Tag: Europa League

  • 28.02.2020


    Coronavirus en RoumanieDeux nouveaux cas de
    contamination par le coronavirus ont été confirmés ce vendredi en Roumanie. Il
    s’agit d’une femme du département de Timis (ouest) et d’un homme de Maramures
    (nord). Les deux sont récemment rentrés d’Italie. Ils ont été mis en quarantaine dans des centres spécialement aménagés sur place. Cela porte à 3 le nombre de cas de
    coronavirus confirmés jusqu’ici en Roumanie. La première personne – un jeune
    homme du département de Gor (sud) – est en bon état de santé et restera
    hospitalisé à l’Institut de maladies infectieuses « Matei Bals » de
    Bucarest jusqu’à la disparition du virus de son organisme, a fait savoir le
    manager de l’hôpital, Adrian Streinu-Cercel. Pour sa part, le ministre par
    intérim de la Santé, Victor Costache, a assuré que 85% des patients dépistés positifs au
    coronavirus ne développent qu’une forme légère ou modéré de cette maladie.
    Selon un communiqué du Groupe de communication stratégique du gouvernement de
    Bucarest, à présent plus de 180 personnes ont été placées en quarantaine et
    quelque 8200 sont en isolement à domicile. Selon le même communiqué, l’état de
    santé des deux Roumains infectés au coronavirus sur le paquebot de croisière
    Diamond Princess, et hospitalisés au Japon est également bon actuellement.
    Entre temps, un numéro vert a été mis à la disposition de la population et une
    campagne d’information publique sera
    lancée par le gouvernement en partenariat avec la Croix Rouge, afin de contrecarrer les fausses informations liées
    au coronavirus.

    Coronavirus dans le monde – L’épidémie de coronavirus ne cesse de se répandre en Europe. Les premiers cas ont été signalés aux Pays Bas et en Irlande du Nord, tous chez des personnes rentrées d’Italie, le pays européen le plus touché par l’épidémie. De nouveaux cas d’infections ont été rapportés en France et en Allemagne. Au Japon, les écoles publiques ont été fermées, alors l’Arabie Saoudite n’accepte plus de pèlerins étrangers à Mecque. Sur l’ensemble de la planète, le coronavirus a fait près de 3000 morts et infecté plus de 80.000 personnes, la Chine étant le pays le plus touché. 50 autres pays sont concernés. Pour sa part, le porte-parole du FMI, Gerry Rice, met en garde contre le fait que cette propagation si rapide de l’épidémie aura un impact négatif sur la croissance économique mondiale. Le plus probablement, FMI révisera à la baisse ses prévisions. A son tour, la Banque Américain d’investissements, Goldman Sachs, avertit qu’une pandémie sévère de coronavirus pourrait projeter les Etats – Unis dans la récession. Les actions des bourses sont toujours à la baisse, cette semaine ayant été la plus difficile depuis la crise économique de 2008.

    Gouvernement – Le Bureau exécutif du PNL (à la gouvernance) s’est réuni ce vendredi pour dresser la liste des ministres et le programme de gouvernance du futur cabinet de Florin Cîțu, désigné au poste de premier ministre. Jusqu’ici M Cîțu était ministre des Finances, les Libéraux l’ont remplacé donc par le député Ovidiu Heiuş. La nomination de Florin Cîțu par le chef de l’Etat, Klaus Iohannis a eu lieu dans le contexte où la Cour Constitutionnelle avait décidé, lundi, que la désignation du premier ministre par intérim Ludovic Orban, pour former un 2e cabinet n’était pas constitutionnelle. Le premier cabinet Orban avait été destitué en début du mois par motion de censure.

    PSD – En même temps, le PSD, le plus important parti du Parlement de Bucarest, désormais dans l’opposition, a décidé de reporter son congrès extraordinaire prévu ce samedi. Selon un communiqué de presse, les spécialistes du domaine médical déconseillent les réunions avec des participants provenant de toutes les régions du pays, vu que l’épidémie de coronavirus ne cesse de se répandre et qu’un premier cas d’infection vient d’être confirmé sur le territoire de la Roumanie. Les sociaux – démocrates devaient élire leur direction à l’occasion de ce congrès. En attendant, le président de la Chambre des Députés, Marcel Ciolacu, reste le chef par intérim du PSD. Rappelons-le, l’avant dernier chef du parti, Liviu Dragnea, a été condamné à prison ferme l’année dernière pour des faits de corruption, alors que Viorica Dancila qui lui a succédé a démissionné du poste de chef de parti suite à sa défaite catégorique à l’élection présidentielle de novembre dernier.

    OTAN – Les ambassadeurs des Etats membres de l’OTAN se réunissent aujourd’hui pour des consultations au sujet de la situation en Syrie, sur demande de la Turquie, en base de l’Article 4 du Traité de l’Alliance, a fait savoir le secrétaire général de l’Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg. Cette réunion a lieu après la mort d’au moins 33 militaires turcs dans la province syrienne d’Idlib (nord-ouest) dans des bombardements dont Ankara tient Damas pour coupable. Selon l’Article 4 du Traité de l’Alliance, tout Etat allié peut demander la tenue de consultations s’il estime que son intégrité territoriale, son indépendance politique ou sa sécurité sont menacées. Jeudi, Jens Stoltenberg s’est entretenu par téléphone avec le chef de la diplomatie turque, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu. Le secrétaire général de l’OTAN a condamné les « les frappes aériennes aveugles du régime syrien et de son allié russe » en Idilb et a lancé un appel à la « désescalade ».

    Football – L’équipe du club champion de foot de Roumanie, CFR Cluj, a fait match nul, jeudi, avec les Espagnols de FC Séville, un match décisif des 16e de finale de l’Europa League. Les Roumains ont été éliminés de la compétition.

    Météo – Le ciel est couvert ce vendredi sur la plupart du territoire de la Roumanie. On attend de la neige, de la giboulée et de la pluie sur l’ouest. Il pleut sur le sud-ouest. Une alerte jaune au vent et aux chutes modérées de neige est en vigueur en montagne jusqu’à samedi matin. Les températures maximales de la journée iront de 2 à 12 degrés. 7 degrés à midi à Bucarest.

