Tag: Francois Hollande

  • Französischer Präsident Hollande auf Staatsbesuch in Bukarest

    Französischer Präsident Hollande auf Staatsbesuch in Bukarest

    2008 haben der ex-Präsident Frankreichs Nicolas Sarkozy und der ehemalige Staatschef Rumäniens Traian Băsescu m Rahmen
    eines Arbeitsbesuches in Bukaresteine bilaterale strategische Partnerschaft
    unterzeichnet. Es handelte sich um die erste Partnerschaft dieser Art, die
    Paris mit einem südosteuropäischen Land abschloss. Ein stärker politischer
    Wille war dennoch erforerlich, um eine historische Zusammenarbeit wiederzubeleben. Mittlerweile wurden sowohl der Präsident Iohannis als auch
    der Premier Dacian Cioloş in Paris empfangen. Bei Gesprächen mit ihren französischen Amtskollegen wurde die Notwendigkeit der Umsetzung besagter Partnerschaft auf neuer Basis betont. 8 Jahre später unternimmt auch Präsident Hollande einen Staatsbesuch in Rumänien. Auf der Agensa seines Besuches stehen Gespräche mit dem rumänischen Staatschef Klaus Iohannis sowie mit dem Premier Dacian Cioloş und einen Besuch im Forschungszentrum Măgurele.
    Anschließend soll sich der französische Staatschef an einer Konferenz zu aktuellen Wirtschaftsthemen und im mittelrumänischen Braşov (Kornstadt) an der Eröffnungsfeier eines Airbus-Hubschrauber-Werkes beteiligen.

    Frankreich gilt als der viertgrößte Handelspartner und einer der wichtigsten Investoren in Rumänien, daher rechne Bukarest mit
    einer Stärkung der Wirtschaftskooperation, sagte
    Präsident Iohannis bei Gesprächen mit seinem französischen Amtkollegen. Auf
    eine bereits solide Basis möchten die beiden Länder neue Initiativen stellen.
    Der erste Schritt in diese Richtung wurde bereits
    gemacht, indem Bukarest und Paris enge Beziehungen im politischen und
    kulturellen Bereich pflegen. Rumänien gilt als eines der europäischen Länder
    mit dem stärksten Wirtschaftsaufschwung. Für mittlere und große französische
    Unternehmen schafft das rasante Wirtschaftswachstum Rumäniens eine gute Basis
    für neue Investitionen, vor allem in der Lebensmittelwirtschaft und im
    Energiebereich. Auch eine stärkere rumänische Präsenz sei in Frankreich
    erforderlich, vor allem in den Bereichen, in denen Rumänien ein erhebliches
    Exportpotenzial aufweist. Die strategische bilaterale Partnerschaft, die einen
    deutlichen Beweis der ausgezeichneten bilateralen Beziehungen darstellt, bleibe
    eine erstrangige Priorität Rumäniens, sagte
    anschließend der rumänische Präsident.

    Rumänien möchte weiter
    wachsen und hat sich mehrmals bereit gezeigt, sich Richtung EU auch weiter zu öffnen, sagte seinerseits der französische Präsident in Bukarest. Vor dem Besuch von Hollande in Rumänien, bezeichnete die
    französische Finanz-Zeitung Les Echos Rumänien als der sicherste Verbündete Frankreichs im Osten Europas. In diesem Kontext war zu erwarten, dass der französische Staatschef nach dem Brexit-Entscheid und vor dem anstehenden EU-Gipfel in Bratislava auch in der rumänischen Hauptstadt für die Wiederbelebung der europäischen Vision
    plädieren wird. Rumänien bleibe dem europäischen Geist und seinen EU-Verpflichtungen treu, schrieb anschließend die
    französische Finanz-Zeitung.

  • Romanian-French relations under discussion in Bucharest

    Romanian-French relations under discussion in Bucharest

    In 2008, French president Nicolas Sarkozy paid a working visit to Bucharest, where he signed jointly with his Romanian counterpart at the time, Traian Basescu, a strategic partnership with Romania, the first France concluded with a South-East European country. As the document was not enforced for a while, both sides needed political will to boost an excellent historical cooperation.

    The relatively recent visits to Paris by Romanian President Klaus Iohannis and Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos emphasized the need for the strategic partnership to be implemented on new bases. 8 years after the visit of his predecessor Nicolas Sarkozy, President Francois Holland has decided to come to Romania. His state visit includes talks with president Iohannis and Prime Minister Ciolos, a visit to the Research Centre in Magurele, close to Bucharest, attending a business forum and inaugurating an Airbus helicopter factory in the central city of Brasov.

    Romania counts on the increase of bilateral economic relations, France being its fourth biggest trade partner and fifth investor. The two countries want to reinforce the foundation of their ties, which is fairly solid as it were, being also illustrated by a very close political and cultural cooperation. As Romania is one of the European countries with the biggest economic growth, there is good potential for French small and medium-sized businesses to invest in the farm and food or energy sectors, as well as in high-performing fields, such as the building of the biggest laser in Europe in Magurele, designed for scientific research.

    At the same time, Romanias exports to France have started to grow. The Romanian-French strategic partnership – President Klaus Iohannis pointed out at the end of his talks with his French counterpart – is a top priority of Romania. Iohannis said that Romanias privileged relationship with France would further be consolidated. Romania – President Francois Hollande said – wants to develop, to further integrate into the European Union.

    As a prelude to President Francois Hollandes visit to Romania, the French financial newspaper Les Echos said that Bucharest was Pariss safest ally in Eastern Europe. Consequently, it is normal that, in the run up to the forthcoming European summit in Bratislava, Francois Hollande should seek support in Romania for his plan of a greater EU integration, in the wake of the Brexit vote. Unlike other East European countries – Les Echos writes – Romania is loyal to the European spirit, abiding by the pledges it has made.

    (Translated by AM Palcu)

  • September 13, 2016 UPDATE

    September 13, 2016 UPDATE

    ROMANIAN-FRENCH TIES- Romania and France want to boost their strategic partnership and expand economic cooperation to such domains as defence, education and research, the presidents of the two countries agreed in Bucharest on Tuesday. Fresh from the talks they held at the Cotroceni Palace, Klaus Iohannis and François Hollande went to Magurele (in the south), for a visit to the National Institute of Research and Development in Physics and Nuclear Engineering, that hosts the most powerful laser in the world. President Iohannis sent a message to the French investors, saying that 2015 registered record highs in terms of bilateral trade, which exceeded seven billion Euros. Therefore, he urged the French businesspeople to take confidence in the Romanian economy. In turn, the French president said his visit to Romania stands proof of the privileged economic, cultural and scientific relations between the two countries. He has announced that from now on the Romanian and French defence ministers will have regular meetings, in order to boost the partnership in the field. The French presidents agenda also included a visit, alongside Romanian PM Dacian Ciolos, to Ghimbav, in central Romania, where the two sides inaugurated the Airbus helicopter factory. The first civil helicopter produced there will go out in the field in 2017, whereas the first military one in 2018.

