Tag: healthcare

  • Problems in public healthcare

    Problems in public healthcare

    Officials from the National Health Insurance Agency (CNAS) and the experts in charge with the maintenance of the integrated health card management system have met to discuss the problems experienced by the platform over the past few weeks, when the system has crashed repeatedly.

    Since July 10th, most healthcare services, including the dispensing of medicines and medical devices, have been registered offline. As a result, many family physicians have been unable to get the services they provided validated in the system, which they are required to do within 72 hours. Many doctors have to come in during the night to validate the documents, hoping that at night time the system is less busy and less likely to break down. It is also during the night that they try, and with any luck manage to, file their compulsory monthly reports to the Health Insurance Agency.

    The digital platform designed to link healthcare providers (i.e. family physicians) to patients and the insurer (CNAS) is “in full collapse, physicians warn, because many vital components of the system have been left without maintenance.

    In an attempt to find a solution, the Healthcare Minister Sorina Pintea announced that emergency procurement procedures would be initiated, to purchase maintenance services. The system was restarted on Monday, but it only worked for several hours. This time around, users found that the database was down and could not be accessed. Sorina Pintea accused the CNAS of failing to initiate the procurement procedure in time:

    Sorina Pintea: “What I find the most disturbing is that components of the digital platform of the National Health Insurance Agency were left without maintenance, although they are vital to the operation of the system. The law is very clear in this respect. There was no database maintenance. So at the moment we cannot even check whether someone is insured or not. When a healthcare service is reported, if we dont have this component up and running, the service cannot be validated and therefore its cost cannot be disbursed. And this is precisely why we had this system in the first place.

    Sorina Pintea added that as soon as an inspection is conducted at the National Health Insurance Agency and a report is finalized, the document will be sent to the National Anti-Corruption Directorate, because the law has certainly been breached. In recent years, physicians and patients have requested repeatedly that these problems be solved, and yet nothing happened. The implementation of the integrated health card management system is a project for which the Romanian state paid 21 million euros.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Informal payments in public healthcare

    Informal payments in public healthcare

    Informal payments to physicians or, as we usually call them, bribes or “envelopes,” have long been a scourge engulfing the public healthcare system. According to an opinion poll run in 2013, over 60% of the Romanians said they had given money or presents to physicians. Of them, some 66% chose to reward healthcare staff of their own volition, whereas 31.4% were asked to make such payments. More than 57% of the interviewees believed giving money to physicians was necessary in order to receive quality care, whereas 42% of them said proper care did not depend on prior informal payments.

    It was reluctantly and after long hesitation that the authorities eventually acknowledged this well-known and widespread practice, and only a few years ago did they begin to talk openly about it. At present the Healthcare Ministry sends a feedback form to the patients leaving public hospitals, asking them, among other things, whether they had been asked for undue payments.

    A recent independent journalism project, called “Inclusive,” brought together the Healthcare Minister Sorina Pintea, and Florin Chirculescu, head of thoracic surgery with the Bucharest University Hospital, to talk with students and with former and future patients about bribe in hospitals. Admitting that this phenomenon is a fact, the Healthcare Minister believes hospital managers must be aware that it exists, if they are to take measures against it.

    Sorina Pintea: “The first to know that this happens is the manager of a hospital. Everybody talks about it, everybody knows about it, but when you ask concrete questions, nobody says anything. For example, I’ve read the latest report based on patient feedback forms. One of the questions we ask people when they go out of hospital is, “Were you asked for money or presents by physicians and nurses?” We received 153 “yes” text messages, versus 4,265 that said “no”. Of the people who submitted the same form online, 400 answered yes, and 13,564 answered no. Another question was whether they were willing to report the bribe requests to the Ministry’s anti-corruption department. There were 120 former patients who texted back “yes”, as opposed to 4,166 who declined, whereas on the website we received 358 affirmative answers and 13,359 negative ones.”

    What is it that makes people reluctant to admitting that they do give physicians the infamous envelopes? It may be a sense of complicity to an illegal act, or perhaps the feeling that this is about something for which we have no responsibility… Or, more likely, the idea that in the Romanian public healthcare system, patients and their relatives are victims in several respects: on the one hand, they are the victims of the disease that brings them to hospital, on the other hand, they are the victims of a vicious circle of corruption which started during the communist era, when connections and elaborate survival strategies were the prerequisites of a barely decent life, and which has grown stronger ever since. Public hospitals, more often than not obsolete, under-equipped and hardly up to minimal hygiene standards, only deepen people’s sense of insecurity and the need to counter possible risks by whatever means they can.

    But perhaps the prevailing emotion in such situations is fear. And in turn, fear leads to further irrational responses. Eventually, if and when all ends well, people feel they must express their gratitude for the physicians. This blend of fear, uncertainty induced by a low-quality healthcare system and the wish to express some gratitude, fuels the common occurrence of bribe-giving.

    But how are things perceived on the other side of the line? What do physicians feel, when they receive these tips? For a long while, the few who talked openly about it blamed it all on the small salaries. Which is not the case anymore, given that healthcare salaries have been substantially increased in recent years. And still, money still changes hands in hospitals. Surgeon Florin Chirculescu admits that he often accepted money, although he never made his services conditional on this.

    Florin Chirculescu: “This happened when I was making 2,100 lei per month and mine was the only income in the family. And I was working 80 hours a week. So I was happy about the salary increases, about every pay raise physicians got, because each of them brought me closer to the freedom of saying ‘no’ to bribe and of believing what I say. I must admit that sometimes I turned down such informal payments, although I would have liked and needed them. It is hard to spend all your time in hospital and to live on 2,100 lei.”

    Although he admits that when taking the money he felt shame, dr. Chirculescu says he could not resist the temptation, especially when there was a risk of upsetting the “donor”:

    Florin Chirculescu: “I didn’t feel ok. I think my ears were burning, this is what I felt. Now, because I have the financial independence that allows me to see this with different eyes, something else happens: people seem disappointed if you turn them down. When you don’t take their money, people think it is because things are not going well for the patient in question. And if this happens in the presence of the patient, it’s even worse. I am not making excuses, it’s just a fact.”

    This is why, dr. Florin Chirculescu explains, it is the duty of the healthcare staff to define their relationship with patients within an ethical framework:

    Florin Chirculescu: “When a person is ill, they lose much of their freedom, much of their confidence in themselves and in the rest of the world. When they come to the doctor, a power relationship takes shape, with the physician in a power position. If, in this situation, a physician takes advantage of this—and I don’t mean necessarily money, but also ego and vanity—then that physician is a pig.”

