Tag: Iohannis

  • פנייה לנשיא רומניה -100 ימים בידי חמאס

    פנייה לנשיא רומניה -100 ימים בידי חמאס

    100 ימים לאחר מתקפת הטרור של חמאס על ישראל ההתאחדות הציונית של רומניה שלחה פנייה לנשיא רומניה, קלאוס יוהניס. עברו 100 ימים מאז הטבח הנורא ב-7 באוקטובר 2023 בישראל, כאשר למעלה מ-3000 מחבלי חמאס ואזרחי עזה הסתערו על דרום ישראל והרגו באכזריות 1400 חפים מפשע. הם גם חטפו 240 אזרחים, כש136 מהם עדיין מוחזקים בחשכת עזה, ללא גישה של משקיפים בינלאומיים ולא לסיוע הומניטרי. זה ההקשר שעורר את המלחמה הנוכחית שמנהלת ישראל נגד הטרור הפלסטיני, מלחמה הנחוצה כדי להגן על אזרחיה ועל ריבונותה מפני איום ההשמדה המתמיד, מסר מרקו מ. כץ מטעם ההתאחדות הציונית הרומנית.

    ישראל לא מבקשת לכבוש או לספח את עזה, וגם לא להעביר את אוכלוסייתה למקום אחר. ישראל רק מבקשת לחסל את הטרוריסטים הפרועים של חמאס ואת תשתיות הטרור הפלסטיני, כדי למנוע מהם לבצע מעשי זוועה עתידיים נגד אזרחים ישראלים.

    במצב זה, ישראל נאלצת לשלם מחיר כבד מאוד, בחיי חייליה הנלחמים באומץ ובכבוד. במצב שהטרור הפלסטיני יצר, ישראל מתנהגת כפי שכל מדינה אחרת הייתה נוהגת במצב דומה. לישראל יש את הזכות החוקית והחובה המוסרית לנקוט בכל האמצעים על מנת לשקם ולשמור על ביטחון אזרחיה ועל שלמות שטח ישראל.

    זהו רגע של אמת, כאשר לכל מי שמחויב להילחם באנטישמיות יש את האחריות לקום ולדבר נגד הפרסה הדרום אפריקאית, שנתמכת על ידי מדינות אחרות הידועות לשמצה בגישתן האנטי-ישראלית, כתב מרקו מ. כץ, סגן נשיא ההתאחדות הציונית הרומנית ומנהל מייסד של MCA רומניה.

    ב-75 השנים האחרונות, מאז הקמת מדינת ישראל המודרנית, הייתה רומניה תמיד ידידה נאמנה ותמיד לצד מדינת היהודים. מאז 7 באוקטובר 2023, ממשלת רומניה הפגינה תמיכה מתמדת במוצקה, בסבלה ובמאבקיה של ישראל.

    בהקשר זה, ברגע קריטי זה, אנו קוראים לרומניה להצטרף למדינות שהחליטו לא להישאר פסיביות ולא לשתוק מול המתקפה הפוליטית האבסורדית והבלתי צודקת שדרום אפריקה יזמה ומובילה נגד ישראל.

    זה הרגע הנכון שרומניה תיתן ביטוי, על הבמה הבינלאומית, למנהיגותה ולסולידריות עם העם הישראלי.

    אנו קוראים לרומניה לקחת חלק פעיל יותר בפעולות שננקטו לשחרור מידי של החטופים הישראלים, שעדיין מוחזקים בשבי בעזה, הוסיפה התאחדות הציונית הרומנית במכתבה לנשיא רומניה.

  • 2024 budget, promulgated

    2024 budget, promulgated

    Approved on December 15 by the government and, five days later, by Parliament through an accelerated procedure, the State Budget Law and the State Social Security Budget Law for 2024 were promulgated on Thursday by President Klaus Iohannis. Inflation and maintaining macroeconomic balances are the main challenges of 2024, said the Prime Minister, in the plenum of Parliament, when he presented the draft state budget for 2024, built, according to Marcel Ciolacu, in such a way as to ensure the increase in citizens well-being. The strategic targets on which this budget is based are, according to the prime minister, a coherent economic strategy to achieve in 2024 the second highest economic growth in the European Union, record investments, increased incomes for 12 million Romanians, including pensioners, a stronger economic environment by accessing aid schemes for development and the creation of new jobs.

    But, at the same time, in order to have a fair, truly competitive economic environment, with fewer exemptions and tax facilities, the government needs a coherent plan for distributing budget expenditures and a package of measures to increase collection and effectively combat tax evasion, along with a firm guarantee for the security of citizens in the context of the war in Ukraine, by allocating a budget of 2.5% of the GDP for defense. It is a carefully gauged budget, to mitigate inflationary pressures, Marcel Ciolacu claims. ‘Just like in 2023, we will have an economy that will grow on investments, not on consumption, and for this we decided to prioritize investments, which will generate half of the economic growth and will have a growth rate double the consumption rate’, the prime minister explained, given that in the matrix of next years budget construction, investments have a special place, amounting to about 7% of the Gross Domestic Product.

    And in order to stop throwing money on tens of thousands of projects started and never completed, over 150 important investment projects were selected for 2024, of which 108 for the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, 21 for the Ministry of Development, 13 for the Environment Ministry and 9 for the Health Ministry. Besides infrastructure, the other two strategic areas in which massive investments will be made in 2024 will be Education and Health. Economic growth is expected to be 3.4%, while the budget deficit is estimated at 5% of the GDP. The opposition, however, criticized the budget construction. Unrealistic, built on false figures, without any vision, the budget bill does not ensure the development of Romania, say the representatives of the opposition parties. According to their calculations, following the overestimation of revenues and the underestimation of expenses, the budget deficit will exceed 7% of the GDP, consequently, there will be no fiscal consolidation, on the contrary. (LS)

  • December 28, 2023 UPDATE

    December 28, 2023 UPDATE

    Schengen – The Romanian Interior Ministry has reached a political consensus with its counterparts in Vienna and Sofia for the partial extension of the Schengen Area to include air and maritime borders with Romania and Bulgaria starting March 2024. Negotiations are expected to continue in 2024 for the two countries full Schengen accession. On Tuesday and Wednesday, diplomatic talks were held at the level of the Interior and Foreign Affairs ministries, with the participation of diplomatic missions to the EU, regarding a Justice and Home Affairs Council resolution that would make this political agreement legally binding. A positive decision on the two countries Schengen accession requires a unanimous vote in the Justice and Home Affairs Council. We recall that last year the decision was postponed due to lack of unanimity in the Justice and Home Affairs Council regarding the Schengen accession of Romania and Bulgaria, due to opposition voiced by Austria and the Netherlands.

