Tag: judo

  • Sports weekend

    Sports weekend

    The European Fencing Championships
    are underway in Dusseldorf, Germany. Romanian fencers have unfortunately
    carried on with their below-par performance. On Friday, in the women’s team
    saber event, the Romanian team made of Bianca Pascu, Loredana Dima and Andreea
    Lupu conceded a 32-45 defeat to Ukraine, in the first confrontation of the main draw. According to
    a message The Romanian Fencing Federation posted on its website, the defeat
    sent Romania in the fight for the 9-16 places and at this stage, Romania was pitched
    against the team of the Republic of Belarus. Made of Bianca Pascu, Andreea Lupu
    and Maria Matei this time, Romanian conceded yet another defeat, 38-45. Then
    the match against Georgia brought the Romanians a 45-42 win and the 13th
    position according to the final rankings.

    The European Games are underway in
    Minsk, Belarus, until June 30. The Romanian delegation has competitors for all
    15 sports disciplines in the program. These sports disciplines are athletics, 3-by-3
    basketball, badminton, boxing, cycling, beach football, artistic, aerobic and
    rhythmic gymnastics, judo, kayak-canoe, women’s wrestling, freestyle and
    Greek-Roman wrestling, sambo, table tennis, shooting sports and archery.
    Counting for the qualification to the 2020 edition of the Olympic Games in
    Tokyo are the results in athletics, badminton, cycling, judo, karate, table
    tennis, archery and shooting sports. At the inaugural edition of the European
    Games held in the Azeri capital city Baku in 2015, Romania’s Olympic team
    walked home with 12 medals, of which three were gold, five silver and four

    Playing for Romania’s Under-21
    national team, footballers George Puşcaş and Alexandru Cicâldău have been eyed
    by Belgian team Standard Liege, the Romanian Agerpress news agency quoted
    Belgian paper La Dernière Heure
    as writing. Puscas is currently signed up by the Italian second-tier team
    Palermo, while Cicâldău currently plays for Universitatea Craiova. We recall
    Standard Liege was 3rd-placed according to the Belgian
    championship’s final rankings.

  • Sports weekend

    Sports weekend

    The European Fencing Championships
    are underway in Dusseldorf, Germany. Romanian fencers have unfortunately
    carried on with their below-par performance. On Friday, in the women’s team
    saber event, the Romanian team made of Bianca Pascu, Loredana Dima and Andreea
    Lupu conceded a 32-45 defeat to Ukraine, in the first confrontation of the main draw. According to
    a message The Romanian Fencing Federation posted on its website, the defeat
    sent Romania in the fight for the 9-16 places and at this stage, Romania was pitched
    against the team of the Republic of Belarus. Made of Bianca Pascu, Andreea Lupu
    and Maria Matei this time, Romanian conceded yet another defeat, 38-45. Then
    the match against Georgia brought the Romanians a 45-42 win and the 13th
    position according to the final rankings.

    The European Games are underway in
    Minsk, Belarus, until June 30. The Romanian delegation has competitors for all
    15 sports disciplines in the program. These sports disciplines are athletics, 3-by-3
    basketball, badminton, boxing, cycling, beach football, artistic, aerobic and
    rhythmic gymnastics, judo, kayak-canoe, women’s wrestling, freestyle and
    Greek-Roman wrestling, sambo, table tennis, shooting sports and archery.
    Counting for the qualification to the 2020 edition of the Olympic Games in
    Tokyo are the results in athletics, badminton, cycling, judo, karate, table
    tennis, archery and shooting sports. At the inaugural edition of the European
    Games held in the Azeri capital city Baku in 2015, Romania’s Olympic team
    walked home with 12 medals, of which three were gold, five silver and four

    Playing for Romania’s Under-21
    national team, footballers George Puşcaş and Alexandru Cicâldău have been eyed
    by Belgian team Standard Liege, the Romanian Agerpress news agency quoted
    Belgian paper La Dernière Heure
    as writing. Puscas is currently signed up by the Italian second-tier team
    Palermo, while Cicâldău currently plays for Universitatea Craiova. We recall
    Standard Liege was 3rd-placed according to the Belgian
    championship’s final rankings.

  • Săptămâna sportivă

    Săptămâna sportivă

    Sportiva română Elena Andrieş a cucerit, sâmbătă, trei medalii de aur la Campionatele Europene de haltere de la Batumi, din Georgia, în limitele categoriei 49 de kg. Ea s-a impus la stilul smuls cu 87 de kg, urmată de Kristina Sobol, din Rusia, cu 85 de kg, şi de franţuzoaica Anais Michel, cu 79 de kg. La stilul aruncat, Andrieş a câştigat cu 103 kg, după ce a ratat ultima încercare, la 105. Pe locul secund s-a clasat italianca Giorgia Russo, cu 103 kg, pe locul al treilea încheind o altă reprezentantă a Franţei, Manon Lorentz, cu 99 de kg.

    În aceste condiţii, românca a terminat pe primul loc la total, cu 190 de kg, urmată de Sobol, cu 180, şi de Russo, cu 178 de kg. România a mai obţinut, sâmbătă, două medalii de bronz, prin Cosmina Pană, la 45 de kg, la stilul aruncat, şi prin Cristian Marian Luca, la 55 de kg, la smuls. România participă cu 14 sportivi la competiţia de la Batumi, care oferă puncte pentru calificarea la Jocurile Olimpice de la Tokyo, din 2020.

    La turneul de judo de la Antalya, din Turcia, contând pentru IJF World Judo Tour, românca Andreea Chiţu s-a impus la categoria 52 de kilograme. Vicecampioană mondială în 2014 şi 2015, ea a trecut, în finală, de sportiva mongolă Urantsetseg Munkhbat, campioană mondială în 2013 şi vicecampioană în 2017. Chiţu a învins-o, în optimile de finală, pe Katinka Szabo, din Ungaria. In sferturi, ea s-a impus în faţa rusoaicei Iulia Kazarina, iar în semifinală a învins-o pe brazilianca Sarah Menezes, campioana olimpică din 2012.

