Tag: Hamas

  • Nãi reacţii la atacurli fapti tu Israelu

    Nãi reacţii la atacurli fapti tu Israelu

    Prezidentulu Klaus Iohannis declarã, sâmbătă, Lisabona, că ataca teroristã di mari, nica ş-ma mari, ţi easti faptã tu Israelu ari un potenţialu multu nfãrmãcatu/ multu toxicu, ta s-u-aspargã, multu di multu, catastisea di tu Orientulu di Mesi. Di cabaia kiro, comunitatea internaţională cilãstãseaşti s’yinã cu cearei tru zonă şi, ti amãrtie, adzã avemu un evenimantu cari nã toarnã cabaia multu tu kirolu di ma ninti. U-avemu nãdia, ama, că lucãrli va s’bagã pi aradã, ti şcurtu kiro şi lumea tutã va ş-si toarnã pi measa di pãzãrãpseri diplomatiţi, spusi prezidentulu Iohannis tru cadurlu a nãscãntoru declaraţii comuni ndrupãti di omologlu portughedzu, Marcelo Rebelo di Sousa.

    El nãpoi spusi, că România cutugurseaşti sertu ataca teroristã tu Israelu. Himu solidari cu Israelu şi cundilleaiu că Israelu ari ndreptulu limbidu ti autoapărari şi tru aestă catastisi, nica spusi caplu a statlui.

    Iohannis declarã că anvãrliga di 800-900 di româñi suntu Israel, mulţã di elli hiindaloru turişti, şi că s’caftã cearei ta s’lli-aducã tu vãsilie aţelli ţi voru sã s’toarnã ntrãoarã tu patridã, lucru cari va s’hibã di cãuli tu şcurtu kiro.

    Autorităţli români caftă cearei ta s’lli-aducã cãtu cama ntrãoarã tu patridã aţelli aproapea 800 di români, ţi suntu hãgilãki tru Israel, vãsilie iu s’apufusi catandisea di polimu di itia a atacurloru nkisiti di minarea Hamas, declarã premierlu Marcel Ciolacu.

    Ministerlu român a Afaceror Externe (MAE) apufusi s’bagã pi lucru Celula di Criză pi livelu a Ministerlui, aesta hiinda tru ligãturã niacumtinatã cu ambasada ali Românie tu Tel Aviv, cu Oficilu di reprezentari ali Românie tu Ramallah şi cu Delegaţia UE ditu Israel, şi veaglle cu ngãtanu catastisea ditu teren cu scãpolu ta s’da agiutoru a cetăţeañilor români cari caftã asistenţă consulară.

    MAE nãpoi u dimãndã hãbarea-a llei mutrindalui criştearea livelu di alertă di călătorie tră Statlu Israel, tru cari s’faţi urminie a cetăţenilor români cari suntu, tranziteadză icã au naeti s’urdină tru Israel, s’mindueascã nica nã oarã apofasea ti urdinari, a deapoa, a aţiloru ţi suntu tu aestã oarã Israelu s’tiñiseascã instrucţiuñili autorităţlor locali, s’apãnghiseascã tru casi şi, cându catandisea va u caftã, di va s’hibã pi halã lae, s’fugã ditu aestã vãsilie.

    Cetăţeañilli români cari suntu pi teritoriul a Israelui potu s’u caftã Ambasada ali Românie tu Tel Aviv şi potu s’-dimãndã a loru vinitã tru reghionu, dimãndãndaloru datili di identificari şi a loru coordonati la adresa di e-mail telaviv@mae.ro, la numirlu di tilefunu di pirmanenţă di tu Ambasada ali Românie tu Tel Aviv: +972 54 5643279, şi la aţelu a Consulatlui Gheneralu di Haifa: +972 543 998 038, tra s’poatã s’hibã cãftaţ şi aflaţ.

    Ministerlu faţi urminie frãndzãli di Internetu http://telaviv.mae.ro, https://consular-protection.ec.europa.eu/travel-advice_en şi www.mae.ro – rubrica Urminii ti urdinari şi nãpoi l’aduţi aminti că cetăţeañilli români cari s-ducu tu xeani au hãzãri serviţiul di alertă pritu SMS, aferentu ali campanie di hãbãriseari Un SMS poati s’ti ascapã cu bana!.

    Prezidentulu a Senatlui, Nicolae Ciucă, prezidentulu a PNL, declarã, sâmbătă, că România easti solidară cu cetăţeanilli israelieni tru aesti greali sticuri di oarã pritu cari trecu şi cutugurseaşti prişcãviili, emu pritu atacurli cu rachete, emu pritu agresiunea a insurgenţãlor contra a bãnãtorloru.