    Even if salaries have gone up, giving and receiving undue payments in hospitals is an occurrence that will take a while to do away with, Healthcare Minister Sorina Pintea believes:

    Sorina Pintea: “I believe this phenomenon will not disappear very soon. If we promote this kind of message, that ‘in this hospital bribery is not accepted’, it may eventually take root in people’s minds. But it will take a while. Making physicians’ salaries public may also help. People know salaries have been raised, but they don’t know exactly how much. Hospitals have to post net incomes on their home pages, not by individual names, but by position and qualifications.”

    Putting an end to corruption in the public healthcare system also depends on both patients and physicians being able to refrain from resorting to the dishonorable envelopes.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Draft state budget for 2019

    Draft state budget for 2019

    Criticised by the right-wing Opposition for the unacceptable delay in coming up with a public budget law, on Thursday the Government formed by the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats made public the 2019 state budget bill. According to the Ministry for Public Finances, the budget relies on a Gross Domestic Product that for the first time exceeds 1,000 billion lei (roughly 212 billion euro), on a 5.5% economic growth rate, a 2.8% average annual inflation rate and an estimated budget deficit of 2.55% of GDP.

    The revenues expected in 2019 are put at over 341 billion lei, accounting for 33.4% of the GDP. According to the authorities, the largest amounts are expected to come from social security contributions, VAT, excises, as well as from income taxes. In turn, public expenditure is put at over 367 billion lei, accounting for 35.9% of GDP. The biggest funds will be spent on social assistance, public sector salaries and investments.

    Unemployment is supposed to drop this year from 3.31% in 2018 to 3.2%, meaning that in late 2019 the number of unemployed people in Romania will be around 287,000. Net average salaries will go up to around 656 euros, and the average number of people employed will slightly exceed 6.6 million.

    The main goals of this years state budget are to support public investments, public healthcare and education. Investments will account for 4.57% of GDP and will be channelled, among other areas, into the National Programme for Local Development, the defence industry, transport infrastructure and water management. The budget earmarked for the public healthcare sector is approx. 12% higher than in 2018, and will be spent primarily on hospital equipment, particularly for the procurement of incubators, ultrasound machines, screening, MRI scanning and radiotherapy equipment.

    In Education, the 47% budget increase is mostly designed to cover salary raises, but money will also be earmarked for investments and projects aimed at modernising the teaching process by means of ITC equipment.

    The state budget also stipulates a 15% increase in pension benefits, starting this autumn. The defence sector receives, in its turn, 2% of the GDP, in line with the commitments undertaken as a NATO member.

    As always, the draft state budget has been met with a fair share of discontent. Although larger sums have been earmarked for the local administration, mayors argue that local budgets will be severely reduced because town halls are expected to take over from the central authorities a large share of social assistance expenses. Also, the ministries for the business environment, communications and energy will be getting smaller budgets than in 2018.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Romania is bracing up for a flu epidemic

    Romania is bracing up for a flu epidemic

    Influenza is taking its toll on the Romanians and the authorities said that the number of people infected is on a daily rise. The number of fatalities from respiratory complications have prompted experts to declare the onset of the flu season, which has also proved its epidemic character in recent days.

    Health Minister Sorina Pintea has pointed out that the people who were killed by the disease had only one thing in common — they were not vaccinated. According to the Romanian minister, 1,255,000 people from risk groups have been inoculated. Data made available at this moment shows that the number is very low as the Romanians decided not to get the anti-flu vaccine, the Romanian minister has also pointed out. Doctors are urging the population to get vaccinated saying that immunization is the most effective method through which we can protect ourselves from infection, mainly in the case of the most vulnerable categories, such as elderly people, children, pregnant women and people suffering from chronic diseases.

    Health Minister Sorina Pintea has told a TV station that Romania is facing a flu epidemic: “We have already had an epidemic week and we stand good chances that on Thursday, when we are going to present the data released by the National Institute for Statistics, to be in the second week. And for this reason, the measures we, jointly with the experts, have communicated to the public healthcare directorates and the Education Ministry are measures usually taken when you are facing an epidemic. And as a recommendation to those presenting symptoms, the first thing they have to do is pay a visit to a GP and if possible remain indoor, away from crowded places. Also important is to stay away from self-medication.”

    According to Minister Pintea, measures aimed at keeping infections at bay in schools and other education institutions are of equal importance. “I have called on public healthcare authorities to monitor the situation at county level,” Minister Pintea has also said, adding that kindergartens and other education institutions ready to implement daily triages will be briefed on a daily basis on the evolution of this phenomenon for a better assessment of the measures to be taken so as to prevent the spreading of the flu virus.

    Depending on the situation in the area, medical units have the responsibility to restrict people’s access to hospitals and other medical units, particularly to high-risk wards, the Romanian Health Minister has also said. Sorina Pintea has made an appeal to the population to strictly apply expert recommendations to avoid the spread of infection. Experts recommend visits to the GP in the case of people showing symptoms suggesting flu infection and possible hospitalization.

  • The state of the Romanian healthcare system

    The state of the Romanian healthcare system

    The practice of giving bribes in Romanian hospitals is still very common, despite the significant increase in the salaries of medical staff, nurses and auxiliary staff in the system, applied last year in March, Romanias Health Minister Sorina Pintea has said. The Romanian official wants to devise an action plan, jointly with trade federations and unions in the system, to curb the practice of offering money in Romanian hospitals. As for the doctors who left the country, Minister Pintea expressed confidence that things will go back to normal.

    The Health Minister also said the equipment procurement program will continue and explained that good salaries are not enough to stimulate doctors, they also need the proper medical equipment to do their job. The Health Minister had talks with representatives of trade unions, agreeing to strengthen the role of trade unions so they may be able to take decisions that would solve some of the problems related to the work of hospital employees.

    The Romanian official also believes the income of medical staff wont go down starting this month, when the new tax regulation adopted last year by emergency decree is bound to take effect. The document stipulates, among other things, the freezing of bonuses, although the base salary will go up for several categories of medical staff.

    On the other hand, Sorina Pintea announced new checks to take place in maternity hospitals all over the country starting next week, aimed at detecting hospital-acquired infections. The decision comes after 45 babies in a well-established maternity hospital in Bucharest contracted a staphylococcal infection at the end of last year. The Public Safety Authority shut down the hospital for nearly three weeks, especially as some medical staff were also carriers. The Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital in Ploiesti, southern Romania, also reported that seven nurses and orderlies tested positive for this specific infection.

