Tag: Israel

  • Nachrichten 30.11.2023

    Nachrichten 30.11.2023

    Die Christen feiern am Donnerstag den heiligen Apostel Andreas, den geistigen Schutzpatron Rumäniens. Es ist historisch belegt, dass er das Christentum bei den Skythen, einem Volk am nördlichen und westlichen Schwarzen Meer, verbreitet hat. Daraus lässt sich schließen, dass der heilige Andreas auch das Gebiet der heutigen Dobrudscha erreichte, wo er Priester und Bischöfe weihte. Sie überbrachten die christliche Botschaft auch der dakischen Bevölkerung zwischen der Donau und den Karpaten. Aus diesem Grund gilt der Heilige Andreas als geistiger Schutzpatron Rumäniens. Er starb als Märtyrer in der griechischen Stadt Patras, gekreuzigt an einem X-förmigen Kreuz.

    Der neue Chef des Verteidigungsstabs ist Generalleutnant Gheorghiță Vlad. Am Donnerstag sagte Präsident Klaus Iohannis bei der Vereidigung, dass er für die Fortsetzung des Prozesses der Anpassung der Armee an neue Herausforderungen und die Aufrechterhaltung eines hohen Niveaus der Kampfbereitschaft der Streitkräfte verantwortlich sei. Es sei ein entschlosseneres Vorgehen erforderlich, um die nationale Verteidigungsindustrie wiederzubeleben, auch durch industrielle Zusammenarbeit, damit mehr der benötigten Munition und Technologie im Lande hergestellt werden könne. Zusammen mit einem hohen Niveau der militärischen Ausbildung wird dies eine starke und glaubwürdige Verteidigungsfähigkeit gewährleisten, die den neuen sicherheitspolitischen Herausforderungen gerecht wird, betonte der Staatspräsident.

    Die rumänische Außenministerin Luminița Odobescu nahm am Mittwoch am informellen Abendessen der Staaten der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) in Skopje teil, das am Rande des vom Amtierenden Vorsitz Nordmazedonien organisierten Ministerrats stattfand. Das Thema der Diskussion lautete Russlands Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine und die Notwendigkeit einer funktionierenden Organisation in Zeiten des Konflikts. In ihrer Rede hob die Leiterin der Diplomatie in Bukarest die schwierigen Umstände hervor, unter denen die OSZE angesichts der ungerechtfertigten und unprovozierten militärischen Aggression Russlands gegen die Ukraine tätig ist. Sie bekräftigte auch die Solidarität Rumäniens mit dem ukrainischen Volk und unterstrich die multidimensionale Unterstützung für den ukrainischen Staat. Luminița Odobescu wies auf die negativen Auswirkungen der russischen Militäraggression gegen die Ukraine auf die Republik Moldau hin. Sie wies auf die schwierige sozioökonomische Lage hin, in der sich die Republik Moldau infolge der verschiedenen Druckmittel Russlands befindet, sowie auf die Bedeutung dieses Staates für die Sicherheitsdynamik in der Region.

    Vier F-16 der türkischen Luftwaffe sind in Rumänien gelandet, um unter dem Kommando der NATO verstärkte luftpolizeiliche Einsätze durchzuführen, so das Verteidigungsministerium am Donnerstag. Die gemeinsamen Luftpolizeieinsätze tragen zur Entwicklung von Reaktions- und Abschreckungsfähigkeiten und zur Stärkung der Interoperabilität zwischen den rumänischen und den türkischen Luftstreitkräften bei, so die Quelle.

    In Rumänien wird das Pfand-Rückgabe-System ab Donnerstag in Betrieb gesetzt. Rumänien wird nach Deutschland das zweitgrößte System dieser Art in Europa haben, was die Zahl der bearbeiteten Verpackungen angeht. Rumänen, die beim Kauf eines in Flaschen abgefüllten Getränks im Einzelhandel eine Garantie in Höhe von 50 Bani (10 Eurocent) zahlen, können die Verpackung an einer der von den Einzelhändlern eingerichteten Rückgabestellen zurückgeben, wo sie an Ort und Stelle den ursprünglich gezahlten Garantiebetrag erhalten, ohne dass sie den Kassenbon vorlegen müssen. Die Garantieverpackungen werden schrittweise auf den Markt gebracht, und zwar als Übergangszeit, bis die Bestände der bereits im Regal befindlichen Produkte erschöpft sind.

    Bei einem Schusswechsel zwischen zwei Palästinensern im Westen Jerusalems zur Hauptverkehrszeit wurden drei Menschen getötet und sieben weitere verletzt, vier von ihnen befinden sich in ernstem Zustand. Der Anschlag ereignete sich zu einem Zeitpunkt, als die Waffenruhe zwischen Israel und den Hamas-Terroristen für einen siebten Tag verlängert wurde, um den Austausch von israelischen Geiseln gegen palästinensische Gefangene fortzusetzen. Nach Angaben des Korrespondenten von Radio Rumänien Actualitati wurden die Angreifer als Hamas-Anhänger und ehemalige Insassen israelischer Gefängnisse identifiziert. Was die neue Waffenruhe zwischen Israel und der Hamas betrifft, so stehen nur acht Kinder auf der überarbeiteten Liste der freizulassenden Geiseln. Die Hamas begründete die geringere Zahl damit, dass die beiden israelischen Bürger, ein Russe und ein Italiener, die gestern als Geste des guten Willens gegenüber dem russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin freigelassen wurden, ebenfalls auf der postfaktischen Liste stehen.

  • November 30, 2023

    November 30, 2023

    DEFENCE Romania’s new Army Chief of Staff is the general lieutenant
    Gheorghiţă Vlad. At the swearing in ceremony on Thursday, president Klaus
    Iohannis said Vlad was entrusted with the responsibility of carrying on the
    Army’s process of adapting to new challenges and of maintaining a high level of
    battle training for the troops. We need more determined measures to re-launch
    the national defence industry, the president also said, including though
    industrial cooperation, so that a larger share of the ammunition and equipment
    we need to be produced domestically. This and the high level of military
    training, will ensure a strong and credible defence capacity, adapted to the
    new security challenges, the head of state added.

    Romania, the deposit and return scheme for beverage containers became
    operational on Thursday. Romania will run the second-largest programme of this
    kind in Europe, after the one in Germany, in terms of the number of containes
    processed. Romanians who pay a 10-Eurocent deposit on purchasing bottled
    beverages from retailers will be able to return the container to drop-off
    centres organised by retailers, and will be refunded their deposits without
    having to produce the receipt for the original purchase. Deposit-carrying
    containers will be introduced gradually, with a transition period until current
    stocks in shops are sold out.

