Tag: Europa League

  • Fotbalul românesc în 2016

    Fotbalul românesc în 2016

    Sfârşitul anului 2016 a
    găsit România pe locul 39 în clasamentul mondial dat publicităţii de Federaţia
    Internaţională de Fotbal. Este cea mai slabă clasare de final de an din 2011
    încoace, deşi, în 2016, România a fost prezentă, din nou, la un campionat
    european. Cu ce rezultate, vom afla în cele ce urmează.

    Din punct de vedere
    competiţional inter-cluburi, echipa anului a fost Astra Giurgiu. În premieră,
    formaţia antrenată de Marius Şumudică a câştigat campionatul Ligii Întâi. A
    fost prima ediţie cu play-off şi play-out. La capătul sezonului, Astra a avut
    cu 5 puncte mai mult decât a doua clasată, Steaua Bucureşti. Steliştii s-au
    mulţumit cu câştigarea Cupei Ligii, după 2 la 1 în finala cu Concordia Chiajna.
    Cupa României a revenit echipei CFR Cluj, care a trecut, în finală, de Dinamo
    Bucureşti cu 7 la 6. A fost 2 la 2 la finalul timpului regulamentar de joc, la
    fel şi după prelungiri, iar la loviturile de departajare, CFR a marcat de 5
    ori, iar Dinamo, doar de 4.

    În Cupele Europene, prima
    echipa intrată în competiţie a fost CSMS Iaşi, în turul secund preliminar al
    Ligii Europa. Gruparea din Moldova a fost însă depăşită de Hajduk Split, după 2
    la 2 acasă şi 1 la 2 în deplasare.

    Cel mai departe a ajuns Astra
    Giurgiu. A început în turul al treilea al Ligii Campionilor, de unde a fost
    eliminată de FC Copenhaga, dupa 1 la 1, acasă, şi 0 la 3 în Danemarca. În Liga
    Europa, a trecut, în play-off, de West Ham United, din Anglia, după 1 la 1 la
    Giurgiu şi 1 la 0, în deplasare, pe Stadionul Olimpic din Londra. A mers mai
    departe şi a încheiat grupa E pe locul 2, după AS Roma, dar depăşind Viktoria
    Plzeň şi Austria Viena. În 16-imile de finală ale Ligii Europa, Astra va
    întâlni, în februarie, echipa belgiană Genk.

    În preliminariile Ligii
    Campionilor, Steaua a mers mai departe decât Astra, dar s-a oprit mai brusc. A
    trecut, în cel de-al treilea tur preliminar, de Sparta Praga, după 1 la 1 în
    deplasare şi 2 la 0 acasă. In play-off
    s-a întâlnit însă cu Manchester City, de care a fost depăşită cu scorul total
    de 6 la 0. La Bucureşti a fost 5 la 0 pentru echipa lui Pep Guardiola, iar în
    Anglia, 1-0. Steliştii au ajuns în grupele Ligii Europa, unde însă rezultatele
    au fost slabe. Formaţia lui Laurenţiu Reghecampf a terminat grupa L pe locul 4,
    după Osmanlispor, Villareal şi FC Zürich.

    Viitorul Constanţa n-a jucat
    decât o dublă la prima apariţie în Europa. În turul trei preliminar al Europa
    League, echipa lui Hagi a fost depăşită de formaţia belgiană Gent, după 0 la 5
    în deplasare şi 0 la 0 acasă. Tot în turul 3 preliminar al Ligii Europa s-a
    oprit şi formaţia Pandurii Târgu Jiu. A fost eliminată de Maccabi Tel Aviv,
    după 1 la 3 la Drobeta Turnu Severin şi 1 la 2 în Israel.

    În plan intern, prima parte
    a sezonului 2016 – 2017 s-a încheiat cu un lider-surpriză al Ligii Intâi -
    Viitorul Constanţa.

    Trecem la Naţională. 2016
    n-a fost un an grozav pentru prima reprezentativă a României. La Campionatul
    European de fotbal din Franţa. România a făcut parte din grupa A şi a pierdut jocurile
    cu Franţa, scor 1 la 2, şi Albania, scor
    0 la 1. Jocul cu Elveţia s-a încheiat egal, 1 la 1, iar tricolorii au încheiat
    grupa A pe ultimul loc.

    Pentru preliminariile Cupei
    Mondiale din 2016, România a apelat la un nou antrenor: germanul Cristoph Daum.
    Rezultatele, însă, nu au fost pe măsura aşteptărilor. În septembrie, la Cluj,
    tricolorii au încheiat la egalitate, 1 la 1, cu reprezentativa statului
    Muntenegru. În octombrie, au învins Armenia, în deplasare, cu 5 la 0. A urmat
    jocul din deplasare, cu Kazahstanul, încheiat la egalitate, 0 la 0. În
    noiembrie, România a pierdut cu 0 la 3 jocul disputat la Bucureşti, împotriva
    Poloniei. În consecinţă, tricolorii au încheiat anul pe locul 4 în Grupa E, în
    urma Poloniei, Muntenegrului şi Danemarcei.

  • Nachrichten 25.11.2016

    Nachrichten 25.11.2016

    In Bukarest wird der Kontrolldienst des Ministerpräsidenten Kontrollen bei der Nationalen Krankenkasse durchführen. Geprüft wird das IT-System für die Krankenversicherungskarten. Die Kontrolle erfolgt nachdem mehrmals Störungen im System gemeldet worden waren. Das nationale System für Krankenversicherungskarten hat über 180 Millionen Euro gekostet und ist am 1. Mai letzten Jahres eingeführt worden. Hausärzte und Apotheker sind laut Gesetz verpflichtet, die Karten zu benutzen. Sie bemängelten allerdings mehrmals, dass das System nicht angemessen funktioniere und sie ihre Tätigkeit nicht unter normalen Bedingungen ausüben könnten.

    Am 25. November wird jährlich der Internationale Tag zur Beseitigung der Gewalt gegen Frauen abgehalten. Aus diesem Anlass hat die UNO am Freitag Regierungen, internationale Behörden und Nichtregierungsorganisationen aufgefordert, Programme abzuwickeln, die das Bewusstsein der Öffentlichkeit gegenüber dem Problem steigern könnten. Laut Statistik fallen ein Drittel der Frauen in Rumänien der häuslichen Gewalt zum Opfer. Rumänische Nichtregierungsorganisationen sagen, dass viele der Opfer nicht wissen, wie sie sich verteidigen können. Zudem gebe es in manchen Landkreisen in Rumänien keine zuständige Fachbehörde.

    SPORT: Der rumänische Fußballmeister Astra Giurgiu hat sich am Donnerstag in der Gruppenphase der Europa League bei Austria Wien mit 2:1 durchgesetzt. Damit steigen die Chancen der Südrumänen auf den Einzug in die Zwischenrunde des Wettbewerbs erheblich. Astra hat nach fünf Spieltagen 7 Punkte gesammelt und belegt den 2. Platz der Gruppe E, hinter Tabellenführer AS Rom und vor Austria Wien und Viktoria Pilsen. Ebenfalls am Donnerstag bezwang der rumänische Vizemeister Steaua Bukarest im Heimspiel die türkische Mannschaft Osmanlispor mit 2:1. Auch Steaua Bukarest bewahrt Chancen, in die Zwischenrunde einzuziehen. Im letzten Gruppenspiel wird Steaua gegen die Spanier von Villareal spielen. Osmanlispor nimmt mit 7 Punkten den 1. Platz der Gruppe ein, gefolgt von Villareal, dem FC Zürich und Steaua Bukarest, alle drei mit 6 Zählern.

