Tag: Indian Wells

  • Weekend sportiv

    Weekend sportiv

    În turneul de tenis de
    la Indian Wells, jucătoarea română Sorana Cîrstea, nr. 83 modial, a fost
    eliminată de poloneza Iga Swiatek, liderul mondial, în faza sferturilor de
    finală în două seturi, 2-6, 3-6. Pentru prezența în sferturi, Sorana Cîrstea a
    primit un cec de 185.000 de dolari și 180 de puncte WTA.

    Într-un meci restant
    din etapa a 23-a a sezonului regulat la fotbal al superligii române s-au
    reîntâlnit Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe și FCU Craiova. Meciul anterior a fost
    întrerupt în minutul 26 din cauza scandărilor xenofobe ale galeriei craiovene.
    Inițial, Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe câștigase cu 3-0 la masa verde, însă ulterior
    sentința a fost anulată și decizia finală a fost rejucarea. Ieri, Sepsi a
    zdrobit FCU Craiova cu 4-0, în urma acestui rezultat echipa din Sfântu Gheorghe
    va juca în faza play-off în locul învinsei FCU Craiova, care va juca în

    În week-end continuă
    fotbalul din prima ligă cu cele două faze. În play-off, sâmbătă se joacă FCSB -
    CSU Craiova, iar duminică au loc întâlnirile Farul Constanța – Sepsi Sfântu
    Gheorghe și CFR Cluj – Rapid București. În clasament conduc Farul și CFR cu
    câte 32 de puncte, urmate de FCSB cu 29 de puncte. În play-out se vor juca FC
    Voluntari – FC Hermannstadt, Petrolul Ploiești – UTA Arad, FC Botoșani -
    Chindia Târgoviște, Universitatea Cluj – FC Argeș, FCU Craiova – CS Mioveni.

    Naționala de rugby a
    României joacă duminică finala mică a play-off-ului Rugby Europe Championship
    cu Spania. Meciul va avea loc la Badajoz, în Spania. În finala mare, pe același
    stadion, se vor întâlni Georgia și Portugalia. În semifinale, Portugalia a
    trecut de Spania cu 27-10, în timp ce Georgia a învins România cu 31-7.

    În play-off-ul Ligii
    Campionilor la handbal feminin pentru calificarea în sferturile de finală,
    echipa română Rapid București va juca prima manșă, în deplasare, cu echipa
    slovenă Krim Ljubljana. Tot la handbal feminin, în sferturile de finală ale Europe
    League, echipa română SCM Râmnicu Vâlcea joacă prima manșă pe teren propriu cu
    echipa daneză NF Handbold.

  • Weekend sportiv

    Weekend sportiv

    În turneul de tenis de
    la Indian Wells, jucătoarea română Sorana Cîrstea, nr. 83 modial, a fost
    eliminată de poloneza Iga Swiatek, liderul mondial, în faza sferturilor de
    finală în două seturi, 2-6, 3-6. Pentru prezența în sferturi, Sorana Cîrstea a
    primit un cec de 185.000 de dolari și 180 de puncte WTA.

    Într-un meci restant
    din etapa a 23-a a sezonului regulat la fotbal al superligii române s-au
    reîntâlnit Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe și FCU Craiova. Meciul anterior a fost
    întrerupt în minutul 26 din cauza scandărilor xenofobe ale galeriei craiovene.
    Inițial, Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe câștigase cu 3-0 la masa verde, însă ulterior
    sentința a fost anulată și decizia finală a fost rejucarea. Ieri, Sepsi a
    zdrobit FCU Craiova cu 4-0, în urma acestui rezultat echipa din Sfântu Gheorghe
    va juca în faza play-off în locul învinsei FCU Craiova, care va juca în

    În week-end continuă
    fotbalul din prima ligă cu cele două faze. În play-off, sâmbătă se joacă FCSB -
    CSU Craiova, iar duminică au loc întâlnirile Farul Constanța – Sepsi Sfântu
    Gheorghe și CFR Cluj – Rapid București. În clasament conduc Farul și CFR cu
    câte 32 de puncte, urmate de FCSB cu 29 de puncte. În play-out se vor juca FC
    Voluntari – FC Hermannstadt, Petrolul Ploiești – UTA Arad, FC Botoșani -
    Chindia Târgoviște, Universitatea Cluj – FC Argeș, FCU Craiova – CS Mioveni.

    Naționala de rugby a
    României joacă duminică finala mică a play-off-ului Rugby Europe Championship
    cu Spania. Meciul va avea loc la Badajoz, în Spania. În finala mare, pe același
    stadion, se vor întâlni Georgia și Portugalia. În semifinale, Portugalia a
    trecut de Spania cu 27-10, în timp ce Georgia a învins România cu 31-7.

    În play-off-ul Ligii
    Campionilor la handbal feminin pentru calificarea în sferturile de finală,
    echipa română Rapid București va juca prima manșă, în deplasare, cu echipa
    slovenă Krim Ljubljana. Tot la handbal feminin, în sferturile de finală ale Europe
    League, echipa română SCM Râmnicu Vâlcea joacă prima manșă pe teren propriu cu
    echipa daneză NF Handbold.

  • March 14, 2023

    March 14, 2023

    ROMANIA-USA RELATIONS – Romanias Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă met in Bucharest with the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, Dereck J. Hogan, who paid a visit to Bucharest to attend the US-Romanian Strategic Dialogue meeting. Talks focused on bialteral cooperation between Romania and the USA at political, economic and military levels. As regards sectorial cooperation, talks also addressed cooperation between the two sides in the fields of energy, IT&C and agriculture. Prime Minister Ciucă expressed an interest in attracting a larger number of US businesses with a view to developing more projects in Romania. Another major topic on the agenda for talks was regional security in the context of the Russian military aggression in Ukraine. The Romanian Prime Minister outlined multi-dimensional support, including humanitarian aid, financial assistance and logistics support for helping Ukraine export its grain, which Romania has provided to Ukraine as well as the Republic of Moldova. Bucharests significant contribution was hailed by the US administration. Additionally, the two officials also examined security developments in the Black Sea region. Secretary Hogan offered technical support to help Romania join the Visa Waiver programme.

    TALKS – Romanias Schengen accession and EU enlargement were high on the agenda for talks between Romanias Foreign Minister, Bogdan Aurescu, and his Lithuanian counterpart, Gabrielius Landsbergis. In Vilnius, the two officials also tackled support for Ukraine, referring to the reconstruction process in this country. Talks also focused on the impact of the war on other regional players, specifically on the security developments in the Republic of Moldova and joint actions to counter Russias destabilizing actions. The challenges facing the Republic of Moldova were also approached during the meeting Bogdan Aurescu had with the Lithuanian Parliament Speaker, Viktorija Cmilyte-Nielsen. On this occasion, Minister Aurescu praised the good Romanian-Lithuanian relations, highlighting the positive trend of bilateral dialogue at all levels. The Romanian official also underlined the positive evolution of two-way trade. The two officials examined preparations for the upcoming NATO Summit in Vilnius in July 2023.

