Tag: Erdogan

  • A la Une de la presse roumaine – 22.07.2016

    A la Une de la presse roumaine – 22.07.2016

    La situation en Turquie et notamment ses retombées en Roumanie dominent les pages des quotidiens nationaux en ce début de week-end. L’ambassade turque à Bucarest accuse un réseau d’écoles privées d’être contrôlé par Fethullah Gülen, celui que les autorités d’Ankara accusent d’être derrière le coup d’Etat échoué de Turquie. Tout cela se passe sur la toile de fond du conflit qui oppose les communautés turques d’Europe y compris de Roumanie.

  • A la Une de la presse roumaine – 20.07.2016

    A la Une de la presse roumaine – 20.07.2016

    Sujets divers dans la presse roumaine
    en ligne, ce mercredi. La plupart des sites s’ouvrent sur la même
    nouvelle : «la confirmation d’une 2e infection par le virus
    Zika en Roumanie». Un autre sujet omniprésent dans la presse roumaine : la
    Cour Constitutionnelle se penche sur le mariage des couples homosexuels. Toujours
    ce mercredi, la presse roumaine s’intéresse à la consommation nationale
    d’alcool. Enfin plusieurs journaux chacun des articles au luxe dans lequel vit
    le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

  • July 20, 2016 UPDATE

    July 20, 2016 UPDATE

    Romania’s Constitutional Court decided on Wednesday that the law on the local officials’ pensions was unconstitutional. In February the government notified the Constitutional Court of this law which, according to the PM Cioloş, would affect the state budget, since local budgets are mainly supported from the state budget. The money that was to be spent on those pensions amounted to almost 90 million euros per year. The government also contests the retroactive enforcement of this law, which would introduce special pensions for mayors, deputy mayors, presidents and vice-presidents of county councils. Also on Wednesday, the Constitutional Court decided that the citizens’ proposal to revise the Constitution in the sense that a family can be established between a man and a woman, meets the conditions for acting upon this initiative. In May an NGO forwarded this proposal to the Senate. The initiative, supported by three million people, is meant to prevent same sex marriages.

    Turkey is a key-partner for Romania and the EU and it needs stability, said Wednesday the Romanian PM Dacian Cioloş. He pointed out that after the failed coup d’etat attempt, Turkey should return to constitutional order and the observance of the rule of law and of human rights. Over the past days, tens of thousands of people, including soldiers, policemen, magistrates and public servants were arrested or dismissed. Several media companies have been closed. After the attempted coup President Recep Tayyip Erdogan launched a campaign against the supporters of his political adversary, the Muslim cleric Fehtullah Gulen who is currently living in the US. He was accused of being behind the Turkish opposition and of having masterminded the coup. Fehtullah Gulen denied the accusations and claimed that Erdogan was using the coup as a pretext to consolidate his power.

    The Romanian Health Ministry announced Wednesday it identified a 2nd case of infection with the Zika virus of a Romanian citizen from outside the country. The person is a 10-year old boy who lives in the French Guiana. He came on a visit to Romania on July 12. The first case of contamination was of a woman who had returned from a trip to Martinique earlier this month. Discovered in Uganda in 1947 the Zika virus causes a viral infectious disease in humans called Zika fever that is transmitted through mosquito bites or sexually. Experts say that babies born by mothers infected with the Zika virus can develop neurological disorders and congenital malformations. There is no vaccine for Zika, a virus that has affected more than 15 countries from Latin America and the Antilles, especially Brazil.

    The great Romanian actor Radu Beligan, a living legend of Romanian theater, died Wednesday at 97 in a Bucharest hospital. He had a rich career in theatre, cinematography, television and radio drama. On December 15 2013 he was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest active professional theatre actor. In his long career he had more than 80 roles in theatre plays and 30 roles in movies. From 1969 to 1990 Radu Beligan was the manager of the National Theatre in Bucharest. In 2002 he was awarded the prestigious French order of distinction the Legion of Honor, being the first Romanian actor who received such a distinction.

    One week after the attack in Nice, the state of emergency in France was extended by six months. The state of emergency, which had been declared in November last year after the Jihadist attacks in Paris, facilitates searches and house arrests as well as access to and use of computer and mobile phone data. The French socialist government has called on the French citizens to mobilize and help the security forces in the anti-terror fight. 84 people, a Romanian citizen included, died in the Nice attack and more than 200 were injured. 4 Romanians were wounded, of whom two are in a critical state, though stable.

    (news translated by Lacramioara Simion)

  • July 20, 2016

    July 20, 2016

    BUCHAREST — Turkey is a key partner for Romania and the European Union and stability is needed in that country, Romanian Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos has today stated. Ciolos went on to say it was crucial that, in the aftermath of the failed coup plot, Turkey should yet again comply with the constitutional order, the rule of law and observing human rights. These are values we all share across the European Union and we firmly believe Turkey shares such values as well, given the relations it has with the European Union, Romanian Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos also stated.

    BUCHAREST – The Healthcare Ministry in Bucharest has today confirmed the second Zika infection in a Romanian residing abroad. The person infected is a 10-year-old child living in the French Guyana who came on a visit to Romania on July 12th. The first case was a woman who came back from a trip in Martinique early this month. Discovered in Uganda back in 1947 the virus causes an infectious disease called the Zika fever and is transmitted by an infected mosquito or through sexual intercourse. The virus is not airborne and cannot be taken through physical contact. Experts believe that neurological complications and congenital malformations caused by the virus can be present in newly born babies as well. No vaccine has been discovered for Zika yet, an illness affecting over 15 countries in Latin America and the Antilles.

    WASHINGTON — Billionaire Donald Trump has been designated the Republicans’ candidate for the presidential election in the US, scheduled on November 8. According to AFP, Trump would officially accept his candidacy Thursday, in the end of the Republicans’ Convention staged in Cleveland. Democrat Hillary Clinton will most likely be Trump’s challenger for the White House. The Democrats’ camp is to officially designate their candidate next week at their Philadelphia convention.

    PARIS – French National Assembly last night has green-lighted a six-month extension, until the end of January 2017, of the emergency state across the country. The decision has been taken six days after the attack in Nice. The Government proposition is to be debated upon in Senate, today. The state of emergency mainly facilitating search operations, has been instated in the wake of the Jihadi attacks in Paris, perpetrated in November last year. 84 people, a Romanian included, lost their lives, and over 200 people were injured in the Nice attack. As many as four Romanians sustained injuries in the attack, among whom two people, the wife and the son of the deceased, are in a serious yet stable condition.

