• Protejarea bugetului UE împotriva fraudei

    Protejarea bugetului UE împotriva fraudei

    În fiecare an, bugetele naționale
    înregistrează pierderi de venituri din TVA în valoare de cel puțin 50 de
    miliarde EUR ca urmare a fraudei transfrontaliere. Din acest motiv, Comisia a
    propus în 2013 instituirea unui Parchet European (EPPO). Această propunere a
    fost materializată ulterior în
    iunie 2017 de către 20 de state membre prin intermediul mecanismului
    de cooperare consolidată.

    Ultimul care s-a alăturat Parchetului European este Olanda. Următoarele
    țări ale UE participă deja la acest proiect: Austria, Belgia, Bulgaria,
    Croația, Cipru, Estonia, Finlanda, Franța, Germania, Grecia, Italia, Letonia,
    Lituania, Luxemburg, Portugalia, Cehia, România, Slovacia, Slovenia și Spania. Purtătorul
    de cuvânt al Comisiei Europene, Mina Andreeva, a oferit mai multe amănunte: Comisia
    Europeană a confirmat că Olanda este cel de-al 21-lea stat membru al UE care se
    alătură Parchetului European (EPPO), care va juca un rol esențial în combaterea
    infracțiunilor ce aduc prejudicii bugetului UE, cum ar fi frauda, corupția,
    spălarea de bani și fraudele transfrontaliere grave în domeniul TVA, mai mari
    de 10 milioane de euro. Acesta va intra în funcțiune până la sfârșitul anului
    2020 în toate statele membre participante.Statele membre care nu au decis încă să
    se alăture Parchetului European pot face acest lucru, dacă doresc, oricând după
    adoptarea regulamentului. Malta deja a anunțat Comisia de intenția sa de a
    participa. De asemenea, Comisia a propus Consiliului Uniunii
    Europene o listă de candidați pentru juriul de selecție a
    Parchetului European. Acesta va fi alcătuit din 12 membri, care ar trebui să
    își exercite funcțiile începând din octombrie 2018.

    EPPO va asigura faptul că
    infracțiunile care afectează bugetul UE – inclusiv frauda, corupția, spălarea
    banilor și frauda transfrontalieră în domeniul TVA – pot fi investigate mai
    eficace și mai rapid în întreaga UE. Acesta va remedia deficiențele existente
    în prezent și va combate inclusiv fraudarea fondurilor UE în cazurile care
    depășesc pragul de 10 mii de euro. În vederea atingerii acestui obiectiv, Parchetul
    European va acționa în strânsă colaborare cu autoritățile naționale de aplicare
    a legii și va coopera îndeaproape cu alte organisme ale UE, cum ar fi
    Europol. Parchetul
    European va funcționa ca un birou unic pentru toate statele membre participante
    și va combina eforturile naționale și europene de asigurare a respectării legii
    într-o abordare unificată, eficientă și continuă.

  • June 8, 2017 UPDATE

    June 8, 2017 UPDATE

    UPDATE: Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, number 4 in the WTA
    rankings, has qualified to the finals of the Roland Garros tournament, the
    second Grand Slam of the year.

    In a dramatic match on Thursday evening, she defeated
    Czech Karolina Pliskova, in the
    semi-finals, 6-4, 3-6,6-3.

    On Wednesday, in the quarters, Simona defeated the
    Ukrainian Elina Svitolina, after a spectacular come-back, 3-6, 7-6, 6-0.

    If she
    wins the final, besides getting her first Grand Slam title, Simona Halep will
    also step up to the first position in the world rankings.

    Simona will play for the Roland Garros trophy with Jelena Ostapenko, from Latvia. Halep also played the
    final in Roland Garros in 2014, but she lost to the Russian Maria Sharapova.

    US VISIT – Romanian President, Klaus Iohannis, will meet his counterpart, Donald Trump, in Washington on Friday. President Iohannis has said the meeting will have a major positive impact both on the people in Romania and on the Romanian community living in the US. According to the Presidential Administration, deepening the bilateral Strategic Partnership will be high on the agenda of the meeting, the more so as in 2017 the two countries celebrate 20 years since it was launched. The Romanian head of state will also reiterate Bucharests firm commitment to further be a predictable and trustworthy ally of Washington. Also on Friday, the Romanian President is due to meet Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson. The agenda of the visit has also included, among others, talks with the President pro tempore of the United States Senate, Orrin Hatch, and with representatives of the Romanian community in the US.