  • February 26, 2020

    February 26, 2020

    CONSULTATIONS – President Klaus Iohannis is today
    consulting with political parties after Liberal Prime Minister Ludovic Orban
    tendered his resignation as Prime Minister designate. The President explained the
    gesture was meant to remove the deadlock caused by the Social-Democratic Party,
    which boycotted Monday’s Parliament session, the scheduled date for the
    Government’s investiture. Also on Monday the Constitutional Court ruled that
    the nomination of the dismissed Prime Minister, Ludovic Orban, for the
    formation of a new government, was unconstitutional, as Orban had been
    allegedly nominated to ensure the collapse, not the success of the new
    Government. Two consecutive Governments must fail before the President can
    dissolve Parliament and call early elections, a scenario favored by the
    President, the National Liberal Party and Save Romania Union. The other
    political parties, the Social-Democratic Party first and foremost, have argued
    against early elections. We recall the first Orban Cabinet, sworn in last year
    in November, was removed through no-confidence motion after it took
    responsibility in Parliament over the return to the two-round voting system for
    local elections.

    CORONAVIRUS – The country’s Supreme Defense Council is
    today convening in Bucharest to address means of combating a potential
    coronavirus epidemic at national level. So far there has been no confirmation
    of any infection in Romania, but the authorities need to be prepared in case
    the situation takes a negative turn, President Klaus Iohannis said. The
    president urged the population to remain calm and the press to avoid
    sensationalist stories with a powerful emotional impact, which might generate
    and amplify panic. According to a press release of the newly-founded Strategic
    Information Group within the Romanian Government, 26 people are being
    quarantined and 2,077 are under house monitoring. The Matei Bals Institute
    for Infectious Disease in Bucharest is currently analyzing 32 samples obtained
    from people from areas visited by an Italian citizen who tested positive for
    COVID-19. The 71-year-old man visited Romania over February 18-22, and saw the
    relatives of his Romanian wife and met with business people. Northern Italy is
    home to some 300 thousand Romanians, and all people arriving in Romania from
    this region will be automatically quarantined for 14 days. We recall two
    Romanians who got infected with COVID-19 onboard the Diamond Princess cruise
    ship, currently in quarantine in the port of Yokohama, are in hospital care in

    COVID-19 -
    The new coronavirus continues to spread. Austria, Switzerland, Croatia and
    Algeria have recently reported cases of infections. Thousands of tourists are
    blocked in a hotel on Tenerife Island in Spain. Most cases are reported in
    Italy, where 300 people are sick. The World Health Organization has urged all
    nations to immediately prepare for a potential spread of the coronavirus
    epidemic. According to the WHO, many countries are simply ill-prepared to deal
    with the disease. The biggest concern in terms of the impact of the epidemic is
    Iran. Health authorities in the United States are expecting the virus to hit
    soon, and have asked the local authorities to consider the cancelling of public
    events. The viral pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus broke out in December
    last year in China and has infected some 80,000 people worldwide. The death
    toll has exceeded 2,700. Some 2,700 infections and 40 deaths have been reported
    outside China so far.

    – Authorities in Hanau, Germany, which last week saw a double-attack which
    killed nine people, including a Romanian, announced a special ceremony to
    commemorate the victims will be held on March 4. Attending the event will be
    President Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Immigrants from Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania,
    Bosnia and Afghanistan, but also German nationals were killed by two attacks
    last week in the center of Hanau, in Hessa Land. The perpetrator subsequently
    killed his own mother and committed suicide. German authorities are treating
    the attack as an act of racism and terrorism, claiming the attacker acted
    alone. A few days before, the killer had posted videos where he spoke of his
    hatred for foreigners.

    Romanian champions CFR Cluj is today playing FC Seville of Spain in the return
    leg of the Europa League round of 32. In the first leg played at home, Cluj
    drew 1-all. Coached by former national team player, Dan Petrescu, CFR finished
    the group phase in 2nd place in a group that included Lazio Rome of
    Italy, Celtic Glasgow of Scotland and Rennes of France. Four-time Europa League
    winner, Seville is coached by the former manager of Real Madrid, Julien
    Lopetegui and had easier opponents in the group phase, Apoel from Cyprus,
    Qarabaq of Azerbaijan and Dudelange of Luxembourg.

    (Translated by V.

  • Weekend sportiv

    Weekend sportiv

    Campioana României la fotbal, CFR Cluj, a
    încheiat la egalitate, 1 la 1, jocul disputat joi, pe teren propriu, cu FC
    Sevilla. Partida a contat pentru 16-imile de finală ale Ligii Europa. CFR a
    deschis scorul în minutul 59, prin Ciprian Deac, din lovitură de la 11 metri.
    Echipa iberică a egalat în minutul 82, prin marocanul Youssef En-Nesyri Partida
    retur este programată joia viitoare.

    Tot din Liga Europa să notăm că Ianis Hagi
    a contribuit decisiv la victoria echipei sale, Glasgow Rangers, împotriva
    portughezilor de la Braga. Românul a marcat de două ori pentru gruparea
    scoţiană, care s-a impus, pe teren propriu, cu 3 la 2.

    Tot din fotbal, să notăm că, în weekend, au
    loc jocuri în prima ligă română, contând pentru etapa a 26-a, ultima a
    sezonului regulat. Sâmbătă, FC Voluntari joacă, pe teren propriu, cu FC
    Hermannstadt, iar FCSB întâlneşte, pe Arena Naţională din Bucureşti, Chindia
    Târgovişte. Duminică sunt programate patru partide. Viitorul Constanţa înfruntă,
    la Ovidiu, Academica Clinceni, Gaz Metan joacă, la Mediaş, cu Dinamo Bucureşti,
    Astra se confruntă, la Giurgiu, cu Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe iar la Craiova,
    Universitatea întâlneşte formaţia CFR Cluj. Luni, ultimul joc al etapei: FC
    Botoşani – Politehnica Iaşi. În clasament conduce Clujul, cu 49 de puncte.
    Urmează Craiova, cu 46, şi FCSB, cu 43.

    Echipa de rugby a României întâlneşte
    sâmbătă, la Botoşani, reprezentativa Spaniei, în al treilea joc din actuala
    ediţie a competiţiei Rugby Europe Championship. Stejarii au fost învinşi, în
    primele două jocuri, de Georgia, cu 41 la 13, la Tbilisi, şi de Portugalia, cu
    22 la 11, la Caldas da Rainha. În prezent, în clasamentul mondial, România se află pe locul 19, iar Spania, pe 16.
    În ierarhia Rugby Europe Championship, Stejarii sunt pe locul 5, penultimul,
    iar Los Leones, pe 4. În actuala ediţie
    a competiţiei, Spania a învins în deplasare Rusia cu 31-12 şi a pierdut în faţa
    Georgiei, acasă, cu 23-10. După jocul cu Spania, România va întâlni Rusia, pe 7
    martie, la Krasnodar, apoi va juca, tot la Botoşani, pe 14 martie, contra

  • Weekend sportiv

    Weekend sportiv

    Campioana României la fotbal, CFR Cluj, a
    încheiat la egalitate, 1 la 1, jocul disputat joi, pe teren propriu, cu FC
    Sevilla. Partida a contat pentru 16-imile de finală ale Ligii Europa. CFR a
    deschis scorul în minutul 59, prin Ciprian Deac, din lovitură de la 11 metri.
    Echipa iberică a egalat în minutul 82, prin marocanul Youssef En-Nesyri Partida
    retur este programată joia viitoare.