    STRATEGIC US-ROMANIAN PARTNERSHIP- The Romanian Foreign Ministry jointly with the US Embassy in Romania recognize and salute the fifth anniversary of the signing, on the 13th of September 2011, of the Joint Declaration on Strategic Partnership for the 21st Century between the United States of America and Romania. The two sides consider it “an important reference point for the Strategic Partnership, setting the framework for expanding cooperation and coordination in promoting security, democracy, good governance, free market opportunities, and cultural exchange, a communiqué issued by the US Embassy writes. The fifth annual Strategic Dialogue session and meeting of the Task Force for the implementation of the Joint Declaration are due in Washington, on September 26-27th, to assess the progress made in the five years since the adoption of the Joint Declaration and to formulate common priorities for the near future.

    STATE OF THE ECONOMY – The joint standing committees of the Romanian Senate and Chamber of Deputies have decided to invite Romanian PM Dacian Ciolos, to present a report on the economic situation of the country. Therefore, on Monday, September 19, as of 14.30 hours (local time), the Prime Minister will address a plenary session of Parliament and make a presentation of the budget execution, to be followed by interventions by the parliamentary groups. According to an official communiqué, at the end of the debates the Prime Minister will answer the questions asked by MPs.

    ECONOMY – Romania could become, in 20 years time, one of the first 10 economic powers of the EU, with an economy 4 times bigger, if it focused on three priorities and if the government implemented the necessary measures for a long-term plan, Agerpres news agency quotes representatives of the Foreign Investors Council, as saying. The three key areas on which Romania should focus so as to have an economy worth 655 billion euros in 2036 are infrastructure, demography and human capital as well as public and private efficiency. To reach this goal the economy should grow at a rate of 4% yearly, for a period of 20 years. Foreign investors say this is the task of the Government which should be supported by the Presidency, Parliament, the National Bank and the political parties, following large-scale consultations with the academia, civil society and the business environment.

    MANDATORY LIABILITY INSURANCES– The price of mandatory liability insurance policies might decrease by 30% as compared to last year, if the authorities pass the amendments proposed to the current legislation. The draft law was approved by the Senate on Tuesday and will be subsequently forwarded to the Chamber of Deputies, the decision maker in this case. The amendments were made after the carriers challenged the huge price of mandatory liability insurance policies. Over the past days they protested on Romanias ring roads and threatened to organize a nationwide rally on September 15. Under a draft emergency ordinance, mandatory liability insurance contracts will be concluded for a period ranging from one month to one year, and payment will also be made in instalments. Furthermore, the contract can be suspended upon the request of the insured.

    INFRASTRUCTURE – A strategic document meant to develop Romanias infrastructure by 2030 will be submitted for approval in Wednesdays government session. Sibiu – Pitesti, Comarnic – Brasov and Iasi – Ungheni are the highways which hold pride of place in the Transport Master Plan, which is to be endorsed. The document defines and prioritises investment in infrastructure in the following years and is instrumental in attracting European funds. The European Commission has given a positive opinion on the document, which sets priorities in each transport domain.

    TURKEY – The Turkish press announces that the Ankara government has officially formulated a request for the arrest of cleric Fethullah Gulen, who resides in the US, and who is accused of having masterminded the failed coup in Turkey, in July. Turkey blamed the religious movement led by Fethullah Gulen for the attempted coup during which several rebel soldiers and military took grip of fighter jets and tanks to launch strikes against the Parliament building and to take control of several bridges, the BBC correspondents report. (Translated by Diana Vijeu)

  • Nachrichten 12.09.2016

    Nachrichten 12.09.2016

    BUKAREST: Die Bildung und nicht die Korruption muss in Rumänien der Weg zum Erfolg sein, erklärte der rumänische Staatschef Klaus Iohannis, anlässlich der Eröffnung des neuen Schuljahrs. Er fügte hinzu, er habe sich als Präsident vorgenommen, sich in Rumänien für eine Gesellschaft einzusetzen, die sich auf Werte stützt. Mit diesem Gedanken habe er das Vorhaben Gebildetes Rumänien“ ins Leben gerufen, das eine andere Art von Bildung, angepasst an die Bedürfnisse der Gesellschaft, vorsieht. Auch Ministerpräsident Dacian Cioloş glaubt, dass die rumänische Schule eine Perspektiveänderung haben muss. Diese müsse den Schülern Raum lassen, um sich auszudrücken und um über Verwantwortungen zu lernen. Er ermutigte die Schüler, den eigenen Kräften zu vertrauen und nicht nur nach guten Noten oder inhaltslosen Titeln“ zu suchen, die zu keinen persönlichen Fortschritten führen. Über 3 Millionen Schüler haben am Montag die Schule begonnen. Über die Neuheiten des Schuljahres aber auch über die Schwierigkeiten, mit denen das Schulwesen konfrontiert wird, erfahren Sie nach den Nachrichten mehr.

    BUKAREST: Frankreichs Präsident François Hollande wird erwartet, einen Rumänienbesuch zu unternehmen. In Bukarest soll er am Dienstag von seinem Amtskollegen Klaus Iohannis empfangen werden. Die beiden werden Themen der bilateralen aber auch der europäischen Agenda, nach dem Austritt Großbritanniens aus dem Gemeinschaftsraum besprechen. François Hollande und Klaus Iohannis werden gemeinsam das Forschungszentrum in Măgurele in der Nähe der Hauptstadt, besuchen. In ihrer Anwesenheit sollen Abkommen im Bereich Bildung und Forschung unterzeichnet werden. Der französische und der rumänische Präsident werden sich an dem Wirtschaftsforum Französisch-Rumänische Partnerschaften für die Zukunft“ beteiligen. Rumänien setzt auf eine Intensivierung der bilateralen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen. Frankreich ist der viertgrößte Handelspartner und der fünftgrößte Investor Rumäniens. Laut der Französischen Präsidentschaft soll François Hollande im mitterumänischen Braşov (Kronstadt) an der Einweihungsfeier einer Airbus Hubschrauberfabrik teilnehmen. Die rumänischen Behörden haben sich vorgenommen, die Strategische Partnerschaft zu festigen, die die beiden Länder verbindet. Dies geschieht nachdem die Regierungschefs der beiden Läder, im Juni, den Fahrplan überarbeitet und unterzeichnet hatten. Wir erinnern daran, dass das frankophone und frankreichnahe Rumänien 2008 das erste südosteuropäische Land geworden ist, das mit Frankreich eine Strategische Partnerschaft unterzeichnet hatte. Die Unterzeichner waren die damaligen Präsidenten Nicolas Sarkozy und Traian Băsescu.

    OTTAWA: Die delegierte Ministerin für die Rumänen von überall Maria Ligor ist mit Mitgliedern der rumänischen Gemeinde in Kanada zusammengekommen. Zu diesem Anlass betonte sie die Bedeutung der Briefwahl. Die Staatsvertreterin stellte die bereits getroffenen und die noch in der kommenden Zeit zu treffenden Maßnahmen vor, die zur Steigerung der Professionalität, der Transparenz und der Effizienz der Abteilung für Richtlinien für die Beziehung zu den Rumänen von überall beitragen sollen. Die Gespräche hoben das Interesse für Zusammenarbeit in den Bereichen Hochschulausbildung, Geschäfte, Förderung der rumänischen Künstler, die Fundierung und Bewertung der Konsequenzen öffentlicher Leitlinien für die rumänischen Gemeinden, die im Ausland leben, hervor. Maria Ligor kam auch mit dem kanadischen Minister für Immigration, Flüchtlinge und Staatsbürgerschaft John McCallum zusammen. Mit diesem sprach sie über die Entwicklungsperspektiven der bilateralen Zusammenarbeit, einschließlich durch die Visaaufhebung für rumänische Staatsbürger und über die Konsolidierung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen der EU und Kanada.