    BUCHAREST – Prosecutors with Romania’s General Prosecutor’s Office have established that Hexi Pharma’s owner Dan Condrea has committed suicide and have closed the file over his death. Condrea’s death occurred amid the largest scandal in the Romanian healthcare system; we recall that his company had sold diluted disinfectants to hospitals all over Romania. In another move, Romania’s General Prosecutor Augustin Lazar has recently said that in the Hexi Pharma file over 200 hospitals have joined proceedings as civil parties, while the total prejudice stood at 70 million lei.

    BUCHAREST — Romania’s Constitutional Court is today holding a debate on the official notification the Government submitted as regards the special pensions bill for local authorities. Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos has been adamant in stating the law affects the state budget, since for their most part local budgets receive funding from the state budget. The negative impact on the state budget stands at around 90 million Euros per year, Ciolos went on to say. The Government has also contested that the aforementioned pension bill, stipulating special pensions for mayors, deputy mayors, county council presidents and vice presidents, is to take effect retroactively. The law, due to take effect as of January 2017, among other things, stipulates, that pension money would be earmarked from local budgets and that no special pensions would be granted to former local officials who received final sentences for graft accusations during their term in office. Also today, Romania’s Constitutional Court discusses a legislative proposition targeting the change, in the Constitution, of the notion of family. In May an NGO submitted with the Senate a proposition stipulating the family was based on the marriage between a man and a woman. Three million people signed the petition, which was aimed at hampering same-sex marriage.

    WASHINGTON — Romanian Defense Minister Mihnea Motoc as of today is in Washington at the meeting of the contributing countries of the US-led Global Anti –ISIS Coalition. High on the talks’ agenda are issues targeting the stage of the campaign against terrorist threats which affects security in the extend region of the Middle East and Northern Africa as well as security at international level. Today the meeting is held, bringing together defense ministers of the coalition’s contributing countries, while on Thursday a joint session will be held, of Foreign Affairs and Defense Ministers of the same countries.

    ANKARA — Turkey’s Higher Education Council has banned all academic staff from travelling abroad until further notification, in the wake of the recent failed coup plot. The decision has been taken one day after the Council made redundant 1,577 university professors. In turn, the Education Ministry has withdrawn the teaching licence of 21 thousand teachers from private institutions. In the last days, around 30 thousand people, among whom military, policemen, judges, public sector workers have been arrested or made redundant. Furthermore, a string of media companies has been closed down. Following the failed coup plot, Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has launched a campaign against the supporters of his opponent, Muslim cleric Fehtullah Gullen, a resident of the United States. Gullen has been facing accusations of being behind the opposition in Turkey. Also, Gullen has been suspected of having masterminded the coup plot in Turkey. However, Fehtullah Gulen has denied any involvement in the coup, accusing Erdogan of using the plot as a pretext for consolidating his power.

    BUCHAREST — Romania’s National anti-Corruption Agency has today announced deputies Madalin Voicu and Nicolae Paun are being investigated in a file targeting the embezzlement of European funds earmarked for the Rroma population’s social integration. Social Democrat MP Madalin Voicu and Rroma minority representative in Parliament Paun are facing accusations of having put together a plan to embezzle more than six million euro, pretending they would help thousands of Rroma people to find a job or become entrepreneurs, over 2010-2015. Other counts targeting Voicu and Paun have to do with money laundering, influence peddling and forgery in official statements.

  • România şi recentele crize internaţionale

    România şi recentele crize internaţionale

    În Franţa şi Turcia au fost zile sângeroase, agitate, triste şi nesigure. Joi seară, când Franţa îşi sărbătorea Ziua Naţională, un tunisian a intrat cu un camion în mulţimea adunată pe promenada de la malul mării şi a ucis sau rănit sute de persoane, inclusiv copii. Atacul a fost revendicat de organizaţia jihadistă Stat Islamic. Printre victime se află şi români. Ministerul de Externe de la Bucureşti a anunţat că reprezentanţii misiunii diplomatice române din Franţa menţin în permanenţă legătura cu personalul medical local şi monitorizează evoluţia stării de sănătate a răniţilor.

    Premierul Dacian Cioloş a discutat, telefonic, cu omologul său francez, Manuel Valls, despre românii care se aflau la Nisa în momentul atacului. Între timp, în Franţa au fost decretate trei zile de doliu naţional şi s-a ţinut un moment de reculegere în memoria victimelor atentatului. Peste 500 de oameni s-au prezentat, până acum, la punctele de sprijin psihologic constitutite la Nisa pentru martorii atentatului de pe Promenade des Anglais, traumatizaţi de cele trăite şi văzute. Autorităţile franceze au arestat mai multe persoane bănuite că ar fi avut legătură cu atacul.

    Pe de altă parte, circa 300 de militari şi civili au fost ucişi şi 1.400 răniţi în Turcia, într-o tentativă de lovitură de stat eşuată. O parte din armata turcă a încercat, pe 15 iulie, să îl dea jos de la putere pe liderul Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Armata a transmis că motivele sunt păstrarea secularismului şi a libertăţilor, precum şi reinstaurarea ordinii constituţionale în Turcia. Mai târziu, preşedintele Erdogan a anunţat că tentativa de lovitură de stat a eşuat şi a invitat oamenii să iasă în stradă, ceea ce s-a şi întâmplat.

    Puciul eşuat a fost urmat de mii de arestări şi destituiri. Deşi Recep Tayyip Erdogan a fost ales democratic, el este acuzat că încearcă să islamizeze statul turc. Deşi popular în Turcia, Erdogan a fost criticat, în ultimii ani, pentru blocarea accesului la o presă liberă, pentru reducerea la tăcere a unor critici, inclusiv jurnalişti, pentru promovarea islamismului în medii laice şi pentru extinderea prerogativelor prezidenţiale.

    În urma puciului, a fost haos pe inclusiv pe aeroporturile din capitala Ankara şi din Istanbul. Au avut de suferit şi români, care aveau programate zboruri în şi dinspre Turcia. Ministerul de Externe de la Bucureşti a pus la dispoziţia celor afectaţi de evenimentele din Turcia o linie telefonică specială, prin intermediul căreia a primit peste 2 mii de apeluri. Au fost repatriaţi sute de cetăţeni români cu costuri suportate de MAE, prin celula de criză constituită la Bucureşti.

