Tag: G7

  • UE – mai mult ajutor pentru Ucraina

    UE – mai mult ajutor pentru Ucraina

    Uniunea Europeană îşi va intensifica eforturile pentru a acorda Ucrainei sprijin în restabilirea şi menţinerea furnizării de energie electrică şi agent termic, a declarat şefa Comisiei Europene, Ursula von der Leyen, după valurile de atacuri ruseşti cu rachete împotriva infrastructurii critice ucrainene. Ea a anunţat că Uniunea ar urma să furnizeze 200 de transformatoare de dimensiuni medii şi un autotransformator mare din Lituania, un autotransformator de dimensiuni medii din Letonia şi 40 de generatoare grele din rezerva comunitară din România. Fiecare dintre aceste generatoare poate furniza energie electrică neîntreruptă unui spital de dimensiuni mici sau medii, a precizat Ursula von der Leyen şi a anunţat că forul comunitar lucrează la un nou hub energetic în Polonia pentru a permite donaţii de la terţi şi pentru a ajuta la livrarea acestora într-un mod coordonat în Ucraina, în special cu partenerii din G7.

    La summit-ul internaţional privind securitatea alimentară, organizat, la Kiev, sâmbătă, la 90 de ani de la genocidul de la Holodomor, preşedintele Volodimir Zelenski a iniţiat un program umanitar – Cereale din Ucraina – care prevede achiziționarea de către parteneri a produselor alimentare de la producătorii ucraineni și trimiterea lor în țările din Africa și Asia care se află în pragul foametei.

    La Holodomor, ocupaţia sovietică a supus poporul ucrainean la o foamete deliberată timp de aproape un an, iar acum Rusia foloseşte din nou alimentele ca armă, a spus preşedinta Comisiei, Ursula von der Leyen.

    Ca parte a agresiunii sale brutale împotriva Ucrainei, Rusia a distrus producția agricolă, a vizat silozurile de cereale și v-a blocat porturile. Astfel, Rusia privează țările cele mai vulnerabile din Africa, Orientul Mijlociu și Asia de accesul vital la alimente. Și apoi se folosește de dezinformare pentru a da vina pe alții pentru acțiunile sale josnice. Trebuie să continuăm să luptăm împotriva acestui lucru, a afirmat Ursula von der Leyen.

    Sâmbătă, Comisia Europeană a anunţat că va plăti transportul a 40 de mii de tone de cereale în cadrul programului umanitar Cereale din Ucraina.

  • Uniunea Europeană cere noi sancțiuni împotriva Coreii de Nord

    Uniunea Europeană cere noi sancțiuni împotriva Coreii de Nord

    comunist din Coreea de Nord este din nou în centrul atenției internaționale. La
    nici două luni de la lansarea unei rachete balistice care a violat spațiul
    aerian al Japoniei, regimul de la Phenian a lansat o nouă rachetă balistică intercontinentală
    și a provocat o reacție a țărilor din G7 și Uniunea Europeană. Înaltul
    Reprezentat al Uniunii Europene pentru afaceri externe și politică de securitate,
    împreună cu miniştrii ţărilor din G7, condamnă în termenii cei mai fermi
    lansarea iresponsabilă a unei rachete balistice intercontinentale efectuată de
    Coreea de Nord, şi cere înăsprirea sancţiunilor economice de până acum.

    Sebe crede că lansarea noii rachete este un nou episod al unui serial în care
    regimul comunist de la Phenian doreşte, simbolic, să arate că deţine putere de
    negociere în arena internaţională.

    În prezent, asistăm la acest val recent de teste de rachete ale Coreei de
    Nord pentru a îmbunătăți arsenalul său nuclear și a obține mai multe concesii
    în negocierile viitoare. Aceste teste sunt menite să submineze încrederea
    comunității internaționale în explicații date sancțiunilor menite să limiteze
    programul nuclear nord-coreean și să obțină o serie de relaxări la nivel
    internațional cu privire la situația Coreii de Nord. În fapt, Uniunea Europeană
    a lansat încă de acum câțiva ani o serie de sancțiuni la adresa Coreii de Nord,
    care au mers deseori în paralel cu sancțiunile la adresa Federației Ruse, cele
    mai recente sancțiuni datând din aprilie acest an când Consiliul Uniunii
    Europene a adăugat 8 persoane și 4 entități pe lista celor care fac obiectul
    măsurilor respective îndreptate împotriva Republicii Populare Democrate
    Coreene. Pe scurt, avem de-a face cu interdicție de călătorie, cu înghețare a
    activelor, cu interdicții de a pune fonduri sau resurse economice la dispoziía
    persoanelor sancționate și la adresa entităților nord-coreene.

    Ce înseamnă înăsprirea sancţiunilor
    economice? Mihai Sebe:

    măsuri nu au fost încă detaliate în plan internațional. În schimb, ele sunt
    menite să acționeze în profunzime și să împiedice viitoarea dezvoltare a
    programelor nord-coreene de arme de distrugere în masă. Acestea pot să varieze
    de la sancțiuni economice, de la o intensificare a sancționării diverselor
    entităților nord-coreene și diverselor persoane și extinderea listelor
    persoanelor spuse sancțiunilor până la alte restricții care pot fi încadrate în
    legislația internațională și sunt conforme cu dreptul internațional.

  • Redresarea, reconstrucţia şi modernizarea Ucrainei

    Redresarea, reconstrucţia şi modernizarea Ucrainei

    german Olaf Scholz a găzduit, la Berlin, împreună cu preşedinta CE, Ursula von
    der Leyen, o conferinţă de reconstrucție a Ucrainei, la care au
    participat oficiali ai UE și experţi internaţionali. Reuniunea a avut ca scop
    găsirea unor modalităţi de a modela viitorul Ucrainei nu doar pentru lunile
    viitoare, ci şi pentru anii care vin, a declarat cancelarul german. Pentru
    a face faţă acestei provocări, a spus el, este nevoie de cooperare între
    investitorii privaţi şi de stat din întreaga lume.

    Olaf Scholz a subliniat că, numai comunitatea internaţională poate ajuta
    această ţară – şi asta într-un efort comun.

    Conferinţa internaţională a
    experţilor privind reconstrucţia Ucrainei prevede un nou Plan Marshall pentru
    secolul XXI, iar ţările europene se vor implica într-o acţiunie coordonată, a mai spus cancelarul german.

