Tag: Listeners Letterbox

  • Listeners Letterbox Roundup 26.02.2023

    Listeners Letterbox Roundup 26.02.2023

    Hi everyone,

    In Listeners Letterbox last
    week we selected a number of contributions from our listeners, many of whom
    still referred to the highlight event of February – World Radio Day.

    We also good quite a few
    reception reports signaling technical feedback as well as few commentaries on
    our programmes. A selection of these is available below.

    Wishing you all a Happy
    World Radio Day 2023! Radio is indeed a media addiction to which can only leave
    one with authentic information, news, high quality of entertainment and a
    peaceful mind as well. Do keep up the good works!

    (Prithwiraj Purkayastha, India)

    World Radio Day is a
    celebration of the role of radio as a means of communication and expression. It
    is important to understand the role of radio and how it has helped people to
    stay updated with the news. Especially in this age of Internet through Radio
    streams it allows listeners to stay in touch with the outside world regardless
    of age or location. Whether its news, current affairs, culture, education,
    music, information, or knowledge, means whatever you want. On the radio,
    everything is available.

    World Radio Day 2023 is
    celebrating on 13 February. Everyone should think of ways to celebrate this day
    so that more people can be aware of the importance of radio. One should also
    know the theme.

    The importance of World
    Radio Day is that it helps people to understand the power of radio as a device
    that can unite the people, educate them, information and provide entertainment,
    the celebration of World Radio Day 2023 is include different activities from
    their worldwide listeners like exhibitions, special broadcasts, community
    events, awards, online activities etc, Everyone has a Happy World Radio Day

    (Amir Jameel, India)

    Namaste!I would like to
    convey my heart-felt best wishes and congratulations to all of you who work for
    Radio Romania International and all the listeners on the occasion of the 12th
    UNESCO World Radio Day under the theme of Radio and Peace celebrated today on
    February 13.

    It’s really encouraging to
    see that in these times of uncertainty, the leadership of RRI has affirmed
    radio’s role in assisting to reduce tensions, preventing conflicts and
    fostering peace by acting as a tool for humanitarian communication.

    In the union of friendship
    and love, the sound of peace will resonate throughout the world. Let peace come
    down to the heart of the violence-torn world.

    Happy World Radio Day 2023!

    Sankar Bosu, India)

    After rediscovering
    shortwave listening about a year ago, I eventually came across your programs in
    English and French and quickly made them part of my listening routine, as often
    as time and reception conditions allowed.

    Hearing the news as told by
    your station became especially important after the Russian invasion of Ukraine,
    given your geographic proximity to the conflict. The different segments of your
    broadcasts provide meaningful and fascinating insights into varying facets of
    Romanian science, history, life and culture. It’s something I wouldn’t really
    be able to hear anywhere else.

    I listen with a modest
    city-dweller’s setup: an MLA-30+ loop antenna used indoors connected to a
    Tecsun PL-990x or an RSPdx software-defined radio. My equipment sometimes isn’t
    enough to overcome challenging reception conditions when they occur – whether
    it’s local RF interference, a temperamental sun, or both! – but I make do.

    During the current B22
    season, I listen to your English program mainly on 7410 kHz at 0400 UTC. It is
    much more likely to be heard here than 6020 kHz during the same time period.
    Although your French program at 0200 UTC isn’t directed at my location, I am
    delighted whenever I can hear it. Again, 7410 kHz has been much more likely to
    be received here than 5990 kHz.

    In any event, many thanks
    for your broadcasts. You are an important voice and I very much look forward to
    hearing you whenever I can.

    (Ricky Leong, Canada)

    Today’s hit Let It Be
    Good And Beautiful is message sounds really good! It was a nice sound
    too, traditional but also modern!

    The music performed by Radio
    Romania’s Big Band was fantastic! It sounded really nice over short-wave too. I
    immediately went back and listened to it again before moving on to the next
    part of the show!! I normally don’t like jazz but the more mellow jazz like the
    picks from this show I can’t help but adore! It was really nice to hear other
    listeners’ opinions on the World Radio Day topic. Thank you for reading my
    message out too! The Violin playing at the end was very impressive, a true
    virtuoso for sure!