    Două echipe consulare mobile din cadrul Ambasadei României la Sofia (Bulgaria) au facilitat tranzitul a zeci de autovehicule cu cetăţeni români la două dintre punctele de frontieră terestră cu Turcia. În continuare, Ministerul de Externe le-a recomandat românilor să evite orice deplasări în Turcia care nu le sunt absolut necesare.

  • Nachrichten 17.07.2016

    Nachrichten 17.07.2016

    Ankara: Die Türkei ist ein strategischer Partner Rumäniens und ein wichtiger Verbündeter im Rahmen der Nato. Die Stabilität des Landes und die Wahrung der Demokratie und ihrer Institutionen sind daher wichtig für die regionale, europäische und internationale Sicherheit. Dies hat der rumänische Staatspräsident Klaus Johannis nach dem gescheiterten Putschversuch in der Türkei erklärt, der mehr als 300 Tote forderte. Laut den rumänischen Behörden befinden sich keine rumänischen Staatsbürger unter den Opfern. Die rumänische Botschaft und die rumänischen Konsulate in der Türkei unterstützen die etwa 10.000 rumänischen Urlauber bei ihrer Rückkehr in die Heimat. Bislang wurden mit Hilfe des Auswärtigen Amtes bereits zwei Sonderflüge für rumänische Staatsbürger auf der Route Istanbul-Bukarest getätigt. Die Situation in der Türkei scheint sich zu normalisieren. Alle Grenzübergänge sind offen und die Reisebeschränkungen sind aufgehoben worden. Die türkische Botschaft in Bukarest lie‎ß verlautbaren, dass sämtliche Institutionen des Staates funkftionsfähig seien. Der türkische Staatschef Recep Erdoğan forderte indessen die USA auf, den Prediger Fetullah Gülen an die Türkei auszuliefern. Erdogan beschuldigt den in den USA lebenden Geistlichen, für den versuchten Militärstreich verantwortlich zu sein. Washington bot seine Kooperation an, verlangte allerdings Beweise für die Beschuldigungen, die Erdoğan gegenüber Gülen erhebt. Etwa 6.000 Personen, darunter viele Generale, Richter und Staatsanwälte, sind in der Türkei wegen mutma‎ßlicher Beteiligung am Putschversuch festgenommen worden. Aus Ankara verlautete es, man ziehe die Wiedereinführung der Todesstrafe in Erwägung, nachdem sie vor 10 Jahren abgeschafft worden war.

    Paris: Ein rumänischer Staatsangehöriger wird nach dem Terroranschlag von Donnerstag in Nizza vermisst. Der Mann war zusammen mit Ehefrau und Kind im Urlaub an der Côte d’Azur. Die Frau und das Kind wurden im Attentat verletzt und in Krankenhäusern behandelt. Vom Mann fehlt seitdem jede Spur. Das Auswärtige Amt in Bukarest bemüht sich weiterhin um das Schicksal des Mannes. Premierminister Dacian Cioloş hat mit seinem frazösischen Amtskollegen Manuel Valls telefoniert. Der französische Premier versicherte, dass die französischen Behörden alles in ihrer Macht stehende tun, um den verschollenen Mann zu finden. In Frankreich wird indessen der zweite Nationaltrauertag begangen. Im Attentat am französischen Nationalfeiertag in Nizza wurden 84 Menschen getötet. Die Terrororganisation Islamischer Staat hat sich zum Anschlag bekannt. Sieben Personen aus dem Umkreis des tunesischstämmigen Attentäters sind festgenommen worden. Dem französischen Innenminister Bernard Cazeneuve zufolge handle es sich bei dem Attentäter um einen äu‎ßerst schnell radikalisierten Islamisten. Der Anschlag zeige eine neue Intensität des Terrors, was die Bekämpfung des Terrorismus noch komplexer mache, so Cazeneuve.

    Sport: Simona Halep (Nummer 5 auf der Weltrangliste) hat am Sonntag das Finale des Tennisturniers BRD Bucharest Open gewonnen. In einem Spiel, das nur 47 Minuten dauerte, besiegte sie in zwei Sätzen mit zweimal 6-0 die Lettin Anastasija Sevastova (Nummer 66 auf der Liste der WTA). Somit gewinnt Halep nach 2014 zum zweiten Mal in ihrer Karriere die Bukarester Trophäe. Die 24-jährige Halep heimst dadurch auch ihren 13. Titel ein. Im Herrentennis im Davis Cup gibt es hingegen keine guten Nachrichten für Rumänien. Spanien gewann im nordwestrumänischen Klausenburg auch die zweite Runde der 1. Gruppe und der Endpunktestand war Spanien gegen Rumänien 4-1. Die beiden letzten Spiele verloren die rumänischen Tennisspieler. Florin Mergea unterlag Roberto Bautista mit 4-6, 3-6, 2-6 und Adrian Ungur wurde von Pablo Carreno Busta mit 6-3, 7-6 besiegt.

    Wetter: In den kommenden 24 Stunden bleibt es im Norden, Nordosten sowie in der Landesmitte und im Hochland unbeständig mit bewölktem Himmel, Regenschauern und Gewittern. Im Gebirge kommt es zu massiven Regenfällen mit bis zu 25 l/qm und vereinzelt auch Hagel. Im restlichen Land nur vorübergehend bewölkt und schwacher Regen. In der Nacht auf Montag fallen die Temperaturen auf 12 bis 19 Grad, Tageshöchstwerte am morgigen Montag 19 bis 30 Grad Celsius.

  • July 17, 2016 UPDATE

    July 17, 2016 UPDATE

    TENNIS Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, the odds-on favourite of the BRD Bucharest Open, on Sunday won the finals of this competition against Anastasija Sevastova of Latvia, whom she beat in two sets, 6-0, 6-0. This is Halep’s second BRD Open trophy after the one she reaped two years ago. It is also Halep’s 21st WTA finals and the 13th title she has won in her career. In another development, Spain has trounced Romania 4-1 in the Davis Cup’s second round of the Europe/Africa zone. In the last games on Sunday Florin Mergea conceded defeat to Roberto Bautista, 4-6, 3-6, 2-6, while Adrian Ungur was defeated in two sets 3-6, 6-7 by Pablo Busta.

