombrie, în deplasare, iar pe 15 octombrie cu Norvegia la Bucureşti.

  • Săptămâna sportivă

    Săptămâna sportivă

    feminină de tenis de masă a României a cucerit medaliile de aur la Campionatele
    Europene pe echipe de la Nantes, din Franţa. Duminică, în finală, România a
    învins Portugalia cu scorul de 3-0. Punctele au fost aduse de Bernadette Szőcs, de Daniela Dodean Monteiro şi de
    Elizabeta Samara. Szőcs,
    cea mai bună jucătoare română a momentului, a învins-o în primul meci pe Jieni
    Shao cu scorul de 3-2, revenind de la 1-2 la seturi. Al doilea punct a fost adus
    de Daniela Dodean, care a dispus de cea mai valoroasă jucătoare a echipei
    portugheze, Yu Fu, medaliată cu aur la Jocurile Europene de la Minsk, anul
    acesta, şi vicecampioană europeană în 2016, cu scorul de 3-2. În ultimul meci,
    Eliza Samara, campioană europeană la individual în 2015, a trecut de Leila
    Oliveira cu scorul de 3-0. Din lotul tricolor prezent la Nantes au mai făcut
    parte Adina Diaconu şi Irina Ciobanu. România şi-a trecut în palmares al
    cincilea său titlu continental, după cele din 1992, 2002, 2005 şi 2017.

    Trecem la
    handbal. Echipa feminină SCM Craiova s-a calificat fără emoţii în turul al
    doilea preliminar al Cupei EHF. Gruparea din Bănie a obţinut două victorii
    clare, sâmbătă cu 30 la 21, apoi cu 29-17 duminică, în faţa echipei italiene Jomi
    Salerno. Ambele partide au avut loc la Craiova.

    Dobrogea Sud
    Constanţa s-a calificat în turul al doilea preliminar al Cupei EHF la handbal
    masculin, după ce a dispus de formaţia turcă Antalyaspor, cu scorul de 29-16,
    duminică, pe teren propriu, în manşa a doua a primului tur preliminar. În prima
    manşă, la Antalya, scorul fusese egal, 24 la 24.

    Mai departe,
    fotbal. Echipa României a învins, duminică, la Ploieşti, reprezentativa Maltei
    cu 1-0, în Grupa F a preliminariilor EURO 2020. Unicul gol al partidei a fost
    marcat de George Puşcaş, în minutul 47. România a făcut un joc modest, dar a
    reuşit să-şi asigure trei puncte care o menţin în cursa pentru calificare. În
    deplasare, în iunie, România învinsese Malta cu 4-0. În aceeaşi grupă, la
    Stockholm, Suedia şi Norvegia au terminat la egalitate, scor 1-1, iar la Gijon,
    Spania a trecut de Insulele Feroe cu 4-0. În grupa F conduce reprezentativa
    iberică, având 18 puncte din tot atâtea posibile. Urmează Suedia, cu 11,
    România, cu 10, Norvegia, cu 9, Malta, cu 3 puncte, şi Insulele Feroe, fără
    niciun punct. Următoarele jocuri ale tricolorilor vor avea loc luna viitoare, cu Insulele Feroe
    pe 12 octombrie, în deplasare, iar pe 15 octombrie cu Norvegia la Bucureşti.

  • SCM Craiova gewinnt EHF-Pokal

    SCM Craiova gewinnt EHF-Pokal

    In Rumänien ist Handball eine Tradition. Natürlich wetteifert es nicht mit dem Fußball, dem Königsspiel. Die Tradition wird nicht nur von der rumänischen Nationalmannschaft der Frauen, die immer bei den großen internationalen Wettkämpfen anwesend ist, sondern auch von den Vereinmannschaften bestätigt. Diese haben in den letzten Jahren besondere Ergebnisse bei den Spielen für die europäischen Pokale erzielt.