    Trecem la tenis. Echipa României a învins formaţia statului Zimbabwe cu scorul de 4-1, în primul tur din Grupa a II-a a zonei Europa-Africa a Cupei Davis. Întâlnirea a avut loc la Piatra Neamţ. Vineri, Benjamin Lock l-a învins neaşteptat pe Marius Copil cu scorul de 6-4, 7-5, apoi Dragoş Dima a câştigat cu 6-3, 6-3 în faţa lui Takanyi Garanganga. Sâmbătă însă, România a obţinut trei victorii. Perechea Horia Tecău/Florin Mergea s-a impus în faţa fraţilor Benjamin Lock şi Courtney Lock cu 6-1, 6-4, Marius Copil l-a învins pe Takanyi Garanganga cu 6-4, 7-5, iar juniorul Filip Jianu a trecut cu 6-3, 7-5 de Mehluli Don Ayanda Sibanda.

    Mai departe, fotbal. Derby-ul etapei a patra a campionatului primei ligi române de fotbal, faza play-off, s-a încheiat fără gol. La Craiova, Universitatea şi CFR Cluj au încheiat la egalitate, 0 la 0, dupa un joc în care ardelenii au fost mai buni, dar n-au reuşit să-şi concretizeze superioritatea. Tot în play-off, luni, două jocuri: Astra Giurgiu cu Viitorul Constanţa şi FCSB cu Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe. Conduce în clasament CFR Cluj. În play-out, vineri, Dinamo a trecut, la Bucureşti, de Concordia Chiajna cu 3-2. Sâmbătă, la Calăraşi, Dunărea şi FC Voluntari au terminat egal, 1 la 1, iar Poli Iaşi a învins, la Piteşti, echipa FC Hermannstadt cu 1-0. În fine, duminică, Gaz Metan Mediaş a câştigat cu 2-0 jocul disputat acasă cu FC Botoşani.

    Încheiem cu handbal. Sâmbătă, echipa feminină CSM Bucureşti va întâlni, în deplasare, formaţia franceză Metz, în returul sferturilor de finală ale Ligii Campionilor. În prima manşă a confruntării, franţuzoaicele s-au impus, la Bucureşti, cu 31 la 26.

  • Săptămâna sportivă

    Săptămâna sportivă

    Sportiva română Elena Andrieş a cucerit, sâmbătă, trei medalii de aur la Campionatele Europene de haltere de la Batumi, din Georgia, în limitele categoriei 49 de kg. Ea s-a impus la stilul smuls cu 87 de kg, urmată de Kristina Sobol, din Rusia, cu 85 de kg, şi de franţuzoaica Anais Michel, cu 79 de kg. La stilul aruncat, Andrieş a câştigat cu 103 kg, după ce a ratat ultima încercare, la 105. Pe locul secund s-a clasat italianca Giorgia Russo, cu 103 kg, pe locul al treilea încheind o altă reprezentantă a Franţei, Manon Lorentz, cu 99 de kg.

    În aceste condiţii, românca a terminat pe primul loc la total, cu 190 de kg, urmată de Sobol, cu 180, şi de Russo, cu 178 de kg. România a mai obţinut, sâmbătă, două medalii de bronz, prin Cosmina Pană, la 45 de kg, la stilul aruncat, şi prin Cristian Marian Luca, la 55 de kg, la smuls. România participă cu 14 sportivi la competiţia de la Batumi, care oferă puncte pentru calificarea la Jocurile Olimpice de la Tokyo, din 2020.

    La turneul de judo de la Antalya, din Turcia, contând pentru IJF World Judo Tour, românca Andreea Chiţu s-a impus la categoria 52 de kilograme. Vicecampioană mondială în 2014 şi 2015, ea a trecut, în finală, de sportiva mongolă Urantsetseg Munkhbat, campioană mondială în 2013 şi vicecampioană în 2017. Chiţu a învins-o, în optimile de finală, pe Katinka Szabo, din Ungaria. In sferturi, ea s-a impus în faţa rusoaicei Iulia Kazarina, iar în semifinală a învins-o pe brazilianca Sarah Menezes, campioana olimpică din 2012.

    Trecem la tenis. Echipa României a învins formaţia statului Zimbabwe cu scorul de 4-1, în primul tur din Grupa a II-a a zonei Europa-Africa a Cupei Davis. Întâlnirea a avut loc la Piatra Neamţ. Vineri, Benjamin Lock l-a învins neaşteptat pe Marius Copil cu scorul de 6-4, 7-5, apoi Dragoş Dima a câştigat cu 6-3, 6-3 în faţa lui Takanyi Garanganga. Sâmbătă însă, România a obţinut trei victorii. Perechea Horia Tecău/Florin Mergea s-a impus în faţa fraţilor Benjamin Lock şi Courtney Lock cu 6-1, 6-4, Marius Copil l-a învins pe Takanyi Garanganga cu 6-4, 7-5, iar juniorul Filip Jianu a trecut cu 6-3, 7-5 de Mehluli Don Ayanda Sibanda.

    Mai departe, fotbal. Derby-ul etapei a patra a campionatului primei ligi române de fotbal, faza play-off, s-a încheiat fără gol. La Craiova, Universitatea şi CFR Cluj au încheiat la egalitate, 0 la 0, dupa un joc în care ardelenii au fost mai buni, dar n-au reuşit să-şi concretizeze superioritatea. Tot în play-off, luni, două jocuri: Astra Giurgiu cu Viitorul Constanţa şi FCSB cu Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe. Conduce în clasament CFR Cluj. În play-out, vineri, Dinamo a trecut, la Bucureşti, de Concordia Chiajna cu 3-2. Sâmbătă, la Calăraşi, Dunărea şi FC Voluntari au terminat egal, 1 la 1, iar Poli Iaşi a învins, la Piteşti, echipa FC Hermannstadt cu 1-0. În fine, duminică, Gaz Metan Mediaş a câştigat cu 2-0 jocul disputat acasă cu FC Botoşani.