    BUKAREST: Rund 850 Personen sollen aus dem Energiekomplex im westrumänischen
    Hunedoara im Rahmen eines Umstrukturierungsprogramm ab Montag entlassen
    werden. Die Gewerkschaften verzichteten auf die angekündigten Proteste, nachdem
    sie am Freitag Einvernehmen mit dem Gesellschaftsvorstand erlangt und den
    Tarifvertrag unterzeichnet haben. Dieser sieht auch Rechte für die Mitarbeiter
    vor, die entlassen werden. Der Gesellschaftsvorstand erklärte, dass das
    Umstrukturierungsprogramm die Arbeitsproduktivität nicht beeinträchtigen und
    die Fortsetzung der Tätigkeit in den kommenden Jahren ermöglichen wird. Die
    Massenentlassungen lösten die präzedenzlosen Probleme nicht, mit denen der
    Energiekomplex Hunedoara konfrontiert wird. Dieser könnte ab kommenden Monat
    ohne zwei Heizkraftwerke und ohne zwei Zechen, vor dem Hintergrund der
    Umweltprobleme, bleiben. Darüber hinaus überschreiten die Schulden des
    Komplexes an den Staatshaushalt und an Lieferanten, eineinhalb Milliarden Lei
    (rund 330 Millionen Euro). In den letzten Jahren wurde nichts in die
    Effizienzsteigerung der Tätigkeit investiert.

  • September 12, 2016

    September 12, 2016

    A NEW SCHOOL YEAR — Education and not corruption should mark the way to success in Romania, said Romania’s President, Klaus Iohannis, during the ceremonies occasioned by the start of a new school year. He has made public one of his wishes for Romania, in his capacity as head of state, namely a society upholding real values. This prompted him to launch the project “Educated Romania”, focussing on a different type of education, adapted to the needs of society. In turn, PM Dacian Ciolos says the Romanian education system should bring a change of perspective and let pupils room to express themselves and to learn to be responsible. He urged pupils to take confidence in their own forces and not to simply chase high grades and “empty titles, depleted of any content”, which do not bring them any progress at personal level. Over 3 million pupils have today started a new school year.

    ROMANIAN-FRENCH TIES — French President, François Hollande, is paying a state visit to Romania. On Tuesday, he will be received in Bucharest by his Romanian counterpart, Klaus Iohannis. The two high officials will approach issues on the bilateral as well as the European agenda, following Great Britain’s decision to leave the community block. François Hollande and Klaus Iohannis will also visit the Research Centre in Magurele, near Bucharest. Agreements in the field of education and research will be signed with the two presidents in attendance. They will also participate in the Economic Forum” Future French-Romanian Partnerships”. Romania counts on a boost in the bilateral economic relations, France being Romania’s fourth largest trading partner and the fifth largest investor. According to the French Presidency, François Hollande, will attend the inauguration of an Airbus helicopter factory in Brasov, central Romania. The Romanian authorities intend to boost the Strategic Partnership between the two countries, after in June, the French and Romanian prime ministers revised and signed the roadmap. We recall that Romania, a Francophone and Francophile country was the first southeast European state to strike a Strategic Partnership with France, in 2008. The Partnership was signed in Bucharest by the then presidents, Nicolas Sarkozy and Traian Basescu.

    ROMANIAN DIASPORA — The minister delegate for the relation with the Romanian Diaspora, Maria Ligor, has met with members of the Romanian community in Canada, where she underlined the importance of voting by mail. The Romanian official has presented the measures that have already been taken and are considered for implementation in the ensuing period of time, which are aimed at enhancing professionalism, transparency and efficiency of the Department of Policies for the Relation with the Romanian Diaspora. Talks also laid emphasis on the high interest for cooperation in such domains as tertiary education, business, promotion of Romanian artists, substantiating and evaluating the consequences of public policies on Romanian communities living outside the country’s borders. Maria Ligor has also met with the Canadian Minister of Immigration, Citizenship and Refugees, John McCallum, together with whom she approached ways to boost bilateral cooperation, including a visa waiver for Romanian citizens and boosting cooperation between the EU and Canada.

    ROMANIAN CARRIERS — Romanian carriers are today running at low speed on ring roads across the country, again, in protest against the high mandatory liability insurance premiums. They protested every Monday in recent times, and in the absence of a measure taken by the government, they will stage a big rally at national level on September 15. Meanwhile, the government has made public its decision to change the laws on mandatory liability insurances. According to a draft emergency ordinance that has been launched for public debate by the Finance Ministry, contracts can also be signed for a period ranging from one month to one year and the payment can also be made in instalments. Furthermore, the beneficiary can request the termination of the contract. A ceiling will be introduced for the level of premiums, with the Financial Surveillance Authority being allowed to change them.

    REDUNDACIES — Some 850 employees of the Hunedoara Energy Compound in western Romania will be laid off, under a restructuring program which takes effect as of today. Trade unions have made public their decision to give up on the planned protests after reaching an agreement with the company management on Friday and signing a Collective Employment Agreement, which stipulates, among others, the rights of those to be made redundant. The management has announced the restructuring program will not impact labour productivity and will allow for continuing activity in the following years. Collective layoffs do not solve the problems that have long been outstanding at the Hunedoara Energy Compound, the more so as the company’s debts to the state budget and to its suppliers exceed some 330 million Euros. Furthermore, nothing has been done in the past three years to render the activity more efficient.

    SYRIA — The nationwide ceasefire agreement in Syria, negotiated by the US and Russia, is to come into effect today, after a weekend marked by heavy air strikes, which took some 100 lives, among civilians. The agreement has been negotiated by US Secretary of State, John Kerry, and Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, and provides for a nationwide ceasefire, improved humanitarian access and joint military actions against Islamist groups such as the Islamic State and the former AL-Nusrah Front, affiliated to Al Qaeda. Many Syrian rebel groups have shown reservation towards the planned peace deal, saying it only strengthens the regime in Damascus and increases the suffering of the people, the BBC and FP report. The regime of Bashar al-Assad and his allies have announced they will abide by the ceasefire.