    SCM Craiova hat am Freitag in dem Finale-Rückspiel für das EHF-Pokal das norvegische Damen-Team Vipers Kristiansand mit 30 zu 25 besiegt. Das Hinspiel wurde von Norvegen mit 26–22 gewonnen. SCM Craiova belegte den zweiten Platz der Gruppe, in der auch Brest (Frankreich), Kuban Krasnodar (Russland) und Randers (Dänemark) spielten. Im Viertelfinale besiegte es Lada Togliatti (Russland), die Favoritin des Wettkampfes und im Halbfinale die Türkinnen von Kastamonu. Craiova spielte mit einem Damenteam, das fast nur aus rumänischen Spielerinnen gebildet war. Es ist das erste europäische Pokal, das von SCM Craiova gewonnen wurde, sowie das erste EHF-Pokal des rumänischen Damen-Handballs. Der Wettkampf wurde aber unter dem alten Namen IHF-Pokal von Chimistul Râmnicu Vâlcea (1984, 1989) und von Rapid Bucureşti (1993) gewonnen.

    Ebenfalls für das EHF-Pokal spielte ein anderes rumänisches Team HC Zalău. Die zwei rumänischen Mannschaften könnten im Halbfinale gegeneinander auftreten, wenn die Damen von HC Zalău die Türkinnen von Kastamonu besiegt hätten. Die Anwesendheit der Damen-Mannschaft CSM Bucureşti zum dritten Mal konsekutiv in dem sogenannten Final Four der Champions League in Budapest beweist, dass Rumänien eine Kraft im Handball ist. Obwohl die Erwartungen höher waren, musste sich CSM mit den Bronzemedaillen begnügen. Die Damen von CSM haben im Halbfinale das Spiel gegen das ungarische Team Gyor mit 20 -26 verloren. CSM gewann das Spiel für den dritten Platz gegen die Russinnen von Rostov mit 31 – 30. Die diesjährige Auflage wurde von Gyor gewonnen, die ihren Titel vor Vardar Skopje (Macedonia) verteidigte. Das Spiel endete 27 – 26.

    Die Enttäuschung war für CSM, die 2016 die Trophae erzielte, riesig. Cristina Neagu wurde zum zweiten Mal mit 110 Toren zur Torjägerin der Tournee ernannt.

  • May 10, 2018 UPDATE

    May 10, 2018 UPDATE

    VISIT – The Romanian PM Viorica Dăncilă is on a visit to the Vatican until Sunday. On Friday the PM will be received by Pope Francis, followed by a meeting with his Holiness Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin. The chief of the Romanian government will also hold meetings with the Grand master of the Sovereign Order of Malta and with the president of the Community of SantEgidio. According to a news release issued by the Government of Romania, the PMs visit to Vatican comes against the backdrop of very good bilateral relations, in a year when Romania celebrates the Centennial of the Great Union, which will be marked at the Holy See through a number of academic and cultural events. The agenda of the visit also includes a meeting with the Romanian students attending the programmes of the “Pio Romeno Pontifical Romanian College.

    JUDICIARY – The High Court of Cassation and Justice Thursday ruled to drop charges against the former PM and president of the Social Democratic Party Victor Ponta in the Turceni-Rovinari case, in which he was tried for forgery, aiding tax evasion and money laundering. The former transport minister Dan Şova, who was charged in the same case with aiding abuse of office, forgery, tax evasion and money laundering, was also acquitted. Thursdays ruling is not final, and it can be challenged by the National Anti-Corruption Directorate. In the last hearing of the trial, the Anti-Corruption Directorate requested that the former PM Victor Ponta and former Senator Dan Şova, both of them accused of corruption-related offences, should serve time in prison. The prosecutors said that in 2007 – 2008, Victor Pontas law practice received from another law firm, ”Şova şi Asociaţii”, around 39,000 euro, allegedly for work performed jointly, which in fact had never been performed. According to prosecutors, this was a form of repaying Victor Ponta for contracts awarded by the state-owned energy companies Turceni and Rovinari to “Şova şi Asociaţii.