    Încheiem cu handbal. Sâmbătă, echipa feminină CSM Bucureşti va întâlni, în deplasare, formaţia franceză Metz, în returul sferturilor de finală ale Ligii Campionilor. În prima manşă a confruntării, franţuzoaicele s-au impus, la Bucureşti, cu 31 la 26.

  • Sports Roundup

    Sports Roundup

    Romania’s women’s handball team has provided the first disappointment at the European Championship, underway in France. Romania sustained a 24 to 29 defeat by the Netherlands, in the first main groups fixture. In Nancy, the Romanian national team was surprisingly below par, given that in the competition’s main group stage Romania’s trail included wins against the Czech Republic, Germany and Norway. In the game against the Netherlands, Romania’s top scorer was Eliza Buceschi, with eight goals scored. The Dutch goalkeeper Tess Wester made the difference with 15 saves, accounting for a 42% save rate all throughout the game. In main group II, the Netherlands have the lead with 6 points out of 3 games played, followed by Romania, with 4 points amassed in a similar number of games. Germany and Hungary are 3rd and 4th-placed, respectively, also with 4 points, amassed in 4 games. Norway is 5th-placed, with 2 points on their record sheet, while Spain are bottom of the table, with zero points. Romania’s next scheduled fixture is the match against Spain, on December 11.

    Romania’s capital city Bucharest this past weekend played host to the Champions League and Europe League in judo, both men’s and women’s. More than 400 judoka took part in the competition. Four teams from Romania also proved their mettle in the aforementioned competitions. In the Champions League this past Friday, CSM Bucharest and U CSM Dinamo Cluj Napoca were 5th placed in the men’s and women’s events, respectively. In Europa League on Saturday, CSM CSU Pitesti lost in men’s rechapage, while on Sunday, SCM Deva came 5th in the women’s version of Europa League.

    This past weekend saw games being played, counting towards the 19th-round of domestic League One Championship. On Saturday in Targu Mures, FC Hermannstadt and Dinamo Bucharest drew 1-all. In Cluj, the local side CFR and Gaz Metan Medias also drew, 2-all this time. Gaz Metan had a 2-nil lead throughout the game, but Cluj came from behind and leveled the score. In the last minute, CFR were granted a spot kick, but Argentinean Juan Culio wasted the opportunity to score as the ball hit the crossbar.

    On Sunday, Poli Iasi secured a 1-nil home win against Dunarea Calarasi, while Astra Giurgiu defeated Concordia Chiajna, 3-1, also on home turf. Round nineteen’s last three games are scheduled on Monday, as Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe face FC Botosani, Universitatea Craiova take on FC Voluntari, while FCSB are pitted against Viitorul Constanta. CFR Cluj continue to be the leaders in the standings.

  • Sports Roundup

    Sports Roundup

    Romania’s women’s handball team has provided the first disappointment at the European Championship, underway in France. Romania sustained a 24 to 29 defeat by the Netherlands, in the first main groups fixture. In Nancy, the Romanian national team was surprisingly below par, given that in the competition’s main group stage Romania’s trail included wins against the Czech Republic, Germany and Norway. In the game against the Netherlands, Romania’s top scorer was Eliza Buceschi, with eight goals scored. The Dutch goalkeeper Tess Wester made the difference with 15 saves, accounting for a 42% save rate all throughout the game. In main group II, the Netherlands have the lead with 6 points out of 3 games played, followed by Romania, with 4 points amassed in a similar number of games. Germany and Hungary are 3rd and 4th-placed, respectively, also with 4 points, amassed in 4 games. Norway is 5th-placed, with 2 points on their record sheet, while Spain are bottom of the table, with zero points. Romania’s next scheduled fixture is the match against Spain, on December 11.

    Romania’s capital city Bucharest this past weekend played host to the Champions League and Europe League in judo, both men’s and women’s. More than 400 judoka took part in the competition. Four teams from Romania also proved their mettle in the aforementioned competitions. In the Champions League this past Friday, CSM Bucharest and U CSM Dinamo Cluj Napoca were 5th placed in the men’s and women’s events, respectively. In Europa League on Saturday, CSM CSU Pitesti lost in men’s rechapage, while on Sunday, SCM Deva came 5th in the women’s version of Europa League.

    This past weekend saw games being played, counting towards the 19th-round of domestic League One Championship. On Saturday in Targu Mures, FC Hermannstadt and Dinamo Bucharest drew 1-all. In Cluj, the local side CFR and Gaz Metan Medias also drew, 2-all this time. Gaz Metan had a 2-nil lead throughout the game, but Cluj came from behind and leveled the score. In the last minute, CFR were granted a spot kick, but Argentinean Juan Culio wasted the opportunity to score as the ball hit the crossbar.

    On Sunday, Poli Iasi secured a 1-nil home win against Dunarea Calarasi, while Astra Giurgiu defeated Concordia Chiajna, 3-1, also on home turf. Round nineteen’s last three games are scheduled on Monday, as Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe face FC Botosani, Universitatea Craiova take on FC Voluntari, while FCSB are pitted against Viitorul Constanta. CFR Cluj continue to be the leaders in the standings.