    PARIS VISIT – The Romanian Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu on Thursday met with his French counterpart Edouard Philippe. According to Radio Romanias correspondent, the agenda of talks included bilateral cooperation, an analysis of the political situation in the EU after Brexit and Bucharest’s relations with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). That was Edouard Philippe’s first meeting with a counterpart since his appointment last month. Traditionally a Francophone and Francophile country, Romania has with France a strategic partnership agreement concluded in 2008. On Wednesday, PM Grindeanu attended in Paris the ceremony marking Romania’s joining the Nuclear Energy Agency of the OECD.

    EPPO- Romania is among the 20 EU member states which agreed in Luxembourg on Thursday with the establishment of a European Public Prosecutor’s Office, EPPO, which is to investigate cross-border criminal cases which affect the budget and the financial interests of the EU. Under the agreement, the EPPOs jurisdiction will include the 20 EU member states which have agreed with the establishment of the institution, whose headquarters will be based in Luxembourg. The decision was made during a meeting of the EUs Justice and Home Affairs Council.

    ANTI-CORRUPTION – The chief prosecutor of the Romanian Anti-Corruption Directorate, Laura Codruta Kovesi, on Thursday announced, in a notification sent to the Parliamentary Commission investigating the 2009 presidential elections that she will not attend the commissions hearings next week. She motivated her decision by saying that the Higher Council of the Magistracy decided in a plenary session that prosecutors cant be cited and compelled to appear, as witnesses, before parliamentary commissions, because, under constitutional norms, they are part of the judicial authority. Among those invited to hearings next week are former PM Emil Boc and the former director of the Romanian Intelligence Service, George Maior. The establishment of the commission was decided following disclosures made by a journalist, according to whom the electoral process unfolding in December 2009 was reportedly influenced by high ranking officials of the Romanian state, including heads of law enforcement institutions. The presidential elections were won by the right wing candidate, Traian Basescu, who outperformed the Social-Democratic candidate, Mircea Geoana.

    PRAGUE VISIT – The Romanian Minister Delegate for European Affairs Ana Birchall is paying a working visit to Prague on Friday. She will meet with Czech officials with European affairs responsibilities. The agenda of talks includes current issues, with focus on the future of the EU, Brexit developments, Romania’s preparation for taking over the presidency of the EU Council, as well as topics such as migration and internal security. Also, the Romanian official will attend the conference on EU security and defence, DESCOP 2017. Also participating in the conference will be, among others, the European Commission President, Jean Claude Juncker, the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, and the NATO Deputy Secretary General Rose Gottemoeller.

    GROWTH – Romania has had the highest economic growth rate of the 28 EU member states, with a GDP growth of 5.5% in the first quarter of 2017, as compared to the same period in 2016, reads the third estimate published today by the Statistical Office of the EU, Eurostat. The highest growth rates in January – March 2017 were registered by Romania, Slovenia, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria. No drops in the GDP were reported in the EU in the first three months of the year.

    THEATRE – Some 500 performances and events will be hosted by the International Theatre Festival in Sibiu, the largest such festival in Romania and one of the most important in Europe. The Director of the Festival Constantin Chiriac has announced that all tickets have already been sold. As a first this year, the festival will have a section of organ concerts held in several Saxon fortified churches and also a special programme, with five performances in English, staged at the Ground Forces Academy in Sibiu, in particular for the foreign and Romanian soldiers participating in the NATO exercises underway at the Cincu shooting ground.

  • March 29, 2017

    March 29, 2017

    AWARD Romanias President Klaus Iohannis is going to receive today Prince Charles of Great Britain, whom he will award the Star of Romania National Order in Rank of Grand Cross. According to the Presidential Administration, the order is awarded in appreciation of the activity carried out by the Prince in Romania and for promoting Romanias image abroad. The agenda of talks includes the bilateral strategic partnership, the situation of the Romanian community in the UK after Brexit and the charity work conducted by Prince Charles in Romania. Although he has visited Romania many times in the past years, this is only his second formal visit. In 2016, Prince Charles set up his own foundation in Romania, whose goal is to protect the national heritage and support this countrys sustainable development. The Prince is passionate about Saxon medieval architecture in central Romania, fortresses, churches and houses built by the German settlers in Transylvania in the Middle Ages.

