Tag: Gaza

  • November 15, 2023 UPDATE

    November 15, 2023 UPDATE

    ECONOMY Romania will
    see its economic growth slowing down because of the high inflation, according
    to the European Commission’s autumn economic forecast. Romania’s GDP growth has
    been adjusted to 2.2%, as against 4.6% last year, because of an inflation rate
    above the EU average, of the low foreign demand and limited financing options. The
    inflation rate is expected to drop in the next 2 years, restoring the overall economic
    balance. In spite of the moderate economic growth at year end, the labour
    market remains stable. However, significant increases in salaries and pensions
    and the slight increase in governmental spending support a general rise in
    private consumption, although retail and services are on a downward trend and
    the industrial output is decreasing. On the other hand, tighter monetary policy
    and financing conditions have led to a significant slow-down in private sector
    loans, with a negative impact on investments. Romania’s real GDP growth rate is
    expected to reach 3.1% in 2024 and 3.4% in 2025, while the public deficit is
    predicted to stand at 6.3% of GDP this year, 5.3% in 2024 and 5.1% in 2025, as
    a result of the fiscal consolidation measures to be implemented as of January.

    PENSIONS The new pensions law drafted by the government will next
    Monday be discussed in the Chamber of Deputies, which is the decision-making
    body for this piece of legislation, having already been passed by the Senate on
    Tuesday. The parliamentary majority formed by the Social Democrats and the
    Liberals says the law eliminates the inequalities in the system, while the
    opposition condemns the lack of funding sources to sustain the considerable
    pensions increases planned for next year. The new pensions law favours current
    pensioners and penalises those who are still working, the head of the National
    Trade Union Bloc Dumitru Costin said on Wednesday, after analysing the document.
    Costin also warns that the financial impact will be huge, and the extent to
    which it can be covered is unknown.

    president of Romania Klaus Iohannis Tuesday began his African tour with an
    official visit to Kenya. The tour, which also includes Tanzania, the Republic
    of Cabo Verde and Senegal, is the first political and diplomatic initiative at
    this level in the past 30 years, and aims to re-launch Romania’s relations with
    the countries on the African continent. At a joint press conference on Tuesday,
    president Iohannis emphasised the need for Romania to have its own medium and
    long term strategy for Africa based on concrete collaboration at government
    level, while Kenya’s president William Ruto spoke about the effects of the war
    in Ukraine for the African continent. Four agreements were signed in the fields
    of environmental protection and climate change, scientific cooperation, food
    safety and diplomatic training. On Wednesday, president Iohannis had a meeting
    with Kenya’s secretary for tourism and wildlife, Alfred Nganga Mutua, as part
    of a visit to the Nairobi National Park.

    foreign ministry in Bucharest said another 17 Romanian nationals and family
    members left the Gaza Strip via the Rafah checkpoint and are on Egyptian territory, waiting to be
    repatriated. The foreign ministry noted the evacuation was the result of
    complex efforts from an inter-institutional crisis cell, the Romanian embassy
    in Cairo and Romania’s Representation in Ramallah. 220 Romanian citizens and
    family members who have been evacuated from Gaza have arrived in Romania.

    AGEING Romania is one of the top 10 countries in the world in terms
    of population ageing rate, which is likely to put tremendous pressure on the
    country’s entire economic system, particularly on its healthcare and pension systems.
    The statement was made on Wednesday at the opening of a specialised congress in
    Bucharest. Sociological research indicates that 55% of the elderly people in
    Romania feel lonely, more than 30% of them only interact with 3-4 people every
    month, and 3 in 10 elderly people have no one to rely on in if necessary.

    The Romanian Army Wednesday tested the operation of the Patriot surface-to-air missile
    system acquired by the Romanian Air Forces in 2020. The test was part of the PATRIOT
    SPARK 23 tactical exercise held these days at the Capu Midia shooting range in
    the south-east of the country. The Patriot system purchased by Romania is a
    state-of-the-art one, able to identify, track and neutralise any type of air
    threat. Attending the event were the PM Marcel Ciolacu, the Senate Speaker and
    former PM Nicolae Ciucă, and the defence minister Angel Tîlvăr. The Romanian
    Air Forces have so far acquired 3 other Patriot systems, which will be
    operational by the end of next year. Another 3 systems will be delivered to
    Romania under a USD 4 bln agreement. (AMP)

  • O aeronavă cargo cu ajutoare pentru Fâșia Gaza a decolat de pe Aeroportul Otopeni

    O aeronavă cargo cu ajutoare pentru Fâșia Gaza a decolat de pe Aeroportul Otopeni

    Miercuri, 15 noiembrie, o aeronavă cargo pusă la dispoziție de Comisia Europeană, a decolat de pe Aeroportul Internațional Henri Coandă București cu ajutoarele oferite de România populaţiei civile din Fâşia Gaza.

    Potrivit Departamentului pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă, ajutorul oferit României populației grav afectate din zona de conflict s-a realizat pe cale aeriană, prin Comisia Europeana, cu sprijinul Direcţiei Generale Protecţie Civilă şi Operaţiuni Umanitare Europene- EU Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid-DGECHO. Materialele oferite vor ajunge în Egipt, într-o locație prestabilită, loc unde organizațiile internaționale implicate, prin convoaie umanitare vor transporta bunurile către populația civilă afectată.

    Este vorba despre elemente de cazarmament scoase la rezervele de stat – corturi, paturi, saltele, perne şi aşternuturi, a declarat purtătorul de cuvânt al Departamentului pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă.. Potrivit acestuia, aeronava va transporta materialele până în Egipt, în proximitatea Fâşiei Gaza.

    Pe 19 octombrie, Comitetul Naţional pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă a aprobat o hotărâre care prevedea acordarea de asistenţă internaţională, cu titlu gratuit, pentru populaţia civilă afectată din Fâşia Gaza, ce constă în produse alimentare şi articole de cazarmament, puse la dispoziţie de Administraţia Naţională a Rezervelor de Stat şi Probleme Speciale.

    Se acordă asistenţă internaţională, cu titlu gratuit, pentru populaţia civilă afectată din Fâşia Gaza, ce constă în produse alimentare şi articole de cazarmament, puse la dispoziţie de Administraţia Naţională a Rezervelor de Stat şi Probleme Speciale. Transportul produselor se va realiza cu sprijinul Ministerului Apărării Naţionale, pe cale aeriană, prin asistenţa umanitară europeană, respectiv a organizaţiilor internaţionale implicate, se preciza în comunicatul Guvernului.