    COUP Turkey is Romania’s strategic partner, its NATO ally and the country’s stability on the basis of observing democracy and democratically-elected institutions is important for regional, European and international security, Romanian president Klaus Iohannis said in an official communiqué issued after the aborted coup in Turkey, which left almost 300 dead. According to the authorities in Bucharest, there are no Romanians among the victims. The Romanian embassy and consular offices in Turkey are granting support, if need be, to those nearly 10 thousand Romanian citizens currently on holiday in this country. Bucharest has already sent two humanitarian transports to Istanbul with support from the Romanian Foreign Ministry, which set up a crisis cell. Apparently the situation in Turkey returns to normality, with no borders closed or travel restrictions. The Turkish embassy in Bucharest says that all institutions are functioning properly. Turkish president Recep Erdogan has called on the USA to extradite cleric Fetullah Gulen, whom he considers responsible for the coup. Washington has pledged support in investigating the coup but has called on the authorities in Ankara to prove that Gulen is guilty indeed. Roughly 6,000 people, including tens of generals, justices and prosecutors have been arrested all over Turkey for alleged participation in the aborted coup. The authorities in Ankara say they are considering reintroducing the death penalty 10 years after being abolished.

    MISSING A Romanian who was on holiday in Nice with his wife and son has been reported missing following the terror attack on Thursday. The boy was found on Saturday in a hospital close to the site of the attack, and according to the Foreign Ministry in Bucharest, his condition is stable, while his mom has been identified with severe wounds. In a phone call with his Romanian counterpart Dacian Ciolos, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has given assurances that the authorities ‘are doing their best to clarify the situation’. France is today in mourning for the 84 people who lost their lives in the attack on France’s national day claimed by ISIS. Seven people in connection with the Tunisian attacker have been arrested. According to French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneueve, the attacker seems to have been radicalized very quickly. The French official has mentioned a new type of terror attacks, which proves the complexity of the anti-terror fight.

    SUMMIT Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos said during the ASEM summit held in Ulan Bator that Romania could be a major transport hub, thanks to its opening to the Black Sea. In a statement to Radio Romania, Ciolos has said that thanks to the Danube, Romania can assure the transport of the goods arriving in the port of Constanta to the entire Europe. The Prime Minister has underlined Romania’s readiness to get involved in such projects adding that Bucharest has already started talks with countries riparian of the Black Sea, the Caspian and countries from Central Asia on this issue. On Friday and Saturday Ciolos took part in the 11th ASEM Summit hosted by Mongolia to mark 20 years since the opening of the political dialogue between Asia and Europe, ‘a major event in the economic and political relations between European and Asian countries’ as it was described in a communiqué issued by the Romanian government. Against the background of the latest terror attacks, the Romanian official has said that setting up an international tribunal against terrorism, a Spanish-Romanian initiative, would be a clear message that action can be taken at a multilateral level with instruments that are stronger than political statements.

  • July 17, 2016

    July 17, 2016

    COUP Turkey is Romania’s strategic partner and its NATO ally and the country’s stability on the basis of observing democracy and democratically-elected institutions is important for regional, European and international security, Romanian president Klaus Iohannis said in an official communiqué issued after the aborted coup in Turkey, which left almost 300 dead. According to the authorities in Bucharest, there are no Romanians among the victims. The Romanian embassy and consular offices in Turkey are granting support, if need be, to those nearly 10 thousand Romanian citizens currently on holiday in this country. Bucharest has already sent two humanitarian transports to Istanbul with support from the Romanian Foreign Ministry, which set up a crisis cell. Apparently the situation in Turkey returns to normality, with no borders closed or travel restrictions. The Turkish embassy in Bucharest says that all institutions are functioning properly. Turkish president Recep Erdogan has called on the USA to extradite cleric Fetullah Gulen, whom he considers responsible for the coup. Washington has pledged support in investigating the aborted coup but has called on the authorities in Ankara to prove that Gulen is guilty indeed.

    MISSING A Romanian who was on holiday in Nice with his wife and son has been reported missing following the terror attack on Thursday. The boy was found on Saturday in a hospital close to the site of the attack, and according to the Foreign Ministry in Bucharest, his condition is stable, while his mom has been identified with severe wounds. In a phone call with his Romanian counterpart Dacian Ciolos, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has given assurances that the authorities ‘are doing their best to clarify the situation’. France is today in mourning for the 84 people who lost their lives in the attack on France’s national day claimed by ISIS. Seven people in connection with the Tunisian attacker have been arrested. According to French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneueve, the attacker seems to have been radicalized very quickly. The French official has mentioned a new type of terror attacks, which proves the complexity of the anti-terror fight.

    SUMMIT Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos has said during the ASEM summit held in Ulan Bator that Romania can be a major transport hub, thanks to its opening to the Black Sea. In a statement to Radio Romania, Ciolos has said that thanks to the Danube, Romania can assure the transport of the goods arriving in the port of Constanta to the entire Europe. The Prime Minister has underlined Romania’s readiness to get involved in such projects adding that Bucharest has already started talks with countries riparian of the Black Sea, the Caspian and countries from Central Asia on this issue. On Friday and Saturday Ciolos took part in the 11th ASEM Summit hosted by Mongolia to mark 20 years since the opening of the political dialogue between Asia and Europe, ‘a major event in the economic and political relations between European and Asian countries’ as it was described in a communiqué issued by the Romanian government. Against the background of the latest terror attacks, the Romanian official has said that setting up an international tribunal against terrorism, a Spanish-Romanian initiative, would be a clear message that action can be taken at a multilateral level with instruments that are stronger than political statements.

    TENNIS The world’s fifth tennis player Simona Halep on Saturday qualified for the finals of the BRD Bucharest Open after a match that lasted more than two hours against Vania King of the USA. The Romanian will today be taking on Anastasija Sevastova of Latvia. The odds-on favourite has thus qualified for the second finals in 2016 and could get the second title in Bucharest after the one in 2014 and the 13th in her career. Cluj Napoca, a city in central Romania will also today be seeing the last games of the single Davis competition pitching Romania against Spain. Marius Copil of Romania will be playing Robert Bautista Agut, while Adrian Ungur will be taking on Feliciano Lopez. Before these games, the score is 2-1 to Spain.

  • UPDATE 2 Încercare de lovitură de stat în Turcia

    UPDATE 2 Încercare de lovitură de stat în Turcia

    UPDATE 2: MAE informează că a fost redeschis traficul prin toate punctele de control ale frontierei turco-bulgare. Prin Celula de criză (Call Center MAE, telefoanele de urgență ale tuturor misiunilor diplomatice ale României din Turcia), au fost gestionate circa 1500 de apeluri telefonice primite din partea cetățenilor români.

    Celula de criză coordonează demersurile pe linie de asistență de consulară și suport pentru cetățenii români aflați în Turcia.