  • Săptămâna sportivă

    Săptămâna sportivă

    Echipa de handbal
    feminin a României a făcut primul pas greşit la Campionatul European din
    Tricolorele au pierdut în faţa Olandei cu 24 la 29, în primul joc disputat în faza grupelor
    principale. Echipa naţională a României a fost de nerecunoscut în partida
    disputată la Nancy, în condiţiile în care, în faza grupelor, câştigase clar în
    faţa Cehiei, Germaniei şi Norvegiei. În jocul cu Olanda, pentru formaţia
    română, cele mai multe goluri, opt, au fost marcate de Eliza Buceschi.
    Diferenţa a făcut-o portăriţa Olandei, Tess Wester, care a fost desemnată cea
    mai bună jucătoare a meciului după ce a parat 15 aruncări, cu un procentaj al
    intervenţiilor reuşite de 42%. În grupa principală II, Olanda ocupă primul loc,
    cu 6 puncte din 3 jocuri, urmată de România, cu 4 puncte, tot din 3 jocuri. Pe
    locurile 3 şi 4 se află Germania şi Ungaria, tot cu câte 4 puncte, dar din
    patru partide jucate. Încheie clasamentul Norvegia, cu două puncte, şi Spania,
    fară niciun punct. România va disputa jocul următor pe 11 decembrie, contra

    În weekend, la
    Bucureşti s-au desfăşurat Liga Campionilor şi Liga Europei la judo, masculin şi
    La competiţii au fost prezenţi peste 400 de sportivi. Au luat parte şi
    patru echipe din România. In Liga Campionilor, vineri, echipele CSM Bucureşti
    şi U CSM Dinamo Cluj-Napoca au ocupat locurile 5 la masculin, respectiv
    feminin. Sâmbătă, în Liga Europei, CSM CSU Piteşti a pierdut în recalificări la
    masculin, iar duminică, SCM Deva a ocupat locul 5 în concursul feminin.

    La sfârşitul săptămânii
    abia încheiate au avut loc jocuri în cadrul etapei a 19-a a campionatului
    primei ligi române de fotbal.
    Sâmbătă, la Târgu Mureş, FC Hermannstadt şi
    Dinamo Bucureşti au încheiat la egalitate, scor 1 la 1. Tot egal, dar 2 la 2,
    s-a terminat şi jocul de la Cluj, dintre CFR şi Gaz Metan Mediaş. Oaspeţii au
    condus cu 2-0, dar clujenii au egalat. În ultimul minut, la 2-2, CFR-ul a
    beneficiat de o lovitură de la 11 metri, dar argentinianul Juan Culio a trimis
    balonul în bară.

    Duminică, Poli Iaşi
    a trecut, acasă, de Dunărea Călăraşi cu 1-0, iar Astra Giurgiu s-a impus cu 3-1
    în faţa echipei Concordia Chiajna. Luni, ultimele trei jocuri ale etapei: Sepsi
    Sfântu Gheorghe cu FC Botoşani, Universitatea Craiova cu FC Voluntari şi FCSB
    cu Viitorul Constanţa, partidă care trebuia să se dispute duminică, dar a fost
    amânată din cauza ceţii. În clasament continuă să conducă CFR Cluj.

  • Săptămâna sportivă

    Săptămâna sportivă

    Echipa de handbal
    feminin a României a făcut primul pas greşit la Campionatul European din
    Tricolorele au pierdut în faţa Olandei cu 24 la 29, în primul joc disputat în faza grupelor
    principale. Echipa naţională a României a fost de nerecunoscut în partida
    disputată la Nancy, în condiţiile în care, în faza grupelor, câştigase clar în
    faţa Cehiei, Germaniei şi Norvegiei. În jocul cu Olanda, pentru formaţia
    română, cele mai multe goluri, opt, au fost marcate de Eliza Buceschi.
    Diferenţa a făcut-o portăriţa Olandei, Tess Wester, care a fost desemnată cea
    mai bună jucătoare a meciului după ce a parat 15 aruncări, cu un procentaj al
    intervenţiilor reuşite de 42%. În grupa principală II, Olanda ocupă primul loc,
    cu 6 puncte din 3 jocuri, urmată de România, cu 4 puncte, tot din 3 jocuri. Pe
    locurile 3 şi 4 se află Germania şi Ungaria, tot cu câte 4 puncte, dar din
    patru partide jucate. Încheie clasamentul Norvegia, cu două puncte, şi Spania,
    fară niciun punct. România va disputa jocul următor pe 11 decembrie, contra

    În weekend, la
    Bucureşti s-au desfăşurat Liga Campionilor şi Liga Europei la judo, masculin şi
    La competiţii au fost prezenţi peste 400 de sportivi. Au luat parte şi
    patru echipe din România. In Liga Campionilor, vineri, echipele CSM Bucureşti
    şi U CSM Dinamo Cluj-Napoca au ocupat locurile 5 la masculin, respectiv
    feminin. Sâmbătă, în Liga Europei, CSM CSU Piteşti a pierdut în recalificări la
    masculin, iar duminică, SCM Deva a ocupat locul 5 în concursul feminin.

    La sfârşitul săptămânii
    abia încheiate au avut loc jocuri în cadrul etapei a 19-a a campionatului
    primei ligi române de fotbal.
    Sâmbătă, la Târgu Mureş, FC Hermannstadt şi
    Dinamo Bucureşti au încheiat la egalitate, scor 1 la 1. Tot egal, dar 2 la 2,
    s-a terminat şi jocul de la Cluj, dintre CFR şi Gaz Metan Mediaş. Oaspeţii au
    condus cu 2-0, dar clujenii au egalat. În ultimul minut, la 2-2, CFR-ul a
    beneficiat de o lovitură de la 11 metri, dar argentinianul Juan Culio a trimis
    balonul în bară.

    Duminică, Poli Iaşi
    a trecut, acasă, de Dunărea Călăraşi cu 1-0, iar Astra Giurgiu s-a impus cu 3-1
    în faţa echipei Concordia Chiajna. Luni, ultimele trei jocuri ale etapei: Sepsi
    Sfântu Gheorghe cu FC Botoşani, Universitatea Craiova cu FC Voluntari şi FCSB
    cu Viitorul Constanţa, partidă care trebuia să se dispute duminică, dar a fost
    amânată din cauza ceţii. În clasament continuă să conducă CFR Cluj.