    Alianţa tră Unirea Românilor (AUR/ MALAMA) cutugursi sertu atacurli cu rachete cari s’feaţirã tu Israelu. U spunemu solidaritatea cu statlu israelianu tru aesti oari lãhtãroasi, a deapoa minduerli a noasti suntu deadunu cu taxiratea a fumellilor ţi avurã victimi. Turunãoarã, cãftãmu sdãnãseascã ntrãoarã priscãvillea şi tuti atacurli ţi bagã tu piriclliu bana-a oamiñiloru, dimãndã AUR.

    Ambasadorlu a Israelui tu Bucureşti, Reuven Azar, declarã că ataca nkisitã di organizaţiile teroristi eara minduitã di multu kiro, cu mari ngãtanu şi easti ghini ndreaptã, hiindalui coordonatã di pi uscatu, ditu aerã şi di pi amari şi ari tu scãpo emu militarllii, emu bãnãtorlli israelieni.

    Avemu hãbãri ţi spunu cã au intratã ascumta terorişti pi teritoriulu a Israelui, tru ma multi hori şi cãsãbadz ditu notlu a patridãllei. Serviţiile di securitate şi forţãli aerieani cilãstãsescu s’u-aibã tu mãnã catandisea cu scãpolu ta s’ãlli veagllje oamiñilli.

    Cadealihea, himu ndrepţã s’pindzemu aestã atacã. Israelu easti ghini ndreptu sã s’veaglle. Tutunãoarã, el cundille că scãpolu atacãllei teroristã easti ta s’vatãmã câtu cama mulţã ţivilli israelieni, cari suntu tufikisiţ fãrã s’aleagã vãrã di elli. Isapea ţi u feaţirã easti cu alathusu, minduirã că Israelu va s’aproaki unã ahtari catandisi, ama dotu nu-ari, s’aprukemu, va s’dãmu apandisi cu furteaţã, nica spusi ambasadorlu Reuven Azar.

    Polimlu nkikisi anda eara yiurtusitã dzuua ditu soni a sãrbãtoarillei uvriascã Sukkot tru Israel, cându mulţã hãgilãkeari şi turişţã yin tu patridã tru kirolu di adye şcolarã. Tutunãoarã, s’umplu 50 di añi ş’nica nã dzuuã di anda avea ahuhritã polimlu anamisa di araghi şi israeliañi tu 1973, anda furã vãtãmaţ 2.600 di israelieni şi nai ma pţãnu 9.500 di morţã şi kiruţ di partea arabă tru 3-li stămâñi di alumti.

    Autoru: Eugen Cojocariu

    Armânipsearea: Taşcu Lala

  • Noi reacţii la atacurile asupra Israelului

    Noi reacţii la atacurile asupra Israelului

    Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis a declarat, sâmbătă, la Lisabona, că atacul terorist de amploare asupra Israelului are un potenţial foarte toxic, de a destabiliza foarte mult situaţia din Orientul Mijlociu. De mult timp comunitatea internaţională încearcă să înlesnească soluţii în zonă şi, din păcate, astăzi avem un eveniment care ne duce cu mult timp înapoi. Sperăm însă că lucrurile vor fi aduse sub control rapid şi se va întoarce toată lumea la masa de negocieri diplomatice, a spus preşedintele Iohannis în cadrul nor declaraţii comune susţinute cu omologul portughez, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

    El a reiterat că România condamnă ferm atacul atac terorist asupra Israelului. Suntem solidari cu Israelul şi am subliniat că Israelul are dreptul clar la autoapărare şi în această situaţie, a mai spus şeful statului.

    Iohannis a declarat că în jur de 800-900 de români se află în Israel, mulţi dintre aceştia fiind turişti, şi că se caută soluţii pentru aducerea acestora în ţară a celor care vor să revină în ţară rapid, lucru care va fi posibil în curând.

    Autorităţile române caută soluţii pentru aducerea cât mai rapid în ţară a aproximativ 800 de români, aflaţi ca pelerini în Israel, ţară unde s-a dat o avertizare de stare de război urmare a atacurilor declanşate de mişcarea Hamas, a declarat premierul Marcel Ciolacu.

    Ministerul român al Afacerilor Externe (MAE) a activat Celula de Criză la nivelul Ministerului, aceasta fiind în contact permanent cu Ambasada României la Tel Aviv, cu Oficiul de reprezentare al României la Ramallah şi cu Delegaţia UE din Israel, şi monitorizează atent situaţia din teren în vederea oferirii de sprijin cetăţenilor români care solicită asistenţă consulară.

    MAE a reluat anunţul său privind ridicarea nivelului de alertă de călătorie pentru Statul Israel, în care se recomandă cetăţenilor români care se află, tranzitează sau intenţionează să călătorească în Israel să îşi reevalueze decizia de a călători, iar celor care se află deja în Israel să urmeze instrucţiunile autorităţilor locale, să se adăpostească în clădiri şi, când situaţia va impune, să părăsească această ţară.