    (Roseanna Lakeland, UK)

  • This week…in your letters

    This week…in your letters

    Being a long
    time regular listener to RRI broadcasts I would like to share a happy and
    delightful piece of news with my friends at RRI. The topic appeared in the
    Indian Press on 5th March 2022. This concerns the appreciation and gratitude of
    Indian students who have found love and affection in Romania in times of war.
    It was reported that hundreds of Indian students who have returned from Ukraine
    to India have deep gratitude for Romanians and now wish to donate to the
    shelters run by local families who gave them care and refuge in their darkest
    days. They were overwhelmed by the love and care given when they were hungry,
    weary and in many cases traumatized. Having seen the worst while crossing the
    Ukrainian border their trust in others was almost destroyed. However, the
    kindness of Romanians restored their faith in humanity. The locals put up
    stalls of food, shoes and other utilities for every student coming from
    Ukraine. They made them feel cared for and comfortable. They recall how
    Romanian families would visit them at the shelters bringing smiles and asking
    whether they needed anything with the comforting words that they need not worry
    and consider Romanians as their family. The care, love and warmth received have
    set an example of how Romanians like to help foreigners in such terrible
    conditions. Having being blessed with such hospitality the students want to do
    something for those who had helped them. They cannot of course repay for what
    Romanians have done for them but as a token of gratitude they have decided to
    pool money and send it across. The local population of Romania have proved that
    humanity is the best thing on earth.

    Jayanta Chakrabarty, India

    By the way, I
    was surprised by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Russia, a member of the UN
    Security Council for peace, is not allowed to invade other countries by force.
    And, it is ridiculous to justify the logic of the beginning of the war in the
    20th century. The war situation is confusing, so I cannot predict the future.
    Why Putin could not have seen that if Russia were to be defeated, its power,
    economy, and world leadership position would be significantly impaired? I’m not
    a historian, but I think the logic of the war in the 20th century early period
    will defeat Russia due to the logic of war in the 21st century. An example is
    United States’ withdrawal from Afghanistan. Even if a puppet government is
    created in Ukraine, its maintenance will be very expensive and will hunt down
    the Russian economy. I think that the solidarity of the people of neighboring
    Romania with the people of Ukraine will help achieve peace in Ukraine.

    Mikio Kohara, Japan

    invasion of Ukraine has obviously created a lot of problems for Romania what
    with the influx of tens of thousands of refugees into the country. More than
    1.000 Ukrainians have so far come to Sweden but I suppose we can expect a lot
    more over the next days. It is such an unnecessary war as there has never been
    any threat to Russia – rather the opposite. Only this morning I heard a report
    that the number of nations with democratic governments has gone down. Sadly, it
    seems many Russians tend to support the country’s dictatorial régime.

    Chyrister Brunström, Sweden

    My thanks to
    you all for all your programmes and news from your part of Europe, doubly
    important at the moment with ‘Vlad the Invader’ and his poisonous cronies
    causing so much death and destruction to the poor victims in nearby Ukraine. We
    can only hope that sanity prevails before too long, and it’s good that Romania
    is doing so much to help the refugees driven from their homes by the Russian
    Madman. Let us hope that this dangerous man doesn’t start World War 3, I
    thought we were past all this nonsense when the Cold War ended back in 1989.

    Alan Gale, the United Kingdom

    It was really great to hear RRI stand with
    Ukraine through these troubling times for their country and to put the
    country’s culture on the international spotlight through this program, I know
    that Canada stands united with Ukraine and the rest of our European allies.

