Tag: Estonia

  • Weekend sportiv

    Weekend sportiv

    La Tallinn, în
    Estonia, continuă jocurile celui de-al treilea eşalon valoric al Campionatului
    Mondial de hochei pe gheaţă. După patru jocuri, România ocupă locul întâi în
    clasament, cu 10 puncte, urmată de Polonia, cu acelaşi număr de puncte, dar cu
    un joc pierdut, după prelungiri, chiar în faţa reprezentativei române. Joi,
    hocheiştii tricolori au învins Ucraina cu 5 la 1. Pentru a promova în al doilea
    eşalon valoric mondial, românii mai au nevoie de o victorie în ultimul joc, cu
    Olanda, programat sâmbătă.

    În weekend începe
    turneul de tenis de la Madrid, prima competiţie majoră pe zgură din calendarul
    profesionist al anului 2019. La feminin, România are patru reprezentante pe
    tabloul principal. Este vorba de Simona Halep, Mihaela Buzărnescu, Irina Begu
    şi Sorana Cîrstea. Ultimele două au primit câte un wild card de la proprietarul
    turneului, omul de afaceri Ion Ţiriac, fost component al echipei de Cupă Davis
    a României.

    De vineri până
    luni au loc jocuri contând pentru campionatul primei ligi române de fotbal,
    etapa a 8-a a fazei play-off / playout. Vineri, în playout, două jocuri:
    Concordia Chiajna cu FC Botoşani şi Gaz Metan Mediaş cu FC Hermannstadt.
    Sâmbătă, FC Dinamo se deplasează la Călăraşi pentru a întâlni Dunărea, iar
    duminică, FC Voluntari primeşte vizita echipei Poli Iaşi. În play-off, sâmbătă,
    la Ovidiu, FC Viitorul se confruntă cu Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe. Duminică,
    Universitatea Craiova joacă, pe teren propriu, cu FCSB, iar luni, Astra întâlneşte,
    la Giurgiu, formaţia CFR Cluj. În clasament continuă să conducă CFR Cluj, cu 44
    de puncte. Urmează FCSB, cu 39, şi Universitatea Craiova, cu 36.

  • Săptămâna sportivă

    Săptămâna sportivă

    performanţă sportivă românească a ultimelor zile vine de la Budapesta, de la
    Campionatele Mondiale de tenis de masă. Jucătorul român Ovidiu Ionescu şi
    spaniolul Alvaro Robles au cucerit medaliile de argint în proba de dublu
    masculin. Ei au fost învinşi în finală de chinezii Long Ma şi Chuqin Wang.
    Aceasta a fost singura medalie obţinută de România la Mondialele de la
    Budapesta şi prima pentru Spania la o ediţie a Campionatelor Mondiale de tenis
    de masă.

    Echipa de handbal
    masculin CSM Bucureşti s-a calificat în finala Cupei Challenge. În manşa a doua
    a semifinalelor competiţiei, bucureştenii au învins pe teren propriu echipa
    rusă HC Neva Sankt Petersburg, cu scorul de 25-20. CSM Bucureşti câştigase şi
    prima manşă, cu 26-24. În finală, formaţia română va înfrunta echipa portugheză
    Madeira Andebol, care a câştigat ambele manşe cu AEK Atena, finalista din
    sezonul trecut. Deţinătoarea trofeului este Potaissa Turda. Alte trei echipe
    româneşti au câştigat trofeul de-a
    lungul timpului: Steaua Bucureşti în 2006, UCM Reşiţa în 2007, 2008, 2009, şi
    Odorheiu Secuiesc în 2015.

    La Campionatul
    Mondial de hochei pe gheaţă, eşalonul trei valoric, care se desfăşoară la
    Tallinn, în Estonia, echipa României a câştigat primele două jocuri disputate.
    În prima zi, tricolorii au trecut cu 4-3 de echipa ţării gazdă, după prelungiri
    şi lovituri de departajare. În a doua partidă, România a învins reprezentativa Japoniei cu scorul de
    3-2, după ce a fost condusă cu 2 la 0. Miercuri va avea loc următoarea etapă,
    care programează partidele între Olanda şi Ucraina, Japonia şi Estonia, apoi Polonia – România.

    vineri până luni au avut loc jocuri în prima ligă română de fotbal, contând
    pentru etapa a şaptea a fazei finale. În playout, vineri, Gaz Metan Mediaş a
    trecut, în depasare, de Concordia Chiajna cu 2 la 0. Sâmbătă, la Călăraşi,
    Dunărea şi FC Hermannstadt au încheiat la egalitate, scor 0 la 0, iar Dinamo
    Bucureşti s-a impus în deplasare, la Voluntari, cu 2 la 1. Duminică, FC
    Botoşani a câştigat cu 3-0 jocul disputat acasă cu Poli Iaşi. În play-off,
    duminică, FCSB a trecut, acasă, de Astra Giurgiu, cu 1 la 0. Cu acelaşi scor,
    luni, Universitatea Craiova a câştigat jocul disputat în Bănie cu Sepsi Sfântu
    Gheorghe. Tot luni, CFR Cluj s-a impus cu 3-1, pe teren propriu, în derby-ul
    etapei, disputat cu Viitorul Constanţa. Cu trei etape înainte de finalul
    play-off-ului, CFR continuă să conducă în clasament, cu 44 de puncte. Pe locul
    doi se află FCSB, cu 39. Urmează Craiova, cu 36.