    Cetăţenii români care se află pe teritoriul Israelului se pot adresa Ambasadei României la Tel Aviv şi îşi pot anunţa prezenţa în regiune, comunicând astfel datele de identificare şi propriile coordonate la adresa de e-mail telaviv@mae.ro, la numărul de telefon de permanenţă al Ambasadei României la Tel Aviv: +972 54 5643279, şi la cel al Consulatului General de la Haifa: +972 543 998 038, pentru a putea fi contactaţi.

    Ministerul recomandă consultarea paginilor de Internet http://telaviv.mae.ro, https://consular-protection.ec.europa.eu/travel-advice_en şi www.mae.ro – rubrica Sfaturi de călătorie şi reaminteşte faptul că cetăţenii români care se deplasează în străinătate au la dispoziţie serviciul de alertă prin SMS, aferent campaniei de informare Un SMS îţi poate salva viaţa!.

    Preşedintele Senatului, Nicolae Ciucă, preşedinte al PNL, a declarat, sâmbătă, că România este solidară cu cetăţenii israelieni în aceste momente dificile prin care trec şi condamnă violenţele atât prin atacurile cu rachete, cât şi prin agresiunea insurgenţilor asupra populaţiei civile.

    Alianţa pentru Unirea Românilor (AUR) a condamnat cu fermitate atacurile cu rachete care au avut loc asupra Israelului. Ne exprimăm solidaritatea cu statul israelian în aceste momente tragice, iar gândurile noastre se îndreaptă către familiile victimelor. Totodată, solicităm încetarea imediată a violenţei şi a tuturor acţiunilor care pun în pericol vieţile oamenilor, a transmis AUR.

    Ambasadorul Israelului la Bucureşti, Reuven Azar, a declarat că atacul declanşat de organizaţiile teroriste a fost plănuit cu mare atenţie şi este foarte bine organizat, fiind coordonat de pe uscat, din aer şi de pe mare şi vizând atât militarii, cât şi civilii israelieni. Avem informaţii despre faptul că s-au infiltrat terorişti pe teritoriul Israelului, în mai multe sate şi oraşe din sud. Serviciile de securitate şi forţele aeriene încearcă să controleze situaţia cu scopul de a-i proteja pe civili. Suntem, desigur, pregătiţi să respingem acest atac. Israelul e foarte pregătit să se apere. De asemenea, el a subliniat că scopul atacului terorist este de a ucide cât mai mulţi civili israelieni, asupra cărora se trage fără discriminare. Au făcut nişte calcule foarte greşite, au crezut că Israelul va accepta o astfel de situaţie, dar nu vom accepta, vom răspunde cu toată forţa, a mai afirmat ambasadorul Reuven Azar.

    Războiul a izbucnit în contextul în care sâmbătă a fost marcată ultima zi a sărbătorii evreieşti Sukkot în Israel, când numeroşi pelerini şi turişti vin în ţară în timpul vacanţei şcolare. De asemenea, se împlinesc 50 de ani şi o zi de la începutul războiului arabo-israelian din 1973, care s-a soldat cu moartea a 2.600 de israelieni şi cu cel puţin 9.500 de morţi şi dispăruţi de partea arabă în 3 săptămâni de lupte.

  • October 7, 2023 UPDATE

    October 7, 2023 UPDATE

    PILGRIMAGE – The annual pilgrimage
    to the relics of Saint Parascheva, the largest religious pilgrimage in Romania,
    started Saturday morning in Iasi, eastern Romania. The feast of St. Parascheva
    is celebrated every year on October 14. People go to pray at the Metropolitan
    Cathedral in Iaşi, where the relics are kept. The coffin carrying the Saint’s
    relics was taken out of the Metropolitan Cathedral early Saturday and placed on
    a large table decorated with flowers in the cathedral’s courtyard. Tens of
    thousands of believers from Romania and abroad take part in this annual

    ATTACK – Israel and the Gaza Strip are
    at war again, after the Hamas group on Saturday launched a surprise military
    offensive, firing thousands of rockets and infiltrating fighters into the
    Israeli territory. Previously, the leader of the armed wing of the Palestinian
    movement had announced the launch of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood. The attack, that
    made numerous victims, attracted many international reactions, including from
    Romania, which firmly condemned it. Our thoughts go to the families of
    the victims and to those who are attacked, President Klaus Iohannis wrote
    on Twitter. The State of Israel will win every time in the face of terror
    and those who try to destroy it, the president of the Federation of
    Jewish Communities in Romania, MP Silviu Vexler, said. The Romanian Foreign
    Affairs Ministry emphasized the sovereign right of the state of Israel to
    self-defense. At the same time, the ministry raised the travel alert level for
    Israel, Romanians being advised to reschedule their trips to the area or, if
    they are already there, to follow the instructions of the local authorities,
    take shelter in buildings and leave the country when the situation allows it.
    Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said that the Romanian authorities are looking
    for solutions to bring home as quickly as possible approximately 790 Romanians
    who are on pilgrimage to Israel.