    SUMMIT – The historic summit between the US President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un will take place on June 12 in Singapore, Trump confirmed on Twitter. “We will both try to make it a very special moment for World Peace, the US President wrote. The 2 are expected to discuss the North-Korean nuclear and ballistic missile programmes, which have further deepened the decade-long tensions between Washington and Pyongyang. Trumps announcement comes just hours after 3 American citizens detained in North Korea were released. The three arrived at a military base near Washington.

    TENNIS – The Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, number 1 in the world, was defeated by the Czech Karolina Pliskova (6 WTA), in the quarter-finals of the WTA tournament in Madrid, which has 6.7 million euros in total prize money. The 2 players had faced each other 7 times before, with the Romanian winning 6 times and Pliskovas only win coming in the 2016 Fed Cup. Simona Halep won the last 2 editions of the Madrid tournament.

    HANDBALL – The Romanian womens handball team SCM Craiova is playing at home on Friday against the Norwegian side Vipers Kristiansand, in the second leg of the EHF Cup finals. In the first leg, last Saturday, the Norwegians won 26-22. Meanwhile, Romanian champions, CSM Bucharest, will face on Saturday the Hungarian team Gyor ETO, in the so-called Final Four, the Champions League semi-finals. If they get into the final, CSM will play on Sunday against the winner of the match pitting HC Vardar, of Macedonia, against Rostov-Don, of Russia. CSM Bucharest won the Final Four in 2016.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Sport Club RRI: Handbal

    Sport Club RRI: Handbal

    Echipa de handbal masculin a României se
    află în faţa unui nou examen. De joi, la Bolzano, în Italia, tricolorii
    participă la prima fază a preliminariilor Campionatului Mondial de anul viitor.
    Formaţia română face parte din grupa a treia, alături de Italia, Ucraina şi
    Insulele Feroe. Primul joc este cel cu Italia, programat joi. Urmează
    confruntarea cu Feroe, vineri, apoi partida cu Ucraina, care va avea loc
    sâmbătă. Merg mai departe doar câştigătoarele celor şase grupe preliminare.
    Acestea vor juca, în luna iunie, în play-off-ul pentru turneul final din
    Germania şi Danemarca.

    Trecem la handbal feminin. Cristina Neagu,
    jucătoarea Naţionalei României şi a echipei CSM Bucureşti, a fost aleasă cea
    mai bună jucătoare a anului 2017 în Europa. Acesta este rezultatul unei anchete
    a Federaţiei Europene de Handbal, realizată pe baza votului fanilor, pe
    Internet. Cristina Neagu a primit 52% din voturi. Ea a fost urmată de
    jucătoarea maghiară Anita Görbicz, cu 38%.

    Narcisa Lecuşanu, fostă componentă a
    naţionalei României, a anunţat marţi, pe pagina sa oficială de Facebook, că ar
    putea candida la preşedinţia Federaţiei Române de Handbal la alegerile din luna
    februarie, anunţă Agerpres. Pe parcursul unei cariere de aproape 20 de ani, a
    evoluat la echipe de top precum Ştiinţa Bacău, Aalborg şi Oltchim Râmnicu
    Vâlcea. Din 2016, Narcisa Lecuşanu face parte din Comitetul Executiv al
    Federaţiei Europene de Handbal (EHF). În luna noiembrie 2017, ea a fost aleasă
    şi în Comitetul Executiv al Federaţiei Internaţionale de Handbal (IHF). A mai
    ocupat funcţiile de vicepreşedinte al Federaţiei Române de Handbal şi de
    secretar de Stat în Ministerul român al Tineretului şi Sportului.