    Romanian foreign minister Luminiţa Odobescu took part on Wednesday in an
    informal dinner ahead of the OSCE ministerial council in Skopje, organised by
    the rotating chairmanship holder, North Macedonia. Talks focused on Russia’s
    war of aggression against Ukraine and the need for an efficient OSCE in times
    of conflict. In her address, the Romanian diplomat emphasised the difficult
    circumstances in which the Organisation operates, in the context of Russia’s
    unjustified and unprovoked military aggression against Ukraine. She also
    reiterated Romania’s solidarity with the Ukrainian people, emphasising the
    multi-dimensional support given to Ukraine. Luminiţa Odobescu also highlighted
    the negative impact on the Republic of Moldova, the social and economic
    difficulties facing Moldova as a result of Russia’s various pressures, as well
    as the relevance of Moldova in the security dynamics of the region.

    former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger, who played a major role in shaping
    the US foreign policy under presidents Nixon and Ford, died on Wednesday aged
    100, the BBC announced. Kissinger was a national security adviser and a state
    secretary between 1969 and 1977, during which the US ended its involvement in
    the Vietnam War, opened its relations with China and saw the end of hostilities
    in the wake of the 1973 Yom Kippur War in the Middle East. He won the Nobel
    Peace Prize, although his opponents claiming his role in bombing Cambodia and Laos
    amounted to war crime. He pioneered the concept of Realpolitik, which values
    pragmatism in international relations, the BBC also said.

    HOLIDAY Christians
    celebrate today Andrew the Apostle, the patron saint of Romania. Historical records
    indicate that Saint Andrew preached in Scythia, in the north and west of the
    Black Sea, including present-day Dobrudja, where he ordained priests and
    bishops who took the word of Christ to the Dacian population between the Danube
    and the Carpatians. As such, he is recognised as the patron saint of Romania. He
    was martyred by crucifixion in the city of Patras, in Greece.

    ISRAEL An attack
    by 2 Palestinians in western Jerusalem at rush hour killed 3 people and wounded
    7 others, 4 of whom are in a serious condition. The attack took place as the
    truce between Israel and Hamas was renewed for the 7th consecutive
    day, in order to carry on the exchange of Israeli hostages and Palestinian
    prisoners. According to Radio Romania’s correspondent, the attackers were
    identified as Hamas supporters and had been formerly imprisoned in Israel. As
    for the new ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, the revised list of hostages to
    be freed only includes 8 children. Hamas explained that this was because of the
    2 Israelis with dual, Russian and Italian citizenship, who were released
    yesterday in a show of goodwill towards the Russian president Vladimir Putin. (AMP)

  • November 22, 2023 UPDATE

    November 22, 2023 UPDATE

    VISIT The president of Romania
    Klaus Iohannis Wednesday visited the UNESCO Heritage-listed Island
    of Gorée in Senegal, and had talks with the officials of the House of Slaves,
    now a museum. Mr. Iohannis said that Romania
    will support the efforts of Senegal’s Association for the Protection of Children
    with Mental Disabilities to ensure a better life for these children. On
    Thursday the Romanian official is to be received by his counterpart Macky Sall.
    Thursday’s agenda also includes participation in the opening of the United Nations
    House in Senegal, the opening of a traditional mask exhibition and a meeting
    with Senegalese experts who have studied in Romania. Senegal concludes the
    Romanian president’s 10-day tour in Africa, which also included Kenya, Tanzania
    and Cabo Verde.

    MILITARY Eurofighter aircraft
    from Germany arrived in Romania on Wednesday, at the Mihail Kogalniceanu air base
    in the south-east of the country, in an enhanced air policing mission (Air
    Policing South), the German Embassy in Bucharest announced. In the previous
    weeks, large-scale preparations were conducted for the deployment of the German
    contingent of 150 troops. Four Eurofighter jets will be operational as of
    November 27, strengthening the air defence of NATO’s south-eastern flank.

    Gaudeamus Radio Romania International Book Fair opened its doors in Bucharest
    on Wednesday. It is one of the most eagerly awaited cultural events of the fall,
    reaching its 30th edition. Until Sunday, more than 500 releases and editorial
    events will take place at the fair. The longest-running book fair in the
    country gathers this year almost 200 participants, mainly publishing houses,
    but also educational, cultural and press institutions.

    ISRAEL The European Union, the US and Russia
    welcomed the deal for the release of 50 hostages held in Gaza, over a four-day
    ceasefire. The president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen said
    the Commission would use the truce to send as much humanitarian aid as possible
    to the Palestinian population in Gaza. In turn, the EU foreign policy chief,
    Josep Borrell, spoke about the European bloc’s willingness to get involved in finding
    a long-term solution to the conflict through the creation of a Palestinian
    state. The Palestinian Islamist group Hamas and the Israeli government have
    agreed on a 4-day ceasefire in Gaza and the release of 50 Israeli women and
    children in exchange for 150 Palestinian prisoners. The deal was brokered by Qatar.
    Hamas took around 240 hostages, including children and old people, during its
    attack on Israel in which another 1,200 people were killed according to Israeli
    sources. In turn, Hamas reported at least 13,300 Palestinians were killed in
    subsequent air strikes and the invasion of Gaza by the Israeli forces.

    BUDGET The 2024 EU budget was endorsed by the European Parliament convened
    in Strasbourg on Wednesday. The chief negotiator was the Romanian MEP Siegfried
    Mureşan. The EU budget currently stands at EUR 189 bln. According to Siegfried
    Mureşan, there are enough resources now to finance the European Union’s
    traditional priorities, such as the cohesion policy and the common agricultural
    policy. In these areas, Romania receives most of its non-reimbursable
    allocations. (AMP)

  • November 21, 2023 UPDATE

    November 21, 2023 UPDATE

    Investments — The European Commission has approved the modification of Romanias National Recovery and Resilience Plan, the Ministry of Investments and European Projects announced on Tuesday in Bucharest. According to the line minister, Adrian Câciu, the modified form no longer includes the limitation of 9.4% of the gross domestic product for the expenses of the public pension system. The elimination of this ceiling was also announced by the PM Marcel Ciolacu. On the other hand, Romanias modified plan attaches great importance to the green transition, allocating over 44% of the funds, compared to 41% in the original plan, for measures that support climate objectives. Also, the allocation of funds for the country’s digital transition increases from 20.5% to 21.8%. At the beginning of December, the revised form of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan will be approved at the meeting of European finance ministers, and then a new implementation decision will be issued by the Council of the European Union.

