I have been a shortwave
listener since the mid 1980s. I enjoy shortwave, road cycling, science and
astronomy. It’s nice to be able to listen, learn and find out about different
countries and cultures around the world. I feel that shortwave radio listening
is a hobby that many here in the US have forgotten about, and that to me is sad
because there is so much on. I love going into my little radio room and sitting
in front of my receiver and just listen. No Internet, cell phones, just me and
my radio, doing it the old fashion way. I find that peaceful and relaxing. I
listen to RRI every time I tune in to my radio. I really like the programs,
news and especially the music. It’s nice that Radio Romania has continued to
broadcast on shortwave when many stations have chosen to leave the air waves. I
thing everyone at RRI does a great job of reporting the news, and all other
programs are well put together, informative and a pleasure to listen to. ( Ray
Lyell of Johnston City, Illinois, the USA)
…the recent disaster at the Bucharest nightclub was really very
saddening. We had mention of this unfortunate accident at our newspapers. I
express my condolences to the families of the poor souls. I also read
the comments of the Listeners Day opinion post on the website. This is really a
very important matter at present, and thanks again for all the news coverage
and analytical presentations on the programme. I wish to inform you that I am
listening, reading your website and I am connected to RRI. Thanks for all the interesting
programmes and the web content. Still my most access to RRI is via the
short-wave radio, which is coming good as usual without any issues. ( Soumya
Bhattacharya of West Bengal, India)