  • Sport Club RRI: Handbal

    Sport Club RRI: Handbal

    Echipa de handbal masculin a României se
    află în faţa unui nou examen. De joi, la Bolzano, în Italia, tricolorii
    participă la prima fază a preliminariilor Campionatului Mondial de anul viitor.
    Formaţia română face parte din grupa a treia, alături de Italia, Ucraina şi
    Insulele Feroe. Primul joc este cel cu Italia, programat joi. Urmează
    confruntarea cu Feroe, vineri, apoi partida cu Ucraina, care va avea loc
    sâmbătă. Merg mai departe doar câştigătoarele celor şase grupe preliminare.
    Acestea vor juca, în luna iunie, în play-off-ul pentru turneul final din
    Germania şi Danemarca.

    Trecem la handbal feminin. Cristina Neagu,
    jucătoarea Naţionalei României şi a echipei CSM Bucureşti, a fost aleasă cea
    mai bună jucătoare a anului 2017 în Europa. Acesta este rezultatul unei anchete
    a Federaţiei Europene de Handbal, realizată pe baza votului fanilor, pe
    Internet. Cristina Neagu a primit 52% din voturi. Ea a fost urmată de
    jucătoarea maghiară Anita Görbicz, cu 38%.

    Narcisa Lecuşanu, fostă componentă a
    naţionalei României, a anunţat marţi, pe pagina sa oficială de Facebook, că ar
    putea candida la preşedinţia Federaţiei Române de Handbal la alegerile din luna
    februarie, anunţă Agerpres. Pe parcursul unei cariere de aproape 20 de ani, a
    evoluat la echipe de top precum Ştiinţa Bacău, Aalborg şi Oltchim Râmnicu
    Vâlcea. Din 2016, Narcisa Lecuşanu face parte din Comitetul Executiv al
    Federaţiei Europene de Handbal (EHF). În luna noiembrie 2017, ea a fost aleasă
    şi în Comitetul Executiv al Federaţiei Internaţionale de Handbal (IHF). A mai
    ocupat funcţiile de vicepreşedinte al Federaţiei Române de Handbal şi de
    secretar de Stat în Ministerul român al Tineretului şi Sportului.

  • October 8, 2017 UPDATE

    October 8, 2017 UPDATE

    NATO — The NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, is coming to Bucharest on Monday, when he is to discuss with President Klaus Iohannis about the forthcoming NATO summit and the status of its eastern flank. The two officials will take part together in the opening of the plenary meeting of the 63rd session of NATO’s Parliamentary Assembly. More than 50 delegations from NATO member or partner countries are taking part in the session hosted by the Romanian capital city. Members of the Romanian Government have already addressed the participants, pleading for closer cooperation between the Allies. Foreign Minister Teodor Meleşcanu warned that the buildup of Russian forces at the Black Sea does not target this region alone, but also the Mediterranean and the Middle East, while the Defence Minister Mihai Fifor argued that simplified procedures and legislation in European countries would facilitate the movement of NATO troops from one country to another, allowing for easier participation in exercises involving large numbers of troops and equipment.

    LEGISLATION — The leaders of the Social Democratic Party and Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in Romania, the two parties in the ruling coalition, will discuss next week the final texts of the laws on the judiciary. After that, according to the Social Democratic president Liviu Dragnea, the new legislation will be discussed in Parliament. Dragnea says the justice minister Tudorel Toader is drawing closer to finalising the new legislative package. Heavily criticised by the Opposition, civil society and the mass media, and disapproved of by the Higher Council of Magistrates, Toader’s draft laws stipulate, among other things, that the president of the country will no longer be involved in the appointment of the Prosecutor General and the chiefs of the National Anti-Corruption Directorate and the Directorate Investigating Organised Crime and Terrorism. The bills also make the judicial inspection corps subordinated to the Justice Ministry, and increase the length in office required for the promotion of magistrates.