    WAR – The armed branch of the
    Palestinian group Hamas stated, on Saturday evening, that its fighters are
    still engaged gun battles in 25 locations in Israel. According to the Israeli
    authorities, at least a hundred people were killed by the Palestinian fighters
    who entered the country. In the Gaza Strip, the response of the Israeli army
    has allegedly caused about 200 deaths and over 1,600 wounded, according to the
    Ministry of Health of the so-called Hamas administration. Under the cover of
    thousands of rockets, Palestinian militants infiltrated Israel using
    motorcycles, paragliders and boats. The Israeli radio reported that 35
    Israeli soldiers were kidnapped and taken to Gaza. According to Radio Romania’s
    correspondent in Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a video
    message that his country is at war.

    VISIT – Romania’s President, Klaus
    Iohannis, discussed, on Saturday, in Lisbon, with his Portuguese counterpart,
    Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, about the war in neighboring Ukraine, in which context
    he thanked the Portuguese authorities for their country’s substantial
    contribution, with troops, to the consolidation of NATO’s deterrence and
    defense posture on the eastern flank. The presence of the Portuguese
    military in Romania is a strong signal of Portugal’s solidarity with and
    support for the consolidation of Romania’s security, President Iohannis
    said. Talks also focused on the increased security risks in the Black Sea
    region, as a result of the numerous Russian attacks on the Ukrainian ports on
    the Danube, aimed to impact Ukraine’s ability to export its agricultural
    products Iohannis said, adding that additional defense measures were taken
    through NATO and that the protection of the Romanian territory and citizens is

    – This autumn’s budget revision will take place after the Constitutional Court
    rules on the fiscal-budgetary measures for which the Government has recently
    assumed responsibility, PM Marceal Ciolacu said. He specified that the budget
    revision is urgent, because the Ministry of Transport in particular needs
    substantial sums for the co-financing of large infrastructure projects, given
    that the Executive’s priority is to absorb more than 95% of the European funds.
    The Romanian PSD-PNL ruling coalition assumed responsibility, in Parliament,
    for a thorough fiscal-budgetary reform, with the purpose of reducing budget
    spending and ensure the long-term sustainability of the country’s finances. A
    part of the opposition is against the new measures and notified the Constitutional

    PARIS – Romania’s national rugby team
    will play, on Sunday, October 8, against Tonga, in Lille (north), their last
    match in Group B of the World Cup in France. In the first three games, Romania
    lost to Ireland, South Africa, and Scotland.

  • 07.10.2023 (mise à jour)

    07.10.2023 (mise à jour)

    Israël – La branche armée
    du Hamas a affirmé samedi que ses combattants étaient engagés dans des combats
    en cours dans 25 endroits d’Israël. Au moins une centaine d’Israéliens ont été
    tués par les terroristes qui sont parvenus à pénétrer le territoire israélien.
    Dans la Bande de Gaza, la contre-offensive de l’armée israélienne a tué 200
    personnes et a blessé plus de 1600 autres. Les Palestiniens auraient pénétré
    sur le territoire israélien par la mer, par les terres et par les airs, via des
    parapentes et des ULM. Les combats à la frontière entre la bande de Gaza et
    Israël sont intenses. Le Hamas a par ailleurs affirmé avoir kidnappé 35 soldats israéliens. Selon
    le correspondant RRI en Israël, le premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahu a
    déclaré dans un message vidéo que son pays était en guerre.

    Israël – Les tirs de roquettes sur Israël, soldés par des morts et des
    blessés ont attiré de nombreuses réactions internationales. La Roumanie a
    condamné fermement les attaques perpétrées par le Hamas. Nos pensées se
    dirigent vers les familles des victimes et vers les civils attaqués a déclaré
    le chef de l’Etat roumain, dans un message sur Twitter. Le Ministère
    roumain des Affaires Etrangères a souligné dans un communiqué le droit
    souverain d’Israël à l’auto-défense. Par ailleurs, la Roumanie a levé le niveau
    de risque pour les voyages en Israël et a conseillé les Roumains se trouvant
    déjà sur place de suivre les conseils des autorités, de rester à l’abri et de
    quitter le pays dès que la situation le permettra. Le premier ministre Marcel
    Ciolacu a affirmé chercher des solutions pour rapatrier le plus vite possible
    les 790 pèlerins roumains qui se trouvent en Israël.

    Lisbonne – En visite au Portugal
    jusqu’à lundi, le chef de l’Etat roumain,
    Klaus Iohannis, s’est entretenu samedi, à Lisbonne, avec son homologue, Marcelo
    Rebelo de Sousa. Les deux ont discuté des aspects liés à la guerre en Ukraine.
    Une occasion pour Iohannis de remercier encore une fois le Portugal pour sa
    contribution militaire au sein de la
    Brigade multinationale de l’OTAN déployée en Roumanie. La présence des soldats
    portugais représente un fort signal de la solidarité portugaise pour le renforcement
    de la sécurité en Roumanie a déclaré le président roumain. Les pourparlers ont
    porté aussi sur les frappes russes contre les ports ukrainiens du Danube et
    leurs conséquences sur la sécurité et les exportations de céréales. Dans ce
    contexte, on a décidé de renforcer davantage la coopération politique et
    militaire roumano- portugaise a précisé le responsable roumain.