    SCHENGEN – On the sidelines of the EPSCO Council in Brussels, Romanias Labor Minister Marius Budăi met with his Austrian counterpart, Johannes Rauch. The two officials discussed Romanias accession to the Schengen area, with Minister Rauch expressing support from himself and vice-chancellor Werner Kogler. At the 2022 Justice and Home Affairs Council meeting of December 2022, Romania and Bulgaria were denied admission in the travel-free area. The Council failed to reach unanimity although the two countries have fulfilled all technical accession criteria. Opposition came from Austria and the Netherlands, the latter saying that Bulgaria is not yet ready to join Schengen. According to Marius Budăi, talks with his Austrian counterpart also focused on the importance of Romanian workers in Austria, in particular Romanian caretakers.

    EURO 7 – Transport Ministers from the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Hungary and Slovakia on Monday addressed the proposals to change pollution norms for vehicles, known as Euro 7, against the backdrop of a dispute regarding the EUs strategy to transition to electric vehicles. Euro 7 regulations are expected to tighten limits for pollutants affecting public health, including nitrous oxides. The EU claims that the benefits to public health will far outweigh the costs. EU members however oppose the introduction of these new regulations, which they describe as a burden on the car market. They have expressed reluctance regarding the short deadline for implementing the norms, which is mid-2025 for vehicles, and have proposed a period of four years and a number of technical changes to provide car markets with additional time to prepare and improve technological measures, Czech authorities said.

    TENNIS – Romanian tennis player Sorana Cîrstea (83 WTA) has advanced to the round of 16 at the Indian Wells 1000 WTA tournament in California, totaling some $8.8 million in total prizes, after ousting Bernarda Pera of the United States, 6-3, 6-1 in the third round. In the next phase, Cîrstea will take on Caroline Garcia of France (5 WTA), who in the previous round knocked out Leylah Fernandez of Canada. Garcia leads 2-0 in head-to-head matches with Cîrstea, after winning in 2017 in Toronto and Madrid. (VP)

  • Sportivul săptămânii – Simona Halep

    Sportivul săptămânii – Simona Halep

    Simona Halep rămâne jucătoarea română de tenis clasată cel mai sus în
    ierarhia mondială. Luni, ea a revenit între primele 20 de sportive ale
    clasamentului WTA, după un salt de 7 poziții, până pe locul 19. Ea a reușit
    această performanță după evoluția de la turneul WTA 1000 de la Indian Wells,
    unde a ajuns până în semifinale. Pentru prestația sa din California, Radio
    România Internațional a desemnat-o Sportivul Săptămânii.

    La Indian Wells, Halep a intrat direct în turul secund, unde s-a
    întâlnit cu rusoaica Ekaterina Alexandrova, de care a trecut cu 6-2, 4-6, 6-2.
    În turul trei a învins-o pe jucătoarea americană Cori Gauff cu 6-3, 6-4.
    Optimile de finală au adus-o față în față cu Sorana Cîrstea, de care a trecut
    clar, cu 6-1, 6-4. În sferturi a câștigat și mai categoric:
    6-1, 6-1 cu sportiva croată Petra Martic. În semifinale însă, românca s-a oprit
    în fața polonezei Iga Świątek, favorita numărul 3, care s-a impus cu 7-6, 6-4.
    Ulterior, tânăra jucătoare din Polonia a câștigat turneul, după ce a învins-o,
    în finală, în două seturi, cu 6-4, 6-1, pe grecoaica Maria Sakkari.

    Simona Halep s-a născut la 27 septembrie 1991, la Constanţa. A debutat
    în tenisul mare în 2006, când a disputat primele sale jocuri în circuitul ITF.
    În 2010, a intrat în Top 100. În 2014, în luna august, a ajuns pentru prima
    dată pe locul 2 în ierarhia mondială, loc care reprezenta deja, la acea vreme,
    poziţia cea mai înaltă ocupată vreodată de o sportivă din România. Trei ani mai
    târziu, mai exact în octombrie 2017, a urcat pe primul loc în clasamentul
    mondial, poziţie pe care a părăsit-o în ianuarie 2018. A revenit pe locul întâi
    în acelaşi an, în februarie, şi a rămas lider mondial până în debutul anului
    2019, după Openul Australiei. S-a aflat în fruntea clasamentului WTA vreme de
    64 de săptămâni. Are în palmares două victorii de Mare Șlem: în 2018, la Roland
    Garros, și în 2019, la Wimbledon.

  • Sportivul săptămânii – Simona Halep

    Sportivul săptămânii – Simona Halep

    Simona Halep rămâne jucătoarea română de tenis clasată cel mai sus în
    ierarhia mondială. Luni, ea a revenit între primele 20 de sportive ale
    clasamentului WTA, după un salt de 7 poziții, până pe locul 19. Ea a reușit
    această performanță după evoluția de la turneul WTA 1000 de la Indian Wells,
    unde a ajuns până în semifinale. Pentru prestația sa din California, Radio
    România Internațional a desemnat-o Sportivul Săptămânii.

    La Indian Wells, Halep a intrat direct în turul secund, unde s-a
    întâlnit cu rusoaica Ekaterina Alexandrova, de care a trecut cu 6-2, 4-6, 6-2.
    În turul trei a învins-o pe jucătoarea americană Cori Gauff cu 6-3, 6-4.
    Optimile de finală au adus-o față în față cu Sorana Cîrstea, de care a trecut
    clar, cu 6-1, 6-4. În sferturi a câștigat și mai categoric:
    6-1, 6-1 cu sportiva croată Petra Martic. În semifinale însă, românca s-a oprit
    în fața polonezei Iga Świątek, favorita numărul 3, care s-a impus cu 7-6, 6-4.
    Ulterior, tânăra jucătoare din Polonia a câștigat turneul, după ce a învins-o,
    în finală, în două seturi, cu 6-4, 6-1, pe grecoaica Maria Sakkari.

    Simona Halep s-a născut la 27 septembrie 1991, la Constanţa. A debutat
    în tenisul mare în 2006, când a disputat primele sale jocuri în circuitul ITF.
    În 2010, a intrat în Top 100. În 2014, în luna august, a ajuns pentru prima
    dată pe locul 2 în ierarhia mondială, loc care reprezenta deja, la acea vreme,
    poziţia cea mai înaltă ocupată vreodată de o sportivă din România. Trei ani mai
    târziu, mai exact în octombrie 2017, a urcat pe primul loc în clasamentul
    mondial, poziţie pe care a părăsit-o în ianuarie 2018. A revenit pe locul întâi
    în acelaşi an, în februarie, şi a rămas lider mondial până în debutul anului
    2019, după Openul Australiei. S-a aflat în fruntea clasamentului WTA vreme de
    64 de săptămâni. Are în palmares două victorii de Mare Șlem: în 2018, la Roland
    Garros, și în 2019, la Wimbledon.