    (translated by: Vlad Palcu)

  • Colectiv, three years on

    Colectiv, three years on

    On October 30th, Bucharesters commemorate three years since the devastating blaze that destroyed the Colectiv night club in Bucharest killing 64 and wounding over 100. A young man wounded in the blaze killed himself two years after the tragedy. Eugen Iancu, president of the Colectiv GTG 3010 Association and father of a young man who lost his life in the blaze told the journalists, quote: “Three years have passed since the blaze, and this entire time people who suffered injuries have been desperately trying to recover as much as possible, for they will never recover 100%. They are tired of surgeries, anesthetics, doctor appointments and pain.”

    After the tragedy, Romania’s healthcare system hasn’t changed very much, being still plagued by the shortage of personnel and lack of proper equipment. Adina Apostol, one of the survivors, said that most of those who survived the tragedy and hospital infections are now running the gauntlet of the recovery procedures. Rescue teams may be quick to respond in such cases but the shortage of hospital beds and the proper equipment is taking its toll on the survivors.

    According to health minister Sorina Pintea, Romania can offer proper treatment for only 11 severely burnt patients and is likely to resort to foreign support in case of a similar tragedy. In fact, no country in Europe can offer proper treatment to such a large number of victims as in the Colectiv case, Pintea went on to say. Three years on from the Colectiv tragedy, parents and survivors alike are still angry with the Romanian justice, which has failed to find and punish the culprits. Legal procedures in the Colectiv file have resumed this month, after the magistrate in charge of the casehas retired. November 9th was set as the date for submitting the evidence and for starting the hearing of the witnesses.

    The situation hasn’t improved in terms of safety measures either. The latest data released by the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations show that there are still problems when it comes to granting fire safety certificates to certain night clubs, bars and restaurants. Three years since the tragedy, 6% of the pubs are still functioning without such a certificate.

    A show inspired by the Colectiv tragedy was mounted on the stage of the National Dance Center in Bucharest under the title ‘153 seconds’ with a screenplay based on a survivor’s story. The project has been coordinated by director Ioana Paun who talked to survivors, sociologists and psychologists and staged a show on accepting one’s destiny. The title, ‘153 seconds’ has been inspired by the duration of the fire that ripped through the building.

  • May 5-11, 2018

    May 5-11, 2018

    May 9th a day with threefold significance for Romania

    May 9th has a threefold significance for the Romanians. On May 9th they celebrate the Independence Day, proclaimed in 1877, the victory of the United Nations coalition in World War Two and also Europe Day. At a reception offered by the Romanian Presidency on this occasion, the Romanian president Klaus Iohannis deplored the fact that there are politicians in Bucharest who question the Union’s role and relevance, at the same time neglecting the benefits of belonging in this project, arguing that Romania would be better off outside the European family.

    The country’s Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said in a communiqué that Romania believes in the European project and that it is taking action for its support and development. The Romanians’ standard of living has constantly grown after the country’s EU accession 11 years ago, Angela Cristea, the head of European Commission Representation also said. According to Mrs. Cristea, Romania has to continue its efforts to have the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism lifted, which is an instrument through which Brussels is monitoring the situation in Romania’s legal system.

    The government has reached an agreement with trade unions from Romania’s healthcare system

    After spontaneous protests in hospitals around the country, several rounds of talks between the government and trade unions and a two-hour token strike, employees of Romania’s healthcare system decided to give up their all-out strike scheduled for May 11th. The agreement between the government and trade unions also provides that all employees who lost money as a result of the new salary law will be reimbursed. The healthcare minister Sorina Pintea now says the government will again amend the law on public sector salaries.

    The changes will only cover the way in which benefits are granted, the labor minister Lia Olguţa Vasilescu has pointed out. She says on-duty time performed by physicians and nurses will no longer be subject to the provision that stipulated a 30% cap on benefits. Commentators say, however, that this does not heal the most acute problems in the system: old hospitals with precarious equipment and full of bacteria, shortages of sometimes essential medicine, insufficient and still unmotivated medical staff, or staff hostile to patients despite the generous pay rise.

    Financial disputes between the President and the government

    The Romanian President Klaus Iohannis on Monday again called for the resignation of the Social Democratic Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă. The president this time invoked a series of low economic performances by the present government. After the publication of the budget execution report for the first quarter of the year, the president argued the national budget is under a tremendous pressure against the backdrop of increasing total expenses and that the evolution of public finances is completely unsatisfactory. The president has lashed out at the PSD-ALDE government, which he accuses of having neglected major investments and of having failed to turn Romania’s economic growth rate of 7% into a rise in revenues.

    Klaus Iohannis: “After almost one year and a half of Social Democratic governing, including this debatable situation of the so-called pay rises, we see no roads, no motorways, no schools, no hospitals. The Social Democratic Party is in fact mortgaging the future of the country. It raises salaries and pensions and neglects major investments in infrastructure or investments that are needed for the country’s development in general.”

    The Government, on the other hand, says that Romania’s economic parameters for the first quarter of the year grew as compared to the same period of 2017. Deputy Prime Minister Viorel Stefan has stated that budget revenues grew by 12%, and investments doubled as compared to 2017.

    UNITER Gala

    Directors Mihai Măniuţiu and Yuri Kordonski and actors Mariana Mihuţ and Victor Rebengiuc are the big winners of this year’s UNITER Awards Gala. The Theater Union of Romania — UNITER — has this year celebrated the best actors and directors of the year 2017 in the Transylvanian city of Alba Iulia, in central Romania, the symbol of the Great Union of the Romanian historical provinces, which took place 100 years ago.

    The award for best performance in 2017 went to ‘Rambuku’ by the Norwegian writer Jon Fosse, adapted by Anca Măniuţiu and directed by Mihai Măniuţiu. Best director was designated the Russian Yuri Kordonsky, for the show ‘The Incredible and Sad Tale of Innocent Erendira and her Heartless Grandmother’ by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The Great actors Mariana Mihut and Victor Rebengiuc won the best actress and best actor awards respectively, for their parts in ‘Exit the King’ by Eugene Ionescu, directed by Andrei and Andreea Grosu.