    Tot din Liga Europa să notăm că Ianis Hagi
    a contribuit decisiv la victoria echipei sale, Glasgow Rangers, împotriva
    portughezilor de la Braga. Românul a marcat de două ori pentru gruparea
    scoţiană, care s-a impus, pe teren propriu, cu 3 la 2.

    Tot din fotbal, să notăm că, în weekend, au
    loc jocuri în prima ligă română, contând pentru etapa a 26-a, ultima a
    sezonului regulat. Sâmbătă, FC Voluntari joacă, pe teren propriu, cu FC
    Hermannstadt, iar FCSB întâlneşte, pe Arena Naţională din Bucureşti, Chindia
    Târgovişte. Duminică sunt programate patru partide. Viitorul Constanţa înfruntă,
    la Ovidiu, Academica Clinceni, Gaz Metan joacă, la Mediaş, cu Dinamo Bucureşti,
    Astra se confruntă, la Giurgiu, cu Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe iar la Craiova,
    Universitatea întâlneşte formaţia CFR Cluj. Luni, ultimul joc al etapei: FC
    Botoşani – Politehnica Iaşi. În clasament conduce Clujul, cu 49 de puncte.
    Urmează Craiova, cu 46, şi FCSB, cu 43.

    Echipa de rugby a României întâlneşte
    sâmbătă, la Botoşani, reprezentativa Spaniei, în al treilea joc din actuala
    ediţie a competiţiei Rugby Europe Championship. Stejarii au fost învinşi, în
    primele două jocuri, de Georgia, cu 41 la 13, la Tbilisi, şi de Portugalia, cu
    22 la 11, la Caldas da Rainha. În prezent, în clasamentul mondial, România se află pe locul 19, iar Spania, pe 16.
    În ierarhia Rugby Europe Championship, Stejarii sunt pe locul 5, penultimul,
    iar Los Leones, pe 4. În actuala ediţie
    a competiţiei, Spania a învins în deplasare Rusia cu 31-12 şi a pierdut în faţa
    Georgiei, acasă, cu 23-10. După jocul cu Spania, România va întâlni Rusia, pe 7
    martie, la Krasnodar, apoi va juca, tot la Botoşani, pe 14 martie, contra

  • CFR Cluj – Sevilla, 1-1, în şaisprezecimile Europa League

    CFR Cluj – Sevilla, 1-1, în şaisprezecimile Europa League

    Campioana României, CFR Cluj, şi formaţia spaniolă Sevilla FC au terminat la egalitate, 1-1 (0-0), joi seara, în şaisprezecimile de finală ale Europa League la fotbal, pe Stadion Dr. Constantin Rădulescu din Cluj-Napoca.

    Ciprian Deac (minutul 59 – penalty) a marcat golul ardelenilor, în timp ce pentru andaluzi a punctat Youssef En-Nesyri (în minutul 82).

    Returul va avea loc pe 27 februarie, pe stadionul Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan din Sevilla.

  • 13.12.2019


    UE – L’UE espère qu’il y aura un vote rapide sur le Brexit au Parlement britannique et s’attend à ce que Londres exprime clairement ses intentions après la victoire du premier ministre Boris Johnson au scrutin législatif de ce jeudi. Cette déclaration a été faite par le président du Conseil Européen, Charles Michel, à Bruxelles, à la réunion du Conseil. Présent aux débats, le président roumain Klaus Iohannis, a déclaré par la suite que le résultat des élections britanniques était « très bon » pour les Roumains vivant au Royaume Uni et que Boris Johnson était favorable à un Brexit avec accord.

    Gouvernement – Le gouvernement de Bucarest poursuit les modifications législatives en engageant sa responsabilité cette fois-ci sur l’abrogation de plusieurs aspects du Décret 114 considérés comme nuisibles à l’économie car portant sur la mise en place de plusieurs initiatives dans le domaine des investissements publics, de mesures fiscales et budgétaires, sur la modification de différents actes normatifs et sur la prorogation de plusieurs délais. L’Exécutif souhaite éliminer entre autres des taxes du secteur énergétique, des communications et du système bancaire, les conditions concernant le 2e pilier des pensions de retraites et supprimer aussi le Fonds souverain d’investissements. Le salaire minimum restera toutefois le même dans le BTP.

    Dette – Le gouvernement de Bucarest a décidé de payer la dette de l’Etat roumain face à deux hommes d’affaires, afin d’éviter le blocage de la compagnie d’aiguilleurs du ciel, ROMATSA. Cette dette est issue d’un procès d’il y a quelques années, lorsque la Cour d’arbitrage international a donné gain de cause aux deux hommes d’affaires qui doivent recevoir 84 millions d’euros de la part de l’Etat roumain. Depuis, des intérêts et de pénalités ont aussi été accumulés, si bien que la somme à payer se chiffre maintenant à 400 millions d’euros.

    Affaires – Le milieu d’affaires de Roumanie est bien consolidé. En même temps, la solidarité et la compétitivité sont des points importants de l’économie du pays, a déclaré ce vendredi lors d’une réunion spécialisée, Radu Florescu, le vice-président de la Chambre de Commerce roumano-américaine (AmCham Roumanie). L’ouverture face au milieu d’affaires témoigne de la volonté du nouveau gouvernement libéral dirigé par Ludovic Orban d’utiliser les ressources à sa disposition pour la croissance économique du pays, a-t-il encore ajouté. La Coalition pour le développement de la Roumanie a réuni vendredi les représentants des organisations chargées de sa coordination, qui ont présenté au premier ministre les directions prioritaires d’intervention pour le développement de la Roumanie. A cette occasion, la Coalition a signé la Déclaration de coopération avec le Gouvernement de la Roumanie, fixant leurs priorités pour la période à venir. A commencer par le mois de janvier, l’Association des Hommes d’affaires de Roumanie assurera la direction de la Coalition pour le développement de la Roumanie pendant un nouveau mandat de 6 mois.