    Corruption – La direction centrale du
    PSD a pris acte de l’exclusion du maire de Mioveni, Ion Georgescu, de
    l’organisation départementale Arges, pour des faits de corruption. Celui-ci a
    été accusé de trafic d’influence et placé en détention provisoire pour 30
    jours. La filiale du PSD de Mioveni s’est dite solidaire avec M. Georgescu. Le
    préfet du département d’Arges a émis vendredi un ordre par lequel il a décidé
    de la suspension de ses fonctions du maire Ion Georgescu. Celui-ci aurait été
    surpris en flagrant délit au moment où il rendait une enveloppe avec 10.000
    euros à un médecin qui lui avait donné cet argent pour qu’il lui trouve un poste à
    l’Hôpital de Mioveni. La somme représentait un tiers de la somme totale que le
    médecin avait promis à M. Georgescu si celui arrivait à l’aider. Sauf que le
    maire a échoué dans sa tentative et il a été surpris juste au moment où il
    remboursait le médecin.

    Rugby – La sélection roumaine de rugby
    rencontrera dimanche les Tonga pour un dernier match de poule au tableau de la
    Coupe du monde de rugby qui se déroule en France. Les trois premiers matchs, la
    Roumanie les a perdus. Elle s’est inclinée devant l’Irlande, l’Afrique du sud
    et l’Ecosse.

    Météo – En Roumanie, les météorologues
    prévoient une baisse des températures dans les 24 prochaines heures. Le ciel
    sera couvert et des pluies tomberont sur les sommets des Carpates, tout comme
    sur le nord, le centre, l’est et le sud-est. Dimanche, les températures iront
    de 14 à 28 degrés.

  • MAE condamnă atacurile teroriste asupra teritoriului Statului Israel

    MAE condamnă atacurile teroriste asupra teritoriului Statului Israel

    Într-un comunicat, Ministerul de Externe de la Bucureşti condamnă cu fermitate atacurile cu rachete ale Hamas asupra teritoriului Statului Israel, inclusiv împotriva populației civile, înfiltrările teroriste și luarea de ostatici.

    Totodata, MAE îşi exprimă regretul profund pentru victimele acestor atacuri, transmite condoleanțe familiilor îndoliate și urări de însănătoșire persoanelor rănite.

    Ministerul de Externe subliniază dreptul suveran al Statului Israel la autoapărare. Reiterăm condamnarea terorismului în toate formele sale de manifestare.

    Sursa: MAE

  • May 23, 2021

    May 23, 2021

    COVID-19 The PM of Romania Florin
    Cîţu said the vaccine rollout must be stepped up so that the relaxation
    measures planned for the forthcoming period may be implemented as soon as
    possible. Several vaccination marathons are held this weekend in various
    towns in the country, and drive-thru centres are operational. Since the end of
    December, nearly 7.3 million vaccine doses have been administered in Romania,
    with more than 3.1 million people receiving the booster dose as well.
    Meanwhile, the number of new Covid-19 cases in Romania continues to drop, with
    307 new cases reported on Sunday out of nearly 18,500 tests. This is the lowest
    number in nearly 11 months. In hospitals, the number of coronavirus patients in
    intensive care is 590. Also, 56 COVID-related deaths were reported for the past
    24 hours.

    COUNCIL The president of Romania Klaus Iohannis takes part on Monday and Tuesday in a special European Council meeting to be held in Brussels. According to the presidency, the head of state will plead for quick and consistent implementation of the digital green certificates at European level, but will reiterate that these must not affect citizens freedom of movement. Iohannis will also call for a European mechanism to be put in place as soon as possible to ensure vaccine donations to non-EU countries. The main topics on the agenda of the European Council are the EU-wide coordination of COVID-19 measures, fighting climate change, and the Unions relations with Russia and the UK.

    MIGRANTS Romanian border police in Borş Sunday found 30 Syrian and Iraqi nationals trying to cross the border illegally into Hungary. According to the police, the migrants, aged between 3 and 34, were hiding in a truck registered in Turkey, with a Turkish driver, heading for France.

    EUROVISION The Italian band Maneskin won the 65th edition of the Eurovision song contest, held this year in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, under strict COVID-19 containment measures. Italys victory, the 3rd in the history of the country and the first since 1990, took place in a gala attended by only 3,500 people. The public had to produce negative COVID-19 tests and to wear face masks. Romania failed to qualify into this years Eurovision final. Over the years, Romanias best performances in this competition were two 3rd places (in 2005 and 2010) and a 4th place in 2006.