    The best TV drama performance was designated ‘Midwinter Night’s Dream’ by Tudor Muşatescu, and the best radio drama award was won by ‘Ovid, the Pontus Euxinus Exile’, based on a script by Emil Boroghină and produced by the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation. The award for the best Romanian play in 2017 went to Daniel Oltean, for the play ’50 seconds’. Also, UNITER handed the lifetime achievement award to actor Horaţiu Mălăiele.

    The Romanian Foreign Minister heard in Parliament in relation to the relocation of the Romanian Embassy in Israel

    The Memorandum on the relocation of the Romanian Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem was discussed in Government last week and was submitted to the President only after being approved by the Executive, the Foreign Minister Teodor Meleşcanu stated. On Wednesday, he was heard by the Foreign Policy Committee of the Chamber of Deputies in relation to the memorandum, which created a conflict between the President and the Government. According to the law, the head of state is the only one that can move an embassy from one city to another, and Klaus Iohannis has voiced discontentment with the fact that statements on the topic have been carried in the public space as if a decision had already been made. Meleşcanu also stated that the document was not classified as top secret, but that it includes information that is not public, and is therefore confidential.

    Teodor Melescanu: “Our concern is to conduct a serious analysis of the legal, political and economic implications of the decision to relocate the Romanian Embassy to Jerusalem and to provide the arguments that political decision-makers — Parliament, President and Prime-Minister- need in order to take a common stand on the matter.”

    Minister Meleşcanu has also admitted that the talks on the relocation of the embassy might affect Romania’s candidacy for a position of non-permanent member of the UN Security Council in 2020-2021.

  • The government and trade unions reach agreement

    The government and trade unions reach agreement

    After talks between the government and trade unions, the only thing we know for sure is that the strike planned for Friday will no longer be held. Spontaneous protests erupted in April in hospitals around the country. On Monday this week, trade unions also staged a 2-hour warning strike.

    The protests were the result of reforms initiated by the government formed by the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats. They promised that salary increases would be so generous that the 15,700 Romanian doctors who are now working abroad will want to come back. Indeed, doctors salaries have increased spectacularly, from several hundred to several thousand euros. Nurses salaries have also benefited from generous increases.

    However, the ministrys decision to cap bonuses to 30% of the basic salary has led to severe drops in the incomes of orderlies, biologists and pharmacists. The healthcare minister Sorina Pintea now says the government will again amend the law on public sector salaries. The changes will only cover the way in which bonuses are granted, the labour minister Lia Olguta Vasilescu has pointed out. She says on-duty time performed by doctors and nurses will no longer be subject to the 30% cap. The positions of midwife and healthcare assistant will be considered equivalent to that of nurses. Specialised hospitals and certain ambulance services will be able to supplement their staffs bonuses in certain situations. The agreement between the government and trade unions also provides that all employees who lost money as a result of the new salary law will be reimbursed. Talks will also resume on the collective employment contract.

    Leonard Barascu, the leader of SANITAS, the most influential trade union in the sector, said the agreement has put an end to the labour conflict. Commentators say, however, that this does not heal the most acute problems in the system: old hospitals with precarious equipment and full of bacteria, shortages of sometimes essential medicine, insufficient medical staff and still unmotivated, if not downright hostile to patients, despite the generous pay rise.

    Patients perception is relevant in this sense. According to a European Commission report, almost 60% of the Romanians who say they are affected by corruption say this phenomenon is most likely to occur in the public healthcare system. The head of the National Anticoruption Directorate Laura Codruta Kovesi confirms that medical services, hospital funding and staff employment and promotion are some of the areas most affected by corruption. Kovesi also gave a few examples: the going bribe is 1,500 euros for a job as an orderly, 2,500 euros for a nurse and 1,000 to drive the ambulance car. Her examples provide support for the voices who say the problem is not that the system is under-funded, but that too much money is lost because of corruption.

    (translated by: Cristina Mateescu)

  • May 7, 2018 UPDATE

    May 7, 2018 UPDATE

    Budget execution report — The Romanian President Klaus Iohannis on Monday asked again for the resignation of the Social Democrat PM Viorica Dancila after the publication of the budget execution report for the first quarter of the year. President Iohannis said that the evolution of Romania’s public finances was totally “unsatisfactory” and that the Social Democrats were unable to set public finances in order. According to Klaus Iohannis the Social Democratic government has not managed to turn Romania’s economic growth of 7% reported in 2017 into a growth of revenues. The national budget is being subjected to immense pressur,e which had to be eased by boosting tax revenues, but the budget execution report shows that their level is lower than that reported in the first quarter of 2017. In exchange, budget expenses have increased, president Iohannis added.

    Healthcare – A 2-hour token strike took place in Romania’s hospitals on Monday. Protesters are discontented with the 30% cap on pay benefits and claim that following the implementation of the new pay scheme some healthcare employees lost even 250 Euros from their previous salaries. The protesters also say some categories of the healthcare staff were discriminated against such as orderlies, stretcher-bearers, biologists, pharmacists, radiologists and midwives, as their salaries have not been increased, but only those of physicians and nurses. The SANITAS federation gathered more than 50 thousand signatures, which allows them to start an all-out strike on May 11. In Bucharest, the trade unions’ representatives and the health minister Sorina Pintea held talks on Monday related to the collective labor agreement, another claim of the protesters. Tuesday will see a new round of negotiations between trade unionists and the PM Dancila, the health, labor and finance ministers. The situation in the healthcare system is the subject of a simple motion that was debated in the Chamber of Deputies on Monday. The motion was filed by the opposition Liberal Party against Social Democrat health minister Sorina Pintea. The vote on the motion will be given on Wednesday in the plenum of the Chamber of Deputies.

    National Bank — The National Bank of Romania increased the monetary policy interest rate from 2.25% to 2.50% per year starting on Tuesday, shows a central bank communiqué. The key interest rate had not been changed since February when it was raised to 2.25% per year. The national bank also announced an increase in the interest rate for deposits from 1,25% to 1.5% per year and of the interest rate for credits from 3.25% to 3.5% per year staring on May 8. It is the 3rd time this year when the national bank raises interest rates in an attempt to control the inflation rate which in March reached the highest level of the past 5 years. At the same time, the central bank decided to maintain the current level of 8% of the minimum reserve rates applicable to banks’ liabilities in the national currency and in hard currency.