    TENNIS — Romanian tennis player, Simona Halep, continues to be ranked as world no.5 in the WTA rankings made public today, whereas German Angelique Kerber becomes the new no.1 in tennis. Romanian Irina Begu ranks 23rd, Monica Niculescu 55th and Sorana Carstea 89th. (Translated by Diana Vijeu)

  • Nachrichten 11.09.2016

    Nachrichten 11.09.2016

    Rumäniens Außenminister Lazăr Comănescu hat anlässlich des 15. Jahrestags der Anschläge vom 11. September eine Gedenkmitteilung an seinen amerikanischen Kollegen John Kerry geschickt. Darin zeigte sich der rumänische Chefdiplomat solidarisch mit den Opfern der Anschläge, ihren Hinterbliebenen und allen die unter den tragischen Ereignissen 2001 zu leiden hatten.“ Mit Feierstunden, Kranzniederlegungen, Schweigeminuten und Glockengeläut gedenken die Vereinigten Staaten der Opfer der Anschläge vom 11. September 2001. Fast 3000 Menschen waren getötet worden, als vor 15 Jahren zwei Flugzeuge ins New Yorker World Trade Center und das Pentagon in Washington gesteuert wurden, und eine weitere entführte Maschine von Passagieren in Pennsylvania gezielt zum Absturz gebracht worden war. US-Präsident Barack Obama betonte die Entschlossenheit der USA den Kampf gegen den Terrorismus fortzusetzen. Am Ground Zero war wie alljährlich seit 2011 eine Gedenkfeier mit der Verlesung der Namen der Opfer geplant. In der Nacht zum Montag sollen zwei blaue Lichtstrahlen an den Stellen, wo einst die Zwillingstürme des World Trade Center standen, an die Anschläge erinnern, berichtete Euronews.

    Frankreichs Präsident François Hollande wird am Montag zu einem zweitägigen Besuch in Rumänien erwartet. Der Staatschef wird eine Delegation von Ministern, Unternehmern und Parlamentsabgeordneten leiten. Auf dem Programm steht allen voran eine Unterredung mit dem rumänischen Kollegen, Klaus Iohannis. Dabei soll es unter anderem um die Zukunft der EU gehen, ein vorbereitendes Gespräch vor dem informellen EU-Gipfel in Bratislava kommenden Freitag. Anschließend soll Hollande gemeinsam mit dem rumänischen Ministerpräsidenten Dacian Cioloş die Hubschrauber-Fabrik von Airbus in Ghimbav bei Kronstadt einweihen. Die Gesamtinvestition in den Standort beläuft sich auf etwa 40 Millionen Euro, das erste zivile Hubschraubermodell soll 2017 geliefert werden. Im Jahr 2018 sollen auch die ersten Militärhubschrauber gefertigt werden. Rumäniens Präsident Iohannis hatte nach dem Gewinn der Wahlen 2014 seinen ersten Auslandsbesuch im Februar 2015 in Frankreich absolviert.

  • September 11, 2016 UPDATE

    September 11, 2016 UPDATE

    REMEMBERING 9/11 – Romanian foreign minister, Lazar Comanescu, has sent a message to US Secretary of State, John Kerry, to honour the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks. The Romanian foreign minister reiterated, in his message, solidarity with the victims of the attacks, their families and with all those affected by the tragic events of 2001. Ceremonies started in the US to commemorate 15 years since the attacks of September 11, 2001, when some 3,000 people lost their lives and thousands others got injured. 75,000 people are still coping with psychological and physical effects of the 9/11 attacks, including members of the emergency teams, who breathed in toxic dust, in an effort to save lives. Many of those directly affected are monitored for lung diseases and cancers. The authorities have organised a march to the monument erected on the site of the twin towers in New York, reduced to rubble by the terrorists. Hundreds of people took part in this memorial walk. In his weekly address on the national public radio, President Barack Obama launched an appeal for upholding democratic values and avoiding simplistic answers to the challenge of terrorism. In response to the attacks 15 years ago, the US started a global war on terrorism, which continues as we speak. An exhibition entitled Rendering the Unthinkable: Artists Respond to 9/11 will be opened on Monday at the National 9/11 Memorial and Museum in New York. The exhibition is a collection of artwork by 13 artists and their reactions to the terror attacks, “ranging in media from paintings and sculpture to works on paper and video. Some of the artists have incorporated in their works ashes found at Ground Zero, on the site of the twin towers destroyed by terrorists.

    ROMANIAN-FRENCH TIES – French President, François Hollande, will pay a two-day official visit to Romania as of Monday, alongside a delegation of ministers, businesspeople and MPs. The visiting French President is also due to meet his Romanian counterpart, Klaus Iohannis, together with whom he will approach, among other issues, the future of the EU, ahead of the Bratislava Summit, due on September 16. During the visit, President Francois Hollande will attend together with Romanian PM Dacian Ciolos the inauguration of the Airbus helicopter factory in Ghimbav, near Brasov (central Romania). The investment stands at 40 million Euro, and the first civil helicopter will get out in the field in 2017, whereas the first military one is due in 2018. We recall that Klaus Iohannis paid his first bilateral visit abroad, in his capacity as Romanias president, to France, in February 2015.

    A NEW SCHOOL YEAR – In Romania, over 3 million pupils will start a new school year on Monday. The 2016-2017 school year includes 35 weeks of classes, divided into two semesters: September 12, 2016 – February 3, 2017, and February 13, 2017 – June 16, 2017, respectively. One of the novelties of the new school year is that pupils will have their own statute. The pupils’ rights fall into 5 categories: educational rights, association and expression rights, social rights, rewards and other rights. Also, the Education Ministry has decided a change in the grading system for high school admission: the GPA obtained by a pupil, from the fifth to the eight form, will account for 20% of the final high school admission average, and not for 25% as has been the case so far. In another move, high school admission will be a one stage computerised process, followed by an analysis of special cases and will come to a close in July. At present, high school admission is a three-stage process which comes to a close in September.

    PLANNED NATIONWIDE CEASEFIRE IN SYRIA – In the Syrian capital city of Damascus, the government has expressed support for the envisaged agreement between the US and Russia, which is designed to ensure a nationwide ceasefire in Syria. A spokesperson for the Syrian opposition has said the plan offers room for hope, but underlined that more details are necessary on the way this agreement will be implemented. Washington and Moscow have announced the agreement is meant to re-launch the peace process in Syria and includes a nationwide ceasefire, as of Monday evening, improved humanitarian access and joint military actions against Islamist groups, that is the Islamic State and the former Al-Nusrah Front, affiliated to Al Qaida. The ceasefire should be used by the Syrian government and opposition to reach a political agreement, to put an end to the civil war that has already entered its sixth year. Over 250,000 people lost their lives so far, and millions of Syrian nationals were forced into fleeing their homes. The EU has hailed the agreement and called on the UNO to make ready negotiation proposals for political transition in Syria.

    BLACK SEA TALL SHIPS REGATTA – The second edition of an international regatta of large sailboats began in the Romanian port of Constanta. 13 tall ships from six different countries will be racing up to Novorossiysk, in Russia. Afterwards, they will be heading for Sochi and then for Varna, in Bulgaria. During the race, the sailboats will be powered exclusively by wind. The use of engines is allowed only in emergency situations. (Translated by Diana Vijeu)

  • September 11, 2016

    September 11, 2016

    9/11 COMMEMORATIONS – Romanian foreign minister, Lazar Comanescu, has sent a message to US Secretary of State, John Kerry, to honour the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks. The Romanian foreign minister reiterated, in his message, solidarity with the victims of the attacks, their families and with all those affected by the tragic events of 2001. Ceremonies started in the US to commemorate 15 years since the attacks of September 11, 2001, when some 3,000 people lost their lives and thousands others got injured. 75,000 people are still coping with psychological and physical effects of the 9/11 attacks, including members of the emergency teams, who breathed in toxic dust, in an effort to save lives. Many of those directly affected are monitored for lung diseases and cancers. The authorities have organised a march to the monument erected on the site of the twin towers in New York, reduced to rubble by the terrorists. Hundreds of people took part in this memorial walk. In his weekly address on the national public radio, President Barack Obama launched an appeal for upholding democratic values and avoiding simplistic answers to the challenge of terrorism. In response to the attacks 15 years ago, the US started a global war on terrorism, which continues as we speak. An exhibition entitled Rendering the Unthinkable: Artists Respond to 9/11 will be opened on Monday at the National 9/11 Memorial and Museum in New York. The exhibition is a collection of artwork by 13 artists and their reactions to the terror attacks, “ranging in media from paintings and sculpture to works on paper and video. Some of the artists have incorporated in their works ashes found at Ground Zero, on the site of the twin towers destroyed by terrorists.