  • November 25, 2016 UPDATE

    November 25, 2016 UPDATE

    CONSTITUTION On November 25th Romanians
    celebrated 150 years since the adoption of the 1866 Constitution and 25
    years since the adoption of the 1991 Constitution. Throughout its history, the fundamental law has been revised several times. The first Constitution,
    adopted in 1866, stipulated for the first time the indivisible
    character of the Romanian state, which from then on was officially called
    Romania. The Constitution of 1923 was dubbed the country’s first democratic
    Constitution, but another one was adopted in 1948, when the communist
    regime took power and instated a totalitarian regime. The 1991 Constitution marked
    the country’s return to democracy. Romania is the first European country to
    have stipulated, in its Constitution, the right of national minorities to be
    represented in Parliament.

    UNITED NATIONS The United Nations’ International Day
    for the Elimination of Violence against Women, observed on November 25 every
    year, is an occasion for governments, international organizations
    and NGOs to raise public awareness of violence against women. In Romania, three
    in ten women are victims of physical, verbal or psychological violence after
    the age of 15, according to a study published by the European Union Agency for
    Fundamental Rights based on data collected in 2014. 14 counties in Romania have
    no support services or shelters for women faced with domestic violence and, in
    small communities in particular, women don’t know what they can do when subject
    to aggression.

    STRIKE Lufthansa pilots have cancelled thousands of flights
    in an extended strike action. The airline has already grounded nearly 1,800
    flights since the strike began on Wednesday. It had originally been planned as
    a 24-hour walkout but it has been extended three times. Some 300,000 passengers
    have seen their travel plans disrupted. The strike has also affected flights to
    and from Bucharest. This is the pilots’ 14th strike in less than
    three years. They demand a 3.7% pay rise, but the company has only offered 2.5%.

    WARNING President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned that
    Turkey might open its borders for refugees to stream into Europe as the European Parliament voted in favor of halting long-term membership talks with Ankara at a plenary
    session in Strasbourg on Thursday, amid concerns about the brutal crackdown on
    political dissidents since the failed coup in July. More than 110,000 people,
    including soldiers, academics, judges, journalists and Kurdish leaders, have
    been detained or dismissed over their alleged backing of the July 15 coup
    attempt. We recall that in March, Turkey made a landmark deal to stop
    illegal migration to Europe.

    HEALTH In Bucharest, the Prime Minister’s Control Team will
    make checks at the National Health Insurance Agency to find out what causes the many flaws in the health card system. The move has been triggered by repeated
    malfunctions in the system this year. The national health card
    system cost over 180 million euros and has been operational since last
    May. General practitioners and pharmacists, who are allowed to operate only
    based on health cards, have argued that the system gets blocked very often,
    causing huge problems and delays.

    FILM FESTIVAL The Horia Bernea
    Hall of the Romanian Peasant’s Museum in Bucharest is playing host to the
    Japanese Film Festival from Friday until Sunday, according to a communiqué
    issued by the Japanese Embassy in Bucharest. The five films screened at the
    festival are signed by the young but well-known Japanese directors Naoki Segi,
    Keisuke Toyoshima, Masaki Hamamoto, Keisuke Yoshida and Yukiko Mishima.

    HANDBALL On Saturday and Sunday, Romania’s national women’s handball
    team is taking part in the Carpati Trophy hosted by the city of Cluj-Napoca, in
    north-western Romania. Also participating in the competition are Hungary and
    the Netherlands. The Carpati Trophy is the last test ahead of the European
    Championship, to be held in Sweden between the 4th and the 18th
    of December. Romania is part of group D, alongside Norway, Russia and Croatia.

    FOOTBALL Thursday’s Europa League matches brought wins for the two Romanian
    teams playing in this competition. On home turf, Steaua defeated the Turkish
    side Osmanlispor 2-1, while Astra Giurgiu secured an away win against Austria
    Vienna, also 2-1, now having a good chance to advance to the Europa League
    round of last 32. In the other Group L fixture, FC Zurich drew at home against
    the Spanish side Villareal 1-all. Ahead of the last round, Osmanlispor are top
    the group table with 7 points, followed by FC Zurich, Villareal and Steaua,
    each with 6 points. On December 8 Steaua will travel to Spain for a game
    against Villareal, while Osmanlipsor take on FC Zurich in Ankara.

  • November 25, 2016

    November 25, 2016

    CONSTITUTION – Romanias Constitution is twice celebrated today, as November 25th marks 150 years since the adoption of the 1866 Constitution and 25 years since the adoption of the 1991 Constitution. The Romanian Constitution has been revised several times thoughout its history. The first Constituion, adopted in 1866, stipulated for the first time the indivisible character of the Romanian state, which was officially called Romania. Following was the Constitution passed in 1923, seen as the country’s first democratic Constitution, and the one adopted in 1948, when the communist regime took power and instated a totalitarian regime. The 1991 Constitution marked the country’s return to democracy. Romania is the first European country to have stipulated, in its Constitution, the right of national minorities to be represented in Parliament.

    STRIKE – Lufthansa pilots have cancelled thousands of flights in extended strike action. The airline has already grounded nearly 1,800 flights since the strike began on Wednesday. It had originally been planned as a 24-hour walkout but has been extended three times. Travel plans for more than 300,000 passengers have been disrupted. The strike has also affected flights to and from Bucharest.This is the pilots’ 14th walkout in under three years. The union wants a 3.7 percent pay rise over five years from 2012. Lufthansa has offered 2.5 percent over a six-year period until 2019.

    WARNING – President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned Turkey could open its border for refugees to stream into Europe as EU lawmakers vote for a temporary halt to membership talks. MEPs voted in favor of halting long-term membership talks with Ankara at a plenary session in Strasbourg on Thursday amid concerns about the brutal crackdown on political dissidents since the failed coup in July. More than 110,000 people, including soldiers, academics, judges, journalists and Kurdish leaders, have been detained or dismissed over their alleged backing of the July 15 coup attempt. We remind you that in March, Turkey made a landmark deal to stop illegal migration to Europe via its shores.

    UNITED NATIONS – The United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, observed on November 25 every year since 2000, is an occasion for governments, international organizations and non-governmental organizations to raise public awareness of violence against women. In Romania, three in ten women are victims of physical, verbal or psychological violence after the age of 15, according to a study published by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights based on data collected in 2014. 14 counties in Romania have no support services or shelters for women faced with domestic violence and in small communities in particular, women don’t know what they can do when subject to aggression.

    HEALTH – In Bucharest, the Prime Minister’s Control Team will make checks at the National Health Insurance House to find out what causes the flaws in the health cards’ system. The move has been triggered by repeated malfunctions in the system this year. The national health card system cost over 180 million euros and has been operational since last May. General practitioners and pharmacists, who are allowed to operate only based on health cards, have argued that the system gets blocked very often, causing huge problems and delays.