  • March 17, 2022

    March 17, 2022

    WAR IN UKRAINE – In the absence of any
    sign the Russian forces are willing to break the siege on Mariupol, a city on
    the Azov Sea, efforts continue to evacuate the civilian population via
    humanitarian corridors. 30,000 inhabitants have so far left the city, including
    300 people Moscow claims to have crossed into Russia by bus. On Wednesday, a
    theatre in Mariupol sheltering hundreds of civilians was hit by shelling.
    According to Human Rights Watch, at least five hundred civilians had taken
    refuge within the theatre walls. Satellite footage shows the word children
    written in Russian on the walls of the theatre. The number of victims left in
    the wake of the attack is unknown, considering that rescue teams have so far
    been unable to intervene due to uninterrupted bombing. The United Kingdom, the
    United States of America, Albania, France, Norway and Ireland have called an
    emergency meeting of the UN Security Council as the humanitarian situation in
    this country continues to deteriorate, AFP reports. In turn, Russia has called
    for a one-day postponement of the vote on its humanitarian resolution
    regarding Ukraine. The request comes as Russia’s proposition failed to rally
    support from China and India, Moscow’s traditional allies in the Security
    Council. The Kremlin today rejected the ruling of the International Court of
    Justice, the highest judicial body of the UN, ordering Russia to immediately
    stop all military operations in Ukraine. The Kremlin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov,
    said consent must be obtained from both sides for the ruling to be valid.

    NATO – In Brussels, NATO
    Defense Ministers decided to extend the term of the Alliance’s consolidated
    posture, particularly on the eastern flank, due to the war in Ukraine. NATO
    Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg warned that Russia’s readiness to use force
    must not be underestimated, nor should the fact that Russia is a nuclear power.
    The NATO official said there is unanimity in the Alliance’s decision not to
    send forces on the ground or to enforce a no-fly zone over Ukraine. Soltenberg
    explained that NATO wants to prevent the war in Ukraine from spreading to the
    region. In turn, NATO Deputy Secretary General, Mircea Geoană, said
    the Alliance’s new posture does not mean the Alliance believes Russia will
    attack NATO, but is simply a form of deterrence. Mircea Geoană explained that the battlegroup created in Romania will soon be fully

    REFUGEES – The UN High
    Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has announced that over 3 million people have
    left Ukraine since the start of the war, of whom 450 thousand have reached
    Romania. This is the biggest war-caused migration in Europe since WWII. Adding
    to the number of refugees who left Ukraine are people who are displaced within
    the country’s borders. The humanitarian crisis has been worsened by continuous
    bombing targeting civilian objectives. According to the Romanian Border Police,
    over 15,200 Ukrainian citizens entered Romania within the space of 24 hours, up
    by 0.4% compared to yesterday. Right now, the border checkpoints are working at
    full capacity, with the observance of national and community regulations.

    TALKS – Romania’s president,
    Klaus Iohannis, is today receiving his Estonian counterpart, Alar Kari in
    Bucharest. Also today, Spain’s Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, will also hold
    talks with the Romanian president and with his Romanian counterpart, Nicolae
    Ciucă. The agenda for talks includes the energy reform of the
    EU, in the context of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Pedro Sánchez will call on Romania
    to support Spain’s energy reform of the European Union. One proposition is to
    eliminate natural gas from the method of calculating the price for electricity.
    The second point in Spain’s proposal is to give every state the possibility of
    introducing a cap on electricity prices for end users over a definite period of
    time and based on sound arguments. This week, Spain’s Prime Minister is touring
    Europe, meeting with 8 counterparts from member states, to discuss energy

    COVID – The World Health
    Organization (WHO) has expressed concern over the resurge in the number of
    coronavirus cases across the world, against the backdrop of the relaxation of
    restrictions and the promotion of the false idea that the Omicron strain is
    harmless. WHO director, Tedros Ghebreyesus says last week the number of
    infections went up 8% globally compared to the previous week. China is facing a
    large number of infections, after two years when incidence rates were kept at a
    minimum. Israel has announced two new cases of infection with an unknown
    variant, whereas France, the Netherlands and Denmark reported a type of
    infection that combines the Delta and Omicron strains. According to the latest
    report of the Group for Strategic Communication, Romania reported a little over
    4,000 new cases and 63 related fatalities within the space of 24 hours, of
    which 27 were prior to the reference period.

    TENNIS – Romanian tennis player
    Simona Halep, world no. 24, has advanced to the semi-finals of the WTA 1000
    tournament in Indian Wells, totalling some 8.5 million USD in prize money. In
    the quarterfinals, Halep ousted Petra Martic of Croatia. In the semi-finals,
    Halep will take on Iga Świątekof Poland, the competition’s third seed. The Polish player ousted Madison Keys
    of the United States in the previous round. Halep leads 2-1 head-to-head. (VP)

  • 16.03.2022


    Moldova – Le président roumain Klaus Iohannis effectue ce mercredi une visite en Rép de Moldova voisine pour des pourparlers avec son homologue Maia Sandu. Il est accompagné par le chef du gouvernement de Bucarest, Nicoale Ciuca. En février, le chef de l’Etat roumain s’est entretenu par téléphone avec la présidente moldave pour reconfirmer « le soutien total de la Roumanie pour la Rép de Moldova et ses citoyens dans le contexte dramatique auquel est confrontée la région ». Les deux leaders ont convenu alors de coordonner leurs actions pour assurer l’assistance nécessaire aux réfugiés ukrainiens. Rappelons aussi que le 3 mars, Maia Sandu a signé la demandé de son pays d’adhésion à l’UE, décision saluée par Klaus Iohannis, qui l’assurée de tout le support de Bucarest pour atteindre cet objectif.

    Défense – Le
    ministre roumain de la Défense, Vasile Dîncu, participe ce mercredi à la
    réunion extraordinaire des ministres de la Défense des pays membres de l’OTAN,
    à Bruxelles. L’événement se déroule sous la coordination du secrétaire général
    de l’Alliance, Jens Soltenberg, sur toile de fond de la guerre déclenchée par
    la Russie en Ukraine. Cette réunion est un repère important dans les
    préparatifs des décisions à prendre pour une meilleure adaptation de l’Alliance
    au contexte de sécurité actuel, notamment dans la perspective du Sommet de
    Madrid, prévu fin juin. La première session portera sur l’Ukraine et sur les
    implications de son conflit sur l’OTAN et sur ses partenaires. Parmi les
    invités figurent les ministres de la Défense de la Suède, de la Finlande, de la
    Géorgie et de l’Ukraine. Y participe aussi le Haut représentant de l’UE aux
    Affaires Etrangères et à la politique de sécurité, Josep Borrell. Une deuxième session, réunissant les alliés,
    comportera des débats approfondis sur l’adaptation sur le long terme de la
    position de l’OTAN afin de mieux répondre aux défis actuels.