    Visa Waver – Les Etats-Unis et l’UE se sont engagés à coopérer afin de soutenir la levée de visas pour les ressortissants de Bulgarie, Chypre, Croatie et Roumanie, par l’inclusion de ces pays au programme Visa Waiver, fait savoir un communiqué du Conseil de l’UE. L’accès à ce programme du Département d’Etat américain permet aux habitants des pays inclus de voyager sans visa aux Etats-Unis à des fins touristiques ou d’affaires pendant un maximum de 90 jours. Pour ce qui est de la Roumanie, Bucarest poursuit les efforts pour être inclus au programme. La Déclaration commune entre la Roumanie et les Etats-Unis, signée le 20 août dernier par les présidents roumain, Klaus Iohannis, et américain, Donald Trump, réitère le soutien américain pour les efforts déposés par la Roumanie pour devenir éligible au programme Visa Waiver.

    Violons – Les Etats-membres de l’UE ont exporté l’année dernière 105.000 violons d’une valeur totale de 23,3 millions d’euros, la Roumanie étant le plus grand exportateur de violons du bloc communautaire vers le reste du monde.. Plus de la moitié des exportations roumaines ont visé d’autres Etats-membres. A part la Roumanie, d’autres grands exportateurs de violons sont le Danemark, l’Allemagne, la Grande Bretagne et la République tchèque. Plus de la moitié des violons exportés par l’UE sont arrivés aux Etats-Unis et en Corée du Sud. D’autres ont gagné le Japon, le Canada et l’Australie. Ces données ont été publiées ce vendredi par l’Eurostat, l’office statistique de l’UE, à l’occasion de la Journée mondiale du Violon, célébrée le 13 décembre.

    Football – Le club champion de football de Roumanie, CFR Cluj (nord-ouest) s’est qualifié dans les 16e de finale de la Ligue Europa, après avoir vaincu les Ecossais de Celtic Glasgow sur le score de 2 – 0, jeudi, dans un match du Groupe E. Ayant réussi 4 victoires, les Roumains participeront au « Printemps européen » aux côtés des Ecossais. Le tirage aux sorts pour l’étape suivante aura lieu lundi prochain.

    Météo Les météorologues roumains ont émis une alerte jaune au blizzard et au dépôt d’une couche consistante de neige pour la zone de haute montagne de la moitié sud du pays, valable jusqu’à samedi matin. Sur le relief, à plus de 1700 m d’altitude, des chutes de neige sont prévues et le vent soufflera fort, en rafales de plus de 70-80 km/h. Il y aura du blizzard et la visibilité baissera en conséquence. Dans les autres régions, des pluies sont signalées. Les maxima de la journée vont de 3 à 13°. 5 degrés et de la pluie à midi à Bucarest.

  • Victoire nette et sans bavure pour le CFR Cluj

    Victoire nette et sans bavure pour le CFR Cluj

    A domicile, sur le stade municipal de Cluj, ville du centre-ouest de la Roumanie, le CFR s’est imposé devant le Celtic Glasgow sur le score final de 2 buts à 0. Le premier but porte la signature d’Andrei Burca, qui a marqué à la 48e minute, alors que le second fut marqué par Damian Djokovic à la 70e minute. Le CFR a pris sa revanche après leur défaite dans le match-aller, à Glasgow, où les Ecossais s’étaient imposés sur un score identique, 2 buts à 0.

    Avec 12 points obtenus dans les 6 matchs joués dans le groupe E, le CFR est l’auteur d’un record pour une équipe roumaine évoluant dans les groupes d’une compétition européenne. Le Celtic mène le groupe avec 13 points. En troisième position se trouvent les Italiens de Lazio avec 6 points et en dernière position traine le Stade Rennais avec 4 points. Le résultat du CFR est malheureusement l’unique performance notable du foot roumain en 2019. La sélection nationale de Roumanie a raté la qualification directe à l’Euro 2020, surclassant dans son groupe F uniquement les sélections de Malte et des Iles Féroé.

    Pour les joueurs de Cluj, c’est la deuxième qualification au printemps de la Ligue Europa, après celle de la saison 2012 – 2013. A l’époque, le CFR occupait la troisième place dans un groupe de la Ligue des champions et s’imposait (1 but à 0) face au Manchester United sur le fameux stade Old Trafford. Dans les seizièmes de finale, le CFR Cluj s’inclinait devant les Italiens de l’Internazionale Milano, tant dans le match-aller que dans le match-retour. De l’avis des spécialistes, la performance de cette saison du CFR est une conséquence de la valeur et de l’homogénéité de l’équipe. S’y ajoute l’expérience de Dan Petrescu, un des plus appréciés entraineurs roumains et peut-être le meilleur coach du moment de la Ligue 1. Cette formule qui a fonctionné à merveille dans la Ligue Europa, n’a pourtant pas suffit pour que le CFR reste en tête du championnat national.

    L’Astra Giurgiu mène actuellement au classement, avec deux points d’avance face au Cluj. Au cours de cette saison, les champions en-titre ont déjà perdu quatre matchs et, par conséquent, un nouveau titre s’avèrera sans doute difficile à obtenir. Dans la Ligue Europa, la situation sera encore plus difficile. Le CFR Cluj ne fait pas partie des têtes-de-série pour le tirage au sort des seizièmes de finale, qui doit avoir lieu lundi prochain, ce qui pourrait la faire affronter des adversaires de top-niveau, comme par exemple Internazionale Milano ou Ajax Amsterdam.

  • November 29, 2019

    November 29, 2019

    REVOLUTION TRIAL – The High Court of
    Cassation and Justice in Bucharest has set for today the first hearing in the
    Revolution Case, where former President Ion Iliescu is being prosecuted for
    crimes against humanity. The indictment was sent to magistrates in April.
    Investigated in the same case are former deputy Prime Minister Gelu Voican
    Voiculescu and the former head of the Military Aviation, General Iosif Rus.
    According to prosecutors, against the backdrop of the poor relations between
    Romania and the USSR after Prague, 1968, and as a result of the general state
    of public unrest, a dissident group formed with the purpose of removing
    dictator Nicolae Ceausescu from power, but which sought to maintain Romania in
    the Soviet sphere of influence. Prosecutors say this group was made up of
    civilians and military figures, both marginalized in some way by the former
    president. Its members belonged to the Ministry of Defense and the Directorate
    of State Security, as well as to various civilian structures in the state.
    Prosecutors also claim the group surrounding Ion Iliescu acted to take over
    political and military power in December 1989. Therefore the entire military
    power of Romania, the Defense and Interior ministries, the State Security
    Department, as well as the patriot guards acted on behalf of the National
    Salvation Front Council and its leadership starting December 22, 1989.

