• Parchetul European a devenit operaţional

    Parchetul European a devenit operaţional

    Parchetul European cu sediul la Luxemburg este responsabil cu anchetarea şi urmărirea penală a infracţiunilor care afectează bugetul Uniunii. Este, de fapt, primul parchet supranaţional care investighează şi urmăreşte penal frauda în materie de cheltuieli şi venituri, de TVA (dacă implică două sau mai multe state membre şi un prejudiciu de cel puţin 10 milioane de euro). Spălarea de bani aferentă activelor provenite din fraudarea bugetului Uniunii Europene, corupţia activă şi pasivă sau deturnarea de fonduri care afectează interesele financiare ale Uniunii constituie şi ele obiect al anchetelor Parchetului European. La fel şi participarea la o organizaţie criminală în cazul în care scopul principal al activităţilor acesteia este săvârşirea de infracţiuni împotriva bugetului Uniunii Europene.

    Comisarul european pentru Justiţie, Didier Reynders, afirmă că lansarea Parchetului European va deschide o nouă etapă în istoria integrării europene. Principala misiune a acestui organism european este să protejeze fondurile Uniunii Europene de infractori, în interesul comun al cetăţenilor noştri. Parchetul European va monitoriza punerea în aplicare a instrumentului NextGenerationEU, veghind cu stricteţe ca fondurile să fie utilizate exclusiv în scopul de a ajuta economiile noastre să se redreseze în urma crizei – a mai spus Reynders.

    Parchetul European îşi va desfăşura investigaţiile şi urmăririle penale în deplină independenţă faţă de Comisia Europeană, faţă de celelalte instituţii şi organisme ale Uniunii, precum şi faţă de statele membre şi va completa activitatea altor organisme şi agenţii comunitare, precum OLAF, Eurojust şi Europol, cooperând cu acestea şi cu autorităţile competente ale ţărilor membre care nu participă la Parchetul European, respectiv, Ungaria, Polonia, Irlanda, Suedia şi Danemarca. Se estimează că va investiga, în cele din urmă, aproximativ 3.000 de cazuri pe an.
    Parchetul condus de fosta şefă a Direcţiei Naţionale Anticorupţie din România, Laura Codruţa Kovesi, ar fi trebuit iniţial să-şi înceapă activitatea la sfârşitul anului trecut, dar întârzierile în desemnarea de către statele membre a procurorilor lor delegaţi au afectat acest calendar.

    Procurorii delegaţi sunt însărcinaţi să desfăşoare în ţările membre anchetele şi urmărirea penală, în deplină independenţă faţă de autorităţile naţionale. La Luxemburg, Laura Codruţa Kovesi şi echipa sa de 22 de procurori vor superviza anchetele şi procedurile legale.

  • June 1, 2021 UPDATE

    June 1, 2021 UPDATE

    NATO The head of the Romanian diplomacy
    Bogdan Aurescu on Tuesday attended the online special meeting of the foreign
    ministers in the NATO member countries. High on the meeting’s agenda were
    preparations for the upcoming NATO summit on June 14th. Minister Aurescu
    referred to the NATO 2030 reflection process and the decision on a new
    strategic concept that might be taken at the upcoming summit, adding that these
    processes would offer the Alliance the strategic vision it needs for an
    increased role as a political-military alliance. The Romanian official has
    underlined the need for boosting the political dimension of the alliance and
    its consolidation from a military viewpoint. He pleaded for strengthening
    NATO’s deterrence and defence posture, pointing out to the need for an increased
    NATO presence in the Black Sea area, the Eastern flank and for stepped up
    support for its partners. In another development the Romanian Defence Minister
    Nicolae Ciuca on Tuesday attended the online meeting of his NATO counterparts
    coordinated from the NATO headquarters in Brussels by the alliance’s Secretary
    General Jens Stoltenberg. The meeting’s agenda focused on the coordinated of
    NATO 2030 process with emphasis on deterrence, defence, resilience, innovation
    for NATO partners.

    Romanian-German pair Horia Tecau/Kevin Krawietzon Tuesday qualified for the
    second round of the men’s doubles contest of the Roland Garros tournament after
    a victory against Ariel Behar of Uruguay and Gonzalo Escobar of Ecuador. In the
    singles contest, Romanian Ana Bogdan has qualified for the third round after
    the world’s number two player Naomi Osaka withdrew from the competition. The
    other Romanians in the competition are Mihaela Buzarnescu who will be up
    against Serena Williams on Wednesday and Sorana Cirstea who will be playing
    Italian Martina Trevisan. Injuries have prevented the world’s number three
    tennis player Simona Halep, who reaped the trophy in 2018, to participate in
    this year’s edition of the famous French tournament.

    COVID-19 The number of COVID-19 infections remains
    very low in Romania with an infection rate below one per thousand in all its
    counties. 241 new cases were reported on Tuesday out of 28 thousand tests
    conducted. The vaccination rollout is carried on in Romania with a new stage
    due to begin on Wednesday targeting children with ages between 12 and 15 after
    the European Medicines Agency has authorized the vaccine for this age bracket.
    Since the vaccine rollout kicked off in late December, more than 3 million
    Romanians have been fully vaccinated.

    MEASURES New relaxation measures against
    the background of a contained Covid-19 pandemic came into effect in Romania on
    June 1st. Private parties can be attended by a limited number of
    individuals and fans are allowed to attend indoor sporting events. Clubs and
    discos have opened as well as indoor swimming pools and playgrounds. The number
    of people attending these events is limited but could be higher if all are
    vaccinated. Outdoor cultural events can be attended by 1000 people at the most.
    All these events are allowed if the infection rate in their area stays under
    three per thousand. Indoor mask mandates have been lifted for those vaccinated
    in offices with five workers at the most.

    DAY Theatre performances, concerts,
    creative workshops and guided tours were staged on the International Children’s
    Day Romania celebrates on June 1st. Several public institutions in Bucharest hosted
    a series of events for the little ones. At the Cotroceni Palace in Bucharest, Romanian
    president Klaus Iohannis inaugurated an exhibition entitled ‘Fantastic
    Childhood’, created by several artists around the country to celebrate the
    purity and sincerity of childhood and art. Children were able to visit the palace,
    the halls where Parliament stages its sessions, the presidential office, the
    press room and the hall of fame. Theatre performances, concerts and various work
    shops were also being staged for the children of asylum seekers in Romania,
    most of them coming from countries like Afghanistan, Somalia, Syria and Iraq.

    EPPO The EU Public Prosecutor’s Office EPPO
    headed by Laura Codruta Kovesi the former chief of Romania’s Anticorruption
    Directorate, started its activity on Tuesday. The new body is to deal with community
    fund frauds and recover money from fraudsters. EPPO prosecutors are expected to
    investigate roughly three thousand files a year. According to estimates by the
    European Chief Prosecutor, corruption, embezzlement and various types of fraud
    are causing annual losses to the EU budget of 500 million euros. The new
    European institution has an annual budget of 45 million euros. Five EU members
    aren’t participating in the EPPO.


  • Nachrichten 01.06.2021

    Nachrichten 01.06.2021

    Beschränkungen im Zusammenhang mit der Pandemie werden ab dem 1. Juni aufgehoben. Öffentliche Veranstaltungen dürfen im Freien mit maximal 1.000 Teilnehmern organisiert werden – allerdings abhängig von der Infektionsrate in der jeweiligen Ortschaft. Die Teilnehmer müssen jedoch seit mindestens 10 Tagen den vollen Impfschutz haben oder einen negativen Test auf Coronaviren oder aber einen Nachweis über die Erkrankung vorweisen können. Private Veranstaltungen werden im Freien auf maximal 70 Personen begrenzt, während die Anzahl der Personen in geschlossenen Räumen auf 50 begrenzt wird. Entspanntere Ma‎ßnahmen sind auch für Sportwettbewerbe vorgesehen. Sporthallen und Schwimmbäder dürfen maximal bis zu 70% ihrer Kapazität genutzt werden. Die Anzahl der Teilnehmer ist nicht mehr begrenzt, wenn alle anwesenden Personen geimpft sind. Die zulässige Belegungsrate von Unterkunftsplätzen an der rumänischen Schwarzmeerküste wird ab heute auf 85% erhöht. In Büros dürfen bis zu fünf Personen ohne Maske arbeiten, wenn alle vollständig geimpft sind.