    La rândul
    său, preşedinta CE a vorbit despre ajutorul oferit de statele
    membre Ucrainei.

    von der Leyen: Europa a
    sprijinit Ucraina încă din prima zi fără oprire. Nu putem să egalăm niciodată sacrificiile pe care le fac ucrainenii în
    fiecare zi, dar putem să fim alături de ei. Am introdus cele mai dure sancțiuni
    împotriva Rusiei. În general, statele membre ale Uniunii Europene și
    instituțiile financiare europene au oferit Ucrainei asistență de peste 19
    miliarde de euro, și asta fără asistență
    militară. Lucrăm
    din greu pentru a crește accesul Ucrainei la piața noastră unică. Pentru că
    acest lucru creează venituri pentru Ucraina. Și în plus, europenii și-au
    deschis inimile și casele pentru peste 8 milioane de ucraineni care au fugit de
    bombele lui Putin și pentru 4 milioane care au cerut protecție temporară în
    statele noastre membre. Și aș dori să mulțumesc milioanelor de cetățeni care
    oferă cu noblețe ajutor vecinilor atunci cand au nevoie. Aceasta este Europa în
    cea mai bună formă.

    Șefa executivului european a descris gradul de distrugere din Ucraina drept cutremurător.

    Banca Mondială estimează costul pagubelor la 350 de
    miliarde de euro. Partea ucraineană, în schimb, vorbeşte despre 750
    de miliarde de dolari, necesari în vederea reconstrucţiei.

    Este nevoie de parteneri puternici, precum SUA, Canada, Japonia,
    Marea Britanie, Australia şi alte ţări, precum şi de instituţii ca Banca
    Mondială. Fiecare euro, fiecare dolar, fiecare liră, fiecare yen reprezintă o
    investiţie în Ucraina, dar şi în valorile democratice din întreaga lume,
    a mai spus
    Ursula Von der Leyen.

    Ea a reiterat importanța integrării eforturilor de reconstrucție ale Ucrainei ca parte a parcursului său către Uniunea Europeană.

    Conferința de
    la Berlin a reprezentat un alt pas important în seria de evenimente globale
    care demonstrează sprijinul neclintit al CE și al comunității internaționale
    față de Kiev, în contextul războiului de agresiune
    neprovocat și nejustificat al Moscovei.

    Mii de oameni au fost ucişi după ce preşedintele rus Vladimir Putin a ordonat invazia Ucrainei
    în luna februarie, un act pe care ţările occidentale l-au condamnat ca fiind o
    acaparare imperialistă a teritoriului, dar pe care Moscova îl prezintă ca pe o
    operaţiune militară specială.

  • October 11, 2022 UPDATE

    October 11, 2022 UPDATE

    Romania-Georgia. Romanian president Klaus Iohannis said after talks in Bucharest with visiting Georgian president Salome Zourabichvili that Romania is one of the staunchest supporters of Georgias aspirations for European and euro-Atlantic integration. The Georgian president thanked Bucharest for its support and condemned, alongside president Iohannis, Russias actions in Ukraine, expressing solidarity with Kyiv. Iohannis also said Romania is working with Georgia and other partner states to carry out major strategic projects, one priority being the construction of an underwater optical fibre cable between the two countries to develop the digital connectivity between the EU, Georgia and, farther afield, in Central Asia. The two presidents also signed a joint declaration on the creation of a strategic partnership between Romania and Georgia.

    Declaration. The presidents of 11 East European NATO members, including Romania, condemned on Tuesday the recent Russian bombings of some Ukrainian cities, calling them “war crimes”, AFP and Reuters report. In a declaration released by the Polish presidency, the leaders of the 11 countries – the members of the Bucharest 9 format (Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Hungary) plus Montenegro and North Macedonia – denounce Russias nuclear threats. At least 19 people died and 105 were injured in Mondays Russian bombing of several Ukrainian cities, according to the Ukrainian emergency services.

    G7. US President Joe Biden and the leaders of the other G7 member states held an emergency virtual meeting on Tuesday to analyze what they can do more to support Ukraine, after the recent Russian missile and drone attacks. Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky also attended the meeting and requested more anti-aircraft defense systems. He also demanded the imposition of new tough sanctions on Russia and once again ruled out any discussions with President Vladimir Putin. In a joint statement, the G7 pledged to provide financial, humanitarian, military, diplomatic and legal support to Ukraine for as long as it needs to uphold its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

    Moldova. The foreign minister of the Republic of Moldova Nicu Popescu has urgently summoned the Russian ambassador to Chișinău Oleg Vasnetsov to demand explanations about the launch of three cruise missiles against Ukraine from Russian military ships in the Black Sea that crossed Moldovan airspace. The Moldovan foreign ministry says the Republic of Moldova views this incident as extremely grave and regrettable and one that could cause additional tension. Violating our national airspace is completely unacceptable and the shelling of the neighbouring country must immediately stop, said the Moldovan foreign ministry in a statement. The countrys president Maia Sandu also strongly condemned what she described as Russias criminal attacks against different regions in Ukraine.

    Schengen. European Commission experts are travelling to Romania to assess the countrys preparations to join the Schengen area. They will look into how border checks are conducted, the countrys asylum and migrant return policy and if the staff are trained in keeping with Schengen standards. Romanias accession to the passport free area was also discussed on Monday by prime minister Nicolae Ciucă with Romanian MEPs from the ruling coalition, who assured him that the biggest groups in the European Parliament will support next weeks resolution on the accession of Romania and Bulgaria to Schengen. In another development, interior minister Lucian Bode has asked politicians to make a truce and work together for Romania to be admitted into Schengen on 1st January. The Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte is expected to travel to Romania on Wednesday in the context of the preparations for the Schengen accession. In recent years, The Netherlands has been the only country to oppose Romanias entry.

    Indictment. The European Public Prosecutors Office announced on its website that the Bucharest Tribunal indicted a Romanian businessman and the company he represents for fraudulently obtaining 3 million euros worth of European funds for the development of a research-development centre in medical recovery and bio reconstruction. The investigation is led by the Bucharest branch of the European Public Prosecutors Office. There are suspicions that in addition to the fraud against the EUs financial interests, the company that wrongfully obtained the project and their representative also laundered money after receiving the funds. The Romanian businessman acted in complicity with a company from Spain, the European Public Prosecutors Office also says on its website. (MI)

  • 10/10.2022


    – Le chef de l’Etat roumain a condamné fermement les « attaques horribles
    aux missiles perpétrées par la Russie contre les villes et les infrastructures
    civiles d’Ukraine ». Les attaques contre les civiles doivent cesser immédiatement,
    a twitté Klaus Iohannis, en rappelant que la Roumanie soutient l’Ukraine dans
    sa lutte contre l’agression russe. Plusieurs explosions dues à des attaques aux
    missiles ont eu lieu lundi matin dans la capitale ukrainienne et dans les villes
    de Lviv, Ternopil et Dnipro , en faisant des morts et des blessés. Le
    président ukrainien, Volodimir Zelenski, a annoncé avoir décidé avec le
    chancelier allemand, Olaf Scholz, d’une réunion en urgence, des membres du G7.
    Pour sa part, le secrétaire général de l’OTAN, Jens Stoltenberg, a réitéré l’appui
    offert par l’Alliance à l’Ukraine et a condamné les attaques russes lors d’une
    discussion avec le chef de la diplomatie de Kiev, Dmitro Kuleba. L’utilisation de l’espace aérien des pays
    voisins pour attaquer l’Ukraine est inacceptable, a fait savoir lundi la
    Commission Européenne, en réaction aux propos de Chisinau qui a dénoncé un tel
    acte. Le ministre roumain des Affaires Etrangères, Bogdan Aurescu, a annoncé
    que le personnel de l’ambassade de Roumanie était sain et sauf même si un
    missile était tombé à moins d’un kilomètre du siège de la mission diplomatique
    roumaine de Kiev.