    VISIT – French President, François Hollande, will pay a two-day official visit to Romania as of Monday, alongside a delegation of ministers, businesspeople and MPs. The visiting French President is also due to meet his Romanian counterpart, Klaus Iohannis, together with whom he will approach, among other issues, the future of the EU, ahead of the Bratislava Summit, due on September 16. During the visit, President Francois Hollande will attend together with Romanian PM Dacian Ciolos the inauguration of the Airbus helicopter factory in Ghimbav, near Brasov (central Romania). The investment stands at 40 million Euro, and the first civil helicopter will get out in the field in 2017, whereas the first military one is due in 2018. We recall that Klaus Iohannis paid his first bilateral visit abroad, in his capacity as Romanias president, to France, in February 2015.

    SYRIA – In the Syrian capital city of Damascus, the government has expressed support for the envisaged agreement between the US and Russia, which is designed to ensure a nationwide ceasefire in Syria. A spokesperson for the Syrian opposition has said the plan offers room for hope, but underlined that more details are necessary on the way this agreement will be implemented. Washington and Moscow have announced the agreement is meant to re-launch the peace process in Syria and includes a nationwide ceasefire, as of Monday evening, improved humanitarian access and joint military actions against Islamist groups, that is the Islamic State and the former Al-Nusrah Front, affiliated to Al Qaida. The ceasefire should be used by the Syrian government and opposition to reach a political agreement, to put an end to the civil war that has already entered its sixth year. Over 250,000 people lost their lives so far, and millions of Syrian nationals were forced into fleeing their homes. The EU has hailed the agreement and called on the UNO to make ready negotiation proposals for political transition in Syria.

    BLACK SEA TALL SHIPS REGATTA – The second edition of an international regatta of large sailboats began in the Romanian port of Constanta. 13 tall ships from six different countries will be racing up to Novorossiysk, in Russia. Afterwards, they will be heading for Sochi and then for Varna, in Bulgaria. During the race, the sailboats will be powered exclusively by wind. The use of engines is allowed only in emergency situations. (Translated by Diana Vijeu)

  • 10.09.2016 (mise à jour)

    10.09.2016 (mise à jour)

    Accord — La Roumanie estime que l’accord russo-américain de cessez-le-feu en Syrie est un nouveau pas vers la réconciliation, vers l’instauration de la paix et vers la stabilité du pays, qui sert à consolider les prémisses du maintien de la souveraineté, de l’indépendance et de l’intégrité de l’Etat syrien. Dans le même temps, la mise en œuvre de cet accord va créer le cadre nécessaire pour combattre le terrorisme, effort international auquel la Roumanie contribue y compris en sa qualité de membre de la Coalition globale anti-Daesh, lit-on dans un communiqué du ministère des affaires étrangères de Bucarest. Le document précise également qu’aux termes des engagements assumés, la Roumanie continuera d’épauler les efforts humanitaires d’aide aux réfugiés syriens et aux Etats voisins de la Syrie qui accueillent des réfugiés. Bucarest considère que la trêve crée le climat approprié pour le déroulement des négociations censées trouver une solution politique à la crise syrienne et qu’elle facilitera l’octroi d’assistance humanitaire à la population vivant dans la zone de conflit, est-il souligné dans le communiqué de la diplomatie roumaine. La Roumanie, qui soutient activement les efforts de la communauté internationale pour régler la crise syrienne, s’est constamment prononcée en faveur d’une solution politique et inclusive, qui permette l’accès aux négociations et à la gouvernance du pays, pendant la période de transition, de toutes les forces modérées de Syrie.

    Visite — Le président de la France, François Hollande, effectuera, les 12 et 13 septembre, une visite officielle en Roumanie. Il sera accompagné par une délégation formée de ministres, d’hommes d’affaires et de parlementaires français. Le chef de l’Etat français rencontrera à Bucarest son homologue roumain, Klaus Iohannis. Au menu des discussions figurent entre autres l’avenir de la construction européenne, sujet central du prochain sommet de l’UE qui se tiendra à Bratislava, le 16 septembre. Par ailleurs, François Hollande participera, aux côtés du premier ministre roumain, Dacian Cioloş, à l’inauguration de l’usine d’hélicoptères Airbus à Ghimbav, près de Brasov, au centre de la Roumanie. L’investissement se monte à 40 de millions d’euros Le premier hélicoptère civil sortira des chaînes d’assemblage en 2017, tandis que le premier hélicoptère militaire sera fabriqué en 2018. C’est en France que Klaus Iohannis a effectué, en février 2015, sa première visite officielle à l’étranger en tant que président de la Roumanie.

    Gazoduc – Un gazoduc, reliant les réseaux de transport de gaz de Bulgarie, de Roumanie, de Hongrie et d’Autriche, sera construit avant la fin de l’année 2019. Les responsables de la compagnie roumaine Transgaz ont signé à Budapest un contrat de financement de près de 180 millions d’euros. Le projet prévoit la construction sur le territoire de la Roumanie d’un gazoduc long de 528 km et de trois nouvelles stations de compression de gaz. Le coût total du gazoduc qui devrait acheminer le gaz depuis la mer Noire vers l’Autriche se monte à plus d’un demi-milliard d’euros, un tiers des fonds devant être octroyés par la Commission européenne.

    Météo — Dans les prochaines 24 heures, les températures maximales iront de 25 à 32 degrés, soit des valeurs au dessus des normales de saison. Dans le sud-ouest du territoire et sur le relief, on attend des pluies orageuses.

  • 10.09.2016


    Visite — Le président de la France, François Hollande, effectuera, les 12 et 13 septembre, une visite officielle en Roumanie. Il sera accompagné par une délégation formée de ministres, d’hommes d’affaires et de parlementaires français. Le chef de l’Etat français rencontrera à Bucarest son homologue roumain, Klaus Iohannis. Au menu des discussions figurent entre autres l’avenir de la construction européenne, sujet central du prochain sommet de l’UE qui se tiendra à Bratislava, le 16 septembre. Par ailleurs, François Hollande participera, aux côtés du premier ministre roumain, Dacian Cioloş, à l’inauguration de l’usine d’hélicoptères Airbus à Ghimbav, près de Brasov, au centre de la Roumanie. L’investissement se monte à 40 de millions d’euros Le premier hélicoptère civil sortira des chaînes d’assemblage en 2017, tandis que le premier hélicoptère militaire sera fabriqué en 2018. C’est en France que Klaus Iohannis a effectué, en février 2015, sa première visite officielle à l’étranger en tant que président de la Roumanie.