    Budget — Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis promulgated, on Thursday, the State Budget Law and the State Social Security Budget Law for next year. The laws were approved by the Government on December 15 and adopted by the Parliament, through an accelerated procedure, five days later. In 2024, Romanias budget will focus on investments worth about 7% of the GDP, as well as on an economic growth of 3.4%, while the deficit is estimated at 5% of the GDP.

    Aid – The United States has announced the disbursement of an additional 250 million USD in military aid for Ukraine. International media writes this will be the last military aid package for Ukraine before a new vote in Congress, where the Republican majority has shown reluctance towards the initiatives of the Biden administration, which has promised Ukraine over 61 billion dollars. “It is imperative that Congress act swiftly, as soon as possible, to advance our national security interests by helping Ukraine,” US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said. This aid package includes air defense munitions, other components for air defense systems, additional ammunition for high-mobility artillery rocket systems, 155mm and 105mm artillery ammunition, anti-armor munitions, and over 15 million rounds of ammunition, according to a US Department of State release. “Thank you for your help. We will win”, the former head of the Ukrainian presidential administration, Andrii Yermak wrote on X.

    Szeklerland — Romania’s Chamber of Deputies rejected on Thursday, with 260 votes for and 16 against, the three initiatives of the opposition Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians in Romania – UDMR regarding the autonomy of the so-called Szeklerland (centre), made up of Harghita and Covasna counties and part of the Mureş county. During the debates, all other political parties emphasized that the three documents violate several articles of the Constitution and harm the rule of law. The legislative proposals concern the status of autonomy of the area, the status of the cultural autonomy of the Hungarian community in Romania and a framework law on the cultural autonomy of the national communities. Thus, the said Land was meant to be an autonomous region with legal personality within Romania, with its own president. The law also provides that regional autonomy is exercised by an administrative council, while the Hungarian language would have the same status as the official language of the Romanian state. The Social Democratic leader, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, welcomed the vote of the deputies by which “those toxic initiatives related to the autonomy of the Szeklerland and the cultural autonomy based on ethnic criteria were rejected”. The three documents will be debated on Friday by the Senate, which is a decision-making body. (VP, LS)

  • December 14, 2023 UPDATE

    December 14, 2023 UPDATE

    Budget — After approval by the Romanian Government, Romania’s draft budget for 2024 will be sent to Parliament for debate. The calculations are based on an economic growth of 3.4%, a deficit target of 5% and an average annual inflation rate estimated at 6% of the GDP. The budget law includes the pension and salary increases already announced, and also most of the measures from the fiscal package assumed by the government. Among the ministries that will receive more money compared to the 2023 allocations are the education, development, environment and family ministries, while smaller budgets will go, among others, to the ministries of energy, of investments and European projects.

    Brussels – The leaders of the EU states, gathered in Brussels, decided on Thursday to open accession negotiations with Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, after the European Commission had made a recommendation in this regard in November, AFP and Reuters report. The announcement was made by the president of the European Council, Charles Michel, who is presiding over the EU summit in Brussels. Romania’s president Klaus Iohannis congratulated Moldova and Ukraine for the start of EU accession negotiations and considers the decision of the European Council as ‘historic’. At the European Council, besides the issue of EU enlargement, they also address the review of the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027, support for Ukraine, the situation in the Middle East and security and defense. Regarding the revision of the Multiannual Financial Framework, Romania’s president Klaus Iohannis will plead for an approach that promotes the financing balance between the commitments already assumed and the new priorities on the European agenda and that does not involve reductions of funds for the Cohesion Policy and the Common Agricultural Policy. As regards the situation in the Middle East, Iohannis will insist on the need for increased involvement of the EU in the region, in order to protect civilians, de-escalate the conflict and resume the peace process based on the solution of two states, Israeli and Palestinian. On Thursday, on the sidelines of the European Council, Klaus Iohannis met with the recently appointed Prime Minister of Poland, the liberal Donald Tusk, with whom he analyzed the priorities on the NATO agenda and the bilateral relationship.

    Recovery and Resilience – Romania will send the third payment request from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan to Brussels on Friday, December 15 — the Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said at the meeting of the Interministerial Committee for the Coordination of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan – PNRR. This has a total value of 2.7 billion euros, from which the pre-financing already received was deducted, and covers 74 targets and milestones corresponding to the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2022.

    Summit — The reconstruction of Ukraine and Romania’s strategic role in this process was the topic of an international conference, which took place on Wednesday and Thursday in Romania’s mountain resort of Sinaia. Attending the conferencce were officials from the country and abroad, independent experts, representatives of the business environment, academia and the diplomatic corps. The Romanian PM, Marcel Ciolacu, and the Ukrainian Prime Minister, Denîs Şmîhal, sent video messages to the participants, in which they talked about the Romanian-Ukrainian partnership and Romanias support for Ukraine.

    Drones — The Romanian diplomacy strongly protests against the incident caused by the uncontrolled crash of a drone used in the attack on the Ukrainian port infrastructure, on the night of Wednesday to Thursday, in an uninhabited area about four kilometers upstream from the town of Grindu, on the Danube. “This represents a new violation of Romanias airspace, contrary to international law,” the Romanian Foreign Ministry MAE states in a communiqué. MAE firmly requests Russia to stop the repeated attacks against the Ukrainian population and civil infrastructure, as well as the irresponsible escalation of the security situation, including at the border between Romania and Ukraine. Following the incident, MAE has summed the ambassador of the Russian Federation to Bucharest. The Romanians living in the area were warned by RO-ALERT messages about the possibility of objects falling from the airspace, they were advised not to panic and to take shelter, if the situation requires it. This year, the Romanian Defense Ministry identified remains from several drones used by Russia in attacks against the Danube ports in Ukraine, essential for the export of Ukrainian cereals.

    UN – The Romanian Foreign Ministry (MAE) welcomed the 68th anniversary of Romanias admission to the United Nations on December 14. All these years, Romania asserted itself as a supporter and defender of multilateral diplomacy, including through active involvement in the organizations three fundamental areas of activity: international peace and security, development and human rights. MAE emphasizes that Romania will continue to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and the implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate change. At the same time, it will aim to strengthen the support dedicated to the most vulnerable partners, in order to respond to current challenges, as well as to develop sustainable economies and resilient, fair and inclusive societies.