    Moscow — Vladimir Putin was sworn in as president of Russia for the 4th consecutive time, on Monday, after winning the presidential election held this March with more than 75% of the votes. His presidential term in office was interrupted, after the first two mandates, by a period of 4 years when he held the position of PM with the current Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev holding the presidential seat. Putin again proposed Dmitri Medvedev for the position of PM, a position he had held since 2012. According to Radio Romania’s correspondent to Moscow, in the coming days President Putin will announce the makeup of the new government and of the presidential administration, a body which is more powerful than the government itself. The Russian press estimates that Sergey Lavrov will keep the position of Foreign Minster and Sergey Shoigu of Defense Minister, which is a sign of continuity of Russia’s current foreign policy. At the same time, overcoming isolation from the West would be necessary for Putin to achieve his ambitious internal projects, which are the priorities of his new mandate. At political level, Putin’s main task will be to ensure a smooth transition of power in 2024 when, according to the Constitution, Putin will no longer be allowed to run for presidency. The inaugural ceremony was preceded by protests held on Saturday, when as many as 1,600 people were arrested including the leader of the opposition Alexei Navalnay.

    Tennis — The Romanian Simona Halep, world’s no. 1 tennis player, on Tuesday will be up against Belgian Elise Mertens (19 WTA) in the 2nd round of the Madrid WTA tournament, which has total prizes worth around 6.7 million Euros. Also on Tuesday another Romanian Sorana Cirstea (36 WTA) will be up against Russian Daria Kasatkina (15 WTA) in the same round. Sorna Cirstea will also play on Tuesday in the women’s doubles together with Sara Sorribes-Tormo of Spain against the pair Julia Gorges (Germany)/Karolina Pliskova (the Czech Republic). On Monday Irina Begu was eliminated in the 2nd round by the Russian Maria Sharapova. Begu is also out of the doubles competition where together witrh Simona Halep lost in the 1st round against the pair Nicole Melichar of the US and Kveta Peschke of the Czech Republic. In the men’s competition, Romanian Marius Copil (92 ATP) will be up against the German Jan-Lennard Struff (65 ATP). In the men’s doubles Florin Mergea and Daniel Nestor (Canada) will play against the pair Fabio Fognini of Italy /Diego Schwartzman of Argentina. (news translated and updated by Lacramioara Simion)

  • May 7, 2018

    May 7, 2018

    STRIKE — A two-hour token strike was staged in hospitals across Romania in the morning. Nurses, the supporting staff and the personnel working in labs ceased to work, taking care only of emergencies. The protesters are discontent about the 30% cap on bonuses and say some healthcare employees saw some 215 Euros slashed off their salaries after the new pay scheme was enforced. They also point to the fact that some categories of personnel are discriminated against: for instance doctors and nurses benefited from pay rises, which is not the case for nurses, stretcher bearers, biologists, pharmacists, radiologists and midwives. The SANITAS Federation has announced it has collected over 50,000 signatures, thus meeting the conditions to call an all out strike on May 11. Over the past few days, representatives of trade unions have held talks with labour, health and finance ministers, without however reaching an agreement. The current state of the healthcare system is making the object of a simple motion, which is being debated today by the Chamber of Deputies and which has been tabled by the right-of –centre National Liberal Party, in opposition, against the health minister, Social Democrat, Sorina Pintea. The motion will be voted upon in a plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies on Wednesday.

    RUSSIA — Vladimir Putin has today been sworn in as Russia’s president, for the fourth time, after winning with over 75% of the votes the presidential elections held in March. His presidency was interrupted, after the first two mandates, by a four-year term in office as prime minister, when the country’s president was the incumbent prime minister, Dmitri Medvedev. According to Radio Romania’s correspondent in Moscow, in the following days Putin will make public the membership of the new government and of the Presidential Administration, which is a more influential structure than the government. The Russian media estimate the foreign minister Sergei Lavrov and the defence minister Sergei Shoigu will keep their portfolios, which would be a sign that Russia’s current foreign policy will be continued. Also, overcoming the country’s isolation by the West would be necessary to Vladimir Putin in order to reach his daring internal objectives, which are the priorities of his new mandate. At a political level, the main task of the Kremlin leader will be to ensure an uninterrupted transition of power in 2024, when, under the Constitution, Putin will no longer be allowed to run for a new presidential mandate. The swearing in ceremony was preceded on Saturday by protests and the taking into custody of some 1,600 people, among whom the opposition leader, Alexei Navalny.

    PRESIDENCY OF THE EU COUNCIL — Romania’s mandate at the helm of the EU Council will not be an easy one, being marked by two key moments, namely Great Britain’s officially leaving the community bloc and establishing the EU budget for the 2020 — 2024 financial exercise. The statement has been made in Bucharest earlier today by the president of the Romanian Banks’ Association, Sergiu Oprescu, who attended the second edition of the Financial Market Forum. He has also added that holding the EU Council presidency is first of all an exercise of responsibility, a challenge and equally an opportunity to show a balanced discourse and a clear vision. Romania will hold the rotating presidency of the EU Council in the first half of 2019. We recall that the Romanian president, Klaus Iohannis, held talks last week in Ruse with his Bulgarian and Austrian counterparts on assuring the continuity of the Bulgarian, Austrian and Romanian presidencies of the EU Council and on regional cooperation opportunities.

    ARREST — A man of Serbian nationality, who was on an international APB was taken into custody by the border police officers at the Galati-Port Border Crossing in south-eastern Romania. An Interpol warrant had been issued on the man’s name, as he was being investigated for genocide, during September-December 1991.

    THEATRE — The Alba Carolina Citadel in Alba Iulia, a fortress built in the early 18th century in south-western Transylvania will host the feast of Romanian theatre in the evening: the Award Winning Gala of the Union of Theatres in Romania, UNITER, which has reached its 26th edition. The gala is held this year under the motto “The UNITER Gala Unites Theatre!”. Some 300 actors and actresses as well as people close to theatre and UNITER are expected to attend the ceremony, in a transparent pavilion, mounted on the esplanade near the Orthodox Cathedral and the Roman-Catholic Church. 11 prizes will be awarded for best productions and best people on the theatrical scene in Romania in 2017.

    VOLLEYBALL — The Romanian volleyball team CSM Volei Alba Blaj in the centre on Sunday was defeated in Bucharest by the Turkish team VakifBank Istanbul, 3-0, in the final round of the Final Four women’s volleyball tournament. Although it lost to the Turkish team, CSM Volei Alba Blaj managed to put up a special performance, being the first Romanian team to qualify for the final act of the competition. In the bronze final, the Italians of Imoco Conegliano outperformed Galatasaray Istanbul, 3-0.