    Aides Ukraine – La Roumanie est préparée mieux qu’avant
    pour recevoir des refugiés d’Ukraine, a déclaré à Suceava, dans le nord-est, le
    secrétaire d’Etat au ministère de l’Intérieur, Raed Arafat. Dimanche, le
    responsable roumain a visité le centre logistique humanitaire à l’occasion
    d’une cérémonie marquant l’arrivée d’une série de dons faits par la France. Y
    ont participé également l’ambassadrice de France en Roumanie, Laurence Auer et
    l’ambassadeur d’Ukraine en Roumanie, Ihor Prokopchuk. Il s’agit d’une quinzaine
    de véhicules de pompiers et de secours maniés par une quarantaine de militaires
    de la sécurité civile française. Du matériel supplémentaire devrait arriver à
    Suceava dans les jours à venir. Il s’agit
    de l’aide humanitaire accordée par la France la plus importante, constituée de
    plus d’un millier de tonnes de médicaments et d’aliments, mais aussi de
    véhicules d’intervention. Ces aides ont été acheminées à bord d’un navire de
    Marseille à Constanta dans le sud-est.

    – A Bucarest, la commission spéciale parlementaire en charge d’étudier le
    paquet des lois sur la Justice a finalisé les débats sur les articles du projet
    visant l’organisation du CSM. Dès que les débats sur les deux derniers projets
    du paquet des lois seront achevés, le rapport sera soumis au vote de la
    commission. Après, ce sera le tour du Sénat d’entamer ses débats en qualité de
    forum décisionnel. Depuis l’opposition,
    l’ex-ministre de la Justice de l’USR, Stelian Ion a demandé à nouveau une
    prorogation de la période de débat public et le report du vote jusqu’à la
    publication de l’avis de la Commission de Venise. Enfin, le ministre de la Justice, Catalin
    Predoiu, a expliqué que les autorités étaient constamment en contact avec les
    représentants de la Commission européenne et que les projets de lois qui
    constituent un repère du mécanisme de vérification et de coopération ont
    parcouru toutes les procédures légales.

    – CSM Bucureşti a battu les danois d’Odense Handbold, sur le score de 31 à 27
    (16-13), dimanche dans un match du Groupe A de la Ligue des Champions de
    handball féminin. L’équipe roumaine devra jouer son prochain match le 16
    octobre contre le DHK Banik Most. CS Rapid Bucarest a également décroché une
    victoire 34 à 32 contre les danois de Team Esbjerg, dimanche dans le Groupe B de
    la même compétition. Le 15 octobre, Rapid rencontrera le Buducnost Podgorica.

  • 10/10.2022 (mise à jour)

    10/10.2022 (mise à jour)

    – Le chef de l’Etat roumain a condamné fermement les « attaques horribles
    aux missiles perpétrées par la Russie contre les villes et les infrastructures
    civiles d’Ukraine ». Les attaques contre les civiles doivent cesser immédiatement,
    a twitté Klaus Iohannis, en rappelant que la Roumanie soutient l’Ukraine dans
    sa lutte contre l’agression russe. Plusieurs explosions dues à des attaques aux
    missiles ont eu lieu lundi matin dans la capitale ukrainienne et dans les villes
    de Lviv, Ternopil et Dnipro , en faisant des morts et des blessés. Le
    président ukrainien, Volodimir Zelenski, a annoncé avoir décidé avec le
    chancelier allemand, Olaf Scholz, d’une réunion en urgence, des membres du G7.
    Pour sa part, le secrétaire général de l’OTAN, Jens Stoltenberg, a réitéré l’appui
    offert par l’Alliance à l’Ukraine et a condamné les attaques russes lors d’une
    discussion avec le chef de la diplomatie de Kiev, Dmitro Kuleba. L’utilisation de l’espace aérien des pays
    voisins pour attaquer l’Ukraine est inacceptable, a fait savoir lundi la
    Commission Européenne, en réaction aux propos de Chisinau qui a dénoncé un tel
    acte. Le ministre roumain des Affaires Etrangères, Bogdan Aurescu, a annoncé
    que le personnel de l’ambassade de Roumanie était sain et sauf même si un
    missile était tombé à moins d’un kilomètre du siège de la mission diplomatique
    roumaine de Kiev.

    Aides Ukraine – La Roumanie est préparée mieux qu’avant
    pour recevoir des refugiés d’Ukraine, a déclaré à Suceava, dans le nord-est, le
    secrétaire d’Etat au ministère de l’Intérieur, Raed Arafat. Dimanche, le
    responsable roumain a visité le centre logistique humanitaire à l’occasion
    d’une cérémonie marquant l’arrivée d’une série de dons faits par la France. Y
    ont participé également l’ambassadrice de France en Roumanie, Laurence Auer et
    l’ambassadeur d’Ukraine en Roumanie, Ihor Prokopchuk. Il s’agit d’une quinzaine
    de véhicules de pompiers et de secours maniés par une quarantaine de militaires
    de la sécurité civile française. Du matériel supplémentaire devrait arriver à
    Suceava dans les jours à venir. Il s’agit
    de l’aide humanitaire accordée par la France la plus importante, constituée de
    plus d’un millier de tonnes de médicaments et d’aliments, mais aussi de
    véhicules d’intervention. Ces aides ont été acheminées à bord d’un navire de
    Marseille à Constanta dans le sud-est.

    – A Bucarest, la commission spéciale parlementaire en charge d’étudier le
    paquet des lois sur la Justice a finalisé les débats sur les articles du projet
    visant l’organisation du CSM. Dès que les débats sur les deux derniers projets
    du paquet des lois seront achevés, le rapport sera soumis au vote de la
    commission. Après, ce sera le tour du Sénat d’entamer ses débats en qualité de
    forum décisionnel. Depuis l’opposition,
    l’ex-ministre de la Justice de l’USR, Stelian Ion a demandé à nouveau une
    prorogation de la période de débat public et le report du vote jusqu’à la
    publication de l’avis de la Commission de Venise. Enfin, le ministre de la Justice, Catalin
    Predoiu, a expliqué que les autorités étaient constamment en contact avec les
    représentants de la Commission européenne et que les projets de lois qui
    constituent un repère du mécanisme de vérification et de coopération ont
    parcouru toutes les procédures légales.

