Tag: Euro 2020

  • Fotbal flash

    Fotbal flash

    Naţionala de fotbal a României şi-a aflat
    adversarii din Liga Naţiunilor. Va evolua în Grupa a 4-a a Ligii C, alături de
    Serbia, Muntenegru şi Lituania, potrivit tragerii la sorţi efectuate miercuri
    la Lausanne.

    Partidele se vor disputa tur-retur în septembrie,
    octombrie şi noiembrie 2018. Câştigătoarele grupelor vor promova în seria
    superioară a ediţiei următoare, iar ultimele clasate vor retrograda în seria

    Pe 2 decembrie 2018 va avea loc tragerea la
    sorţi pentru preliminariile EURO 2020. Cele şase urne valorice vor fi stabilite
    exclusiv pe baza performanţelor din grupele Ligii Naţiunilor. În seria
    României, şi anume Liga C, al treilea eşalon valoric, câştigătoarele celor
    patru grupe alături de cele mai bune două ocupante ale locurilor secunde vor fi
    în a treia urnă valorică pentru tragerea la sorţi a preliminariilor EURO 2020.
    Celelalte echipe vor fi în urna a patra valorică.

    Preliminariile EURO 2020 se vor desfăşura
    în perioada martie – noiembrie 2019. Cel mai bine clasate echipe în cele patru
    grupe din Seria C a Ligii Naţiunilor, care nu s-au calificat deja la EURO 2020
    prin intermediul preliminariilor, merg în play-off-ul Ligii Naţiunilor,
    programat în martie 2020.

    Cele 4 echipe din acest play-off vor
    disputa semifinale într-o singură manşă, pe terenul echipei cu linie de
    clasament mai bună în grupele Ligii Naţiunilor. Finalistele se vor duela într-o
    singura manşă, pentru care gazda va fi trasă la sorţi. Câştigătoarea se
    califică la EURO 2020.

    Cel mai dificil adversar din grupa României
    este Serbia, care este calificată la turneul final al Cupei Mondiale din Rusia.
    România şi Muntenegru au fost adversare în preliminariile Mondialului de anul
    acesta. A fost 1-1 la Cluj şi 1-0 pentru muntenegreni la Podgorica. Cu
    Lituania, România a pierdut un singur joc din cele 11 disputate de-a lungul

  • Fotbal flash

    Fotbal flash

    Naţionala de fotbal a României şi-a aflat
    adversarii din Liga Naţiunilor. Va evolua în Grupa a 4-a a Ligii C, alături de
    Serbia, Muntenegru şi Lituania, potrivit tragerii la sorţi efectuate miercuri
    la Lausanne.

    Partidele se vor disputa tur-retur în septembrie,
    octombrie şi noiembrie 2018. Câştigătoarele grupelor vor promova în seria
    superioară a ediţiei următoare, iar ultimele clasate vor retrograda în seria

    Pe 2 decembrie 2018 va avea loc tragerea la
    sorţi pentru preliminariile EURO 2020. Cele şase urne valorice vor fi stabilite
    exclusiv pe baza performanţelor din grupele Ligii Naţiunilor. În seria
    României, şi anume Liga C, al treilea eşalon valoric, câştigătoarele celor
    patru grupe alături de cele mai bune două ocupante ale locurilor secunde vor fi
    în a treia urnă valorică pentru tragerea la sorţi a preliminariilor EURO 2020.
    Celelalte echipe vor fi în urna a patra valorică.

    Preliminariile EURO 2020 se vor desfăşura
    în perioada martie – noiembrie 2019. Cel mai bine clasate echipe în cele patru
    grupe din Seria C a Ligii Naţiunilor, care nu s-au calificat deja la EURO 2020
    prin intermediul preliminariilor, merg în play-off-ul Ligii Naţiunilor,
    programat în martie 2020.

    Cele 4 echipe din acest play-off vor
    disputa semifinale într-o singură manşă, pe terenul echipei cu linie de
    clasament mai bună în grupele Ligii Naţiunilor. Finalistele se vor duela într-o
    singura manşă, pentru care gazda va fi trasă la sorţi. Câştigătoarea se
    califică la EURO 2020.

    Cel mai dificil adversar din grupa României
    este Serbia, care este calificată la turneul final al Cupei Mondiale din Rusia.
    România şi Muntenegru au fost adversare în preliminariile Mondialului de anul
    acesta. A fost 1-1 la Cluj şi 1-0 pentru muntenegreni la Podgorica. Cu
    Lituania, România a pierdut un singur joc din cele 11 disputate de-a lungul

  • December 7, 2017 UPDATE

    December 7, 2017 UPDATE

    MOURNING Every evening until December 10th religious services will be held at King Mihai’s residence in Switzerland, where he spent most of his life in exile and where he also died, the Royal House has announced. In the country, Romanians continue to bring flowers and candles in front of the former royal palace in Bucharest and at the Elisabeta Palace, the late King’s residence in the capital city. The king’s body will be flown to the country on Wednesday, December 13th, and placed at the Peles Castle in Sinaia, in the southern Carpathians. On the evening of the same day, the coffin will be brought to the Royal Palace in Bucharest. The funeral will take place on Saturday, December 16th, in Curtea de Arges, southern Romania, where all Romania’s former kings are interred. The Government declared a national mourning on December 14th, 15th and 16th. On Monday, December 11th, the joint chambers of the Romanian Parliament will pay tribute to the former sovereign in a solemn session. The King of Romania between 1940 and 1947, Mihai I passed away on Tuesday, at the age of 96.