  • Sports Weekend

    Sports Weekend

    The World Judo Championships are underway in Baku, Azerbaijan. On Thursday, in the 48-kg category, Romanian judoka Monica Ungureanu lost to Catarina Costa of Portugal. Besides Ungureanu, another three Romanian athletes are enrolled in the competition.

    Andreea Chitu will compete in the 52-kg category, Corina Stefan in the 57-kg category and Stefania Adelina Dobre in the 63-kg category. Another two Romanian athletes will be competing in the men’s contest: Alexandru Raicu in the 73-kg category and Daniel Natea in the 100+ kg category. In last year’s edition, athletes from Romania failed to bring home any medals. In 2015 in Astana, Andreea Chitu and Corina Caprioriu reaped silver medals.

    We move on to news from table tennis. A Romanian pair made up of Ovidiu Ionescu and Bernadette Szocs was knocked out in the mixed doubles quarterfinals at the European Table Tennis Championships hosted by Alicante, Spain. In the round of 16, the two won 3-2 against Luka Mladenovic and Xia Lian Ni of Luxembourg. In the quarterfinals they lost 1-3 to the German pair made up of Ruwen Filus and Ying Han. In the women’s singles, Romanian athletes have all made it to the second round, with the exception of the former European champion Elizabeta Samara, who lost 1-4 to Margaryta Pesotska of Ukraine.

    In news from football, let us note that striker Claudiu Keseru scored a goal for his side Ludogorets Razgrad in the game played against Germany’s Bayer Leverkusen, as part of the first round of the Europa League group phase. Ludogorets had a 2-nil lead, but eventually lost 3-2.

    This weekend will see matches counting towards the ninth round of the Romanian First Football League. On Friday, Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe is playing FC Voluntari, while Politehnica Iasi is taking on Dinamo Bucharest.

    On Saturday, in Targu Mures, FC Hermannstadt will go up against CFR Cluj. Then, FC Botosani are playing visiting side Concordia Chiajna. The last match on Saturday will pit Universitatea Craiova against Viitorul Constanta. On Sunday, on National Arena stadium in Bucharest, FCSB will be playing Dunarea Calarasi. The round’s last match is scheduled for Monday, when Astra Giurgiu will take on Gaz Metan Medias.

  • Sports Weekend

    Sports Weekend

    The World Judo Championships are underway in Baku, Azerbaijan. On Thursday, in the 48-kg category, Romanian judoka Monica Ungureanu lost to Catarina Costa of Portugal. Besides Ungureanu, another three Romanian athletes are enrolled in the competition.

    Andreea Chitu will compete in the 52-kg category, Corina Stefan in the 57-kg category and Stefania Adelina Dobre in the 63-kg category. Another two Romanian athletes will be competing in the men’s contest: Alexandru Raicu in the 73-kg category and Daniel Natea in the 100+ kg category. In last year’s edition, athletes from Romania failed to bring home any medals. In 2015 in Astana, Andreea Chitu and Corina Caprioriu reaped silver medals.

    We move on to news from table tennis. A Romanian pair made up of Ovidiu Ionescu and Bernadette Szocs was knocked out in the mixed doubles quarterfinals at the European Table Tennis Championships hosted by Alicante, Spain. In the round of 16, the two won 3-2 against Luka Mladenovic and Xia Lian Ni of Luxembourg. In the quarterfinals they lost 1-3 to the German pair made up of Ruwen Filus and Ying Han. In the women’s singles, Romanian athletes have all made it to the second round, with the exception of the former European champion Elizabeta Samara, who lost 1-4 to Margaryta Pesotska of Ukraine.

    In news from football, let us note that striker Claudiu Keseru scored a goal for his side Ludogorets Razgrad in the game played against Germany’s Bayer Leverkusen, as part of the first round of the Europa League group phase. Ludogorets had a 2-nil lead, but eventually lost 3-2.

    This weekend will see matches counting towards the ninth round of the Romanian First Football League. On Friday, Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe is playing FC Voluntari, while Politehnica Iasi is taking on Dinamo Bucharest.

    On Saturday, in Targu Mures, FC Hermannstadt will go up against CFR Cluj. Then, FC Botosani are playing visiting side Concordia Chiajna. The last match on Saturday will pit Universitatea Craiova against Viitorul Constanta. On Sunday, on National Arena stadium in Bucharest, FCSB will be playing Dunarea Calarasi. The round’s last match is scheduled for Monday, when Astra Giurgiu will take on Gaz Metan Medias.

  • Sport Club RRI – Judoka Alina Dumitru

    Sport Club RRI – Judoka Alina Dumitru

    Cu exact 10 ani în urmă, la Beijing se desfăşurau Jocurile Olimpice. Prima medalie de aur a României a fost câştigată de Alina Dumitru, în concursul feminin de judo, categoria 48 de kilograme.

    In sala de sport a Universităţii Ştiinţelor şi Tehnologiei din Beijing, în faţa a peste 6000 de spectatori, valoroasa noastră sportivă a avut un parcurs fără greşeală, care i-a adus, in final, medalia de aur. Prima adversară a Alinei a fost unguroaica Eva Czernovicki. Românca a început asaltul abia la jumătatea timpului regulamentar de joc. La mai puţin de doua minute de final, a reuşit un waza ari care, până la capăt, s-a dovedit a fi hotărâtor. A urmat, în sferturile de finală, confruntarea cu sportiva coreeană Youngran Kim.

    Lupta a fost echilibrată preţ de trei minute şi jumătate, apoi Alina s-a impus prin ippon, urcând in semifinală. A urmat întâlnirea cu multipla campioană olimpică Ryoko Tani, din Japonia, o adevărată legendă în judo. Ambele sportive au evoluat prudent, evitând angajamente riscante, fapt care le-a adus, rapid, câte două avertismente din partea arbitrului. La un moment dat însă, Ryoko Tani a primit un al treilea avertisment, echivalent cu un waza ari pentru Alina şi hotarâtor în stabilirea rezultatului final.