    Die Zahl der Covid-19-Fälle bleibt niedrig. Die 14-Tage-Inzidenz liegt national unter einem Fall je 1.000 Einwohner. Am Dienstag wurden in Rumänien 241 neue Fälle von Covid-19 gemeldet, bei fast 28.000 durchgeführten Tests. 41 Menschen sind an oder mit der Krankheit gestorben, 410 Menschen sind in Intensivbehandlung. Gleichzeitig wird die Impfkampagne auf nationaler Ebene fortgesetzt. Die Behörden haben angekündigt, dass die Impfung von Jugendlichen im Alter von 12 bis 15 Jahren am Mittwoch beginnen könnte, da die Europäische Arzneimittelagentur die Verwendung des Impfstoffs von Pfizer/BioNTech für diese Altersgruppe empfohlen hat. Die elektronische Plattform wird heute so optimiert, dass Jugendliche sich über die Konten ihrer Eltern oder Erziehungsberechtigten für den Impftermin anmelden können. Mehr als eine Million Dosen des Impfstoffs von Pfizer trafen am Montag in Rumänien ein, die bisher grö‎ßte Einzellieferung.

    Die Au‎ßenminister der NATO-Staaten tagen per Videokonferenz, um den Gipfel der Nordatlantischen Allianz am 14. Juni vorzubereiten. Laut einer Pressemitteilung des Au‎ßenministeriums in Bukarest werden sich die Minister über die Beschlüsse des NATO-Pakets 2030 austauschen, das beim Treffen der Alliierten verabschiedet werden soll. Ebenfalls auf der Tagesordnung stehen die Entwicklung des Sicherheitsumfelds, die Bedrohungen durch Russland, sowie die Zukunft der Beziehungen zwischen der Nordatlantischen Allianz und Afghanistan. Rumäniens Au‎ßenminister Bogdan Aurescu infomierte über die Ziele Rumäniens für den Bündnisgipfel und bekräftigte dabei das Engagement für die Annahme eines neuen strategischen Konzepts für die Organisation. Rumänien istangesichts der jüngsten sicherheitspolitischen Entwicklungen in der Region auch für eine Stärkung der alliierten Abschreckungs- und Verteidigungsposition an der gesamten Ostflanke. Am Montag wurde das Euro-Atlantic Resilience Centre eröffnet – die Einrichtung ist ein praktischer strategischer Beitrag Rumäniens zur Erhöhung der Resilienz der NATO, ihrer Verbündeten, aber auch der EU und der Mitgliedsstaaten und versteht sich als Partner beider Organisationen.

    Die Europäische Staatsanwaltschaft EPPO hat am 1. Juni in Luxemburg ihre Tätigkeit aufgenommen. Geleitet wird sie von der Rumänin Laura Codruţa Kövesi, der ehemaligen Chefin der Nationalen Anti-Korruptions-Staatsanwaltschaft in Bukarest. Die Behörde konzentriert sich auf die Bekämpfung von Betrug mit EU-Mitteln und die Wiedereinziehung von Schäden für den Haushalt der Union. Die EPPO soll mit Hilfe von Staatsanwälten, die auch in den Mitgliedsstaaten arbeiten werden, rund 3.000 Fälle pro Jahr untersuchen. Nach Schätzung Kövesis verursachen Korruption, Veruntreuung und Betrug in ihren vielfältigen Formen dem EU-Haushalt jährlich Verluste in Höhe von etwa 500 Millionen Euro. Die neue Institution verfügt über ein jährliches Budget von rund 45 Millionen Euro, um ihre Arbeit zu verrichten. Fünf EU-Länder beteiligen sich nicht an der neuen Europäischen Staatsanwaltschaft.

    Zum Internationalen Kindertag am 1. Juni gibt es überall in Rumänien Theateraufführungen, Konzerte, kreative Workshops und Museumsführungen. Auch das Abgeordnetenhaus veranstaltete einen offenen Tag: Kinder durften in Begleitung die Räume besuchen, in denen die parlamentarische Arbeit stattfindet, sowie das Büro des Präsidenten, den Plenarsaal, die Pressetribüne und die Ehrentribüne. Die rumänische Gendarmerie zeigte den Kindern zwei Hundeteams, vier Pferdegespanne, aber auch mehrere Einsatzfahrzeuge. Die Hauptstadtpolizei organisierte Detektivspiele. Auch die Kinder in den regionalen Unterbringungszentren für Asylbewerber wurden nicht vergessen. Sie besuchen Theateraufführungen, Konzerte und kreative Workshops. Die meisten der Asylbewerber kommen aus Afghanistan, Somalia, Syrien und dem Irak.

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  • May 31, 2021 UPDATE

    May 31, 2021 UPDATE

    Measures. A new set of restrictions is lifted in Romania as of June 1st. Private parties with a limited number of attendants are allowed again, as well as sporting events, also in enclosed spaces. Clubs, nightclubs, as well as indoor playgrounds and pools will also reopen. The number of participants can exceed the maximum allowed if all participants are vaccinated. Outdoor cultural events are also permitted with a maximum of 1,000 participants, provided the incidence rate is below 3 per thousand inhabitants. Face masks can also be eliminated in workplaces with a maximum of 5 employees allowed in each office, if they have been vaccinated.

    Covid-19RO. The largest batch of the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine – 1.1 million doses – arrived in Romania on Monday. The vaccine may now be administered to children aged 12-15, after the European Medicines Agency endorsed the vaccine as safe for this age bracket. Since the start of the vaccination campaign at the end of 2020, over 4.3 million people have been vaccinated in Romania against COVID-19, of whom more than three quarters with both doses. Last weekend saw new vaccination marathons across the country. Meanwhile, the number of COVID-19 infections has been dropping. All counties are reporting an incidence rate below 1 per one thousand inhabitants in the last 14 days. On Monday, the Group for Strategic Communication announced the lowest number of infections reported in the last 24 hours since the start of the pandemic: 153. Also, another 36 related fatalities were reported. 425 people are still in intensive care.

    E-ARC. The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, stated on Monday, in Bucharest, during the inauguration ceremony of the headquarters of the Euro-Atlantic Center for Resilience (E-ARC), that this is an absolutely necessary tool and expressed his conviction that it will bring added value in the current geo-political context. The centers activity will focus on specific areas, including the response to emerging and disruptive technologies, but also communications or transport, and Romania wants to involve not only the best specialists in the country, but also experts from EU and NATO member states, as well as from partner countries in the region. The inauguration ceremony was attended by the Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, the Deputy Secretary General of NATO, Mircea Geoana, and the Vice President of the European Commission for Interinstitutional Relations and Foresight, Maros Sefcovic.

    Visit. European Commission Vice President Maros Sefcovic stated on Monday that he was very impressed with Romanias activity in terms of resilience against vulnerabilities. In a speech at the 2021 Atlantic-Black Sea Security Forum, hosted by the Aspen Institute in Romania, Maros Sefcovic stressed that the European Union and NATO need to be better prepared, at a time in which we move away from multilateralism towards a multipolar world, in which great powers are in competition. Maros Sefcovic participated, together Mircea Geoana and Bogdan Aurescu, in the panel “Responding to Challenges – NATO and the EU in a Post-Pandemic World.”