    SPAIN — Hundreds of thousands once again took to the streets on Sunday in Barcelona, to call for unity and protest the planned secession of Catalonia. The Nobel-winning Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa, who is a Spanish citizen as well, was among the protesters. Employers organisations in Catalonia have also voiced concerns over the separatist intentions of the regional government, announced after last week’s referendum. Rulled illegal by the Spanish constitutional court, and marred by police violence, the referendum brough 2 million out of Catalonia’s 5.3 million people to polls, and 90% of the votes were in favour of secession.

    TENNIS — The Romanian tennis player Simona Halep Sunday lost the Beijing tournament final to Caroline Garcia (France), 6-4, 7-6. On Saturday, in the semi-finals, Halep had defeated Latvia’s Jelena Ostapenko, a victory thanks to which as of Monday Halep is the new WTA no 1. Her performance was hailed by top personalities in Romanian and world sports, Romanian politicians and tennis fans. Simona Halep’s coach, the Australian Darren Cahill, the great gymnast Nadia Comăneci and former tennis player Boris Becker of Germany were among those who congratulated Simona Halep. According to Romanian tennis player Ilie Năstase, WTA no 1 in the ‘70s, the hardest is yet to come for Simona Halep, the first Romanian tennis player to have won the top world position in the women’s singles.

    HANDBALL — Romania’s women’s handball champions CSM Bucharest started the 2017-2018 Champions League season with a clear home win against Slovenians Krim Ljubljana, 30-18. In the other Group A game, the Danish side Nykobing Falster outplayed the Polish Vistal Gdynia, 27-21. In the next match in the group, CSM will play in Gdynia, on October 11. In the men’s competition, CSM Bucharest lost at home, 26-30, against SKA Minsk, of Belarus, in the first leg of the second round of the EHF Cup. The decisive leg will be played on October 15, in Minsk.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • RRI Sports Roundup

    RRI Sports Roundup

    The Romanian womens handball team HCM Baia Mare this weekend qualified for the Champions League. Aurelian Roscas trainees won the playoff of the preliminary group phase played in Baia Mare, 32-21, against Danish side Team Esbjerg. In the semi-finals on Saturday, the team from Baia Mare had won against BelAZ Minsk of Belarus, 31-21. In Champions League, HCM will be part of Group A, alongside Larvik of Norway, Krim Ljubljana of Slovenia and Rostov-Don of Russia.

    The other Romanian team in Champions League is CSM Bucharest, the defending champions, which will play in Group D, alongside Buducnost Podgorica of Montenegro, Savehof of Sweden and Selgros Lublin in Poland.

    Let us also note that the mens team Minaur Baia Mare has also qualified to Champions League. Also from mens handball, Dinamo Bucharest will be playing in the second preliminary round of the EHF Cup. In the return leg of the first round, Dinamo held Energia Tg. Jiu from Romania to a 24-all draw. In the first leg, Dinamo Bucharest had won 38-24.

    In the second preliminary round, Dinamo will play Diomidis Argous. The first match is scheduled away from home on October 10 or 11, while the return leg will be played in Bucharest, on October 17th or 18th.

    From the world of gymnastics, let us note that Marian Dragulescu won two medals at the Israeli Cup, a competition played this weekend in Tel Aviv. He won gold in the vault event and bronze in the beam event. Another Romanian athlete, Andrei Ursache, ranked 3rd in the pommel horse event.

    Let us now take a look at the football matches played this weekend as part of the 10th round of the Romanian First League. On Saturday, Concordia Chiajna held FC Botosani to a blank draw, while ASA Targu Mures couldnt beat Petrolul Ploiesti at home, 1-all. In Giurgiu, Pandurii Targu Jiu grabbed an important 2-1 over Astra. Finally, on Sunday, Poli Timisoara defeated Steaua Bucharest 1-nil. On Monday, Viitorul Contanta will play FC Voluntari, while Dinamo Bucharest will be taking on CFR Cluj.Astra tops the tables with 20 points, followed by Dinamo and ASA Targu Mures, each with 17 points.