Les contre-attaques de l’armée ukrainienne et les difficultés d’approvisionnement auxquelles se confrontent les forces russes ont permis à l’Ukraine de reprendre le contrôle de villes et de positions défensives jusqu’à 35 kilomètres à l’est de Kyiv, a fait savoir la Grande-Bretagne citée par EFE. Il est probable que les forces ukrainiennes essaient de repousser l’armée russe tout au long de l’axe nord-ouest entre Kyiv et l’aérodrome de Hostomel, à une distance de 70 km de la capitale, affirment les services de renseignement britanniques. Dans le sud du pays, l’armée russe continue à tenter de contourner la ville de Mykolaev, afin d’avancer vers l’ouest du pays, en direction d’Odessa. Pourtant, l’avancée est ralentie par des problèmes de logistique et par la résistance ukrainienne. A Marioupol, la situation humanitaire se dégrade, alors que la Russie continue à bloquer les convois humanitaires. Une centaine de milliers de personnes se trouvent toujours sur place après que les tentatives d’évacuation ont échoué. Par ailleurs, les négociations russo- ukrainiennes censées mettre un terme à la guerre piétinent, a affirmé vendredi le négociateur en chef russe, Vladimir Medinski. Il a cependant remarqué certains progrès sur des aspects moins importants. Pour sa part, le chef de la diplomatie ukrainienne, Dmitro Kuleba, a estimé que « le processus de négociation est très difficile ». Et lui de nier dans un communiqué tout « consensus » avec Moscou à ce stade.
Tag: Kyiv
War in Ukraine – UPDATE
In Kyiv, the local authorities have
announced the city has enough food stored to last 2 weeks, in case the city is
besieged and the exits are blocked. The food is expected to feed an estimated 2
million people, with reports saying that at least half of the population of the
capital-city has fled the country. At least two people were killed and three
injured in shelling targeting a residential building in a Kyiv suburb on Monday
morning. According to CNN, fifteen people were rescued and 63 evacuated after a
shell hit the ninth floor of a residential building in the Obolon district, a
suburb of the capital Kyiv.
Also on Monday morning, the Antonov aircraft
manufacturing facility located in Sviatoshyn, about 10 km from the city center,
was the target of heavy artillery barrage, the BBC reports. Live footage on
social media showed heavy smoke rising from the factory. Emergency services are
at the scene of the explosion.
Meanwhile, Ukraine’s Economy Minister,
Denys Kudin, has announced the Russian invasion has caused damages worth 120
billion USD in Ukraine, an announced a full report detailing GDP losses will be
presented in April.
Commissioner Filippo Grandi with the
UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) estimates over 2.5 million Ukrainians have fled the
country since the start of the Russian invasion on February 24. The UN official
spoke about this figure, describing the situation as the fasted growing
refugee crisis in Europe since WWII. According to the Russian state news
agency RIA Novosti, a land corridor has been established linking Crimea to
Donbas. According to the aforementioned source, the corridor would provide a
strategic route conneting Crimea to Mariupol, a city currently surrounded by
Russian forces. The information has not yet been verified by independent
War in Ukraine – UPDATE
In Kyiv, the local authorities have
announced the city has enough food stored to last 2 weeks, in case the city is
besieged and the exits are blocked. The food is expected to feed an estimated 2
million people, with reports saying that at least half of the population of the
capital-city has fled the country. At least two people were killed and three
injured in shelling targeting a residential building in a Kyiv suburb on Monday
morning. According to CNN, fifteen people were rescued and 63 evacuated after a
shell hit the ninth floor of a residential building in the Obolon district, a
suburb of the capital Kyiv.
Also on Monday morning, the Antonov aircraft
manufacturing facility located in Sviatoshyn, about 10 km from the city center,
was the target of heavy artillery barrage, the BBC reports. Live footage on
social media showed heavy smoke rising from the factory. Emergency services are
at the scene of the explosion.
Meanwhile, Ukraine’s Economy Minister,
Denys Kudin, has announced the Russian invasion has caused damages worth 120
billion USD in Ukraine, an announced a full report detailing GDP losses will be
presented in April.