  • Săptămâna sportivă

    Săptămâna sportivă

    performanţă sportivă românească a ultimelor zile vine de la Budapesta, de la
    Campionatele Mondiale de tenis de masă. Jucătorul român Ovidiu Ionescu şi
    spaniolul Alvaro Robles au cucerit medaliile de argint în proba de dublu
    masculin. Ei au fost învinşi în finală de chinezii Long Ma şi Chuqin Wang.
    Aceasta a fost singura medalie obţinută de România la Mondialele de la
    Budapesta şi prima pentru Spania la o ediţie a Campionatelor Mondiale de tenis
    de masă.

    Echipa de handbal
    masculin CSM Bucureşti s-a calificat în finala Cupei Challenge. În manşa a doua
    a semifinalelor competiţiei, bucureştenii au învins pe teren propriu echipa
    rusă HC Neva Sankt Petersburg, cu scorul de 25-20. CSM Bucureşti câştigase şi
    prima manşă, cu 26-24. În finală, formaţia română va înfrunta echipa portugheză
    Madeira Andebol, care a câştigat ambele manşe cu AEK Atena, finalista din
    sezonul trecut. Deţinătoarea trofeului este Potaissa Turda. Alte trei echipe
    româneşti au câştigat trofeul de-a
    lungul timpului: Steaua Bucureşti în 2006, UCM Reşiţa în 2007, 2008, 2009, şi
    Odorheiu Secuiesc în 2015.

    La Campionatul
    Mondial de hochei pe gheaţă, eşalonul trei valoric, care se desfăşoară la
    Tallinn, în Estonia, echipa României a câştigat primele două jocuri disputate.
    În prima zi, tricolorii au trecut cu 4-3 de echipa ţării gazdă, după prelungiri
    şi lovituri de departajare. În a doua partidă, România a învins reprezentativa Japoniei cu scorul de
    3-2, după ce a fost condusă cu 2 la 0. Miercuri va avea loc următoarea etapă,
    care programează partidele între Olanda şi Ucraina, Japonia şi Estonia, apoi Polonia – România.

    vineri până luni au avut loc jocuri în prima ligă română de fotbal, contând
    pentru etapa a şaptea a fazei finale. În playout, vineri, Gaz Metan Mediaş a
    trecut, în depasare, de Concordia Chiajna cu 2 la 0. Sâmbătă, la Călăraşi,
    Dunărea şi FC Hermannstadt au încheiat la egalitate, scor 0 la 0, iar Dinamo
    Bucureşti s-a impus în deplasare, la Voluntari, cu 2 la 1. Duminică, FC
    Botoşani a câştigat cu 3-0 jocul disputat acasă cu Poli Iaşi. În play-off,
    duminică, FCSB a trecut, acasă, de Astra Giurgiu, cu 1 la 0. Cu acelaşi scor,
    luni, Universitatea Craiova a câştigat jocul disputat în Bănie cu Sepsi Sfântu
    Gheorghe. Tot luni, CFR Cluj s-a impus cu 3-1, pe teren propriu, în derby-ul
    etapei, disputat cu Viitorul Constanţa. Cu trei etape înainte de finalul
    play-off-ului, CFR continuă să conducă în clasament, cu 44 de puncte. Pe locul
    doi se află FCSB, cu 39. Urmează Craiova, cu 36.

  • June 17, 2018 UPDATE

    June 17, 2018 UPDATE

    CONSUL – In Constanţa, Romanias biggest sea port, the honorary consular office of Estonia was opened on Sunday, in the presence of the Romanian PM Viorica Dăncilă and her Estonian counterpart, Jüri Ratas. On Saturday they arrived on the Romanian Black Sea coast by the first regular flight connecting the Estonian capital city, Tallin, to Constanţa in Romania. The flight will be operated throughout the summer season. Viorica Dăncilă said she was hoping this connection to improve the trade and the economic, educational and cultural relations between the 2 countries. The head of the Romanian Government was on a 3-day visit to Lithuania and Estonia. On Saturday, the last day of the visit to Tallin, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed by the Romanian Ministry for the Business environment, Trade and Entrepreneurship and the Estonian Investment Agency, allowing for the development of a mechanism to encourage trade and increase bilateral investments. The first effect of the Memorandum will be the visit of an Estonian economic delegation to Romania in November.

    AGRICULTURE – The Romanian Agriculture and Rural Development Minister, Petre Daea, is taking part on Monday in Luxembourg in a meeting of the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council. The main topic will be a legislative package concerning the Common Agricultural Policy after 2020, which the European Commission made public on June 1. According to a news release issued by the Romanian Agriculture Ministry, the change of certain regulations in the Common Fisheries Policy and the state of the agricultural market will also be discussed.