    INVESTIGATION The Romanian Justice Minister Tudorel Toader is going to announce today the results of the evaluation of the activity carried out by Romanias General Prosecutor Augustin Lazar and of the Chief Prosecutor of the National Anticorruption Directorate Laura Codruta Kovesi. Toader started the evaluation after the Constitutional Court said the Directorate had exceeded its responsibilities with regard to the investigation into the way in which the Government made up of members of the Social Democratic Party and of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats promoted the famous emergency decree that would have partially disincriminate abuse of office. Early this week, Tudorel Toader had a talk with Codruta Kovesi, at the end of which the latter said she had no reason to resign.

    BREXIT The official separation of the UK from the European Union starts today, under article 50 of the Treaty on European Union. On Tuesday, Prime Minister Theresa May signed the notification letter that is to be submitted today to the European Council President Donald Tusk. Great Britains invoking article 50 is going to be analyzed today by the European Commission and by representatives of the political groups in the European Parliament. In another move, on Tuesday, the Scottish MPs urged the head of the Edinburgh government Nicola Sturgeon to call on London to organize another referendum on Scotlands independence. France Presse recalls that, three years ago, the Scottish separatists lost the first referendum on independence. More on this after the news.

    EPPO Romania is one of the 13 EU member countries, alongside France, Germany, Spain and Belgium, which on Tuesday signed an essential document for the setting up of a European Public Prosecutors Office. The document was signed by the Romanian Justice Minister Tudorel Toader, who attended in Brussels the Justice and Home Affairs Council. The European Public Prosecutors Office will investigate and prosecute EU-fraud and other crimes affecting the Unions financial interests. The Office will be headed by an independent European Public Prosecutor, and its investigations will in principle be carried out by European Delegated Prosecutors located in each Member State.

    TRADE The Romanian Trade Minister Alexandru Petrescu has had meetings in Jerusalem with the Israeli Minister of the Economy Eli Cohen and other officials, as part of his formal visit to Israel, aimed at boosting bilateral cooperation. The talks highlighted the Israeli partys interest in developing businesses in various sectors of the Romanian economy, such as railways, logistics, sea transportation and even in the works to expand the Port of Constanta, on the Romanian Black Sea Coast. In an interview to our correspondent, minister Alexandru Petrescu said that commercial diplomacy must be rethought, in order to create a perfect synchronization between Romanias export strategies and the way in which its commercial attaches are posted.

    BUSINESS An US business delegation has offered the Romanian Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu a road-map, drawn up by experts in Washington, which includes provisions on the rule of law, transparency and efficiency, which the US business people believe are priorities for the development of business ties between the two countries. On Wednesday, the Prime Minister had a meeting with a delegation headed by Eric Stewart, the president of the American Romanian Business Council, AGERPRESS reports. We have seen progress, and our companies are confident that, when they do business in Romania, everything is going to be fair, legal and transparent, Stewart said. He has also stressed the fact that the road-map was drawn up by experts who are familiar with business and business in Romania in particular.

    SENTENCE The Supreme Court in Bucharest today sentenced the former warden of the Periprava labour camp Ion Ficior to 20 years in prison for crimes against humanity. The sentence is final. Ficior was sent to court in August 2014, as in the 1958-1963 period, when he headed the prison-labour colony in Periprava, imposed and coordinated a repressive, abusive, inhumane and discretionary detention system, which resulted in the death of more than 100 detainees. A similar case is that of Alexandru Visinescu, the former warden of the Ramnicu Sarat penitentiary, who got a final 20 year prison sentence. The ruling was a first for the Romanian justice. Visinescu is the first person to be sentenced for acts committed over 50 years ago.

    TENNIS The Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, ranking 5th in the WTA classification, is today taking on the British Johanna Konta, WTA no.11, in the quarter finals of the Miami tournament, with 6.9 million dollars in prize money. Halep and Konta have met before, in the round of sixteen of the Wuhan tournament in China, in 2015. Back then, Simona Halep was defeated by the British player.