    Având în vedere situația încă fluidă, MAE menține recomandarea adresată cetăţenilor români care se află pe teritoriul Turciei să evite deplasările care nu sunt necesare și să rămână în casele sau locurile de cazare, iar cetățenilor care au intenția de a tranzita sau de a călători spre Turcia recomandăm să evite aceste deplasări.

    UPDATE: 90 morți, 1.154 răniți și peste 1500 de militari arestați este bilanțul actual, după tentativa de lovitură de stat din Turcia. Mai mulți dintre liderii puciului s-au predat în această dimineață, conform televiziunilor din Turcia.90 morți, 1.154 răniți și peste 1500 de militari arestați este bilanțul actual, după tentativa de lovitură de stat din Turcia. Mai mulți dintre liderii puciului s-au predat în această dimineață, conform televiziunilor din Turcia.

    Ministerul român de Externe informează asupra situației românilor blocați pe aeroportul Atatutrk din Istanbul. Astfel, MAE precizează că în cadrul aeroportului au fost stabilite două puncte de adunare/informare pentru cetățenii români — pentru zona de check–in la poarta G17, iar pentru zona de tranzit — în proximitatea ghișeului central de informații, lângă Cafe Nero și Magazinul Old Bazaar.

    Echipa Consulatului General al României la Istanbul oferă asistență cetățenilor români aflați în, în funcție de necesități. Diplomația menționează că nu s-au înregistrat cazuri speciale.

    De asemenea, MAE face toate demersurile să fie în contact cu autoritățile turce și bulgare cu responsabilități în domeniul transportului aerian și terestru. Imediat ce vor exista clarificări privind situația transportului terestru, vom reveni cu detalii.

    Două echipe consulare mobile din cadrul ambasadei României la Sofia se deplasează spre două dintre cele mai uzitate puncte de frontieră terestră cu Turcia — Malko Târnovo/Derekoy și Kapitan Andreevo/Kapikule, fiind pregătite să ofere sprijin în funcție de evoluția situației din teren.

    Diplomația mai recomandă turiștilor să mențină legătura cu operatorii de turism prin intermediul cărora au achiziționat biletele, în vederea stabilirii coordonatelor privind reîntoarcerea în țară.

    Premierul Dacian Cioloș a condamnat agresiunile asuprra instituțiilor statului. Aflat în Mongolia, la summit-ul Asia-Europa Meeting, șeful Executivului a declarat: “Singura cale pentru Turcia este întoarcerea la ordinea constituțională și la statul de drept. În această dimineață, la reuniunea informală a șefilor de stat și de guvern din Uniunea Europeană prezenți la Summit-ulul ASEM, am susținut împreună cu ceilalți lideri europeni, condamnarea tuturor acțiunilor de violență și agresiune asupra instituțiilor statului democratic alese. Turcia este un partener cheie pentru România și pentru Uniunea Europeană.

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe m-a asigurat că celula de criză constituită azi noapte din dispoziția ministrului este deplin funcțională și este în legătură cu cetățenii români care au nevoie de asistență. Totodată, ambasada și consulatele României în Turcia sunt în alertă și pregătite să-i ajute pe toți cetățenii români care au nevoie de sprijin.”


    Șase zboruri dintre București și Istanbul, aeroportul Ataturk, au fost anulate anulate sâmbătă, după tentativa de lovitură de stat din Turcia. Cursa TAROM RO 261/2 cu ora planificată de decolare 8:35 a fost anulată. Recomandăm pasagerilor cursei RO 263/4 să contacteze Call Center-ul TAROM pentru a afla informații despre situația zborurilor. Numerele de telefon disponibile sunt 9631, 021.2046464, 021.3034400, 021.3034444, a precizat Georgeta Dinu, purtătorul de cuvânt al companiei TAROM.

    Potrivit site-ului Companiei Naționale Aeroporturi București (CNAB), au fost anulate trei curse care urmau să decoleze în cursul zilei de sâmbătă, două aparținând companiei Turkish Airlines, iar una operatorului aerian român TAROM. Aeronavele urmau să decoleze la orele 5:55 și 10:00 (Turkish Airlines) și la 8:35 (TAROM). De asemenea, și la sosiri figurează trei curse anulate, care ar fi trebuit operate de aceleași companii aeriene. Este vorba despre zborul TK 1041 (Turkish Airlines), cu sosire pe Aeroportul Henri Coandă la ora 01:25, zborul TK 1043 (Turkish Airlines), sosire 5:55, și zborul RO 262 (TAROM), sosire la 11:55.

    Celula de criză constituită la MAE și-a continuat activitatea în cursul nopţii pentru a stabili cele mai eficiente modalităţi de a furniza asistenţa consulară cetăţenilor români aflaţi în Turcia. Reprezentanții Ambasadei României la Ankara și ai Consulatelor Generale din Istanbul și Izmir continuă demersurile în vederea acordării asistenței consulare necesare cetățenilor români aflați pe teritoriul Turciei. Până în prezent, au fost recepționate aproximativ 400 de apeluri telefonice prin intermediul Call Center-ului Ministerului Afacerilor Externe și direct la misiunea diplomatică și oficiile consulare.

    Potrivit informațiilor de până în prezent, nu se înregistrează victime sau răniți în rândul cetățenilor români aflați în Turcia. Imediat ce condițiile de securitate au permis, o echipă a Consulatului General al României la Istanbul s-a deplasat la Aeroportul Internațional Atatürk din Istanbul, pentru a oferi asistență cetățenilor români aflați în incinta acestuia. La nivelul Celulei de criză sunt menținute contactele cu firmele și companiile de turism care operează pe relația cu Turcia. Potrivit informațiilor disponibile, frontiera terestră dintre Turcia și Bulgaria este închisă în sensul de ieșire din Turcia.

    Pentru acordarea corespunzătoare a asistenței consulare și preluarea operativă a solicitărilor cetățenilor români, MAE pune la dispoziția cetățenilor interesați în mod suplimentar și linia verde 0800 800 407 (accesibilă numai din România, în regim de gratuitate), precum și adresa de e-mail: callcenter@mae.ro. De asemenea, cetățenii români aflați în Turcia au în continuare la dispoziție numerele de telefon: +90.312.44.77.920; +90 212 3583541; +90 212 3580516; +90 212 3583537, +90 232 4650579, operate în regim de permanență de Centrul de Contact și Suport.