    MILITARY – The Air base in Câmpia Turzii, central Romania, is hosting an exercise called Dacian Eagle 2018, with 200 Romanian and 300 American troops taking part. The American aircraft participating in the exercise belong to the Air National Guard of Massachusetts. The exercise started on Friday, will conclude in 2 months and is designed to boost bilateral cooperation in the field.

    THEATRE – The Sibiu International Theatre Festival, the largest performing arts festival in Romania and one of the most important in the world, came to a close on Sunday night. For 10 days, the event brought together 3,000 artists in over 500 performances and tens of thousands of spectators. The highlight of Sundays agenda was a dialogue between the French actress Isabelle Huppert and the Palme dOr winner, Romanian director Cristian Mungiu. Isabelle Huppert was awarded a star on the Sibiu Walk of fame on Saturday. Also on Saturday, at the Festival Gala, the British Ambassador to Romania, Paul Brummell, read out Romanian poetry and said he will remain a friend of the Sibiu Festival and of Romania after the end of his diplomatic mission to Bucharest. The diplomat also presented a message to the Festival from HRH Charles, Prince of Wales, one of the patrons of this years edition. He congratulated the Festival on its 25th anniversary. Britain is proud of what you have achieved and of its modest contribution to your impressive journey, reads the message.

    MACEDONIA – The foreign ministers of Greece and the Republic of Macedonia, Nikos Kotzias and Nikola Dimitrov, Sunday signed an agreement stipulating the change of the name of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia into the Republic of North Macedonia. The document was signed on Sunday in the border town of Prespes, in Greece, and is set to take effect in 6 months. The agreement paves the way for Greece giving up its veto to the EU and NATO accession of Macedonia. In the former Yugoslav republic, the deal must be ratified by Parliament, endorsed by a referendum and activated through a constitutional review. The agreement must be next approved by the Parliament of Greece.

    REFORM – The French finance minister, Bruno Le Maire, announced that France and Germany are very close to an agreement on the reform of the eurozone, the BBC reports. Further to talks with his German counterpart in Hamburg, Minister Le Maire expressed hope that the French President Emmanuel Macron will sign an agreement in this respect with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, on Tuesday. The French leader proposes substantial reforms, including the allotment of a separate budget for the eurozone, BBC explains.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • June 17, 2018

    June 17, 2018

    CONSUL – In Constanţa, Romanias biggest sea port, the honorary consular office of Estonia was opened today, in the presence of the Romanian PM Viorica Dăncilă and her Estonian counterpart, Jüri Ratas. On Saturday they arrived on the Romanian Black Sea coast by the first regular flight connecting the Estonian capital city, Tallin, to Constanţa in Romania. The flight will be operated throughout the summer season. Viorica Dăncilă said she was hoping this connection to improve the trade and the economic, educational and cultural relations between the 2 countries. The head of the Romanian Government was on a 3-day visit to Lithuania and Estonia. On Saturday, the last day of the visit to Tallin, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed by the Romanian Ministry for the Business environment, Trade and Entrepreneurship and the Estonian Investment Agency, allowing for the development of a mechanism to encourage trade and increase bilateral investments. The first effect of the Memorandum will be the visit of an Estonian economic delegation to Romania in November.

    THEATRE – The Sibiu International Theatre Festival, the largest performing arts festival in Romania and one of the most important in the world, comes to a close tonight. For 10 days, the event brought together 3,000 artists in over 500 performances and tens of thousands of spectators. The highlight of Sundays agenda is a dialogue between the French actress Isabelle Huppert and the Palme dOr winner, Romanian director Cristian Mungiu. Isabelle Huppert was awarded a star on the Sibiu Walk of fame on Saturday. Also on Saturday, at the Festival Gala, the British Ambassador to Romania, Paul Brummell, read out Romanian poetry and said he will remain a friend of the Sibiu Festival and of Romania after the end of his diplomatic mission to Bucharest. The diplomat also presented a message to the Festival from HRH Charles, Prince of Wales, one of the patrons of this years edition. He congratulated the Festival on its 25th anniversary. Britain is proud of what you have achieved and of its modest contribution to your impressive journey, reads the message.

    MACEDONIA – The foreign ministers of Greece and the Republic of Macedonia, Nikos Kotzias and Nikola Dimitrov, Sunday signed an agreement stipulating the change of the name of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia into the Republic of North Macedonia. The document was signed on Sunday in the border town of Prespes, in Greece, and is set to take effect in 6 months. The agreement paves the way for Greece giving up its veto to the EU and NATO accession of Macedonia. In the former Yugoslav republic, the deal must be ratified by Parliament, endorsed by a referendum and activated through a constitutional review. The agreement must be next approved by the Parliament of Greece.

    REFORM – The French finance minister, Bruno Le Maire, announced that France and Germany are very close to an agreement on the reform of the eurozone, the BBC reports. Further to talks with his German counterpart in Hamburg, Minister Le Maire expressed hope that the French President Emmanuel Macron will sign an agreement in this respect with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, on Tuesday. The French leader proposes substantial reforms, including the allotment of a separate budget for the eurozone, BBC explains.