  • Cei 41 de cetățeni români și membrii de familie evacuați din Gaza au ajuns în România

    Cei 41 de cetățeni români și membrii de familie evacuați din Gaza au ajuns în România

    Cei 41 de cetățeni români și membrii de familie ai acestora evacuați din Fâșia Gaza au ajuns în România la bordul unei aeronave militare. Zborul a fost realizat cu sprijinul Ministerului Apărării Naționale, cu un avion C-130 Hercules aparținând Forţelor Aeriene Române, informează Ministerul Afacerilor Externe (MAE).

    Cei 41 de cetățeni români și membri de familie au ajuns pe teritoriul Republicii Arabe Egipt prin punctul de frontieră Rafah, în cursul zilei de 9 noiembrie 2023, fiind preluați ulterior de către reprezentanții Ambasadei României în R.A. Egipt. O echipă mobilă a Celulei de Criză a MAE i-a însoțit apoi până la Cairo, de unde au fost îmbarcați spre România..

    MAE continuă dialogul cu autoritățile israeliene și egiptene în vederea facilitării evacuării și a celorlalți cetățeni români și membri de familie aflați în Fâșia Gaza. Trei echipe consulare mobile din cadrul Unității de Reacție Rapidă a Celulei de Criză MAE se află în R.A. Egipt, în vederea sprijinirii demersurilor specifice în teren, mai precizează MAE.

  • Ecuații fluide în Orient

    Ecuații fluide în Orient

    A trecut mai bine de o
    lună de la masacrul ce a aruncat Orientul Apropiat din nou în război.
    Paradoxal, deși părțile implicate au demonstrat mereu nervozitate și preferință
    pentru acțiunile de forță, evoluțiile sunt minime. Oamenii răpiți de Hamas la 7
    octombrie, de la cei mici la cei mai în vârstă, par a fi uitați de opinia
    publică internațională, inclusiv de oficialii înalți ai ONU. Au trecut 40 de
    zile de când nu se mai știe nimic de ei și în afară de familiile lor și
    oficialii israelieni nimeni nu mai vorbește de cei aproape 240 de oameni care stau
    la cap cu armele celor care au ca scop doar omorârea lor.

    Ofensiva armatei
    israeliene a ajuns în mijlocul orașului Gaza, devastat de loviturile aeriene.
    Peisajul este un amestec de ruine și oameni, oameni vii sau morți, fără a aduce
    în discuție subsolul ciuruit de tuneluri foarte bine amenajate, după cum am
    văzut în filme. Chiar și în aceste condiții, când distrugerea e în derulare și
    se cere încetarea focului, rachetele din Gaza continuă să zboare spre orașele

    Civilii din Gaza sunt înconjurați de pericol din toate părțile.
    Sunt împiedicați să părăsească orașul Gaza sau nordul Fâșiei, anunțat ca țintă
    a operațiunilor israeliene, iar dacă au ajuns la frontiera cu Egiptul, nu o pot
    traversa. În ultimele zile, palestinieni cu origini și documente românești de
    cetățenie au reușit, cu greu, să treacă în Egipt de unde au fost preluați de
    reprezentanții statului român și aduși în țară cu avioane militare.

    Până la
    urmă, toți se tem de intrarea pe teritoriul lor a extremiștilor palestinieni
    din organizația ce a pus focul la butoiul cu praf de pușcă al situației din
    Orientul Apropiat. În nordul țării, amenințarea Hezbollah se manifestă,
    deocamdată, doar prin atacuri sporadice, departe de o acțiune periculoasă, care
    să surprindă Israelul. Până la urmă, nimeni nu este dispus să intre în primele
    rânduri ale confruntării, care ar aduce atenția sau chiar reacția celor care au
    planuri pașnice pentru această regiune.

    Din primele zile ale crizei,
    președintele Biden a atras atenția că unele state din zonă nu trebuie să
    profite de situație pentru a intra în conflict. Istoria amintește vremurile
    când nici Gaza și nici Malul de Vest nu aveau autonomie iar țările vecine
    imediate sau mai îndepărtate se aliau pentru distrugerea Israelului. Războaiele
    declanșate oficial, la nivel statal, s-au încheiat cu victoria, inclusiv
    teritorială, a Israelului.

    Numai pacea și incredibilele negocieri ale părților
    în conflict au adus revenirea la mai vechile frontiere și chiar autonomia
    teritoriilor ocupate, de care nu beneficiaseră până atunci.

    Acțiunea teroristă
    din 7 octombrie, masacrarea israelienilor, pare îndreptată chiar împotriva
    acestor evoluții pozitive, care au pus în umbră tot ce se obținuse până atunci.
    Chiar și cei care susțin soluția cu existența a două state o vor face în
    continuare cu o voce sumbră, lipsită de convingerea că se vrea pace, și nu un
    război permanent, din care nu civilii vor câștiga. Palestinienii redevin
    refugiați, oameni plecați din casele lor, pentru a-și salva viața, israelienii
    plâng 1.400 de morți și suferă pentru soarta necunoscută a 240 de oameni

    Orice pas se va face, de aici înainte, cu precauții chinuitoare, care
    reduc eficiența diplomației. Procesul de relaxare a relațiilor Israelului cu
    țările din regiune pare blocat și o informație în acest sens vine chiar din
    Arabia Saudită, regatul cu un rol excepțional și o greutate uriașă în politica
    și securitatea regiunii. Și este chiar prima reacție oficială saudită la criza
    tragică declanșată la 7 octombrie trecut. Marele stat arab ar fi trebuit acum
    să lucreze la detaliile fine ale relațiilor în curs de normalizare cu Israelul.

    Dar, acum, toate drumurile și podurile par distruse, inclusiv cele metaforice,
    ale relațiilor dintre state și dintre oamenii care trăiesc pe aceleași

  • Precizări MAE privind repatrierea românilor evacuaţi din Gaza

    Precizări MAE privind repatrierea românilor evacuaţi din Gaza

    Ministerul Apărării Naţionale (MApN) a informat că o altă aeronavă, C-27J Spartan, a decolat sâmbătă seară de pe Aeroportul Otopeni cu destinaţia Cairo, pentru a transporta materialele necesare pentru remedierea defecţiunii raportate la bordul aeronavei C-130 Hercules, care trebuia să aducă în ţară cei 41 de cetăţeni români şi membri de familie evacuaţi recent din Fâşia Gaza.

    Ca urmare a faptului că echipa tehnică de la bordul aeronavei C-130 Hercules de la Cairo nu a reuşit procurarea pe plan local a piesei de schimb pentru remedierea defecţiunii raportate, o aeronavă C-27J Spartan a decolat în urmă cu scurt timp, în jurul orei 18,50, de pe Aeroportul Otopeni cu destinaţia Cairo, pentru a transporta materialele necesare”.