    FOOTBALL – Thursday’s Europa League matches brought wins for the two Romanian teams playing in this competition. On home turf, Steaua defeated the Turkish side Osmanlispor 2-1, while Astra Giurgiu secured an away win against Austria Vienna, also 2-1, now having a good chance to advance to the Europa League round of last 32. On the National Arena stadium in Bucharest, Steaua had a bad start against Osmanlispor. However, in the second half of the game, Steaua played a lot better and clearly dominated the game. In the other Group L fixture, FC Zurich drew at home against the Spanish side Villareal 1-all. Ahead of the last round, Osmanlispor are top the group table with 7 points, followed by FC Zurich, Villareal and Steaua, each with 6 points. On December 8 Steaua will travel to Spain for a game against Villareal, while Osmanlipsor take on FC Zurich in Ankara.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • November 4, 2016 UPDATE

    November 4, 2016 UPDATE

    GAS PIPELINE — Romania may be able to fully cover the natural gas needs of the Republic of Moldova as of 2020, when the construction of the Iasi-Ungheni-Chisinau gas pipeline is supposed to be completed. This is one of the conclusions of the Inter-governmental committee for economic cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and Romania. Moldova might get over 2.2 billion cubic meters of natural gas every year, almost double its needs. Also decided by the committee have been the strategic domains in which Romania is ready to invest in order to upgrade and develop the electric power infrastructure in Moldova, which should allow the two country’s energy systems to interconnect. This way, Romania will be able to export cheap electricity to Moldova, after works at the two reactors of the Cernavoda plant are completed.

    INFLATION – Inflation in Romania remains negative this year but this situation might improve early next year, the Central Bank Governor, Mugur Isarescu, said on Friday. As for the risks to inflation, Governor Isarescu mentioned Romania’s state budget for next year and the uncertainties regarding the global economic growth and the economic recovery of the Eurozone. The Central Bank’s forecast for the end of this year stands at minus 0.4%.

    SUMMIT — Romanian PM Dacian Cioloş will attend on Saturday and Sunday in Riga, Latvia, the 5th meeting of the heads of government of the Central and East European states and China, according to a government press release. The participation of the Romanian PM in this meeting is an opportunity for Romania to reiterate its decision to assume a more important role within this cooperation structure, the press release also says. On the sidelines of the summit, PM Cioloş will hold bilateral meetings with some of his counterparts participating in the Riga summit.

    INVESTMENT — A recent poll commissioned by the Council of Foreign Investors in Romania related to the recent tax cuts passed by Parliament reveals that slightly less than half of foreign investors do not believe it is advantageous, with 38% stating it is. Almost 50% of respondents believe the legislative process has worsened, which affects business planning. The Council believes that loaning rules, which they deemed controversial, may give way to thousands of lawsuits, which may have lasting impact on foreign investor confidence in the Romanian economy.

    ANKARA — 8 people, among them 2 police officers lost their lives and more than 100 were injured on Friday morning in a car bomb blast near the police headquarters in a town in the southeast of Turkey, inhabited by a majority Kurdish population. The Turkish PM, Binali Yildirim, blamed the attack on the PKK, an organization that Ankara labels as terrorist. The blast occurred shortly after the Turkish authorities arrested the two co-presidents of the Peoples’ Democratic Party – HDP, the main pro-Kurdish party in Turkey as well as at least 9 members of the Turkish Parliament, as part of a large-scale ‘anti-terrorist ‘operation, the BBC reports. Immediately after the arrest the authorities have blocked social networks. This is an unprecedented action against the HDP, the 3rd largest parliamentary force in Turkey, which is firmly opposed to president Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

    FOOTBALL — Romanias champion team Astra Giurgiu Thursday night on home turf drew 1-all against Czech contenders Victoria Plzen, in a fixture counting towards Europa League’s E Group. Astra are 3rd placed in a group where AS Roma have the lead, having secured a win against runner-up team Austria Vienna. Also on Thursday Romanian vice-champions Steaua held Swiss opponents FC Zurich to a goalless draw, away from home. Steaua are at the bottom of the table in L Group, where Turkish squad Osmanlispor have a surprising lead. Osmanlispor this past Thursday grabbed a win against Spanish contenders Villareal.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • Nachrichten 02.11.2016

    Nachrichten 02.11.2016

    Der rumänische Staatspräsident, Klaus Iohannis, hat am Mittwoch bekanntgegeben, er werde bis 15. November mindestens eine öffentliche Debatte über die Rundfunkgebühr organisieren, an der Experten aus dem Medienbereich teilnehmen sollten. Ferner sagte Präsident Iohannis, in den letzten Tagen hätten sehr viele europäische Medienanstalten, Mediengewerkschaften und Berufsvereine aus dem Medienbereich sich an ihn mit der Aufforderung gerichtet, er solle das Gesetz über die Abschaffung der Rundfunkgebühr in der jetzigen Form nicht in Kraft setzen, da die Gebühr die wichtigste Finanzierungsquelle des öffentlichen Radios und Fernsehens sei. Ihre Abschaffung gefährde die autonome und unabhängige Existenz der öffentlich-rechtlichen Medien in Rumänien. Letzte Woche hatte die Abgeordnetenkammer in Bukarest den Gesetzentwurf der Sozialdemokraten über die Abschaffung von 102 Abgaben und Gebühren gebilligt. Darunter fallen etwa die Kfz-Umweltgebühr oder die Gebühr für die Ausstellung vorläufiger Reisepässe oder die Erteilung eines Anglerausweises. Entgegen der Stellungnahme ihres Haushaltsausschusses und trotz heftiger Kritik der Zivilgesellschaft und der öffentlichen Medienanstalten stimmten die Abgeordneten auch für die Aufhebung der Rundfunkgebühr, über die sich die öffentlich-rechtlichen Sender größtenteils finanzieren. Mehr dazu nach den Nachrichten

    Rumänien wird mit der Internationalen Bank für Wiederaufbau und Enwicklung ein Darlehensabkommen in Höhe von 500 Millionen Euro unterzeichnen. Das besagt ein Memorandum, das in der Regierungssitzung am Mittwoch besprochen wurde. Es ist der zweite entwicklungspolitische Kredit, nach dem im Jahr 2014 unterzeichneten Darlehen im Wert von 750 Millionen Euro. Das Darlehen hat eine Laufzeit von 20 Jahren und wird im Jahr 2036 in einer Einmalrate zurückgezahlt. Die Frist für die Annahme des Darlehens ist der 31. Dezember 2017. Mit dem Geld sollen das Haushaltsdefizit finanziert und die öffentlichen Regierungsschulden neufinanziert werden.

    In den meisten mittel- und osteuropäischen Staaten sei das Wirtschaftswachstum nach wie vor robust, das Kreditgeschäft ziehe an und der Inflationsdruck bleibe gering – das besagt der Herbstbericht des IWF. Die Schattenwirtschaft sei in allen dieser Länder zurückgegangen, besonders aber in Lettland, Litauen und Rumänien. Für Rumänien rechnet der IWF mit Leistungsbilanzdefiziten von 2% in 2016 und 2,8% in 2017, bei 5% bzw. 3,8% Wachstum – die höchsten Wachstumsraten in Europa.