    Israel — The Romanian senators and deputies watched on Tuesday, during a joint plenary session, a film made available by the Israeli armed forces regarding the attacks of the Hamas group on October 7. The images were unedited and several parliamentarians left the room, declaring themselves shocked by the atrocities committed against the civilian population in Israel. At the end of the meeting, which was secret, without access for the media, the Israeli ambassador in Bucharest, Reuven Azar, declared that his country had the duty to eradicate all the military capabilities of the Hamas group and to ensure that this terrorist organization will no longer represent a future threat. He once again thanked the Romanian Parliament, which was the first in the world to unanimously adopt a resolution condemning Hamas and reiterating support for Israels right to defend itself.

    Tour — Romania’s president, Klaus Iohannis, is on an official visit to Senegal, the last stage of his African tour. He visited, in Dakar, the Senegalese Association for the Protection of Children with Mental Deficiencies, which will receive support from Romania. On Wednesday, President Iohannis will go to the island of Gorée, a UNESCO heritage site and former outpost of the slave trade, where he will meet with local officials. According to Radio Romania’s correspondent, the presidents official talks with his counterpart, Macky Sall, will take place on Thursday, when a series of official documents will be signed. Also on Thursday, Iohannis will participate in the inauguration of the United Nations House in Senegal and in the opening of an exhibition of traditional masks. He will also have a meeting with former students from Senegal who studied in Romania. The previous stages of the ten-day African tour of the Romanian presidential couple were Kenya, Tanzania and Cape Verde.

    Gaudeamus – The Gaudeamus International Book Fair, organized by Radio Romania, begins in Bucharest on Wednesday. The event marks 95 years since Radio Romania’s first broadcast, 30 editions of the Gaudeamus Book Fair in Bucharest and over 140 national and local editions. Some 200 participants will organize more than 500 events as part of this years fair, which will come to an end on November 26. (LS, AMP)

  • Nachrichten 21.11.2023

    Nachrichten 21.11.2023

    Der rumänische Präsident Klaus Iohannis beginnt heute einen offiziellen Besuch im Senegal, der letzten Etappe seiner Afrikareise. Auf dem Tagesprogramm steht ein Besuch bei der senegalesischen Vereinigung zum Schutz von Kindern mit geistigen Behinderungen in Dakar. Am Mittwoch reist Präsident Iohannis auf die Insel Gorée, die zum UNESCO-Kulturerbe gehört und früher ein Vorposten des Sklavenhandels war, und trifft dort mit lokalen Beamten zusammen. Nach Angaben des rumänischen Rundfunks finden die offiziellen Gespräche des Präsidenten mit seinem Amtskollegen Macky Sall am Donnerstag statt, bei denen auch eine Reihe offizieller Dokumente unterzeichnet werden soll. Ebenfalls am Donnerstag wird Iohannis an der Einweihung des Hauses der Vereinten Nationen in Senegal und an der Eröffnung einer Ausstellung traditioneller Masken teilnehmen. Außerdem wird er sich mit ehemaligen senegalesischen Studenten treffen, die in Rumänien studiert haben. Bisherige Stationen der zehntägigen Afrikareise des rumänischen Präsidentenpaares waren Kenia, Tansania und die Kapverden.

    Der Entwurf des neuen Rentengesetzes passierte am Montag die Abgeordnetenkammer in Bukarest, die in diesem Fall das Entscheidungsgremium ist. Das Dokument, das Anfang nächsten Jahres in Kraft treten soll, sieht eine Erhöhung des Rentenpunktes um 13,8 % ab dem 1. Januar vor, wobei eine weitere Erhöhung ab dem 1. September in Kraft treten soll. Die Opposition ist der Ansicht, dass das Gesetz eine neue Reihe von Ungerechtigkeiten für einige soziale Kategorien schafft und dass die versprochenen Erhöhungen keine Finanzierungsquelle haben. Der Entwurf kann zwei Tage lang vor dem Verfassungsgericht angefochten werden, danach wird er dem Präsidenten zur Verkündung vorgelegt. Mehr dazu nach den Nachrichten.

    Es wird erwartet, dass die Anführer der Regierungskoalition aus PSD und PNL heute eine neue Diskussion über den Entwurf des Staatshaushalts für das kommende Jahr führen, der bis zum 10. Dezember verabschiedet werden muss. Regierungskreisen zufolge plant der Chef der Exekutive, der Sozialdemokrat Marcel Ciolacu, eine Änderung der Art und Weise, wie die Haushaltsmittel den Ministerien zugewiesen werden, indem die Zuweisungen nach Programmen und Projekten erfolgen sollen. Dieselben Quellen sagen, dass auf der Koalitionssitzung auch ein Wechsel in der Leitung der dem Finanzministerium unterstellten Behörden erörtert werden soll, mit Ausnahme der (Steuerbehörde)ANAF, für die dieses Jahr ein neuer Präsident ernannt wurde. Nach den Entlassungen erwägt der Premierminister auch eine Umstrukturierung dieser Strukturen, da er mit deren Arbeitsweise unzufrieden ist. Ebenfalls heute findet ein Treffen zwischen Vertretern der Regierung und der Gewerkschaften und Arbeitgeber im Dreierrat statt. Laut Florin Jianu, dem Vorsitzenden des rumänischen KMU-Verbands, werden die Gewerkschaften voraussichtlich eine Erhöhung des Mindestlohns ab dem 1. Januar 2024 fordern. Er argumentiert, dass das Geschäftsumfeld eine erneute Erhöhung des Mindestlohns nicht mehr unterstützen kann, nachdem dieser am 1. Oktober um 10 % von 3.000 Lei (entspricht etwa 600 €) auf 3.300 Lei brutto pro Monat angehoben wurde.

    Der Senat und die Abgeordnetenkammer in Bukarest werden heute eine geheime Sitzung über die jüngsten Entwicklungen und die Lage in Israel abhalten, so hat die Parlamentsleitung beschlossen. Die gemeinsame Sitzung wurde von Silviu Wexler, dem Abgeordneten der jüdischen Gemeinde in Rumänien, vorgeschlagen. Gezeigt werden soll ein Film der israelischen Armee, der nach Angaben des Abgeordneten sensible Bilder zeigt. Die Sitzung wird für die Presse geschlossen, und die Teilnehmer dürfen weder fotografieren noch Audio- oder Videoaufnahmen machen oder die Sitzung live übertragen. Die palästinensische islamistische Bewegung Hamas hat während des Angriffs vom 7. Oktober im Süden Israels, bei dem 1.200 Menschen getötet wurden, etwa 240 Geiseln in den Gaza-Streifen gebracht. Der Gegenangriff der israelischen Armee hat im Gazastreifen zu mehr als 12.000 Toten geführt, darunter 5.000 Kinder.