    TENNIS — Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, no.1 WTA is today pairing up with another Romanian, Irina Begu, against the pair Nicole Melichar (the US)/Kveta Peschke (the Czech Republic) in the first round of the Madrid tennis tournament with some 6.7 million Euros in prize money up for grabs. Mihaela Buzărnescu is pairing up with France’s Alize Cornet and are playing against Andreja Klepac (Slovenia)/María Jose Martinez Sanchez (Spain), whereas Sorana Cîrstea alongside Spain’s Sara Sorribes Tormo will be facing Julia Goerges (Germany)/ Karolina Pliskova (the Czech Republic). In the singles, at the weekend, Simona Halep, Sorana Cîrstea and Irina Begu qualified for the second round.

  • April 26, 2018 UPDATE

    April 26, 2018 UPDATE

    ISRAEL – While on an official visit to Israel, a Romanian delegation made up of PM Viorica Dăncilă, Foreign Minister Teodor Meleşcanu, and the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Liviu Dragnea, was received on Thursday by President Reuven Rivlin. The Romanian officials said that strengthening cooperation with Israel was a priority, particularly considering the 70-year long tradition of diplomatic relations. The agenda of talks also included the appointment of a Romanian ambassador to Israel, given that the post has been vacant for almost one and a half years, the relocation of the Romanian Embassy to Jerusalem and regional topics like the situation in Syria and the Iranian nuclear file. On Wednesday, PM Viorica Dăncilă and her counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu emphasized the excellent level of bilateral relations. The Romanian prime minister voiced her satisfaction with the interest shown by the Israeli side in a proposed partnership that would generate joint projects in the field of new technologies. The participants also discussed means of cooperation in the military, strategic and cyber security fields. Also on Wednesday, the Romanian Prime Minister visited the Yad Vashem Holocaust Remembrance Centre, and had a meeting with the leader of the left-wing Opposition in the Israeli Parliament, Isaac Herzog.

    JUDICIARY – The President of Romania Klaus Iohannis Thursday referred a regulation on the organisation of the Official Journal to the Constitutional Court. The President argues that the public company that runs the Official Journal of Romania cannot be subordinated to the Chamber of Deputies as long as the law stipulates no powers for the Chamber in this respect. Meanwhile, also on Thursday the High Court of Cassation and Justice decided to refer to the Constitutional Court a bill on alternatives to imprisonment, under which sentences below 5 years in prison may be switched to house arrest or to weekend detention in special centres. The Chamber of Deputies endorsed this bill on Wednesday.

    PROTESTS – Deputy PM Viorel Ştefan Thursday promised the Romanian trade unions in the public healthcare sector that on May 2 he would come up with a solution to address the income losses in the sector. The unionists, who staged a rally in Bucharest on Thursday, announced they would not give up their protests. Several categories of healthcare staff claim their net wages have dropped since the implementation of the new tax and salary regulations, and they demand the scrapping of the current 30% cap on bonuses. The rally in Bucharest will be followed by a token strike on May 7, while May 11 is the announced start date of an all-out strike in the healthcare and social assistance sector.

    EPP – Ludovic Orban, president of the National Liberal Party, in opposition in Romania, announced that the European Peoples Party (EPP), the political family to which his party is also affiliated, will have a common candidate for president of the European Commission. Orban discussed the topic in Brussels with the EPP president, Joseph Daul. The candidate, Orban added, will be elected in the EPP congress due in November in Helsinki. Orban also said that he had discussed with the EPP leaders the details of a common strategy to ensure job stability at European level, a strategy that also targets the Romanians who will work in the UK after Brexit.

    TENNIS – The Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, no 1 in the world, will take on CoCo Vandeweghe (USA) in Fridays quarter-finals of the WTA tournament in Stuttgart, which has 816,000 US dollars in total prize money. Halep previously defeated the Slovakian Magdalena Rybarikova (18 WTA) 4-6, 6-2, 6-3. In last years edition of the Stuttgart tournament, Halep was defeated in the semi-finals.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • April 23, 2018 UPDATE

    April 23, 2018 UPDATE

    HEALTHCARE – Romanias Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said on Monday that the Government would come up with concrete solutions to the problems regarding salaries in the healthcare system. PM Dancila, Health Minister Sorina Pintea, Labour Minister Lia Olguta Vasilescu and Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici have discussed with hospital managers given the spontaneous protests that erupted recently in hospitals following the application of a new pay scheme. Also on Monday, the National Liberal Party, in opposition, tabled a simple motion against Minister Pintea, blamed for the crisis in the healthcare system.

    CONFERENCE – The Senate and Chamber of Deputies speakers, Calin Popescu Tariceanu and Liviu Dragnea, respectively, are attending the Conference of the Speakers of the European Union Parliaments in Tallinn, Estonia. The conference is attended by over 40 speakers of national Parliaments and the speaker of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani. The topics discussed are the future of the Union and its security and defence. Also, the committees on security and defence with Moldova’s Parliament and Romania’s Chamber of Deputies signed on Monday in Chisinau a collaboration accord and launched the idea of a trilateral with the expert committee of Ukraine’s Parliament.

    MEETING — Romanian Justice Minister Tudorel Toader met on Monday in Bucharest with his Croatian counterpart Drazen Bosnjakovic. According to a release by the Romanian Justice Ministry, the procedure of appointing judges and prosecutors, their professional training and the modern IT solutions used in the legal system were among the topics discussed by the two officials. Also tackled were the preparations for Romania’s taking over the EU Council presidency in the first six months of 2019.

    CHALLENGE – The Romanian justice minister Tudorel Toader on Monday announced that Prime Minister Viorica Dancila signed the challenge to the Constitutional Court regarding a legal conflict with President Klaus Iohannis on the dismissal of the anti-corruption chief Laura Codruta Kovesi. Minister Toader said previously he wanted to incorporate into the challenge the arguments used by president Klaus Iohannis to deny his request to dismiss Kovesi, whom Toader accuses of serious violation of duty. The president believes the reasons invoked are unconvincing and do not meet the legal requirements, while the justice minister, supported by the ruling Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats, says this refusal creates a conflict between states institutions. Earlier, Toaders request had received a unanimously negative opinion by the Superior Council of Magistracy.

