Hi everyone,
In Listeners Letterbox last
week we selected a number of contributions from our listeners, many of whom
still referred to the highlight event of February – World Radio Day.
We also good quite a few
reception reports signaling technical feedback as well as few commentaries on
our programmes. A selection of these is available below.
Wishing you all a Happy
World Radio Day 2023! Radio is indeed a media addiction to which can only leave
one with authentic information, news, high quality of entertainment and a
peaceful mind as well. Do keep up the good works!
(Prithwiraj Purkayastha, India)
World Radio Day is a
celebration of the role of radio as a means of communication and expression. It
is important to understand the role of radio and how it has helped people to
stay updated with the news. Especially in this age of Internet through Radio
streams it allows listeners to stay in touch with the outside world regardless
of age or location. Whether its news, current affairs, culture, education,
music, information, or knowledge, means whatever you want. On the radio,
everything is available.
World Radio Day 2023 is
celebrating on 13 February. Everyone should think of ways to celebrate this day
so that more people can be aware of the importance of radio. One should also
know the theme.
The importance of World
Radio Day is that it helps people to understand the power of radio as a device
that can unite the people, educate them, information and provide entertainment,
the celebration of World Radio Day 2023 is include different activities from
their worldwide listeners like exhibitions, special broadcasts, community
events, awards, online activities etc, Everyone has a Happy World Radio Day
(Amir Jameel, India)
Namaste!I would like to
convey my heart-felt best wishes and congratulations to all of you who work for
Radio Romania International and all the listeners on the occasion of the 12th
UNESCO World Radio Day under the theme of Radio and Peace celebrated today on
February 13.
It’s really encouraging to
see that in these times of uncertainty, the leadership of RRI has affirmed
radio’s role in assisting to reduce tensions, preventing conflicts and
fostering peace by acting as a tool for humanitarian communication.
In the union of friendship
and love, the sound of peace will resonate throughout the world. Let peace come
down to the heart of the violence-torn world.
Happy World Radio Day 2023!
Sankar Bosu, India)
After rediscovering
shortwave listening about a year ago, I eventually came across your programs in
English and French and quickly made them part of my listening routine, as often
as time and reception conditions allowed.
Hearing the news as told by
your station became especially important after the Russian invasion of Ukraine,
given your geographic proximity to the conflict. The different segments of your
broadcasts provide meaningful and fascinating insights into varying facets of
Romanian science, history, life and culture. It’s something I wouldn’t really
be able to hear anywhere else.
I listen with a modest
city-dweller’s setup: an MLA-30+ loop antenna used indoors connected to a
Tecsun PL-990x or an RSPdx software-defined radio. My equipment sometimes isn’t
enough to overcome challenging reception conditions when they occur – whether
it’s local RF interference, a temperamental sun, or both! – but I make do.
During the current B22
season, I listen to your English program mainly on 7410 kHz at 0400 UTC. It is
much more likely to be heard here than 6020 kHz during the same time period.
Although your French program at 0200 UTC isn’t directed at my location, I am
delighted whenever I can hear it. Again, 7410 kHz has been much more likely to
be received here than 5990 kHz.
In any event, many thanks
for your broadcasts. You are an important voice and I very much look forward to
hearing you whenever I can.
(Ricky Leong, Canada)
Today’s hit Let It Be
Good And Beautiful is message sounds really good! It was a nice sound
too, traditional but also modern!
The music performed by Radio
Romania’s Big Band was fantastic! It sounded really nice over short-wave too. I
immediately went back and listened to it again before moving on to the next
part of the show!! I normally don’t like jazz but the more mellow jazz like the
picks from this show I can’t help but adore! It was really nice to hear other
listeners’ opinions on the World Radio Day topic. Thank you for reading my
message out too! The Violin playing at the end was very impressive, a true
virtuoso for sure!
(Roseanna Lakeland, UK)