    Zum ersten Mal sind bei einer Militärübung in Rumänien auch Luftabwehrraketen vom Typ Patriot eingesetzt worden. Das System kann auch zur Raketenabwehr genutzt werden. Bei der Übung im südrumänischen Midia testen amerikanische und rumänische Soldaten die Reaktionsfähigkeit in Krisenmomenten. Zum ersten Mal nahmen auch die neuen Mehrzweckjäger vom Typ F-16, die seit kurzer Zeit zur rumänischen Luftwaffe gehören, an einer Übung teil. An den Manövern im Gebiet von Brasov beteiligten sich außerdem 1.300 Soldaten aus Kanada, Deutschland, Rumänien und der Moldau.

    Zwei rumänische Fußballannschaften spielen am Donnerstag in der Europa League. In der Gruppe E trifft der amtierende Meister Astra Giurgiu auf eigenem Platz auf Viktoria Plzeň aus Tschechien. Die Gruppe wird von der AS Roma und Austria Wien dominiert, die beiden jeweils 5 Punkte haben. Astra belegt mit 3 Punkten den dritten Platz, Viktoria Plzeň ist Tabellenletzte mit 2 Punkten. In der Gruppe L spielt Vizemeister Steaua Bukarest auswärts gegen den FC Zürich. Die Gruppe wird von Villareal aus Spanien mit 5 Punkten angeführt, Platz zwei und drei belegen Osmanlıspor aus der Türlei und Zürich mit jeweils vier Punkten. Steaua ist Schlusslicht mizt zwei Punkten.

  • November 2, 2016

    November 2, 2016

    Public sector pay rise. The budget-finance and labour
    committees of the Chamber of Deputies on Tuesday amended an ordinance on public
    sector pay rises to extend the rise to education and healthcare employees. The
    Chamber of Deputies will vote on the bill next week. The technocratic prime minister
    Dacian Ciolos said the salary rises and the elimination of a number of taxes
    recently proposed by Parliament ahead of the parliamentary elections of
    December 11th will have a great impact on the state budget.

    Radio Romania anniversary. On Tuesday, Radio Romania celebrated 88 years since its
    first broadcast. The anniversary comes after Parliament passed a new law
    according to which the public radio and television services will be funded
    exclusively from the state budget. The law, which is still to be signed by the
    president, has been criticised by civil society and media institutions from
    Romania and abroad, who have denounced its populist nature, given that it comes
    ahead of the parliamentary elections in December, and the risk for the two
    public stations to be subordinated to political interests.

    IMF report. The economic growth rate remains
    solid in much of Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe, credit will pick up
    again and inflationary pressures are still low, according to the International
    Monetary Fund’s autumn report. The shadow economy has been shrinking in all
    states in the region since 2005, in particular in Latvia, Lithuania and
    Romania, the IMF notes. The report also highlights the significant progress
    made by some states, including Romania, in reducing non-performing loans. With
    respect to consumer prices, the IMF estimates that Bulgaria and Romania will
    have some of the highest negative average annual inflation rates in the
    European Union, but that in Romania, consumer prices will return to positive
    values in 2017. The IMF also projects a minus 2% current account deficit in
    2016 and a minus 2.8% in 2017. In the case of the Romanian economy, the IMF
    expects a GDP growth of 5% in 2016 and of 3.8% in 2017, the highest economic
    growth rate in Europe.

    Military exercise. Romanian and
    American military are taking part in the Patriot Shock V exercise at the Capul
    Midia shooting range in south-eastern Romania. A battery of US Patriot missiles
    are participating for the first time in an exercise in Romania. This is an
    advanced surface-to-air defence system that can be used in the event of an
    attack with aircraft, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles and which,
    according to the Romanian defence ministry, can detect around 100 targets and
    guide up to nine missiles. The US and Romanian military will be testing the
    reaction speed in the event of a crisis. The two army detachments will test
    their response as part of a fictitious air defence scenario. Also for the first
    time, the F-16 aircraft recently purchased by Romania have taken part in the Scorpions
    Fury multinational exercise which comes to an end today at a shooting range in
    Cincu, in Brasov county, central Romania. 1,300 military from Canada, Germany,
    the Republic of Moldova and Romania have taken part, as well as 200 pieces of
    technical equipment and 13 Romanian Air Force planes.

    Republic of Moldova elections. The pro-Russian Socialist
    candidate Igor Dodon obtained 47.98% of the votes in the first round of the
    presidential elections in the Republic of Moldova, while the pro-European
    reformist Maia Sandu got 38.71% of the votes, according to the final results
    made public today. The second round is scheduled for November 13th,
    when around 3 million Moldovan voters will elect their president. This is the
    first time in the last 16 years that the president is elected by direct vote
    and not by Parliament. Commentators say the elections are of great political,
    as well as geopolitical importance. Dodon wishes to denounce Molodova’s
    integration and free-trade agreements with the European Union and his country’s
    joining the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, while Sandu stands
    for a reform of the state and European accession.

    Europa League football. Two Romanian
    football teams will play in the Europa League on Thursday. In Group E,
    champions Astra Giurgiu face the Czech side Viktoria Plzeň at home. AS Rome and Austria
    Vienna top the group, with 5 points each, followed by Astra with 3 points and
    Plzeň with 2. In Group L, vice-champions Steaua Bucharest play against FC
    Zurich away. In this group, Villareal lead with 5 points, followed by Osmanlıspor and Zurich,
    each with 4 points, and Steaua at the bottom of the ranking with 2 points. (Trans.: C. Mateescu)

  • Die Woche 12.09.2016-16.09.2016 im Überblick

    Die Woche 12.09.2016-16.09.2016 im Überblick

    Frankreichs Präsident auf Rumänienbesuch

    Rumäniens Landespräsident Klaus Iohannis und der französische Staatschef François Hollande haben vereinbart, die Zusammenarbeit auf der Ebene des Au‎ßen- und Verteidigungsministeriums auszuweiten. Bukarest und Paris werden auf europäischer Ebene für die EU zusammenarbeiten. Bezüglich der Sicherheit erklärte der rumänische Staatschef Klaus Iohannis, Rumänien unterstütze die Idee der gemeinsamen Verteidigung und fügte hinzu, eine Armee der Union würde die NATO weder schwächen noch verzweifachen. Frankreichs Präsident François Hollande hat sich jahrelang dem Beitritt Rumäniens zum Schengenraum widersetzt. Am Dienstag aber erklärte er, ein möglicher Beitrag Rumäniens an der Sicherheit des Schengenraums solle besprochen werden. Nach den Gesprächen im Cotroceni-Palast, dem rumänischen Präsidialamt, haben Klaus Iohannis und Francois Hollande in Magurele das Forschungszentrum für Kernphysik und Ingenieurswesen in Măgurele bei Bukarest besucht. Dort wird an dem leistungsstärksten Laser der Welt gearbeitet. Präsident Iohannis teilte den französischen Investoren mit, dass sie der rumänischen Wirtschaft vertrauen können. Seinerseits sagte Frankreichs Staatschef, sein Rumänien-Besuch sei der Beweis der besonderen wirtschaftlichen, kulturellen und wissenschaftlichen Beziehungen zwischen den beiden Ländern. Rumäniens und Frankreichs Verteidigungsminister würden in Zukunft regelmä‎ßig zusammenkommen, um die Partnerschaft in diesem Bereich zu vertiefen, kündigte Hollande ferner an. Hollande und der rumänische Ministerpräsident Dacian Cioloş haben auch die Hubschrauber-Fabrik von Airbus in Ghimbav bei Kronstadt eingeweiht. Der letzte Besuch eines französischen Präsidenten in Bukarest war der von Francois Mitterrand 1991.