    NATO. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization has responded with the greatest ability to adapt, in the context in which it is currently facing the most challenging security environment in a generation. The statement was made on Monday by the Deputy Secretary General of NATO, the Romanian Mircea Geoana, whose agenda includes a visit to the command of the Multinational Division Southeast, which participates in the NATO exercise Steadfast Defender 21. Mircea Geoana stressed that this exercise “has been planned for a long time, it is not directed against anyone and it is strictly defensive”. Approximately 4,000 soldiers and over 600 vehicles and aircraft from 12 NATO states participate in Romania in Noble Jump 2021, the Rapid Reaction stage of the allied exercise Steadfast Defender 21, which is currently taking place in over 20 allied countries or NATO partners. This stage began on May 19, when, according to the scenario of the exercise, NATO alerted the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force to travel from Turkey to Romania, through Bulgaria.

    NRRP. Romanias National Recovery and Resilience Plan was officially submitted to the European Commission on Monday, as announced by Cristian Ghinea, the Minister of Investments and European Projects. 30 separate documents for each of the Plans sections were uploaded to the Commissions digital platform. After the Commission rejected the first draft submitted by the Romanian Government, the revised Plan will be made public on June 2, Romania being one the few countries at EU level to do this, Minister Ghinea explained. Liberal Prime Minister Florin Cîţu has stated that the document has already been presented in Parliaments specialized committees, and experts from the Social-Democratic Party in opposition saw the final draft. The Social-Democratic leader Marcel Ciolacu has voiced disappointment that the plan hasnt been discussed in detail and claimed the reforms and funds allotted to SMEs are unknown. Romania will receive nearly 30 million Euro under its National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

    EPPO. The European Public Prosecutors Office (EPPO), the EUs new anti-fraud prosecution body, starts its activity on June 1, under the leadership of former head of the Romanian Anticorruption Directorate (DNA), Laura Codruţa Kövesi. According to estimates, corruption, embezzlement and fraud are causing losses of some €500 million every year to the EU budget. Starting June 1, European prosecutors will take action against criminal activities of this kind and will make sure no funds are wasted due to corruption and fraud, European Commissioner for Values and Transparency, Věra Jourová, has said. Responsible for identifying and investigating corruption cases, EPPO will have an annual budget of €45 million. (MI)

  • May 31, 2021

    May 31, 2021

    COVID-19 -
    The largest batch of the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine will reach Romania today,
    totaling 1.1 million doses. The vaccine may now be administered to children
    aged 12-15, after the European Medicines Agency greenlit the vaccine as safe
    for this age bracket. Since the start of the vaccination campaign at the end of
    2020, over 4.3 million people got vaccinated against COVID-19, three quarters of
    whom with both shots. Last weekend saw new vaccination marathons across the
    country. Meanwhile, the number of COVID-19 infections continues to drop. All counties
    are reporting an incidence rate below 1 per thousand inhabitants in the last 14
    days. On Monday, the Group for strategic communication announced the lowest
    number of infections reported in the last 24 hours since the start of the
    pandemic – 153. Another 36 related fatalities have also been reported. 425
    people are still in intensive care.

    Starting June 1 the Government is easing a number of COVID-related
    restrictions. Private parties with a limited number of attendants are allowed
    again, while sports events will resume in enclosed spaces as well. Clubs,
    nightclubs, as well as interior playgrounds and pools will also reopen. The
    number of participants can exceed the maximum allowed provided all participants
    are vaccinated. Outdoor cultural events are also permitted with a maximum of
    1,000 participants, provided the incidence rate is below 3 per thousand
    inhabitants. Face masks can also be eliminated in workplaces with a maximum of
    5 employees allowed in each office, provided they are vaccinated.

    PNRR – Romania’s
    National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) might be submitted to the European
    Commission today, as announced by Cristian Ghinea, the Minister of Investments
    and European Projects. 30 separate documents for each of the Plan’s sections
    will be uploaded to the Commission’s digital platform. After the Commission
    rejected the first draft submitted by the Romanian Government, the revised Plan
    will be made public on June 2, Romania being one the few countries at EU level
    to do this, Minister Ghinea explains. Liberal Prime Minister Florin
    Cîţu said the document has already been presented in Parliament’s specialised
    committees, while experts from the Social-Democratic Party in opposition have
    seen the final draft. Social-Democrat leader Marcel Ciolacu expressed
    disapointment that the plan hasn’t been discussed in detail and claimed the
    reforms and funds alloted to SMEs are unknown. Romania will receive nearly €30
    million Euro under its National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

    INQUIRY – Interior Minister Lucian Bode said Romania is a safe
    country, and the assassination in Arad is an isolated case. The Romanian
    official promised the culprits will be brought to justice. On Saturday, a known
    businessman in Arad died after his car exploded. The Prosecutor General’s
    Office has taken lead in the inquiry. Arad County Prefect, Tóth Csaba, has
    ordered additional measures to maintain public order. The businessman owned one
    of the few African salmon farms in Eastern Europe outside Arad.

    EPPO – The
    European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO), the EU’s new anti-fraud prosecution
    body, starts its activity on June 1, under the leadership of former head of the
    Romanian Anticorruption Directorate (DNA), Laura Codruţa Kövesi. According to estimates,
    corruption, embezzlement and fraud are causing losses of some €500 million
    every year in the EU budget. Starting June 1, European prosecutors will take
    action against criminal activities of this kind and will make sure no funds are
    wasted due to corruption and fraud, European Commissioner for Values and Transparency,
    Věra Jourová, has said. Charged with identifying and investigating corruption
    cases, EPPO will have an annual budget of €45 million. Five EU member states
    have refused to take part in the EPPO.

    NATO – NATO Deputy Secretary General, Mircea Geoană, is today paying
    a visit to Romania, accompanied by the president of the NATO Military
    Commission, General Stuart Peach. Mircea Geoană’s agenda is very busy,
    including a visit to the NATO Multinational Division Southeast, which is taking
    part in the NATO Steadfast Defender 21 multinational exercise. Mircea Geoană
    will meet with Romania’s Defense Minister, Nicolae Ciucă and with Chief of
    General Staff, Daniel Petrescu. The NATO official will also attend the Black
    Sea Atlantic Security Council, hosted by Aspen Institute – Romania. During his
    visit Mircea Geoană will open the Euro-Atlantic Resilience Center, alongside
    Romania’s president, Klaus Iohannis, Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu, and EU
    Commissioner for Inter-institutional relations and forecast, Maros Sefcovic,
    the vice-president of the European Commission.

    – Three Romanian tennis players are today playing in the first round at Roland
    Garros, the second Grand Slam tournament of the year. Irina Begu will take on
    Serena Williams of the United States, the tournament’s seventh seed. Sorana
    Cîrstea will go up against Johanna Konta of Great Britain, while Mihaela
    Buzărnescu will play Arantxa Rus of the Netherlands. On Tuesday, Irina Bara
    will go up against Astra Sharma of Australia. We recall Ana Bogdan has advanced
    to the second round, where she will take on Naomi Osaka of Japan, world no. 2,
    who in the first round knocked out another Romanian, Patricia Tig. Simona
    Halep, world no. 3 and the winner of Roland Garros in 2018, will not take part
    in the tournament due to an injury. (VP)

  • January 29, 2021

    January 29, 2021

    FIRE – A fire broke out on Friday morning at the Matei
    Balş Institute for Infectious Disease in Romania, killing five patients.
    Several wards burned down in the fire and heavy smoke spread throughout the
    building. 120 patients were evacuated and transferred to other medical units.
    So far the cause of the fire remains unknown, but prosecutors have launched a
    manslaughter investigation. Prime Minister Florin Cîţu has conveyed his
    condolences to the families of the victims and said all the measures are being
    taken to bring the situation under control. The Prime Minister’s Office inquiry
    team is already conducting its own investigation. Senate Speaker Anca Dragu
    said the fire is a tragedy that cannot remain without consequence, adding that,
    once the cause of the fire is ascertained, swift actions are needed to right
    the wrongs in the healthcare sector. Social-Democrat leader Marcel Ciolacu said
    he felt shocked, heartbroken and appalled with the Government’s lack of action
    to make sure the tragedy at Piatra Neamţ must not happen again. We recall
    another fire broke out in November at an IC unit at the Piatra Neamţ Emergency
    County Hospital which killed 10 people.