    FILM – The 14th Bucharest International Film Festival concluded on Saturday night. The Grand Prize went to the Turkish production Butterflies, which premiered in Berlin. The award for the best director was handed to Daniel Sandu, for One step behind the seraphims. The Bucharest International Film Festival also had a special section devoted to the celebration of 70 years since the establishment of the state of Israel.

    FOOTBALL – The defending world champions, Germany, are playing today their first match in the Russia World Cup tournament, against Mexico, in Group F. Also scheduled for today are the Group E games pitting Serbia against Costa Rica and Brazil against Switzerland. On Saturday in Group C, France defeated Australia, 2-1, and Denmark beat Peru 1-0. In Group D, twice world champions Argentina drew against Iceland, 1-1, while Croatia outplayed Nigeria, 2-0. Romania has not qualified into the World Cup final tournament.

    WEATHER – 4 counties in the north-east of Romania are under a code orange alert for heavy rainfall, while in 24 counties in the centre, east and south a code yellow alert for thunderstorms is in place. According to the authorities, over the past 24 hours over 30 towns and villages in 14 counties were affected by heavy rainfalls and thunderstorms.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • June 14, 2018 UPDATE

    June 14, 2018 UPDATE

    PRIME MINISTER – The Prime Minister of Romania, Viorica Dăncilă, is on an official 3-day visit to Lithuania and Estonia. On Thursday in Vilnius the Romanian official and her Lithuanian counterpart, Saulius Skvernelis, discussed bilateral trade and means to identify new fields for cooperation, such as IT, energy and agriculture. The parties have also tackled European topics of mutual interest, such as supporting the Eastern Partnership and the future of the Union. Dancilas visit to Estonia will be the first by a Romanian prime minister since diplomatic relations with this Baltic state were reinstated in 1991.

    FORUM – In its capacity as presidency holder, Romania is hosting the ministerial conference of the Salzburg Forum, an informal platform of Central and East-European countries promoting security cooperation. Taking part in the conference are officials from the 9 member countries, of whom 6 interior ministers, including the Romanian Interior Minister Carmen Dan, and the Europol chief Catherine De Bolle. The Salzburg Forum was launched in 2000 and comprises Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. Since 2007, the Republic of Moldova and countries from the Group of Friends (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) have also been invited to attend its sessions.

    FINANCIAL – Private-sector credit risks are rising, reads a Report on financial stability made public on Thursday by the National Bank of Romania. The document also mentions other risks, such as the deteriorating investor confidence in emerging economies such as Romania, strains on macroeconomic balances and the rising real estate prices. On the other hand, the report also says that last year total household debt rose, and so did consumer loans granted by banks and non-banking financial institutions. The central bank officials presented the document at a time when the year on year inflation rate reached a 5-year high of 5.4% in May, the exchange rate for the national currency revolves around 4.66 lei for the euro, deficits deepen and the public debt is growing.

    JUDICIARY – The High Court of Cassation and Justice Thursday dismissed the charges against the former Social Democrat deputy Sebastian Ghiţă, in a case in which he was tried jointly with former police and prosecutor office chiefs. The ruling is not final. The Court also cancelled a pre-trial arrest warrant, ordered the lifting of a freeze on Ghitas assets and the return of the roughly 11.5 million euro bail. The other defendants in the same case were also aquitted, on grounds that the alleged acts were not criminal offences or had not taken place. Sebastian Ghiţă is in Serbia. He fled the country in December 2016 and is subject to several criminal proceedings in Romania.

    UKRAINE – The Romanian Education Minister, Valentin Popa, and the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Peter Szijjarto, Thursday had a telephone conversation on the Education Law of neighbouring Ukraine. The two agreed that the law, which bans tuition in ethnic minority languages after primary school, is “unacceptable insofar as it takes away rights previously secured by ethnic minorities. The Education Ministry explained that the Ukrainian authorities had signed no agreement with the Romanian community in that country with respect to this law. The 2 officials have agreed to carry on consultations regarding the measures to be taken in this respect. Nearly half a million ethnic Romanians currently live in Ukraine.

    FOOTBALL – The 21st edition of the World Football Championship kicked off in Russia on Thursday. It is the first edition of the championship hosted by a former communist bloc country. Proving their mettle in the final tournament are 32 national teams, while 11 cities across Russia make the venues for the scheduled fixtures. In the opening game, Russia defeated Saudi Arabia, 5-0. According to the correspondent of Radio Romanias News and Current Affairs Channel in Moscow, Russia has invested tens of billions of dollars in the championships infrastructure, as well as a significant amount of political capital, hoping the event would bolster Russias image around the world. We recall Romanias national team has failed to make it to the current edition of the World Cup. The World Championship held in France in 1998 was the last edition the national squad took part in.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • 35 de ani de la prima rezoluţie a PE de sprijinire a independenţei statelor baltice

    35 de ani de la prima rezoluţie a PE de sprijinire a independenţei statelor baltice

    La 13 ianuarie 1983, Parlamentul European îşi exprima solidaritatea cu popoarele baltice, susţinând, într-o rezoluţie, independenţa Estoniei, a Letoniei şi a Lituaniei. După 35 de ani, la Bruxelles, a fost organizat un eveniment comemorativ, evocat de vicepreşedintele Parlamentului, dar şi de trei comisari europeni, fiecare cetăţan al unei ţări baltice.