    În acest context și având în vedere situația încă fluidă, MAE reiterează recomandarea adresată cetăţenilor români interesați care se află pe teritoriul Turciei să evite deplasările care nu sunt necesare și să rămână în casele sau locurile de cazare, iar cetățenilor care au intenția de a tranzita sau de a călători spre Turcia să evite aceste deplasări.

    Un total de 754 de militari au fost arestați în legătură cu puciul unui grup de soldați rebeli în Turcia ce părea să fi luat sfârșit sâmbătă dimineața, dar care s-a soldat cu moartea a cel puțin 60 de persoane, a anunțat sâmbătă agenția de presă progouvernamentală Anadolu citată de AFP. Cinci generali și 29 de colonei au fost demiși din funcții la ordinul ministrul de interne, Efkan Ala, a precizat agenția de presă turcă.

    Președintele turc Tayyip Erdogan a declarat sâmbătă că rămâne cu “poporul” său și nu se duce nicăieri, la câteva ore după ce un grup din armată a încercat să-l răstoarne. Erdogan a adăugat că milioane de persoane au ieșit în stradă pentru a protesta împotriva tentativei de lovitură de stat, pe care a descris-o drept opera adepților clericului musulman din Statele Unite Fethullah Gulen, pe care el îl acuză de mult timp că încearcă să se folosească de adepții săi din sistemul judiciar și armată pentru a răsturna guvernul turc. Tentativa de lovitură de stat este un act de trădare și un motiv pentru “a curăța” forțele armate de elementele trădătoare, a mai spus președintele turc. Prim-ministrul Binali Yildirim a ordonat sâmbătă armatei să doboare avioanele și elicopterele aflate în mâinile militarilor puciști, a declarat un responsabil turc.

    În timpul nopții Turcia a închis cele trei puncte de trecere a frontierei cu Bulgaria, a anunțat Ministerul Afacerilor Externe bulgar. Secretarul general al ONU Ban Ki-moon a cerut revenirea rapidă și pașnică a puterii civile în Turcia după tentativa de lovitură de stat militară, care părea pe cale de a eșua. UE a cerut sâmbătă o revenire rapidă la ordinea constituțională în Turcia, în timp ce șefa diplomației europene Federica Mogherini a convocat o reuniune de urgență a responsabililor europeni prezenți la summitul Asia-Europa (ASEM) care are loc în Mongolia.

  • UPDATE Attempted Coup in Turkey

    UPDATE Attempted Coup in Turkey

    Military factions in Turkey attempted to seize control of the country Friday night. There were indications that military coup leaders did not have the control on many parts of the country. Supporters of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan took to the streets of Istanbul to oppose the coup factions, and it seems that some leaders have been arrested. Early Saturday morning, President Recep Tayyp Erdogan flew to Istanbul Ataturk airport, which could be a strong signal that the coup was failing.

    Martial law was declared in the country. Social media worked with interruptions or were blocked. President Erdogan used an iPhone app from an undisclosed location to broadcast messages asking the people to resist the coup attempt: “There is no power higher than the power of the people,” he said. Leaders of two opposition political parties, who have been against Erdogan’s government, spoke out the military coup.

    The Romanian Foreign Ministry asked Romanian citizens to avoid Turkey the next days and the Romanians being already in this country not to leave their hotels or homes, not to go in public crowded places and to inform themselves about the situation at any moment. A crisis cell was set up to the Foreign Ministry, to assist the Romanian citizens who will ask for assistance and to evaluate the political implications of the situation in Turkey.

  • Lovitură de stat în Turcia

    Lovitură de stat în Turcia

    Turcia se află în fața unei lovituri de stat, după cum declară premierul Binali Yildirim. “Mai mulți puciști au fost arestați. Democrația va învinge” — este mesajul transmis de șeful executivului de la Ankara. O serie de incidente violente au loc la Ankara și s-au auzit focuri de armă în mai multe loocuri printre care clădirea Parlamentului care a fost bombardată, conform agențiilor internaționale de presă. 17 polițiști au fost uciși la Ankara, conform agențiilor citate de Agerpres. La Istanbul, soldații trag asupra mulțimii ieșită în stradă pentru a apăra actuala putere.

    Președintele Recep Tayyip Erdogan a denunțat vineri noapte o “revoltă a unei minorități din cadrul armatei”, conform AFP, citat de Agerpres. De asemenea, au fost semnalate focuri de armă la aeroportul Ataturk.

    Televiziunea de stat turcă TRT și-a întrerupt emisia vineri noapte, după ce un crainic a citit un comunicat al armatei anunțând că militarii au luat puterea printr-o lovitură de stat, informează Reuters.

    Ministerul român de Externe informează că, a fost constituită o Celulă de criză în cadrul care va analiza atât cele mai eficiente modalităţi de a furniza asistenţa consulară cetățenilor români aflați in Turcia care vor solicita acest lucru, cât şi implicațiile politice ale evenimentelor în cauză.

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe reiterează apelul adresat cetățenilor români aflați în Turcia de a evita orice deplasare care nu este absolut necesară. Evoluția situației rămâne imprevizibilă, prudența și înțelegerea fiind esențiale pentru preîntâmpinarea riscurilor de securitate, anunță diplomația de la București

    Revenim cu amănunte.

  • June 27, 2016 UPDATE

    June 27, 2016 UPDATE

    BREXIT – The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, is taking part on Tuesday and Wednesday in Brussels in a European Council meeting, where he will emphasise the need for EU solidarity and unity, following Great Britains EU referendum. According to the Presidential Administration, the head of state will underline that Romania remains loyal to the European project, but will stand for redefining it. President Iohannis will also reiterate that Romania firmly supports equal rights of all EU citizens, including the Romanians who live and work in the UK.

    LAW – The Government of Romania once again notified the Constitutional Court regarding the law on special pensions for local elected officials, PM Dacian Ciolos announced on Monday. The law, he argued, will affect the State Budget, which fuels much of the local budgets. Ciolos explained that the budget impact would amount to some 90 million euro per year. The Government also challenged the fact that the law is to apply retroactively. Last week the Senate endorsed a bill giving special pensions to mayors, deputy mayors, presidents and vice-presidents of county councils. Under the law, which is set to take effect in January 2017, the money will be taken from local budgets and officials sentenced for corruption-related offences will not receive such pensions.