    Ukraine – La
    Cour internationale de Justice de la Haye doit se prononcer aujourd’hui au
    sujet du procès lancé par Kiev demandant au plus haut tribunal de l’ONU à
    ordonner à Moscou de cesser immédiatement son invasion en Ukraine. Ce sera le
    premier verdict d’un tribunal international depuis le déclenchement de cette
    guerre il y a trois semaines, notent les agence de presse internationales DPA
    et AFP. L’Ukraine accuse la Russie d’avoir transgressé la Convention de 1948
    visant le génocide. La Russie a de son côté boycotté les auditions et rejeté la
    compétence de la Cour internationale de Justice dans ce procès contre
    l’Ukraine. Malgré le caractère obligatoire des verdicts de la Cour de la Haie, ce
    tribunal n’a pourtant de pouvoir exécutif qui lui permette de les mettre
    effectivement en œuvre. Par ailleurs, le Sénat américain a adopté mardi, à
    l’unanimité, une résolution qui condamne le président russe Vladimir Poutine en
    tant que criminel de guerre. Selon l’agence de presse Reuters, c’est une preuve
    rare d’unité au sein du Congrès américain. Cette résolution encourage aussi le
    Tribunal pénal international de la Haye et autres Etats de viser l’armée russe
    dans toute investigation des crimes de guerre commis durant l’invasion de
    l’Ukraine. Ce mercredi, le président ukrainein Volodymyr Zelenski doit
    s’adresser par vidéoconférence au Congrès de Washington. Par la suite, le chef
    de la Maison Blanche, Joe Biden, doit annoncer une aide supplémentaire de 800
    millions de dollars pour assurer la sécurité en Ukraine.

    Réfugiés – Plus
    de 15 000 réfugiés ukrainiens sont arrivés en Roumanie mardi, a fait savoir la
    police roumaine aux frontières. Depuis le déclenchement de la guerre au pays
    voisin et jusqu’au 15 mars, plus de 440 000 réfugiés ont franchi les frontières
    roumaines, la plupart se dirigeant vers d’autres destinations.

    Tennis – La
    joueuse de tennis roumaine, Simona Halep, a vaincu sa compatriote, Sorana
    Cîrstea, mardi, dans les 8e de finale du tournoi de tennis WTA 1000
    d’Indian Wells, aux Etats-Unis. La prochaine adversaire de Simona sera la
    Croate Petra Martici. Leur dernière rencontre remonte à 2018, dans les quarts
    de finale du même Indian Wells, un match que la Roumaine a gagné en 3 sets.

    Météo – Le
    ciel est couvert ce mercredi sur la plupart de la Roumanie. Il neige sur les
    montagnes et des précipitations mixtes sont signalées sur les collines et le
    centre. Il pleut sur le reste du territoire. Les maxima de la journée iront de
    2 à 13 degrés. Ciel couvert sur Bucarest et une température qui ne dépassera
    pas les 10 degrés.

  • March 15, 2022

    March 15, 2022

    Visit. The Belgian Minister of Defense, Ludivine Dedonder, is in Romania today, where she will visit, together with her Romanian counterpart, Vasile Dîncu, the 57th Air Base in Mihail Kogălniceanu (southeast). Elements of the Belgian detachment, part of the NATO Response Force (NRF) activated by the North Atlantic Council on February 25, arrived in Romania on March 7th. The military convoy joined the French detachment of the NATO Response Force, already deployed at the the 57th Air Base. NATO has activated defense plans to strengthen the command and control of Allied forces and to facilitate the rapid response of military capabilities along the Allied borders. In total, 500 French and 300 Belgian soldiers, part of the ground component of the NATO Response Force, will join the Romanian military in a bid to strengthen the Alliance’s Eastern Flank.

    Refugees. EU health ministers meet today in a video conference to coordinate their actions to receive war wounded and chronically ill refugees from Ukraine. The meeting was convened by the French Health Minister Olivier Véran, whose country is holding the six-month presidency of the EU Council. According to Paris, a coordinated and solidarity-based response from the Union to the health consequences of Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine is needed, as it is expected that the care capabilities of neighboring countries will soon be exceeded. The priority will be to ensure continuity of medical care for displaced people, as nearly three million Ukrainians have already left the country. The European states bordering Ukraine, including Romania, will be able to present in detail their limits for each type of patient.

    Border. The Romanian Border Police has reported that over 66 thousand people entered Romania on Monday, of whom almost 14 thousand Ukrainian citizens, lower by 4.8% compared to the previous day. Since the outbreak of the conflict, 425,786 Ukrainian citizens have entered Romania. Most of them transited the country and headed for Western European states.

    Ukraine. Almost all of Russia’s advance has been halted for several days, despite sustained bombing, the US State Department said. According to this assessment, the Russians have neither air superiority nor control over some of Ukraine’s major cities. This morning, the center of Kyiv was shaken by several powerful explosions, but it is not clear if it was a Russian attack or the noise from the Ukrainian air defense systems, BBC reports. City residents are preparing for a possible siege. Ukraine accuses Russia of bombing civilians. The head of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau, has described Russia’s attacks on Ukrainian civilians as state terrorism. He believes that Russian troops have begun to attack the civilian population and infrastructure to demoralize the Ukrainians. The diplomat called on Russia to engage in dialogue in order to find a peaceful solution. Negotiations between Ukraine and Russia could resume today.

    Pristina. A 43-year-old Romanian non-commissioned officer on a mission in Kosovo died on Monday due to medical conditions, the Ministry of National Defense informs. The soldier had been in the Kosovo theater of operations since July 2021, on a KFOR mission, which was to be completed in April. He was a veteran of the theaters of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Tennis. The best tennis players in Romania, Simona Halep (26 WTA) and Sorana Cirstea (27WTA), play against each other today, in the round of 16 of WTA 1,000 tournament at Indian Wells, in the States United, with nearly 8.6 million dollars in prize money. Halep, who won the championship in 2015, defeated in two sets the young American player Cori ‘Coco’ Gauff, and Cirstea passed by the Russian Ana Kalinskaia in three sets. Cirstea leads 2-1 in direct meetings with Halep.(MI)

  • March 14, 2022

    March 14, 2022

    WAR IN
    UKRAINE – Russia has expanded its attacks westwards, to the Polish
    border, as well as to the south of Urkaine. According to British intelligence,
    Russia has now imposed a blockade of the entire Ukrainian Black Seacoast, with
    a view to mounting an attack on Odessa. Russian forces destroyed a military
    base a few kilometers from the Polish border, killing 35 people and wounding
    another 130, local authorities say. The base was used prior to the war by NATO
    staff to train Ukrainian security forces, although the Alliance claims no staff
    was on the ground at the time of the attack. Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr
    Zelensky, has condemned Russia’s unjustified attack, again calling on Western
    countries to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine. NATO and the United States have
    so far ruled out this possibility, US president Joe Biden arguing this might
    lead to the outbreak of WWIII. According to American officials, Russia has
    called on China to deliver military equipment and support for the war in
    Ukraine, as well as additional financial support to counter the negative
    effects of international sanctions. US officials have so far refused to discuss
    Moscow’s specific requests or China’s response. On the other hand,
    Russian-Ukrainian negotiations will resume today in videoconference format.
    According to Radio Romania’s correspondent, Moscow sources say a number of
    documents could be signed over the coming days. On Sunday, the first foreign
    journalist was killed north of Kyiv.