    COVID-19 IN ROMANIA – Romania’s national vaccination campaign is in full
    swing, with over 534 thousand people immunized so far. Health Minister Vlad
    Voiculescu has announced Romania is facing a shortage of vaccine doses. The
    Minister also said certain centers, which immunized people from outside the
    eligible categories, are to face sanctions. 2,737 new infections were announced
    on Friday in addition to 91 COVID-related fatalities. Since the outbreak, over
    724 thousand people have got infected in Romania and more than 18 thousand
    died. About one thousand people are currently being treated in IC units.

    COVID-19 IN THE WORLD – The infection rate remains high on the continent,
    putting pressure on medical systems, which is why a relaxation of restrictions
    would be premature, the WHO Director for Europe, Hans Kluge, has said. The WHO
    official believes the high rates of infection and the emergence of new strains
    of the coronavirus have stressed the need for urgently immunizing top-priority
    categories of people, but the rate of production and distribution of vaccines
    has fallen short of expectations, for the time being. The vaccination process
    has started in 35 European states, Director Kluge argues, and some 25 million
    shots have already been administered. The UK is the first European country to
    start a national anti-COVID vaccination campaign. In other states, such as the
    Seychelles, Iceland or Cyprus, authorities announced they would renounce
    testing and quarantine for travellers who present an international vaccine
    certificate. Over 102 million infections have been reported globally since the
    start of the epidemic and over 2.2 million people have died to the virus, the
    latest worldometers.info update reveals.

    EPPO – The Romanian
    Justice Ministry today is announcing the candidates it selected for the
    position of EPPO delegate prosecutor in Romania. The prosecutors will be
    working for the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) in their home
    countries and will have the same responsibilities as national prosecutors in
    terms of investigations, criminal actions and prosecution. The EPPO will also investigate
    fraud and other crimes infringing on the EU’s financial interests. EPPO will
    also be investigating crimes with EU-wide effects or crimes perpetrated by
    civil servants or members of European institutions. We recall Romanian Laura Codruța Kovesi is the head of the European
    Public Prosecutor’s Office.

    MOLDOVA – A Romanian delegation on Thursday discussed with
    Moldovan authorities in Chişinău about technical and legal proceedings needed
    to deliver the batch of anti-COVID-19 vaccine to Moldova. The batch totals
    200,000 doses, in addition to medical and protection equipment required to
    treat the infected. The assistance package offered by Romania has been
    announced by President Klaus Iohannis during last month’s visit to the Republic
    of Moldova.

    NAVALNY – A Russian court has ruled against the appeal lodged
    by Russian opposition leader, Alexey Navalny, who demanded his release from
    prison. A vehement critic of President Vladimir Putin, Navalny took the
    opportunity to warn the Kremlin, whom he accuses of attempting to assassinate
    him after poisoning him last year. The police has searched the apartments and
    offices of people close to Navalny, detaining several people, including
    Navalny’s brother and his associates. Alexey Navalny was arrested on January 17
    at the airport shortly after his arrival from Germany, where he was
    hospitalized and treated for Novichok poisoning. The Russian authorities have
    denied any involvement in his attempted assassination. The United States
    requested Navalny be released. (V. Palcu)

  • European Prosecutors give solemn undertaking

    European Prosecutors give solemn undertaking

    European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) has officially started its activity
    in a formal sitting before the Court of Justice of the European Union in
    Luxembourg on Monday. The newly founded body is headed by Laura Codruţa Kövesi,
    the former director of the National Anti-Corruption Directorate.

    I solemnly
    undertake to be completely independent in carrying out my responsibilities, in
    the interest of the Union as a whole, and neither to seek nor take instructions
    from any person or entity external to the European Public Prosecutor’s Office.
    I further undertake to comply with the duty of confidentiality, as regards all
    information held by the European Public Prosecutor’s Office. This was the
    solemn oath taken by Kövesi and the other European prosecutors, which include
    another Romanian, Cătălin-Laurenţiu Borcoman.

    The European Public Prosecutor’s
    Office is an independent body of the European Union charged with investigating,
    prosecuting and taking to court crimes that infringe on the EU’s financial
    interests, such as corruption or cross-border VAT fraud that result in a
    prejudice exceeding €10 million. To this end, the EPPO, which will be headquartered
    in Luxembourg, is conducting investigations and prosecutions working with the
    relevant courts of law in member states. The EPPO presently has 22 adhering
    members: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia,
    Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
    Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Slovenia. Laura Codruţa Kövesi
    told the El Pais daily that the
    institution she is heading is a means of protecting the rule of law in the EU.
    The European official expressed hope to create an independent institution, to
    prove no one is above the law. The activity of the EU chief prosecutor is
    central to the credibility of the EU, especially amidst numerous cases of
    corruption reported in recent years in Spain, Bulgaria, Romania or Malta, or
    against the backdrop of financial scandals in the Netherlands and Denmark or
    attempts at undermining the law in Poland and Hungary, the Spanish newspaper
    also writes.

    In Romania, Laura Codruţa Kövesi was removed from the helm of the
    Anti-Corruption Directorate two years ago, following a request of the Justice
    Minister at the time, Tudorel Toader. The Minister claimed Kövesi’s actions go
    against the rule of law. Highly controversial at the time and harshly
    criticized by the opposition, the decision to sack Kövesi caused a public
    uproar. Recently, Laura Codruţa Kövesi has won a court case at the European
    Court of Human Rights, where she challenged the decision to remove her from
    office before the expiry of her mandate. The ECHR unanimously ruled that Laura
    Codruţa Kövesi had been denied her rights to fair trial and freedom of speech.

    by V. Palcu)

  • September 28, 2020 UPDATE

    September 28, 2020 UPDATE

    – President Klaus Iohannis on Monday said Sunday’s results in the local
    election mark a victory for Romanian democracy, but also an unprecedented
    victory reported by right-wing parties. The President said the voter turnout
    was good, considering the health crisis the country is facing, and this proves
    society is acting responsibly. Romanians have voted for a new direction, for
    common sense and respect towards citizens, as well as for democracy, President
    Iohannis said. The President congratulated the National Liberal Party and the
    Save Romania Union – PLUS alliance for their good results in Sunday’s ballot,
    and asked them to continue cooperating with a view to shaping up a new majority
    in Parliament after the legislative election slated for December. According to
    partial results, the independent candidate Nicuşor Dan, backed by the
    National Liberal Party in power and the Save Romania Union – PLUS alliance won
    42.78% of the vote, to the detriment of his opponent, Social-Democrat Gabriela
    Firea, the current Mayor General of Bucharest, who won 37.95% of the vote.
    Candidates supported by the National Liberal Party and Save Romania Union-PLUS have
    reported victories in 3 of the 6 districts in the capital city, while left-wing
    candidates have won the mayor seats in the other three. Over 46% of Romanians
    voted in Sunday’s ballot to elect 41 presidents of county councils, over 1,300
    county councilmen, 40,000 local councilmen and over 3,200 mayors. Nationwide,
    the Social-Democratic Party has reportedly won 20 county councils, the Liberals
    17 and the Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians 4.

    – 1,271 new coronavirus infections were reported on Monday in Romania, taking
    the total number of cases to almost 124,000. 99,344 people have recovered. 30
    new deaths were also reported on Monday, with the death toll now standing at
    4,748. Globally, the pandemic has caused more than 1 million deaths and over
    33.3 million infections, according to worldometers.info. Some 25 million people
    have recovered. The worst hit regions in terms of number of deaths are Latin
    America and the Caribbean, Europe, the United States and Canada. In the US
    alone, infections have passed 7.3 million and the death toll is nearing
    210,000. India also topped 6 million cases on Monday. According to World Health
    Organization officials, coronavirus fatalities could double to 2 million before
    a successful vaccine is widely used, and this figure could be even higher
    without coordinated measures to contain the pandemic.