  • Ariadna Petri din Germania

    Ariadna Petri din Germania

    Ploieşteanca Ariadna Petri, care a trăit, studiat sau lucrat în România, Marea Britanie, Spania, Israel ori Palestina, cu un doctorat la Universitatea Complutense din Madrid, Spania, pe tema negocierilor de pace informale dintre palestinieni şi israelieni, în prezent, lector şi cercetătoare în ştiinţe sociale, în studii de pace şi conflict, la Universitatea Philipps din Marburg, Germania.

  • November 21, 2023

    November 21, 2023

    VISIT The president of Romania Klaus Iohannis today starts an official visit to Senegal, the last stage of his African tour. The agenda includes, among other things, a visit to the Senegalese association for the protection of children with mental disabilities, based in Dakar, a visit to the UNESCO Heritage-listed island of Gorée on Wednesday, and official talks with Senegals president Macky Sall on Thursday. President Iohannis African tour also included visits to Kenya, Tanzania and Cabo Verde.

    BUDGET The leaders of the Social Democratic Party and of the National Liberal Party in Romanias ruling coalition are holding talks today on the 2024 state budget law, which should be endorsed by December 10. According to government sources, the PM Marcel Ciolacu intends to adjust the method of earmarking ministry budgets, with appropriations granted based on programmes and projects. The participants will also discuss the replacement of the directors of agencies subordinated to the finance ministry, except for the Fiscal Administration Agency, and the reorganisation of these agencies in order to improve their operation. Also today, a meeting is scheduled between government officials, trade unions and employers associations. The head of the Romanian SME Association, Florin Jianu, says unions are expected to demand an increase of minimum wages as of January 1, 2024, but he says the business environment is unable to cope with a new increase after the one operated in October.

    ISRAEL The Senate and Chamber of Deputies are holding a secret meeting today, focusing on recent developments and the situation in Israel. The joint meeting was suggested by the MP representing the Jewish community in Romania, Silviu Vexler. Journalists are denied access to the meeting, and audio and video recording or live posts are prohibited.

    FAIR The Gaudeamus International Book Fair, organised by Radio Romania, begins in Bucharest on Wednesday. The event marks 95 years since the first broadcast of Radio Romania, 30 editions of the Gaudeamus Book Fair in Bucharest and over 140 national and local editions. Some 200 participants will organise more than 500 events as part of this years fair, which will come to an end on November 26. (AMP)

  • Ce înţelegem din ce nu se vede

    Ce înţelegem din ce nu se vede

    În Ucraina continuă luptele. Sunt oprite pe rând ba ofensiva ucraineană, ba cea rusească. După lupte și pierderi semnificative, beligeranții revin la pozițiile anterioare. Este definiția clasică a războiului de poziții, a luptei încremenite în pământ dar cu foc și sânge curgând peste tot.

    În Israel, al doilea război al momentului, peste 200 de cetățeni răpiți la 7 octombrie rămân în mâinile teroriștilor. În același timp, armata israeliană și-a continuat acțiunea în Gaza, a înconjurat un spital sub care ni s-a spus ca se află un întreg orășel subteran, construit de Hamas. Luptele continuă și aici. Oricine ar fi presupus că așa se va întâmpla: atacul din 7 octombrie al militanților veniți din Gaza avea să fie urmat de acțiunea armatei israeliene, pentru care răzbunarea este cea mai puțin importantă intenție. Soldații statului atacat vor să-i salveze pe cei răpiți și să-i distrugă pe atacatori. Populația civilă, neimplicată în atacul declanșator al războiului, a fost sfătuită insistent să plece spre sudul Fâșiei Gaza.

    În sud se află o țară arabă, Egiptul, care nu vrea însă nici să-și ia responsabilitatea primirii pe teritoriul său a unor refugiați care ar putea ascunde militanți periculoși, nici să importe fenomene care i-ar afecta activitatea turistică intensă. Nu se vede, dar se înțelege. Israelul nu vrea să scape din mână acest exod, fiind pe urmele celor care au semănat moartea la 7 octombrie. Și nici să riște introducerea unor arme clandestin, printre ajutoarele umanitare atât de necesare în Gaza.

    Dacă Israelul le cere civililor palestinieni să plece în sud, militanții nu îi lasă, nefiind nicio îndoială că se ascund în spatele lor sau printre ei. În lumina frontului, așa se văd lucrurile. Dar peste tot se vorbește, nu de cei 200 de ostateci, de fapt, persoane răpite, ci de ecuația mai amplă, mai largă, care ar explica și ce se întâmplă acum, și ce se va întâmpla în lume. Se spune că nu este pentru oricine, aceste ecuații speciale nu sunt la înțelegerea oricărui om de pe pământ.

    În valuri consecutive, explicația implică statele vecine, apoi vecini indirecți, se duc spre bazele militare și drumuri comerciale anterioare. Se ajunge până în Rusia și China, cei doi poli care își revendică un loc esențial, dacă nu bipolar, în viitorul planetei. În prezent, acest rol este doar antiamerican, dar se lucrează la o coaliție internațională care să funcționeze cât mai eficient și în mai multe domenii. Mult entuziasm s-a cheltuit la lansarea acestei alianțe de tip tiermondist, dar calculele reale ale situației existente îi îndeamnă la precauție pe cei care ar fi trebuit să evolueze în siajul axei Beijing-Moscova.

    Atracțiile rămân tot în lumea occidentală, și știu asta și oligarhii ruși sau puternicii politicieni care și-au trimis familiile acolo, cu tot cu diferitele agoniseli. O știu și oamenii din China, și din Iran, și din Brazilia, și din Africa de Sud, ce nu par dispuși să treacă la războaie economice și să-și reducă semnificativ nivelul de lux și trai. În ultimul timp, atracția strălucitoare a noilor centri internaționali de putere a început să genereze teamă și reținere. Mișcarea migraționistă vizează în continuare Europa și SUA. Nimeni nu se refugiază în Rusia sau China, ci dimpotrivă, de acolo se pleacă.