    EUROSTAT Romania saw the highest growth rate in the EU in the third quarter of this year, a revised estimate published on Thursday by EUROSTAT, the Statistical Office of the European Union, says. In the period between July and September, Romania’s GDP rose by 8.6% as compared to the same period last year. Romania is followed by Malta and Latvia in this ranking.

    FOOTBALL The National Arena in Bucharest will be hosting fixtures from EURO 2020 group C, UEFA announced after lots had been cast on Thursday. The other city designated to host group C fixtures is Amsterdam. The National Arena is also to host a round of 16 fixture and if Romania qualifies for the competition, it will play at least two games at home. The match to open the tournament is due to take place on the Olympic Stadium in Rome while the finals will be played on Wembley. EURO 2020, which marks 60 years since the first edition of the competition, will be hosted by 12 European cities.

    PARLIAMENT Draft laws, on the 2018 state budget and social insurances, are to be passed by Parliament in Bucharest on December 21st, according to a roadmap adopted by the two Legislative chambers on Thursday. After amendments are discussed by specialized committees over December 7th and 16th, another round of talks on the two draft laws is to be hosted by the two joint Parliament chambers, according to the newly approved roadmap. The state budget bill got government approval on Wednesday and is based on a forecast economic growth rate of 5.5% and a 3.1% annual inflation rate. According to the country’s Prime Minister, Mihai Tudose, it’s for the first time that Romania’s GDP has exceeded 200 billion euros, which allows for rises in wages and pensions.

    DECREE Romanian president Klaus Iohannis on Thursday signed a decree on the promulgation of a law that sets December 18th as the Day of the National Minorities in Romania. Under the law, every year on this occasion various cultural events are to be staged while the central and local authorities as well as the NGOs interested are to provide logistic and financial support. Public radio and TV stations are to broadcast shows and reports from the events taking place on this occasion.

  • November 6, 2017 UPDATE

    November 6, 2017 UPDATE

    PROTESTS – Tens of thousands took to the streets on Sunday night in Bucharest and other major Romanian cities, protesting the plans of the ruling coalition to amend the tax code and the laws on the judiciary. The bills modifying the legal framework for the judiciary, drafted by the Justice Minister Tudorel Toader and currently under debate in Parliament, stipulate among other things the transfer of judicial inspection powers from the Higher Council of Magistrates to the Justice Ministry. The bills also exclude the head of state from the procedure to appoint the chief prosecutors. Meanwhile, the Government postponed to Wednesday a special meeting, originally scheduled on Monday, in which several fiscal measures were to be adopted, including the transfer of social security payments from employers to employees, the introduction of a so-called employment insurance contribution covering medical leaves and unemployment costs, and a reduction of income taxes from 16 to 10%. Also on Monday, the Senate dismissed a simple motion tabled by the Opposition against the Finance Minister Ionuţ Mişa. The Opposition, trade unions and employer associations say the measures proposed by Misa would severely affect the private sector. In turn, President Klaus Iohannis says a substantial postponement of changes in fiscal legislation is necessary, and added that their implementation as of January 1, 2018 would be ill-timed.

    DIPLOMACY – While on a 2-day visit to Montenegro, the Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Meleşcanu had a meeting on Monday with his counterpart Srdan Darmanovic. Melescanu reiterated Romanias firm support for Montenegros European accession efforts. The two officials also reviewed ways to strengthen bilateral cooperation in various sectors, including employment and social security, science and technology, tourism, energy and the environment. The visit is part of Romanias efforts to increase its presence in the Western Balkans, one of Romanias foreign policy priorities, ahead of the Romanian presidency of the EU Council in the first half of 2019.

    EXHIBITION – The Ambassador of Japan to Bucharest, Kisaburo Ishii, took part in the opening of an exhibition on “Meiji-era Stamps, organised by the Stamp Cabinet of the Romanian Academy Library as part of the “Japanese Culture Month in Romania, and hosted by the Theodor Pallady Hall of the Romanian Academy Library. The exhibition will close on November 12.

    MOLDOVA – Should early elections be held in the Republic of Moldova, only 3 parties would make the parliamentary threshold: the Socialists Party, the Action and Solidarity Party and the Democratic Party, according to an opinion poll released on Monday by the Public Opinion Fund organisation. The Socialists would get 50% of the votes. The poll also reveals low public confidence rates for the Parliament and Government. Eighty per cent of the respondents are unhappy with the current state of affairs in the Republic of Moldova. According to the poll, only one-fifth of the people would support their country joining NATO or uniting with Romania.

    FOOTBALL – Romanias national football team has convened for friendly matches against Turkey and the Netherlands, scheduled to take place in Cluj-Napoca on November 9 and in Bucharest on November 14, respectively. Manager Cosmin Contra invited 30 players, including 17 Romanian footballers playing for foreign clubs. This is the start of Romanias preparations for the Euro 2020 qualifiers. The Turkish national team is coached by the Romanian Mircea Lucescu.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • A la une de la presse roumaine – 11.04.2016

    A la une de la presse roumaine – 11.04.2016

    Les mesures de majoration des salaires et de réduction des charges patronales mettent en danger la cible de déficit budgétaire, en 12 ans, il n’y aura presque plus de terrains agricoles roumains et Bucarest risque de ne plus accueillir des matchs à l’Euro 2020, la presse roumaine se penche donc sur des risques et des menaces en ce début de semaine.