    MIDDLE EAST The UN Security Council Saturday called for full compliance with the ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, in its first statement since the conflict broke out on May 10, AFP reports. The Security Council members welcome the ceasefire signed on 21st May and acknowledged the major role played by Egypt and other countries in the region. Since the start of the crisis on 10 May, at least 248 Palestinians, including 66 children and Hamas fighters, died in Israeli attacks, whereas in Israel 12 people died, including a child.

    FOOTBALL The football club Universitatea Craiova won Romanias Cup after defeating Astra Giurgiu away from home 3-2 in overtime on Saturday night. This is the 8th trophy of this kind for Universitatea. Meanwhile, CFR Cluj won its 4th consecutive football championship on Tuesday night, defeating FC Botoşani 1-0, away from home in the 9th round of the League I playoffs. CFR has won the national champions title 6 times before, and will be the only Romanian team in the Champions League. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • Foreign Ministry discusses topical issues

    Foreign Ministry discusses topical issues

    Romania has ‘exceptionally good relations with Israel, which is a strategic partner to Bucharest, but it also has ‘very good relations with the Palestinian side. The statement was made on a private tv station by the foreign minister, Bogdan Aurescu, who discussed the severe security situation in Israel and Gaza.

    The Romanian diplomat firmly condemned the rocket attacks from the territory controlled by the Islamist group Hamas over civilian targets in Israel. “We have voiced our deep regret for the loss of human lives and the hopes that this will not happen again. Unfortunately, such situations still occur, the Romanian official said.

    According to Aurescu, around 320-350 Romanian nationals, including people with dual citizenship, are currently in Gaza Strip, and the diplomatic missions in the region have been instructed to provide support to them, should such support be requested.

    Apart from this most important international issue at the moment, the Romanian diplomacy chief also discussed the delicate topic of the visas still required for the Romanian citizens who want to travel to the US, in spite of the strong strategic partnership between Washington and Bucharest and the EU criticism of the US.

    Bulgarians, Croatians, Cypriots and Romanians are the only EU citizens who need visas in order to enter the US, and the European Parliament has requested the Commission to activate the visa reciprocity mechanism and to suspend for one year the waiver of visa requirements for US citizens.

    This however is not a file of special political and diplomatic nature, but rather a technical matter. Minister Bogdan Aurescu explained that Romanians still need visas for the US because the rejection rate of 9-10% of the total number of applications is higher than the 3% ceiling admitted under the US law. Romania meets all the other criteria stipulated by the American legislation, except for the one concerning the rejection rate.

    This situation cannot be blamed on either the Romanian or the US authorities, but is related to the failure of some Romanian visa applicants to meet relevant requirements, Aurescu emphasised.

    He added that he had discussed the matter with the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken. The two agreed that a joint Romanian-American information campaign is needed for the Romanian nationals who want to travel to the US, so as to make applicants seeking short-term stay visas in the US aware of the prerequisites for obtaining one. Those who find they do not meet these prerequisites might thus refrain from applying, and the rejection rate would therefore drop.

    There have been initiatives in the US Congress regarding possible exceptions from the visa requirements for citizens of allied countries, but such initiatives have failed, the foreign minister Bogdan Aurescu also said. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • May 13, 2021

    May 13, 2021

    ALERT As of today, the state of alert in Romania is extended by another month. Some restrictions have been lifted, however, such as the one regarding participation in religious processions or pilgrimages. Other measures still remain in place. Pilot cultural and sports events will also be organised, with attendance allowed for people who have got the vaccine, who have recovered from COVID-19 in the past 3 months, or who test negative for the disease. Private or public celebrations or parties, whether indoors or outdoors, are still banned.

    COVID-19 President Klaus Iohannis has a working meeting scheduled today with PM Florin Cîţu, several other Cabinet members, the head of the Department for Emergency Situations, Raed Arafat, and the head of the National Infectious Disease Monitoring and Control Centre with the Public Health Institute, Adriana Pistol. Also attending will be deputy PM Dan Barna, the interior minister Lucian Bode, the defence minister Nicolae Ciucă, and the health minister Ioana Mihăilă. The meeting will focus on the lifting of COVID-19 containment measures. Some 130,000 AstraZeneca vaccine doses are scheduled to reach Bucharest today. So far, Romania has received over 2.2 million vaccine doses from the British-Swedish company. More than 3.7 million people have received Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca jabs in Romania, and two-thirds of them have also got the booster dose. Meanwhile, the entire country is in the so-called green scenario. According to the Strategic Communication Group, the SARS-CoV-2 infection rate in Bucharest is 1.42 per thousand. On Thursday 953 new COVID-19 cases and 75 related deaths were reported, as well as 829 patients in intensive care.