    PROTESTS – Railway workers staged a fresh protest in Bucharest on Monday. They demanded the adoption of a railway worker status ensuring additional salary rights, the recovery of the freight division of the Romanian Railways Company and investment in the maintenance and development of the railways network. The leader of the National Trade Union Bloc Dumitru Costin says a general strike is the only solution to resolve the demands. Transport minister Lucian Sova says he supports the promotion of a railway worker status and increasing investment in the field. 700 speed restrictions are in place in Romania, which has the 7th longest railway network in Europe, while the railways companys 1,200 trains are formed by only 300 carriages.

    LAND FORCES DAY – Orthodox and Catholic Christians in Romania on Monday celebrated the Feast of St George, a Christian martyr from the 4th century. A former general in the Roman army during the time of emperor Diocletian, he was executed by decapitation in 304 for not renouncing his faith. More than 900,000 people in Romania are named after this saint. St George is also the patron of the Land Forces, which account for around 70% of Romanias armed forces. In a special message, president Klaus Iohannis said Romania today is a democratic and modern country that needs a strong army to strengthen its position within NATO and the European Union, while Euro-Atlantic cooperation must form the basis of European security and stability. A number of military events were held throughout the country. An exhibition opened in Bucharest in which the Land Forces present their combat technology, weaponry and equipment.

    DEFICIT- Romanias budget deficit stood at 2.9% of the GDP last year, according to a preliminary estimate published by Eurostat on Monday. The lowest budget deficit levels were recorded in 2017 in Ireland and Estonia, both with minus 0.3%, Latvia, with minus 0.5% and Finland, with minus 0.6%. The estimate also indicates that at the end of 2017, Romania had one of the lowest levels of government debt to GDP ratio in the European Union, at 35%.

    TENNIS – Romanias Simona Halep is still no. 1 in the WTA ranking published on Monday. Six other Romanian female players are in Top 100. Sorana Cirstea retains the 34th position, Irina Begu climbed one place to no. 37, Mihaela Buzarnescu climbed to 39, also one position, as did Monica Niculescu, who is in the 63rd place. Ana Bogdan has kept her 66th ranking. The Race to Singapore ranking hasnt seen any major changes, either, with Denmarks Caroline Wozniacki still in the no. 1 spot, followed by Halep. On Sunday, Romanias Fed Cup team, composed of Halep, Begu, Cirstea and Buzarnescu, defeated Switzerland 3-1 in the World Group I promotion play-offs. (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • April 20, 2018

    April 20, 2018

    EMBASSY — Relocating Romania’s Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem would represent, at this stage, a violation of international law in the filed, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis has said, adding that he has not been informed or consulted about this decision. Such an important decision must be taken only after consulting with and getting the approval of all institutions with attributions in the field of foreign policy and national security. Also, in keeping with the Constitution, it is the head of state that takes the final decision. President Iohannis’s reaction comes a day after the Chamber of Deputies Speaker, Liviu Dragnea, announced that the Government adopted a memorandum through which it green lighted the start of the procedures for the relocation of Romania’s Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. President Iohannis, in his capacity as decision maker in Romania’s foreign policy matters, and in keeping with the Constitution, reiterates the fact that Bucharest’s stand as regards the status of Jerusalem is the one decided under the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly resolutions. President Iohannis has again emphasised the need for a fair and long-term solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, through the implementation of the ‘two-state solution’, Israel and Palestine, coexisting in peace and security, as the only viable solution able to guarantee the fulfilment of the two parties’ aspirations.

    PROTESTS – The Romanian healthcare trade unions have announced the protests timetable to be held in the upcoming period against the background of discontent with the employees’ salaries. A rally is scheduled for April 26 in Bucharest, then a token strike is to be held on May 7, with a 2-hour suspension of work, while and all-out strike is scheduled for May 11.

    MOLDOVA — The Romanian Government will continue to support the country’s Strategic Partnership with the neighbouring Republic of Moldova, Ministers for the Romanians Abroad, Natalia-Elena Intotero has said on the occasion of her first working visit to Chisinau. The Romanian Minister met with representatives of the central administration, religious denominations and local authorities. Natalia-Elena Intotero discussed with the Moldovan Minister of Education, Culture and Research, Monica Babuc, about the projects conducted jointly in the Diaspora. The Romanian language is a heritage of both Romania and the Republic of Moldova, Minister Intotero has said, adding that Bucharest counts on Chisinau’s support to promote the study of the Romanian language in all regions of the Republic of Moldova.

    RAILWAY — Over 2,000 trade unionists in the Romanian rail transport sector are protesting today in Bucharest. They ask for solutions to avoid the insolvency of the National Rail Freight Company CFR Marfa, for support for the endorsement of a law on the status of the railway personnel and also for the multiannual investment in infrastructure. Romania has the seventh longest rail network in Europe, but the lack of funds for upgrading works has triggered the instatement of hundreds of speed limits, that extend a lot the duration of a trip by train. Transport Minister Lucian Sova says that solutions are being looked for so that the railway administrator retrieves the debt of over one hundred million euro from CFR Marfa, money that could be used for repairing works.

    FED CUP — The most important sporting event of the weekend is pitching the Romanian women’s tennis side against Switzerland in a match counting towards the Fed Cup. The games are to be taking place in Cluj, northwestern Romania, and the winner is to qualify for the competition’s World Group. Unfolding after the “best of five” formula, the competition will see its first two singles on Saturday, while two other singles and a double match are to take place on Sunday. For the matches in Cluj, Romanian skipper Florin Segarceanu has summoned the world’s number one player, Simona Halep, Sorana Cirstea (WTA 34th), Irina Begu (WTA 38th) and Mihaela Buzarnescu (WTA 40th). (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • April 12, 2018 UPDATE

    April 12, 2018 UPDATE

    MEETING – Romanian President Klaus Iohannis received on Thursday in Bucharest the French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian. On this occasion, President Iohannis said Romania’s joining the Schengen area continues to be an important goal for the country and voiced hope that France would support a decision in this respect. The French official said in turn that France does not hinder in any way Romania’s prospects for joining Schengen. The two officials also tackled the bilateral Strategic Partnership and the EU Council Presidency that Romania is to take over. Previously, the French Foreign Minister said during a meeting with the Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu there is an uncrossable red line for Paris in the case of Syria, and that is the use of chemical weapons. In turn, Teodor Melescanu said Romania supports an enquiry in the case of the latest attack in Syria, carried out by a special body that should also decide the course of action. The United States said all options are on the table in response to the alleged chemical attack perpetrated in Syria. The White House blames Syria and Russia for this incident. Activists, members of rescue teams and doctors said dozens were killed in Saturday’s attack in the rebel-held city of Douma. The Syrian Government, currently receiving military support from Russia, has denied any involvement.