    F-16 – Romania will be purchasing
    another 5 F-16 fighter jets from Portugal, a Government bill reads. The Defense
    Ministry says the bill was submitted to Parliament to be debated and adopted as
    a top priority. Ministry officials claim the jets will have the same
    configuration as the other 12 previously purchased by the Romanian Air Force.
    The Ministry believes this measure would involve the national defense industry
    in the maintenance, repair works and modernization of the aircraft.

    US – ROMANIA RELATIONS – Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu has commended
    US Ambassador Hans Klemm for his entire activity in Bucharest and his
    substantial and effective contribution to the development and advancement of
    the Strategic Partnership between the two states. Minister Aurescu and
    Ambassador Klemm referred to consolidating cooperation in the field of civil
    nuclear engineering and the security of 5G networks. At the same time, the
    Romanian official reiterated our country’s legitimate interest in acceding to
    the Visa Waiver programme, expressing hope the decreasing visa refusal rate
    during Ambassador Klemm’s term in office is a positive trend that would
    continue in the future as well. New-York-based lawyer Adrian Zuckerman is due
    to replace Hans Klemm as US Ambassador to Bucharest. Zuckerman last week was
    confirmed by the US Senate. A fluent Romanian speaker, Adrian Zuckerman moved
    to the United States with his family at the age of 10.

    CLIMATE CHANGE – Bucharest is today
    playing host to a climate action march. Held under the slogan Climate Action
    Day, the march will be organized in another 11 cities in the country: Târgu Jiu, Iaşi, Timişoara,
    Constanţa, Cluj-Napoca, Oradea, Sibiu, Braşov, Bacău, Târgul Ocna and Craiova. Organizers
    want to raise awarenes over the effects of global warming. Some 1,000 people
    attended the previous such march held on September 20 in Bucharest, and another
    800 people took part in similar events in another eight cities in Romania. We
    recall this Thursday MEPs passed a resolution declaring a climate emergency,
    just ahead of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP25) scheduled for December
    2-13 in Madrid.

    FOOTBALL – Romanian champions CFR Cluj on
    Thursday lost 1-nil to Lazio Rome in Europa League Group E. Celtic Glasgow of
    Scotland is top of the tables with 13 points, followed by CFR Cluj with 9
    points, Lazio Rome with 6 points and Rennes of France with 1 point. CFR will
    next take on Celtic Glasgow at home on December 12, with the Scottish side
    having already secured qualification to the next phase. In other news from
    football, this Saturday Bucharest hosts the 2020 European Championship draw.
    Romania will host four matches next year, three in the group phase and one in
    the round of 16. Our national team didn’t move past the preliminaries, but
    still holds chances of qualifying, as it will play in the Nations League
    playoff scheduled for March next year. Romania will play Iceland on March 26,
    and if it wins it will play the winner of the match pitting Bulgaria and
    Hungary in a match that will decide who will qualify to EURO 2020.

    HANDBALL – The Romanian women’s
    handball team is tomorrow playing Spain in the first match in Group C at the
    World Cup hosted by Japan until December 15. Romania was drawn in Group C
    alongside Senegal, Kazakhstan, Montenegro and Hungary. The top three teams will
    advance to the next phase. From 1957 to 2017, Romania has never missed a World
    Cup. Our country won silver in 2005 in Russia and bronze in 2015 in Denmark.

    (Translated by
    V. Palcu)

  • Sports weekend

    Sports weekend

    Romanian defending champions CFR Cluj this past Thursday grabbed a 1-nil away win against French opponents Rennes. The match counted towards Europa Leagues Group E.

    The only goal of the match was scored by Ciprian Deac on 9 minutes. The first notable moment of during the game occurred on 5 minutes when Rennes goalie, Senegalese Edouard Mendy, hacked CFRs last defender, Ivorian player Lacina Traoré, and was eliminated from the pitch. In for Mendy was 17-year old Pépé Bonet, Europa Leagues youngest goal keeper.

    On 28 minutes, Rennes Senegalese footballer MBaye Niang wasted the opportunity to turn a penalty kick into a goal. Early into the second half of the game, Rennes found themselves two men shy on the pitch as Rennes Angolan footballer Eduardo Camavinga got red-booked, having hacked CFRs French player Billel Omrani in the 16-meter box as Rennes goalie Bonet passed the ball in the wrong direction. CFR Cluj ended up being one man shy on the pitch themselves on 82 minutes, when their Bosnian player Mateo Sušić got yellow-booked for the second time. The match ended 1-all for CFR. For the Romanians, it was their first win, in the wake of three draws and three defeats in previous games.

    In domestic football, this coming weekend will see matches bring played, counting towards League Ones 14th round, the first one of the regular away series. On Friday, Sepsi Sfaintu Gheorghe take on FC Voluntari. On Saturday, the southern Romanian town of Ploiesti will play host to the match pitting Chindia Targoviste against Gaz Metan Medias, while in Targu Mures, in the west, FC Hermannstadt Sibiu face FCSB. On Sunday, Academica Clinceni face Universitatea Craiova, while in Botosani, the local side football club play Astra Giurgiu. Also on Sunday, Dinamo Bucharest are pitted against Viitorul Constanta, in the 14th rounds derby game. On Monday, Politehnica Iasi take on CFR Cluj. CFR are at the top of the table, with 27 points, followed by Viitorul Constanta, with 25.

    (Translated by Eugen Nasta)

  • Sports weekend

    Sports weekend

    Romanian defending champions CFR Cluj this past Thursday grabbed a 1-nil away win against French opponents Rennes. The match counted towards Europa Leagues Group E.

    The only goal of the match was scored by Ciprian Deac on 9 minutes. The first notable moment of during the game occurred on 5 minutes when Rennes goalie, Senegalese Edouard Mendy, hacked CFRs last defender, Ivorian player Lacina Traoré, and was eliminated from the pitch. In for Mendy was 17-year old Pépé Bonet, Europa Leagues youngest goal keeper.