    CONFERENCE The Romanian foreign minister Bogdan Aurescu and his Greek counterpart Nikos Dendias co-chair today an informal conference call of EU foreign ministers. Also attending the online meeting are the foreign ministers of Albania, Olta Xhacka and of North Macedonia, Bujar Osmani, as well as EU officials. According to the Romanian foreign ministry, Bogdan Aurescu will emphasise that ‘the EU enlargement process must remain a major priority for the Union, given the transforming power of this European policy.’ Todays meeting takes place after a recent meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council, which included a strategic discussion on the Western Balkans, at the request of Romania and other member states.

    VISIT The Romanian Senate Speaker Anca Dragu is on a 3-day official visit to Spain, as of today, at the invitation of her counterpart Maria Pilar Llop Cuenca. The visit is aimed at strengthening political dialogue and the traditional friendship between the 2 countries. On the same occasion, in the Patio de los Naranjos Hall of the Spanish Senate, an Exhibition of Romanian and Spanish Diplomatic Archives will be opened. The exhibition is devoted to the 140 years of diplomatic relations between the 2 countries. The Romanian delegation will also have online meetings with members of the Romanian community in Spain, and will visit the NATO Combined Air Operations Centre and the EU Satellite Centre.

    CORRUPTION The former mayor of Bucharests Sector 5, Marian Vanghelie, was sentenced on Thursday to 11 years and 8 months in prison, in a corruption case. The ruling is not final. He was also ordered to pay damages of over 15 million euro to the Bucharest Sector 5 City Hall. Marian Vanghelie was indicted in 2015 for 9 counts of bribe-taking and abuse of office and 7 counts of money laundering. According to the National Anti-Corruption Directorate, in 2006 – 2014, Marian Vanghelie, then a mayor, asked for and received undue benefits in the amount of nearly 30 million euro (accounting for a fee of 20% of the contracts). A former member of the Social Democratic Party (in opposition), Marian Vanghelie was a mayor between 2000 and 2016, and in the 2020 local elections he ran unsuccessfully for a new term in office.

    ISRAEL Hamas fired rockets on Tel Aviv and Jerusalem early on Thursday, with Israel promising to carry on strikes against the Islamist group in Gaza, although the US president Joe Biden had said the clashes, the most violent in recent years, will be over soon, Reuters reports. Over 1,000 rockets fired from Gaza strip on Monday hit Israel, and scores of people were killed and hundreds wounded so far, mostly Palestinians. The president of the European Council, Charles Michel, called for the de-escalation of the conflict.

    TENNIS The Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, number 3 in the world, announced having suffered a torn calf muscle which forced her out of the Italian Open, in Wednesdays match against Germanys Angelique Kerber. She says she will have an MRI investigation to determine how serious the injury is. The defending champion in Foro Italico, the Romanian player withdrew in the second set of the match against Kerber, after she had won the first set. Given the preliminary diagnosis, she risks missing the Roland Garros tournament due to start on May 30. Halep won the Paris tournament in 2018. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • Bukarester Außenministerium evakuiert rumänische Bürger aus Gazastreifen

    Die Gewaltausbrüche rund um Gaza folgen einem Muster, das sich stets wiederholt und sind eigentlich neue Folgen eines unendlichen Konfliktes. Wie jedes Mal, monitorisiert die rumänische Diplomatie die Situation in der Konfliktregion und setzt sich wiederhot ein, die im Gazastreifen ansässigen rumänischen Bürger in Sicherheit zu bringen. Es handelt sich nicht nur um die Hundertausenden rumänischen Bürger die aus Israel stammen und ihre rumänische Staatsangehörigkeit dennoch nicht aufgegeben haben, sondern auch um die Rumänen und vor allem Rumäninnen die in palästinensichen Familien eingeheiratat haben und infolgedessen in Westjordanland und Gazastreifen leben.

    Vor einer Woche, als die israelische Offensive gegen der Terrororganisation Hamas erst am Anfang war haben die Bukarester Behörden die Evakuierung von 84 rumänischen Bürger aus Gazastreifen koordiniert. Au‎ßenminister Titus Corlăţean bedankte sich in Telefongesprächen bei seinen israelischen, palästinensischen und jordanischen Amtskollegen, Avigdor Lieberman, Riad al-Malki bzw Nasser Judeh für ihre Unterstützung bei der Evakuierung rumänischer Bürger aus der Konfliktregion. Ohne die Unterstützung dieser Staaten wäre die Operation unter den äu‎ßerst heiklen Sicherheitsbedingungen in der Region nicht möglich gewesen, betonte Au‎ßenminister Corlăţean.