    – The European Commission has approved modifying the Competitiveness
    Operational Programme for Romania, by redirecting funding worth €550 million
    from the Cohesion Fund in order to offset the economic fallout of the
    coronacrisis. According to a Commission release, some 120,000 SMEs and other
    digitization and e-education initiatives will be able to access the funds. The
    Commission recalls Romania has already attracted some €350 million worth of EU
    funds in the healthcare sector to help doctors in the first line of defense
    against COVID-19. Thanks to the Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative, a
    total of €900 million from the Cohesion Fund is being earmarked to efforts at
    combating the coroanvirus and its effects in Romania.

    EPPO -
    Romanian Laura Codruța Kovesi was sworn
    in on Monday as the head of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office at the
    Court of Justice of the European Union. Joining her in the swearing-in ceremony
    were another 22 prosecutors representing the 22 EPPO member states. In a joint
    agreement signed on October 16, 2019, the European Parliament and the Council
    of the European Union designated Laura Codruța Kovesi as the first head of the
    EPPO. Under a resolution passed on July 27, 2020, the Council of the European
    Union appointed the first European prosecutors. EPPO is an independent body of
    the European Union charged with investigating, prosecuting and taking to court
    crimes that infringe on the EU’s financial interests, such as corruption, or
    cross-border VAT fraud that result in a prejudice exceeding €10 million. To
    this end, the EPPO is conducting investigations and prosecutions working with
    the relevant courts of law in member states. The EPPO will be headquartered in

    DEFICIT – Romania’s budget deficit went up to 5.18% of the GDP after the first
    eight months of the year, from 2.1% in the similar period of last year, the
    Ministry of Finance reports. Over half of the deficit reflects the costs of
    measures introduced to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. According to official
    estimates, the budget deficit will reach 8.6% this year, 5% of which directly accounting
    for the economic fallout of COVID-19.

    TENNIS – 4 Romanian tennis players will
    be competing in Tuesday’s first round at Roland Garros. Ana Bogdan will take on
    Timea Babos of Hungary, Monica Niculescu will play Danielle Collins of the
    United States, Sorana Cîrstea will
    go up against Elena Rybakina of Kazakhstan, while Irina Bara will play Donna
    Vekic of Croatia. On Wednesday, Simona Halep, the top seed at Roland Garros,
    will play another Romanian player, Irina Begu. In the last encounter at the
    semi-finals in Prague, Halep defeated Begu. Eight Romanian players will compete
    in the women’s doubles: Raluca Olaru, Monica Niculescu, Irina Begu,
    Andreea Mitu, Irina Bara, Ana Bogdan, Patricia Ţig and Sorana Cîrstea. In the
    men’s doubles, Romanian Horia Tecău and Jean-Julien Rojer of the Netherlands,
    last year’s quarterfinalists, are seeded 12 and will play Cristian Garin of
    Chile and Pedro Martinez of Spain.

    (Translated by C. Mateescu & V. Palcu)

  • July 7, 2020

    July 7, 2020

    COVID-19- The National Committee for Emergency Situations has
    updated the list of green countries, lifting mandatory quarantine and isolation
    for arrivals from these countries. Flights will resume to and from 32 states in
    Europe: Bulgaria, Monaco, Croatia, Great Britain, the Czech Republic, Poland,
    Austria, Iceland, Switzerland, Spain, France, Belgium, Germany, Slovenia,
    Denmark, the Netherlands, Italy, Norway, Slovakia, Ireland, Greece, Cyprus,
    Finland, Malta, Lithuania, Hungary, Estonia, Latvia, Andorra, the Faeroe
    Islands and the Vatican. Another 12 countries, Canada, Morocco, Algeria,
    Australia, Rwanda, Uruguay, Japan, South Korea, Georgia, New Zealand, Tunisia
    and Thailand are subject to the same measure. The list is compiled depending on
    the number of new cases reported in the last 14 days per 100,000 inhabitants.
    The Group for Strategic Communication in Bucharest has announced 397 infections
    reported in Romania, taking the total number of confirmed cases to over 29.600.
    The death toll stands at 1.799, accounting for 6% of the total number of

    MOTION – Romanian Deputies are today debating a simple motion
    filed by the Social-Democratic opposition against Liberal Development Minister,
    Ion Stefan, accused of incompetence and forgery of public records. The Social-Democrats
    had filed the motion early last month, but it has been delayed due to health
    problems invoked by Ion Stefan. The Social-Democrats have pointed to integrity
    issues related to Stefan’s financial statements and his controversial cuts in
    the Development Ministry’s anticorruption personnel and resources. The motion
    will be voted later today in the Chamber of Deputies.

    ELECTIONS – Senators have also convened today to debate two
    draft laws on the local elections, one put forth by the Democratic Union of
    Ethnic Hungarians, and a second one launched by the Government, both seeking to
    schedule local elections on September 27. The two documents on Monday got the
    go-ahead in the Senate’s committee on public administration without any further
    amendments being pushed. The two documents also stipulate measures to help
    organize the elections, such as setting up voting polls in light buildings and
    container houses.

    GDP – Romania’s GDP was by 0.3% higher in the first three
    months of the year compared to the last quarter of 2019, reporting a 2.4% gross
    growth and a 2.7% seasonal growth compared to the same period in 2019,
    according to a preliminary report made public today by the National Statistics

    ECONOMY – According to today’s estimate released by the
    European Commission, Romania’s economy will shrink by 6% this year, close to
    the estimate the Commission announced in May. For next year, Romania’s GDP is
    expected to grow by 4%, as compared to the 4.2% estimate in May. Growth
    prospects are still susceptible to certain risks, the Commission states. The
    Commission estimates an inflation rate of 2.5% this year and 2.8% for 2021. As
    regards the EU economy, the Commission warns it might be facing a fierce
    recession as a result of the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic,
    despite swift and far-reaching reactions across the community bloc.

    ANTICORRUPTION – Corruption is a widespread phenomenon, not just in
    EU member states, and its scope depends on the involvement of local
    authorities, EU chief prosecutor Laura Codruta Kovesi has told Euronews. The
    former head of the National Anticorruption Directorate spoke of the new remit
    of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO), saying it will investigate
    and prosecute fraud related to the EU budget. At present, the EPPO has been
    delayed in its activity by Malta, which has so far failed to submit an eligible
    prosecutor representing this country. Referring to corruption in Romania, Laura
    Codruta Kovesi refused to comment on the activity of the institution she
    spearheaded up until two years ago, but claimed the independence of the
    judiciary has been hampered by constant attacks and legislative changes. In
    2018 Kovesi was removed from the helm of the Directorate following a
    Constitutional Court ruling. Kovesi subsequently won a court case against the
    Romanian state in this matter at the European Court of Human Rights. The ECHR
    ruled that Kovesi was denied her right to freedom of expression and free access
    to a court, after having been removed from office by the Justice Minister at
    the time, Tudorel Toader, without being given the opportunity to defend her
    rights in relation to her disciplinary dismissal.

    (Translated by V. Palcu)

  • February 6, 2020 UPDATE

    February 6, 2020 UPDATE

    NOMINATION – Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis on
    Thursday designated Liberal Ludovic Orban as Prime Minister following
    consultations with parliamentary parties. The previous Orban Cabinet was
    removed from office on Wednesday after it did not survive a censure motion
    filed by the Social-Democratic Party and the Democratic Union of Ethnic
    Hungarians. The motion was triggered by the Government’s choice to take
    responsibility over the return to the two-round local election system.
    President Iohannis says his main option is to let voters decide by organizing
    early legislative elections. After consultations with the President, the
    National Liberal Party and Save Romania Union also shared the president’s
    option. The Social-Democratic Party and Pro Romania Party nominated Remus
    Pricopie, a former minister. The Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians did not
    nominate a candidate and said they would not support the Social-Democrats’
    candidate. The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats didn’t nominate a candidate
    either, although they agreed to holding early elections. The People’s Movement
    Party on Sunday will decide whether it supports early legislative elections.