    Rentrée scolaire — Pour plus de 3 millions d’écoliers roumains, le lundi 12 septembre sonnera lheure de la rentrée des classes. La nouvelle année scolaire est structurée en deux semestres et comporte 35 semaines de cours, soit du 12 septembre 2016 au 3 février 2017, respectivement du 13 février au 16 juin 2017. Une des nouveautés consiste dans le statut de l’élève, document qui stipule 5 catégories de droits: droits éducationnels, droits d’association et d’expression, droits sociaux, récompenses et autres. Par ailleurs, en ce qui concerne les conditions d’admission au lycée, le ministère de l’Education a décidé que le poids de la moyenne générale des classes du collège sera de seulement 20 %, contre 25% à présent. L’admission au lycée se fera en une seule étape et s’achèvera en juillet.

    Gazoduc – Un gazoduc, reliant les réseaux de transport de gaz de Bulgarie, de Roumanie, de Hongrie et d’Autriche, sera construit avant la fin de l’année 2019. Les responsables de la compagnie roumaine Transgaz ont signé à Budapest un contrat de financement de près de 180 millions d’euros. Le projet prévoit la construction sur le territoire de la Roumanie d’un gazoduc long de 528 km et de trois nouvelles stations de compression de gaz. Le coût total du gazoduc qui devrait acheminer le gaz depuis la mer Noire vers l’Autriche se monte à plus d’un demi-milliard d’euros, un tiers des fonds devant être octroyés par la Commission européenne.

    Triathlon – “Tri – Challenge”, le plus grand triathlon d’Europe de l’Est et des Balkans, se déroule ce samedi dans la station de Mamaia, sur la côte roumaine de la mer Noire. Il réunit plus de 1500 concurrents, professionnels et amateurs, de Roumanie et de l’étranger, qui participent aux trois épreuves du triathlon, à savoir natation, cyclisme et course à pied. Parvenu à sa 8e édition, le “Tri – Challenge” est également une méthode inédite de promouvoir le littoral roumain de la mer Noire, la station de Mamaia étant déjà un repère incontournable sur la carte internationale des compétitions sportives importantes. L’événement se décline en trois volets: la compétition consacrée aux amateurs et aux sportifs professionnels de “Super Ligue”, “Tri kids” – aquathlon et duathlon pour les enfants et la course à pied sur la plage, “Beach Run”.

  • August 23, 2016

    August 23, 2016

    Romanian anti-corruption prosecutors have today detained the vice president of the National Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices, Lazar Iordache, for bribe giving and influence peddling. According to the National Anti-Corruption Directorate, Lazar Iordache had promised an official with the Health Ministry 5% of the amounts allotted by the Ministry to two hospitals. In April 28, 2016, Iordache allegedly gave 28 thousand euros to the Health Ministry official for the latter to make sure that the amounts earmarked for the two hospitals are disbursed. The bribe given by Iordache to the Health Ministry official came from the funds allocated by the Health Ministry for the construction of a wastewater treatment unit and for the purchase of medical devices for the two hospitals.

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande and Italian PM Matteo Renzi discussed on Monday on board an Italian military aircraft carrier about the impact of Britain’s decision to leave the bloc. Angela Merkel has said that the EU has to prove that it is able to prosper without Britain. She recalled that the EU had been born from some of the “darkest moments” of European history but added that in the face of “enormous challenges” it must now work together, strengthening internal and external borders, boosting economic growth and providing jobs for its young people. “We respect the choice made by the citizens of Britain but we want to write a future chapter”, Italian PM Matteo Renzi has said in his turn. Europe after Brexit will relaunch the powerful ideals of unity and peace, freedom and dreams, the Italian official has also said. The meeting in Italy was held three weeks ahead of the EU summit in Bratislava, which is seen as crucial for the future of the Union.

    One of the men injured in Monday’s blast at the Petromidia refinery in Navodari, in south-eastern Romania, has died this morning. Three people are currently treated in a hospital in Bucharest. The explosion occurred after a pipe broke while the three workers were making pressure tests on a reactor. The refinery was shut down for revision. Experts have measured the level of air pollution in the area but the results do not threaten people’s health. In investigation into the causes of the accident is under way.

    In Romania, road freight and passenger carriers have announced they will run at low speed at least one hour per day on the main roads across Romania. They are discontented mainly because car insurance premiums have doubled from 2,000 to more than 4,000 Euros within a year. Consequently, road carriers in Romania report high costs and can no longer be competitive at a European level. The line associations call on the government to freeze car insurance premiums and have warned that if measures are not taken urgently, they might call an all-out strike on September 15. Also, animal breeders have taken to the street and continue to protest in front of the Government headquarters. They say they will give up protests only when they receive the subsides for 2015 in their entirety.

    Turkey is carrying out military operations in an attempt to seize from ISIS the town of Jarablus, a city at the border with Syria. On Monday, Turkey’s foreign minister had vowed to “completely cleanse” the country’s border regions of ISIS militants, after a suspected suicide bomber with links to the group killed 54 people, including 22 children, at a Kurdish wedding. About 15 hundred Syrian rebels backed by the Turkish authorities are prepared to launch an attack to seize the town held by the militant Islamist group on Syrias border with Turkey.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • Nachrichten 15.07.2016

    Nachrichten 15.07.2016

    Paris: In Frankreich hat der
    Präsident Francois Hollande nach dem Anschlag von Nizza eine dreitägige
    Staatstrauer angeordnet. Sie beginnt am Samstag und geht bis Montag.
    Donnerstagabend hatte ein Mann einen 25-Tonnen Lastwagen in eine Menschenmenge gesteuert, die dort
    das Feuerwerk zum Abschluss des Nationalfeiertags verfolgte. 84 Menschen haben
    dabei ihr Leben verloren. Der Fahrer des Lastwagens wurde von der Polizei
    erschossen. Er wurde als ein 31-jähriger in Nizza wohnender Franzose mit
    tunesischen Wurzeln identifiziert. Medienberichten zufolge, seien unter den
    Opfern auch Bürger anderer EU-Staaten und Russlands. Der UNO-Sicherheitsrat
    bezeichnete den Anschlag als einen barbarischen und feigen Angriff. Der
    US-Präsident Barack Obama sicherte Frankreich seine Solidarität zu. Auch der
    rumänische Präsident Klaus Iohannis sprach den Familien von Opfern sein Beileid
    aus. Die üble Geißel des Terrorismus,
    der Angst und Verzweiflung auslöst, wird trotzdem Europa nicht spalten, sagte
    noch der rumänische Staatschef. Klaus Iohannis hat am Freitag in das
    Kondolenzbuch bei der französischen Botschaft in Bukarest geschrieben. Der Premier Dacian Cioloş verurteilte den barbarischen
    und gewaltigen Anschlag auf das französische Volk. Der rumänische Außenminister Lazar Comanescu verurteilte
    seinerseits scharf den Angriff, den er als
    barbarische Terrorakte bezeichete und betonte, dass die internationale
    Gemeinschaft ihre Bemühungen im
    Kampf gegen Terrorismus intensivieren
    müsse. Andererseits sind die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen bei allen offiziellen
    französischen Institutionen in Rumänien
    verstärkt worden.