    On 28 minutes, Rennes Senegalese footballer MBaye Niang wasted the opportunity to turn a penalty kick into a goal. Early into the second half of the game, Rennes found themselves two men shy on the pitch as Rennes Angolan footballer Eduardo Camavinga got red-booked, having hacked CFRs French player Billel Omrani in the 16-meter box as Rennes goalie Bonet passed the ball in the wrong direction. CFR Cluj ended up being one man shy on the pitch themselves on 82 minutes, when their Bosnian player Mateo Sušić got yellow-booked for the second time. The match ended 1-all for CFR. For the Romanians, it was their first win, in the wake of three draws and three defeats in previous games.

    In domestic football, this coming weekend will see matches bring played, counting towards League Ones 14th round, the first one of the regular away series. On Friday, Sepsi Sfaintu Gheorghe take on FC Voluntari. On Saturday, the southern Romanian town of Ploiesti will play host to the match pitting Chindia Targoviste against Gaz Metan Medias, while in Targu Mures, in the west, FC Hermannstadt Sibiu face FCSB. On Sunday, Academica Clinceni face Universitatea Craiova, while in Botosani, the local side football club play Astra Giurgiu. Also on Sunday, Dinamo Bucharest are pitted against Viitorul Constanta, in the 14th rounds derby game. On Monday, Politehnica Iasi take on CFR Cluj. CFR are at the top of the table, with 27 points, followed by Viitorul Constanta, with 25.

    (Translated by Eugen Nasta)

  • October 23, 2019

    October 23, 2019

    GOVERNMENT – The Political Bureau of the National
    Liberal Party will convene on Thursday to vote on the list of ministers in the
    future Orban Cabinet and on the governing program. Prime Minister designate
    Ludovic Orban will subsequently submit the documents to Parliament. Today Orban
    concluded a new round of talks with parliamentary parties that voted the
    no-confidence motion of October 10 that ousted the Social-Democrat Government
    led by Viorica Dancila. Orban expressed confidence that the new Cabinet will
    receive the necessary number of votes in Parliament.

    STUDY – The purchasing power per capita in Romania stands at
    5,881 euros, as compared to the average sum of 14.739 euros Europeans spend and
    save, a Gfk recent study shows. Romania ranks 32 in a ranking of European
    countries in terms of purchasing power per capita, tantamount to 60% below the
    European average. At national level, Bucharest has the highest purchasing
    power, namely 10.452 euros per capita, followed by Timis County with 7.564
    euros and Cluj County with 7.457 euros. At the opposite poll is Vaslui County,
    with an average purchasing power per capita of 3.706 euros. The purchasing
    power is indicative of the net-of-tax income minus deductions of charitable
    contributions and any state-offered benefits.

    EXERCISE – The biggest military exercise since the
    end of the Cold War will be held in Europe next year. Defender Europe 2020 will
    involve the participation of some 37,000 soldiers, of whom 29,000 American.
    Romania’s contribution to the exercise will be consistent, Romania’s chief of
    general staff, General Nicolae Ciuca told Radio Romania. The exercise will be
    held in several countries, although Germany and Poland will be hosting the main
    drills. Defender Europe 2020 will be held over February-August 2020. During the
    cold War, large-scale exercises focusing on the quick deploying of a high
    number of troops to Europe were central to training for a potential war with
    the Soviet Union. While the US’s military focus has been on the Middle East in
    the past two decades, Russia’s ingressions in Ukraine in 2014 have prompted the
    Pentagon to refocus on Europe’s defense and ways of transferring US troops
    overseas to respond to various conflicts.

    NATO – The annual NATO Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Arms
    Control, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation continues in Brussels today, Romania
    being represented by State Secretary Dan Neculaescu. In yesterday’s address,
    the Romanian official tackled global security concerns prompted by the
    development of ballistic missiles, as well as the transfer of any associated
    technology to state and non-state actors. Neculaescu also focused on efforts
    and expertize Romania can offer in the field of WMD non-proliferation. On the
    sidelines of the Conference, Dan Neculaescu met with NATO deputy Secretary
    General, Mircea Geoana, discussing allied efforts to consolidate defense and deterrence
    on NATO’s eastern flank. The two officials also exchanged views regarding the
    upcoming NATO summit of December 2019 in London.

    BREXIT – European Council President Donald Tusk has
    recommended EU Member States to accept a new delay of Brexit, following the
    decision of British Prime Minister to stall Parliament’s vote on the Brexit
    deal negotiated with the EU. Johnson yesterday said he would suspend
    legislation on Brexit, after British MPs earlier that day rejected the
    three-day timetable for adopting the deal, which the Prime Minister had
    submitted to Parliament for examination. The very short time required to
    examine the legislation seems to push for an adoption of Brexit legislation,
    ahead of Britain’s scheduled withdrawal from the community bloc on October 31. John
    on Saturday sent a letter of request to Brussels, calling for a delay of
    Brexit. The document was accompanied by another letter that stating the
    opposite, as a result of Britain’s all-or-nothing commitment to leave the EU
    by the end of October.

    FOOTBALL – Romania’s champions CFR
    Cluj on Thursday are playing Rennes of France in Europa League Group E. In the
    first two matches in the group phase, CFR won 2-1 at home against Lazio Rome
    and lost nil-2 to Celtic Glasgow away from home. Celtic ranks first with 4
    points, followed by CFR with 3 points, Lazio with 3 points and Rennes with 1

    by V. Palcu)

  • October 4, 2019

    October 4, 2019

    ELECTION – The Romanian
    Foreign Ministry has sent the list of polling stations proposals for the
    presidential election of November to the Permanent Election Authority. The list
    also includes the 78 stations that will be created based on voters who
    registered online on votstrainatate.ro. By October 19, the Ministry will send
    new proposals for the creation of polling stations abroad. As regards postal
    voting, the Permanent Election Authority says the Romanian Post Service has
    already sent over 10,000 envelopes to Romanians living in the Diaspora, with
    another 4,500 due to be sent over the coming period. The election campaign will
    kick off on October 12. The first round of the presidential election is
    scheduled for November 10, with the runoff set for November 24. A total of 14
    candidates are running in the presidential race.