    Baden Mercer, Canada

  • This week…in your letters

    This week…in your letters

    Being a long
    time regular listener to RRI broadcasts I would like to share a happy and
    delightful piece of news with my friends at RRI. The topic appeared in the
    Indian Press on 5th March 2022. This concerns the appreciation and gratitude of
    Indian students who have found love and affection in Romania in times of war.
    It was reported that hundreds of Indian students who have returned from Ukraine
    to India have deep gratitude for Romanians and now wish to donate to the
    shelters run by local families who gave them care and refuge in their darkest
    days. They were overwhelmed by the love and care given when they were hungry,
    weary and in many cases traumatized. Having seen the worst while crossing the
    Ukrainian border their trust in others was almost destroyed. However, the
    kindness of Romanians restored their faith in humanity. The locals put up
    stalls of food, shoes and other utilities for every student coming from
    Ukraine. They made them feel cared for and comfortable. They recall how
    Romanian families would visit them at the shelters bringing smiles and asking
    whether they needed anything with the comforting words that they need not worry
    and consider Romanians as their family. The care, love and warmth received have
    set an example of how Romanians like to help foreigners in such terrible
    conditions. Having being blessed with such hospitality the students want to do
    something for those who had helped them. They cannot of course repay for what
    Romanians have done for them but as a token of gratitude they have decided to
    pool money and send it across. The local population of Romania have proved that
    humanity is the best thing on earth.

    Jayanta Chakrabarty, India

    By the way, I
    was surprised by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Russia, a member of the UN
    Security Council for peace, is not allowed to invade other countries by force.
    And, it is ridiculous to justify the logic of the beginning of the war in the
    20th century. The war situation is confusing, so I cannot predict the future.
    Why Putin could not have seen that if Russia were to be defeated, its power,
    economy, and world leadership position would be significantly impaired? I’m not
    a historian, but I think the logic of the war in the 20th century early period
    will defeat Russia due to the logic of war in the 21st century. An example is
    United States’ withdrawal from Afghanistan. Even if a puppet government is
    created in Ukraine, its maintenance will be very expensive and will hunt down
    the Russian economy. I think that the solidarity of the people of neighboring
    Romania with the people of Ukraine will help achieve peace in Ukraine.

    Mikio Kohara, Japan

    invasion of Ukraine has obviously created a lot of problems for Romania what
    with the influx of tens of thousands of refugees into the country. More than
    1.000 Ukrainians have so far come to Sweden but I suppose we can expect a lot
    more over the next days. It is such an unnecessary war as there has never been
    any threat to Russia – rather the opposite. Only this morning I heard a report
    that the number of nations with democratic governments has gone down. Sadly, it
    seems many Russians tend to support the country’s dictatorial régime.

    Chyrister Brunström, Sweden

    My thanks to
    you all for all your programmes and news from your part of Europe, doubly
    important at the moment with ‘Vlad the Invader’ and his poisonous cronies
    causing so much death and destruction to the poor victims in nearby Ukraine. We
    can only hope that sanity prevails before too long, and it’s good that Romania
    is doing so much to help the refugees driven from their homes by the Russian
    Madman. Let us hope that this dangerous man doesn’t start World War 3, I
    thought we were past all this nonsense when the Cold War ended back in 1989.

    Alan Gale, the United Kingdom

    It was really great to hear RRI stand with
    Ukraine through these troubling times for their country and to put the
    country’s culture on the international spotlight through this program, I know
    that Canada stands united with Ukraine and the rest of our European allies.

    Baden Mercer, Canada

  • This week… in your letters

    This week… in your letters

    “I really enjoyed listening to this program! It was the first program Ive listened to for an extended period of time on my new radio. I would have enjoyed more biographical information about the traditional music singer Sofia Vicoveanca – the music was very interesting and enjoyable.