    EPPO -
    European Chief prosecutor Laura Codruta Kovesi on Thursday addressed the
    European Parliament, calling for an increase in the budget of the European
    Public Prosecutor’s Office. It is estimated some 2,000 new cases will be
    investigated in the first year of activity. Kovesi said the main two parameters
    to be defined are the number of European delegate prosecutors in each Member
    State and the number of employees at the EPPO central in Luxembourg. The
    decision on the budget is not just for financial experts, but equally important
    to policians. Kovesi refered to a recent report estimating VAT fraud at EU
    level at around 60 billion euros every year. I think it is worth investing in
    the EPPO, Kovesi concluded.

    FED CUP -
    Romania will take on Russia in the Fed Cup on Friday and Saturday in Cluj.
    Elena Gabriela Ruse (166 WTA) will play Ekaterina Alexandrova (28 WTA) in the
    first singles match. In the second match on Friday, Ana Bogdan (90 WTA) will
    play Veronika Kudermetova (38 WTA). On Saturday, Ana Bogdan will play Ekaterina
    Alexandrova, while in the last singles match Elena Gabriela Ruse will take on
    Veronika Kudermetova. The doubles match will pit the pair made up of Irina Bara
    (98 WTA) and Raluca Olaru (47 WTA) against Ana Blinkova (63 WTA) and Ana Kalinskaya
    (95 WTA). The match will decide which team qualifies to the final tournament in
    Budapest, to be held over Aril 14-19. Simona Halep, world no. 2, will not
    represent Romania in the Fed Cup this year, as she has begun preparing for the
    Olympic Games in Tokyo this year. Romania has never played Russia in the Fed
    Cup before, although it played the USSR twice, losing both games.

    Romania has reported a 99% increase in the number of flu virus infections in
    the past week, and the authorities have declared a flu epidemic, for the second
    year in a row. The number of flu infections has exceeded 7,000, and a total of
    18 people have been killed by the virus, the National Center for Surveillance
    and Control of Communicable Diseases reports. The latest victims are a 1 and a
    half year-old child and a 49-year-old woman. Both had a medical history and had
    not taken the anti-flu shot.

    – A ship with 17 Romanians on board has been quarantined in the Japanese port
    of Yokohama, after several cases of cornoavirus infections were reported, the
    Foreign Ministry in Bucharest has announced. According to the same sources, the
    Romanian embassy in Tokyo has been notified by the Foreign Ministry in Japan.
    Out of the Romanians on board, two are tourists and 15 crew members. Romania’s
    consulate in Hong Kong has asked for information from the local authorities on
    the situation of the Romanians on board of a ship moored in that port. No case
    of coronoavirus infection has been reported in Romania so far.

    code yellow alert is in place until Saturday morning against heavy snowfalls
    and blizzards targeting the north, center and east, with strong wind expected
    in the mountains. The recent snowfalls and blizzards affected most of Romania’s
    territory, disrupting road, rail and air traffic and causing blackouts, with
    several school having been shut down.

    (Translated by V.

  • December 2, 2019 UPDATE

    December 2, 2019 UPDATE

    DAY ‘More than ever Romania needs cohesion around
    its national projects, unity, consensus, tolerance and solidarity’, Romanian
    president Klaus Iohannis said on Monday before Parliament in a solemn session
    devoted to Romania’s National Day, celebrated on December 1st. In
    turn, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said that December 1st is a day
    of gratitude and profound respect towards those who a century ago managed to overcome
    any political and personal differences and achieved the union of the Romanian
    provinces. Among those invited to attend the Parliament’s solemn session were
    former heads of state, Margareta, custodian of the Romanian crown, Daniel,
    Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, which is the largest religious
    denomination in Romania, the governor of the country’s central bank, Mugur
    Isarescu as well as members of the government. An official holiday after the
    anti-communist revolt in 1989, December 1st marks the formation of
    the Romanian Unitary State in the wake of WWI, when all the provinces with a
    Romanian majority until then part of the multinational neighboring empires
    united to form a single country.

    HANDBALL Cristina Neagu, skipper of the Romanian women’s
    handball side on Monday received the trophy for the world’s best handball
    player in 2018 from the International Handball Federation. The ceremony took
    place during the half time of the game pitching Japan against Congo in group D
    of the world championship underway in Japan. Neagu is the first player to have
    won the trophy four times after the editions of 2010, 2015 and 2016. With 110
    goals, left back Neagu last year managed to get the title of the Champions
    League’s top scorer for the second time in her career. During the
    aforementioned competition in Japan Romania will be taking on Kazakhstan on
    Tuesday after 16-31 against Spain and 29-24 against Senegal. Romania’s
    champions Dinamo Bucharest secured a 32-31 win against Danish side GOG Gudme in
    the men’s group D of the Champions League, where our handballers remained
    undefeated with seven wins and three draws. Dinamo will be up against Sporting
    Lisbon of Portugal in the competition’s playoffs in February.

    JHA The Justice and Home Affairs
    Council of the European Union is convening in Brussels on December 2-3. High on
    the agenda are topics such as future EU policies on migration and asylum, home
    security, combating terrorism, environmental crime and alternative detention
    measures. On Tuesday, the new EU chief prosecutor, Romanian Laura Codruta
    Kovesi will be presenting her plans and vision on the European Public
    Prosecutor’s Office. The institution is set to start activity in November 2020,
    by which date the chief prosecutor coordinates the setup and functioning of the
    new structure. The EPPO will be investigating cross-border fraud cases at
    community level. So far 22 Member States have officially joined the EPPO.

    NATO London on Tuesday and Wednesday is
    hosting the NATO summit, celebrating 70 years of NATO existence. High on the
    agenda are the fight against terrorism, arms control and relations with Russia
    and China. Representing Romania will be president Klaus Iohannis. According to
    the presidency, Klaus Iohannis will highlight Romania’s contribution as a NATO
    member and the need to continue determent and security efforts on the eastern
    flank and in the Black Sea region.

    (translated by bill)

  • December 2, 2019

    December 2, 2019

    NATIONAL DAY – The Chamber of Deputies
    and the Senate are today convening in a solemn joint session to mark the
    National Day of Romania. Addressing Parliament will be President Klaus
    Iohannis, Senate Speaker Teodor Melescanu, Chamber of Deputies Speaker Marcel
    Ciolacu, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban as well as representatives of
    parliamentary groups. The list of guests includes former heads of state, the
    Custodian of the Royal Crown, Margareta, Romanian Orthodox Church Patriarch
    Daniel, the archbishops of the Roman-Catholic and Eastern-Catholic Churches,
    the presidents of the Constitutional Court, the High Court of Cassation and
    Justice, the Romanian Academy, the Court of Accounts and the Legislative Council.
    Attending will also be National Bank Governor Mugur Isarescu, Ombudsman Renate
    Weber, Bucharest City Hall Mayor Gabriela Firea, the directors of the Romanian
    Intelligence Service, the Romanian Foreign Intelligence Service, the Protection
    and Guard Service, the Special Telecommunications Service as well as members of
    the Government. December 1 became Romania’s National Day after the December
    1989 anti-Communist revolution and it marks the completion, at the end of WWI,
    in 1918, of the process of creating the Romanian unitary nation state, when all
    the provinces included in the neighboring multinational empires, with a
    majority Romanian-speaking population, came under the authority of Bucharest.