    JUDICIAL – The Romanian Justice Minister, Raluca Prună, and her Georgian counterpart, Thea Tsulukiani, Monday signed in Tbilisi, a new agreement in the judicial field. The Romanian Justice Ministry said the parties would promote, among others, judicial cooperation in European affairs and the exchange of information. The open-ended agreement will replace the one signed in 2004. Signing the deal was the main goal of Minister Prunas visit to Georgia until Tuesday.

    EU FUNDS – The Committee on European Affairs in the Romanian Chamber of Deputies Monday heard the Minister for European Funds, Cristian Ghinea, to clarify why Romanias EU fund absorption rate in 2016 is zero. Aspects related to the current stage in spending European funds and the ministry reorganisation strategy have also been discussed, as well as the measures designed to improve the performance of relevant institutions and to speed up the absorption of European money. Participants also discussed the measures Minister Ghinea has in mind with respect to the so-called Juncker Plan for investments.

    SPAIN ELECTIONS – The interim PM of Spain, the Conservative Mariano Rajoy, said on Monday that he would try to form a coalition government within a month. Rajoys Popular Party came first in the election with 33% of the votes, followed by the Socialists with 22.6% and by the left-of-centre anti-system Podemos party, with 21.1%. The new Parliament will also include the Ciudadanos Liberal party. The elections were held only six months after the latest ballot, which produced a fragmented legislative body, with the four political forces unable to make up a governmental majority.

    MOLDOVA – A former PM of the Republic of Moldova, Vlad Filat, was sentenced on Monday to nine years in prison, in a ruling that can still be appealed. He was charged with passive corruption and influence peddling, after a businessman said he had given Filat 250 million USD in money and goods. Vlad Filat denies the accusations and claims to be the victim of political revenge. He was the PM of Moldova between September 2009 and March 2013.

    RUSSIA-TURKEY – The President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, sent a letter to his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, expressing regret for downing the Russian military aircraft in November 2015, near the Turkish-Syrian border. According to a spokesman for Kremlin, quoted by Reuters, the Turkish President says that he will do his best to restore bilateral relations and that Ankara is ready to work with Moscow to fight terrorism. After the aircraft was shot down, Russia imposed tough trade restrictions on Turkey, and Putin said at the time that those measures would not be lifted until Erdogan apologised for the incident, Reuters mentions.

  • Nachrichten 22.03.2016

    Nachrichten 22.03.2016

    BRÜSSEL: Nach den Anschlägen mit mindestens 34 Toten hat die belgische Regierung eine dreitägige Staatstrauer verhängt. Das meldete der Sender RTBF. In Brüssel waren bei Explosionen am Flughafen und in der U-Bahn Dutzende Menschen getötet worden. Nach belgischen Medienberichten starben insgesamt mindestens 34 Menschen, davon 14 am Airport und 20 an der Metrostation Maelbeek mitten im EU-Viertel. Es soll mindestens 187 Verletzte gegeben haben, berichtete die dpa. Die belgischen Behörden haben indes die Terrorwarnstufe für Brüssel auf das höchste Niveau angehoben. Damit sehen die Behörden eine sehr ernste“ Bedrohung durch unmittelbar bevorstehende Anschläge. Das war zuletzt im November 2015 der Fall gewesen. Eine Woche nach Anschlägen in Paris mit 130 Todesopfern hatte es damals konkrete Gefahrenhinweise für die Region Brüssel gegeben. Die Anschläge vom Dienstag werden mit der Festnahme des Hauptverdächtigen der Anschläge in Paris, Salah Abdeslam, vor einigen Tagen in Brüssel in Verbindung gebracht.

    BUKAREST: Rumäniens Außenministerium hat nach den Anschlägen in Brüssel den Krisenstab aktiviert. Dieser koordiniert alle diplomatischen Missionen des Landes in der Region. Unterdessen richteten Präsidialamt, Regierung und Außenministerium dem belgischen Volk in mehreren Mitteilungen ihr Beileid aus. Die Attentate werden dabei entschlossen verurteilt, nach wie vor wolle Rumänien den Partnerinstitutionen im Kampf gegen den Terrorismus Unterstützung bieten. Der rumänische Nachrichtendienst SRI habe laut eigenen Angaben die blaue Terrorwarnstufe aufrecht erhalten, die zu Vorsicht rät. Bislang gebe es keine Hinweise auf eine Verbindung zwischen den Ereignissen in Brüssel und einer möglichen Gefahr für die Landessicherheit, hieß es.

    ANKARA: Die EU und die Türkei waren Ziele von Terroranschlägen. Das sei der Beweis dafür, dass die Probleme der Weltgemeinschaft bei weitem nicht gelöst seien, sagte Rumäniens Präsident Klaus Iohannis am Dienstag in Istanbul. Dieser Dienstag sei ein schwarzer Tag für die EU gewesen, sagte Iohannis ferner und rief im Rahmen eines Treffens mit der rumänischen Gemeinde in der Türkei zu Solidarität auf. Der Staatschef war am Dienstag zu einem dreitägigen Besuch in die Türkei gereist. Dort hat er Treffen mit seinem Amtskollegen Recep Tayyip Erdogan und mit Ministerpräsident Ahmet Davutoglu geplant. Ziel des Besuchs ist die Konsolidierung der bilateralen Zusammenarbeit aufgrund der strategischen Partnerschaft, die 2011 unterzeichnet wurde. In diesem Kontext haben die beiden Länder gegenseitige Interessen, wie die Nato-Zugehörigkeit, die Zusammenarbeit im militärischen und im wirtschaftlichen Bereich. Die Diskussionen werden auch die Notwendigkeit der Intensivierung der Terrorbekämpfung betreffen.

    BUKAREST: Das vereinte Plenum der Bukarester Abgeordnetenkammer und des Senats hat am Dienstag den neuen Verwaltungsrat der Rumänischen Fernsehanstalt bestätigt. Anschließend legten alle Ratsmitglieder ihren Eid vor den vereinten Kammern des Parlaments ab. Sie nominierten George Orbean für das Amt des Vorsitzenden, der von den vereinten Kulturausschüssen angehört werden muss, um dann im Plenum des Parlaments im Amt bestätigt zu werden. Der neue Verwaltungsrat muss Lösungen zur Erholung der Rumänischen Öffentlichen Fernsehanstalt finden, die sich in einer schwierigen Finanzlage befindet. Eine der Lösungen könnte ein Gesetzentwurf sein, der ein Insolvenzverfahren für das öffentliche Fernsehen vorsieht.