    REFUGEES – Romanian authorities have
    launched an interactive map for refugees, mapping out transit corridors to
    border checkpoints. The application can be accessed on the website of the
    Ministry of Transport, and is available in Romanian, English and Ukrainian.
    Refugees who need to reach other countries can find information about road and
    rail connections. The application also provides information about border
    checkpoints, international airports and connections to the nearby airports and
    border crossing points. Since the start of the Russian invasion in neighboring
    Ukraine, hundreds of thousands of people have crossed into Romania, most of
    them in route to other countries. Yesterday, president Klaus Iohannis assured
    his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, that Romania will take great
    care of all Ukrainian citizens crossing into Romania.

    TALKS – Romania’s Foreign Minister,
    Bogdan Aurescu, is today having a new round of talks with his Italian
    counterpart, Luigi Di Maio. Talks will focus on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
    and on Italy’s interest to support the refugee relief effort. High on the
    agenda will also be efforts to put an end to the conflict, sanctions against
    the Russian Federation and measures to consolidate NATO’s eastern flank. The
    two officials will also discuss ways to boost the Consolidated Strategic
    Partnership between the two countries. The Italian official will also meet with
    president Klaus Iohannis and Prime Minister Nicolae

    DEFICIT – Romania’s
    trade deficit was by 945 million Euro higher in January compared to the same
    period last year, and now stands at 2.126 billion Euro, the National Statistics
    Institute reports. In January, exports stood at 6.76 billion Euro, while the
    total value of imports was 8.88 billion Euro. Vehicles, transport equipment and
    other manufactured goods account for the largest share of trade.

    CENSUS – Delayed by a year due to the
    COVID-19 pandemic, the census of population and households has started in
    Romania. For the first time, citizens will be able to use an online application
    for self-enumeration. People with limited digital skills can get guidance in
    special centers, where trained staff will guide them every step of the way. The
    form stipulates four categories of information: data about the household and
    home ownership, the official place of residence, members of the household and
    secondary place of residence. Citizens who complete the self-enumeration form
    online will be awarded a day off, whether they work in the public or private
    system. An enumerator will be visiting homes that were not enumerated online.
    The whole process is digitized. The previous census dates back to 2011, when Romania
    had a population of over 20 million.

    Tourism was one of the sectors that started to recover after the Covid pandemic
    last year, the latest Eurostat reports reads. In 2021, accommodations in
    tourist units totaled 1.8 billion, up by 27% compared to 2020. The biggest
    increase was reported in Greece, Spain and Croatia (70%), compared to Romania

    TENNIS -
    The best-ranked Romanian tennis players, Simona Halep (WTA 26) and Sorana Cîrstea (WTA 27) will play each other in the Indian Wells
    round of 16. The WTA 1000 tournament in the United States this year totals some
    8.6 million USD in prizes. Halep, who won the trophy in 2015, yesterday
    defeated Cori Gauff of the United States in straight sets, whereas Cîrstea ousted Anna Kalinskaya of Russia in three sets.
    Simona Halep and Sorana Cîrstea last played each other 12 years ago, in the
    Cincinnati preliminaries. Cîrstea leads
    2-1 head to head. (VP)

  • Săptămâna sportivă

    Săptămâna sportivă

    Cu o etapă înaintea încheierii competiției Rugby Europe Championship,
    ediția 2022, echipa României păstrează șanse de calificare la Cupa Mondială de
    anul viitor.
    Sâmbătă, Stejarii au pierdut, la București, cu 23 la 26 în fața
    Georgiei, echipă care a câștigat competiția și s-a calificat la Mondiale. De pe
    locul doi în clasamentul cumulat al edițiilor 2021 și 2022 ale întrecerii s-a
    calificat reprezentativa Spaniei, după o pauză de 23 de ani, după ce a învins
    Portugalia cu 33-28, duminică, la Madrid. România, care ocupă locul al patrulea
    în clasamentul cumulat, mai are de jucat un meci, pe 19 martie, în deplasare,
    cu Țările de Jos. În cazul unui succes, Stejarii vor depăşi Portugalia,
    aflată acum pe locul al treilea, dar care nu mai are de disputat niciun meci.
    Poziţia a treia asigură intrarea în recalificări, programate pentru luna
    noiembrie. Reprezentantele Europei, Africii, Americilor şi zonei Asia / Pacific
    se vor înfrunta după sistemul fiecare cu fiecare, iar câştigătoarea va obţine
    ultimul bilet pentru Cupa Mondială.

    Atletul român Alexandru Novac a cucerit medalia de aur în proba de
    aruncare a suliţei, duminică, la Cupa Europei la aruncări,
    desfășurată la Leiria, în Portugalia. Cea mai bună aruncare a românului a
    măsurat 80 de metri și 49 de centimetri și a reprezentat cea mai bună
    performanţă a sa în acest sezon. La Jocurile Olimpice din vara anului trecut,
    de la Tokyo, Novac s-a clasat pe locul 12.

    Marți, Simona Halep și Sorana Cîrstea se vor confrunta în optimile de
    finală ale turneului de la Indian Wells
    , dotat cu premii de 8.500.000 de dolari. În turul
    trei, Halep, cap de serie numărul 24, a trecut cu 6-3, 6-4, duminică, de
    jucătoarea americană Cori Gauff. Sorana Cîrstea, numărul 26 pe lista
    favoritelor, s-a impus cu 5-7, 6-1, 6-0 în fața Annei Kalinskaya, din Rusia.

    În weekend au avut
    loc jocuri contând pentru prima ligă română de fotbal, faza play-off /
    play-out, etapa cu numărul 1.
    În play-off, vineri, la Craiova, Universitatea a
    trecut cu 3-0 de FC Argeș. Sâmbătă, campioana en titre, CFR Cluj, s-a impus
    acasă cu 3-1 în fața echipei FC Voluntari. Luni, ultimul joc: FCSB cu Farul
    Constanța. În clasament conduce Clujul, cu 41 de puncte. Urmează FCSB, cu 31,
    și Universitatea Craiova, cu 30. În play-out, vineri, la Arad, UTA a învins
    Academica din Clinceni cu 3-0. Sâmbătă, jocul de la Ploiești, dintre Chindia
    Târgoviște și FC U Craiova s-a încheiat egal, 0-0. Duminică, Sepsi Sfântu
    Gheorghe s-a impus, acasă, cu 3-1 în fața formației CS Mioveni, iar Rapid a
    trecut, cu același scor, de Dinamo, într-un joc disputat la Mioveni, fără
    spectatori. Luni, ultima partidă a etapei: FC Botoșani – Gaz Metan Mediaș.
    Conduc în clasament patru echipe, toate cu câte 24 de puncte: UTA, Rapid, Sepsi
    și FC Botoșani.