    JHA – The Justice and Home Affairs
    Council of the European Union is convening in Brussels on December 2-3. High on
    the agenda are topics such as the future EU policies on migration and asylum,
    home security, combating terrorism, environmental crime and alternative
    detention measures. On Tuesday, the new EU chief prosecutor, Romanian Laura
    Codruta Kovesi will present her vision and plans for the European Public
    Prosecutor’s Office. The institution is set to start its activity in November
    2020, by which date the chief prosecutor must coordinate the setup and
    functioning of the new structure. The EPPO will investigate cross-border fraud
    cases at community level. So far 22 Member States have officially adhered to
    the EPPO.

    BILL – Save Romania Union leader Dan
    Barna said the draft law on the organization of local elections in two separate
    rounds should be adopted by the end of Parliament’s current session. Prime
    Minister Ludovic Orban claims the Liberals support the bill, warning however it
    requires the vote of at least 165 MPs, while the Liberal Party is supported by
    a fragile majority in Parliament.

    UNEMPLOYMENT – The unemployment rate in
    Romania stood at 2.98% in October, a slight decrease compared to the same month
    in 2018 and to the previous month this year, the National Employment Agency
    announced on Monday. The total number of unemployed was below 260 thousand,
    most of whom were reported in rural areas. Most of them are aged 40-49,
    followed by those above 55 years of age. Broken down in terms of training,
    unemployed people without any diplomas and those with basic education had the
    largest share of total number of unemployed.

    NATO – London on Tuesday and Wednesday
    is hosting the NATO summit, celebrating 70 years of NATO existence. High on the
    agenda are the fight against terrorism, arms control and relations with Russia
    and China. Representing Romania will be president Klaus Iohannis. According to
    the presidency, Klaus Iohannis will highlight Romania’s contribution as a NATO
    member and the need to continue determent and security efforts on the eastern
    flank and in the Black Sea region.

    Romanian champions Dinamo Bucharest on Sunday defeated GOG Gudme of Denmark
    32-31 in Group D of the men’s Champions League. Dinamo is undefeated at the end
    of the group phase, with 7 wins and 3 draws. They are top of the tables with 17
    points, followed by Orlen Wisla Plock of Poland with 11 points, GOG of Denmark
    with 9 points, IFK Kristianstad of Sweden with 9 points, Cehovskie Medvedi of
    Russia with 8 points and Kadetten Schaffhausen of Switzerland with 6 points. In
    the playoff, Dinamo will play Sporting Lisbon of Portugal. The first leg will
    be played away from home in February, with the return leg scheduled in
    Bucharest. The two teams faced off in last year’s edition of the playoffs as
    well, when Sporting won 32-31 in the first leg and 27-26 in the return leg. In
    women’s handball, at the World Cup in Japan, Romania will play Kazakhstan on
    Tuesday. Romania so far lost 16-31 to Spain and defeated Senegal 29-24.

    (Translated by V. Palcu)

  • The Week in Review 20 – 26.10.2019

    The Week in Review 20 – 26.10.2019

    Romania’s Prime Minister designate, Liberal
    Ludovic Orban on Thursday submitted to Parliament proposals for the country’s
    new Executive and the governing programme

    Prime Minister designate, Liberal Ludovic Orban on Thursday submitted to
    Parliament proposals for the country’s new Executive and the governing
    programme. The future cabinet will have 16 ministries and a Deputy Prime
    Minister. Ensuring the proper conditions for the good functioning of the
    presidential election in November, nominating a European commissioner candidate
    and the draft budget for the next year are among the urgent measures stipulated
    in the governing programme. The investiture vote will be taking place after the
    first round of talks with the Pro Romania party, led by Romania’s former Prime
    Minister Victor Ponta, ended in a deadlock. The cabinet may not rely on support
    from the People’s Movement Party either, as the PMP do not agree with the Prime
    Minister’s decision to forge a single-color cabinet. On the other hand the USR
    and ALDE have announced they have reached a political agreement with the
    Liberals. The Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians in Romania (UDMR) says that
    the cabinet stands good chances to get the investiture vote while the
    representatives of the national minorities have announced their support for a
    PNL government. We recall that the National Liberal Party rallied support from
    the other political parties in opposition to bring down the PSD government led
    by Viorica Dancila on October 10th.

    Where do the Romanians abroad cast their
    ballot in the upcoming presidential election?

    Romania’s Foreign Affairs Ministry
    has published a list and an interactive map of the 835 polling stations where
    the Romanians living abroad can cast their ballot in the presidential election
    of November 10th and 24th. The number is almost three
    times higher compared to the previous presidential election of 2014. Most polls
    will be opened in Spain, Italy, Germany, Great Britain, France, the United States,
    the Republic of Moldova, the Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland, Denmark, Austria,
    Greece, Portugal and Switzerland. Overall, 639 polls will be opened in EU
    Member States. Additionally, apart from polls created in theatres of operation
    in Afghanistan, a poling station will be opened this year in Mali, created
    especially for the Romanian military taking part in the UN peacekeeping missions
    in this country. The voting process will be held over the course of three days
    abroad, namely over November 8-10 for the first round and November 22-24 for
    the runoff, between 12 – 9 PM local time on Friday, and between 7 AM and 9 PM
    local time on Saturday and Sunday. All voters who are still in line either
    inside or outside polling stations at 9 PM will be able to cast their votes by

    The European Commission maintains the
    Cooperation and Verification Mechanism for Romania

    The latest developments in the
    reform of the judiciary and the process of fighting corruption in the first
    months of 2019 were reasons for serious concern for the European Commission,
    says the latest assessment report with the Cooperation and Verification
    Mechanism released on Tuesday. According to the document, since the previous
    report in November 2018, the Commission has continued to announce the
    authorities in Bucharest about its concerns over the rule of law. The
    key institutions of Romania would need to collectively demonstrate a strong
    commitment to judicial independence and the fight against corruption as
    indispensable cornerstones, and to ensure the capacity of national safeguards
    and checks and balances, a press release from the Commission reads. In
    Bucharest Romania’s Justice Minister Ana Birchall says that Romania is
    ready to assume an active role in consolidating the European construction in
    which justice plays a major role. The minister decided to immediately summon the
    specialized national committee for a joint action plan.

    The Romanian president and
    his wife attended the enthronement ceremony of Japan’s emperor Naruhito

    president Klaus Iohannis and his wife Carmen on Tuesday attended emperor
    Naruhito’s enthronement ceremony in Tokyo. Naruhito proclaimed his ascension to
    the throne in the presence of 180 foreign dignitaries, including Prince Charles,
    the heir to the British throne, King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia. In
    Tokyo, the Romanian president had talks with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe,
    the Finnish president Sauli Niinisto, and with his
    Latvian counterpart Egils Levits. Emperor Naruhito, who is the 126th
    monarch of his dynasty, took over imperial duties in May this year after the
    abdication of his father Akihito, now known as emperor emeritus.

    Is the Schengen zone expanding?

    The future Schengen accession of
    Croatia, Bulgaria and Romania would make the European Union better equipped for
    protecting this border-free area, Dimitris Avramopulos, the EU Commissioner for
    Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship said in Strasbourg on Tuesday. The
    European Commission decided in Strasbourg on Tuesday that Croatia meets the
    technical conditions for Schengen accession. Avramopulos recalled that at
    present 400 million EU citizens can travel without restrictions in 22 EU
    countries and in four associated non-EU countries. The EU official has
    underlined that the Schengen zone is the largest border-free area in the world.
    Initially scheduled for March 2011, Romania and Bulgaria’s accession to this
    zone has been repeatedly postponed due to opposition from some member states which
    invoked the lack of reforms in the country’s justice system.

    A decision to
    appoint Laura Codruta Kovesi, Romania’s former anti-corruption chief prosecutor
    as head of the future European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) was signed at
    the European Parliament

    A decision to appoint Laura Codruta Kovesi, Romania’s former
    anti-corruption chief prosecutor as head of the future European Public
    Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) was signed by European Parliament President David
    Sassoli and by the Finnish Minister for European Affairs Tytti Tuppurainen on
    Wednesday. The idea for setting up the aforementioned institution has been
    launched and promoted by another Romanian, former minister and MEP, Monica
    Macovei. The EPPO is expected to become operational at the end 2020 as an
    independent institution in charge of investigating and prosecuting crimes
    against the EU budget, such as fraud, corruption or cross-border fraud with
    over 10 million Euros in VAT.