    – CSM Bucureşti a battu les danois d’Odense Handbold, sur le score de 31 à 27
    (16-13), dimanche dans un match du Groupe A de la Ligue des Champions de
    handball féminin. L’équipe roumaine devra jouer son prochain match le 16
    octobre contre le DHK Banik Most. CS Rapid Bucarest a également décroché une
    victoire 34 à 32 contre les danois de Team Esbjerg, dimanche dans le Groupe B de
    la même compétition. Le 15 octobre, Rapid rencontrera le Buducnost Podgorica.

    – Les températures approchent les normales saisonnières. Des pluies éparses
    risquent d’arroser mardi les régions méridionales et l’extrême nord de la
    Roumanie. Nous auront entre 15 et 22 degrés et 21 degrés à Bucarest.

  • Hăbări ditu bana românească şi internaţională

    Hăbări ditu bana românească şi internaţională

    Împrumut. Guvernul di la București aprobă, ñiercuri, un proiect di nomu mutrinda ratificarea a Acordului di împrumut anamisa di România și Banca Internațională ti Reconstrucție și Dizvoltare (BIRD) tru valoare di 600 di milioane di euro și Acordul mutrinda asistența financiară nerambursabilă anamisa di România și BIRD tru suma di 24 di milioane di dolari, dimăndă purtătorlu di zboru a Guvernului, Dan Cărbunaru. Păradzlli va s’hibă ufilisiţ ti reformele pruvidzuti tru Planul Național di Recuperare și Reziliență și ti kivernisearea a crizăllei di tora umanitară la cari s’agiumsi di itia a polimlui ditu Ucraina, tru domeniile a sănătatillei, educațillei și asistențăllei socială. Tut ñiercuri, Executivlu aprobă ahărdzearea ditu fondul di intervenție a 9,5 miliuñi di lei (aproapea 2 miliuñi di euro) ti realizarea di urgență a operațiunilor di dragari a arăului Dunărea și alti lucrări speţifiţi ti suntu ananghi ti kivernisearea a catandisillei di risc la cari s’agiumsi di itia a xerillei.

    G7. Miniștrii di externe G7 caftă ali Rusie s’transferă ntrăoară tru Ucraina centrala nucleară Zaporojie, nai ma mari ditu Europa. Tru comunicatul G7 să spuni că tehnicieñilli ucraineni di la centrală lipseaşti tra s’poată s’bagă tru practico borgili a loru fără fuvirseri şi presie, lugursinda că, pritu exercitarea a unui control niacumtinatu tră centrala nucleară, Rusia bagă tru piriclliu regiunea. Catandisea ditu zona armâne apreasă. Autoritățile ucrainene spunu că rușllii bombardaă, tru hăryie, ună localitate cari easti pi mealu a Niproului, baş pisti ţentrala nucleară, di feaţi tra s’hibă vătămaţ 13 ţivili. Tut tru sudlu ali Ucraină, tru regiunea Herson, acăţată di Rusia, armata rusă ahurhi s’evacueadză familii, cu frixea că hala va s’agiungă ma lae, maxus că armata ucraineană atacă dauă apunţă strateghiţi piste Nipru. Uidisitu cu corespondintulu Radio România, administrația regională ucraineană ditu Herson dimăndă că administrația provizorie rusă a regiunillei accelereadză ndridzerli ti referendumlu mutrinda indipendința regiunillei andicra di Ucraina.

    Inflația. Banca Națională ali Românie u criscu prognoza di inflație ti bitisita a aluştui anu an la 13,9%, andicra di 12,5% estimată tru meslu mai. Uidisitu cu Banca Centrală, după ună perioadă di plată ditu trimestrul III, inflația poati s’aibă ună traiectorie discendintă, cara păzărli angro di energie și produse agroalimentare s’hăbinisescu. Ti anlu yinitoru, BNR estimeadză ună rată ali inflație di aproapea 7,5%.

    Covid19. Pisti 7.300 di cazuri năi di persoane infectate cu SARS-CoV-2 fură nregistrate tru România tru 24 di săhăţ după ţi eara adrati aproapea 25.900 di teste, dimăndă ñiercuri Ministerlu a Sănătatillei. Tutunăoară, fură raportate 26 di dicese asociate. Nai ma multe cazuri noi di COVID fură raportate tru București și tru giudițele Timiș (vest) și Cluj (nord-vest). Rata di infectare pi ună perioadă di 14 di dzăli, la nivel național, easti di 4,24 cazuri la ună ñille di bănători. Nai ma marea incidință easti tru București (9,46). Tru unitățli sanitare di specialitate, numirul a persoanilor internate tru secțiile COVID-19 agiundzi la aproape 4.000. Neise 300 di pacienți suntu yitripsiţ tru secții di terapie intensivă.

    Autoru: Udălu a hăbărloru

    Armânipsearia: Taşcu Lala

  • August 10, 2022 UPDATE

    August 10, 2022 UPDATE

    Loan. The Bucharest
    government approved, on Wednesday, a draft law on the ratification of the Loan
    Agreement between Romania and the International Bank for Reconstruction and
    Development (IBRD) worth 600 million euros and the Agreement on
    non-reimbursable financial assistance between Romania and the IBRD in the
    amount of 24 million dollars, the Government spokesperson Dan Cărbunaru has
    announced. The money will be used for the reforms provided for in the National
    Recovery and Resilience Plan and for the management of the current humanitarian
    crisis caused by the war in Ukraine, in the fields of health, education and social
    assistance. Also on Wednesday, the Executive approved the allocation from the
    intervention fund of 9.5 million lei (almost 2 million euros) for the emergency
    implementation of dredging operations in the Danube River and other specific
    works needed to manage the risk situation caused by drought.

    G7. The G7 foreign ministers call on Russia to
    immediately transfer the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, the largest in Europe,
    to Ukraine. The G7 communiqué reads that Ukrainian technicians at the plant
    must be able to perform their duties without threats and pressure, appreciating
    that, by exercising continuous control over the nuclear plant, Russia endangers
    the region. The situation in the area of ​​the plant remains tense. The
    Ukrainian authorities claim that the Russians bombed, at dawn, a locality that
    is on the bank of the Dnipro, right across the nuclear power plant, causing the
    death of 13 civilians. Also in the south of Ukraine, in the Kherson region,
    occupied by Russia, the Russian military began to evacuate families, fearing
    that the situation will worsen, especially since the Ukrainian army attacked
    two strategic bridges over the Dnieper. According to the Radio Romania
    correspondent, the Ukrainian regional administration of Kherson has announced that
    the Russian provisional administration of the region is speeding up
    preparations for the referendum on the region’s independence from Ukraine.