    Preise für Haftpflichtversicherungen sinken

    Die rumänischen Stra‎ßen-Spediteure haben am Donnerstag eine Vereinbarung betreffend die Preise der Haftpflichtversicherungen mit der Finanz-Aufsichtsbehörde getroffen. Laut einer Mitteilung der Spediteure würden die Preise der Versicherung drei Mal billiger werden als jetzt. Ein Teil der rumänischen LKW-Spediteure haben am Donnerstag weitgehende Protestaktionen veranstaltet. Über 5.000 Fahrzeuge fuhren in Bukarest auf die Stra‎ßen, weitere 100.000 im ganzen Land, gaben die Fachverbände bekannt. Die Regierung hatte am Mittwoch eine Dringlichkeitsverordnung zur Einfrierung der Haftpflichtversicherungspreise für die kommenden sechs Monate erlassen. Nur zwei der sechs Fachverbände zeigten sich zufrieden mit der Dringlichkeitsverordnung der Regierung bezüglich der Haftpflichtversicherung. Derweil hat die Exekutive am Mittwoch den sogenannten Allgemeinen Masterplan für den Transportbereich in Rumänien verabschiedet. Ressortleiter Sorin Buşe erklärte, der Masterplan sehe den Bau von etwa 6800 Stra‎ßenkilometern vor, darunter gut 1500 Autobahnkilometer. Ferner sollen gut 5000 Schienenkilometer, 15 Flughäfen und 30 Häfen saniert werden.

    Probleme im öffentlichen Wesen

    Die Gefängnisangestellten bereiten Protestaktionen vor. Sie sind unzufrieden, da sie die Beträge nicht erhalten die ihre Kollegen in anderen Anstalten des Systems für Verteidigung und öffentliche Ordnung bereits zugezahlt bekommen. Die Gewerkschaften behaupten, dass die Auswirkung auf den Staatshaushalt nicht gro‎ß sei. Au‎ßerdem könne der diesjährige Haushalt des Gefängnissystems eine eventuelle Anhebung der Gehälter tragen. Die Angestellten initiierten einige Protestaktionen, wie die Weigerung Überstunden zu leisten. Dies würde zur Blockierung der Tätigkeit in den Haftanstalten wegen des Personaldefizits führen. Unzufrieden sind auch die Angestellten des Gesundheitswesens wegen der Entlohnungsunterschiede im öffentlichen System. Sie fordern die Angleichung der Gehälter im Haushaltssystem. Au‎ßerdem fordern sie die Beseitigung der Ungleichmä‎ßigkeiten der Regierungsverordnung, die nur die Gehälter bestimmter Angestelltenkategorien angehoben hat. Die Gewerkschaftler des Gesundheitssystems kündigten an, dass sie nächste Woche die Proteste einleiten werden. Deren Höhepunkt wird ein Generalstreik am 31. Oktober sein. Vorbereitungen auf die Parlamentswahlen

    Diese Woche ist die Frist abgelaufen, in der die im Ausland lebenden Rumänen sich in den Wahlregister einschreiben konnten, um bei den Parlamentswahlen vom 11. Dezember zu wählen. Laut den zentralisierten Daten der Ständigen Wahlbehörde wurden über 10 Tausend Anträge validiert. Davon sind 7.200 der Briefwahl assoziiert. 2.800 der Anträge betreffen die Stimmvergabe in Wahllokalen. Fünf Tage nach Ablauf der besagten Frist, können die Rumänen, die sich für die Briefwahl entschieden haben, online prüfen, ob sie registriert wurden. Nach der Einschreibung ins Wahlregister, werden die Wähler, die sich für die Briefwahl entschieden haben, zuhause, per Post, spätestens 30 Tage vor dem Stichtag, die erforderlichen Unterlagen erhalten.

    Das neue Schuljahr hat begonnen

    Diese Woche haben über drei Millionen Schüler die Schule begonnen. Die Wiederaufnahme des Unterrichts findet dieses Jahr viele Lehrstühle ohne Lehrer. Die Hälfte der Lehranstalten funktioniert ohne Funktionsgenehmigung. Das Schuljahr 2016 -2017 wird 35 Unterrichtswochen haben.

    Misserfolge in der Europa League

    Die beiden rumänischen Teams, die in den Gruppen der Europa League anwesend sind, der Meister Astra Giurgiu und Vizemeister Steaua Bukarest, erzielten Misserfolge bei ihrem Debüt. Astra wurde zuhause mit 2-3, von Austria Wien besiegt. Steaua verlor im Auswärtsspiel 0-2, gegen die Türken von Osmanlispor. In dieser Saison der Europa League wurde Rumänien auch durch Viitorul Constanţa, Pandurii Târgu Jiu und CSMS Iaşi vertreten, die in den Vorrunden ausgeschieden sind.

  • September 12-17

    September 12-17

    The French President paid a state visit to Romania

    Romania’s President, Klaus Iohannis, and his French
    counterpart, Francois Hollande, agreed in Bucharest that their countries should
    boost the strategic partnership and develop cooperation in the fields of
    economy, defence, education and research. On this occasion, Klaus Iohannis said
    that France is a priority of Romania’s foreign policy. In turn, the French
    President said his visit is proof of the privileged economic, cultural and
    scientific relations between the two countries. He announced that, from now on,
    the Romanian and French defence ministers would have regular meetings, in order
    to boost the strategic partnership in the field. The two presidents also
    approached such issues as Romania’s Schengen accession and the situation in
    neighbouring Ukraine. The common agenda also included a visit to the National Institute of Research and Development in Physics
    and Nuclear Engineering, in Magurele, near Bucharest, which hosts the most
    powerful laser in the world. The two presidents also attended the opening of
    the economic forum French-Romanian Partnerships for the Future. Also,
    President Hollande and Romanian technocratic PM, Dacian Ciolos, visited the
    Airbus helicopter factory in Ghimbav, central Romania. The latest state visit
    by a French President to Bucharest had been paid by Francois Mitterrand, in 1991.

    Lower prices for mandatory
    liability insurances for car owners

    Romanian road carriers have reached an agreement with
    the Financial Surveillance Authority (ASF) on the price of mandatory liability
    insurance for car owners (RCA). The level of prices, the carriers have
    announced, will be three times lower than the current ones. Trade unions in the
    field staged big rallies across the country. In another move, the cabinet
    adopted an emergency ordinance freezing the prices of mandatory liability car
    insurances for car owners set by ASF for six months. Also this week, the Government
    adopted Romania’s General Transport Master Plan. The line minister, Sorin Buse, has said the Master Plan provides for building some 6,800 km of
    highway and upgrading over 5,000 km of railway, 15 airports and over 30

    Problems in the budgetary system

    The employees of penitentiaries are
    preparing for rallies, in protest at not receiving the sums of money that their
    colleagues from other institutions in the defence and public order system are
    already cashing in. Trade unions claim that, overall, the impact on the state
    budget is not significant and that this year’s budget for the penitentiary
    system can cover a possible pay-rise. The employees of the system have started
    various forms of protest, such as the refusal to work extra hours, which might
    block activity in penitentiaries, because of the shortage of staff. The
    employees in the healthcare system are also unhappy with the significant wage
    gaps in the budget system. They call for the
    elimination of inequities from a government ordinance under which only the
    salaries of some specific categories of employees have been increased. Trade unions in the healthcare system have
    announced they will stage protests next week, to culminate in an all-out
    strike, on October 31.

    for the parliamentary elections

    The deadline by which
    Romanian citizens living abroad could have enrolled in the Electoral Register,
    in order to be allowed to vote in the parliamentary elections scheduled for
    December 11, has expired this week. According to the centralised data made
    public by the Permanent Electoral Authority, over 10,000 requests have been
    validated. Of them 7,200 refer to postal voting and 2,800 to
    voting in polling stations. Five days after the closing of electoral
    registrations, Romanian citizens who opt for postal voting can check online to
    see whether or not they have been registered. Once registered, they will
    receive the necessary documents at home, via the Romanian Post, 30 days ahead
    of the elections, at the latest. Delivery confirmation is required.