    In lupta pentru medalia de aur, Alina Dumitru a intălnit-o pe cubaneza Yanet Bermoy, in faţa careia s-a impus categoric, prin ippon. Primul interviu pe care l-a acordat Alina după coborârea de pe tatami a fost, în exclusivitate, pentru Radio România Internaţional. “A fost un pic greu, dar a fost bine până la urmă. Nu-mi vine să cred, nu ma aşteptam nici eu să termin asa de repede, dar aşa a fost să fie. Mi-am dorit acest titlu olimpic din tot sufletul, am luptat pentru el şi am muncit mult si iată că visul mi s-a împlinit. Dedic această victorie antrenorului meu, in primul rând, ca el m-a ajutat să ajung până aici. Apoi părinţilor mei, prietenului meu, tuturor celor care au fost alături de mine şi m-au susţinut.”

    Să mai notăm că Alina Dumitru s-a născut la data de 30 august 1982, la Bucureşti, oraş în care a început să practice judo-ul, la vârsta de 12 ani. Din 2004 a dominat fără încetare categoria sa, la nivel european, fiind de 8 ori campioană continentală. Performanţa sa de la Beijing este cea mai mare atât din cariera Alinei, cât şi din istoria practicarii judo-ului în România. Ea a fost urmată de o medalie de argint, cucerită la Jopcurile Olimpice de la Londra, în 2012

  • June 4, 2017 UPDATE

    June 4, 2017 UPDATE

    REACTIONS – The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, firmly condemned on Sunday the terror attack that killed 7 and wounded nearly 50 people in London on Saturday night, and expressed compassion for the victims. In Bucharest, the Royal House learned with profound sadness about the tragedy that hit the British capital once again. The new terror attack is an act targeting humanity, human freedom and dignity, Crown Princess Margareta of Romania says in a news release. The Romanian Embassy in London is closely monitoring the incident and has taken emergency measures to get additional information from the local authorities and establish whether Romanian citizens were among the victims. London received condolence messages from around the world. The US President, Donald Trump, who had a phone conversation with the British PM after the attack, offered his countrys full support in the face of what he called a brutal terror attack. The leaders of Germany, France, Canada and Russia also sent compassion and support messages.

    STATE VISIT – The President of Romania Klaus Iohannis is, as of Sunday, on an official visit to the United States, where he has a meeting scheduled with his US counterpart, Donald Trump on June 9. According to the Radio Romania correspondent in Washington, Klaus Iohannis is the first Central and East European head of state to be received at the White House since Trump took office. The talks are intended to strengthen bilateral relations and the strategic partnership between the two countries, 20 years after it was signed. Over the past 2 decades Bucharest has grown into an important ally for Washington in the region. The agenda of the Romanian Presidents visit to the US also includes meetings with the Romanians living in that country. On Monday, Klaus Iohannis will be the guest of honour in the Global Forum of the American Jewish Committee, where he is to receive the highest distinction of this organisation.

    PENTECOST – 50 days after Easter, Christians around the world, including in mostly Orthodox Romania, are celebrating the Pentecost, the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and the birth of the first Christian community. The holiday is also known as White Sunday, or Whitsunday. The biblical narrative of Pentecost is given in the Book of Acts. 50 days after Resurrection, about one hundred and twenty followers of Christ, including the Twelve Apostles, heard a sound from heaven and saw tongues of fire. The Apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in languages they had not known before. On that day, following Apostle Peters address, 3,000 people were baptised, coming together into the first Christian community, which was the core of the future Christian Church.

    TURIN PANIC – 1,500 people were injured as they fled in fear on Saturday night in a piazza in Turin, Italy, where thousands of supporters were watching the Champions League final. According to some reports, a handrail that people had been leaning against collapsed, creating the panic. Others say people mistook firecrackers for a bomb.

    JUDO – The Romanian athlete Daniel Natea Sunday won the gold in the +100 kilo category of the European Judo Open in Bucharest, defeating the Azeri Ushangi Kokauri by ippon. In the 90 kilo category, Cristian Bodîrlău won the broze, while on Saturday Monica Ungureanu won the gold in the 48 kilo category. Romania ranks 3rd in the medal standings, after France and Ukraine. 376 athletes from 29 countries took part in the competition.

    ROLAND GARROS – The best ranking Romanian tennis player, Simona Halep (no. 4 WTA), is facing Spains Carla Suarez Navarro, no 23 WTA in Mondays eighth-finals Roland Garros. This will be the 12th direct match for the two, six of which were won by the Romanian. In the womens doubles event, the Romanian Irina Begu and the Chinese Saisai Zheng Sunday qualified into the quarter-finals, after defeating the Chinese pair made up of Ying-Ying Duan/Shuai Peng.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Nachrichten 04.06.2017

    Nachrichten 04.06.2017

    London: Die britische Premierministerin Theresa May bezeichnete die Terror-Angriffe als eine Perversion des Islams. Großbritannien habe genug davon, erklärte May nach dem Anschlag in London, der 7 Menschenleben gekostet und weitere 50 Personen verletzt hat. Nach dem Treffen des Sicherheitskabinetts hob May hervor, die jungsten drei Attentate in Großbritannien hängen nicht zusammen, sondern seien alle durch die Ideologie des radikalen Islamismus verbunden. In Großbritannien gebe es viel zu viel Toleranz gegenüber dem Extremismus.Teresa May fügte hinzu, die Parlamentswahl werde, wie geplant, am 8. Juni stattfinden. Drei Attentäter rasten am Samstag Abend mit einem Transporter auf der London Bridge in eine Menschenmenge. Sie sprangen aus dem Fahrzeug und erstachen Fußgänger, bis sie von Polizisten erschossen wurden. Es ist der dritte terroristische Angriff in Großbritannien nach dem Attentat im März auf der Westminster Brücke, wo fünf Pesonen ihr Leben verloren haben, und dem Angriff in Manchester, der 22 Opfer gefordet hat. Der rumänische Staatschef Klaus Iohannis hat den Terror-Anschlag verurteilt. Die Rumänische Botschaft verfolge mit Aufmerksamkeit die Angriffe in London und verlangte suplimentäre Daten, um zu erfahren, ob unter den Opfern auch Rumänen zählen.