    Hamas – Romania joins the international community to support Israels efforts to release the hostages kidnapped by Hamas, the PM Marcel Ciolacu said after meeting, on Thursday, in Bucharest, with Israels Interior Minister, Moshe Arbel, and with family members of Israeli citizens of Romanian origin who were held hostage in the Gaza Strip. In this context, the Romanian PM reiterated that “de-escalation is a viable solution for restoring security in the region”. Also on Thursday, the Romanian Foreign Ministry — MAE announced the death of a person with dual citizenship, Israeli and Romanian, held hostage in the Gaza Strip by the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas since October 7. The announcement comes after on December 2, MAE announced the death of another person with dual citizenship, Israeli and Romanian, captive in the Gaza Strip. Currently, two people with dual citizenship, Israeli and Romanian, are still held hostage by Hamas, and the Romanian diplomacy reiterates the need to release all the hostages. The Romanian Embassy in Tel Aviv maintains contact with the Israeli authorities – the MAE also states. (LS)

  • Romania supports the Republic of Moldova

    Romania supports the Republic of Moldova

    Romania firmly supports the start of EU accession negotiations with the Republic of Moldova the president Klaus Iohannis reiterated. In a post on a social network, Iohannis announced that he had a telephone conversation with the Moldovan president, Maia Sandu, on the most important European issues, with focus on the preparation of decisions regarding the Republic of Moldova at this weeks European Council. These days, Klaus Iohannis is participating in European summits in Brussels, a context in which he will support decisions related to the start of EU accession negotiations with Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, which obtained the status of candidate countries last year.

    According to Klaus Iohannis, the European Union must get closer and give clear signs both to the Western Balkans states and to Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, especially in the context of the Russian aggression against Ukraine. Recently, the Moldovan prime minister, Dorin Recean, has admitted that opening EU accession negotiations with the Republic of Moldova might be postponed until March. He insisted, however, that postponing these negotiations would be a big strategic mistake, which Moscow will take advantage of.

    In a telephone conversation with his Moldovan counterpart, the Romanian PM Marcel Ciolacu gave assurances that the Romanian government would continue to strongly support Chișinăus European path. In the context of the European Council in Brussels, he emphasized the active support that Romania gives to the Republic of Moldova for the start of EU accession negotiations. The Romanian Government will continue to strongly support the European path of the Republic of Moldova and to be a reliable partner in the entire accession process Marcel Ciolacu said.

    Also, during the phone conversation, the two also discussed bilateral cooperation projects, especially in the fields of cross-border energy interconnections and the financial assistance that Romania provides for the development of the Republic of Moldova. In support of the neighboring state, the two governments also signed a Memorandum of Understanding regarding the implementation of projects necessary to interconnect the natural gas and electricity networks. Thus, according to the Romanian energy minister, Sebastian Burduja, Romania will contribute decisively to the energy security of the Republic of Moldova and to its integration into the European energy market. Through this Memorandum and through the recent steps, the Republic of Moldova totally and irreversibly integrates into the single European energy market, at the same time increasing its energy security.

    In Brussels, Klaus Iohannis will also support the granting of candidate status to Georgia, as well as the opening of accession negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina. Romania will also support the rapprochement and integration of these states based on merits and accession criteria, and in this sense Ukraine and Moldova are, by far, the favorites for a Council decision regarding the start of accession negotiations, thanks to the reforms they made. (LS)

  • הצהרת סילביו וקסלר

    הצהרת סילביו וקסלר

    סילביו וקסלר, נשיא הפדרציה של הקהילות היהודיות ברומניה, נקט עמדה נגד הודעות אונליין. אני מבין שאונליין ובאזורים מסוימים של התקשורת ההמונית, האשמות בנאציזם וב”גניבת רכוש יהודי” הובאו נגד הפורום הדמוקרטי של גרמנים ברומניה (FDGR) ובמרומז נגד המיעוט הגרמני. מעולם לא היו ואין כל סוג של מחלוקות משפטיות על רכוש עם FDGR

    אנו איננו מודעים לנכס “יהודי” כלשהו בבעלות FDGR הוסיף סילביו וקסלר.

    להיפך, נציגי ה-FDGR כולל קלאוס יוהניס, נשיא רומניה הנוכחי וראש העיר לשעבר של העיר סיביו, ד”ר פול-יורגן פור מהפורום הדמוקרטי של הגרמנים ברומניה, ואובידיו גנץ, סגן של המיעוט הגרמני בפרלמנט הרומני, עשו, ללא הסתייגויות, כל שביכולתם כדי לתמוך בפדרציה של הקהילות היהודיות ברומניה בכל הקשור לזכר קורבנות השואה, המאבק באנטישמיות, תמיכה בניצולים ונכסים שהיו שייכים לקהילות יהודיות, אמר סילביו וקסלר.

    ברגעים קשים ביותר עבור הפדרציה וללא קשר ללחצים שהופעלו, הפורום נשאר ידיד איתן ובעל ברית של הקהילות היהודיות ברומניה. באופן דומה, תמיכתה ומעורבותה של הממשלה הפדרלית הגרמנית הייתה ונשארה חיונית לטיפול בניצולי השואה ובפיתוח החיים היהודיים ברומניה. אני מדגיש שוב את מערכת היחסים המיוחדת והידידות המיוחדת עם המיעוט הגרמני והFDGR ומעל לכל, את התרומה הישירה והחיובית הניתנת לחיי היהודים ברומניה, מסר סילביו וקסלר.

  • November 22, 2023 UPDATE

    November 22, 2023 UPDATE

    VISIT The president of Romania
    Klaus Iohannis Wednesday visited the UNESCO Heritage-listed Island
    of Gorée in Senegal, and had talks with the officials of the House of Slaves,
    now a museum. Mr. Iohannis said that Romania
    will support the efforts of Senegal’s Association for the Protection of Children
    with Mental Disabilities to ensure a better life for these children. On
    Thursday the Romanian official is to be received by his counterpart Macky Sall.
    Thursday’s agenda also includes participation in the opening of the United Nations
    House in Senegal, the opening of a traditional mask exhibition and a meeting
    with Senegalese experts who have studied in Romania. Senegal concludes the
    Romanian president’s 10-day tour in Africa, which also included Kenya, Tanzania
    and Cabo Verde.

    MILITARY Eurofighter aircraft
    from Germany arrived in Romania on Wednesday, at the Mihail Kogalniceanu air base
    in the south-east of the country, in an enhanced air policing mission (Air
    Policing South), the German Embassy in Bucharest announced. In the previous
    weeks, large-scale preparations were conducted for the deployment of the German
    contingent of 150 troops. Four Eurofighter jets will be operational as of
    November 27, strengthening the air defence of NATO’s south-eastern flank.