    Promisiunile belicoase au pălit sub presiunea preocupărilor de zi cu zi, schimbările esențiale în echilibrul politic internațional se amână sau se anulează în liniște, fără zgomotul sau emfaza de la început. Asta ar fi trebuit să vedem, o acțiune unită a noilor poli de putere, care ar fi crescut vertiginos în greutate și importanță, suficient să nu mai țină cont de legile și principiile conviețuirii internaționale fără război. Fără îndoială, oamenii merg spre democrație, vor lideri aleși, vor să controleze puterea politică, și nu invers, vor acces la un nivel de viață din ce în ce mai bun și mai modern, vor libertate de exprimare, de opinie, de alegere.

    Dictatura nu mai este compatibilă cu societatea omenească de secol XXI. Accesul la informație și comunicarea sunt rapide și ieftine, manipularea de orice fel pierde din eficiență, oamenii vor să fie stăpâni pe propria viață, vor ca viața lor și a semenilor lor să fie respectată și ocrotită de cei care au puterea.

  • November 18, 2023 UPDATE

    November 18, 2023 UPDATE

    VISIT President Klaus Iohannis is in Tanzania, the second stage of
    his African tour which also included Kenya and will take him to the Republic of
    Cabo Verde and Senegal. During talks with top level officials, president Iohannis
    presents Romania’s outlook on reviving its relations with African countries,
    based on the recently adopted national strategy for Africa. On the other hand, the
    Romanian official also set out to present Bucharest’s views on regional and
    international security, given the country’s proximity to Ukraine. We discussed
    ways to manage the multiple consequences of the war, including in terms of
    ensuring the food security of countries in Africa, Mr. Iohannis said after the
    talks with the president of Tanzania, Samia Hassan. I have presented the
    comprehensive political, diplomatic, logistical and administrative measures
    taken by Romania to facilitate Ukrainian grain exports, including to the
    countries in Africa, he added. Klaus Iohannis is to travel on Monday to Cabo
    Verde, to meet with his counterpart José Maria Neves.

    ISRAEL We agree on the principle of
    no forced displacement of Palestinians and a political horizon based on a
    two-state solution, the European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen
    said at the end of a meeting with the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi
    in Cairo on Saturday. In turn, the EU diplomacy chief Josep Borrell said in a
    conference at Manama on Saturday that the Palestinian Authority is the only one
    that could govern Gaza after the war between Israel and Hamas. News agencies
    mention that a week ago the Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu raised fresh concerns
    with respect to the future of Gaza, stating that the Palestinian Authority in
    its current form should not be taking control of the enclave. The German
    chancellor Olaf Scholz and Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, meeting in
    Berlin, voiced their strong disagreement with the war in Gaza. Both Germany and
    Turkey are worried about the suffering of the Palestinian people, but while Scholz
    spoke about the need for humanitarian pauses in order to provide aid, Erdogan called
    for a ceasefire, an option rejected by Israel. On site, Palestinian medical
    sources announced that scores of people were killed or wounded on Saturday in Khan
    Yunis, in the south of the Gaza Strip, following Israeli air strikes. On Friday
    Israel had announced it would expand military operations in the south, after handing
    out fliers in Khan Yunis the previous day asking civilians to head for the tent
    camps on the sea coast in order to avoid the massive shelling planned by the
    army. Israel’s ex-PM Ehud Olmert told Euronews that the Hamas underground
    command centre was in Khan Yunis, and not at the Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.

    TERRORISM A young Romanian national
    from Braşov (central Romania) has been taken into custody for promoting
    terrorist propaganda materials, the Directorate Investigating Organised Crime
    and Terrorism Offences announced. The young man praised terrorist organisations
    from the Middle East on his social media account, and posted instructions for
    the production and use of firearms and explosives.

    CHRISTMAS In the city of Craiova, southern
    Romania, hundreds of people witnessed the nearly 2 million lights of the local
    Christmas Fair being turned on Friday night. This year’s fair is themed around
    the Andersen’s fairy tale The Snow Queen, and all the decorations are white
    and turquoise. A giant Christmas tree, a 40m tall merry-go-round and a skating
    rink are the main attractions. Concerts and creative workshops will also be
    held here until the 2nd of January. Sibiu, in central Romania, also
    opened its Christmas Fair in the city’s main square. For the first time this
    year, the Fair includes the courtyard of the Brukenthal Palace, a historical
    monument built between 1778 and 1788.

    AMBASSADOR The foreign minister Luminiţa
    Odobescu Friday received the new British Ambassador to Romania, Giles Portman. On
    this occasion, Mrs. Odobescu highlighted the important role of bilateral
    cooperation in defence and security and the significant potential in the field
    of trade and investments, as well as the substantial contribution of the 1.2
    million Romanians living in UK to strengthening the ties between the two
    countries. In 2024 Romania will host the second Romania-UK Bilateral Forum,
    after the first edition of the event held this March in London. (AMP)

  • Nachrichten 18.11.2023

    Nachrichten 18.11.2023

    Bukarest: Der rumänische Wetterdienst hat für den grö‎ßten Teil des Landes Warnungen vor Wind, starkem Schneefall und Schneestürmen ausgegeben. Im Osten des Landes und in den Bergen gilt bis Sonntagmorgen Alarmstufe Gelb. Mehrere Hochwasserwarnungen betreffen Flüsse in den meisten Teilen des Landes. Die Höchstwerte liegen heute zwischen 2 und 11 Grad Celsius, in Bukarest wurden am Mittag 8 Grad Celsius gemessen.

    Bukarest: Ein junger rumänischer Staatsangehöriger aus Braşov (Zentralrumänien) wurde wegen der Verbreitung von terroristischem Propagandamaterial in Gewahrsam genommen, teilte die Direktion für die Untersuchung von Straftaten im Bereich der organisierten Kriminalität und des Terrorismus mit. Der junge Mann lobte auf seinem Social-Media-Konto terroristische Organisationen aus dem Nahen Osten und postete Anleitungen für die Herstellung und den Gebrauch von Schusswaffen und Sprengstoff.

    Tel Aviv: Palästinensische medizinische Quellen haben bekanntgegeben, dass heute in Khan Yunis, im Süden des Gazastreifens, nach israelischen Luftangriffen zahlreiche Menschen getötet oder verletzt wurden. Am Freitag hatte Israel angekündigt, seine Militäroperationen im Süden auszuweiten, nachdem es am Vortag in Khan Yunis Flugblätter verteilt hatte, in denen die Zivilbevölkerung aufgefordert wurde, sich in die Zeltlager an der Meeresküste zu begeben, um den von der Armee geplanten massiven Beschuss zu vermeiden. Israels ehemaliger Premierminister Ehud Olmert sagte in einem Interview mit Euronews, dass sich die unterirdische Kommandozentrale der Hamas in Khan Yunis und nicht im Shifa-Krankenhaus in Gaza-Stadt befinde. Wie der Vatikan mitteilte, wird sich Papst Franziskus am Mittwoch mit den Familien der israelischen Geiseln im Gazastreifen und mit Angehörigen der dort lebenden Palästinenser treffen. Der Papst sagte zuvor, dass “jeder Mensch, egal welchen Volkes oder welcher Religion, jeder Mensch heilig ist, in den Augen Gottes wertvoll ist und das Recht hat, in Frieden zu leben”.

    Bukarest: Au‎ßenministerin Luminiţa Odobescu hat am Freitag den neuen britischen Botschafter in Rumänien, Giles Portman, empfangen. Bei dieser Gelegenheit hob Odobescu die wichtige Rolle der bilateralen Zusammenarbeit in den Bereichen Verteidigung und Sicherheit sowie das bedeutende Potenzial im Bereich Handel und Investitionen hervor und verwies auf den wesentlichen Beitrag der 1,2 Millionen in Gro‎ßbritannien lebenden Rumänen zur Stärkung der Beziehungen zwischen den beiden Ländern. Im Jahr 2024 wird Rumänien das zweite bilaterale Forum zwischen Rumänien und Gro‎ßbritannien ausrichten, nachdem die erste Veranstaltung im März dieses Jahres in London stattgefunden hat.

  • November 18, 2023

    November 18, 2023

    WEATHER The National Meteorology Agency issued code yellow and
    orange alerts for wind, heavy snow fall and snow storms valid in most of
    Romania. A code yellow alert is in place until Sunday morning in the eastern
    half of the country and in the mountains. A code orange alert for heavy mixed
    precipitation is also issued for the south-east and the south. Several flood alerts concern rivers in most of
    the country. The highs range between 2 and 11 degrees Celsius today, with 8
    degrees Celsius reported in Bucharest at noon.

    TERRORISM A young Romanian
    national from Braşov (central Romania) has been taken into custody for
    promoting terrorist propaganda materials, the Directorate Investigating
    Organised Crime and Terrorism Offences announced. The young man praised
    terrorist organisations from the Middle East on his social media account, and
    posted instructions for the production and use of firearms and explosives.

    ISRAEL Palestinian medical sources announced that scores of people
    were killed or wounded today in Khan Yunis, in the south of the Gaza Strip,
    following Israeli air strikes. On Friday Israel had announced it would expand
    military operations in the south, after handing out fliers in Khan Yunis the
    previous day asking civilians to head for the tent camps on the sea coast in
    order to avoid the massive shelling planned by the army. Israel’s ex-PM Ehud
    Olmert told Euronews that the Hamas underground command centre was in Khan
    Yunis, and not at the Shifa Hospital in Gaza City. In related news, Pope
    Francis will have separate meetings on Wednesday with the families of the
    Israeli hostages in Gaza and with relatives of the Palestinians living there,
    the Vatican announced. The Pope previously said that Every human being, of any
    people or religion, every human being is sacred, is precious in the eyes of God
    and has the right to live in peace.

    CHRISTMAS In the city of Craiova, southern Romania, hundreds of
    people witnessed the nearly 2 million lights of the local Christmas Fair being
    turned on Friday night. This year’s fair is themed around Andersen’s fairy
    tale The Snow Queen, and all the decorations are white and turquoise. A giant
    Christmas tree, a 40m tall merry-go-round and a skating rink are the main
    attractions. Concerts and creative workshops will also be held here until the 2nd
    of January. Sibiu, in central Romania, also opened its Christmas Fair in the
    city’s main square. For the first time this year, the Fair includes the courtyard
    of the Brukenthal Palace, a historical monument built between 1778 and 1788.

    AMBASSADOR The foreign minister Luminiţa Odobescu Friday received
    the new British Ambassador to Romania, Giles Portman. On this occasion, Mrs.
    Odobescu highlighted the important role of bilateral cooperation in defence and
    security and the significant potential in the field of trade and investments,
    as well as the substantial contribution of the 1.2 million Romanians living in
    UK to strengthening the ties between the two countries. In 2024 Romania will
    host the second Romania-UK Bilateral Forum, after the first edition of the
    event held this March in London.

    SPORTS Romania’s national football team takes on Israel tonight in Felcsut (Hungary), in
    Preliminary Group I of the EURO 2024. In women’s handball, CSM Bucharest plays
    against the Hungarian side DVSC Schaeffler, away from home, in the Champions’
    League Group A, while CS Rapid Bucharest are up against Vipers Kristiansand (Norway)
    in the competition’s Group B. In the first leg of the 3rd
    preliminary round of the EHF European League, CSM Târgu Jiu play at home
    against the Swedish side Onnereds HK. (AMP)

  • Nahost: Gaza wird zum globalen Krisenherd

    Nahost: Gaza wird zum globalen Krisenherd

    Der Raketenbeschuss, die Zerstörung des Grenzzauns, der den Gazastreifen von Israel trennt, das Eindringen in israelisches Hoheitsgebiet — aus der Luft, zu Lande und zu Wasser — und die Massaker in mehreren Kibbuzim und bei einem Musikfestival, das einem jüdischen Feiertag gewidmet war, haben die internationale Gemeinschaft schockiert, denn die Offensive der Terrororganisation Hamas war so hart und überraschend wie nie zuvor. Der 7. Oktober 2023, als die Terroristen bei ihrem Überfall rund 1200 Menschen in Israel töteten, darunter Frauen, Kinder und ältere Menschen, mehrere Tausend verwundeten und mehr als 200 Geiseln nahmen, wird als schwarzer Tag in die Geschichte eingehen. Zudem löste er eine umfassende israelische Reaktion aus, die ihrerseits und zu einer humanitären Krise im Gazastreifen führte.

    Israel hat zum ersten Mal seit dem Jom-Kippur-Krieg von 1973 den Kriegszustand erklärt und 300.000 Reservisten einberufen, und Premierminister Benjamin Netanjahu sagte ausdrücklich, das Ziel Israels sei, die Hamas vollständig zu vernichten. Hunderttausende Palästinenser sind aus dem Norden des nur 365 Quadratkilometer langen Gazastreifens in den Süden der Enklave geflohen, während die übrigen entweder auf der Suche nach einer Unterkunft sind, oder unter Strom-, Wasser-, Lebensmittel- und Medikamentenknappheit leiden. Die muslimische Welt ist über das Vorgehen Israels empört und hat in vielen Ländern des Nahen Ostens sowie in Europa und den USA mit zum Teil gewalttätigen Demonstrationen reagiert. Der Antisemitismus in den USA habe nach der Gewalt in Israel und im Gazastreifen historische Ausma‎ße“ erreicht, sagte der Direktor des FBI, während andere Länder, darunter Gro‎ßbritannien und Frankreich, ebenfalls vor einem starken Anstieg antisemitischer Vorfälle gewarnt haben.

    Die Krise im Nahen Osten wird als Riss im regionalen Sicherheitsgefüge gesehen, und laut einigen Analysten sei deutlich geworden, dass die EU bei der Bewältigung der geopolitischen Krise in ihrer Nachbarschaft nur begrenzte Einflussmöglichkeiten hat, nicht zuletzt aufgrund der Erschöpfung der Ressourcen nach der russischen Aggression gegen die Ukraine. Nach Ansicht von Ștefan Ciochinaru, Universitätsprofessor für Politikwissenschaft, lie‎ßen sich die beiden Kriege in Bezug auf die Reaktion Europas zwar vergleichen, jedoch nur bis zu einem gewissen Punkt, da die politischen Ziele der Aggressoren unterschiedlich seien:

    Im Falle der Ukraine ist das Ziel des Aggressors die Zerstörung der europäischen Ordnung und die Vertreibung der USA aus Europa. Denn das ist der Grund, warum Moskau die Integration der Ukraine in die EU und die NATO ablehnt. Putin will, wie er auch unverhohlen erklärt hat, eine Rückkehr zur Situation von 1994, er will Länder in Europa in seiner Einflusssphäre halten, wie es zu Zeiten der Sowjetunion der Fall war. Im Falle der Aggression gegen Israel hingegen richtet sich das Ziel der Hintermänner des Aggressors Hamas wie beim Billard ebenfalls auch gegen die USA. Daher das riesige Netzwerk der Komplizenschaft, das eine Vielzahl arabischer Staaten mit der antiamerikanischen Linken in Europa, mit Russland, mit dem Iran und seinen Vasallen und nicht zuletzt, wenn auch viel subtiler, mit China verbindet. Sie versuchen einfach, die gesamte muslimische Welt gegen die Vereinigten Staaten, gegen den Westen aufzubringen, denn in der strategischen Konzeption derjenigen, die die Weltordnung um jeden Preis umkrempeln wollen, ist Amerika das Hauptziel. Wenn man Amerika zu Fall bringt, kann man den Rest leicht erledigen. Europa ist, strategisch gesehen, ein Zwerg. Japan, Südkorea und Australien würden isoliert bleiben. Der glorreiche Westen würde dann wie eine Sandburg zusammenfallen. Und die Reaktion Europas ist, wie so oft, sehr, sehr kurzsichtig. Seit einem Jahr erleben wir die Folgen der Inkonsequenz in der Haltung und der Reaktion gegenüber dem Krieg in der Ukraine. Wir dürfen nicht vergessen, dass der Krieg in der Ukraine vor unserer Haustür auf europäischem Territorium geführt wird, und dessen Ausgang wird die Zukunft des europäischen Kontinents mitbestimmen. Was die Reaktion auf den Angriff auf Israel und auf die in unterirdischen Tunnels geplanten Terroraktionen betrifft, so ist die Lage noch schlimmer. Die europäische politische Linke hat sich mit Rechtsextremisten und der eingewanderten muslimischen Bevölkerung verbündet und verurteilt in einer Täter-Opfer-Umkehr den Staat Israel als Aggressor. Währenddessen hat Europa seine eigenen Katakomben, in denen die alte und neue Rhetorik des Antisemitismus, des Antiamerikanismus und der antidemokratischen Gesinnung mehr oder weniger sichtbar weiter schwelt.“

    Man könnte sich zu Recht fragen, in was für einer Welt wir heute leben. Vielen Menschen sei klar, führt Professor Ștefan Ciochinaru weiter aus, dass wir in einer Welt leben, die von einem hybriden Krieg heimgesucht wird, der nichts Heiliges an sich hat.

    Wir sehen, wie nach dem Flächenbrand im Nahen Osten Lehrer in Frankreich ermordet werden, wie Bahnhöfe und Flughäfen in ganz Europa mit Bomben bedroht werden, wie Davidsterne auf die Häuser von Juden in Berlin gemalt werden, wie jüdische Friedhöfe geschändet werden, wie es in Ländern mit lange bestehenden demokratischen Traditionen zu Kundgebungen kommt, die das Opfer verurteilen und sich mit dem Angreifer solidarisieren. Wir sehen, wie die demokratische Presse in Europa die Verbrechen der Russen auf der Krim, die Verbrechen der Hamas in Israel vergessen zu haben scheint, aber stattdessen sehr besorgt ist über die sogenannten Vergeltungsma‎ßnahmen der israelischen Armee.“

    Unter Verweis auf den seit Beginn des Krieges mit der Hamas deutlich gestiegenen Antisemitismus in der Welt riet Ministerpräsident Netanjahu indessen den israelischen Bürgern, nicht ins Ausland zu reisen. Diese Aufforderung ist jedoch nur schwer zu befolgen, da es an vielen Orten der Welt israelische Unternehmen und Betriebe gibt und der wirtschaftliche Faktor eine wichtige Rolle spielt. Zum anderen hat die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) die Zustände in Gaza als unsäglich“ bezeichnet. Es ist zu spät, den Toten zu helfen, aber wir können den Lebenden helfen“, sagte WHO-Chef Tedros Ghebreyesus und rief zu einer humanitären Feuerpause bei den Kämpfen in Gaza auf.

  • 16 cetăţeni evacuaţi din Gaza au ajuns în ţară

    16 cetăţeni evacuaţi din Gaza au ajuns în ţară

    16 cetățeni români și membri de familie ai acestora, evacuați din Fâșia Gaza, au fost transportați vineri în România la bordul unei curse operate de către Compania Națională TAROM, informează MAE. Evacuarea acestora a fot posibilă în urma eforturilor Celulei de Criză Interinstituționale, prin intermediul Ambasadei României la Cairo și al Oficiului de Reprezentare al României la Ramallah.

    MAE reaminteşte că, pe 14 noiembrie, 17 cetățeni români și membri de familie au ajuns pe teritoriul Republicii Arabe Egipt prin punctul de frontieră Rafah, fiind preluați ulterior de către reprezentanții Ambasadei României în R.A. Egipt. O echipă mobilă a Celulei de Criză a MAE i-a însoțit apoi până la Cairo, de unde 16 persoane au fost îmbarcate spre România, iar o persoană a rămas în Egipt.