    A new school year

    three million Romanian pupils started a new school year, this week. This year,
    too, schools have been faced with problems such as an insufficient
    number of teachers or the lack of sanitary and operation permits. The 2016-2017 school year will have 35
    weeks, divided into two semesters.

    Failures in the Europa League

    The two Romanian teams playing in the Europa League
    group stage, the defending champion Astra Giurgiu and vice-champion Steaua
    Bucharesti, started on the wrong foot. Astra was defeated on home turf, 2-3, by
    Austria Vienna, whereas Steaua lost the away match against the Turkish team
    Osmanlispor, 0-2. During the current
    Europa League football season, Romania has also been represented by
    Viitorul Constanta, Pandurii Targu Jiu and
    CSMS Iasi, which got eliminated in the qualifiers.

  • September 16, 2016

    September 16, 2016

    EU SUMMIT – European leaders convene in Bratislava today for an informal summit focusing on the future direction of the EU after the results of the UK vote to leave the European bloc. Romania, represented by President Klaus Iohannis, will make a case for consolidating those projects that unite Europe. The Romanian head of state said he would argue for internal and external security, economic growth and job creation as strategic priorities. Bucharest is also in favour of maintaining the single market, the Euro and the Schengen area, and wants enhanced transparency and legitimacy of the EU institutions. Klaus Iohannis added that in the future post-Brexit negotiations, Romania would make no compromises with respect to the freedom of movement and employment and with the rights of the Romanians living in the UK. This is the first EU informal summit in which Britain does not take part.

    RRI QUIZ – The winners of the grand prize in RRIs “Holiday in Bistriţa-Năsăud quiz, Liu Fajian and his wife, Huang Lingping, from the city of Shenzhen, Guangdong province, China, arrived in Bucharest this morning. Over the next few days, the two will visit cultural, historical, religious and entertainment sites in the northern Romanian county of Bistriţa-Năsăud. Thirty-three listeners of the RRI Chinese-language broadcasts have provided correct answers to the quiz questions. We have received a total of 352 correct and complete answers. The two Chinese listeners will be in Romania until September 23.

    ANTI-CORRUPTION – Gheorghe Benea, the former manager of the Romanian Lottery, has been taken into custody by the National Anti-Corruption Directorate under charges of bribe taking and aggravated abuse of office. In the same case, the chief of the Procurement Service at that time has also been taken into custody, two other individuals are being investigated under court supervision, while another six are subject to non-custodial investigation procedures. According to prosecutors, in May 2010, the management of the Romanian Lottery awarded a contract for the replacement of the company vehicles, which caused the company to lose over 250,000 euro.

    PROTESTS – The representatives of road carriers and of the Romanian Financial Supervision Authority have reached an agreement concerning the reference figures for compulsory motor insurance policy prices. According to the new deal, the highest premium, for heavy duty trucks, will not exceed a rough 1,700 euro, as against nearly 4,500 euro at present. Road carriers gave up protests as a result of this agreement.

    CAPITAL OF CULTURE – Timisoara in western Romania has been chosen
    as Capital of Culture 2021. The announcement was made on Friday by an
    international jury appointed by the EU. The other 3 candidates were
    Cluj-Napoca, in the north-west, Baia Mare in the north-west and Bucharest. The
    winner will share the title with a city from Greece and one from the EU
    candidate countries, Serbia and Montenegro. Since 1985, the EU has designated
    one or two cities from accession or pre-accession countries, as European
    Capital of Culture. The respective cities are expected to implement, for a one-year
    period, an innovating and sustained cultural program able to showcase the
    richness, diversity and similarities of the European culture to an
    international public. In 2007, the title of European Capital of Culture was
    shared by Sibiu, in Romania, and the city of Luxemburg.

    RUSSIA SANCTIONS – The EU officially announced a six-month extension of the sanctions against nearly 200 Russian and Ukrainian individuals and entities, accused of threatening the integrity of Ukraine, the French daily Le Figaro reported on its website. The sanctions include asset freezes and EU entry bans for the respective people and companies. The European Union introduced the sanctions in March 2014, after Russias annexation of the Ukrainian region of Crimea and in the context of the separatist conflict in east Ukraine. Other sanctions include economic measures against the Russian banking, oil and defence industries.

    FOOTBALL – Romanias football champions, Astra Giurgiu, lost on Thursday the game against Austria Vienna, 2-3 on home turf. This was Astras first match in the Europa League group stage. In the same group, Viktoria Plzen, from the Czech Republic, drew, 1-all, against Italys AS Rome. The Romanian vice-champions, Steaua Bucharest, were also defeated in their first game in the League group stage, outplayed by the Turkish side Osmanlispor, 0-2, away from home. In Steauas group, Villarreal of Spain beat FC Zurich of Switzerland, 2-1.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Nachrichten 26.08.2016

    Nachrichten 26.08.2016

    ROM: 267 Personen haben infolge des Erdbebens in der Nacht von Dienstag auf Mittwoch, in der Mitte Italiens, verloren, ungefähr 400 wurden verletzt, hei‎ßt es aus der jüngsten Bilanz der Behörden, die in der Region den Ausnahmezustand ausgerufen haben. Premierminister Matteo Renzi hat 50 Millionen Euro für die ersten Wiederaufbauma‎ßnahmen und Steuerentlastungen für die Einwohner zugesagt. Er kündigte einen Plan zur Verbesserung der Baunormen, nachdem die Presse den Mangel an Vorbeugungsma‎ßnahmen in den Risikozonen kritisiert hatte, einschlie‎ßlich im Falle der Gebäude, die infolge des vorherigen Erdbebens 2009, mit über 300 Toten, saniert wurden. Die Suchma‎ßnahmen der Opfer wurden auch in der zweiten Nacht hintereinander fortgesetzt. Diese wurden von der gro‎ßen Zahl an Nachbeben erschwert. In Bukarest gab heute das Au‎ßenministerium den Tod eines sechsten rumänischen Bürgers infolge des Erbebens bekannt. Es aktivierte den Spezialfonds für die Übernahme der Repatriierungskosten der Leichname. Fünf rumänische Bürger sind verletzt, 17 werden vermisst. Das Auswärtige Amt Rumäniens kündigte an, dass sich das Ministerium in ständiger Koordinierung mit den befugten italienischen Behörden befindet. Die Rumänische Botschaft in Italien und das Konsulat in Bologna bieten den Rumänen Assistenz an.