    Gaudeamus Radio Romania International Book Fair opened its doors in Bucharest
    on Wednesday. It is one of the most eagerly awaited cultural events of the fall,
    reaching its 30th edition. Until Sunday, more than 500 releases and editorial
    events will take place at the fair. The longest-running book fair in the
    country gathers this year almost 200 participants, mainly publishing houses,
    but also educational, cultural and press institutions.

    ISRAEL The European Union, the US and Russia
    welcomed the deal for the release of 50 hostages held in Gaza, over a four-day
    ceasefire. The president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen said
    the Commission would use the truce to send as much humanitarian aid as possible
    to the Palestinian population in Gaza. In turn, the EU foreign policy chief,
    Josep Borrell, spoke about the European bloc’s willingness to get involved in finding
    a long-term solution to the conflict through the creation of a Palestinian
    state. The Palestinian Islamist group Hamas and the Israeli government have
    agreed on a 4-day ceasefire in Gaza and the release of 50 Israeli women and
    children in exchange for 150 Palestinian prisoners. The deal was brokered by Qatar.
    Hamas took around 240 hostages, including children and old people, during its
    attack on Israel in which another 1,200 people were killed according to Israeli
    sources. In turn, Hamas reported at least 13,300 Palestinians were killed in
    subsequent air strikes and the invasion of Gaza by the Israeli forces.

    BUDGET The 2024 EU budget was endorsed by the European Parliament convened
    in Strasbourg on Wednesday. The chief negotiator was the Romanian MEP Siegfried
    Mureşan. The EU budget currently stands at EUR 189 bln. According to Siegfried
    Mureşan, there are enough resources now to finance the European Union’s
    traditional priorities, such as the cohesion policy and the common agricultural
    policy. In these areas, Romania receives most of its non-reimbursable
    allocations. (AMP)

  • November 21, 2023 UPDATE

    November 21, 2023 UPDATE

    Investments — The European Commission has approved the modification of Romanias National Recovery and Resilience Plan, the Ministry of Investments and European Projects announced on Tuesday in Bucharest. According to the line minister, Adrian Câciu, the modified form no longer includes the limitation of 9.4% of the gross domestic product for the expenses of the public pension system. The elimination of this ceiling was also announced by the PM Marcel Ciolacu. On the other hand, Romanias modified plan attaches great importance to the green transition, allocating over 44% of the funds, compared to 41% in the original plan, for measures that support climate objectives. Also, the allocation of funds for the country’s digital transition increases from 20.5% to 21.8%. At the beginning of December, the revised form of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan will be approved at the meeting of European finance ministers, and then a new implementation decision will be issued by the Council of the European Union.

    Israel — The Romanian senators and deputies watched on Tuesday, during a joint plenary session, a film made available by the Israeli armed forces regarding the attacks of the Hamas group on October 7. The images were unedited and several parliamentarians left the room, declaring themselves shocked by the atrocities committed against the civilian population in Israel. At the end of the meeting, which was secret, without access for the media, the Israeli ambassador in Bucharest, Reuven Azar, declared that his country had the duty to eradicate all the military capabilities of the Hamas group and to ensure that this terrorist organization will no longer represent a future threat. He once again thanked the Romanian Parliament, which was the first in the world to unanimously adopt a resolution condemning Hamas and reiterating support for Israels right to defend itself.

    Tour — Romania’s president, Klaus Iohannis, is on an official visit to Senegal, the last stage of his African tour. He visited, in Dakar, the Senegalese Association for the Protection of Children with Mental Deficiencies, which will receive support from Romania. On Wednesday, President Iohannis will go to the island of Gorée, a UNESCO heritage site and former outpost of the slave trade, where he will meet with local officials. According to Radio Romania’s correspondent, the presidents official talks with his counterpart, Macky Sall, will take place on Thursday, when a series of official documents will be signed. Also on Thursday, Iohannis will participate in the inauguration of the United Nations House in Senegal and in the opening of an exhibition of traditional masks. He will also have a meeting with former students from Senegal who studied in Romania. The previous stages of the ten-day African tour of the Romanian presidential couple were Kenya, Tanzania and Cape Verde.

    Gaudeamus – The Gaudeamus International Book Fair, organized by Radio Romania, begins in Bucharest on Wednesday. The event marks 95 years since Radio Romania’s first broadcast, 30 editions of the Gaudeamus Book Fair in Bucharest and over 140 national and local editions. Some 200 participants will organize more than 500 events as part of this years fair, which will come to an end on November 26. (LS, AMP)

  • November 21, 2023

    November 21, 2023

    VISIT The president of Romania Klaus Iohannis today starts an official visit to Senegal, the last stage of his African tour. The agenda includes, among other things, a visit to the Senegalese association for the protection of children with mental disabilities, based in Dakar, a visit to the UNESCO Heritage-listed island of Gorée on Wednesday, and official talks with Senegals president Macky Sall on Thursday. President Iohannis African tour also included visits to Kenya, Tanzania and Cabo Verde.

    BUDGET The leaders of the Social Democratic Party and of the National Liberal Party in Romanias ruling coalition are holding talks today on the 2024 state budget law, which should be endorsed by December 10. According to government sources, the PM Marcel Ciolacu intends to adjust the method of earmarking ministry budgets, with appropriations granted based on programmes and projects. The participants will also discuss the replacement of the directors of agencies subordinated to the finance ministry, except for the Fiscal Administration Agency, and the reorganisation of these agencies in order to improve their operation. Also today, a meeting is scheduled between government officials, trade unions and employers associations. The head of the Romanian SME Association, Florin Jianu, says unions are expected to demand an increase of minimum wages as of January 1, 2024, but he says the business environment is unable to cope with a new increase after the one operated in October.

    ISRAEL The Senate and Chamber of Deputies are holding a secret meeting today, focusing on recent developments and the situation in Israel. The joint meeting was suggested by the MP representing the Jewish community in Romania, Silviu Vexler. Journalists are denied access to the meeting, and audio and video recording or live posts are prohibited.

    FAIR The Gaudeamus International Book Fair, organised by Radio Romania, begins in Bucharest on Wednesday. The event marks 95 years since the first broadcast of Radio Romania, 30 editions of the Gaudeamus Book Fair in Bucharest and over 140 national and local editions. Some 200 participants will organise more than 500 events as part of this years fair, which will come to an end on November 26. (AMP)

  • November 20, 2023

    November 20, 2023

    Tour – The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, is paying a state visit to the Republic of Cape Verde today, where he is meeting with his counterpart Jose Maria Neves, the Prime Minister Jose Ulisses Correia e Silva and other officials. Last Tuesday the Romanian president started a tour in Africa that included Kenya, Tanzania, Zanzibar (autonomous territory belonging to Tanzania). The last stage of the tour is the official visit to Senegal.