    Cele două aeronave militare vor decola de la Cairo imediat după remedierea defecţiunii aeronavei Hercules, estimarea sosirii pasagerilor la Otopeni fiind în jurul orei 3,00, duminică dimineaţă,

    Cei 41 de cetăţeni români şi membri de familie evacuaţi recent din Fâşia Gaza vor porni spre România cu un zbor realizat cu sprijinul Ministerului Apărării Naţionale, anunţa sâmbătă Ministerul Afacerilor Externe.


    Cei 41 de cetățeni români și membrii de familie evacuați recent din Fâșia Gaza, vor porni spre România, prin intermediul unui zbor realizat cu sprijinul Ministerului Apărării Naționale (MApN), a anunţat, sâmbătă, Ministerul român al Afacerilor Externe (MAE).

    Cetățenii români și membrii de familie au ajuns în Egipt, pe 9 noiembrie, prin punctul de frontieră Rafah, fiind preluați ulterior de reprezentanţi ai Ambasadei României în Egipt. O echipă mobilă a Celulei de Criză a MAE i-a însoțit apoi până la Cairo.

    MAE continuă dialogul cu autoritățile israeliene și egiptene în vederea facilitării evacuării și a celorlalți cetățeni români și membri de familie aflați în Fâșia Gaza, în funcție de evoluțiile din teren și de acordul părților implicate. În prezent, trei echipe consulare mobile din cadrul Unității de Reacție Rapidă a Celulei de Criză MAE se află în R.A. Egipt, în vederea sprijinirii demersurilor specifice în teren,

  • The Week in Review

    The Week in Review

    Repatriations of Romanians from Gaza continue

    Romania will continue the dialogue with the Israeli and Egyptian authorities for the evacuation of the Romanian citizens and their family members in the Gaza Strip, depending on the developments on the ground and the agreement of the parties involved, the Romanian Foreign Ministry announced. Moreover, a consular team will remain available in the area of ​​the Rafah border-crossing to Egypt to provide further assistance. The first group of almost one hundred Romanian citizens and their family members were evacuated from the Gaza Strip and transported to Romania from Cairo with a TAROM aircraft. There are also other groups of Romanians who requested permission from the Israeli and Egyptian authorities to transit the border crossing point to Egypt. On board the first aircraft were the PM Marcel Ciolacu and the FM Luminiţa Odobescu, who met in Cairo with the evacuated persons. The head of the Romanian diplomacy declared that the security situation is extremely difficult and complex, which requires a permanent updating of the evacuation plans. And Marcel Ciolacu gave assurances that Romanian citizens and family members will continue to be supported by the Romanian Government to reach extended families and integrate into Romanian society.

    Important decisions made by the Romanian Government

    The Romanian government adopted, during Thursday’s meeting, the new pension law, which provides for two increases for 2024. The document also establishes the recalculation of all pensions according to new criteria, so that the inequities in the system should be eliminated. At the end of the government session, the labor minister Simona Bucura-Oprescu said that the pension law is a stable and sustainable law, which will eliminate inequities, and which is based on respect for contributions and work. She expressed confidence that budgetary resources will be found for the implementation of the two expected increases in 2024 and evoked a better collection of revenues and the reduction of tax evasion. The executive wants the pension law to be adopted by Parliament by November 20.

    Klaus Iohannis in Brussels

    The best option is for Romania and Bulgaria to enter the Schengen Area together, and all negotiations and all attempts to convince those who are still reluctant on this issue are converging towards this, President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday in Brussels. The Romanian president talked with the Belgian Prime Minister, Alexander De Croo, and participated in the signing of a memorandum of collaboration in the nuclear field, but the official visit had more stakes. One of them concerned the support for the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union, all the more so since, on the same day, in Brussels, the European Commission gave the green light to the European Council to start accession negotiations with Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova. Moreover, Belgium will take over the presidency of the EU Council in January and will manage both the agenda and the framework of these negotiations. Thus, the discussion extended from economic aspects to defense aspects, especially since a contingent of the Belgian army is in Romania to strengthen NATO’s eastern flank. At the end of his visit to Brussels, Klaus Iohannis was received by His Majesty Philippe, King of Belgium, at the castle in Laeken.

    F-16 aircraft in Romania

    On Tuesday, the Netherlands sent the first five F-16 fighter planes to Romania, to the air base in Feteşti (south), which will be used to train the Ukrainian pilots. The European F-16 Training Center was established there as a result of the collaboration between the Romanian and Dutch defense ministries. Given the current geopolitical context and Romania’s strategic position in the Black Sea region, this center becomes essential for cross-border collaboration, strengthening security and consolidating solidarity within NATO. The Romanian defense ministry reminds that this center will be an international hub for the training of F-16 aircraft pilots and will facilitate the increase of interoperability between allies. Romania thus joins other allied nations in supporting the training of Ukrainian pilots for the future use of F-16 aircraft. The center will contribute to the creation of common operational standards and to strengthening the capacity of the North Atlantic Alliance to face the complex challenges in the Black Sea region and in Eastern Europe.

    The first Romanian judge at the International Court of Justice

    Romanias former foreign minister, the current presidential adviser Bogdan Aurescu was voted, on Thursday, a judge at the International Court of Justice, thus becoming the first Romanian to occupy this position. This represents a victory of the Romanian diplomacy, says the Romanian Foreign Ministry, pointing out that Romania promotes a foreign policy based on respect for fundamental rights and freedoms, as well as for international law. In a congratulatory message, President Klaus Iohannis writes that this is a success of Romanian diplomacy, which reflects our firm commitment to the international order based on rules. The judges of the International Court of Justice are elected for nine years by the General Assembly and the UN Security Council, from a wider list of candidates. (LS)

  • 10.11.2023 (mise à jour)

    10.11.2023 (mise à jour)

    Evacuations – 41 citoyens roumains et les membres de leurs familles ont quitté la bande de Gaza au poste frontière de Rafah et se trouvent actuellement en Égypte, suite aux mesures prises par la cellule interinstitutionnelle de crise, à travers l’ambassade de Roumanie au Caire et le Bureau du Représentant des Roumains de Ramallah, a annoncé le Ministère des Affères étrangère de Bucarest. L’institution rappelle qu’un groupe de 93 citoyens roumains et membres de leurs familles sont arrivés mercredi en Roumanie. La diplomatie roumaine poursuit le dialogue avec les autorités israéliennes et égyptiennes afin de faciliter l’évacuation des citoyens internationaux, en fonction de l’évolution de la situation et de l’accord des parties impliquées. D’ailleurs, vendredi, une troisième équipe consulaire mobile de l’unité de réaction rapide de réaction rapide de la cellule de crise du Ministère des Affaires Etrangères s’est déplacé au Caire en vue de soutenir les démarches spécifiques sur le terrain.