  • Săptămâna sportivă

    Săptămâna sportivă

    Cu o etapă înaintea încheierii competiției Rugby Europe Championship,
    ediția 2022, echipa României păstrează șanse de calificare la Cupa Mondială de
    anul viitor.
    Sâmbătă, Stejarii au pierdut, la București, cu 23 la 26 în fața
    Georgiei, echipă care a câștigat competiția și s-a calificat la Mondiale. De pe
    locul doi în clasamentul cumulat al edițiilor 2021 și 2022 ale întrecerii s-a
    calificat reprezentativa Spaniei, după o pauză de 23 de ani, după ce a învins
    Portugalia cu 33-28, duminică, la Madrid. România, care ocupă locul al patrulea
    în clasamentul cumulat, mai are de jucat un meci, pe 19 martie, în deplasare,
    cu Țările de Jos. În cazul unui succes, Stejarii vor depăşi Portugalia,
    aflată acum pe locul al treilea, dar care nu mai are de disputat niciun meci.
    Poziţia a treia asigură intrarea în recalificări, programate pentru luna
    noiembrie. Reprezentantele Europei, Africii, Americilor şi zonei Asia / Pacific
    se vor înfrunta după sistemul fiecare cu fiecare, iar câştigătoarea va obţine
    ultimul bilet pentru Cupa Mondială.

    Atletul român Alexandru Novac a cucerit medalia de aur în proba de
    aruncare a suliţei, duminică, la Cupa Europei la aruncări,
    desfășurată la Leiria, în Portugalia. Cea mai bună aruncare a românului a
    măsurat 80 de metri și 49 de centimetri și a reprezentat cea mai bună
    performanţă a sa în acest sezon. La Jocurile Olimpice din vara anului trecut,
    de la Tokyo, Novac s-a clasat pe locul 12.

    Marți, Simona Halep și Sorana Cîrstea se vor confrunta în optimile de
    finală ale turneului de la Indian Wells
    , dotat cu premii de 8.500.000 de dolari. În turul
    trei, Halep, cap de serie numărul 24, a trecut cu 6-3, 6-4, duminică, de
    jucătoarea americană Cori Gauff. Sorana Cîrstea, numărul 26 pe lista
    favoritelor, s-a impus cu 5-7, 6-1, 6-0 în fața Annei Kalinskaya, din Rusia.

    În weekend au avut
    loc jocuri contând pentru prima ligă română de fotbal, faza play-off /
    play-out, etapa cu numărul 1.
    În play-off, vineri, la Craiova, Universitatea a
    trecut cu 3-0 de FC Argeș. Sâmbătă, campioana en titre, CFR Cluj, s-a impus
    acasă cu 3-1 în fața echipei FC Voluntari. Luni, ultimul joc: FCSB cu Farul
    Constanța. În clasament conduce Clujul, cu 41 de puncte. Urmează FCSB, cu 31,
    și Universitatea Craiova, cu 30. În play-out, vineri, la Arad, UTA a învins
    Academica din Clinceni cu 3-0. Sâmbătă, jocul de la Ploiești, dintre Chindia
    Târgoviște și FC U Craiova s-a încheiat egal, 0-0. Duminică, Sepsi Sfântu
    Gheorghe s-a impus, acasă, cu 3-1 în fața formației CS Mioveni, iar Rapid a
    trecut, cu același scor, de Dinamo, într-un joc disputat la Mioveni, fără
    spectatori. Luni, ultima partidă a etapei: FC Botoșani – Gaz Metan Mediaș.
    Conduc în clasament patru echipe, toate cu câte 24 de puncte: UTA, Rapid, Sepsi
    și FC Botoșani.

  • March 12, 2022

    March 12, 2022

    Ukraine — Romania continues to help the Ukrainian refugees. The emergency number 112 and the special hot line for children, 119, are also available for calls in Ukrainian. Moreover, additional measures have been taken to prevent human trafficking at cross-border points. On Friday, an online platform was created which centralizes aid offers made to support the civilians taking refuge in Romania. The new platform was developed in record time with the support of over 600 volunteers. On the other hand, the Romanian government is discussing today a draft decision on granting free transport and other facilities to foreign citizens or stateless persons in special situations, coming from the armed conflict area in Ukraine. The Border Police informs that since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, over 380 thousand Ukrainian citizens have entered Romania, of whom over 304 thousand have left the country.

    Chisinau — The German government will take directly to Germany 2,500 Ukrainian refugees out of the more than 100,000 Ukrainians currently in the Republic of Moldova, said Saturday, in Chisinau, the German foreign minister Ms. Annalena Baerbock, against the backdrop of the escalating humanitarian crisis. The German official has pointed out that the Moldovan government will receive assistance worth 5 million Euros from the EU and 3 million Euros from the German government, besides the 37 million Euros promised for this year. In turn, the Moldovan vice prime minister and FM Nicu Popescu underlined that the Moldovan authorities would continue to help the refugees from Ukraine, but called for the help of the EU, since Chisinau is hardly coping with the inflow of refugees. AFP reported on Friday that France will also receive 2,500 Ukrainian refugees from Moldova. An ex-Soviet state with a majority Romanian–speaking population, of 2.6 million inhabitants, the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine’s neighbor, is one of the poorest countries in Europe.

    Talks — The Romanian Foreign Minister, Bogdan Aurescu, will discuss, on Sunday, in Bucharest, with his Israeli counterpart, Yair Lapid, about how to manage the effects of the Russian aggression on Ukraine. According to a communiqué of the Romanian Foreign Ministry – MAE, the visit of the Israeli official takes place at the invitation of the Romanian FM, against the background of the worsening of the crisis caused by Moscow, but also of the very good Romanian-Israeli cooperation. Talks focus on the ways to evacuate Israeli citizens from Ukraine through Romania. Israel is one of Romanias main partners from the Middle East area, the bilateral relations of a strategic nature, constantly developing in recent years — MAE shows. In fact, Bogdan Aurescu and Yair Lapid will also discuss the development of bilateral relations, with focus on the political, economic and security fields. At the same time, they will assess the stage of preparations for the third Romania-Israel Joint Government Meeting scheduled to take place this year.