    Kenneth Berglund, Providence, RI, USA

    “Hi RRI, My friends in Bucharest I hope all is well. Transmission received here in Cardiff at 17.00 hours on a frequency of 11.810 Khz that come in with a good signal for this time of the evening. Some slight fading during broadcast. I heard a very Interesting world of culture as well as Radio Romania’s Encyclopaedia that always educates me from your country. Next All that Jazz, a genre that you know I am very passionate about, as I love the smooth stuff, good cymbal work on the ride cymbal In the opening which I very much enjoyed to listen to. After which was DX mail bag informing us the listeners of the changes to your winter frequencies that I will be programming into my radio. Loving the news and information from Romania; you make it work, you have an extremely skilled team and the more I listen the more that I learn. To you all in the English section that makes it all happen, all the best from a very cloudy Cardiff. Will be in touch soon. P.S. thank you for the QSL and the coat of arms of Bucharest which you might like to know is on my fridge on display!

    James Obrien, Cardiff, GB

    “Hi all at RRI, Reception has been very good throughout the month of September. As per usual there have been many enjoyable features in the past month’s programmes, and I enjoyed today’s show very much, especially the ‘Traveller’s Guide’ feature about the Iron Gate Museum, and the piece that featured the school which was rediscovering traditional crafts, something which is always a worthy aim. Thank you also for the most recent QSL card that you sent me, these always have interesting photographs on them, but it would also be nice to see one with a shot of the RRI presenters on the front of it one day. 🙂

    Alan Gale, Great Britain

    “Dear RRI! Dear friends! I hope you are all well, now the summer high temperatures are over. I wonder how the harvest has been all over Romania with this unusual summer. Being born and raised on a farm I am always thinking about the farmers, also realizing, that we get all our food from the countryside. Right now we are picking pears and apples, so that we have for most of the winter. Last winter our apples lasted until beginning of May. I am writing you ahead of the football match: Romania-Denmark on Sunday. I will off course be watching the match on TV. If Denmark wins, we will be playing as number 2 in the group with another number 2 from another group, in order to go to Russia next summer. May the best team win and give us an exciting match with a lot of goals – all those 0-0 and 1-0 matches are boring. Best and warmest wishes!

    Hans Verner Lollike, Denmark

    “My name is Staffan Crona, and I am 66 years old, with wife and five children. A family picture is enclosed – we have a tradition to make a new picture at every Christmas. I was a shortwave listener about 50 years ago, and I have made a comeback now. My interest for radio and later audio made me study electronics at Chalmers University of technology.

    Staffan Crona, Sweden

    “Hi there, My name is Ian Sampson. I am writing from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. I tuned into your English language program at 0:45 UTC, October 3, 2017 on 9370 KHZ. It was an interesting discussion on duels in Romania and how some people insisted it is adopted and not originally part of Romanian culture. The program continued to discuss how Romanian duels had less deaths then other nations because they generally ended when blood was drawn. Finally it ended exploring how the legal system was lenient on deaths caused by duel. Please keep up the great English language programs!

    Ian Sampson, Canada

  • This week… in your letters

    This week… in your letters

    “I really enjoyed listening to this program! It was the first program Ive listened to for an extended period of time on my new radio. I would have enjoyed more biographical information about the traditional music singer Sofia Vicoveanca – the music was very interesting and enjoyable.

    Kenneth Berglund, Providence, RI, USA

    “Hi RRI, My friends in Bucharest I hope all is well. Transmission received here in Cardiff at 17.00 hours on a frequency of 11.810 Khz that come in with a good signal for this time of the evening. Some slight fading during broadcast. I heard a very Interesting world of culture as well as Radio Romania’s Encyclopaedia that always educates me from your country. Next All that Jazz, a genre that you know I am very passionate about, as I love the smooth stuff, good cymbal work on the ride cymbal In the opening which I very much enjoyed to listen to. After which was DX mail bag informing us the listeners of the changes to your winter frequencies that I will be programming into my radio. Loving the news and information from Romania; you make it work, you have an extremely skilled team and the more I listen the more that I learn. To you all in the English section that makes it all happen, all the best from a very cloudy Cardiff. Will be in touch soon. P.S. thank you for the QSL and the coat of arms of Bucharest which you might like to know is on my fridge on display!