    Inflation. The National
    Bank of Romania has increased the inflation forecast for the end of this year
    to 13.9%, compared to 12.5% ​​as estimated in May. According to the Central
    Bank, after a flat period in the third quarter, inflation could take a downward
    trajectory, if the wholesale markets of energy and agri-food products relax.
    For next year, the NBR estimates an inflation rate of around 7.5%.

    Corruption. The mayor of Bucharest’s
    District 3, Robert Negoita and a number of employees with the mayor’s office
    have been indicted by the National Anti-Corruption Directorate (DNA) in a case
    related to a sanitation contract. Negoita is accused, among other things, of
    abuse of office. The damage was set by investigators at around 118
    million euros. The sanitation company is also being investigated.

    Covid-19. More than 7,300
    new cases of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 were registered in Romania in 24
    hours, after about 25,900 tests were taken, the Ministry of Health announced on
    Wednesday. 26 related deaths were also reported. Most new cases of COVID have
    been reported in Bucharest and in Timiş (west) and Cluj (north-west) counties.
    The infection rate over a period of 14 days, at national level, is 4.24 cases
    per one thousand inhabitants. The highest incidence is in Bucharest (9.46). In the
    specialized health units, the number of people hospitalized in the COVID-19
    wards stands at almost 4,000. 300 patients are treated in intensive care units.

    Rowing. Romania will
    participate with 11 crews and 39 athletes at the European Rowing Championships
    in Munich, which will take place from Thursday to Sunday. At last year’s
    European Rowing Championships in Varese, Italy, Romania won six medals, two
    gold and four silver. (MI)

  • Comisia Europeană propune prelungirea cu 6 luni a sancțiunilor economice impuse Moscovei

    Comisia Europeană propune prelungirea cu 6 luni a sancțiunilor economice impuse Moscovei

    Așa numitul pachet de menținere și aliniere conține dispoziții și clarificări pentru a consolida securitatea juridică a operatorilor economici și a asigura respectarea legislației de către statele membre. Sancțiunile Uniunii Europene sunt aliniate cu cele ale partenerilor din cadrul G7, iar pachetul reiterează poziția fermă a Comisiei de a proteja securitatea alimentară în întreaga lume.

    Cel mai recent pachet de sancțiuni europene introduce o nouă interdicție: cea privind importurile de aur din Rusia, și consolidează, în același timp, controalele asupra exporturilor de tehnologii cu dublă utilizare și de tehnologii avansate. Pachetul reiterează și faptul că sancțiunile UE nu vizează în niciun fel comerțul cu produse agricole dintre țările terțe și Rusia. Comisia Europeană propune prelungirea cu șase luni a actualelor sancțiuni impuse Rusiei, până la următoarea revizuire, de la sfârșitul lui ianuarie 2023.

    Pachetul va fi discutat de statele membre în cadrul Consiliului, în vederea adoptării. Amintim că, începând cu luna aprilie a acestui an, regimul de sancțiuni economice împotriva Rusiei include, printre altele, interzicerea finanțării publice sau a asistenței financiare pentru comerțul cu Rusia sau pentru investițiile în Rusia, a exporturilor de produse cu dublă utilizare, precum și de produse cu tehnologie avansată care pot contribui la capacitățile de apărare și securitate ale Rusiei, a exporturilor de calcul cuantic, semiconductori avansați și produse chimice, a difuzării în UE a anumitor mass-media rusești deținute de stat.

    Sunt interzise, de asemenea, exporturile de bunuri destinate utilizării în industria petrolieră, noile investiții în sectorul energetic, anumite operațiuni din sectorul aviației, accesul operatorilor ruși de transport de marfă și accesul în porturile UE, exporturile de bunuri de lux, importurile de cărbune, fier, oțel, ciment, produse din cauciuc, lemn, băuturi spirtoase, băuturi alcoolice sau fructe de mare.

  • June 27, 2022 UPDATE

    June 27, 2022 UPDATE

    G 7 — The G7 leaders meeting on Monday in Germany reiterated their indestructible support for Ukraine, promising in particular military and financial support for “as long as necessary,” AFP reports. Germany, the US, France, Canada, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom have urged Russia to allow cereal exports from Ukraine, which it invaded on February 24, to avoid exacerbating the global food crisis. The G7 countries have called on Moscow to “unconditionally end attacks on agricultural and transport infrastructure and allow the free passage of agricultural goods from the Ukrainian ports on the Black Sea.” They also expressed “deep concern” over Russias announcement that it could transfer nuclear-fired missiles to Belarus. The heads of state and government held a video conference on Monday morning with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenski, who called on them to “do their best” to end the war, which is devastating their country, before the end of the year.

    Reactors – President Klaus Iohannis and Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca welcomed the announcement made on Sunday by US President Joe Biden at the G7 summit in Germany, according to which the United States will invest 14 million dollars in the preliminary stage of engineering and design studies for the development of small modular reactors in Romania. Ensuring energy security is a common goal of the Romanian-American Strategic Partnership, Klaus Iohannis wrote on social media, while Nicolae Ciuca said in a statement, among other things, that the development of the nuclear program will boost economic growth.

    Partnership – Romanias two-chamber parliament will convene on Tuesday in a joint meeting dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the conclusion of the Strategic Partnership between Romania and the US. The Romanian authorities have underlined that this collaboration has been an essential landmark for the countrys foreign policy over the years, as well as a tool for supporting domestic efforts for Romanias economic, military and administrative reforms. In a Facebook post, Romanias Ambassador to Washington, Andrei Muraru, says that he was received at the White House by president Joe Biden, to whom he conveyed the message of president Iohannis and the Romanian states will to strengthen the strategic partnership between the two countries. The Romanian official stated that “without President Bidens courage and determination, NATO may not have been as strong and united as it is today”. The White House leader thanked Romania for the invaluable help it has provided to Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian invasion.

    Baccalaureate – The Romanian Education Minister, Sorin Câmpeanu, said Monday that this years Baccalaureate exams produced the best results in the last 10 years, and this was due to the simplification of the subjects. The pass rate of the Baccalaureate exam was over 73%. 162 students got a final 10, 32 of whom are from Bucharest. The highest pass rate was registered in Cluj county (northwest), Campeanu also said. The results can be seen on the bacalaureat.edu.ro platform and on the schools notice boards. The identity of the students will not be disclosed, their names being replaced by the individual codes received at the first test. More than 126,000 high school graduates sat for the Baccalaureate exam this year, the lowest number since the 1989 anti-communist revolution.

    Champion – The Romanian government approved on Monday a decision under which the swimmer David Popovici will be awarded 200 thousand Euros for the exceptional results obtained at the World Swimming Championships in Budapest. The double world champion was received by Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca at Victoria Palace. The PM congratulated him for his extraordinary victory which brought him gold in the 200 and 100 meters freestyle event. Another Romanian, Robert Glinţă came 5th in the 50-meter backstroke final and 8th in the 100-meter backstroke event.

    Summit — The Romanian President, Klaus Iohannis, participates, as of Tuesday until Thursday, in the NATO summit hosted by Madrid. According to the Presidential Administration, the war in Ukraine and the security crisis in the Black Sea region are the main topics on the agenda. The Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is to deliver a video speech in the first part of the meeting in the Spanish capital. During the summit, the Romanian president will welcome the fact that the current security situation was reflected in the Alliance’s new strategic concept, starting from the recognition of Russia as the main threat to NATO, and the fact that the strategic importance of the Black Sea region for Euro-Atlantic security was mentioned for the first time. Klaus Iohannis will emphasize Romanias significant contribution to supporting Ukraine at humanitarian level, as well as the most vulnerable partners, especially those in the eastern neighborhood, mainly the Republic of Moldova (an ex-Soviet country with a majority Romanian-speaking population) and Georgia. Klaus Iohannis will reiterate Romanias firm support for NATOs “open door” policy, including the accession of Finland and Sweden to the North Atlantic Alliance.

    Meeting – The Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu on Monday met in Bucharest with his Serbian counterpart, Nikola Selakovic, on the occasion of the latter’s visit to Romania, at the invitation of the Romanian FM. According to Bogdan Aurescu, the two discussed the importance of Serbias European path, which, from Romanias point of view, must be completed as soon as possible by Serbia joining the European Union as a full member. The talks also focused on the importance of the European Unions partners, including Serbia, aligning to the Unions common foreign and security policy, given the complicated regional context. In his turn, the Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic said that Serbia was grateful to Romania for the support granted for its European path. (LS)

  • 27.06.2022


    Motion – La Chambre des Députés de Bucarest débat aujourd’hui de la motion simple initiée par l’Union sauvez la Roumanie d’opposition à l’encontre du ministre de l’énergie du gouvernement de la coalition PSD-PNL-UDMR, le libéral Virgil Popescu. Les initiateurs du document affirment que durant les mandats de celui-ci le prix de l’énergie a constamment augmenté tant dans le cas de la population que dans le cas des entreprises et le ministre serait coupable d’incompétence et de mauvaise foi. Des mécontentements à l’adresse du ministre ont été prononcées aussi par les sociaux-démocrates qui affirment que M Popescu aurait du gérer mieux la hausse des prix de l’énergie. Ce qui plus est, ils condamnent le projet de décret initié par le ministre qui devrait fermer les capacités de production à base de charbon. Le vote pour cette motion est prévu pour mercredi dans le plénum de la Chambre des Députés. Mardi, les députés se prononceront par vote sur la demande de la Direction nationale anticorruption de lever l’immunité parlementaire de l’ex ministre de l’agriculture, le social-démocrate Adrian Chesnoiu. Les procureurs anticorruption l’accusent d’abus de fonction.

    G7 – Le président roumain Klaus Iohannis et le premier ministre Nicolae Ciuca ont salué l’annonce faite dimanche par le président américain, Joe Biden dans le cadre du sommet du G7 en Allemagne, selon lequel les Etats Unis devraient financer de 14 millions de dollars l’étape préliminaire des études d’ingénieure et de conception des petits réacteurs modulaires en Roumanie. Assurer la sécurité énergétique est un objectif commun du partenariat stratégique roumano-américain, a écrit Klaus Iohannis sur un réseau de partage, alors que Nicolae Ciuca a transmis dans un communiqué entre autres, que le développement du programme nucléaire devrait donner un coup d’accélérateur à la croissance économique.

    Parlement – Le Parlement bicaméral de Bucarest se réunira mardi en réunion commune dédiée aux 25 ans écoulés depuis la signature du partenariat stratégique entre la Roumanie et les Etats Unis. Les autorités de Bucarest soulignent que cette collaboration a constitué le long des années un repère essentiel de la politique extérieure, ainsi qu’un instrument d’appui des efforts intérieurs pour la réforme économique, militaire et administrative de la Roumanie.

    Baccalauréat – Le ministre roumain de l’Education nationale, Sorin Câmpeanu a déclaré aujourd’hui qu’a l’occasion de l’édition 2022 de l’examen de baccalauréat, les lycéens roumains ont enregistré les meilleures résultats des 10 dernières années et cela serait une conséquence de la simplification de la matière d’examen. Il a précisé que le taux de succès avait dépassé les 73%. 162 lycéens ont décroché le note maximale 10, dont 32 à Bucarest. Le taux de succès le plus élevé s’est enregistré dans le département de Cluj, dans le nord-ouest, a ajouté M Câmpeanu. Les résultats seront disponibles sur la plate-forme bacalaureat.edu.ro et auprès des institutions d’enseignement. Les éventuelles contestations pourront être déposées aujourd’hui. Plus de 126 000 lycéens s’étaient inscrits cette année à l’examen de baccalauréat, soit le nombre le plus bas depuis la révolution anticommuniste roumaine de 1989.

    Natation – Le double champion du monde de natation, David Popovici, sera récompensé aujourd’hui dans le cadre d’une cérémonie au siège du gouvernement. Il sera décoré par le président roumain Klaus Iohannis de l’ordre de « l’Etoile de Roumanie », au rang de chevalier. David Popovici est rentré dimanche soir en Roumanie, après avoir remporté deux médailles d’or dans les finales de 100 et 200 mètres aux Championnats du Monde de Budapest. Son collègue, Robert Glinţă s’est classé 5e dans la finale de 50 m dos et 8e dans l’épreuve de 100 mètres dos.

    Météo – Il fait beau en Roumanie où les températures sont assez élevées, notamment sur l’ouest. Les maxima iront de 25 à 34 degrés. 29 degrés en ce moment à Bucarest.

    Sibiu – Jusqu’au 3 juillet se déroule, à Sibiu, dans le centre de la Roumanie, le Festival international de théâtre. Le thème de cette année, pour la 29ème édition, est « la beauté ». A l’affiche figureront des spectacles de théâtre de rue, des concerts, des lancements de livre et des expositions. Plusieurs grands noms de la scène mondiale offriront au public la possibilité de suivre les spectacles les plus appréciés au monde, des productions primées de prestigieuses distinctions. Le festival se déroulera tant en format physique qu’hybride. Une partie des événements déroulés dans des salles de spectacles, mais aussi dans des espaces non-conventionnels : églises et différentes places de la ville de Sibiu pourront être suivis aussi sur le site officiels du festival, sur sa plate-forme numérique www.scena-digitala.ro ainsi que sur la page Facebook et le canal Youtube du Festival.

  • June 26, 2022 UPDATE

    June 26, 2022 UPDATE

    FLAG DAY Events were organised in county capitals and in Romanian
    localities hosting military units, to celebrate National Flag Day on the 26th
    June. The National Flag Day was introduced to mark the day in 1848 when the
    revolutionary government proclaimed the red, yellow and blue flag as the
    national colours of all Romanians. The National Flag Day was introduced under a
    1998 law.

    MOLDOVA Russia’s ex-president and PM Dmitri Medvedev threatens that
    the Republic of Moldova will see its natural gas supplies cut and exports of
    agri-food products to the Russian market banned, if Chişinău joins the West’s
    economic sanctions against Moscow. Medvedev, currently the vice-president of
    the Security Council, posted on his Telegram channel an extensive article on
    the Republic of Moldova, which Thursday was recognised as an EU candidate country.
    According to Radio Romania’s correspondent in Moscow, Medvedev says the
    accession process may take decades, which makes Moldova’s annexation by Romania
    an easier option. And, Medvedev argues, both Bucharest and Chişinău are making
    efforts in this respect. The Romanian foreign ministry says Dmitri Medvedev’s
    statements are part of Kremlin’s already known false rhetoric, disseminated in
    the Republic of Moldova both before, and after the illegal, unjustified and
    unprovoked aggression of Russia against Ukraine.

    FESTIVAL The Sibiu International Theatre Festival continues in central
    Romania until the 3rd July. This year’s motto is Beauty. This 29th
    edition of the festival brings together artists from around the world in
    theatre, dance, cinema, musical, opera and circus performances. Concerts, book
    shows and exhibitions are also organized as part of the festival. Some of the
    performances taking place in cultural or unconventional venues can be watched
    on the Festival’s official website, digital streaming platform www.scena-digitala.ro,
    and on the event’s official Facebook page and YouTube channel.

    INCOMES The average monthly income per household in Romania was
    nearly EUR 1,100 in 2021, up 8.9% since the previous year, according to the
    National Statistics Institute. The total incomes were 3.6 times higher in
    households whose members are higher-education graduates. Also, families in the
    35-49 year bracket earned the most, while in terms of geographic regions the
    highest incomes were reported in Bucharest-Ilfov (south), and the lowest in the
    north-east of the country.

    G7 The group of 7 rich democracies announced a ban on Russian gold
    imports, during a summit held on Sunday, in the context of the war in Ukraine
    and its impact on the energy and grains markets. According to Reuters, this
    adds to sanctions already introduced against Moscow after Russia invaded
    Ukraine at the end of February. The new measures will directly affect Russian
    oligarchs and strike at the heart of Putin’s war machine, the
    British PM Boris Johnson said. We need to starve the Putin regime of its
    funding. The UK and our allies are doing just that, Mr. Johnson added.

    TENNIS The Romanian player Simona Halep, no 19 WTA and former
    world leader, will take on the Czech Republic’s Karolina Muchova (82 WTA), in
    the first round of the Wimbledon tournament. Halep, winner of the Wimbledon trophy
    in 2019, is seed no. 16 this year in the competition. Another Romanian player,
    Sorana Cîrstea, 32 WTA and seed no. 21, plays against Aleksandra Krunic of
    Serbia (53 WTA). Gabriela Ruse (55 WTA) has the most difficult match in the All
    England Club first round, against the American Coco Gauff, no. 12 in the world.
    Irina Begu (43 WTA) is facing Ekaterine Gorgodze of Georgia (112 WTA), in the
    same round, while Ana Bogdan (109 WTA) plays against Ukraine’s Dayana Yastremska
    (74 WTA), and Irina Bara (121 WTA) against Chloe Paquet of France (101 WTA). In
    turn, Mihaela Buzărnescu (126 WTA) will play against Natasja Schunk of Germany (156
    WTA). This year’s Wimbledon tournament has record-large amounts in prize money
    (over GBP 40 million) but the WTA and ATP announced they will not assign any
    points, after the British organisers decided to bar Russian and Belarusian
    players from taking part, in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. (AMP)

  • 100 jours de guerre en Ukraine

    100 jours de guerre en Ukraine

    Des milliers de civils tués ou blessés, des millions de réfugiés, des villes détruites — voilà à quoi ressemble l’Ukraine 100 jours après le début de l’invasion russe. Le continent européen a été déstabilisé une seconde fois (comme si la pandémie n’avait pas suffi !). L’Union européenne a approuvé six trains de sanctions contre la Russie, l’ordre géopolitique mondial est bouleversé, et l’économie internationale est affaiblie. Pendant tout ce temps, le leader du Kremlin, Vladimir Poutine, défie le monde et continue de mener les hostilités contre les Ukrainiens. La Russie occupe actuellement environ 20 % du territoire de l’Ukraine. Cette dernière estime à environ 15 000 le nombre de crimes de guerre présumés, qu’elle enquête.

    Depuis le début de l’invasion, le 24 février dernier, Kiev a été lourdement bombardée, mais elle n’a pas pu être conquise. Kherson, ville proche de la Crimée précédemment annexée par les Russes, devint le 2 mars la première grande ville conquise. Kharkiv, la deuxième ville la plus importante du pays, est elle aussi constamment pilonnée. Les négociations politiques bilatérales semblent dépourvues de finalité. En avril, des images du massacre de Boutcha ont fait le tour de la planète. La ville de Marioupol, qui relie la Crimée aux régions séparatistes de l’est de l’Ukraine, tombe après des combats dramatiques à l’aciérie Azovstal.

    Le président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky envoie constamment des messages d’encouragement à ses soldats et demande l’aide de la communauté internationale. Les États-Unis, le G7, l’OTAN et l’Union européenne vont à la rescousse, mais resserrent également leurs rangs pour se défendre. L’Ukraine souhaite rejoindre l’UE, tandis que la Suède et la Finlande veulent adhérer à l’OTAN. Moscou pratique un chantage avec l’Occident, menaçant de suspendre ses livraisons de gaz. Les récoltes céréalières massives de l’Ukraine ne peuvent plus être exportées, avec une crise alimentaire qui se profile à l’horizon et qui devrait affecter les pays les plus vulnérables du monde. Et l’image des 100 jours de guerre est loin d’être entièrement brossée !

    Un récent sondage d’opinion mené auprès des Roumains indique que plus de 71 % d’entre eux considèrent la Russie coupable de la guerre en Ukraine voisine, plus de 87 % pensent que les dirigeants russes devraient être condamnés pour crimes de guerre, et 65 % ont une bonne opinion sur le fait que l’OTAN et les États-Unis envoient plus de troupes en Roumanie à des fins défensives. Il s’agit d’une enquête pro-occidentale et pro-OTAN, de solidarité avec la ligne que l’Union européenne et l’ensemble de l’espace euro-atlantique suivent — selon des analystes de Bucarest.

    Ici, le gouvernement a continué à prendre des mesures pour soutenir les réfugiés : il a discuté, en première lecture, d’un plan national de mesures, afin que les Ukrainiens deviennent indépendants, qu’ils puissent trouver un emploi, un logement, qu’ils inscrivent leurs enfants à l’école et apprennent le roumain le plus vite possible, afin de s’intégrer rapidement. La plateforme gouvernementale d’information du pour les bénéficiaires de protection temporaire est désormais opérationnelle. Et tout cela, dans la continuité de l’immense vague d’empathie dont la Roumanie a fait preuve depuis l’arrivée des premiers réfugiés !

    (Trad. : Ligia)

  • May 20, 2022 UPDATE

    May 20, 2022 UPDATE

    UN At the UN Security Council in New York, Romania’s Foreign Minister,
    Bogdan Aurescu, spoke about Romania’s contribution to mitigating the effects of
    the Russian war against Ukraine, at a debate titled ‘Maintaining international
    peace and security – conflict and food security’. The Bucharest diplomacy chief
    Thursday participated, at the invitation of the American Secretary of State
    Antony Blinken, in the open debate organised by the USA, the country that is
    holding the monthly presidency of the UN Security Council. Bogdan Aurescu
    reiterated the need for a wider effort at international level to create a
    transport corridor that would include Romanian routes and ports, in order to
    facilitate Ukrainian exports to third-party destinations. At the same time, the
    Romanian minister firmly rejected the completely unfounded accusations made by
    the Russian Federation’s representative during the debate that there was an
    agreement for Ukraine to export grains to the West in exchange for
    military assistance. The head of the Romanian diplomacy also announced that
    starting with 2023 Romania will host a Regional Agro-meteorology Centre for
    Europe, approved by the World Meteorological Organisation.

    LABOUR The labour ministry in Bucharest plans to constantly monitor the
    situation of Romanian workers abroad, especially seasonal workers, who have
    sometimes been victims of exploitation. Four million Romanians are officially
    registered as working abroad, in European Union states, but the actual number would
    be close to 5 million. The labour minister Marius Budai has stated that
    Romanian seasonal workers mainly work in agriculture, constructions or in the
    meat industry, and have faced various issues related to working conditions,
    occupational health and safety, or the fact that they have not been granted
    even the minimum wage in Germany. Other issues include salary withholdings,
    dismissals with repatriation requests, non-payment of salary, non-compliance
    with labour protection regulations, non-compliance with hygiene conditions,
    improper accommodation and food.

    POLL Most Romanians perceive Russia as an enemy state, and the war in
    Ukraine is seen as a critical or important problem for the country in the
    medium and long run. These are the findings of an opinion poll conducted this
    month by the Avangarde social and behavioural research. According to the
    survey, 64% of the Romanians see Russia as an enemy state, and only 2% see it
    as a friendly country. In a ranking of friendly states, first comes the Republic
    of Moldova, followed by Germany and the US. More than half of the respondents
    also see France, the UK, Spain and Italy as friendly states, while Serbia, Hungary
    and China are seen rather as competitors. Among the problems seen as important
    for Romania in the medium and long run, the respondents mentioned climate
    change, Hungary’s investments in Transylvania, the fact that nearly half of the
    Rep. Moldova’s population are pro-Russian, the war in Ukraine, as well as the
    fact that Germany, Austria and Hungary rely on Russian natural gas.

    UKRAINE The industrial region of Donbas in Ukraine has been completely
    destroyed by the Russian forces, the president of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky
    said. Donbas is the main target of Russian troops after being pushed back from
    the regions of Kyiv and Kharkiv. The Russian army resorts to intense shelling,
    including over towns, in an attempt to break through the Ukrainian frontline. Odessa
    has been also a preferred target of Russian bombings lately, president Zelensky
    also said. Odessa is Ukraine’s main port city and has been under Russian
    blockade since the war started, which prevents Ukraine’s exports and affects
    global food supplies and food prices. On the other hand, the last Ukrainian
    soldiers in the Azovstal plant have been ordered by Kyiv to stop defending the
    city of Mariupol, the leader of the Azov Regiment announced. After the recent
    evacuation of the civilians, including women and children, who had taken refuge
    in the plant, nearly 2,000 Ukrainian fighters surrendered to the Russian troops
    as of Monday, including wounded soldiers, according to the latest figures
    announced on Friday by the Russian defence ministry.

    G7 The members of the Group of 7 of the world’s largest advanced
    economies promised on Friday to mobilise USD 19.8 billion to support the budget
    of Ukraine, which has been struggling under the Russian invasion since February
    24. The decision was announced by the German finance minister Christian
    Lindner, after a meeting with his counterparts from the US, Japan, Britain,
    France, Italy and Canada. Germany currently holds the presidency of the G7.

    TENNIS The Romanian tennis
    player Simona Halep will face the Croatian Ana Konjuh in the first round of the
    Roland Garros Grand Slam tournament, which starts on Sunday in Paris, according
    to the draw held on Thursday night. Halep won the French Open in 2018 and was a
    finalist in 2014 and 2017. She did not attend last year’s edition due to an
    injury. Sorana Cîrstea will play against the German Tatjana Maria, Gabriela
    Ruse will face the Belgian Elise Mertens, and Irina Begu will take on the
    Italian Jasmine Paolini. Another Romanian, Ana Bogdan, will have a difficult
    mission in the match with the Belarusian Victoria Azarenka. Irina Bara has also
    qualified for the tournament. On Friday, Mihaela Buzǎrnescu lost the last round
    of qualifiers to Mirjam Bjorklund of Sweden (6-1, 6-3). (AMP)

  • Ukraine – dernières évolutions

    Ukraine – dernières évolutions

    Le chef de la diplomatie de lUE, Josep Borrell, a annoncé vendredi, à la réunion des ministres des Affaires étrangères du G7 de Weissenhaus, en Allemagne, que le bloc communautaire fournirait à lUkraine une nouvelle aide militaire de 500 millions deuros. Il sest par la même voie déclaré confiant quil sera possible darriver à un accord sur un embargo sur le pétrole russe les prochains jours. A son tour, le chef de la diplomatie française, Jean-Yves Le Drian, a salué lunité très forte des Etats du G7 pour soutenir lUkraine devant la Russie « jusquà la victoire ». Et la cheffe de la diplomatie britannique, Liz Truss, a plaidé pour que « plus d’armes » soient livrées à l’Ukraine face à la Russie contre laquelle elle a également exigé de nouvelles sanctions. Invité à la réunion du G7, le ministre ukrainien des Affaires étrangères, Dmytro Kuleba, a déclaré que labsence dun embargo sur le pétrole russe dans le prochain train de sanctions de lUE contre Moscou serait une rupture de l’unité de l’UE dans le soutien accordé à Kiev.