    Inflation – La prévision la Banque centrale de Roumanie sur l’évolution de l’inflation vers la fin de cette année est de 7,5%, mais l’institution a révisé à la hausse ses estimations pour 2024 dans le contexte de la majoration des taxes et impôts prévue dans la loi adoptée par l’engagement de la responsabilité gouvernementale. L’année prochaine est aussi une année électorale mais ensuite le processus désinflationniste devrait reprendre et le taux d’inflation devrait s’inscrire dans l’intervalle prévu par la Banque centrale vers la fin 2025, a dit le gouverneur Mugur Isarescu ce vendredi dans le cadre de la présentation du rapport trimestriel sur l’inflation. Conformément au document, au début de l’année prochaine, les prix des produits de consommation courante devraient enregistrer une légère majoration, déterminée notamment par les mesures de majoration de la fiscalité. Mugur Isărescu a présenté les risques à l’adresse de la prévision de la Banque centrale. Il a précisé que les autorités devraient redoubler d’efforts et suivre l’évolution de l’inflation déterminée par la majoration des couts avec les salaires dans la période suivante, mais a souligné aussi qu’à cause du niveau relativement bas du prix des services en Roumanie par rapport aux autres Etats, il existent des raisons d’inquiétude à l’avenir. Conformément à la nouvelle prévision, le taux d’inflation devrait se situer dans l’intervalle cible de la Banque nationale de Roumanie de 1,5 à 3,5% durant le troisième trimestre de l’année 2025.

    Vétérans – Ce samedi, 11 novembre, la Roumanie célèbre la Journée des Vétérans des théâtres d’opérations. A cette occasion, à Bucarest et dans les villes qui accueillent des garnisons militaires des cérémonies militaires et religieuses sont organisées. Ce jour a été choisi parce que ce fut le 11 novembre 1918 qu’entrait en vigueur l’armistice entre les Puissances de l’Entente et l’Allemagne, qui mettait fin à la Première Guerre Mondiale. Et ce fut également le 11 novembre 2003 que tombait sur le champ d’honneur le premier soldat Roumain en Afghanistan. De 1992 à 2002, une trentaine de soldats roumains ont perdu la vie dans des missions sur des théâtres d’opérations et plus de 200 ont été blessés.

    Chars – Le Ministère de la Défense roumain a adressé jeudi une notification au Congrès américain concernant la vente à la Roumanie de 54 chars de combat Abrams, de munitions et de simulateurs pour l’entraînement. Les versions dernier cri des machines de combat qui intègreront les forces terrestres roumaines seront prochainement livrées, et la valeur du contrat est estimée à environ 1,07 milliard de dollars, conformément à l’approbation préalable du Parlement roumain. Le ministre de la Défense, Angel Tîlvăr, a souligné que l’entrée directe dans le programme Abrams représente une opportunité majeure pour les forces terrestres roumaines, qui disposent de moyens de combat de pointe, pour s’adapter aux défis de l’environnement de sécurité régional, et démontrer « la solidité et l’excellent niveau de coopération entre la Roumanie et les États-Unis», notamment sur le plan militaire.

    Aurescu – L’ancien ministre roumain des Affaires étrangères Bogdan Aurescu, a obtenu un poste de juge à la Cour internationale de Justice de La Haye, au sein des Nations Unies. C’est la première fois qu’un Roumain obtient un tel poste. C’est aussi la première fois qu’aucun candidat russe n’est élu. Cette première reflète le ferme engagement de la Roumanie en faveur d’un ordre international fondé sur des règles, selon le président roumain Klaus Iohannis. Le Ministère des Affaires étrangères de Bucarest a déclaré que l’élection d’Aurescu représentait une victoire pour la diplomatie roumaine et une reconnaissance du professionnalisme et de l’expertise de Bogdan Aurescu. Agé de 50 ans, ce dernier est membre de la Commission du droit international de l’ONU et conseiller pour les questions de politique étrangère du président roumain. Entre 2004 et 2009, il a été Agent romain auprès de la Cour internationale de Justice et a joué un rôle décisif dans la procédure entre la Roumanie et l’Ukraine concernant la délimitation territoriale de la mer Noire, dans le cadre de laquelle l’Ukraine a restitué 9 700 km² de plateau continental et de zone économique exclusive à son voisin.

    Belgrade – L’équipe féminine de tennis de Roumanie mène la Serbie sur le score de 2 à 0, dans les play-offs de la Billie Jean King Cup, après la victoire de Jaqueline Cristian contre Aleksandra Krunic 7-5, 6-4, vendredi soir à Kraljevo (Serbie). Anterior, Gabriela Ruse a disposé de Mia Ristic 7-6, 6-3. Samedi, dans le premier match de simple, Jaqueline Cristian affrontera pour la première fois Mia Ristic, et puis Gabriela Ruse affrontera Aleksandra Krunic. Le match de double opposera Katarina Kozarov et Natalija Stevanovic à Irina Bara et Monica Niculescu. L’équipe qui gagna évoluera dans la phase des qualifications au tournoi final de la compétition et l’équipe battue évoluera dans le Premier groupe. Au mois d’avril, la Roumanie a été battue par la Slovénie 3 à 2, ratant la qualification au tournoi final.

    Météo – Dans les prochaines 24 heures, en Roumanie les températures s’approcheront des moyennes pluriannuelles. Le ciel sera couvert et des pluies sont attendues sur toutes les régions, avec des orages sur le sud-est. Des chutes de neige sont attendues en haute montagne à plus de 1 500 m d’altitude, notamment sur les Carpates Orientales. Les maxima iront de 9 à quelque 20 degrés.

  • Alţi 41 de cetățeni români și membrii de familie ai acestora au ieșit din Gaza

    Alţi 41 de cetățeni români și membrii de familie ai acestora au ieșit din Gaza

    Alţi 41 de cetățeni români și membrii de familie ai acestora au ieșit din Gaza prin punctul de frontieră Rafah, urmând să fie repatriaţi. 41 de cetăţeni români şi membrii de familie ai acestora au ieşit din Fâşia Gaza prin punctul de frontieră Rafah (Republica Arabă Egipt) şi se află pe teritoriul egiptean, în drum spre Cairo, a transmis MAE într-un comunicat.

    Cei 41 de cetăţeni români şi familiile acestora au fost preluaţi de către o echipă din cadrul Unităţii de Reacţie Rapidă a Celulei de Criză MAE şi reprezentanţi ai Ambasadei României în Egipt.