    MAE continuă dialogul cu autoritățile israeliene și egiptene în vederea facilitării evacuării și a celorlalți cetățeni români și membri de familie aflați în Fâșia Gaza, în funcție de evoluțiile din teren și de acordul părților implicate.

    Până în prezent, 237 de cetățeni români și membri de familie ai acestora, evacuați din Fâșia Gaza, au fost transportați în România

  • Românii repatriaţi din Gaza

    Românii repatriaţi din Gaza

    Israelul nu poate lăsa un vid în Gaza şi va trebui să menţină acolo o forţă puternică în viitorul apropiat pentru a preveni reapariţia Hamas în enclava palestiniană. Este declaraţia recentă, pentru Financial Times, a preşedintelui israelian, Isaac Herzog, convins că nimeni nu va dori să transforme acest loc, din nou, într-o bază a terorii. Herzog a mai spus că guvernul israelian discută multe idei despre cum va fi condusă Gaza odată ce războiul dintre Israel şi Hamas se va încheia şi că vede o implicare a Statelor Unite şi a vecinilor Israelului în ordinea post-conflict.

    La Washington, preşedintele american Joe Biden a declarat că i-a spus clar prim-ministrului israelian Benjamin Netanyahu că o soluţie cu două state este singurul răspuns pentru a rezolva conflictul israeliano-palestinian şi că ocuparea Gazei ar fi o mare greşeală.

    Până la aranjamentele post-război, armata israeliană anunţă că este foarte aproape de a distruge sistemul militar al grupării teroriste Hamas din nordul enclavei. Campania împotriva Hamas a fost declanşată imediat după atacurile, de o amploare şi o duritate fără precedent, ale teroriştilor asupra sudului Israelului. Situaţia umanitară şi de securitate din Gaza este precară şi toate naţiunile care au cetăţeni în zonă încearcă să-i extragă de acolo.

    O face, cu succes, şi România, chiar dacă procesul de repatriere este dificil şi complicat. Evacuarea s-a realizat în urma eforturilor complexe ale Celulei de Criză Interinstituţionale, prin intermediul Ambasadei României la Cairo şi al Oficiului de Reprezentare al României la Ramallah. Peste 200 de cetăţeni români şi membri de familie ai acestora au trecut din Fâşia Gaza în Egipt, prin punctul de trecere de la Rafah şi au fost repatriaţi ulterior în România. În cazul altora, autorităţile de la Bucureşti au obţinut aprobarea să părăsească Gaza, dar au intervenit impedimente de ordin tehnic.

    Potrivit diplomaţiei de la Bucureşti, cetăţenii români şi familiile acestora sunt preluaţi de la frontiera dintre Gaza şi Egipt de o echipă din cadrul Unităţii de Reacţie Rapidă a Celulei de Criză MAE şi reprezentanţi ai Ambasadei României în Egipt şi sunt însoţiţi până la Cairo de o altă echipă mobilă a Celulei de Criză MAE. Din capitala Egiptului, sunt aduşi pe calea aerului la Bucureşti. Autorităţile române au dat asigurări că nimeni dintre cei care doresc să plece din Gaza nu va fi lăsat acolo.

    Pe de altă parte, o aeronavă cargo pusă la dispoziţie de Comisia Europeană a decolat, săptămâna aceasta, de pe Aeroportul Internaţional Henri Coandă Bucureşti, cu ajutoare oferite de statul român pentru populaţia civilă din Fâşia Gaza. Este vorba despre elemente de cazarmament scoase din rezervele de stat – corturi, paturi, saltele, perne şi aşternuturi. Pe 19 octombrie, Comitetul Naţional pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă a aprobat o hotărâre care prevedea acordarea de asistenţă internaţională, cu titlu gratuit, pentru populaţia civilă afectată din Fâşia Gaza, ce constă în produse alimentare şi articole de cazarmament.

  • Ajutor umanitar al Uniunii Europene pentru Fâșia Gaza

    Ajutor umanitar al Uniunii Europene pentru Fâșia Gaza

    De pe 7
    octombrie 2023, lumea se confruntă cu o nouă criză, cea din Orientul Mijlociu,
    care a intrat într-o nouă spirală a violenței. În urma crimelor comise de organizația
    Hamas și a operațiunilor armatei israeliene în Fâșia Gaza, suferințele
    civililor au făcut ca Uniunea Europeană să reacționeze prin trimiterea de
    ajutoare umanitare celor aflați în nevoie. Uniunea a mărit cuantumul
    ajutoarelor umanitare la 100 de milioane de euro și a creat un pod aerian.

    pe aeroportul Ostende din Belgia, unde a asistat la plecarea unui avion către
    Gaza, Janez Lenarcici, comisarul european pentru managementul crizelor, a spus
    în ce constă ajutorul umanitar al blocului european și provocările întâlnite la
    fața locului.

    Europeană a început imediat să ia în considerare creșterea asistenței umanitare
    pentru oamenii din Gaza. Până acum, am mărit de patru ori alocarea noastră de
    fonduri de ajutorare umanitară pentru Gaza și Cisiordania.

    Am lansat, de asemenea,
    un suport logistic pentru Egipt, care a destinat aeroportul Al Arish din nordul
    Sinaiului ca hub logistic pentru ajutorul umanitar care urmează a fi transmis
    spre Gaza. Am deschis un pod aerian cu ajutoare umanitare care până acum a însemnat
    trimiterea a șase zboruri, și vor urma zborurile șapte și opt. Unul va pleca
    acum și va duce 45 de tone de ajutoare umanitare, medicamente în principal,
    echipamente medicale și pachete alimentare. Vom continua acest pod aerian cât
    va fi nevoie. Dar cea mai mare provocare a momentului pentru populația civilă
    din Gaza este accesul la ajutoarele umanitare. Am crescut ajutorul umanitar și
    suportul logistic, dar încă ne confruntăm cu dificultatea accesului.

    provocare este volumul de ajutoare umanitare care poate să ajungă acolo.
    Numărul camioanelor care trebuie să intre în Gaza este prea mic. Până acum,
    într-o lună, doar 500 de camioane cu ajutoare umanitare au putut intra în Gaza.
    Acesta este numărul de azi, comparat cu numărul de 500 de camioane care intrau
    într-o singură zi, înainte de escaladarea evenimentelor. A doua provocare este
    nevoia de a asigura securitatea și accesul liber al ajutoarelor umanitare către
    toți oamenii din Gaza, oriunde s-ar afla ei. O altă restricție care trebuie
    înlăturată este combustibilul care este dorit cu disperare în Fâșia Gaza.