    Visit – The Romanian Foreign Minister, Luminiţa Odobescu, is visiting Paris today, where she is having talks with the head of the French diplomacy, Catherine Colonna. High on the agenda of talks are the bilateral cooperation in the field of Foreign Affairs and Defense, the current international crises, especially the situation in the Middle East and the war in Ukraine. According to Radio Romania’s correspondent in Paris, the French FM, Catherine Colonna, will emphasize, again, Frances long-term commitment as the framework nation of the NATO Multinational Command in Romania to strengthen the defense on the Eastern Flank of the Alliance. The meeting between the two ministers represents a further opportunity to reaffirm the common decision for a lasting support given to Ukraine in all fields, hailing the efforts made by Romania for the functioning of the corridors for the export of Ukrainian cereals. The discussions also focus on the prospects of expanding the EU with the countries of the Western Balkans, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.

    Exhibition – The exhibition “Dacia – the last frontier of the Roman world” opens in Rome today. It can be visited until the end of April. Hundreds of archaeological objects from the territory of Romania, dating back over a thousand years, are on display. The artefacts come from 47 museums in Romania, the Republic of Moldova and Italy, which provide a strong testimony of the Roman civilization. According to Ambassador Gabriela Dancău, the exhibition brings together archeology and technology, allowing access to a universe where the ancestors of the Getae-Dacians evolved. The opening of the exhibition, located in the National Museum Terme di Diocleziano in Rome, is being attended by the ministers of culture from Romania, the Republic of Moldova and Italy – Raluca Turcan, Sergiu Prodan, and Gennaro Sangiuliano, respectively.

    Cernavoda – Unit 1 of the Cernavodă Nuclear Power Plant has been resynchronized to the national energy system, and today it will operate at nominal power, the Energy Ministry informs. The unit was automatically disconnected from the national electricity distribution network on Saturday night due to winds that blew at over 100 kilometers per hour. In Constanţa county, in the south-east of Romania, the storm over the weekend felled 240 trees, tore off 50 roofs and damaged 60 cars. At the same time, approximately 40,000 consumers from 80 localities in the Dobrogea region were left without electricity. The energy supplier reported that, in the meantime, power has been restored for almost 93% of those affected.

    Pensions – In Romania, the draft public pension system law passed the Senate and reaches, today, the Chamber of Deputies, the decision-making body. The government has calculated that it needs 5 billion Euros to increase pensioners incomes and it is still not clear where this money will come from. According to the draft law, two increases are scheduled for in 2024: as of January 1,a rise by 13.8% for all the approximately five million pensioners, and in September, a new increase, based on a new calculation formula, which takes into account the seniority, the contribution or the value of the correction index, targeting, this time approximately three million pensioners. Last week, in the Senate, the MPs of the ruling coalition, PSD and PNL, voted in favor of the draft pension law, which, they said, brings balance to the system. The opposition parties Save Romania Union – USR and the Alliance for the Union of Romanians – AUR abstained from voting. During the debates, the opposition senators criticized those in power for the lack of data regarding the resources and the budgetary impact regarding this draft law.

    Budget — The drafting of the budget bill for 2024 by the Government is going to be finalized this week. The PSD-PNL coalition has already agreed that, along with funding investments, priority will be attached to education and healthcare, but it seems that even these ministries will not receive as much money as they would like, given the constraints related to the budget deficit. And, meanwhile, there are more and more requests for money at the end of this year from the town halls as well as from the Transport Ministry. The main resource for supporting the future budget will be the fight against tax evasion. The social democratic PM Marcel Ciolacu said that, by eliminating tax evasion, the necessary funds can be obtained for pension increases, education and healthcare.

    Football – Qualified, mathematically, for the Euro 2024 from Germany, the Romanian national football team meets Switzerland, on Tuesday evening, in the last match of the Qualifying Group I. Undefeated, Romania occupies the first position, with 19 points, and can be the winner of the group if it does not lose the match with Switzerland, the team qualified for the 2024 European Championship. The Romanian footballers qualified after a 2-1 victory against Israel on Saturday. It will be the 6thparticipation of the national team in a final continental tournament, after those in 1984, 1996, 2000, 2008 and 2016.

    Handball – The finalist of Romania’s Women’s Handball Cup, CSM Târgu Jiu (south) qualified, for the first time, in the groups of the EHF European League competition, after defeating the Swedish team Onnereds HK, with the score of 26-23, on Sunday, at home, in the second leg of the third preliminary round. HC Dunărea Brăila (south-east) also qualified on Sunday after defeating the German team BV Borussia 09 Dortmund, with the score of 27-22, at home. Another Romanian team that will play in the EHF European League groups is CS Gloria 2018 Bistriţa-Năsăud (north). In the Champions League groups, Romania is represented by the Bucharest teams CSM and Rapid. (LS)

  • November 18, 2023 UPDATE

    November 18, 2023 UPDATE

    VISIT President Klaus Iohannis is in Tanzania, the second stage of
    his African tour which also included Kenya and will take him to the Republic of
    Cabo Verde and Senegal. During talks with top level officials, president Iohannis
    presents Romania’s outlook on reviving its relations with African countries,
    based on the recently adopted national strategy for Africa. On the other hand, the
    Romanian official also set out to present Bucharest’s views on regional and
    international security, given the country’s proximity to Ukraine. We discussed
    ways to manage the multiple consequences of the war, including in terms of
    ensuring the food security of countries in Africa, Mr. Iohannis said after the
    talks with the president of Tanzania, Samia Hassan. I have presented the
    comprehensive political, diplomatic, logistical and administrative measures
    taken by Romania to facilitate Ukrainian grain exports, including to the
    countries in Africa, he added. Klaus Iohannis is to travel on Monday to Cabo
    Verde, to meet with his counterpart José Maria Neves.