  • Un nou atentat la Ankara

    Un nou atentat la Ankara

    Sute de ani de istorie comună, statutul de aliaţi în cadrul NATO, schimburi comerciale intense şi, din 2011, un parteneriat bilateral strategic leagă Bucureştiul de şi Ankara şi-i fac pe români sensibili la tragediile de pe celălalt ţărm al Mării Negre. Ministerul român de Externe a condamnat cu promtitudine şi fermitate atacul terorist, comis, duminică, în capitala turcă şi soldat cu zeci de morţi şi răniţi.

    Diplomaţia de la Bucureşti transmite sincere condoleanţe familiilor victimelor şi întreaga sa compasiune persoanelor rănite în acest tragic eveniment. Astfel de acţiuni, care pun în pericol vieţi nevinovate, nu pot fi justificate sub nicio formă, subliniază ministerul de Externe, care aminteşte că România rămâne ferm angajată în combaterea tuturor formelor de terorism şi reiterează nevoia intensificării eforturilor internaţionale în combaterea acestora. Consternarea din cancelariile lumii e, de altfel, generală, iar cei mai importanţi lideri ai planetei şi-au exprimat, deopotrivă, compasiunea faţă de victime şi decizia de combate terorismul.

    Nerevendicat în primele ore, atacul a fost atribuit de autorităţi militanţilor secesionişti kurzi. Un atentat similar, comis pe 17 februarie, a fost revendicat de organizaţia autointitulată Şoimii Libertăţii, grupare care s-ar fi desprins din vechiul şi deja celebrul Partid al Muncitorilor din Kurdistan (PKK), gherilă activă încă din anii 80. Ostilităţile dintre Ankara şi PKK s-au reluat după un armistiţiu de doi ani şi jumătate şi s-au soldat cu numeroşi morţi în ambele tabere. Până acum, remarcă analiştii, PKK s-a concentrat, însă, pe obiective militare şi le-a evitat pe cele civile. În afara conflictului de decenii cu militanţii kurzi, ţara a fost vizată în ultimul an şi de teroriştii din aşa-numitul Stat Islamic, care au comis cel puţin patru atentate, inclusiv la Ankara şi în metropola Istanbul.

    Turcia face parte din coaliţia internaţionala împotriva Statului Islamic şi găzduieşte pe teritoriul său avioane de război americane care bombardează poziţii ale jihadiştilor din Siria şi din Irak. De cel puţin un sfert de secol, de altfel, statul şi poporul turc sunt ţintele atentatorilor animaţi de varii convingeri ideologice sau religioase. Etnici armeni, arabi sau kurzi, ultranaţionalişti turci, militanţi de extrema stângă sau islamişti, asasinii au lăsat în urmă nenumărate victime.

    Anul trecut, pe 10 octombrie, tot la Ankara, 103 oameni au fost ucişi şi peste 500 răniţi, în cel mai sângeros atentat comis vreodată în Turcia şi atribuit Statului Islamic. Atacurile, a afirmat preşedintele Regep Tayyip Erdogan, nu vor slăbi determinarea Turciei de a lupta împotriva terorismului. El se declară convins că ţara sa, care nu va renunţa niciodată la dreptul de a se apăra, a devenit o ţintă din cauza instabilităţii regionale în ultimii ani. Preşedintele turc mai susţine că organizaţiile teroriste vizează acum civilii fiindcă au pierdut lupta împotriva forţelor de securitate.

  • Les relations roumano-turques

    Les relations roumano-turques

    « La Roumanie et la Turquie ont des objectifs communs et des intérêts mutuels », a déclaré mercredi, à Bucarest, le président Klaus Iohannis, à l’issue de son entretien avec son homologue turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Dans ce contexte, le président roumain a également mis en exergue la participation de la Turquie à la création d’un centre de commande de l’OTAN en Roumanie. De même, la coopération dans les secteurs économique et commercial est un atout pour les relations entre Bucarest et Ankara, estime le président roumain. Surtout que la Turquie est le plus grand partenaire commercial non communautaire de la Roumanie. Une raison de plus pour le président Klaus Iohannis de réaffirmer le soutien de Bucarest pour l’adhésion d’Ankara à l’Union européenne.

    Klaus Iohannis : « Ce qui nous relie c’est l’appartenance à l’OTAN, la coopération dans plusieurs domaines, notamment celui économique, mais aussi le fait que la Roumanie soutient la Turquie dans son processus d’adhésion à l’UE ».

    A son tour, Recep Tayyip Erdogan a souligné la nécessité de renforcer les relations bilatérales, l’excellente coopération entre les deux pays au sein de l’OTAN et le fait que la Turquie tentait de maintenir la paix dans la région de la Mer Noire, de la Méditerranée, des Balkans et du Caucase. Et M. Erdogan d’ajouter que son pays est entouré par un « anneau de feu », faisant référence aux conflits en Irak, en Syrie, en Ukraine et en Crimée, des crises qui préoccupent de près la Roumanie aussi. Par ailleurs, le leader d’Ankara a affirmé son souhait que les hommes d’affaires roumains et turcs s’allient pour entrer ensemble sur des marchés tiers pour devenir plus forts.

    La Turquie envisage d’ailleurs de faire de multiplier ses investissements en Roumanie, a encore affirmé Recep Tayyp Erdogan : « Comme vous le savez, nous avons désormais un Partenariat stratégique avec la Roumanie et je pense que les relations commerciales peuvent se développer davantage. Il y a des sociétés qui souhaitent faire de nouveaux investissements en Roumanie si elles trouvent de l’appui ».

    Le leader turc s’est vu obligé de raccourcir sa visite à Bucarest, en raison d’une situation exceptionnelle de sécurité à Istanbul. Avant de partir, il a participé à un forum d’affaires roumano-turc aux côtés du premier ministre roumain Victor Ponta. L’occasion pour Recep Tayyp Erdogan de plaider une fois de plus pour le développement des relations économiques bilatérales et de rappeler l’objectif fixé avec le premier ministre roumain, à savoir la hausse des échanges commerciaux entre les deux pays de 6,3 milliards de dollars actuellement à 10 milliards de dollars.

    Pour sa part, Victor Ponta a affirmé que la Roumanie et la Turquie souhaitaient renforcer leur partenariat par des projets communs dans plusieurs secteurs, dont l’énergie, l’infrastructure et l’agriculture. Enfin, selon le chef du gouvernement roumain, Bucarest entendait suivre l’exemple de la Turquie en ce qui concerne ses progrès dans l’économie et dans l’infrastructure. (Trad. Valentina Beleavski)