    DECREE — The Bucharest Government on Thursday passed an emergency decree under which the National Commission for Prognosis becomes the National Commission for Strategy and Prognosis. According to the Government, the Commission will draw up social and economic development programmes and studies on macroeconomic balances and will assess the economic and social impact of state aid schemes and of public investment projects conducted through public-private partnerships. Moreover, the Commission will coordinate activities related to the country’s switch to the Euro.

    INFLATION — The annual rate of inflation went up to 5% in March 2018, from 4.7% the previous month, against the backdrop of a rise in the prices for food and non-food products and services, the National Institute for Statistics announced on Thursday. The inflation rate was higher only in June 2013, when consumer prices went up by 5.37%. This February the National Bank of Romania revised its inflation forecast for the end of the year, from 3.2 to 3.5%. The Bank estimates an annual inflation rate of 3.1% for 2019.

    HEALTHCARE — Members of the SANITAS trade union federation in the healthcare sector have announced a new series of protests, unhappy with the level of their net income after the recent salary increase and the introduction of the new bonus scheme. The leader of the federation’s branch in Iasi, Iulian Cozianu, said unionists will be protesting in front of the Iasi County prefecture starting Friday. Unionists demand the increase of the cap on bonuses above 30% for public healthcare units and the payment of the same bonuses in all healthcare units. The 30% cap means hundreds of employees will see their incomes slashes by as much as 280 euros. Last month, SANITAS announced stage an all-out strike.

    FORUM — Romania’s Interior Minister Carmen Dan is taking part as of Thursday in the two-day Salzburg Forum Vienna Process inter-ministerial conference. High on the agenda are topics important for member states, particularly for countries that will take over the rotating presidency of the European Council. Talks also focus on EU security, migration, asylum-granting procedures at EU level, police cooperation and combating terrorism. Romania is currently holding the presidency of the Salzburg Forum for a six-month term. The Forum is a security cooperation organization comprising states from Central and Eastern Europe, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.

    SPOTLIGHT — The fourth edition of the Spotlight Festival kicked off on Thursday in Bucharest. The festival consists in projecting large images on the city’s iconic buildings. For four days, the city center becomes an open-air exhibition. This year’s edition of the festival is entitledUnited We Shine and brings to Bucharest 27 installations, projects and video mapping sessions from France, Australia, Israel, Germany, China, Russia, Italy, Spain and Romania. For the first time, the organizers will project famous works of art on the facades of several buildings, including the Romanian Athenaeum. (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • April 5, 2018 UPDATE

    April 5, 2018 UPDATE

    ROMANIAN ACADEMY – Historian Ioan-Aurel Pop, the rector of the ”Babeş-Bolyai” University in Cluj-Napoca (north-western Romania) on Thursday was elected president of the Romanian Academy. He received 86 of the 148 votes that were cast during the General Assembly of the Romanian Academy. The newly elected president, who will have a four-year term in office, will take over the position 15 days since his election. The elections for four positions of vice-president and one of secretary general will be held on April 20. The former president of the Romanian Academy, Ionel Valentin Vlad, passed away in December 2017.

    SECURITY MEASURES – Over 50,000 employees of the Romanian Interior Ministry have been mobilised to maintain public order, safety and security across the country at Easter. Gendarme and police troops will be chiefly deployed around churches and other religious institutions. 250 thousand people are expected to attend more than 700 public events that will take place in Romania in the next four days. Traffic police, equipped with more than 300 traffic radars and backed by helicopters, will be monitoring traffic on Romanias motorways at Easter.

    MARCH – The “Eudoxiu Hurmuzachi Institute for the Romanians abroad, an institution subordinated to the Ministry for the Romanians Abroad jointly with the Lauder-Reut Educational Complex will be staging a March of Holocaust survivors – “Lets learn together, in Poland, over April 9-13. The event, which has an educational character and is aimed at teaching students a dramatic episode in history, involves the participation of young people from 52 countries. The Romanian delegation includes students from Romania and the Republic of Moldova. The project is part of the IEH “The Romanian Identity Caravan, which includes a series of cultural events destined to promote Romanian culture and to consolidate Romanian national identity, and is part of the Strategic Programme – “The Romanian Common Cultural Area – the Great Union Centennial 1918 – 2018.

    HEALTHCARE – Romanian health minister, Sorina Pintea, on Thursday said a revision of the legislation on the purchase of medicines is needed, in order to make sure that suppliers who take part in tenders provide the necessary amount of pharmaceutical products throughout the duration of the contract. She also said that the line authorities are permanently monitoring the stocks and the consumption level of pharmaceutical products in order to intervene urgently and legally, so that the necessary amount of medicines be provided to patients. The statements were made after last month, the relevant minister requested a report with centralised data as to the lack of medicines or to discontinuities in the process of supplying with medicines hospitals and medical centres included in the national oncology program.

    SKRIPAL CASE – The US diplomats who have been declared persona-non grata by Russia, in retaliation for the expulsion of 60 Russian diplomats by the US, in the wake of the Skripal scandal, on Thursday left the US Embassy in Moscow, on the last day set by the Kremlin for them to leave the Russian soil. Serghei Skripal, a former Russian double agent who was living in the UK and his daughter, Yulia, were poisoned with a nerve agent in Salisbury, south-western England on March 4. London has openly accused Russia of involvement in the case and has announced the expulsion of 23 Russian diplomats from British soil, a decision which was followed by similar measures taken by the US and over 20 other countries, with a total of 150 Russian diplomats being sent home. In late March, Russia, which denies any involvement, took a retaliatory measure, by expelling 60 US diplomats, closing down the US Consulate in Saint Petersburg and calling on London to reduce the number of its embassy and consular staff in Russia.

    HANDBALL – The Romanian womens handball team CSM Bucharest on Friday will meet on home soil the French team Metz, in the first round of the Champions League quarter finals. In the three other matches, the defending champion, Gyor of Hungary will meet Buducnost Podgorica of Montenegro, FC Midtjylland of Denmark will face Vardar Skopje of Macedonia, and Ferencvaros Budapest of Hungary will take on Rostov- Don of Russia. The winners will qualify for the Final Four tournament. We recall that CSM Bucharest won the Champions League in 2016.(Translated by D.Vijeu and D. Bilt)