    James Obrien, Cardiff, GB

    “Hi all at RRI, Reception has been very good throughout the month of September. As per usual there have been many enjoyable features in the past month’s programmes, and I enjoyed today’s show very much, especially the ‘Traveller’s Guide’ feature about the Iron Gate Museum, and the piece that featured the school which was rediscovering traditional crafts, something which is always a worthy aim. Thank you also for the most recent QSL card that you sent me, these always have interesting photographs on them, but it would also be nice to see one with a shot of the RRI presenters on the front of it one day. 🙂

    Alan Gale, Great Britain

    “Dear RRI! Dear friends! I hope you are all well, now the summer high temperatures are over. I wonder how the harvest has been all over Romania with this unusual summer. Being born and raised on a farm I am always thinking about the farmers, also realizing, that we get all our food from the countryside. Right now we are picking pears and apples, so that we have for most of the winter. Last winter our apples lasted until beginning of May. I am writing you ahead of the football match: Romania-Denmark on Sunday. I will off course be watching the match on TV. If Denmark wins, we will be playing as number 2 in the group with another number 2 from another group, in order to go to Russia next summer. May the best team win and give us an exciting match with a lot of goals – all those 0-0 and 1-0 matches are boring. Best and warmest wishes!

    Hans Verner Lollike, Denmark

    “My name is Staffan Crona, and I am 66 years old, with wife and five children. A family picture is enclosed – we have a tradition to make a new picture at every Christmas. I was a shortwave listener about 50 years ago, and I have made a comeback now. My interest for radio and later audio made me study electronics at Chalmers University of technology.

    Staffan Crona, Sweden

    “Hi there, My name is Ian Sampson. I am writing from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. I tuned into your English language program at 0:45 UTC, October 3, 2017 on 9370 KHZ. It was an interesting discussion on duels in Romania and how some people insisted it is adopted and not originally part of Romanian culture. The program continued to discuss how Romanian duels had less deaths then other nations because they generally ended when blood was drawn. Finally it ended exploring how the legal system was lenient on deaths caused by duel. Please keep up the great English language programs!

    Ian Sampson, Canada

  • This Week… in Your Letters

    This Week… in Your Letters

    “I started listening to RRI since December 2015, when I got a friend from Romania. I regularly tune my radio to RRI and enjoy the programs. The program provides very interesting news which I cannot hear in US and traditional Romanian music which is very enjoyable. Your programs are full of Romania tastes. I love your programs.

    (Masahiro Tsuyoshi, Brookfield, Wisconsin)

    “Thank you for the wonderful programming. Im back to shortwave after many years off and was happy to find your station. Nice music and news about the World Cup.

    (Aaron Rybski, Sugar Grove, Illinois, USA)

    “Dear friends at RRI, happy new year! I have recently moved from my home in Crystal River to the city of Gainesville, Florida. This was due to a permanent job offer, which began late last November. Since moving, I have had to reconfigure my radios and antenna. As always, RRI has an excellent signal into Eastern North America. I especially enjoy Sunday Studio. It is interesting to hear about your local current events and fairs. The music presented during the broadcast was very enjoyable. I will do my best to resume sending you regular reception reports. As always, I appreciate receiving your QSL card. Best wishes to you all!

    (Tim Marecki, Gainesville, Florida, USA)

    “As a regular listener and monthly reporter I continue to enjoy the information and entertainment value of your shortwave broadcasts. If correct, I ask you to please verify this report with a QSL card.

    (Andrew Sirianni, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada)

  • This Week… in Your Letters

    This Week… in Your Letters

    “I started listening to RRI since December 2015, when I got a friend from Romania. I regularly tune my radio to RRI and enjoy the programs. The program provides very interesting news which I cannot hear in US and traditional Romanian music which is very enjoyable. Your programs are full of Romania tastes. I love your programs.

    (Masahiro Tsuyoshi, Brookfield, Wisconsin)

    “Thank you for the wonderful programming. Im back to shortwave after many years off and was happy to find your station. Nice music and news about the World Cup.