    ISRAEL We agree on the principle of
    no forced displacement of Palestinians and a political horizon based on a
    two-state solution, the European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen
    said at the end of a meeting with the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi
    in Cairo on Saturday. In turn, the EU diplomacy chief Josep Borrell said in a
    conference at Manama on Saturday that the Palestinian Authority is the only one
    that could govern Gaza after the war between Israel and Hamas. News agencies
    mention that a week ago the Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu raised fresh concerns
    with respect to the future of Gaza, stating that the Palestinian Authority in
    its current form should not be taking control of the enclave. The German
    chancellor Olaf Scholz and Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, meeting in
    Berlin, voiced their strong disagreement with the war in Gaza. Both Germany and
    Turkey are worried about the suffering of the Palestinian people, but while Scholz
    spoke about the need for humanitarian pauses in order to provide aid, Erdogan called
    for a ceasefire, an option rejected by Israel. On site, Palestinian medical
    sources announced that scores of people were killed or wounded on Saturday in Khan
    Yunis, in the south of the Gaza Strip, following Israeli air strikes. On Friday
    Israel had announced it would expand military operations in the south, after handing
    out fliers in Khan Yunis the previous day asking civilians to head for the tent
    camps on the sea coast in order to avoid the massive shelling planned by the
    army. Israel’s ex-PM Ehud Olmert told Euronews that the Hamas underground
    command centre was in Khan Yunis, and not at the Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.

    TERRORISM A young Romanian national
    from Braşov (central Romania) has been taken into custody for promoting
    terrorist propaganda materials, the Directorate Investigating Organised Crime
    and Terrorism Offences announced. The young man praised terrorist organisations
    from the Middle East on his social media account, and posted instructions for
    the production and use of firearms and explosives.

    CHRISTMAS In the city of Craiova, southern
    Romania, hundreds of people witnessed the nearly 2 million lights of the local
    Christmas Fair being turned on Friday night. This year’s fair is themed around
    the Andersen’s fairy tale The Snow Queen, and all the decorations are white
    and turquoise. A giant Christmas tree, a 40m tall merry-go-round and a skating
    rink are the main attractions. Concerts and creative workshops will also be
    held here until the 2nd of January. Sibiu, in central Romania, also
    opened its Christmas Fair in the city’s main square. For the first time this
    year, the Fair includes the courtyard of the Brukenthal Palace, a historical
    monument built between 1778 and 1788.

    AMBASSADOR The foreign minister Luminiţa
    Odobescu Friday received the new British Ambassador to Romania, Giles Portman. On
    this occasion, Mrs. Odobescu highlighted the important role of bilateral
    cooperation in defence and security and the significant potential in the field
    of trade and investments, as well as the substantial contribution of the 1.2
    million Romanians living in UK to strengthening the ties between the two
    countries. In 2024 Romania will host the second Romania-UK Bilateral Forum,
    after the first edition of the event held this March in London. (AMP)

  • November 17, 2023 UPDATE

    November 17, 2023 UPDATE

    BUDGET PM Marcel Ciolacu said on Thursday that there will be no new
    taxes next year and that the Romanian government will have money by fighting
    tax evasion. According to him, in October, revenue collection to the state
    budget reached a record level, around EUR 8. By keeping the same pace and
    maintaining non-essential expenses under control, the PM added, by the end of
    the year we will meet the deficit target agreed with the European Commission.
    The statement comes after, recently, the Liberal leader Nicolae Ciucă argued
    that Romania cannot afford an increase in taxes next year and that funding
    sources must be found to support the draft pensions law.

    One in 5 Romanians was affected by poverty in 2022, the National Statistics
    Institute reported. The number of people in need was 4.2 million, slightly
    below the figure reported in the previous year. The highest poverty rate was
    reported among youth up to 24 years of age, with the poverty rate for
    households with children and youth 5.2% higher than in households without dependent
    children and youth. The National Statistics Institute also said that, without
    pension and other welfare payments, nearly half of the population would have
    been below the poverty threshold, and the situation would have been even worse
    among the elderly.

    Romania and Tanzania have agreed on mutual student grant programmes. The
    president of Romania, Klaus Iohannis had a meeting with his counterpart, Samia
    Suluhu Hassan in the capital city Dar es Salaam on Friday, and discussed the
    development of this country’s relations with the EU. Tanzania may count on
    Romania as regards promoting and encouraging its relations with the EU, president
    Iohannis said after the meeting. He presented Romania’s view on giving a fresh
    impetus to the country’s relations with African states, based on the recently
    adopted National Strategy for Africa. Iohannis also said agreements were
    reached on bilateral cooperation in areas like education, civil protection,
    agriculture, forestry, IT and cyber security. In turn, the president of Tanzania
    announced that Romania decided to provide 10 grants for students from Tanzania,
    which in turn will be providing 5 grants to young Romanians who wish to study
    there. Two memorandums were also signed on disaster risk management and
    cooperation and research in agriculture. The president of Romania is on a tour
    in Africa, which began on Tuesday in Kenya. On Saturday, Klaus Iohannis will be
    received by the president of Zanzibar, Hussein Mwinyi, and then he will travel
    to the Republic of Cabo Verde, for talks with president Jose Maria Neves. The
    tour concludes on November 23 in Senegal, with political consultations with
    president Macky Sall.

    MILITARY The Romanian
    company Aerostar, based in Bacău, eastern Romania, Friday signed a cooperation
    agreement with Derco Aerospace (a member of the US group Lockheed Martin),
    concerning technology transfer for the repair of F-16 aircraft equipment operated
    by the Romanian Army. Attending the event was NATO’s deputy secretary general
    Mircea Geoană. He said NATO was interested in 2 goals-expanding the defence
    industry in all member states and creating an innovation ecosystem for dual-use
    industries (civilian and military), benefiting the newer NATO member states.
    The agreement was signed just days after the opening of the first European F-16
    training centre, at the Feteşti air base in the south-east of Romania, and capitalises on 26 years of cooperation between Lockheed Martin and Romania.

    Romania’s national football team are in Hungary for a match against Israel on
    Saturday evening, in Qualifying Group I of the 2024 European Championship to be
    hosted by Germany. Because of the war at home, the Israelis had to postpone
    their October-November matches, and to play abroad the matches scheduled at
    home. Romania completes the qualifying stage on Tuesday, in Bucharest, with a match
    against Switzerland. Undefeated in the first eight matches, Romania has 16
    points and is behind group leader Switzerland on goal difference. Next comes
    Israel, with 11 points, and Kosovo, with 10 points. The two top-ranking teams
    in each group go to the final tournament. Romania last qualified for a final European
    tournament in 2016 and for a World Cup in 1998. (AMP)

  • November 17, 2023

    November 17, 2023

    Budget — The PM Marcel Ciolacu said on Thursday that there will be no new taxes next year and that the Romanian government will manage to have money by fighting tax evasion. According to him, in October, revenue collection to the state budget reached the record level of 40 billion lei (about 8 billion Euros) and keeping the same pace and maintaining non-essential expenses under control, the prime minister added, by the end of the year, we will meet the deficit target agreed with the European Commission. The statement comes after, recently, the Liberal leader Nicolae Ciucă argued that Romania cannot afford an increase in taxes next year and that funding sources must be found to support the draft pension law.

    Visit – President Klaus Iohannis continues his tour of Africa with a state visit to Tanzania. According to the agenda, today, he will meet his counterpart, Samia Suluhu Hassan, in the capital Dar es Salaam. The two presidents will have private and official talks, followed by joint press statements and an official lunch. On Saturday, Klaus Iohannis will be received by the president of the island of Zanzibar, Hussein Mwinyi. The two will have official talks, followed by an official lunch. On Sunday, a farewell ceremony will be held in Dar es Salaam. President Iohannis began his tour of Africa on Tuesday with a state visit to Kenya. He was received by his Kenyan counterpart, William Ruto. Later, he attended a meeting with the Executive Director of UNEP – United Nations Environment Program at the UN Headquarters in Nairobi. On Wednesday, president Iohannis met with Kenyas Minister of Nature Conservation, Alfred Nganga Mutua, and the Director General of the Kenya Wildlife Service, Erustus Kanga, during a visit to Nairobi National Park, and on Thursday he went to Uthiru Girls High School. The tour of President Klaus Iohannis in Africa will continue with the state visit to the Republic of Cape Verde, where he will have consultations with President Jose Maria Neves. According to the Presidential Administration, the official program will also include meetings with the President of the National Assembly, Austelino Tavares Correia, Prime Minister Jose Ulisses Correia e Silva and the Mayor of Praia, Francisco Avelino Carvalho. At the same time, Klaus Iohannis will have a meeting with people from Cape Verde who studied in Romania. The Romanian president will end his visits to Africa on November 23. The last trip of this tour is to the Republic of Senegal, where President Klaus Iohannis will have political consultations with his counterpart Macky Sall. The official program of the visit also includes, among other things, the participation of the two heads of state in the inauguration of the United Nations House in Senegal, which will house the 34 UN agencies present in this country. President Iohannis will also have a meeting with former Senegalese students in Romania.

    Football – Romanias national football team is in Hungary, where they will play against Israel on Saturday evening, in a Qualifying Group I match of the 2024 European Championship to be hosted by Germany. Because of the war at home, the Israelis had to postpone their matches from October to November, and to play abroad the matches scheduled at home. The Romanian footballers finish the preliminaries on Tuesday, in Bucharest, with Switzerland. Undefeated in the first eight matches, Romania has 16 points and is ahead of Switzerland, the group leader, on goal difference. Next is Israel, with 11 points, and Kosovo, with 10 points. The two top-ranking teams in the group go to the final tournament. Romania has not reached a Euro since 2016, and a World Cup since 1998.

    Gaza – Another 16 Romanian citizens and members of their families, evacuated from the Gaza Strip, arrived in Romania today on board a flight operated by the state-owned company TAROM. Initially, 17 Romanians and their families crossed into Egypt through the Rafah border point, being accompanied to Cairo by representatives of the Romanian Foreign Ministry. There, one of the evacuated Romanians decided to remain in Egypt. So far, 237 Romanian citizens evacuated from Gaza have been transported to Romania.

    Montenegro – The Romanian Foreign Minister, Luminiţa Odobescu, on Thursday paid the first official visit by a foreign minister to Montenegro since the installation of the current pro-European government in that country. The program of the visit included political consultations with the FM Filip Ivanovic, receptions with the President Jakov Milatovic and the Prime Minister Milojko Spajic, as well as meetings with the Deputy Prime Minister for Security, Home Policy, European and Foreign Affairs Aleksa Becic and respectively with the Minister of European Affairs Maida Gorcevic. The agenda of talks included aspects related to the strengthening of bilateral dialogue, including by intensifying high-level contacts. Areas of common interest were addressed, such as economic cooperation and interconnectivity, cyber security, internal affairs and justice, civil protection, education and research. The Romanian Foreign Minister expressed her appreciation for the bilateral collaboration in the field of defense, as well as within NATO. Luminiţa Odobescu reconfirmed Romanias firm position for the continuation of the European integration process of the Western Balkan states, emphasizing Romanias consistent support for Montenegros European path.

    Debate–The NATO Deputy Secretary General, the Romanian Mircea Geoană, is today visiting the cities of Iaşi and Bacău, in eastern Romania. In Iasi, he participates in the debate entitled “Economic security and innovation on the eastern flank of NATO and the EU”, organized by the citys Chamber of Commerce. In Bacău, Geoană will visit Aerostar, a company that will sign a collaboration contract with Derco Aerospace (part of the American Lockheed Martin group), for technology transfer for the repair of F-16 aircraft equipment belonging to the Romanian Army. (LS)

  • November 16, 2023 UPDATE

    November 16, 2023 UPDATE

    Protests – Around 2,000 people gathered Thursday morning in front of the governments headquarters in Bucharest, in a national protest against the public pension system and the recent law on tax-related measures. The rally organized by the Meridian National Trade Union Confederation, brought together representatives of various public sector domains, from local police to civil servants and forestry and agriculture workers around the country. The main source of discontent is the bill on public pensions, passed by the Cabinet on November 9, which according to trade unionists abrogates some retirement rights currently enjoyed by several personnel categories. On Wednesday employees of Romanian public pension houses, healthcare and employment agencies temporarily suspended work and took to the streets. Healthcare ministry staff and pharmacists are also disgruntled and demand solutions from the government.

    Visit – President Klaus Iohannis, who is on a state visit to Kenya, presented, on Thursday, Romanias donation to Uthiru Girls High School in Kangemi, underlining that the country will continue projects dedicated to education. “We will continue to focus on the implementation of projects in the field, for inclusive, quality education,” Klaus Iohannis wrote on a social network. On Wednesday, in Kenya, Klaus Iohannis met with the president of this country, William Ruto. On this occasion, four memorandums of understanding were signed in the fields of environmental protection and climate change, scientific cooperation, food safety and diplomatic training. The African tour of the president will continue on Friday in Tanzania, where he will have a meeting with his counterpart, Samia Suluhu Hassan. He will then travel to Cape Verde and Senegal, and according to the Romanian presidency, it is the first political-diplomatic approach at this level in the last 30 years, which aims at relaunching Romanias relations with the African continent.