    Tennis — The American tennis player Cori Gauff will play against the Romanian Simona Halep in the third round of the Indian Wells WTA 1,000 tennis tournament, which has prizes up for grabs worth over 8.5 million dollars. Also in the third round, the Russian Ana Kalinskaia will meet the Romanian Sorana Cirstea. Simona Halep (26 WTA) defeated the Russian Ekaterina Alexandrova 6-2, 4-6, 6-2 on Friday, while Sorana Cirstea (27 WTA) defeated Australian Ajla Tomljanovic 6-4, 7- 5. Also at Indian Wells, the Romanian pair Irina Begu/Monica Niculescu qualified to the round of 16, after beating the Ukrainian pair Daiana/Ivana Iastremska 6-1, 6-1. The Romanians will play the next match against the Japanese pair Eri Hozumi/Makoto Ninomiya.

    Concert – We Are One, a charity concert organized in support of Ukrainian refugees, brings together big names in the music industry, today, on the National Arena in Bucharest. Among them: Armin Van Buuren, an internationally known DJ, Tom Odell – the artist who authored the song Another Love, the anthem of the peaceful protesters, Jamala, the Ukrainian singer who won the Eurovision Song Contest in 2016, as well as many Romanian artists. According to the organizers, We Are One, which will last eight hours, is the largest humanitarian event ever organized in Romania. (LS)

  • October 7, 2021

    October 7, 2021

    COVID-19 – The Government has decided to extend the
    state of alert for another 30 days starting October 30. Face masks are now
    mandatory outside in areas where the incidence rate has exceeded 7 per thousand
    inhabitants. Another 14,467 new cases of infection were reported on Thursday,
    in addition to 263 related fatalities. 1,556 people are in intensive care. The
    authorities and hospital managers are looking for solutions in order to make
    more beds available so as to treat the growing number of incoming patients.

    ENERGY – On the sidelines of yesterday’s summit
    hosted by Slovenia, EU leaders expressed divergent opinions regarding what the
    EU’s response should be concerning the scandal revolving around the recent
    electricity price hikes. Romania, France, Spain, the Czech Republic and Greece
    have called for a joint approach. Germany and the Netherlands, however, claim
    the situation is temporary, being linked to the limited number of offers and
    the economic fallout of COVID-19. On October 13, Brussels is expected to announce
    a set of temporary measures to combat the surge in energy prices. The topic
    will also rank on the agenda of the EU Summit of October 21-22, which is
    expected to tackle long-term solutions.

    CARS – New vehicle registrations went up 4.3% in the first nine
    months of the year, compared to the same period in 2020, whereas electric,
    hybrid, plug-in and full hybrid cars now have a 12% market share. According to
    official data, the number of gas cars is slightly on the rise, accounting for
    67% of total cars registered, while Diesel-fuel cars reported a 6.2% drop, with
    a total market share of 21%. Hybrid, plug-in and full-hybrid vehicles accounted
    for 12% of total cars registered on the market at the end of September 2021,
    which is 1.8 times higher compared to September 2020.

    NOBEL – The Nobel Prize in Literature will be announced later
    today. Last year, the prize went to Louise Glück, for her unmistakable poetic
    voice that with austere beauty makes individual existence universal. In the
    past, two people refused the Nobel Prize for Literature. In 1958, the
    Russian-born writer Boris Pasternak was forced by the USSR leadership to refuse
    the award, while in 1946 the French writer Jean-Paul Sartre refused to accept
    the prize. This week, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced the Nobel
    prizes in physics, medicine and chemistry. The Nobel Peace Prize will be
    announced tomorrow.

    HANDBALL – The Romanian women’s handball team on Wednesday
    defeated the Faeroe Islands 26-19 in preliminary group 2 of the EHF EURO 2022.
    Today, Denmark is playing Austria in the same group. Romania will next play
    Austria on October 10. The top two teams will qualify to EURO 2022, a
    tournament that will be hosted by Slovenia, North Macedonia and Montenegro in
    November, 2022.

    TENNIS – Romanian tennis player Irina Begu (61 WTA) has advanced to
    the second round at the WTA 1,000 tournament in Indian Wells, California,
    totaling over 8 million USD. In the first round, Begu ousted Fiona Ferro of
    France (83 WTA), 6-2, 7-6. On the other hand, Gabriela Ruse (92 WTA) was
    knocked out in the first round by Alizé Cornet of France, 6-3, 7-6. Another two
    players will represent Romania in the main draw – Simona Halep and Sorana
    Cîrstea, who will both compete in the second round. Seeded 11th,
    Halep will go up against Marta Kostiuk of Ukraine, while Cîrstea, seeded 32nd,
    will play Misaki Doi of Japan. (VP)

  • 09.03.2020


    Coronavirus – En Roumanie, le Comité national des situations spéciales d’urgences se réunit ce lundi aussi pour décider d’une éventuelle fermeture des écoles et des maternelles sur toile de fond de l’épidémie mondiale de coronavirus. Cet organisme s’est réuni dimanche dans la soirée pour adopter plusieurs décisions stratégiques visant à prévenir l’infection. Tous les vols directs depuis et vers l’Italie sont suspendus à partir d’aujourd’hui et jusqu’au 23 mars. Les compagnies aériennes sont obligées à communiquer aux voyageurs qui s’embarquent à partir d’Italie, de la Chine, d’Iran et de la Corée du Sud dans des courses aériennes avec escale vers la Roumanie, le fait qu’ils seront placés en quarantaine dès leur arrivée sur le sol roumain. Les personnes en provenance des quatre Etats qui arrivent par les points de passage par la frontière terrestre seront obligés à observer une période de quarantaine dans les départements frontaliers ou bien seront placés en isolement à domicile. Le bilan de l’infection au nouveau coronavirus en Roumanie est désormais de 15 personnes confirmées porteuses du virus. Sur les 15, 5 ont été déclarées guéries et ont pu quitter l’hôpital. L’état de Santé des malades toujours hospitalisés est bon. En Roumanie 27 personnes sont en quarantaine dans des centres spécialisées et 12.789 sont en isolement à domicile, sous surveillance médicale. L’Italie, le pays européen qui accueille la communauté roumaine la plus nombreuse est le pays le plus touché par l’épidémie de coronavirus après la Chine. L’Italie a également le taux de mortalité le plus important, d’environ 5%. Parmi les 16 millions de citoyens italiens en quarantaine dans la région de Lombardie et des 14 provinces des régions Vénétie, Emilie-Romagne, Marches et Piémont figurent un demi-million de ressortissants roumains.

    Politique – La direction du Parlement roumain doit décider aujourd’hui de la date à laquelle aura lieu le vote d’investiture du cabinet dirigé par le ministre désigné, le libéral Florin Cîtu. A l’exception du portefeuille des finances, le gouvernement proposé est identique au précédent cabinet, celui du premier ministre libéral Ludovic Orban qui a été destitué par motion de censure. Afin d’être investi, l’exécutif doit recenser 233 voix. Le PSD, le parti qui détient le plus de voix au législatif a annoncé qu’il voterait contre le gouvernement Cîtu. Rappelons-le, ce dernier a été désigné à former un gouvernement après que Ludovic Orban eut déposé son mandat de premier ministre désigné suite à une décision de la Cour Constitutionnelle.