    (Aaron Rybski, Sugar Grove, Illinois, USA)

    “Dear friends at RRI, happy new year! I have recently moved from my home in Crystal River to the city of Gainesville, Florida. This was due to a permanent job offer, which began late last November. Since moving, I have had to reconfigure my radios and antenna. As always, RRI has an excellent signal into Eastern North America. I especially enjoy Sunday Studio. It is interesting to hear about your local current events and fairs. The music presented during the broadcast was very enjoyable. I will do my best to resume sending you regular reception reports. As always, I appreciate receiving your QSL card. Best wishes to you all!

    (Tim Marecki, Gainesville, Florida, USA)

    “As a regular listener and monthly reporter I continue to enjoy the information and entertainment value of your shortwave broadcasts. If correct, I ask you to please verify this report with a QSL card.

    (Andrew Sirianni, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada)

  • This week….in your letters

    This week….in your letters

    I have been a shortwave
    listener since the mid 1980s. I enjoy shortwave, road cycling, science and
    astronomy. It’s nice to be able to listen, learn and find out about different
    countries and cultures around the world. I feel that shortwave radio listening
    is a hobby that many here in the US have forgotten about, and that to me is sad
    because there is so much on. I love going into my little radio room and sitting
    in front of my receiver and just listen. No Internet, cell phones, just me and
    my radio, doing it the old fashion way. I find that peaceful and relaxing. I
    listen to RRI every time I tune in to my radio. I really like the programs,
    news and especially the music. It’s nice that Radio Romania has continued to
    broadcast on shortwave when many stations have chosen to leave the air waves. I
    thing everyone at RRI does a great job of reporting the news, and all other
    programs are well put together, informative and a pleasure to listen to. ( Ray
    Lyell of Johnston City, Illinois, the USA)

    …the recent disaster at the Bucharest nightclub was really very
    saddening. We had mention of this unfortunate accident at our newspapers. I
    express my condolences to the families of the poor souls. I also read
    the comments of the Listeners Day opinion post on the website. This is really a
    very important matter at present, and thanks again for all the news coverage
    and analytical presentations on the programme. I wish to inform you that I am
    listening, reading your website and I am connected to RRI. Thanks for all the interesting
    programmes and the web content. Still my most access to RRI is via the
    short-wave radio, which is coming good as usual without any issues. ( Soumya
    Bhattacharya of West Bengal, India)

  • This week….in your letters

    This week….in your letters

    I have been a shortwave
    listener since the mid 1980s. I enjoy shortwave, road cycling, science and
    astronomy. It’s nice to be able to listen, learn and find out about different
    countries and cultures around the world. I feel that shortwave radio listening
    is a hobby that many here in the US have forgotten about, and that to me is sad
    because there is so much on. I love going into my little radio room and sitting
    in front of my receiver and just listen. No Internet, cell phones, just me and
    my radio, doing it the old fashion way. I find that peaceful and relaxing. I
    listen to RRI every time I tune in to my radio. I really like the programs,
    news and especially the music. It’s nice that Radio Romania has continued to
    broadcast on shortwave when many stations have chosen to leave the air waves. I
    thing everyone at RRI does a great job of reporting the news, and all other
    programs are well put together, informative and a pleasure to listen to. ( Ray
    Lyell of Johnston City, Illinois, the USA)

    …the recent disaster at the Bucharest nightclub was really very
    saddening. We had mention of this unfortunate accident at our newspapers. I
    express my condolences to the families of the poor souls. I also read
    the comments of the Listeners Day opinion post on the website. This is really a
    very important matter at present, and thanks again for all the news coverage
    and analytical presentations on the programme. I wish to inform you that I am
    listening, reading your website and I am connected to RRI. Thanks for all the interesting
    programmes and the web content. Still my most access to RRI is via the
    short-wave radio, which is coming good as usual without any issues. ( Soumya
    Bhattacharya of West Bengal, India)