    Un alt grup de 93 de cetățeni români a ajuns deja în Româbnia, miercuri, 8 noiembrie.. Diplomația de la București continuă dialogul cu autoritățile israeliene și egiptene în vederea facilitării evacuării celorlalți cetățeni români. Situația de securitate din regiune se menține, însă, complexă, ceea ce implică adaptarea constantă a planurilor de evacuare, pentru ca siguranța oamenilor care sunt scoși din Gaza să nu fie pusă în pericol.

  • 09.11.2023 (mise à jour)

    09.11.2023 (mise à jour)

    Gaza – La Roumanie continuera le dialogue avec les autorités israéliennes et égyptiennes pour évacuer le reste des ressortissants roumains et des membres de leurs familles se trouvant dans la Bande de Gaza, en fonction des évolutions sur le terrain et de l’accord des parties impliquées, annonce le ministère des AE de Bucarest. Une équipe consulaire sera toujours disponible dans la région du poste frontière de Rafah entre la Bande de Gaza et l’Egypte, afin d’offrir son assistance. D’ailleurs, la frontière a été rouverte jeudi durant les procédures d’évacuation des ressortissants étrangers qui ont reçu la permission des autorités israéliennes et égyptiennes de partir vers l’Egypte, dont 51ressortissants roumains et les membres de leurs familles. Les autorités de Bucarest ont évacué plusieurs groupes de ressortissants du Gaza et membres de leurs familles à nationalité roumaine pour les transporter en Roumanie à bord d’avions de la compagnie nationale Tarom via le Caire. Par ailleurs, selon la Maison Blanche, Israël a annoncé jeudi une trêve de quatre heures dans les combats dans le nord de la Bande de Gaza afin de permettre le retrait des civils – une première depuis le début de la guerre. Les alliés de l’OTAN ont affirmé soutenir les pauses humanitaires dans la guerre entre Israël et le Hamas, afin de permettre l’accès des aides dans la Bande de Gaza. Selon le secrétaire général de l’Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, la législation internationale devrait être respectée et les civils devraient être protégés dans ce conflit.

    Avions – L’Allemagne déploiera 4 avions Eurofighter en Roumanie pour appuyer, à compter de la fin novembre la mission de police de l’air de l’OTAN. Cette décision survient quelques semaines après les attaques russes sur les ports ukrainiens sur le Danube. Ces attaques perpétrées dans le voisinage immédiat de la frontière avec la Roumanie, ainsi que les fragments de drones retrouvés sur le territoire roumain, ont fait augmenter les risques de sécurité pour l’Alliance, dont les membres se sont engagés à se défendre réciproquement. D’ailleurs, en septembre dernier, le chef de l’OTAN, Jens Stoltenberg avait qualifié de « déstabilisatrices » ces attaques russes près de la frontière roumaine, malgré l’absence d’indices de l’intention de Moscou de frapper un membre de l’Alliance. Ce n’est pas pour la première fois que les Forces aériennes allemandes soutiennent la mission de police des ciels de l’OTAN en Roumanie. L’Alliance ne cesse de consolider sa présence militaire le long du flanc est, après l’invasion russe en Ukraine en février 2022.

    Schengen – L’un des objectifs les plus importants de la présidence hongroise de
    l’UE l’année prochaine sera la promotion de l’adhésion de la Roumanie à
    Schengen, si cette dernière n’a pas lieu d’ici là – a déclaré le ministre
    hongrois des Affaires étrangères, Peter Szijjarto. Selon un communiqué de presse du ministère des Affaires étrangères de
    Budapest, ce dernier a souligné que le gouvernement hongrois attachait une
    importance stratégique à la coopération entre les deux pays. « La base et la ressource la plus
    importante de cette coopération stratégique réside dans la communauté magyare
    qui vit en Roumanie » – a déclaré Szijjarto. Il a ajouté qu’il était
    dans l’intérêt national de la Hongrie que la Roumanie adhère le plus rapidement
    possible à l’espace Schengen. La Roumanie, a souligné le ministre, est
    aujourd’hui le deuxième marché d’exportation de la Hongrie et cette coopération
    économique et commerciale pourrait devenir encore plus étroite avec l’entrée de
    ce pays voisin dans l’espace Schengen. La Hongrie assumera la présidence
    tournante du Conseil de l’UE au second semestre 2024.

    Retraites – L’Exécutif de Bucarest a adopté ce jeudi la nouvelle loi des pensions de retraite, qui prévoit deux majorations pour l’année prochaine. Aux termes du nouveau document, les retraites seront recalculées d’après de nouveaux critères, afin d’éliminer les iniquités du système. L’objectif du gouvernement est de faire adopter la loi par le Parlement avant le 20 novembre. Aux dires du premier ministre Marcel Ciolacu, la nouvelle loi des retraites éliminera le seuil des dépenses avec les retraites de 9,4% du PIB. Parallèlement, le premier ministre a promis de ne pas introduire des majorations d’impôts l’année prochaine mais il a sollicité un plan de mesures visant à augmenter le niveau des collectes au budget d’Etat.

    Tourisme – L’édition d’automne de la Foire de Tourisme de la Roumanie se déroule du 9 au 12 novembre à Bucarest. Elle est considérée comme le plus grand événement du domaine. A part les discounts pour les réservations en avance, les agences proposent aussi des offres du type Black Friday. On propose toute une variété de séjours en Roumanie et à l’étranger, des circuits touristiques complexes sur tous les continents, y compris pour des destinations exotiques. D’ailleurs, deux nouvelles destinations sont proposées cette année aux Roumains à la recherche de paquets inédits de vacances : La Grande Canarie, en Espagne, et la ville de Faro, au Portugal.

    Météo – En Roumanie, les températures devraient progresser dans les jours à venir. L’instabilité sera pourtant au rendez-vous, avec des nuages et des pluies sur le sud-ouest, mais aussi sur l’ouest, le nord-ouest, le centre mais aussi sur le reste du territoire. Quelques chutes de neige sont également possibles en haute montagne. Les maxima iront de 10 à 19 degrés avec des minimas durant la nuit de 3 à 14 degrés.