  • Nachrichten 24.10. 2019

    Nachrichten 24.10. 2019

    Der Stadtrat von Bukarest hat grünes Licht für die Einführung einer Abgabe auf Autos gegeben, deren Motor nicht die Euro 5 Umweltnormen einhalten und in der Hauptstadt fahren. Für Euro-4-Fahrzeuge wurde die Zahlung der Abgaben um ein Jahr auf Januar 2021 verschoben. Ab 2022 gilt ein vollständiges Verbot des Zugangs von Fahrzeugen mit Euro 1 und Euro 2 Motoren, ab 2024 auch mit Euro 3-Motoren. Die Oberbürgermeisterin von Bukarest, Gabriela Firea, hat festgelegt, dass die Einnahmen für Umweltprojekte und den Kauf umweltfreundlicher Verkehrsmittel verwendet werden soll. Von der Abgabe befreit sind Menschen mit Behinderungen und ihre Betreuer, Mopeds und Motorräder, Autos der Rettungsdienste und der Sicherheitskräfte sowie Wagen der Finanzpolizei und Ü-Wagen der Medienanstalten.

    Rumäniens designierter Premierminister Ludovic Orban hat am Donnerstag die Liste der Kandidaten für die Minister seines Kabinetts vorgelegt. Es soll 16 Minister und einen Vizepremier haben – die liberale Spitzenpolitikerin Raluca Turcan. Nominiert wurden unter anderen Cătălin Predoiu für das Justizministerium, Florin Catu für das Finanzministerium und Bogdan Aurescu für das Au‎ßenministerium. Laut dem Regierungsprogramm sollen in erster Linie Ma‎ßnahmen zur Organisierung der bevorstehenden Präsidentschaftswahlen getroffen werden. Au‎ßerdem soll ein Kandidat für das Amt des EU-Kommissars seitens Rumäniens vorgeschlagen, der laufende Haushalt berichtigt und der Haushaltsplan für 2020 erstellt werden. Die Liberalen könnten allerdings nicht auf die Stimmen der Partei Pro Rumänien zählen, nachdem eine Verhandlungsrude am Mittwoch scheiterte. Das neue Kabinett muss auch um die Stimmen der Partei der Volksbewegung bangen. Die Union Rettet Rumänien und die bisherige Regierungspartei ALDE haben hingegen angekündigt, sie hätten sich mit den Liberalen geeinigt.

    Eine Entscheidung zur Ernennung der ehemaligen Leiterin der Rumänischen Antikorruptionsbehörde Laura Codruta Kovesi zur Leiterin der künftigen Europäischen Staatsanwaltschaft EPPO ist am Mittwoch von EU-Parlamentspräsidenten David Sassoli und dem finnischen Minister für europäische Angelegenheiten Tytti Tuppurainen unterzeichnet worden. Die Idee zur Gründung der Institution stammt von der ehemaligen rumänischen Justizministerin und Europaabgeordneten Monica Macovei. Die Europäische Staatsanwaltschaft soll Ende 2020 als unabhängige Institution ihre Arbeit aufnehmen und für die Ermittlung und Verfolgung von Straftaten gegen den EU-Haushalt wie Korruption oder grenzüberschreitenden Betrug zuständig sein. Der EPPO sind bisher 22 Mitgliedsländer beigetreten.

    Rumänien gehört für die Plattform AirBNB zu den 5 begehrtesten Reisezielen für 2020, so eine Erklärung des rumänischen Tourismusministeriums. Vertreter der Online-Buchungsplattform beschreiben Rumänien als bekannt für seine einzigartigen Landschaften und platzieren es neben den USA, Spanien, Thailand und Australien unter den beliebtesten Zielen. AirBNB schätzt, dass Rumänien im Jahr 2020 einen Anstieg der Buchungen um fast 300% gegenüber 2019 verzeichnen wird.

    Der Tag der rumänischen Armee wird am Freitag mit einer Reihe von Ereignissen in allen Kasernen des Landes gefeiert. Zeremonien finden auch an den Einsatzstandorten im Ausland statt. Bei Denkmälern rumänischer Soldaten in Österreich, Bosnien-Herzegowina, Bulgarien, der Tschechischen Republik, der Republik Moldau und Ungarn werden Blumenkränze niedergelegt. Am 25. Oktober 1944 befreite die rumänische Armee Nordsiebenbürgen von der horthystischen Besatzung und führte neben den Alliierten weitere Kämpfe um die Gebiete Ungarns, der Tschechoslowakei und Österreichs. Im Zweiten Weltkrieg kamen mehr als 170.000 rumänische Soldaten ums Leben, weitere Hunderttausende wurden verwundet oder vermisst gemeldet.

  • October 24, 2019

    October 24, 2019

    CABINET Romania’s Prime Minister-designate, Ludovic Orban is expected to
    formally present today a list of candidates for the positions of ministers and
    the ruling programme after their validation in a session of the National
    Liberal Party PNL. The Liberals may not muster the necessary majority for the
    investiture vote after the first round of talks with the Pro Romania party, led
    by Romania’s former Prime Minister Victor Ponta, ended in a deadlock yesterday.
    The cabinet cannot rely on support from the People’s Movement Party as the PMP do
    not agree with the Prime Minister’s decision to forge a single-color cabinet.
    On the other hand the USR and ALDE have announced they have reached a political
    agreement with the Liberals. The Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians in
    Romania (UDMR) says that the cabinet stands good chances to get the investiture
    vote while the representatives of the national minorities have announced their
    support for a PNL government. Prime Minister Orban has also voiced optimism saying
    that he hopes to convince the other undecided MPs. We recall that the National
    Liberal Party rallied support from the other political parties in opposition to
    bring down the PSD government led by Viorica Dancila on October 10th.

    A decision to appoint Laura Codruta Kovesi, Romania’s former anti-corruption chief
    prosecutor as head of the future European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) was
    signed by European Parliament President David Sassoli and by the Finnish
    Minister for European Affairs Tytti Tuppurainen on Wednesday. The idea for
    setting up the aforementioned institution has been launched and promoted by
    another Romanian, former minister and MEP, Monica Macovei. The EPPO is expected
    to become operational at the end 2020 as an independent institution in charge
    of investigating and prosecuting crimes against the EU budget, such as fraud,
    corruption or cross-border fraud. 22 member countries have so far joined the
    EPPO. Five other countries like Sweden, Hungary, Poland, Ireland and Denmark
    are expected to join any moment now.

    Defence ministers from NATO countries are to convene on Thursday and Friday in
    Brussels for talks over key issues for the organization. Before the meeting,
    the Alliance’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg presented the talks agenda,
    which includes NATO latest operations and missions, ways to improve the
    training of NATO troops, the progress made in the process of sharing tasks and
    the resilience of the alliance’s communication systems. According to the same
    sources, the meeting is expected to settle divergences sparked off by the military
    operations Turkey launched in northern Syria. NATO hasn’t so far condemned the
    military operation Turkey launched on October 9th against the Kurdish
    militias in northern Syria, which are allies of the international anti-ISIS coalition.

    FOOTBALL Romanian football champion team CFR Cluj tonight faces French
    team Rennes in an away fixture counting towards Europa League’s Group E. CFR
    Cluj’s record so far includes a 2-1 home win against Lazio Rome and a nil-2
    defeat by Scottish opponents Celtic Glasgow. Celtic are at the top of the table
    with 4 points, followed by CFR Cluj and Lazio, with 3 points each. Rennes are
    fourth-placed, with one point on their record sheet.

    (translated by bill)