    Washington: Rumäniens Staatschef Klaus Iohannis unternimmt ab Samstag einen Arbeitsbesuch in den USA, wo er am 9. Juni mit dem US-Präsidenten Donald Trump zusammenkommen wird. Laut dem Korrespondeten von RRA in Washington ist Klaus Iohannis der erste Statschef aus Mittel- und Osteuropa, der von Trump empfangen wird. Angegangen werden die Vertiefung der bilateralen Beziehungen, sowie die Verstärkung der Strategischen Partnerschaft zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten und Rumänien. Rumänien wurde in den letzten 20 Jahren ein bedeutender Partner Washinghtons in der Region aber auch auf internationaler Ebene. Am 5. Juni wird der rumänische Staatspräsident als Ehrengast beim Globalen Forum der bedeutenden Organisation American Jewish Committee teilnehmen; dabei wird Klaus Iohannis die Auszeichnung Light Unto the Nations erhalten. Das ist die höchste Auszeichnung des American Jewish Committee, und wird an Staats- und Regierungschefs als Anerkennung für ihren wichtigen internationalen Beitrag bei der Förderung des Friedens, der Sicherheit, der Demokratie und der menschlichen Werte verliehen. Im Rahmen seines USA-Besuches wird Klaus Iohannis auch mit Vertretern der rumänischen Gemeinden in den Vereinigten Staaten zusammentreffen.

    Bukarest: Die Rumänin Monica Ungureanu hat Gold bei der Kategorie 48 kg des European Judo Open in Bukarest gewonnen. Sie hat am Samstag im Finale die Italienerin Francesca Milani besiegt. Ungureanu hat bei den Europameisterschaften 2016 und 2017 die Bronzemedaille erzielt. European Judo Open ist das bedeutendste Judowettbewerb, das von Rumänien beherbergt wird. Es beteiligen sich 438 Sportler aus 31 Ländern von 4 Erdteilen. Rumänien ist von 52 Sportlern 34 Männern und 18 Damen vertreten.

    Bukarest: Warmes Wetter in Rumänien. Im Südwesten und Süden des Landes ist der Himmel bewölkt. Im Gebirge werden Regenschauer verzeichnet. Die Tageshöchsttemperaturen liegen zwischen 24 und 32 Grad Celsius.

  • June 4, 2017

    June 4, 2017

    LONDON ATTACK – Terror attacks are a distortion of Islam, and Britain “cannot and must not pretend that things can continue as they are, the British PM Theresa May said on Sunday, after the terror attack on Saturday night in London, which killed 7 and wounded nearly 50 others. After a meeting of the Governments emergency response committee on Sunday, the British PM emphasised that the 3 recent attacks in Britain are not connected, although all are linked by radical Islamist ideology. May said there was far too much tolerance of extremism in Britain, and added the anti-terrorism strategy would be reconfigured. According to the British PM, the parliamentary election will still be held on June 8, as scheduled. Three attackers rammed a van into pedestrians on London Bridge on Saturday night, before getting out and attacking people with knives. They were shot dead by police. This is the third terror attack in UK in less than 3 months, after the Westminster Bridge one less than two weeks ago and Manchester Arena. The international community, including the President of Romania Klaus Iohannis, firmly condemned the attack. The Romanian Embassy in UK is closely monitoring the incident, and has taken emergency measures to obtain further information on whether Romanian citizens were among the victims.

    STATE VISIT – The President of Romania Klaus Iohannis is, as of Sunday, on an official visit to the United States, where he has a meeting scheduled with his US counterpart, Donald Trump on June 9. According to the Radio Romania correspondent in Washington, Klaus Iohannis is the first Central and East European head of state to be received at the White House since Trump took office. The talks are intended to strengthen bilateral relations and the strategic partnership between the two countries, 20 years after it was signed. Over the past 2 decades Bucharest has grown into an important ally for Washington in the region. The agenda of the Romanian Presidents visit to the US also includes meetings with the Romanians living in that country. On June 5, Klaus Iohannis will be the guest of honour in the Global Forum of the American Jewish Committee, where he is to receive the highest distinction of this organisation.

    PENTECOST – 50 days after Easter, Christians around the world, including in mostly Orthodox Romania, are celebrating the Pentecost, the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and the birth of the first Christian community. The holiday is also known as White Sunday, or Whitsunday. The biblical narrative of Pentecost is given in the Book of Acts. 50 days after Resurrection, about one hundred and twenty followers of Christ, including the Twelve Apostles, heard a sound from heaven and saw tongues of fire. The Apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in languages they had not known before. On that day, following Apostle Peters address, 3,000 people were baptised, coming together into the first Christian community, which was the core of the future Christian Church.

    TURIN PANIC – Hundreds of people were injured as they fled in fear on Sunday night in a piazza in Turin, Italy, while watching the Champions League final. What led people to stampede is still unclear, as media reports diverge: one points to people mistaking firecrackers for a bomb, others that a handrail to an underground parking collapsed, creating the panic. Around 400 people were treated for injuries, while 5 are seriously injured.

    JUDO – The Romanian Monica Ungureanu won the gold in the 48 kilo category of the Bucharest Judo Open, after defeating the Italian Francesca Milani in Saturdays final. Ungureanu is a two-time winner of bronze in the European Championships, in 2016 and 2017. This is the most important judo competition organised in Romania, with 438 athletes from 31 countries on 4 continents taking part. Romania is represented by 52 athletes, 34 men and 18 women.