  • November 9, 2023 UPDATE

    November 9, 2023 UPDATE

    Gaza – Romania will continue the dialogue with the Israeli and Egyptian authorities for the evacuation of the other Romanian citizens and their family members in the Gaza Strip, depending on the developments on the ground and the agreement of the parties involved, the Romanian Foreign Ministry announced. A consular team will remain available in the area of ​​the Rafah border-crossing to Egypt to provide further assistance. The border was reopened on Thursday, when the evacuation procedures continued for foreign citizens who received permission from the Israeli and Egyptian authorities to transit this point, to Egypt, including 51 Romanian citizens and their family members. In the past few days, several groups of Romanian citizens and their family members were evacuated from the Gaza Strip and transported to Romania by a TAROM aircraft from Cairo. In another development, the White House shows that Israel on Thursday announced a four-hour daily break in fighting in the northern Gaza Strip to allow civilians to withdraw – a first since the beginning of the war. Previously, the NATO allies said they support the humanitarian pauses in the war between Israel and Hamas, to allow the access of aid to the Gaza Strip. According to the NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, international law must be respected and civilians must be protected in this conflict.

    NATO — Germany will deploy four Eurofighter planes to Romania to support NATOs air policing mission starting at the end of November. The decision comes a few weeks after the Russian attacks on Ukrainian ports on the Danube. The attacks, carried out right next to the Romanian border, as well as the remains of drones found in Romania, have increased the security risks for the military alliance whose members have a mutual defense commitment. In September, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg described the Russian strikes near the border as “destabilizing,” even though there were no indications that Russia intended to strike a NATO member. The German air forces have previously supported NATO’s air policing mission in Romania, in the context in which the alliance strengthened its military presence along the eastern flank, after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, in February 2022.

    Schengen — One of the major objectives of Hungary’s EU presidency in the second half of 2024 will be to promote Romania’s integration into Schengen, unless progress is made on the matter before, the Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said. According to a press release issued by the Hungarian Foreign Ministry, he emphasized that the Hungarian government attaches strategic importance to the cooperation between the two countries. “The most important base and resource of this strategic cooperation is the Hungarian community that lives in Romania, said Szijjarto. He added that Romania becoming a member of the Schengen area is a clear national interest of Hungary. Romania, the Hungarian foreign minister said, “is Hungary’s second-largest export market and its Schengen membership will obviously make our economic and trade relations much stronger.” Hungary will take over the rotating presidency of the European Council in the second half of 2024.

    EU – The European Commission recommended the start of EU accession negotiations with Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova (ex-Soviet state with a majority Romanian-speaking population) and Bosnia-Herzegovina. The Commissions favorable opinion must be approved by the 27 members at the December 14-15 EU summit. Until then, the states in question will have to carry out some key measures. From Bucharest, the NATO deputy general secretary, the Romanian Mircea Geoană, welcomed the EC announcement. The official expressed certainty that Ukraine will become a member of the North Atlantic Alliance and showed that there is no fatigue regarding the efforts of the allied countries to support Kyiv in facing the Russian aggression.

    Tourism –Bucharest will see, between November 9 and 12, the autumn edition of the Romanian Tourism Fair, considered the most important tourism event in the country that takes place in a physical format. Besides discounts for early booking, some agencies also promote Black Friday discounts. Those interested can find offers both in the country and abroad, complex tour on all continents, including to new or exotic destinations. This year there are two new destinations for the Romanian market: Gran Canaria, in the Spanish Canary Islands, and Faro, in Portugal.

    Pensions — The Romanian government adopted, during Thursdays meeting, the new pension law, which provides for two increases in the coming year. The document also establishes the recalculation of all pensions according to new criteria, so that inequities in the system are eliminated. The executive wants the pension law to be adopted by the Parliament by November 20. According to PM Marcel Ciolacu, the new pension law will remove the threshold of 9.4% of the GDP, representing pension expenses. At the same time, the prime minister announced that next year there will be no tax increases, but requested a plan of measures to increase revenue collection to the state budget.

    Tennis – The Romanian tennis player Gabriela Ruse will play against the Serbian Mia Ristic, on Friday, in Kraljevo, in the first singles match of the play-off of the Billie Jean King Cup competition between Romania and Serbia. In the second singles match, which will also take place on Friday, the Romanian Jaqueline Cristian will play against Aleksandra Krunic. On Saturday, Cristian will be up against Ristic, and then Ruse will play against Krunic. The doubles match will pit Katarina Kozarov/Natalija Stevanovic from Serbia against Irina Bara/Monica Niculescu from Romania. The winning team will qualify for the final tournament of the competition, and the losing team will play in Group I. Serbia leads Romania 2-1 in direct matches, after winning with the score 2-1 in 2007, in the first round of Group I, Europe/Africa zone, and with the score 2-1 in 2008, in the same phase. In 2014, in Bucharest, Romania won 4-1 and advanced to the Fed Cup World Group, the current Billie Jean King Cup. (LS)

  • Încă 51 de români şi familiile acestora vor putea tranzita frontiera de la Rafah

    Încă 51 de români şi familiile acestora vor putea tranzita frontiera de la Rafah

    Încă 51 de cetăţeni români din Fâşia Gaza şi familiile acestora vor putea tranzita frontiera de la Rafah miercuri, 8 noiembrie, pentru a intra în Egipt, transmite Ministerul român al Afacerilor Externe (MAE).

    Echipele consulare mobile din cadrul Unităţii de Reacţie Rapidă a Celulei de Criză MAE vor acorda sprijinul necesar în punctul de trecere a frontierei Rafah pentru evacuarea cetăţenilor români. De asemenea, persoanele evacuate vor beneficia de asistenţa consulară specifică, necesară, până la Cairo, de unde vor fi transportaţi în România.

    MAE continuă dialogul cu autorităţile egiptene şi israeliene în vederea finalizării operaţiunilor de evacuare şi pentru ceilalţi cetăţeni români şi membri de familie ai acestora care au solicitat sprijin pentru a fi evacuaţi din Gaza.

    Primul grup de români şi membri de familie, format din 93 de persoane, a fost evacuat marţi din Gaza.

  • November 5, 2023 UPDATE

    November 5, 2023 UPDATE

    Cash payments — Romania’s Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu on Monday is to have a working meeting with the representatives of the members of the Executive Council of the Romanian Association of Banks, according to the agenda announced by the Government. On Friday, the PM announced that he would convene a meeting at the Government headquarters with specialists from the Ministry of Finance and the National Bank of Romania, as well as with representatives of small entrepreneurs, banks and civil society, ‘to make a decision on the issue of cash’. Ciolacu stated that it is ‘intolerable’ to ‘artificially’ increase bank commissions and that ‘the banks greed cannot be fueled by the debate on cash’. As of this month, cash payments to companies and individuals are reduced in Romania, according to a measure included in the package of fiscal-budgetary measures assumed by the Government in Parliament. The decision would be intended to combat tax evasion. On the other hand, some banks have notified their customers that they want to increase the commissions for deposits and withdrawals at the counters.

    PSD – The National Political Council of the Social Democratic Party – PSD (number one in the government coalition in Bucharest) meets on Monday to establish its electoral strategy, in the run up to the 2024 elections. On Friday, in a meeting of the extended leadership of the National Liberal Party – PNL (junior partner in the coalition), the liberals decided not to have joint lists with the current social-democratic governing partners, but to go on their own lists to next years polls, with the avowed target of winning them all. Next year, elections for the European and national Parliaments, local and presidential elections are scheduled in Romania.

    Mini-football — The Romanian team won the Minifootball World Cup for the first time, on Saturday evening, in the emirate of Ras Al Khaimah (United Arab Emirates), after a dramatic victory in the final against Kazakhstan, score 12-11, in the penalty shootout. Romania, which played its third consecutive world semifinal, had two World Cup bronze medals from three participations, in the USA (2015) and Australia (2019). The world champion trophy was the only major title missing from the national team’s showcase. The national team was, in the past, six times European champion (2010-2015) and runner-up in the last two editions of the EMF EURO (2018 and 2022).

    Handball — Romania’s mens national handball team was defeated by the French team with the score 40-21, on Saturday evening, in Toulouse, in a friendly match played in the run up to their participation in next years European Championship in Germany. The final tournament is scheduled for January 10-28, 2024, and Romania is part of Group B, alongside Spain, Austria and Croatia. The two top-ranking teams in the group qualify for the next stage. Romania had not qualified for a European Championship since 1996.

    Gaza – The US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, discussed, on Sunday, in Ramallah, with the president of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, at a time when the international community fears an expansion of the war between Israel and Hamas in the West Bank, AFP and Reuters report. It is the first visit of the US secretary of state to the West Bank since the beginning of the war on October 7, after the bloody attack on the Israeli territory by the Palestinian Islamist movement that controls the Gaza Strip, followed by the harsh response of the Jewish state. Antony Blinkens unannounced visit to Ramallah comes in the context of his Middle East tour, which also included Israel and Jordan. The BBC reports that the Israeli Defense Ministry announced that its forces had entered populated areas of Gaza City, and eyewitnesses reported heavy gunfire and fierce ground fighting on the outskirts. At the same time, the Israeli army announced that it is reopening, on Sunday, a corridor for civilians in the north of Gaza, for their movement to the south. The United Nations warns that 1.5 million people have been displaced in the area since the beginning of the conflict, and half of them take shelter in its camps. (LS)

  • November 5, 2023

    November 5, 2023

    Cash payment — Romania’s social-democratic prime minister, Marcel Ciolacu, announced a meeting at the government headquarters, in the following days, with the representatives of the main banks and with small entrepreneurs to debate the subject of cash payments. The topic has gained momentum in recent days, after some banks allegedly notified customers that they want to increase the commissions for depositing and withdrawing money at the counters. In this context, Nicolae Ciucă, the leader of the governing partners from the PNL, says that the measure of limiting cash payments should be re-discussed. According to the fiscal-budgetary measures that apply at the end of this year, cash payments are limited between a legal entity and a natural person to 5,000 lei (about 1,000 Euros) per day, except for salary payments, and between two individuals at 10,000 lei (2000 Euros) per day. Between legal entities, cash payments cannot exceed 1,000 lei (200 Euros) per day. From January 1, 2025, these ceilings would be halved. The purpose of the measure is to combat tax evasion. The most affected by the banks decisions and the limitation of cash payments are the small traders, especially those from the rural area, where many customers buy with cash, and the traders make their supplies from the big cash-and-carry stores paying cash too.

    Moldova — The citizens of the Republic of Moldova (ex-Soviet state with a majority Romanian-speaking population are called to the polls on Sunday to elect their mayors and local councilors. The election results are also important in the run up to next years presidential elections and of the parliamentary elections in 2025, which will decide whether the neighboring country will continue its European course. The main stake is the city of Chisinau, with the highest concentration of population and resources. A record number of 28 candidates were registered for the position of mayor. The vote is taking place against the backdrop of unprecedented interference by Russia in the electoral process in the Republic of Moldova, through illegal financing of parties, corruption of voters and candidates. On Friday evening, the ‘Chance’ Party, affiliated with the fugitive oligarch Ilan Şor, was eliminated from the electoral race, after the Intelligence and Security Service reported that the party bought voters with money received from Russia.

    Mini-football — The Romanian team won the Minifootball World Cup for the first time, on Saturday evening, in the emirate of Ras Al Khaimah (United Arab Emirates), after a dramatic victory in the final against Kazakhstan, score 12-11, in the penalty shootout. Romania, which played its third consecutive world semifinal, had two World Cup bronze medals from three participations, in the USA (2015) and Australia (2019). The world champion trophy was the only major title missing from the national team’s showcase. The national team was, in the past, six times European champion (2010-2015) and runner-up in the last two editions of the EMF EURO (2018 and 2022).

    Gaudeamus — The Gaudeamus book fair, organized by Radio Romania, in Timişoara (west), European Capital of Culture 2023, comes to an end on Sunday. The event brings together 40 of the most important publishing houses and book distribution agencies in the country, which offer readers the latest releases and bestsellers. There are promotional packages and substantial discounts for the thousands of volumes on display. Between November 22-26, a new edition of the Gaudeamus Radio Romania Fair, the longest-running and most popular project of its kind in the country, will be organized at the Romexpo Compound in Bucharest.

    Gaza – The US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, discussed, on Sunday, in Ramallah, with the president of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, at a time when the international community fears an expansion of the war between Israel and Hamas in the West Bank, AFP and Reuters report. It is the first visit of the US secretary of state to the West Bank since the beginning of the war on October 7, after the bloody attack on the Israeli territory by the Palestinian Islamist movement that controls the Gaza Strip, followed by the harsh response of the Jewish state. Antony Blinkens unannounced visit to Ramallah comes in the context of his Middle East tour, which also included Israel and Jordan. The BBC reports that the Israeli Defense Ministry announced that its forces had entered populated areas of Gaza City, and eyewitnesses reported heavy gunfire and fierce ground fighting on the outskirts. At the same time, the Israeli army announced that it is reopening, on Sunday, a corridor for civilians in the north of Gaza, for their movement to the south. The United Nations warns that 1.5 million people have been displaced in the area since the beginning of the conflict, and half of them take shelter in its camps. (LS)

  • Ştiri de pe front

    Ştiri de pe front

    Expunerea media a situaţiei din
    Gaza este uriaşă, fără precedent. La fel este şi presiunea, pe toate planurile,
    pe întregul front. Dacă istoria s-ar scrie astfel, în ultimul timp am fi
    înregistrat intrarea Yemenului în cel de-al Treilea Război Mondial, ofensiva
    Hezbollah, agresiunea unui stat împotriva unei organizaţii teroriste. Despre
    ostateci, fără ghilimele, nu înregistrăm mare lucru, deşi se împlineşte, în
    curând, o lună de când civili de diferite vârste, unii foarte mici, de diferite
    stări medicale şi chiar cu diferite cetăţenii, au fost luaţi din mediul lor de
    viaţă obişnuiţă, duşi nu se ştie unde, torturaţi, abuzaţi, poate şi omorâţi.