    Statele baltice au fost ocupate de Uniunea Sovietică în timpul celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial. Majoritatea ţărilor europene, dar şi Statele Unite, Canada şi Vaticanul nu au recunoscut niciodată această ocupaţie. Este motivul pentru care, în 1983, aproape 90% dintre membrii Parlamentului European au votat în favoarea rezoluţiei – a subliniat vicepreşedintele actualului Legislativ comunitar, Mairead McGuinness: Tot datorită angajamentului dumneavoastră, am putut asista la căderea Cortinei de Fier şi, în cele din urmă, sărbători restaurarea independenţei statelor baltice, la începutul anilor 1990. Vreau să vă multumesc personal pentru acţiunea dumneavoastră eroică. Salut curajul dumneavoastră şi mă bucur că suneţi aici, în această seară. Este momentul cel mai bun să ne amintim de rolul atât de important pe care l-a jucat acum 35 de ani Parlamentul European. O demonstraţie de solidaritate exprimată cu dorinţa de a croi împreună istoria europeană.

    La rândul său, vicepreşedintele Comisiei Europene, responsabil pentru Piaţa Unică Digitală, estonianul Andrus Ansip, a salutat gestul politicienilor europeni de acum 35 de ani: Rezoluţia Parlamentului European, pronunţată cu 35 de ani în urmă, care cerea independent Estoniei, a Letoniei şi a Lituaniei, a fost un pas curajos. A fost singura entitate internaţională care a reacţionat la mesajul disperat transmis de balticii care luptau pentru libertate. Trebuie să ne amintim mereu valorile esenţiale, precum autodeterminarea şi democraţia. Trebuie să continuăm să reacţionăm când acestea sunt atacate, aşa cum se întâmplă acum în Crimeea şi în estul Ucrainei.

    Ideea societăţii democratice deschise şi libere este iarăşi sub asediu în Ucraina şi ameninţată constant – a subliniat şi letonul Valdis Dombrowskis, comisarul pentru Dialog Social, care a cerut colegilor săi europeni sprijin concret. Ideea a fost susţinută şi de lituanianul Vytenis Andriukaitis, comisarul pentru Sănătate şi Siguranţă Alimentară, care a atras atenţia că balticii care au semnat protestul în anii ’80 au riscat totul, inclusiv viaţa.

  • June 30, 2017 UPDATE

    June 30, 2017 UPDATE

    GOVERNMENT – The new government in Bucharest, led by the Social Democrat PM Mihai Tudose, on Friday met in a first session after getting a vote of investiture in Parliament on Thursday. On its agenda was the emergency ordinance on increasing social benefits for pensioners and doubling aid for the severely disabled. The members of the cabinet also decided to draft a bill by September on establishing a Sovereign Fund for Development and Investment and to submit it to Parliament. Not achieving these aims was one of the reasons for which the coalition made up of the Social Democratic Party-the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in Romania withdrew political support for the former cabinet led by Sorin Grindeanu, who was toppled by a no-confidence vote in Parliament.

    REP. OF MOLDOVA – The Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, Pavel Filip, on Friday congratulated his Romanian counterpart, Mihai Tudose, on becoming prime minister. According to a communiqué issued by the Moldovan government, the two officials had a phone conversation and decided to have a first meeting in the near future. PM Filip reiterated Moldovas high interest in having a privileged relation with Romania.

    WEATHER – Extreme weather grips Romania, with the temperature-humidity index exceeding the critical threshold of 80 units in the centre, south and the east. The lows will stand at 13 degrees Celsius, whereas the highs are projected to reach 43 and even 44 degrees Celsius. The extreme heat is expected to last until the end of the week. The National Meteorology Agency announced it is possible for this to be the hottest early July on record. Meteorologists have issued a code red alert for 19 counties and the city of Bucharest. Code orange and yellow alerts are valid for the rest of the territory. First aid tents have been mounted and traffic restrictions are in place in the big cities.

    BRUSSELS – On June 30, Estonia took over from Malta the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union. The agenda of the Estonian presidency is focused on the economy, especially the digital market. This is the first time Estonia leads the union, and will seek to find common ground on various topics, from migration to Brexit. European Commission President, Jean-Claude Junker, and European Council President, Donald Tusk, are in Tallinn, attending ceremonies.

    BACCALAUREATE – Students graduating high school in Romania have taken the optional test of the baccalaureate exam. 135,000 students have registered for the test. Statistics indicate that in the 2016-2017 school year, the total number of students at all levels of education was 3.6 million, 45,000 fewer than last year.

    WASHINGTON – People from six predominantly Muslim countries and refugees overall are facing stricter hurdles for entering the US after the application of a controversial ban issued by US President Donald Trump. The ban applies to Iran, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen, as well as to refugees of all kinds. The president explained that the ban was motivated by national security needs, pointing to the terror attacks in Paris, London, Brussels and Berlin.