    HEARINGS – The
    European Parliament is considering the organization of new hearings to give a
    second chance to Sylvie Goulard of France, nominated for the position of
    Commissioner for the Internal Market, Industry and Defense, but also to other
    candidates who failed to convince they are sufficiently trained to manage their
    given portfolios in the upcoming European Commission. Sylvie Goulard, who is
    suspected of being involved in the fictitious employment of a parliamentary
    assistant, is not the only candidate who this week has had troubles in their
    hearings. Swedish Ylva Johansson, nominated for Home Affairs and Polish Janusz
    Wojciechowski, nominated for Agriculture were unsuccessful in their hearings. A
    second round of hearings could be held on October 14 and 15, days before the
    first meeting of the new European Commission. The new candidates nominated by
    Hungary and Romania will appear before the EP committees at this time, after
    the candidacies of László Trócsányi
    and Rovana Plumb were dismissed by the Legal Committee. Headed by Germany’s
    Ursula von der Leyen, the Commission is due to be sworn in during the plenary
    sitting of October 21-24 in Luxembourg and to start its activity on November 1.

    2030 AGENDA – The
    Department for Sustainable Development with the Romanian Government is today
    hosting the international conference titled The Implementation of the 2030 UN
    targets in the Black Sea region. Romania is a regional hub in terms of
    implementing the 2030 Agenda, the head of the Department for Sustainable
    Development Laszlo Borbely said on this occasion. The event is aimed at
    offering a platform for dialogue and exchange of best practices between
    government agencies, universities, NGOs, as well as other entities, with a view
    to implementing the sustainable development objectives in the Black Sea region.
    The 2030 Agenda comprises 17 objectives to be implemented over the course of 15
    years, which include eradicating extreme poverty, combating inequities and injustice
    and protecting the planet.

    FORUM – Romania
    can be perceived by Vietnamese entrepreneurs as hub for trading inside the EU,
    Lazar Comanescu, an international relations advisor to the President of the
    Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry said earlier today in Bucharest on
    the sidelines of the Romania-Vietnam Business Forum. Comanescu recalled that
    this year Vietnam and the EU signed a cooperation and investment agreement
    under the Romanian presidency of the Council of the EU. Vietnam is the EU’s
    second-largest trade partner from the Association of South-East Asian Nations
    after Singapore, with a total of 47.6 billion dollars in traded goods and 3.6
    billion dollars in traded services. While EU investment stocks in Vietnam are
    at a low, standing at 8.3 billion euros in 2016, a growing number of EU
    businesses are relocating to this country. Vietnam’s top imports to the EU
    include telecom equipment, apparel and foodstuffs. The EU exports to Vietnam
    cars and transport equipment, chemical and agricultural products.

    FOOTBALL – Romanian football champions
    CFR Cluj on Thursday lost 2-nil to Celtic Glasgow of Scotland away from home in
    the second fixture of Europa League Group E. In the other group fixture, Lazio
    Rome defeated Rennes of France 2-1. Celtic now ranks first with 4 points,
    followed by CFR with 3 points, Lazio with 3 points and Rennes with 1 point.

    (translated by V. Palcu)

  • Sports weekend

    Sports weekend

    Romania’s title holders CFR Cluj
    this past Thursday sustained a nil-2 away defeat by Celtic Glasgow, in a
    fixture counting towards the second round of Group E in Europa League. Scoring
    for Celtic were the French Odsonne Edouard, on 20 minutes and the Norwegian Mohamed
    Elyounoussi, in minute 59. Celtic thus took their revenge since in August this
    year, they were eliminated by CFR Cluj in the Champions League preliminaries,
    when CFR grabbed a precious 4-3 win on Celtic Park. Also in Group E, Lazio Rome
    secured a 2-1 home win against French opponents Rennes. Celtic are at the top
    of the table in group E, with 4 points, followed by Lazio Rome and CFR Cluj,
    with 3 points each. However, Lazio has a better goal average. Rennes are 4th-placed
    with one point. In the third round on October 24th, Lazio travel to
    Glasgow, while CFR travel to Rennes.

    This coming weekend will see matches
    being played, counting towards Romanian League One’s 12th round. On Friday, FC Botosani take on Sepsi Sfintu
    Gheorghe, while Universitatea Craiova face Poli Iasi. Gaz Metan Medias are
    pitted against Academica Clinceni on Saturday. Also on Saturday FCSB face their
    all-time rivals, Dinamo Bucharest. FCSB and Dinamo are quite close in the lower
    part of the current rankings. FCSB are 9th-placed, while Dinamo are
    in the 10th-position. In the wake of an unassuming start in the
    ongoing season, FCSB and Dinamo braced up and won three of the five fixtures
    they have played recently. The National Arena in Bucharest plays host to the
    match pitting FCSB against Dinamo. On Sunday, another interesting 12th-round
    game is the one pitting title holders CFR against Viitorul Constanta. The match
    will be hosted by the south-eastern Romanian town of Ovidiu. On Monday, FC
    Voluntari face Chindia Targoviste, while Astra Giurgiu take on FC Hermannstadt

  • Sports weekend

    Sports weekend

    Romania’s title holders CFR Cluj
    this past Thursday sustained a nil-2 away defeat by Celtic Glasgow, in a
    fixture counting towards the second round of Group E in Europa League. Scoring
    for Celtic were the French Odsonne Edouard, on 20 minutes and the Norwegian Mohamed
    Elyounoussi, in minute 59. Celtic thus took their revenge since in August this
    year, they were eliminated by CFR Cluj in the Champions League preliminaries,
    when CFR grabbed a precious 4-3 win on Celtic Park. Also in Group E, Lazio Rome
    secured a 2-1 home win against French opponents Rennes. Celtic are at the top
    of the table in group E, with 4 points, followed by Lazio Rome and CFR Cluj,
    with 3 points each. However, Lazio has a better goal average. Rennes are 4th-placed
    with one point. In the third round on October 24th, Lazio travel to
    Glasgow, while CFR travel to Rennes.

    This coming weekend will see matches
    being played, counting towards Romanian League One’s 12th round. On Friday, FC Botosani take on Sepsi Sfintu
    Gheorghe, while Universitatea Craiova face Poli Iasi. Gaz Metan Medias are
    pitted against Academica Clinceni on Saturday. Also on Saturday FCSB face their
    all-time rivals, Dinamo Bucharest. FCSB and Dinamo are quite close in the lower
    part of the current rankings. FCSB are 9th-placed, while Dinamo are
    in the 10th-position. In the wake of an unassuming start in the
    ongoing season, FCSB and Dinamo braced up and won three of the five fixtures
    they have played recently. The National Arena in Bucharest plays host to the
    match pitting FCSB against Dinamo. On Sunday, another interesting 12th-round
    game is the one pitting title holders CFR against Viitorul Constanta. The match
    will be hosted by the south-eastern Romanian town of Ovidiu. On Monday, FC
    Voluntari face Chindia Targoviste, while Astra Giurgiu take on FC Hermannstadt