    BUKAREST: In Rumänien fanden heute Militärzeremonien zum Gedenken der Helden aus dem 1. Weltkrieg statt. Diese wurden von dem Verteidigungsministerium anlässlich des 100. Jahrestages des Eintrittes Rumäniens in den 1. Weltkrieg veranstaltet. Über 330 Tausend Militärs verloren in diesem Krieg ihr Leben, fast 76 wurden zu Kriegsbeschädigten. Auf 100 Friedhöfen oder an den vor den Denkmälern der Helden fanden zum ersten Mal Zeremonien zur feierlichen Vorlesung der Namen der gefallenen Helden des 1. Weltkriegs. Am Ende des 1. Weltkriegs, am 1. Dezember 1918, wurde auch der Gründungsprozess des einheitlichen rumänischen Staates vollendet. An diesem Tag traten alle Provinzen mit mehrheitlich rumänischer Bevölkerung aus der Zusammensetzung der benachbarten multinationalen Reiche unter die Herrschaft Bukarests.

    SPORT: Der rumänische Fu‎ßballmeister Astra Giurgiu und der Vizemeister Steaua Bukarest haben am Freitag ihre Gegner in den Gruppen der Europa League erfahren. Astra Girugiu spielt in der Gruppe E gegen Plzen, AS Rom und Austria Wien. Steaua Bukarest spielt in der Gruppe L, zu der auch Villarreal, Zürich und Osmanlispor gehören. Nach Steaua, die seine Präsenz in den Gruppen der zweitwichtigsten Kontinentalmeisterschaft gesichert hatte, schaffte auch Astra die Qualifikation, indem es die englische Mannschaft West Ham United bezwang. Am Donnerstagabend gewann Astra mit 1-0. Im Hinspiel hatte Astra zuhause ein 1-1 gegen die Engländer erzielt.

  • 26 August, 2016 UPDATE

    26 August, 2016 UPDATE

    The Italian government has declared a national day of mourning on
    Saturday, while state funerals will be held for the people killed in the
    earthquake that hit central Italy. President Sergio Mattarella will attend the
    funerals. At least 260 people died in the earthquake, while several hundred
    were wounded. Rescue operations continue, but they are hampered by the large
    number of aftershocks. The authorities have declared a state of emergency in
    the region. Prime Minister Mateo Renzi has pledged 50
    million euros in funds for reconstruction works and has introduced tax
    exemptions for residents. In Bucharest, the Romanian Foreign Ministry on
    Friday confirmed the death two other Romanians, which takes the number of
    Romanian citizens killed in the earthquake to eight. A further five Romanians are
    wounded and 19 are missing. The ministry has also said that a mobile consular
    team as part of its rapid reaction unit will travel to Rome to support the
    efforts of the mobile teams of the Romanian embassy in Rome and of the General
    Consulate in Bologna, who are already at the site. The foreign ministry stays
    in permanent contact with the relevant Italian authorities, while the Romanian
    embassy in Rome and the Consulate in Bologna provide assistance to the Romanian

    Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos on Friday had talks with the European commissioner
    for digital economy and society Günther Hermann Oettinger, who made a two-day
    trip to Bucharest. According to a government release, the two officials talked
    about the digital single market and cyber security. The government notes that
    in the field of the digital single market, Romania seeks to reduce the gap
    separating it from the other European states, to computerise its public
    administration and increase the number of jobs in the digital sector. Also,
    Romania aims to stimulate investments in the electronic communications
    infrastructure and develop its IT research and innovation sector. The two
    officials also discussed cyber security and crime, given that, in the current
    regional context, Romania can play an increasingly important role in the field
    of cyber security for the neighbouring states.

    ceremonies were held in Romania on Friday to commemorate its WWI heroes and
    mark 100 years since Romania entered the war. Over 330,000 soldiers died in
    this war and as many as 76,000 were crippled. Ceremonies were held in 100
    cemeteries and memorials across the country. The creation of the Romanian unitary nation state was completed at the end of WWI, on December 1, 1918, when all of
    the provinces with a majority Romanian-speaking population that had until then formed part of neighbouring multinational empires, came together under
    Bucharest’s authority.

    27 Syrian and Iraqi immigrants were arrested were Thursday night while
    they were trying to illegally cross the border into Romania from Serbia. As
    many as 600 foreign citizens have tried to illegally cross the border in the
    first seven months of this year, 41% less than in the same period of last year.
    According to a recent report published by the Border Police, 1,005 illegal
    migrants were caught at the border in 2015. Most of the illegal migrants have
    tried to cross the border hidden in various vehicles or using fake documents.
    One week ago, the Romanian Interior Ministry deployed further border police and
    gendarmerie forces at the border with Serbia, after several small groups of
    immigrants attempted to cross the border. These actions are meant to ensure
    public order and fight cross-border crime on Romania’s south-western frontier.

    Romania’s football champions Astra Giurgiu and vice-champions Steaua
    Bucharest on Friday found out the name of their opponents in the Europa League groups.
    Astra will face the Czech side Viktoria Plzen, the Italian side AS Rome and the
    Austrian side Austria Viena in Group E, while Steaua will play against the
    Spanish side Villarreal, the Swiss side FC Zurich and the Turkish side
    Osmanlispor in Group L. The first group matches are scheduled for the 15th
    and the 29th of September.

  • Calificare de senzație pentru Astra Giurgiu în grupele Europa League

    Calificare de senzație pentru Astra Giurgiu în grupele Europa League

    Astra Giurgiu, campioana României, a reușit o calificare de senzație în grupele Europa League la fotbal joi seara.

    Astra a învins formația engleză West Ham United cu scorul de 1-0 (1-0), la Londra, în manșa secundă a play-off-ului. Astra s-a impus prin golul marcat de Filipe Teixeira (45), după în tur scorul a fost egal, 1-1.

    Giurgiuvenii au eliminat-o din cupele europene pe West Ham United pentru al doilea an consecutiv, după ce în stagiunea precedentă Astra reușit un egal la Londra, 2-2, învingând cu 2-1 pe teren propriu în turul al treilea preliminar.

    România va avea două reprezentante în grupele Europa League (Steaua Bucureşti şi Astra Giurgiu), după ce anul trecut nu am avut niciuna în grupele cupelor europene.

  • Nachrichten 17.08.2016

    Nachrichten 17.08.2016

    Die Teilnehmer der tradionellen Sommerschule in Izvoru Mureşului haben sich am Mittwoch mit den Rechten der in Grenzgebieten lebenden Minderheiten auseinandergesetzt. Auch die Beziehungen Rumäniens zu den Staaten mit rumänischsprachiger Minderheitsbevölkerung kamen dabei zur Sprache. Die Vertreter der Rumänen in der Diaspora verlangen ein Ministerium, das sich um ihre Belange kümmern sollte sowie eine Strategie zur Wahrung ihrer Identität in der jeweiligen Wahlheimat. Die Auslandsrumänen drohten einen Boykott der Parlamentaswahlen im Herbst an, falls nicht geeignete Voraussetzungen zur Beteiligung in allen Städten mit großen rumänischen Gemeinden geschaffen werden. Auch forderten sie eine größere Anzahl von Repräsentanten im Parlament in Bukarest. Die Vertreter der rumänischen Gemeinden plädierten am Dienstag für die Vereinigung Rumäniens mit der ex-sowjetischen und mehrheitlich rumänischsprachigen Moldaurepublik. Sie regten bei Ministerpräsident Dacian Cioloş einen ständigen und institutionalisierten Dialog zwischen den Behörden beider Länder an. Mehr zum Thema nach den Meldungen.