    CULTURAL INFO – Over 14 million people in Romania visited over 400 museums and public collections last year, data released on Friday by the National Institute of Statistics show. Institutions and companies active in the field of visual arts put up over 22 thousand shows, which enjoyed the participation of 5.7 million spectators. The figures issued by the National Institute of Statistics show that in 2016 libraries lent 11 volumes to each active user, on average, and that over 1,500 magazines were issued across the country.

  • May 24, 2017 UPDATE

    May 24, 2017 UPDATE

    Presidency – Romanian President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday will attend the NATO Summit in Brussels. The Romanian President will point out at the meeting the fact that Romania is a predictable, serious and responsible ally and that it has increased the budget alloted to defense to 2% of the GDP. Also, President Iohannis will emphasize the importance of consolidating NATO’s eastern flank and will plead for increasing the Alliance’s role in fighting terrorism. On the sidelines of the meeting Iohannis will hold talks with his Polish counterpart, Andrzej Duda.

    Meeting – European Commissioner for Regional Policy, Corina Cretu, received on Wednesday in Brussels the Romanian Finance Minister Viorel Stefan. On this occasion, Commissioner Cretu said that over one half of Romania’s budget for public investment is covered by EU funds and that it is vital for these funds to be earmarked strategically, in keeping with the country’s investment priorities. Romania needs high quality projects that require simplified procedures and improved management capability, Corina Cretu has said.

    Attack – For the first time in 10 years, the terror threat in the UK has been raised to the highest possible level, from severe to critical, meaning an attack is “expected imminently”. Up to 5,000 soldiers will be deployed on the streets amid fears that the Manchester suicide bomber had accomplices preparing further attacks, British prime Minister Theresa May has announced. The man believed to be the attacker is the British-born Salman Abedi, a 22-year-old of Libyan descent. Romania has firmly condemned the attack and voiced solidarity with the British people. We remind you that a bomb exploded in the foyer of Manchester Arena, killing 22 people.

    Corruption — The former minister of development, Elena Udrea, the daughter of Romania’s ex-president Traian Băsescu, Ioana, and his former political advisor, journalist Dan Andronic, have been arraigned together with another 3 people by the National Anti-Corruption Directorate’s prosecutors, in a case regarding the funding of the 2009 election campaign. Considered the most influential person in the entourage of the former president and the protagonist of some already famous corruption cases, Elena Udrea has now been accused of abetment in corrupt payment and money laundering, charges also brought against Ioana Băsescu. In turn, Dan Andronic has been accused of false testimony and of being accessory after offence. Recently, the disclosures made in the press regarding the 2009 presidential election led to the setting up of a special parliamentary committee that is investigating the circumstances in which Băsescu then defeated the Social Democrat Mircea Geoană.

    Estonian PM in Bucharest — Romania and Estonia have similar outlooks on the future of the EU, said Wednesday the Romanian PM Sorin Grindeanu, fresh from a meeting with his Estonian counterpart, Juri Ratas, who is paying a visit to Bucharest. PM Grindeanu expressed Romania’s support for the ambitious agenda of the Estonian presidency of the EU in the second half of 2017. Another topic on the agenda of talks of the two officials was Brexit, the Romanian PM highlighting that Bucharest had to protect the rights of the Romanian citizens who work or study in Great Britain and to make sure that Romanians are not being discriminated against. The two officials have agreed to consolidate bilateral economic cooperation as well as cooperation in such fields as security, defense, culture, tourism, education and cyber security.

    Swine fever — Romania has been included on the official list of countries with no classical swine fever, and Thursday it will receive a certification diploma in the plenum of the World Organization for Animal Health –the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Liviu Dragnea wrote on his Facebook page. He pointed out that, after more than 10 years, the main barrier in the way of pork exports would be removed, and thus Romania has all the chances for a comeback on the international pork markets, after a period of many years when pork imports were higher than exports. States like Japan, the US, Canada and Mexico have already expressed their interest for the start of bilateral negotiations.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • Semana deportiva 16 de octubre de 2013

    Semana deportiva 16 de octubre de 2013

    La gran noticia viene del


    La selección de fútbol de Rumanía jugará la repesca de la zona europea de clasificación para la fase final del Mundial de 2014 en Brasil, después de superar a Estonia (2-0) en la última jornada del grupo D.

    Con Holanda ya teniendo su billete para la cita de Brasil, Turquía necesitaba ganar en Estambul a la actual subcampeona mundial, pero sufrió una dolorosa derrota (0-2), con goles de Robben y Sneijder.

    El favor de Holanda fue aprovechado por Rumanía, que tuvo en el delantero del Getafe, Ciprian Marica, a su gran héroe.

    Rumanía intentaba llegar al área contraria sin éxito, hasta que Stancu recibió una falta que el árbitro Marijo Strahonja (Croacia) sancionó con un penalti, que fue transformado por Marica en el minuto 30.

    En la reanudación, ambas selecciones intentaron imprimir un juego distinto, pero las cosas parecían siendo las mismas.

    Marica, sin dudas, la estrella de este partido, cabeceó un balón a pase del extremo Matei anotando el segundo tanto de la victoria .