  • Nachrichten 30.08.2019

    Nachrichten 30.08.2019

    Der Vorstand der regierenden Sozialdemokratischen Partei (PSD) kommt am Samstag im Schwarzmeer-Ferienort Mamaia zusammen, um über den Zeitpunkt zu entscheiden, zu dem die Regierung – nach dem Ausstritt der Allianz der Liberalen und Demokraten (ALDE) aus der Regierungskoalition – die Vertrauensfrage im Parlament stellen wird. Präsident Klaus Iohannis unterzeichnete am Freitag den Rücktritt der drei ALDE-Minister aus der Regierung, nämlich der Minister für Umwelt-, Energie- und Beziehung zum Parlament. Die Premierministerin und Vorsitzende der PSD Viorica Dancila sagte, sie werde das Parlament um Unterstützung ersuchen, um das Regierungsprogramm umsetzen zu können, während die Opposition beabsichtigt, einen Misstrauensantrag gegen die Regierung einzureichen. Die Nationalliberale Partei und die Union Rettet Rumänien erklärten sich bereit, nach vorgezogenen Wahlen die Regierung zu übernehmen. Die regulären Parlamentswahlen sind eigentlich für nächstes Jahr anberaumt.

    Die rumänische Außenministerin Ramona Manescu ist mit der Hohen Vertreterin der Europäischen Union für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik Federica Mogherini auf dem in Helsinki veranstalteten informellen halbjährlichen Treffen der Außenminister der EU-Länder zusammengetroffen. Rumänien bekräftigte seine Zusagen und Ziele und zeigte sich bereit, in enger Zusammenarbeit mit der europäischen Aussenpolitik, die globale Strategie der EU für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik und die gemeinsame Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik umzusetzen. Ramona Manescu nahm am Donnerstag und Freitag an dem informellen halbjährlichen Treffen der Außenminister der EU-Mitgliedstaaten teil, das von der finnischen Präsidentschaft des EU-Rates ausgerichtet wurde und sich hauptsächlich auf hybride Bedrohungen konzentrierte.

    Der Tag der rumänischen Sprache wird ab 2013 jedes Jahr am 31. August gefeiert. Zahlreiche Veranstaltungen werden in Rumänien und im Ausland organisiert. Filmvorführungen, Rumänisch-Sprachkurse, Theateraufführungen, Debatten, Malerei-Workshops und Buchmessen sind einige der Veranstaltungen, die von Vertretern des rumänischen Kulturinstituts aus dem Ausland unterstützt werden. Der Tag der rumänischen Sprache wird auch in der ex-sowjetischen, mehrheitlich rumänischsprachigen Republik Moldau gefeiert, und auch von den rumänischen Gemeinden im benachbarten Serbien, Bulgarien, der Ukraine und Ungarn markiert.

    Die Arbeitslosenquote in Rumänien stieg im Juli 2019 auf 3,9%, dies geht aus den vom Nationalen Institut für Statistik veröffentlichten Daten hervor. Gegenüber dem Vormonat stieg die Arbeitslosenquote um 0,1%. Die Zahl der Arbeitslosen wird für Juli 2019 auf 352.000 geschätzt, was im Vergleich zum Vorjahresmonat rückläufig ist. Das Nationale Institut für Statistik zeigt auch, dass die Zahl der arbeitslosen Männer um 1,1% höher ist als die der arbeitslosen Frauen.

    Im Jahr 2018 hatte die EU insgesamt 17,2 Millionen Wissenschaftler und Ingenieure im Alter zwischen 25 und 64 Jahren, von denen 540.000, d.h. 3%, aus Rumänien stammten, zeigen Daten, die am Freitag von Eurostat veröffentlicht wurden. Laut Eurostat ist die Zahl der Wissenschaftler und Ingenieure in der EU zwischen 2017 und 2018 um 4% gestiegen. Im selben Zeitraum stieg deren Zahl in Rumänien lediglich um 2,6%. Das Institut zeigt, dass Wissenschaftler und Ingenieure innerhalb der EU entsprechend der Bevölkerungszahl der Mitgliedstaaten verteilt sind. Das Vereinigte Königreich und Deutschland bilden Ausnahmen von dieser Regel, die zusammen 37% der Gesamtzahl der Wissenschaftler und Ingenieure in der EU ausmachen.

    Die Verhandlungsführer der EU und Großbritanniens werden sich zweimal pro Woche im September treffen, um eine Einigung über die Bedingungen für den Brexit zu erzielen, der für den 31. Oktober geplant ist, wie das Brexit-Ministerium am Donnerstag bekannt gab, zitiert von France Presse. Zu den zwei wöchentlichen Sitzungen, die für den Zeitraum vorgesehen sind, in dem das Parlament zwischen der zweiten Septemberwoche und dem 14. Oktober suspendiert wird, werden technische Sitzungen hinzukommen, teilten die Beamten des britischen Brexit-Ministeriums mit. In einem weiteren Schritt wird Großbritannien in den kommenden Tagen weitere Proteste sehen, die die Aussetzung der parlamentarischen Tätigkeit vereiteln sollen, wie es die Regierung wünscht.

    TENNIS – Rumäniens beste Tennisspielerin Simona Halep (4 WTA) verlor überraschend das Spiel gegen die Amerikanerin Taylor Townsend (116 WTA) in der zweiten Runde von US Open, dem letzten Grand Slam Turnier des Jahres. Townsend wird in der dritten Runde gegen die Rumänin Sorana Cîrstea (106 WTA) antreten. Diese besiegte am Donnerstag Aliona Bolosva (100 WTA) aus Spanien. Sorana Cirstea ist die einzige rumänische Tennisspielerin, die im Einzelspiel im US Open nicht ausgeschieden ist.

    FUSSBALL – Die Teams Lazio Roma (Italien), Celtic Glasgow (Schottland) und Rennes (Frankreich) treten nach der Auslosung in Monaco am Freitag gegen den rumänischen Fußballmeister CFR Cluj in der Gruppe E der Europa League an. CFR Cluj eliminierte Celtic diesen Sommer in der Vorrunde 3 der Champions League. Die Mannschaft aus Cluj verlor aber im Champions-League-Play-off im Spiel gegen die Tschechen aus Slavia Prag. Der rumänische Fußball-Vizemeister FCSB verpasste die Qualifikation in den Gruppen der Europa League, nachdem er mit 0:1 gegen die Portugiesen von Vitoria Guimaraes verloren hatte. In der Tour gab es einen Unentschieden 0:0.