    Am Wochenende wurden angesichts der Eskalation der Gewalt weitere neunzehn rumänische Bürger und ihre Familienmitglieder auf Antrag aus der Region evakuiert. Die Zahl der Menschen, die mit Hilfe der rumänischen Behörden die Region verlassen haben erreicht somit 103. Die Evakuierung war aus bürokratischer Sicht aufwendig. Au‎ßenminister Titus Corlăţean: “Die israelische Seite muss jeden Namen auf der Liste bestätigen. Aus verschienen Gründen haben wir an erster Stelle grünes Licht nicht für alle Bürger bekommen, es handelte sich insbesondere um gemischte Familien. Es ist sehr schwer nur einige Mitglieder der Familie zu evakuieren. Diese waren leider keine Einzelfälle und wir sind auch weiter bemüht, alle Zulassungen von den israelischen Behörden zu erhalten. Eine neue Opperation schlie‎ße ich übrigens nicht aus.“

    Der Einsatz Rumäniens in der Region ist nicht nur logistischer, finanzieller oder humanitärer, sondern auch politischer und diplomatischer Natur. Bukarest hat stets für die Wiederaufname des Dialogs und für eine friedliche Lösung des Konfliktes plädiert. Während des Kalten Krieges war Rumänien das einzige Land hinter dem Eisernen Vorhang, das Ende der sechziger Jahre die diplomatischen Beziehungen zu Israel nicht abgebrochen hat, selbst wenn es warme Beziehungen zu dem palästinensischen Freiheitskämpfer Yasser Arafat pflegte. Die drei postkommunistischen Präsidenten Rumäniens haben anschlie‎ßend gute Beziehungen sowohl zu Israel, als auch zu den palästinensischen Autonomiegebieten gepflegt und für zwei Staaten, einen jüdischen und einen arabischen plädiert, die friedlich koexistieren und die Grundsätze der gegenseitigen Sicherheit einhalten sollten.

  • Nachrichten 11.07.2014

    Nachrichten 11.07.2014

    BUKAREST: Das rumänische Aussenministerium hat einen Krisenstab eingerichtet, der den rumänischen Staatsbürgern im Gaza-Streifen konsularische Hilfe gewähren soll. Mitglieder des Krisenstabs, Vertreter des Auswärtigen Amtes und befugte Behörden monitorisieren ständig die Situation und stehen im Kontakt mit den Lokalbehörden und den diplomatischen Vertretungen Rumäniens in der Region. Weiter wurde in Rumänien eine kostenlose Hotline für die Personen, die im Gazastreifen Verwandte haben, aktiviert.. Es wird von nicht notwendigen Reisen in Israel und die palästinensischen Autonimiegebiete abgeraten. US-Präsident Obama hat die Bereitschaft der USA geäu‎ßert, den Waffenstillstand im eskalierten Konflikt zwischen Israel und Hamas zu vermitteln. Israels Aussenminister Benjamin Netanjahu erklärte, die Operation gehe voran wie geplant. Zuvor hatte Netanjahu bekräftigt, eine Feuerpause stehe nicht auf der Tagesordnung und er verhandle derzeit auch mit niemandem. Die Opferzahl stieg mittlerweile nach Eskalation des Konfliktes auf mehr als 100.

    ZAGREB: Aussenminister Titus Corlăţean beteiligt sich am Freitag und Samstag in Dubrovnik an der internationalen Tagung Kroatien Forum, zum Thema: die europäische Integration der Westbalkanstaaten. Laut ener offiziellen Mitteilung des Bukarester Auswärtigen Amtes soll Aussenminister Corlăţean dabei eine Rede über die Zukunft der Erweiterungspolitik der Europäischen Union halten. An der Tagung beteligen sich europäische Würdenträger, EU-Aussenminister sowie Aussenminister der Staaten die im Mittelpunkt der europäischen Erweiterungspolitik stehen, zusammen mit Gästen aus China, Japan, Neuseeland und aus den USA.

    BUKAREST: Die Führung des mitregierenden Demokratischen Ungarnverbands in Rumänien hat am Freitag beschlo‎ßen weiter Teil der Regierung zu bleiben. Der Vorsitzende des Ungarnverbands, Kelemen Hunor, kündigte jedoch an, er werde in den folgenden Tagen auf seine Ämter als Vize-Ministerpräsident und Kulturminister verzichten. Die Spannungen zwischen dem Ungarnverband und seinen Regierungspartnern wurden von der Stellungnahme des sozialdemokratischen Aussenministers Titus Corlăţean ausgelöst, der den Standpunkt der Europäischen Kommission über den Schutz der nationalen Minderheiten eingenommen hatte. Die Europäische Kommission hatte diesbezüglich eine Bürgerinitiative europäischer Minderheiten abgelehnt. Die Partei hatte sich der Regierung Monat März angeschlossen und hat derzeit die Kultur-und Umweltministerien inne. Seit 1996 regierte der Ungarnverband in fast allen Exekutiven Rumäniens, sowohl zusammen mit rechts-als auch mit linksorientierten Parteien mit. Die ungarische Minderheit die insbesondere im Zentrum und Westen Rumäniens lebt, zählt derzeit 1,5 Millionen Menschen