    Dos tantos del punta azulón permitieron a los rumanos superar a Estonia (2-0) y volver a soñar con disputar un nuevo Mundial.

    Rumanía termina el grupo en la segunda posición con 19 puntos, seguida por Hungría, (17 puntos), Turquía (16 ), Estonia (7 ) y Andorra (0 puntos). El grupo D fue ganado por Holanda (con 28 p.), que así irá directamente a la fase final.

    El sorteo para la repesca se celebrará el próximo 21 de octubre en Zurich.

    Los partidos de ida se disputarán el próximo 15 de noviembre y 4 días más tarde, tendrán lugar los partidos de vuelta.

    Quedamos en fútbol, pero esta vez con


    Rumanía gana el Campeonato Europeo de minifútbol por cuarta vez consecutiva, tras derrotar a Croacia por 2-0 en la final disputada en la isla Creta de Grecia. La selección rumana entrenada por Tiberiu Lajos se tomó la revancha tras haber perdido en los grupos ante Croacia por 0-1. Para los rumanos anotaron Mircea Popa y Sorin Ghiu.

    El MiniEURO 2013 se celebra según el antiguo modelo del CM de fútbol, es decir en el torneo final participan 24 selecciones, que lucharon en Grecia por el título del pasado 10 al 14 de octubre.

    Rumanía empezó los enfrentamientos en Creta en la postura de gran favorita, dado que fue ganadora de las 3 ediciones anteriores del miniEURO (Bratislava/Eslovaquia 2010, Tulcea/Rumanía 2011 y Chişinău/Moldavia 2012).


    La selección de los Lobos“ de Bucarest perdió el pasado sábado el partido con el Newcastle Falcons, disputado en el marco de la Copa Challenge, en el estadio Nacional Arco de Triunfo“ (por 12-13).

    El Newcastle Falcons abrió el marcador gracias a Joel Hodgson (2), de un penal, pero los representantes de Rumanía tomaron el control, debido a los 4 tiros de penales marcados por Valentin Calafeteanu en 20 minutos de juego (5, 7, 18, 25), y el resultado fue 12-3. Los visitantes lograron un ensayo al final de la primera mitad, por Adam Powell (40), transformado por Hodgson (40+1).

    Los ingleses aseguraron su victoria al final del partido, cuando Thomas Catterick marcó de un penal y fue 13-12 para los visitantes.

    Water polo

    El campeón de Rumanía de water polo, el CSM Digi Oradea, jugará con el equipo ruso Sintez Kazan, en un doble enfrentamiento de eliminación para la tercera ronda de la Liga de Campeones, y el Steaua de Bucarest tendrá rivales de Rusia, Francia e Italia en la segunda ronda de la Eurocup, según el sorteo llevado a cabo el pasado lunes. .

    En los otros 3 partidos de playoff se reunirán el Szolnok (Hungría)-el Primorje Rijeka (Croacia), el Radnicki Kragujevac (Serbia)- el Vouliagmeni NC (Grecia) y el Pro Recco (Italia)- el Steaua Roşie Belgrado (Serbia).

    Los partidos de ida se disputarán el próximo 26 de octubre, el CSM jugará en casa y luego el partido de vuelta, el próximo 9 de noviembre.

    El CSM Digi Oradea se clasificó en la tercera ronda tras ganar el pasado domingo el torneo organizado en casa en el marco de la segunda ronda de esta competición.

    También el pasado lunes se llevó a cabo el sorteo de los grupos para la segunda ronda de la Eurocup, en la que juega el Steaua de Bucarest, entre otros.

    Los del Steaua están en el grupo B, con el Spartak Volgograd (Rusia), el Montpellier Waterpolo (Francia) y el Posillipo Napoles (Italia).

    Los partidos se disputarán entre el próximo 25 y el 27 de octubre.

    Hasta aquí la actualidad deportiva. ¡Hasta pronto!

  • Semana deportiva 9 de octubre de 2013

    Semana deportiva 9 de octubre de 2013

    Tenis de mesa

    Las rumanas Elizabeta Samara, Daniela Dodean y Bernadette Szocs perdieron la final ante Alemania.

    La selección femenina de tenis de mesa de Rumanía hizo en Austria, un nuevo torneo final excelente en los Campeonatos Europeos.

    Dodean comenzó muy bien el partido con Sibereisen, que ganó por 3-1 en los sets. Siguió el duelo perdido por Samara, ante la china Han Ying. Esta última se impuso en el set decisivo, tras un partido muy equilibrado. El mismo resultado tuvo el enfrentamiento entre Szocs y Shang.

    La gran esperanza del tenis femenino rumano, múltiple campeona juvenil, hizo un juego sensacional, pero la experiencia de su adversaria fue decisiva en el último set del partido, cuando Bernadette (18 años) lideró por 9-7, pero cedió a la presión del juego y China logró un 2-1. En el cuarto partido, Dodean cedió ante Ying, una jugadora con una técnica defensiva excelente, y las medallas de oro fueron adjudicadas por Alemania.