    Ulan Bator: Der rumänische Premier Dacian Cioloş beteiligt sich in der mongolischen Haupstadt am Asien-Europa Gipfel, der am Freitag begonnen hat. 50 Staats-und Regierungschefs nehmen an dem hochrangigen Treffen teil. Themenschwerpunkte dürften dabei die aktuelle Wirtschaftslage der Welt, der Klimawandel, der Kampf gegen Terrorismus und Migration bilden. Der rumänische Premier wird in der mongolischen Hauptstadt die Argumente vorstellen, die dafür sprechen, dass Rumänien in einen Knotenpunkt umgewandelt wird, der gemeinsame Projekte Europas und Asiens miteinander verbindet. Gemeint werden Projekte im Bereich Infrastruktur, Warentransport, Energie und Kommunikation. Zum Auftakt des Asien-Gipfels kam der rumänische Ministerpräsident mit seinen Amtskollegen aus teilnehmenden Ländern zu Gesprächen zusammen. Vorher hatte Ciolos in Vietnam mit seinem Amtskollegen Nguyen Xuan Phuc sowie mit dem Staatschef Tran Dai Quang diskutiert. Dabei plädierte der rumänische Premier für die Wiederaufnahme der bilateralen Beziehungen im Wirtschafts-und Kulturbereich.

    Bukarest: Die Europäische Investitionsbank hat am Freitag drei Abkommen mit dem Finanzministerium bzw dem Ministerium für Europäische Fonds und der Nationalen Agentur für öffentliche Beschaffung unterzeichnet. Die internationale Finanzinstitution gewährt somit Rumänien eine Finanzhilfe im Wert von 360 Millionen Euro für Projekte im Rahmen opperationeller Programme der EU für den Zeitraum 2014 – 2020. Das Geld soll teilweise den Staatsbeitrag zur Wiederankurbelung der Investitionen decken. Seitdem sie ihre Operationen in Rumänien startete, stellte die Internationale Investitionsbank Bukarest insgesamt 11,4 Milliarden Euro für Pilotprojekte zur Verfügung.

    Bukarest: Die Staatsanwälte der Antikorruptionsbehörde haben am Freitag Anklage gegen den Chef der linksgerichteten Sozialdemokratischen Partei Liviu Dragnea erhoben. Dragnea wird beschuldigt, im Zeitraum 2006 – 2013, als er Vorsitzender des Kreisrates Teleorman war, seinen Einfluss ausgeübt zu haben, damit zwei Personen, Mitglieder der PSD- Organisation Teleorman, nur auf Papier bei der Direktion für Soziales und Kinderschutz Teleorman angestellt werden. Gegen Dragneas ehemalige Ehefrau wurde ebenfalls Anklage erhoben. Im April wurde der PSD-Chef zu 2 Jahren Haft auf Bewährung verurteilt. Dragnea war demnach der erste rumänische Spitzenpolitiker, der des Wahlbetrugs für schuldig befunden worden ist. Laut Staatsanwälte hatte Dragnea als PSD- Generalsekretär im Jahre 2012 die Vertreter der Partei angespornt, illegal Personen zu den Wahlurnen zu rufen, damit das Referendum für die Amtsenthebung des Landespräsidenten Traian Băsescu gültig erklärt wird. Die Amtsenthebung scheiterte an Quorum.

  • 16 June, 2016 UPDATE

    16 June, 2016 UPDATE

    Mircea Basescu, the brother of the former
    Romanian president Traian Basescu, has been sentenced to four years in prison
    for influence peddling in a corruption trial prosecuted two years ago.
    According to the prosecution, between February 2011 and February 2012, Mircea
    Basescu received a quarter of a million euros to use his influence with
    magistrates in the prosecution of a criminal case to obtain a reduced sentence
    or a favourable ruling.

    Romania’s president Klaus Iohannis on Thursday ended
    his official trip to Bulgaria with a visit to the building site of the
    Giurgiu-Ruse gas pipeline, which is due to be inaugurated at the end of the
    year. Also on Thursday, Iohannis visited Plevna, Grivita and Pordim, three
    emblematic places that played a key role in Romania’s winning its independence
    and in the liberation of Bulgaria. The Romanian president paid tribute to the
    Romanian soldiers killed in the 1877 war for the liberation of Bulgaria from
    under Ottoman rule. On Wednesday, Iohannis had talks with his counterpart Rosen
    Plevneliev about ways to consolidate economic, political and military
    cooperation between their countries. The two officials stood for boosting
    defence in the Black Sea area. In a press conference held on Thursday in Sofia
    together with the Bulgarian president and the country’s defence minister, the
    Bulgarian prime minister Boyko Borissov ruled out his country’s participation
    in a joint Black Sea military fleet. Klaus Iohannis said Romania’s proposal was
    in fact to create a joint naval initiative to carry out training exercises
    under the NATO umbrella, and not to set up a permanent fleet.

    The French president Francois Hollande will travel to Romania on the 12th
    and 13th of September, the state secretary for European Affairs in
    the French Foreign Ministry, Harlem Desir, told a joint press conference with
    Romania’s foreign minister Lazar Comanescu. Harlem Desir, who visited the
    Operational Command Centre of the Romanian Border Police, said that in matters
    of border security, the cooperation between Romania and France is exemplary,
    and that Bucharest has made significant progress in respect of its Schengen
    accession. Lazar Comanescu said that as far as Romania is concerned, its
    Schengen entry would enhance the European Union’s ability to defend its
    borders. On Thursday, the two officials are paying a two-day working visit to the
    Republic of Moldova, given that Romania and France are holding the presidency
    of the European Action Group for Moldova.

    MP Jo Cox died in hospital after she was shot and stabbed in the street in
    Birstall, northern England. She was attacked in her own constituency by a man
    who may have been in favour of Britain’s leaving the European Union, according
    to sources quoted by the British media. The EU referendum campaigning has been
    suspended for a day.

    The Joint Chief Staff of Staff of the Romanian Army Nicolae Ciuca on
    Thursday attended the ANAKONDA-16 multinational exercise carried out in
    north-western Poland. The Romanian military contributed 250 soldiers and about
    40 pieces of hardware. The exercise, which runs until the 17th of
    June, brings together 25,000 soldiers from 19 NATO member countries and is the
    biggest military drill held in Poland in the last 25 years.

    One of the biggest performing arts festivals in
    the world, the Sibiu International Theatre Festival continues with a
    comprehensive programme to celebrate the 400th anniversary of
    Shakespeare’s death. On Thursday and Friday, the Actors Gang company from the
    US stage A Midsummer Night’s Dream directed by Oscar winning American actor Tim
    Robbins, who is in Sibiu. On Saturday, he will receive a star on the city’s
    Walk of Fame. The festival, which is now in its 23rd year, brings
    together 2,500 participants from 70 different countries and features theatre
    performances, music concerts, exhibitions, workshops, film screenings and book

  • June 11, 2016

    June 11, 2016

    OFFICIAL VISIT – French President Francois Hollande will come to Romania in September, Romanian Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos has announced. Ciolos, who paid a visit to Paris, attended, together with President François Hollande, the opening ceremony of the European Football Championship and the opening game, between the host country and Romania. Earlier on Friday the Romanian PM and his French counterpart Manuel Valls signed an updated roadmap for the strategic partnership between Romania and France. A day before Dacian Ciolos had taken part in a special meeting of the Council of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, which Romania intends to join.