Commissioner Filippo Grandi with the
UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) estimates over 2.5 million Ukrainians have fled the
country since the start of the Russian invasion on February 24. The UN official
spoke about this figure, describing the situation as the fasted growing
refugee crisis in Europe since WWII. According to the Russian state news
agency RIA Novosti, a land corridor has been established linking Crimea to
Donbas. According to the aforementioned source, the corridor would provide a
strategic route conneting Crimea to Mariupol, a city currently surrounded by
Russian forces. The information has not yet been verified by independent
Аеропорт Бухареста почав писати Kyiv замість Kiev
міжнародний аеропорт імені Анрі
Коанде у середу змінив написання назви столиці України відповідно до сучасної міжнародної
системи латинізації географічних назв. Про це сьогодні повідомило
Посольство України в Румунії.
міжнародний аеропорт м. Бухарест імені Анрі Коанде перейшов на коректне
написання назви української столиці #Kyiv», – сказано на
сторінці посольства в мережі Facebook.
Відтепер замість
радянської транслітерації на англійську Kiev у Бухаресті стануть писати
українську транслітерацію – Kyiv.
#CorrectUA #KyivNotKiev
December 8, 2015 UPDATE
The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis will be receiving the British PM David Cameron on Wednesday. The meeting will be followed by a joint press conference. The British PM is making a visit to Romania, during which he is also to meet the Romanian PM Dacian Cioloş. The talks will tackle, among others, the migrant crisis. Prior to the visit, the Romanian PM said that, in the context of London preparing a referendum with respect to Britains EU membership, Bucharest thinks the UK staying in the EU would be beneficial to both London and Brussels.
A 17-year old from the southern Romanian city of Craiova, suspected of jihadist propaganda, was taken for questioning by Romanian prosecutors on Tuesday. The high-school student has allegedly posted support messages for the IS group. This is apparently the first Romanian citizen taken into custody under suspicion of jihadist propaganda. So far 9 foreign citizens have been expelled from the country for activities related to terrorist ideologies or movements. Another over 240 Middle East citizens have been denied access to the country, according to the Romanian Intelligence Service.
The Committees for European Affairs in the two Parliament Chambers Tuesday approved the mandate of the Romanian PM Dacian Cioloş for the European Council meeting of December 17 and 18. The idea of Romania being represented by its prime minister came from the President Klaus Iohannis. In this context, the PM said he suggested a meeting of the two parliamentary committees, focusing on European affairs, given that one of the priorities of his Cabinet is to start preparing Romanias agenda for the presidency of the EU Council in 2019.
While on an official visit to Montenegro, the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies in the Romanian Parliament Valeriu Zgonea emphasised Romanias support for the national objectives of that country, namely the EU and NATO integration. According to a news release, Zgonea was received by the President of Montenegro, Filip Vujanovic, and had talks with the Parliament Speaker, Ranko Krivokapic. On this occasion, Zgonea said Montenegros NATO accession will be a valuable gain for the Alliance.
The Romanian Foreign Minister, Lazăr Comănescu, in his capacity as sitting president of the Organisation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, Tuesday received the Secretary General of the International Permanent International Secretariat of the BSEC, Michael Christides. The visit takes place in the context of the conclusion of Romanias presidency of the organisation, in December, and ahead of the meeting of the Council of BSEC Foreign Ministers, due on December 11 in Bucharest. According to a news release, the topics of the talks included key issues on the agenda of the organisation and the contribution of Romanias current BSEC presidency term to fostering regional economic cooperation.
The USA will never recognise Russias annexation of Crimea and will continue to apply sanctions against Russia and against Vladimir Putin personally, until the last occupant leaves Ukraines Donbas, the US vice-president Joe Biden said in Kyiv on Tuesday. In an address to the Ukrainian Parliament, Biden also said the president of the Russian Federation was afraid Ukraine might become a successful state and the people in the east of the country, temporarily occupied, will no longer want to be a part of the Russian world. During his visit to Kyiv, Biden announced the US will grant Ukraine additional assistance, amounting to roughly 200 million US dollars.
(translation by: Ana-Maria Popescu)