    Rumanía es la única selección de tenis de mesa femenino que está luchando por medallas sin haber naturalizado jugadoras procedentes de países de Asia: China domina este deporte en el mundo, mientras que Corea del Sur y Japón están compitiendo por la supremacia mundial.

    Todas las jugadoras rumanas que participaron en Austria tienen menos de 25 años.


    La pareja Horia Tecau/Max Mirnii (Rumanía/Bielorrusia) ganó el pasado domingo, la prueba de dobles en el torneo de Pekín, dotado con premios que ascienden a 2.315.250 dólares. Tecau y Mirnii derrotaron en la final, por 6-4, 6-2, en una hora y 8 minutos, a la pareja italiana Fabio Fognini/Andreas Seppi. Horia Tecau y Max Mirnii reciben así 500 puntos y un premio de 164.580 USD.

    Este año, Horia Tecau y Max Mirnii también han ganado los torneos de Hertogenbosch y Bucarest.

    Gimnasia artistíca

    En Amberes, Bélgica, se finalizaron, el pasado domingo, los Campeonatos Mundiales de Gimnasia artística. La delegación de Rumanía ganó una medalla de bronce, por Larisa Iordache, en la prueba femenina de suelo. También Larisa ocupó la cuarta posición, el pasado viernes, en la prueba de individual compuesto.

    !Mala suerte para los rumanos en Amberes! Marius Berbecar terminó las finales de salto y barras paralelas en el séptimo y el sexto puesto, respectivamente. Siguió la caída de Larisa Iordache en la barra de equilibrio, su aparato favorito.

    En suelo, las expectaciones eran aun más altas. Larisa Iordache y Sandra Izbasa figuraban entre las favoritas de la competicion. Iordache tuvo un ejercicio bueno y recibió 14.600.

    Sandra Izbasa, en su última participación antes de retirarse de la gimnasia, falló sorprendentemente. Con un ejercicio excelente, cayó justo a la última línea. Lo mismo había ocurrido en la Olimpiada de Londres. Así, que Rumanía se adjudicó solo un bronce en suelo, por Larisa Iordache.

    Una única medalla que ha salvado un poco el honor de la gimnasia rumana. Todo podría haber sido peor. En 2011, en los Campeonatos Mundiales de Tokio, Rumanía no obtuvo ninguna medalla.


    El seleccionador Victor Piturca ha decidido convocar a un total de 23 jugadores para los últimos 2 partidos que la selección de Rumanía disputará en el grupo D de los preliminares de la Copa Mundial de 2014, con Andorra y Estonia.

    La selección rumana encontrará, el próximo 11 de octubre a Andorra fuera de casa y el 15 de octubre jugará con Estonia en Bucarest, en el Arena Nacional, en los últimos 2 partidos del grupo D en los preliminares del Mundial de 2014.

    Los 23 futbolistas convocados son los siguientes:

    Porteros: Ciprian Tatarusanu (Steaua), Bogdan Lobont (AS Roma), Cristian Balgradean (Dinamo);

    Defensas: Alexandru Matel (Astra), Srgian Luchin (Dinamo), Valerica Gaman (Astra), Dorin Goian (Asteras Trípolis), Florin Gardos (Steaua), Vlad Chiriches (Tottenham), Razvan Rat (West Ham), Iasmin Latovlevici (Steaua);

    Centrocampistas: Gabriel Torje (Español Barcelona), Costin Lazar (PAOK Salónica), Alexandru Bourceanu (Steaua), Ovidiu Hoban (Petrolul), Dragos Grigore (Dinamo), Alexandru Maxim (VfB Stuttgart), Cristian Tanase (Steaua);

    Delanteros: Bogdan Stancu (Genclerbirligi), Gheorghe Bucur (Kuban Krasnodar), Gheorghe Grozav (Terek Groznii), Ciprian Marica (Getafe), Claudiu Keseru (Bastia).

    Dos rondas antes del final de los preliminares, Rumanía ocupa el 4 puesto en el grupo D, con 13 puntos, después de Países Bajos ya clasificada y también de Hungria (14 puntos) y Turquia (13 puntos y mejor golaveraje). En función de los resultados, los tricolores todavía pueden esperar clasificarse, pero todo depende principalmente de Holanda, que jugará con las selecciones de Hungría, en casa y de Turquía, fuera de casa.

    -El jugador rumano de fútbol Gabriel Torje fue transferrido por el Espanyol Barcelona en el último día del mercado de fichajes. Sin embargo, por ahora no ha logrado imponerse en el primer 11 de los catalanes.

    Es más, Torje no fue convocado para el partido con el Elche (1-2), y la prensa catalana se pregunta que hace el rumano en el Espanyol. ” Alguien debería explicar lo que pasó en los últimos días de fichajes, pero da la sensación de que traer a Torje y, sobre todo, a Jhon Córdoba es tirar el dinero.”, segun señaló el rotativo Sport. es.

    El Espanyol está en el 8 puesto, con 11 puntos, pero perdió los últimos 3 enfrentamientos en la Primera Division española.

    Hasta aquí la semana deportiva. Les esperamos el próximo miércoles con los Deportes.