    Migration – Le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan est attendu lundi a Bruxelles ou il doit aborder la question migratoire avec les dirigeants de l’Union européenne alors que des pays volontaires du bloc des 27 envisagent de prendre en charge 1.500 enfants migrants bloqués sur les îles grecques, selon l’AFP. Des dizaines de milliers de migrants tentent de passer la frontière entre la Turquie et la Grèce depuis que le président turc a annoncé le 29 février qu’il cessait de respecter un accord de mars 2016 avec l’Union européenne. Cet accord prévoyait que les migrants restent en Turquie, en échange d’une aide financière européenne à Ankara, de plusieurs milliards d’euros. Mais Ankara estime l’aide obtenue pour l’instant insuffisante pour faire face au cout des quatre millions de migrants et de réfugiés, principalement Syriens, qu’elle accueille depuis des années. La Turquie souhaite aussi obtenir le soutien de l’UE a ses opérations militaires dans le nord de la Syrie. L’offensive du régime syrien, appuyée par Moscou, contre la province d’Idleb (nord-ouest), dernier bastion rebelle en Syrie, a provoqué une catastrophe humanitaire, avec près d’un million de personnes déplacées. La commissaire européenne aux Affaires intérieures Ylva Johansson doit se rendre jeudi à Athènes pour parler aux autorités de ce pays du problème des enfants réfugiés, de leur répartition dans les Etats de l’UE, de l’élaboration et du financement de programmes destinés aux migrants qui décideront de rester en Grèce.

    Mortalité infantile – La Roumanie a enregistré en 2018 aussi le taux de mortalité infantile le plus élevé de l’Union européenne, avec 6 décès pour mille naissances vivantes, près du double par rapport à un taux de mortalité infantile de 3,4 décès pour mille naissances en Union européenne, selon les chiffres rendus publics aujourd’hui par l’Eurostat. D’autres Etats membres de l’UE qui enregistrent des taux de mortalité infantiles élevés sont la Bulgarie, avec 5,8 décès et Malte avec 5,6 décès pour 1000 naissances vivantes. Au pôle opposé se trouve l’Estonie et la Slovaque avec 1,6 et respectivement 1,7 décès pour 1000 naissances. En Roumanie, le taux de mortalité infantile a baissé de 20,5 décès en 1998 jusqu’à 6 décès en 2018.

    Tennis – Le tournoi de tennis d’Indian Wells, aux Etats-Unis, un des plus importants des circuits ATP et WTA après ceux du Grand Chelem qui devait débuter ce lundi en Californie a été annulé à cause de l’épidémie de coronavirus, ont fait savoir les organisateurs cités par l’AFP. Cette décision a été prise après la confirmation d’un cas d’infection au coronavirus au niveau local. Les stars, du numéro 1 mondial serbe Novak Djokovic a l’Américaine Serena Williams en passant par l’Espagnol Rafael Nadal et la N.1 mondiale australienne Ashleigh Barty, étaient pour certaines déjà arrivées en Californie, afin d’y préparer ce rendez-vous très attendu chaque année. La Roumaine, Simona Halep, 2e mondiale avait abandonné la compétition de Californie pour des raisons médicales, tout comme la canadienne d’origine roumaine Bianca Andreescu, 4e mondiale et celle qui détient le trophée d’Indian Wells. Par ailleurs, Simona Halep a été élue meilleure joueuse du mois de février dans une enquête réalisées sur le site WTA, grâce au titre remporté à Dubai.

    Météo – Les pluies séviront en Roumanie jusque dans la nuit de mardi à mercredi avec des quantités d’eau qui dépasseront les 15 litres par mètre carré notamment sur la moitié sud du territoire. Sur le sud-est, les météorologues prévoient des pluies et des orages mais aussi des chutes de grêle. En haute montagne, notamment à des altitudes de plus de 1700 mètres, la pluie se transformera en neige. Mardi, sur l’est, le sud-est, et le sud-ouest, la vitesse du vent dépassera les 15 à 55 km à l’heure pour arriver même à 60 km à l’heure. Aujourd’hui les maximas vont de 8 à 18 degrés.

  • Sports weekend

    Sports weekend

    The main draw of the
    WTA tennis tournament in Rome, an event with 3, 452, 538 USD in prize money,
    does not include any Romanian tennis player. In the second round, the world’s
    number 2 tennis player, Simona Halep, was defeated by the Czech challenger
    Markéta Vondroušova, 2-6, 7-5, 6-3. 19-year old Vondroušova is 44th-placed
    according to the as-it-stands WTA ranking. For the second time in the ongoing
    competition season Vondroušova has outclassed Halep, having defeated her in the
    round of 16 at the Indian Wells, 6-2, 3-6, 6-2.

    The other Romanian competing in the Rome tournament, Mihaela
    Buzărnescu, was unable to go past the round of 16. Buzarnescu sustained a 6-3,
    6-3 defeat by the top-seed tennis player, Japan’s Naomi Osaka. Previously
    Mihaela Buzarnescu overpowered Latvia’s Jelena Ostapenko and the German Julia

    We continue with news from football, as the coming weekend
    sees matches being played, counting towards Romanian League One. In Group 2,
    fixtures count towards the 11th round. On Friday, FC Botosani take
    on Gaz Metan Medias. On Saturday, Poli Iasi receive the visit of FC
    Hermannstadt, while in the southern Romanian locality of Chiajna, the local
    side Concordia face Dinamo Bucharest. On Sunday, FC Voluntari are pitted
    against Dunarea Calarasi on home turf. If they win, FC Voluntari stand real
    chances to snap out of the hot area of the current classification. At the
    moment, Voluntari are 5th-placed in Group 2, with 26 points. FC
    Hermannstandt have 23 points on their record sheet and since they are 6th-placed
    in the current standings, the team from Sibiu will have to play a play-off
    fixture in order to avoid relegation. 7th-placed are Dunarea
    Calarasi with 21 points, while 8th-placed are Concordia Chiajna,
    with 16 points. The aforementioned positions lead straight into the domestic
    season’s League Two.

    In Group 1, matches are scheduled, counting towards the 10th-round,
    which is also the last one. On home turf, Universitatea Craiova take on
    Viitorul Constanta. The fixture will decide the 3rd-placed team
    according to the final rankings. We recall that the 3rd-placed team
    will secure a ticket for the Champions League. The other matches are scheduled
    on Sunday. 2nd-placed team FCSB take on holders CFR Cluj in
    Bucharest. The closing game of the 10th-round will see host team
    Astra Giurgiu facing Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe.