• Nachrichten 04.04.2015

    Nachrichten 04.04.2015

    Bukarest: Die Arbeiten des ersten Kongresses der Unionisten aus der Diaspora werden am Wochenende in Bukarest fortgesetzt. Über 100 Vertreter rumänischer Verbände in Europa und den USA beteiligen sich an der Veranstaltung, die am Sonntag zu Ende geht. Daran nehmen zudem rumänische und moldauische Politiker teil. Auf dem Programm stehen Workshops und Debatten zum Thema Vereinigung Rumäniens mit der benachbarten rumänischsprachigen Republik Moldau. Die daraus erfolgenden Ideen sollen anschlie‎ßend die Grundlage einer Resolution bilden, die im Hörsaal “Nicolae Iorga” der Fakultät für Geschichte der Bukarester Universität vorgelesen und verabschiedet werden soll.

    Bukarest: Einer der beliebtesten und berühmtesten Radiomenschen Rumäniens Paul Grigoriu ist am Freitag in seiner Wohnung im südrumänischen Buciumeni gestorben. Nach der Wende war er Stellvertretender Intendand des öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks und eine emblematische Stimme des Morgenmagazins sowie der Sendung K-drane beim Sender Radio România Actualităţi. Vor der Wende gestaltete er die Sendungen des Ferienfunks Radio Vacanţa und war Koordinator des franzöischen Dienstes bei Radio Rumänien International. Zwei rumänische Staatschefs haben ihn im Laufe der Zeit mit dem Kultur-Verdienst-Orden und später mit dem Orden für treue Dienste ausgezeichnet. Paul Grigoriu hat die Geschichte der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalt stark geprägt. Er ist ebenfalls der Autor von zahlreichen Prosabänden und Literaturreportagen.

    Bukarest: In allen Eparchien der Rumänischen Orthodoxen Kirche im In-und Ausland finden am Wochenende Palmsonntagsprozessionen statt. In Bukarest zieht die Prozession vom Kloster Radu Vodă bis zum Patriarchat-Sitz. Der Palmsonntag erinnert die Christen an den Einzug von Jesus nach Jerusalem. Dort begrü‎ßten ihn die Menschen wie einen König und empfingen ihn mit Palmblättern. Am Palmsonntag, eine Woche vor dem Ostersonntag feiern rund 1,4 Millionen Rumänen, die Blumennamen und davon abgeleitete Namen tragen, ihren Namenstag. An demselben Tag feiern in Rumänen rund eine Millione Katholiken das Osterfest.

    Bukarest: Sieben ausländische Staatsangehörige sind als Anhänger der radikalen Ideen von Organisationen wie ISIS und Al-Qaeda aus Rumänien ausgewiesen worden. Diese befanden sich in Rumänien als Vertreter von Privatunternehmen und werden vom rumänischen Nachrichtendienst seit 2003 monitorisiert. Die Entscheidung wurde vom Oberlandesgericht Bukarest auf Antrag des Rumänischen Nachrichtendienstes SRI getroffen. Die Behörde hatte sich auf die Gefahr für die Landessicherheit berufen.

  • March 15, 2015

    March 15, 2015

    The Dutch Parliament does not support at the moment Romania’s Schengen accession, on grounds that Bucharest has not met all the original requirements for becoming an EU member. The statement was made by the Dutch Ambassador to Bucharest, Matthijs van Bonzel, in an interview to a private television station in Romania. He added that according to the Dutch Parliament, Romania joined the EU without meeting a number of key requirements concerning fields like legislation, the judicial system, efficiency and impartiality in law enforcement, and institutional corruption, and that the country is now catching up, reaching the level it should have reached in 2007. The Dutch diplomat added that there is a connection between the Schengen accession and compliance with the European standards.

    The Romanian Defence Minister, Mircea Duşa, will attend on Monday the Black Sea drills of the vessels in the Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG-2), which will be joined by two corvettes, two missile carriers and the “Marasesti” frigate, from the Romanian Naval Forces, and three aircraft of the Romanian Air Forces. SNMG-2 is one of the four multi-national naval groups of the North Atlantic Alliance. The group includes four frigates—from Canada, Turkey, Italy and Romania—an American cruiser (the flagship USS Vicksburg) and a tanker (FGS Spessart, from Germany). Meanwhile, armoured vehicles of the US Army will take part in an exercise on Romanian territory. On Saturday the vehicles reached the Mihail Kogalniceanu base in south-eastern Romania. The American troops will take part in joint exercises with their Romanian colleagues, the Defence Ministry in Bucharest announced.

    Romania continues to support the authorities of the neighbouring Republic of Moldova on their pro-European track, and tries to attract as many other EU member states in this process as possible. The Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu has made this statement today on the public radio station. He added that the government in Chisinau is complying with its commitment to carry on reform processes. Aurescu announced that on Monday in Brussels 26 EU foreign ministers take part in the 10th meeting of the “Moldova Friends Group.”

    Romania last year saw a 514-million euros surplus in farm products and food trade, up nearly 60% since 2013, the Romanian Agriculture Minister Daniel Constantin has told the Agerpres news agency today. According to him, 2014 is the second consecutive year with positive results in terms of the foodstuff trade. Last year Romania exported agricultural products and food worth a total 5.4 billion euros, 6% more than in 2013.

    The Vatican says a military intervention might be necessary in order to stop ISIS attacks on Christians and other ethnic or religious minorities. Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, the Ambassador of Vatican to the UN, accused the jihadist group of genocide, and said this must be ended. If political solutions fail, the Vatican supports military action against the IS, the Vatican official added, and emphasised that any coalition should include the Muslim countries in the Middle East. According to the BBC, the Vatican has traditionally opposed armed interventions in the Middle East, but Pope Francis has said the use of force is legitimate if aimed at stopping an aggressor.

    The Romanian/British pair Florin Mergea/Dominic Inglot has today qualified into the eighth-finals of the WTA tournament in Indian Wells, California, with over 5 million US dollars in prize money. Mergea/Inglot defeated Tommy Robredo and Viktor Troicki (Spain/Serbia). In the women’s singles, the Romanian Simona Halep, no 3 WTA, is playing tonight against Varvara Lepchenko (USA), 31st WTA, in the third round of the competition, while in the men’s singles the Romanian Victor Hanescu (no 146 ATP) is playing in the second round against no 33 ATP, Andreas Seppi. In the women’s doubles, Raluca Olaru from Romania and Olga Savciuk from Ukraine are playing today in the eighth-finals against Caroline Garcia (France) / Katarina Srebotnik (Slovenia), while Monica Niculescu (Romania) / Alexandra Panova (Russia) will be meeting Lisa Raymond (USA) / Samantha Stosur (Australia).

  • Governing and Human Rights

    Governing and Human Rights

    Human Rights Watch has published its annual report, which states that “human rights violations played an important role in fomenting and aggravating” some of the current crises. The organization warns that when taking measures for fighting terrorism and increasing security, governments should not ignore human rights. The report was presented in Beirut by the executive director of the organization, Kenneth Roth; it is 656 pages long, looking at human rights in over 90 countries.

    The report shows that the rise of the self-proclaimed Islamic State is among the global challenges that resulted right away in human rights abuses. According to the report, “ISIS did not emerge in a vacuum. In part it is a product of the United States-led war and military occupation of Iraq that began in 2003, which produced, among other things, a security vacuum. More recently, the sectarian policies of the Iraqi and Syrian governments, and international indifference to those governments’ serious rights abuses, have been important factors”. Over 200,000 people have been killed in the four years of conflict in Syria, and, according to the document, the United States and its allies have allowed their military operations against ISIS to overshadow efforts aimed at forcing the Assad regime to end abuses.

    According to the document, many countries, among them Nigeria, Kenya, Egypt and China, have responded to real or presumed terrorist threats with abusive policies that have resulted in crises. Also, the report warns that there is a danger in France for the government’s reaction to the Charlie Hebdo attacks, namely using anti-terrorist legislation to indict free speech that does not incite to violence, to squash freedom of expression and encourage other governments to use such legislation against its opponents.

    In its over 600 pages, HRW details human rights violations in all regions of the world where conflicts are underway, and analyses the causes of major crises affecting millions. The head of the organization says that what was once the Arab Spring has degenerated into conflict and repression, Islamists are committing mass murder in the Middle East, parts of Asia and Africa, while in Ukraine the seeds of a new Cold War have started to emerge, and a civilian airliner has been shot our of the sky.

    Sometimes it seems that the world is on the verge of unravelling, says Kenneth Roth. Based on developments in 2014, he believes that “Many governments have responded to the turmoil by downplaying or abandoning human rights. Some of these governments continue to raise human rights concerns, but many appear to have concluded that today’s serious security threats must take precedence over human rights. In this difficult moment, they seem to argue, human rights must be put on the back burner, a luxury for less trying times. That subordination of human rights is not only wrong, but also shortsighted and counterproductive.”

    As for the eastern Ukraine situation, the report says that civilians bore the brunt of it, and notes the abuses committed by both sides in the conflict. It also points out that the attention grabbed by these events overshadowed the abuses committed by Russia in Crimea, which it took over in 2014, and where the local Tartars, anti-annexation militants and the free press became targets for Russian paramilitary groups.

    For Romania, as NATO eastern flank country, the consolidation of this flank is an absolute priority at this time, according to the Romanian authorities. Recently, at the GLOBSEC debate on strategic topics in Bratislava, Romanian foreign minister Bogdan Aurescu spoke about the crisis without precedent since WWII, which started last year, in defiance of fundamental international law, and pleaded for a common front in the face of the Ukrainian crisis. In spite of the cease-fire agreements, the conflict continues to produce victims, and future developments are murky. In an interview with Radio Romania, professor Iulian Fota, a former presidential security adviser, talked about the possible impact on Romania of an open conflict so close to its borders:

    Iulian Fota: “Our security situation is questioned by the events in Ukraine, as it was by the 2008 Georgia conflict. This Ukrainian crisis and the conflict in the east, as well as the illegal annexation of Crimea, only enhance these uncertainties and worries. The question for us is what to do in this situation. We have no control over the international situation, we are too small a country, but we do have control over our own situation. Hence my message: Romania’s best reaction in a crisis like this is to put our country in order.” Iulian Fota explains that, quote “we don’t know what the future will bring, and I hope we won’t be in the situation we’ve been at other times in our history, such as in 1940, when we were basically given a pop quiz, we had to hand over national territories within 48 hours, and were incapable of reacting.”

  • România nu va trimite trupe împotriva Statului Islamic

    România nu va trimite trupe împotriva Statului Islamic

    România va asigura sprijin logistic şi nu va trimite trupe pentru acţiunea împotriva Statului Islamic. Anunţul a fost făcut de premierul Victor Ponta în cadrul Adunării Generale a ONU de la New York:

    În ceea ce priveşte coaliţia internaţională de combatere a organizaţiei teroriste Statul Islamic, am anunţat foarte clar după ce m-am sfătuit cu ministrul de Externe, cu ministrul Apărării, că România va participa la coaliţia internaţională, nu cu trupe de teren, dar cu tot ce înseamnă sprijin logistic, operaţional şi umanitar”

    Şeful executivului de la Bucureşti a adăugat că România va sprijini lupta împotriva terorismului, oriunde apare acesta şi că mişcările extermiste ale ISIS au in impact asupra tuturor statelor:

    Proliferarea mişcărilor islamice radicale şi apariţia unor grupuri noi precum ISIS conduc la ameninţări teroriste. Ele reprezintă un nou tip de terorism care ameninţă sa destabilizeze întreg Orientul Mijlociu şi lumea întreagă”, a spus Victor Ponta.