    Football – Romanias national football team has been, since Thursday evening, in Hungary, where they will meet Israel on Saturday in a Qualifying Group I match of the 2024 European Championship, to be hosted by Germany. Because of the war at home, the Israelis had to postpone their matches from October to November, and to play abroad the matches scheduled at home. Romania ends the preliminaries on Tuesday, in Bucharest, with Switzerland. Undefeated in the first eight matches, Romania has 16 points and is ahead of Switzerland, the group leader, in terms of goal difference. Next is Israel, with 11 points, and Kosovo, with 10 points. The two top ranking teams in the group go to the final tournament. Romania has not reached a European Championship since 2016, and a World Cup since 1998.

    Israel – The Israeli army announced on Thursday that it had captured the port of Gaza, in the Palestinian enclave of the same name, international press agencies write. They show that it is a small fishing port, whose activity was already limited by the blockade imposed by Israel on Gaza since 2007, when the Islamist movement Hamas took over the Strip. The Israelis claim, however, that the port was a “training center for (Hamas) commando forces to plan and execute naval terrorist attacks.” Earlier, the army had occupied the Parliament, government and military police buildings, until then controlled by the Islamists. Israel also confirmed that its soldiers are still deployed in al-Chifa hospital, where, according to the UN, there are around 2,300 Palestinian civilians: patients, medical staff, and refugees.

    Banks – The Romanian prime minister, Marcel Ciolacu, stated on Thursday that next year no new taxes will be imposed and that the Executive will approve the establishment of a new bank with state capital. “Today we approve the articles of incorporation for the Investment and Development Bank of Romania. This bank, which exists in all countries, has been talked about for over a decade. Finally, were establishing it too. This bank represents the missing link between the money of international financial institutions and Romanias strategic projects. We will have the appropriate financial instruments for the development of these projects” said the PM. Romania still has two banks with state capital, Eximbank and CEC.

    Gaza – The UN Security Council, so far divided, adopted a resolution calling for a humanitarian pause of several days in the Gaza Strip, breaking the silence for the first time after more than a month of war between Israel and Hamas, AFP reports. The resolution, drafted by Malta and which was adopted with 12 votes in favor and 3 abstentions (USA, UK, Russia), also calls for “extended and urgent humanitarian aid for a sufficient number of days” to allow humanitarian aid to be delivered to civilians from Gaza. The resolution also calls for the “immediate and unconditional release of all hostages held by Hamas and other groups, especially children,” without condemning the Palestinian movement’s bloody attack of October 7. Both the Israelis and Palestinians criticized the Council resolution. The Palestinian envoy Riyad Mansour said that a ceasefire not just a pause should have been asked and that this should have been done a long time ago, while the Israeli ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, condemned the resolution, labeling it as “insignificant”. On the ground, the Israeli army announced on Thursday that it had taken over operational control of the port of Gaza, a key infrastructure in the north of the Palestinian territory. At the same time, the Israeli army on Thursday continued its raid on the main hospital in the Gaza Strip, Al-Shifa, where thousands of Palestinian civilians are located, causing concern and a wave of criticism at the international level. (LS)

  • November 16, 2023

    November 16, 2023

    VISIT President Klaus Iohannis today concludes his 3-day visit to
    Kenya, in an African tour that is taking him next to Tanzania. In Nairobi, the
    Romanian official will visit an all-girls school to inaugurate a donation by
    Romania under its development assistance programme. In fact, consolidating
    Romania’s profile as a provider of education and training to African countries
    is one of the goals of the African tour undertaken by president Iohannis. On
    Wednesday, in Kenya, Mr. Iohannis had talks with his Kenyan counterpart William
    Ruto, on which occasion four agreements were signed in the fields of environmental
    protection and climate change, scientific cooperation, food safety and
    diplomatic training. The tour, which also includes the Republic of Cabo Verde and
    Senegal, is the first political and diplomatic initiative at this level in the
    past 30 years, and aims to re-launch Romania’s relations with the countries on
    the African continent.

    PROTEST Around 2,000 people gathered this morning in
    front of the government’s headquarters in Bucharest, in a national protest
    against the public pension system and the recent law on tax-related measures. The
    rally organised by the Meridian National Trade Union Confederation, brought
    together representatives of various public sector staff, from local police to
    civil servants or forestry and agriculture workers around the country. The main
    source of discontent is the bill on public pensions, passed by the Cabinet on November
    9, which according to trade unionists writes off some retirement rights currently
    enjoyed by several personnel categories. On Wednesday employees of Romanian
    public pensions agencies, healthcare agencies and employment agencies temporarily
    suspended work and took to the streets. Healthcare Ministry staff and
    pharmacists are also disgruntled and demand solutions from the government.

    Romania will conclude the year with a 2.2% economic growth rate, as against 4.6%
    in 2022, the European Commission’s autumn forecast indicates. Growth estimates
    have been lowered for the entire European bloc. In Romania, the causes include an
    inflation rate above the EU average, low foreign demand and limited financing
    options. The GDP growth rate is expected to reach 3.1% in 2024 and 3.4% in 2025,
    which the 2023 public deficit is put at 6.3% of GDP, instead of the 5.7%
    estimated by the Romanian government. Romania is already subject to an
    excessive deficit procedure and it must narrow the gap between public spending
    and revenues, so as not to lose EU funding.

    CONFERENCE European and Asian media professionals are taking part in
    the Media and Culture Days conference, organised by Radio Romania at the Carol
    I Central University Library in Bucharest. The conference focuses on the key
    role played by public mass media in promoting high-quality cultural content and
    in supporting diversity and inclusion, with special emphasis on local and
    regional communities. At the reception held on Wednesday night at Elisabeta
    Palace, H.R.H. Prince Radu emphasised the historical ties between the Royal
    Family and Radio Romania, two institutions in which Romanians still have
    considerable confidence.

    ISRAEL The UN Security Council has adopted a
    resolution calling for humanitarian pauses in Gaza, AFP reports. The
    resolution, drawn up by Malta and endorsed with 12 members voting in favour,
    none against and three abstentions (Russia, United Kingdom, United States) also
    calls for urgent and extended humanitarian corridors in Gaza for a
    sufficient number of days to allow aid for the civilians there, as well as for
    the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages held by Hamas and
    other groups, especially children. Both Israel and the Palestinian side
    criticised the resolution. The observer for Palestine, Riyad Mansour, said the
    UN should have called for ceasefire instead of only pauses, while the Israeli
    Ambassador Gilad Erdan condemned the resolution as meaningless. On site, Israeli
    fighter jets hit the home of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Gaza, the Israeli
    army announced today. Haniyeh’s house was used as terrorist infrastructure and
    often served as a meeting point for Hamas’ senior leaders to direct terror
    attacks against Israeli civilians and IDF (Israel Defence Forces)
    soldiers, the Israeli military said. (AMP)