    Puţine lucruri sunt noi în acestă reluare a conflictului din Orientul Apropiat
    dar toate sunt la dimensiuni mult mai mari şi la o cruzime incredibilă. Cei din
    Gaza au construit de mult timp tunelele ce le permit să aducă arme în fâşia de
    pământ sau să atace pe teritoriul israelian, ba chiar să răpească oameni de
    acolo sau să lanseze atacuri teroriste. Dar niciodată nu a fost ca acum, o
    ofensivă barbară împotriva civililor. Au tot fost lansate rachete din Gaza
    împotriva teritoriului israelian, dar niciodată cinci mii într-o zi.

    armatei israeliene în Gaza, de la sfârşitul anului 2008 şi începutul anului
    2009 a fost provocată tocmai de aceste tiruri. Această evocare ne aminteşte că
    au mai fost acţiuni ale armatei israeliene în Gaza, dar niciodată la scara de
    acum. Şi contestarea şefului guvernului israelian în timp de război a mai avut loc,
    legendara Golda Meir chiar şi-a depus mandatul după războiul din 1973, deşi
    scăpase de acuzaţia că nu a anticipat atacul.

    Actualul premier promite aceeaşi
    procedură, cu o anchetă după război. Si identificarea completă a
    palestinienilor din Gaza cu Hamas sau diferenţierea lor accentuată sunt
    subiecte vechi de discuţie. Dar războiul, nici cel declanşat la 7 octombrie, şi
    nici reacţia armatei israeliene nu are timp să facă această diferenţă. O parte
    este sub presiunea internaţională să aibă grijă de civili, o alta îi
    măcelăreşte şi se laudă cu această ispravă.

    Conflictul opune un stat recunoscut
    de ONU unor organizaţii. Actualitatea tragică a dus la deprecierea termenilor de
    drept internaţional, inclusiv identificarea actorilor din aceste războaie. Am
    mai văzut şi asta, ca o organizaţie să crească cât un stat şi nu numai în cazul
    ISIS. Autonomia de care se bucură cele două teritorii palestiniene a fost
    negociată de istorica Organizaţie pentru Eliberarea Palestinei cu Israelul. Au
    fost alături cele mai puternice democraţii ale lumii pentru că procesul
    declanşat era unul democratic, de autoguvernare pornind de la alegerile
    pluripatite şi libere.

    Acum, evoluţia spre un stat palestinian a fost oprită şi
    ne întoarcem la momentul în care actorul palestinian reprezentativ, cel puţin
    în Gaza, este o organizaţie. Scopurile belicoase ale acesteia ajung să fie
    trasferate civililor, care nu mai au timp de dezvoltarea societăţii în care
    trăiesc şi sunt atraşi în activităţi militare ilegale. Nouă nu este nici
    tentativa de a muta disputa geopolitică în zona strictă a religiei. Intră
    intempestiv în scenă actori statali nearabi dar musulmani, încercând să mute
    discuţia în acest plan periculos. Nici asta nu este o noutate deşi doar o dată
    se împlineşte un secol de la instituirea statului modern, cel turc, în cauză,
    sub forma unei republici laice.

    Alăturarea religiilor în zona sacră a
    Ierusalimului a constituit mereu un motiv de război şi neînţelegere, deşi este
    vorba de trei credinţe atât de apropiate în esenţa lor divină. Acum, acest
    avantaj religios este tratat ca motiv de incitare şi de război. Şi nu neapărat
    de către cei care se roagă acolo, la Ierusalim, ci de cei care se folosesc de
    minunatul sentiment al credinţei pentru a-şi promova scopurile autocratice,
    populiste. Şi tot ca întotdeauna, armele sunt problema cea mai gravă, sunt în
    continuare o marfă căutată, prilej de afaceri bune. Numai că armele sunt din ce
    în ce mai periculoase, mai eficiente în a aduce moarte şi distrugere.

  • November 4, 2023 UPDATE

    November 4, 2023 UPDATE

    CASH Romanian Prime Minister, Social-Democrat Marel Ciolacu, has
    announced a government meeting next week, which is also going to be attended by
    representatives of the SMEs and the main banks for talks on cash payments. The
    issue has sparked off heated debates in the past days after some banks have
    notified clients on their intention to raise the commissions for cash
    withdrawal and deposits. Under the new fiscal-budgetary legislation, cash
    payments between legal and natural persons have been limited to the equivalent
    of one thousand euros per day, with the exception of wages. Cash payment
    between two natural persons has been limited to two thousand euros per day,
    while between legal persons it must not exceed 200 euros per day. These
    thresholds are to be cut in half on January 1, 2025. Liberal leader Nicolae
    Ciuca from the ruling PNL-PSD coalition has announced the decision might be
    talked upon between the coalition members. The most affected are the small
    traders, mainly in the country’s rural areas where people mostly rely on

    TALKS Romania’s Foreign Minister, Luminita Odobescu, talked on the
    phone with her Israeli counterpart, Eli Cohen about the situation of the
    Romanian citizens and their family members who requested support for being
    evacuated from the Gaza Strip. On this occasion, the official in Bucharest has
    reiterated the Foreign Ministry’s readiness to offer consular assistance to all
    the Romanians who need to leave Gaza. The Israeli official has given assurances
    the evacuation of the Romanian citizens is a major concern for the authorities
    in Tel Aviv. On Friday, the Foreign Ministry announced that another two people
    with double Israeli-Romanian citizenship are still being held hostage in Gaza.
    The ministry has called for the release of all hostages, including the six
    people with Israeli-Romanian citizenship.

    RATING Moody’s rating agency has reconfirmed Romania’s credit
    rating at Baa3 with stable outlook. The country’s Finance Minister Marcel Bolos
    says this is a new confirmation of the fact that the incumbent government has taken
    the right measures to combat the social-economic effects of the latest crises
    and for ensuring sustainable public finances. The announcement contributes to
    maintaining a favourable economic climate to cutting funding costs and the
    promotion of investment in our country Bolos went on to say. He underlined that
    the reforms and measures aimed at achieving fiscal-budgetary consolidation
    remain the priorities of the Finance Ministry.