    MILITARY DRILL – Romanian and American Navy Forces will carry out, as of Monday, joint military drills in the Black Sea, to practice standard procedures, with a view to developing interoperability between the two countries’ fleets. The Romanian side participates in the drill with the frigate Queen Mary, one corvette, two minesweepers and a Puma Naval helicopter, while the American partner will participate with the USS Porter destroyer.

    COMMEMORATION – The Romanian Cultural Institute commemorates, in the Cernauti region in Western Ukraine, at the border with Romania, 75 years since the first deportations carried out by the Soviets in the eastern Romanian territories annexed by Moscow in 1940 following an ultimatum. To mark this event, the play “20 Years in Siberia”, will be performed on Saturday and Sunday at the National Theatre in Bucharest. The play was written after a book by Anita Nandris-Cudla, a Romanian peasant from Bukovina who described the terrible years she had spent in the Soviet Gulag. Once Bessarabia, northern Bukovina and the Herta region annexed by the Soviets, the Romanian population was subjected to deportations, arrests and forced relocations, which lasted until 1956. The first wave of deportations took place on the night of June 12, 1941 and affected over 32 thousand people, among whom personalities of the political, cultural and economic life of that time.

    STRIKE – Air France pilots are on a 4-day strike as of today, which may disrupt plans for thousands of football fans on the second day of the Euro 2016 competition. Air France has already cancelled around 30% of the flights, but has announced it would prioritise journeys to cities that were hosting tournament matches. The pilots union wants the government to scrap new labour laws that will make it easier to hire and fire people. Also, rubbish will not be collected in Paris until Wednesday, while train services have only recently resumed after a nine-day strike. Strikes have also been announced in neighbouring Belgium.

    THEATER FESTIVAL – The Romanian city of Sibiu is hosting, as of Friday, the International Theatre Festival, one of the biggest events in the world devoted to performing arts. The 23rd edition of the festival has brought together over 2800 artists from 70 countries, who will participate in some 450 shows and cultural events. The manager of the theatre in Sibiu and also the festival’s director, Constantin Chiriac, has announced that nine million euros have been made available for this year’s edition. The Grand Square in Sibiu has turned into a huge stage for acrobats, performing on platforms suspended above the square by means of a huge crane. The theatre marathon starts with actors from England, Spain, Poland, the Republic of Moldova and Romania, while street performances are the attraction of the pedestrian area in the citys historical centre.

    EURO 2016 – On Friday night, in Paris, Romanias national football squad was defeated by the French side 1-2, in the opening of the 2016 European Championship. Encouraged by more than 20,000 Romanians who watched the game from the stands of Stade de France, the Romanian players started in force and on 3rd minutes were about to score. For the next hour they managed to keep up with the aggressive game of the host team, who are the first seeds at the championship. Giroud scored the first goal in the 57th minute. After eight minutes, Stancu stroke the balance through a penalty shootout, but Payet scored the winning goal in the 89th minute. Euro 2016 continues today with the match between Switzerland and Albania. The next leg of the group will pit Romania against Switzerland and France against Albania on Wednesday. On Saturday, in group B, England takes on Russia, and Wales plays against Slovakia.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • June 11, 2016 UPDATE

    June 11, 2016 UPDATE

    FOREIGN AFFAIRS – Romanian Foreign Minster Lazar Comanescu attended on Saturday the opening of European Forum Wachau, in Austria. On this occasion, the Romanian official said the EU finds itself in a difficult moment of its history and Romania constantly supports the promotion of the idea of a stronger and more united Europe. In this context, Comanescu reminded the importance of supporting policies and initiatives aimed at consolidating the EU and preventing fragmentation tendencies within it. Currently at its 21st edition, the European Forum Wachau, held on June 11 and 12, brings together government representatives, people of science and culture and also media representatives from the EU countries, Central and Eastern Europe in particular.

    SENTENCE – The newly elected mayor of the county capital Deva, in south-western Romania, Mircia Muntean, has been sentenced to six years in prison. He was initially sentenced to two years in prison for driving under the influence of alcohol but this sentence was cumulated with a 4-year suspended sentence for abuse of public office. Muntean had been Deva mayor for 16 years, between 1996 and 2012, after which he became an MP. On Sunday he was re-elected mayor of the city with 35% of the votes. Since he entered politics he has been a member of five political parties.

    OFFICIAL VISIT – French President Francois Hollande will come to Romania in September, Romanian Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos has announced. Ciolos, who paid a visit to Paris, attended, together with President François Hollande, the opening ceremony of the European Football Championship and the opening game, between the host country and Romania. Earlier on Friday the Romanian PM and his French counterpart Manuel Valls signed an updated roadmap for the strategic partnership between Romania and France. A day before Dacian Ciolos had taken part in a special meeting of the Council of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, which Romania intends to join.

    MILITARY DRILL – Romanian and American Navy Forces will carry out, as of Monday, joint military drills in the Black Sea, to practice standard procedures, with a view to developing interoperability between the two countries’ fleets. The Romanian side participates in the drill with the frigate Queen Mary, one corvette, two minesweepers and a Puma Naval helicopter, while the American partner will participate with the USS Porter destroyer.

    COMMEMORATION – The Romanian Cultural Institute commemorates, in the Cernauti region in Western Ukraine, at the border with Romania, 75 years since the first deportations carried out by the Soviets in the eastern Romanian territories annexed by Moscow in 1940 following an ultimatum. To mark this event, the play “20 Years in Siberia”, will be performed on Saturday and Sunday at the National Theatre in Bucharest. The play was written after a book by Anita Nandris-Cudla, a Romanian peasant from Bukovina, who described the terrible years she had spent in the Soviet Gulag. Once Bessarabia, northern Bukovina and the Herta region annexed by the Soviets, the Romanian population was subjected to deportations, arrests and forced relocations, which lasted until 1956. The first wave of deportations took place on the night of June 12, 1941 and affected over 32 thousand people, among whom personalities of the political, cultural and economic life of that time.

    STRIKE – Air France pilots are on a 4-day strike as of Saturday, which may disrupt plans for thousands of football fans travelling to France for the Euro 2016 competition. Air France has already cancelled around 30% of the flights, but has announced it would prioritise journeys to cities that were hosting tournament matches. The pilots union wants the government to scrap new labour laws that will make it easier to hire and fire people. Also, rubbish will not be collected in Paris until Wednesday, while train services have only recently resumed after a nine-day strike. Strikes have also been announced in neighbouring Belgium.

    THEATER FESTIVAL – The Romanian city of Sibiu is hosting, as of Friday, the International Theatre Festival, one of the biggest events in the world devoted to performing arts. The 23rd edition of the festival has brought together over 2800 artists from 70 countries, who will participate in some 450 shows and cultural events. The manager of the theatre in Sibiu and also the festival’s director, Constantin Chiriac, has announced that nine million euros have been made available for this year’s edition. The Grand Square in Sibiu has turned into a huge stage for acrobats, performing on platforms suspended above the square by means of a huge crane. The theatre marathon starts with actors from England, Spain, Poland, the Republic of Moldova and Romania, while street performances are the attraction of the pedestrian area in the citys historical centre.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)