    ROLAND GARROS – The best ranking Romanian tennis player, Simona Halep (no. 4 WTA), is facing Spains Carla Suarez Navarro, no 23 WTA in Mondays eighth-finals of the Roland Garros. This will be the 12th direct match for the two, six of which were won by the Romanian. In the womens doubles event, the Romanian Irina Begu and the Chinese Saisai Zheng are playing on Sunday, in the eighth-finals, against the Chinese pair made up of Ying-Ying Duan/Shuai Peng, while the Romanian Raluca Olaru and Ukrainian Olga Savchuk are taking on Gabriela Gabrowski of Canada / Yi Fan Xu of China.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • 04.06.2017 (mise à jour)

    04.06.2017 (mise à jour)

    Attentat – Le président roumain, Klaus Iohannis, a fermement condamné dimanche l’attaque terroriste de Londres ayant fait 7 morts et une cinquantaine de blessés et transmis aux familles des victimes, au nom des Roumains, sa compassion. Cette nouvelle « attaque criminelle » est un acte contre l’humanité, la liberté et la dignité humaine, a réagi aussi la princesse Margarita, au nom de l’ancienne famille royale de Roumanie. Dans le même temps, l’ambassade de Roumanie à Londres a fait savoir qu’elle suivait de près la situation et qu’elle était en train de vérifier si des Roumains ne figuraient pas parmi les victimes. La communauté internationale a adressé à l’unisson des messages de soutien aux victimes et au Royaume Uni tout en condamnant cet acte violent.

    Partenariat — Le président roumain, Klaus Iohannis, est arrivé aux Etats-Unis pour une visite dont le point d’orgue est la rencontre officielle avec son homologue américain, Donald Trump. Klaus Iohannis est le premier chef d’un Etat d’Europe centrale et de l’Est à être reçu à la Maison Blanche depuis le début du mandat de Donald Trump. Les deux hommes doivent discuter des manières de renforcer les liens et le Partenariat stratégique entre les deux pays, à l’occasion de l’anniversaire des 20 ans écoulés depuis la conclusion de cet arrangement, précise le correspondant de Radio Roumanie à Washington. En marge de cette partie officielle, le président Iohannis doit s’entretenir aussi avec des représentants de la communauté roumaine des Etats-Unis et participer à une réunion de l’organisation American Jewish Comitee. Celle-ci doit lui décerner sa plus importante distinction « Light Unto the Nations ». Ce prix est accordé aux chefs d’Etat ou de gouvernement qui œuvrent en faveur de la paix, la sécurité, la démocratie et les valeurs humaines.

    Pentecôte — A 50 jours depuis Pâques, les chrétiens du monde entier, dont les Roumains, fêtent la Pentecôte. Cette fête célèbre la venue du Saint-Esprit sur les apôtres de Jésus-Christ et les personnes présentes avec eux, le jour de la constitution de la première communauté chrétienne. La Pentecôte conclut la période pascale et donne à lÉglise les prémices de sa mission : annoncer la bonne nouvelle de la résurrection du Christ à toutes les nations. Selon les Actes des Apôtres du Nouveau Testament, le Saint-Esprit aurait conféré aux disciples de Jésus le don des langues étrangères, qu’ils ne parlaient pas jusqu’alors, permettant de porter la promesse du salut universel dans le monde. Le même jour, après avoir écouté l’Apôtre Pierre, quelque trois mille personnes se sont converties au christianisme, jetant les bases de la première communauté chrétienne et formant le noyau de l’église qui allait se constituer.

    Pèlerinage — Plus de 120 mille personnes ont participé cette année aussi au Pèlerinage catholique de Sumuleu Ciuc, au centre de la Roumanie, à l’occasion de la Pentecôte, le plus important mouvement de ce genre en Europe Centrale et Orientale. Le président hongrois, Janos Ader, le vice-premier ministre, Semjen Zsolt, ainsi que d’autres responsables politiques de Budapest ont pris part à cette procession qui rassemble notamment la communauté de souche magyare de la région.

    Judo — Le Roumain Daniel Natea a remporté dimanche la médaille dor de la catégorie +100 kilos du Tournoi européen de judo de Bucarest, après avoir vaincu lAzéri Ushangi Kokauri. De même, Cristian Bodârlau est monté sur la 3e marche du podium de la catégorie 90 kilos, après avoir eu raison de lItalien Lorenzo Rigano. Au féminin, la Roumaine Monica Ungureanu a remporté la médaille d’or de la catégorie 48 kilos lors de la finale contrel’Italienne Francesca Milani. La Roumanie occupe la 3e place au classement pasr nations de cette compétition, à laquelle ont participé plusieurs centaines de sportifs d’une trentaine de pays sur quatre continents.

    Tennis — La meilleure joueuse roumaine de tennis du moment, Simona Halep, no 4 mondiale, doit rencontrer l’Espagnole Carla Suarez Navarro (23e WTA), lundi, dans les huitièmes de finale du tournoi de Roland Garros, deuxième Grand Chelem de l’année. Il s’agira de la 12e rencontre des deux sportives, une série conclue par six victoires et cinq défaites de la Roumaine. Au double féminin, la Roumaine Irina Begu et sa partenaire, Saisai Zheng de Chine, se sont qualifiées dans les quarts de finale de la compétition après avoir vaincu la paire chinoise Ying-Ying Duan/Shuai Peng (6-2, 6-4).

    Météo — Le temps reste chaud mais instable en Roumanie. Des pluies et des phénomènes électriques sont attendus sur louest, le centre, le nord ainsi qu’en montagne. Les quantités deau attendues pourraient dépasser les 15 à 20 litres au mètre carré et la grêle pourrait faire son apparition. Les maximales iront de 21 à 30 degrés.