    Im Skandal um den möglicherweise getürkten Sky-News-Bericht zum Waffenhandel in Rumänien ist ein Strafermittlungsverfahren gegen drei Journalisten des britischen Senders eröffnet worden. Staatsanwälte begründeten dies mit dem Verdacht auf Verbreitung von Falschinformationen als potentielle Bedrohung für die Landessicherheit. Die drei Journalisten hätten die Informationen im Internet und in den Medien verbreitet, obwohl sie sich der gefälschten Inhalte bewusst gewesen seien. Die maskierten Männer, die in der Reportage mit angeblich aus der Ukraine eingeschmuggelten Gewehren zu sehen sind, sitzen seit letzter Woche in Untersuchungshaft. Auch ihnen wird die Verbreitung von Falschinformationen mit Konsequenzen für die nationale Sicherheit vorgeworfen. Die Reportage sei abgesprochen worden und die Männer hätten Geld bekommen, um Aussagen vor der Kamera zu treffen, hieß es von den Staatsanwälten.

    Der Spielfilm Sieranevada in der Regie von Cristi Puiu ist der Vorschlag Rumäniens für den Oscar-Preis für den besten fremdsprachigen Film. Das teilte am Mittwoch das Nationale Filmkunstzentrum mit. Der Streifen über enge Verwandte, die sich vierzig Tage nach dem Tod eines Familienmitglieds zu einem traditionellen orthodoxen Festessen treffen, hatte seine Premiere am ersten Tag der Filmfestspiele in Cannes.

    Das deutsche Außenministerium hat sich von einer kritischen Bewertung der Bundesregierung zur Verbindung der türkischen Regierung mit Islamisten distanziert. Die Türkei bleibe in der Nato und auch beim Konflikt in Syrien ein wichtiger Partner. Die Einschätzung der Regierung in Berlin, dass die Türkei sich schrittweise zur zentralen Aktionsplattform für islamistische Gruppierungen entwickelt habe, stieß in Ankara auf scharfe Kritik. Sie zeuge erneut von einer verdrehten Mentalität, die auf Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan ziele, erklärte das Außenministerium am Mittwoch in Ankara.

    In der Qualifikation für die Europa League empfängt Rumäniens Fußballmeister Astra Giurgiu am Donnerstagabend den englischen Erstligisten West Ham United. In der Qualifikation für die Champions League blamierte sich der rumänische Vizemeister Steaua Bukarest beim 0:5 gegen Pep Guardiolas Manchester City bis auf die Knochen. Das Rückspiel findet in einer Woche statt. Steaua kann sich bereits mit der Teilnahme an der Gruppenphase der Europa League trösten. Die weiteren rumänischen Vertreter im Europapokal, der CSMS Iasi, Viitorul Constanta und die Pandurii Targu Jiu waren bereits in den ersten Qualifikationsrunden ausgeschieden.

  • Nachrichten 5.08.2016

    Nachrichten 5.08.2016

    Der rumänische Ministerpräsident, Dacian Ciolos, hat am Freitag den Erfolg des Verkaufs von Staatsanleihen in Höhe von 100 Millionen Lei an rumänische Kleinanleger begrüßt. Die Nachfrage nach den mit 2,15 Prozent jährlich festverzinsten Anleihen mit einer Laufzeit von zwei Jahren hat das Angebot um mehr als das Siebenfache übertroffen. Mehr als 20.000 Rumänen hätten Anleihen gekauft; dadurch könnten die Menschen sich auch an andere Finanzprodukte gewöhnen, sagte Dacian Ciolos. Schon 2015 hatte das Finanzministerium eine ähnliche Aktion gestartet – das Interesse hielt sich wegen des hohen Nennwerts der einzelnen Anleihen und der variablen Zinsen in Grenzen. Eine Anleihe kostete letztes Jahr 1000 Lei, in diesem Jahr lag der Preis bei 100 Lei.

    Die rumänische Notenbank BNR hat die Prognose für die Inflationsentwicklung in den Jahren 2016 und 2017 nach unten revidiert. Die Inflation soll bis zum Jahresende im negativen Bereich bleiben, kündigte der Notenbank-Chef Mugur Isarescu an. Die Jahresinflation soll bis 2017 den von der Rumänischen Notenbank angestrebten Zielbereich erreichen, ohne aber den Wert von 2,5% zu übertreffen, so Mugur Isarescu.

    Am 13. August wird auch in der Republik Moldau Staatstrauer ausgerufen. Ein enstsprechendes Dekret unterschrieb Präsident Nicolae Timofti am Freitag. Am 13. August wird im rumänischen Curtea de Arges die am Montag im Alter von 92 Jahren verstorbene Königin Anna von Rumänien zur Ruhe gebettet, die Regierung in Bukarest hat für den Tag Staatstrauer ausgerufen.

    Der Ton im Dialog zwischen Wien und Ankara wird schärfer – die türkische Regierung hat Bundeskanzler Christian Kern wegen der Forderung, die EU-Beitrittsverhandlungen mit der Türkei zu stoppen, scharf angegriffen und erklärt, dass Österreich im Moment das Zentrum des radikalen Rassismus sei. Der österreichische Außenminister Sebastian Kurz rief die Regierung in Ankara auf, sich in der Wortwahl zu mäßigen. Bundeskanzler Kern hatte am Donnerstag im österreichischen Fernsehen gesagt, die EU-Beitrittsverhandlungen seien eine diplomatische Fiktion. Einen türkischen Beitritt zur EU werde es auf Jahrzehnte nicht geben.

    Mit mehr als 100 Sportlern ist Rumänien bei den Olympischen Spielen vertreten, die zwischen dem 5. und 21. August in Rio de Janeiro stattfinden. Sie kämpfen in 15 Disziplinen und hoffen auf mindestens sechs Medaillen. Die 31. Auflage der Spiele liefert mehrere Premieren: zum ersten Mal richtet eine südamerikanische Stadt die Spiele aus, zum ersten Mal nehmen Kosovo und der Südsudan teil, zum ersten Mal tritt ein Team von Flüchtlingen an. Der Dopingskandal um die russischen Sportler, die Bedrohung des Zika-Virus und die politisch-finanziellen Skandale im Gastgeberland überschatten allerdings die Olympia 2016.

    Die in den europäischen Pokalwettbewerben gebliebenen rumänischen Fußballmannschaften treffen jetzt in den Play Off Runden auf englische Teams. Die Auslosung in Nyon in der Schweiz bescherte dem rumänischen Vizemeister Steaua Bukarest eine Doppelbegegnung mit Manchester City in der Champions League. Das Hinspiel wird in Bukarest stattfinden. Sollte Steaua Manchester City aus dem Rennen werfen, winken die Gruppen der Champions League – ansonsten schaffen es die Bukarester nur in die Gruppenrunde der Europa League. Der amtierende Landesmeister Astra Giurgiu trifft in den Play-Offs der Europa League auf West Ham United. Astra hätte selbst in der Champions League spielen können, scheiterte aber in der Qualifikation am FC Kopenhagen. Die Dänen entschieden das Rückspiel auf eigenem Platz mit 3-0 für sich, beim Hinspiel in Rumänien trennten sich die zwei Mannschaften 1-1.